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HTTP/1.1 200 OKx-powered-by: PHP/5.6.40content-type: text/html; charsetUTF-8transfer-encoding: chunkeddate: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 15:24:56 GMTserver: LiteSpeedconnection: Keep-Alive !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetutf-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, maximum-scale1> title>SQL Clauses/title> meta namedescription contentSQL Clauses - SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, WHERE, JOIN, DISTINCT, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, HAVING, and UNION> meta namekeywords contentsql clauses, sql commands, sql tutorial, sql, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, WHERE, JOIN, DISTINCT, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, HAVING, UNION> link relstylesheet href/style_res.css typetext/css> script languagejavascript src/jscript/v2.1.3_jquery.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> script typetext/javascript> $(function () { var pull $(#pull); menu $(nav ul); menuHeight menu.height(); $(pull).on(click, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); menu.slideToggle(); }); }); $(window).resize(function () { var w $(window).width(); if (w > 320 && { menu.removeAttr(style); } }); /script> script src async defer>/script>/head>body>div idfb-root>/div>script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs d.getElementsByTagName(s)0; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js d.createElement(s); id; js.src //; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, script, facebook-jssdk));/script> div idheader> div idtop> a href>img src/images/logo.gif>/a> /div> nav classclearfix> ul classclearfix> li>a href>Home/a>/li> li>a href>SQL Cheatsheet/a>/li> li>a href>SQL Videos/a>/li> li>a href>About/a>/li> /ul> a href# idpull>Menu/a> /nav>/div> div idwrapper> div idmaincolumn> h1 idmaincolumnh1>SQL CLAUSES/h1> p>SQL clauses site was designed to help programmers and IT professionals, yet unfamiliar with SQL (Structured Query Language) to learn the language and use it in their everyday work. Our tutorial shows how to put into practice various SQL clauses, SQL commands, SQL statements and SQL operators./p> p>If SQL clauses and commands like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, WHERE, JOIN, DISTINCT, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, HAVING, and UNION sound like ancient Greek to you, then you have come to the right place. Our goal is not to make you a SQL pro, but to introduce you to this powerful language and its clauses, and give you the foundation to continue your SQL training forward. /p> div classcontaining-block> div classvideo-holder> iframe width560 height315 src// frameborder0 allowfullscreen>/iframe> /div> /div> p>We have illustrated the SQL clauses and SQL commands usage with simple examples, where appropriate. If you want to learn SQL faster, than its advisable to re-create the examples given in our SQL tutorial in a real RDBMS environment and play with them./p> br>br> div idsocial> div idfb-root>/div>script src>/script>fb:like href sendtrue width300 show_facesfalse font data-layoutbutton_count>/fb:like> div idtweet_container>a href classtwitter-share-button data-counthorizontal relnofollow>Tweet/a>script typetext/javascript src>/script>/div> div classg-plusone data-sizemedium>/div> /div> br> /div> div idsidebar> ul> li>a href titleSQL Clauses>SQL Clauses/a>/li> li>a href titleSQL SELECT>SQL SELECT/a>/li>li>a href titleSQL INSERT>SQL INSERT/a>/li>li>a href titleSQL WHERE>SQL WHERE/a>/li>li>a href titleSQL DELETE>SQL DELETE/a>/li>li>a href titleSQL UPDATE>SQL UPDATE/a>/li>li>a href titleSQL DISTINCT>SQL DISTINCT/a>/li>li>a href titleSQL ORDER BY>SQL ORDER BY/a>/li>li>a href titleSQL JOIN >SQL JOIN /a>/li>li>a href titleSQL Aggregate Functions>SQL Aggregate Functions/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> footer> div> ul> li> a href>Home/a> ul> li>a href>About/a>/li> li>a href>Contact/a>/li> /ul> /li> li> a href>img src/images/facebook.gif>/a> ul> li>a href>img src/images/twitter.gif>/a>/li> li>a href>img src/images/g-plus.gif>/a>/li> /ul> /li> /ul> p> © Copyright 2015. Peter Todorov /p> p>Follow Peter on a href>Google+/a>/p> /div>/footer>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKx-powered-by: PHP/5.6.40content-type: text/html; charsetUTF-8transfer-encoding: chunkeddate: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 15:24:56 GMTserver: LiteSpeedalt-svc: h3:443; ma2592000, h3-29:443; ma2592000, h3-Q050:443; ma2592000, h3-Q046:443; ma2592000, h3-Q043:443; ma2592000, quic:443; ma2592000; v43,46connection: Keep-Alive !