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Marriage is presently available only to one man and one woman. LLCs are available to everyone, couples (of any sexual mix) who wish to pursue life together, a single parent family and groups of friends. Marriage is based on family law, limited liability companies are based on partnership law and the legal arrangement its members agree to./font>/i>/p>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table> /div> div idsocial>div classitem-list>ul>li classfirst last>a href classfeed-icon>img src/misc/feed.png altSyndicate content titleMatthew Marion Fondel (tm) RSS width16 height16 />/a>/li>/ul>/div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcontent-top-wrapper> div idcontainer-content-top class container_16> div idcontent-top classregion > div idblock-block-2 class block block-block> div classcontent> center> script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-8015313558474734;/* 728x90, created 8/7/11 */google_ad_slot 5238273258;google_ad_width 728;google_ad_height 90;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>/center>center>script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-8015313558474734;/* 468x15, created 9/10/11 */google_ad_slot 4594737300;google_ad_width 468;google_ad_height 15;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>/center> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcontent-wrapper>div idcontainer-content class container_16> div idcontent classregion > div idmain classregion grid_11 push_5 > !-- #mission --> div classcontent-output> div idnode-4733 classteaser> h2 classtitle>a href/content/infrastructuring-tm titleInfrastructuring (tm)>Infrastructuring (tm)/a>/h2> div classcontent> p> /p>p>font faceComic Sans MS size2>Employers have many labor options available to them. Employers may hire employees directly as "permanent" at-will employees, employee-leasing, use temporary and contract labor and outsource functions entirely. We believe that outsourcing work to an in-house independent employee-owned labor pool or Support LLC (tm) is the best possible labor solution. In addition, by way of an equity stake in the Support LLC, your company can have a shared investment in the success of this independent labor pool and achieve additional cost savings. /font>/p>p>font faceComic Sans MS size2>So called "permanent" employment is legally classified as Employment-At-Will. Legally this means that the employment contract can be terminated at any time by either party for any reason (more or less). In other words "permanent" employment is minute to minute (or second to second) and there is no contractual guarantee or implication of a long term relationship by either the employer or the employee./font>/p>p>font faceComic Sans MS size2>The Republican Party has made it its mission in life to preserve employment-at-will and to protect the employer's right to fire employees-at-will at any time for any reason; the federal government only requires that if an employer is going to fire a lot of employees-at-will, that it give legal notice in advance. As far as we know, every Court in the country has refused to allow statements in employment handbooks and/or oral promises by the employer to be used to transform employment-at-will into employment for a specified duration (i.e to transform the employment relationship from being at-will into the employment being a property interest)./font>/p>p>font faceComic Sans MS size2>You are not an employee at will if you have a contract to work for a specified duration or you are a government worker. In these types of employment, your job is considered a property interest. What this means is that your job is property (something you own) and therefore your job cannot be taken away unless your employer first accords you due process of law./font>/p>p>font faceComic Sans MS size2>Temps are employees-at-will just like "permanent" employees, both types of employment are minute to minute and there is no implied guarantee of long-term employment. Permanent employees are merely suffering from a grand delusion, whereas Temps know that they may not have a job tomorrow. Health benefits, retirement, etc. are merely part of the compensation (and should be taxed as such). I doubt that anyone would say that a permanent secretary making $12.00 per hour with benefits is better off than a temp making $50.00 per hour with no benefits. The fact is that Temps and Consultants are subsidizing "permanent" employees because "permanent" employees get compensated in the form of employment benefits which aren't taxed./font>/p>p>i>font faceComic Sans MS size2>An employer on Long Island once promised to pay new hires $5,000 a year as a signing bonus. The $5,000 was to be reduced by a certain percentage a year until it became zero. It was argued in court by a discharged employee that it would have taken more than 200+ years for that $5,000 to become zero and that therefore the employment relationship was not "at-will", i.e. that the employment was for a specified duration and a "property interest". A federal judge refused to allow