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Penn Plaza, addressLocality: New York, addressRegion: NY, postalCode: 10001}, telephone: (212) 292-0169, hasMap:, parentOrganization: {@type: Organization, @id:}, servesCuisine: Bakery, priceRange: $$}, {@type: FoodEstablishment, @id:, url:, name: Grand Central - Near Track 103, description: , image: , photo: , address: {@type: PostalAddress, name: Grand Central - Near Track 103, streetAddress: Track 103, Grand Central Terminal, addressLocality: New York, addressRegion: NY, postalCode: 10017}, location: {@type: PostalAddress, name: Grand Central - Near Track 103, streetAddress: Track 103, Grand Central Terminal, addressLocality: New York, addressRegion: NY, postalCode: 10017}, telephone: (212) 376-7619, hasMap:, parentOrganization: {@type: Organization, @id:}, servesCuisine: Bakery, priceRange: $$}, {@type: FoodEstablishment, @id:, url:, name: Grand Central - Near Track 34, description: , image: , photo: , address: {@type: PostalAddress, name: Grand Central - Near Track 34, streetAddress: Near Track 34, Grand Central Terminal, addressLocality: New York, addressRegion: NY, postalCode: 10017}, location: {@type: PostalAddress, name: Grand Central - Near Track 34, streetAddress: Near Track 34, Grand Central Terminal, addressLocality: New York, addressRegion: NY, postalCode: 10017}, telephone: null, hasMap:, parentOrganization: {@type: Organization, @id:}, servesCuisine: Bakery, priceRange: $$}, {@type: FoodEstablishment, @id:, url:, name: Grand Central - Near Track 19, description: , image: , photo: , address: {@type: PostalAddress, name: Grand Central - Near Track 19, streetAddress: Track 19, Grand Central Terminal, addressLocality: New York, addressRegion: NY, postalCode: 10017}, location: {@type: PostalAddress, name: Grand Central - Near Track 19, streetAddress: Track 19, Grand Central Terminal, addressLocality: New York, addressRegion: NY, postalCode: 10017}, telephone: (212) 292-0163, hasMap:, parentOrganization: {@type: Organization, @id:}, 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