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetutf-8> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, maximum-scale1> title>SQL Clauses/title> meta namedescription contentSQL Clauses - SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, WHERE, JOIN, DISTINCT, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, HAVING, and UNION> meta namekeywords contentsql clauses, sql commands, sql tutorial, sql, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, WHERE, JOIN, DISTINCT, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, HAVING, UNION> link relstylesheet href/style_res.css typetext/css> script languagejavascript src/jscript/v2.1.3_jquery.min.js typetext/javascript>/script> script typetext/javascript> $(function () { var pull $(#pull); menu $(nav ul); menuHeight menu.height(); $(pull).on(click, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); menu.slideToggle(); }); }); $(window).resize(function () { var w $(window).width(); if (w > 320 && { menu.removeAttr(style); } }); /script> script src async defer>/script>/head>body>div idfb-root>/div>script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs d.getElementsByTagName(s)0; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js d.createElement(s); id; js.src //; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, script, facebook-jssdk));/script> div idheader> div idtop> a href>img src/images/logo.gif>/a> /div> nav classclearfix> ul classclearfix> li>a href>Home/a>/li> li>a href>SQL Cheatsheet/a>/li> li>a href>SQL Videos/a>/li> li>a href>About/a>/li> /ul> a href# idpull>Menu/a> /nav>/div> div idwrapper> div idmaincolumn> h1 idmaincolumnh1>SQL CLAUSES/h1> p>SQL clauses site was designed to help programmers and IT professionals, yet unfamiliar with SQL (Structured Query Language) to learn the language and use it in their everyday work. Our tutorial shows how to put into practice various SQL clauses, SQL commands, SQL statements and SQL operators./p> p>If SQL clauses and commands like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, WHERE, JOIN, DISTINCT, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, HAVING, and UNION sound like ancient Greek to you, then you have come to the right place. Our goal is not to make you a SQL pro, but to introduce you to this powerful language and its clauses, and give you the foundation to continue your SQL training forward. /p> div classcontaining-block> div classvideo-holder> iframe width560 height315 src// frameborder0 allowfullscreen>/iframe> /div> /div> p>We have illustrated the SQL clauses and SQL commands usage with simple examples, where appropriate. If you want to learn SQL faster, than its advisable to re-create the examples given in our SQL tutorial in a real RDBMS environment and play with them./p> br>br> div idsocial> div idfb-root>/div>script src>/script>fb:like href sendtrue width300 show_facesfalse font data-layoutbutton_count>/fb:like> div idtweet_container>a href classtwitter-share-button data-counthorizontal relnofollow>Tweet/a>script typetext/javascript src>/script>/div> div classg-plusone data-sizemedium>/div> /div> br> /div> div idsidebar> ul> li>a href titleSQL Clauses>SQL Clauses/a>/li> li>a href titleSQL SELECT>SQL SELECT/a>/li>li>a href titleSQL INSERT>SQL INSERT/a>/li>li>a href titleSQL WHERE>SQL WHERE/a>/li>li>a href titleSQL DELETE>SQL DELETE/a>/li>li>a href titleSQL UPDATE>SQL UPDATE/a>/li>li>a href titleSQL DISTINCT>SQL DISTINCT/a>/li>li>a href titleSQL ORDER BY>SQL ORDER BY/a>/li>li>a href titleSQL JOIN >SQL JOIN /a>/li>li>a href titleSQL Aggregate Functions>SQL Aggregate Functions/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> footer> div> ul> li> a href>Home/a> ul> li>a href>About/a>/li> li>a href>Contact/a>/li> /ul> /li> li> a href>img src/images/facebook.gif>/a> ul> li>a href>img src/images/twitter.gif>/a>/li> li>a href>img src/images/g-plus.gif>/a>/li> /ul> /li> /ul> p> © Copyright 2015. Peter Todorov /p> p>Follow Peter on a href>Google+/a>/p> /div>/footer>/body>/html>
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