this argument and held that even with the promise of compensation for 200+ years, the employment was still at-will. This is typical of courts in the US, employment-at-will is a US institution, it is sealed in stone and the US is the only major industrialized county in which the majority of workers are employees at will./font>/i>/p>p>font faceComic Sans MS size2>Employment for the majority of workers in the US is government by their state's Master Servant Clause. The Master Servant Clause holds that employment, unless contractually stipulated to otherwise by the parties in a written contract, is At-Will and that the employment contract may be terminated at any time for any reason by either party./font>/p>p>font faceComic Sans MS size2>As a result, the unemployment rate in the United States could technically be nearly 100% in 90 days because there is no legal barrier to employers firing all at-will employees if they choose to. Clearly,b>Employment-At Will Is A Threat To The National Security Interest of The United States/b>./font>/p>p> /p> /div> /div>div idnode-1512 classteaser> h2 classtitle>a href/content/tempcity-tm-press-release titleTempcity (tm) Press Release>Tempcity (tm) Press Release/a>/h2> div classpicture> /div> div classpost-info> div classsubmitted>Submitted by Matthew Marion ... on Wed, 2011-07-13 04:28/div> /div> div classcontent> h1 classh1 stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;> Tempcity The Premier Local Search Guide to Temporary Employment Agencies/h1>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>from a href classbb-url>PR Web/a>/p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>span stylefont-style:italic>Tempcity is the premier local search guide to temporary employment agencies for New York City, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Boston, Chicago and other major cities. has directories of temp agencies and major employers in a completely interactive jobs board environment./span>/p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>(a href classbb-url>PRWEB/a>) March 8, 2005 -- Tempcity (a href classbb-url>>), the premier local search guide on temping and temporary employment agencies in New York City, combines interactive directories of temp agencies and major employers with an internet yellow pages service. The Tempcity environment is fully equipped with social networking features and search capabilities./p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>Interactive Job Boards at Tempcity include:/p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>1.) Temping IT (a href classbb-url>>), an interactive directory of technical temp agencies in New York City/p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>2.) Temping Legal (a href classbb-url>>), an interactive directory of major law firms in New York City, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle./p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>3.) Strictly Real Estate (a href classbb-url>>), an interactive directory of real estate brokers, extended stay hotels and apartment hunting resources for New York City, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Chicago and other major cities./p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>4.) Strictly Blogs (a href classbb-url>>), are interactive job blogs on topics of interest to employment seekers. Strictly Blogs at Tempcity include: Strictly Real Estate , Strictly Tech , Strictly Law Firms , Strictly Investment Banks , Strictly Sarbanes-Oxley , Strictly Automotive and Strictly EmployeeLess ./p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>Tempcity's interactive "internet yellow pages" environment makes it superior to other local search sites like InsiderPages (a href classbb-url>a href>>/a>), PremierGuide's Loqal (a href classbb-url>a href>>/a>), RateItAll (a href classbb-url>a href>>/a>), True Local (a href classbb-url>a href>>/a>) and even Craiglist (a href classbb-url>>)./p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>"A website on temping is the perfect environment for advertising from local businesses like temp agencies, car rental services, travel services, real estate brokers and moving and storage companies", says Tempcity's Marion Paige. "Tempcity creates an environment in which the advertising, via Google Adsense, is as important as the content presented on the site"./p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>About Tempcity: Created in 1996, Tempcity (a href classbb-url>a href>>/a>) is part of a network of websites published by Relationship, L.L.C. (a href classbb-url>a href>>/a>) on temping and consulting. Other Relationship, L.L.C. websites include: Hot Temp Jobs (a href classbb-url>a href>>/a>) and Temping 247 (a href classbb-url>a href>>/a>) and EmployeeLess (a href classbb-url>>). Relationship LLC is a registered US trademark./p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>###/p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>Contact: a href classbb-url>Matthew Marion Fondel/a>, a href classbb-url>> /p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;> /p> /div> div classpost-links>ul classlinks inline>li classcomment_forbidden first last>span>a href/user/login?destinationcomment%2Freply%2F1512%23comment-form>Login/a> to post comments/span>/li>/ul>/div> /div>div idnode-1 classteaser> h2 classtitle>a href/node/1 titleRelationship LLC (tm)>Relationship LLC (tm)/a>/h2> div classcontent> p>img src />b>Now There Is A New Way To Tie The Knot./b> It is our position that limited liability companies, "LLCs", may prove to be the new marriage model. Marriage is presently available only to one man and one woman. LLCs are available to everyone, couples (of any sexual mix) who wish to pursue life together, a single parent family and groups of friends. Marriage is based on family law, limited liability companies are based on partnership law and the legal arrangement its "members" agree to./p>p>a href>Relationship LLC (tm)/a> (RLLC™) is a mark we created to refer to limited liability companies created by people who generally are not married but who want a legally recognized relationship between them. A relationship which would be a legal entity that could buy property, provide health insurance to its members, obtain credit cards, serve as the couple's consulting company (Put Your Relationship LLC To Work), lease a car, file a tax return as a partnership and in general, engage in any legitimate business. Delaware Law also permits one person to create a LLC, i.e., single member LLCs. It is logical to expect that a group or a family would form a Posse LLC (tm) to further the collective welfare and interests of the group. Posse LLC is the mark we created to refer to social and professional associations formalized under LLC law./p> /div> /div> /div> /div>!-- #main ends here --> div idsidebar-first classregion grid_4 pull_11 > div idblock-user-1 class block block-user> h2 classtitle>Navigation/h2> div classcontent> ul classmenu>li classleaf first>a href/forum>Forums/a>/li>li classcollapsed last>a href/aggregator>Feed aggregator/a>/li>/ul> /div>/div>div idblock-block-3 class block block-block> div classcontent> script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-8015313558474734;/* 120x600, created 8/7/11 */google_ad_slot 0114623385;google_ad_width 120;google_ad_height 600;//-->/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script> /div>/div>div idblock-forum-1 class block block-forum> h2 classtitle>New forum topics/h2> div classcontent> div classitem-list>ul>li classfirst>a href/content/video-vt-school-bus-driver-caught-texting-gets-fired>Video: Vt. 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Marriage is presently available only to one man and one woman. LLCs are available to everyone, couples (of any sexual mix) who wish to pursue life together, a single parent family and groups of friends. Marriage is based on family law, limited liability companies are based on partnership law and the legal arrangement its members agree to./font>/i>/p>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table> /div> div idsocial>div classitem-list>ul>li classfirst last>a href classfeed-icon>img src/misc/feed.png altSyndicate content titleMatthew Marion Fondel (tm) RSS width16 height16 />/a>/li>/ul>/div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcontent-top-wrapper> div idcontainer-content-top class container_16> div idcontent-top classregion > div idblock-block-2 class block block-block> div classcontent> center> script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-8015313558474734;/* 728x90, created 8/7/11 */google_ad_slot 5238273258;google_ad_width 728;google_ad_height 90;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>/center>center>script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-8015313558474734;/* 468x15, created 9/10/11 */google_ad_slot 4594737300;google_ad_width 468;google_ad_height 15;//-->/script>script typetext/javascriptsrc>/script>/center> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classcontent-wrapper>div idcontainer-content class container_16> div idcontent classregion > div idmain classregion grid_11 push_5 > !-- #mission --> div classcontent-output> div idnode-4733 classteaser> h2 classtitle>a href/content/infrastructuring-tm titleInfrastructuring (tm)>Infrastructuring (tm)/a>/h2> div classcontent> p> /p>p>font faceComic Sans MS size2>Employers have many labor options available to them. Employers may hire employees directly as "permanent" at-will employees, employee-leasing, use temporary and contract labor and outsource functions entirely. We believe that outsourcing work to an in-house independent employee-owned labor pool or Support LLC (tm) is the best possible labor solution. In addition, by way of an equity stake in the Support LLC, your company can have a shared investment in the success of this independent labor pool and achieve additional cost savings. /font>/p>p>font faceComic Sans MS size2>So called "permanent" employment is legally classified as Employment-At-Will. Legally this means that the employment contract can be terminated at any time by either party for any reason (more or less). In other words "permanent" employment is minute to minute (or second to second) and there is no contractual guarantee or implication of a long term relationship by either the employer or the employee./font>/p>p>font faceComic Sans MS size2>The Republican Party has made it its mission in life to preserve employment-at-will and to protect the employer's right to fire employees-at-will at any time for any reason; the federal government only requires that if an employer is going to fire a lot of employees-at-will, that it give legal notice in advance. As far as we know, every Court in the country has refused to allow statements in employment handbooks and/or oral promises by the employer to be used to transform employment-at-will into employment for a specified duration (i.e to transform the employment relationship from being at-will into the employment being a property interest)./font>/p>p>font faceComic Sans MS size2>You are not an employee at will if you have a contract to work for a specified duration or you are a government worker. In these types of employment, your job is considered a property interest. What this means is that your job is property (something you own) and therefore your job cannot be taken away unless your employer first accords you due process of law./font>/p>p>font faceComic Sans MS size2>Temps are employees-at-will just like "permanent" employees, both types of employment are minute to minute and there is no implied guarantee of long-term employment. Permanent employees are merely suffering from a grand delusion, whereas Temps know that they may not have a job tomorrow. Health benefits, retirement, etc. are merely part of the compensation (and should be taxed as such). I doubt that anyone would say that a permanent secretary making $12.00 per hour with benefits is better off than a temp making $50.00 per hour with no benefits. The fact is that Temps and Consultants are subsidizing "permanent" employees because "permanent" employees get compensated in the form of employment benefits which aren't taxed./font>/p>p>i>font faceComic Sans MS size2>An employer on Long Island once promised to pay new hires $5,000 a year as a signing bonus. The $5,000 was to be reduced by a certain percentage a year until it became zero. It was argued in court by a discharged employee that it would have taken more than 200+ years for that $5,000 to become zero and that therefore the employment relationship was not "at-will", i.e. that the employment was for a specified duration and a "property interest". A federal judge refused to allow this argument and held that even with the promise of compensation for 200+ years, the employment was still at-will. This is typical of courts in the US, employment-at-will is a US institution, it is sealed in stone and the US is the only major industrialized county in which the majority of workers are employees at will./font>/i>/p>p>font faceComic Sans MS size2>Employment for the majority of workers in the US is government by their state's Master Servant Clause. The Master Servant Clause holds that employment, unless contractually stipulated to otherwise by the parties in a written contract, is At-Will and that the employment contract may be terminated at any time for any reason by either party./font>/p>p>font faceComic Sans MS size2>As a result, the unemployment rate in the United States could technically be nearly 100% in 90 days because there is no legal barrier to employers firing all at-will employees if they choose to. Clearly,b>Employment-At Will Is A Threat To The National Security Interest of The United States/b>./font>/p>p> /p> /div> /div>div idnode-1512 classteaser> h2 classtitle>a href/content/tempcity-tm-press-release titleTempcity (tm) Press Release>Tempcity (tm) Press Release/a>/h2> div classpicture> /div> div classpost-info> div classsubmitted>Submitted by Matthew Marion ... on Wed, 2011-07-13 04:28/div> /div> div classcontent> h1 classh1 stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;> Tempcity The Premier Local Search Guide to Temporary Employment Agencies/h1>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>from a href classbb-url>PR Web/a>/p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>span stylefont-style:italic>Tempcity is the premier local search guide to temporary employment agencies for New York City, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Boston, Chicago and other major cities. has directories of temp agencies and major employers in a completely interactive jobs board environment./span>/p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>(a href classbb-url>PRWEB/a>) March 8, 2005 -- Tempcity (a href classbb-url>>), the premier local search guide on temping and temporary employment agencies in New York City, combines interactive directories of temp agencies and major employers with an internet yellow pages service. The Tempcity environment is fully equipped with social networking features and search capabilities./p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>Interactive Job Boards at Tempcity include:/p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>1.) Temping IT (a href classbb-url>>), an interactive directory of technical temp agencies in New York City/p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>2.) Temping Legal (a href classbb-url>>), an interactive directory of major law firms in New York City, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle./p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>3.) Strictly Real Estate (a href classbb-url>>), an interactive directory of real estate brokers, extended stay hotels and apartment hunting resources for New York City, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Chicago and other major cities./p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>4.) Strictly Blogs (a href classbb-url>>), are interactive job blogs on topics of interest to employment seekers. Strictly Blogs at Tempcity include: Strictly Real Estate , Strictly Tech , Strictly Law Firms , Strictly Investment Banks , Strictly Sarbanes-Oxley , Strictly Automotive and Strictly EmployeeLess ./p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>Tempcity's interactive "internet yellow pages" environment makes it superior to other local search sites like InsiderPages (a href classbb-url>a href>>/a>), PremierGuide's Loqal (a href classbb-url>a href>>/a>), RateItAll (a href classbb-url>a href>>/a>), True Local (a href classbb-url>a href>>/a>) and even Craiglist (a href classbb-url>>)./p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>"A website on temping is the perfect environment for advertising from local businesses like temp agencies, car rental services, travel services, real estate brokers and moving and storage companies", says Tempcity's Marion Paige. "Tempcity creates an environment in which the advertising, via Google Adsense, is as important as the content presented on the site"./p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>About Tempcity: Created in 1996, Tempcity (a href classbb-url>a href>>/a>) is part of a network of websites published by Relationship, L.L.C. (a href classbb-url>a href>>/a>) on temping and consulting. Other Relationship, L.L.C. websites include: Hot Temp Jobs (a href classbb-url>a href>>/a>) and Temping 247 (a href classbb-url>a href>>/a>) and EmployeeLess (a href classbb-url>>). Relationship LLC is a registered US trademark./p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>###/p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;>Contact: a href classbb-url>Matthew Marion Fondel/a>, a href classbb-url>> /p>p stylecolor: #000000; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;> /p> /div> div classpost-links>ul classlinks inline>li classcomment_forbidden first last>span>a href/user/login?destinationcomment%2Freply%2F1512%23comment-form>Login/a> to post comments/span>/li>/ul>/div> /div>div idnode-1 classteaser> h2 classtitle>a href/node/1 titleRelationship LLC (tm)>Relationship LLC (tm)/a>/h2> div classcontent> p>img src />b>Now There Is A New Way To Tie The Knot./b> It is our position that limited liability companies, "LLCs", may prove to be the new marriage model. Marriage is presently available only to one man and one woman. LLCs are available to everyone, couples (of any sexual mix) who wish to pursue life together, a single parent family and groups of friends. Marriage is based on family law, limited liability companies are based on partnership law and the legal arrangement its "members" agree to./p>p>a href>Relationship LLC (tm)/a> (RLLC™) is a mark we created to refer to limited liability companies created by people who generally are not married but who want a legally recognized relationship between them. A relationship which would be a legal entity that could buy property, provide health insurance to its members, obtain credit cards, serve as the couple's consulting company (Put Your Relationship LLC To Work), lease a car, file a tax return as a partnership and in general, engage in any legitimate business. Delaware Law also permits one person to create a LLC, i.e., single member LLCs. It is logical to expect that a group or a family would form a Posse LLC (tm) to further the collective welfare and interests of the group. Posse LLC is the mark we created to refer to social and professional associations formalized under LLC law./p> /div> /div> /div> /div>!-- #main ends here --> div idsidebar-first classregion grid_4 pull_11 > div idblock-user-1 class block block-user> h2 classtitle>Navigation/h2> div classcontent> ul classmenu>li classleaf first>a href/forum>Forums/a>/li>li classcollapsed last>a href/aggregator>Feed aggregator/a>/li>/ul> /div>/div>div idblock-block-3 class block block-block> div classcontent> script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-8015313558474734;/* 120x600, created 8/7/11 */google_ad_slot 0114623385;google_ad_width 120;google_ad_height 600;//-->/script>script typetext/javascript src>/script> /div>/div>div idblock-forum-1 class block block-forum> h2 classtitle>New forum topics/h2> div classcontent> div classitem-list>ul>li classfirst>a href/content/video-vt-school-bus-driver-caught-texting-gets-fired>Video: Vt. 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