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You’ll experience the best traditional music and scenery the country has to offer in the company of experienced Irish guides and drivers. Our tours are led by some of the best folk singer-songwriters in the United States, Canada and Ireland./p>p styletext-align: left;>The tours run 9 days and nights, with a few different routes available. Each tour visits 3, sometimes 4 different counties, staying 1 – 3 nights in each. The pace is very relaxed and you won’t be living out of a suitcase. An Inishfree tour is a once in a lifetime experience, full of music and camaraderie in a beautiful country – without the feeling of being on a tour!/p> p classtext-center margin-top-40> a href/our-tours/ classbtn white-transparent wow fadeInUp>Read more/a> /p> /div> /div> /div> div classsection section-our-tours text-center> div classcontainer> h2 classtitle color-black wow fadeInUp>Our Tours/h2> div classtour_box> a href>div classtour_img wow fadeInUp stylebackground-image:url(;>/div>/a> div classtour_content tour_content_left wow fadeInUp> a href>h3>Eastern tour/h3>/a> p>Itineraries selected from Counties Dublin, Waterford, Cork, Limerick & Clare /p> p>We explore beautiful places during the day, some of the top tourist attractions in Dublin City, we include the beautiful Glendalough … a classmore-link href>/a>/p> a href classbtn white-transparent btn-black wow fadeInUp>Read more/a> /div> /div> div classtour_box hidden-580> div classtour_content tour_content_right wow fadeInUp> a href>h3>Northern tour/h3>/a> p>Itineraries selected from Counties Donegal, Sligo, Mayo, Galway and Clare./p> p>Places like Achill Island, Slieve League and the wild west coast of Donegal are typically scheduled as part of the tour. … a classmore-link href>/a>/p> a href classbtn white-transparent btn-black wow fadeInUp>Read more/a> /div> a href>div classtour_img wow fadeInUp stylebackground-image:url(;>/div>/a> /div> div classtour_box visible-580> a href>div classtour_img wow fadeInUp stylebackground-image:url(;>/div>/a> div classtour_content tour_content_left wow fadeInUp> a href>h3>Northern tour/h3>/a> p>Itineraries selected from Counties Donegal, Sligo, Mayo, Galway and Clare./p> p>Places like Achill Island, Slieve League and the wild west coast of Donegal are typically scheduled as part of the tour. … a classmore-link href>/a>/p> a href classbtn white-transparent btn-black wow fadeInUp>Read more/a> /div> /div> div classtour_box> a href>div classtour_img wow fadeInUp stylebackground-image:url(;>/div>/a> div classtour_content tour_content_left wow fadeInUp> a href>h3>Southern tour/h3>/a> p>Itineraries selected from Counties Cork, Kerry, Waterford and Clare./p> p>By day we’ll explore places like Mizen Head (the most southwesterly point in Ireland), the gorgeous Slea Head Drive on the … a classmore-link href>/a>/p> a href classbtn white-transparent btn-black wow fadeInUp>Read more/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classsection section-tour-leaders> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-sm-12> h2 classtitle color-black text-center wow fadeInUp>Tour leaders/h2> div classcontent color-white text-center width-60 wow fadeInUp>p styletext-align: center;>Tours are led by some of the best folk singer-songwriters in the United States and Canada./p>/div> div classtour_leaders wow fadeInUp> div classtour_leader> div classtour_leader_img stylebackground-image: url(> a href classtour_leader_link> div classtour_leader_hover> i classfa fa-music aria-hiddentrue>/i> p>View bio/p> /div> /a> /div> p classtour_leader_name>a href>Jan Lucas & Jackson Grimm/a>/p> p classtour_leader_role>/p> /div> div classtour_leader> div classtour_leader_img stylebackground-image: url(> a href classtour_leader_link> div classtour_leader_hover> i classfa fa-music aria-hiddentrue>/i> p>View bio/p> /div> /a> /div> p classtour_leader_name>a href>Judy Kass & The Levins/a>/p> p classtour_leader_role>/p> /div> div classtour_leader> div classtour_leader_img stylebackground-image: url(> a href classtour_leader_link> div classtour_leader_hover> i classfa fa-music aria-hiddentrue>/i> p>View bio/p> /div> /a> /div> p classtour_leader_name>a href>Katie Dahl/a>/p> p classtour_leader_role>/p> /div> div classtour_leader> div classtour_leader_img stylebackground-image: url(> a href classtour_leader_link> div classtour_leader_hover> i classfa fa-music aria-hiddentrue>/i> p>View bio/p> /div> /a> /div> p classtour_leader_name>a href>Niccole Blaze/a>/p> p classtour_leader_role>/p> /div> div classtour_leader> div classtour_leader_img stylebackground-image: url(> a href classtour_leader_link> div classtour_leader_hover> i classfa fa-music aria-hiddentrue>/i> p>View bio/p> /div> /a> /div> p classtour_leader_name>a href>Ellis Delaney/a>/p> p classtour_leader_role>/p> /div> div classtour_leader> div classtour_leader_img stylebackground-image: url(> a href classtour_leader_link> div classtour_leader_hover> i classfa fa-music aria-hiddentrue>/i> p>View bio/p> /div> /a> /div> p classtour_leader_name>a href>Tom Kimmel & Kenneth Robinson/a>/p> p classtour_leader_role>/p> /div> div classtour_leader> div classtour_leader_img stylebackground-image: url(> a href classtour_leader_link> div classtour_leader_hover> i classfa fa-music aria-hiddentrue>/i> p>View bio/p> /div> /a> /div> p classtour_leader_name>a href>Stephen Fearing/a>/p> p classtour_leader_role>/p> /div> div classtour_leader> div classtour_leader_img stylebackground-image: url(> a href classtour_leader_link> div classtour_leader_hover> i classfa fa-music aria-hiddentrue>/i> p>View bio/p> /div> /a> /div> p classtour_leader_name>a href>Buddy Mondlock & Mike Lindauer/a>/p> p classtour_leader_role>/p> /div> div classtour_leader> div classtour_leader_img stylebackground-image: url(> a href classtour_leader_link> div classtour_leader_hover> i classfa fa-music aria-hiddentrue>/i> p>View bio/p> /div> /a> /div> p classtour_leader_name>a href>Johnsmith / Keith Greeninger/a>/p> p classtour_leader_role>/p> /div> div classtour_leader> div classtour_leader_img stylebackground-image: url(> a href classtour_leader_link> div classtour_leader_hover> i classfa fa-music aria-hiddentrue>/i> p>View bio/p> /div> /a> /div> p classtour_leader_name>a href>Barb Bowers/a>/p> p classtour_leader_role>/p> /div> div classtour_leader> div classtour_leader_img stylebackground-image: url(> a href classtour_leader_link> div classtour_leader_hover> i classfa fa-music aria-hiddentrue>/i> p>View bio/p> /div> /a> /div> p classtour_leader_name>a href>Ellis Paul/a>/p> p classtour_leader_role>/p> /div> div classtour_leader> div classtour_leader_img stylebackground-image: url(> a href classtour_leader_link> div classtour_leader_hover> i classfa fa-music aria-hiddentrue>/i> p>View bio/p> /div> /a> /div> p classtour_leader_name>a href>Sloan Wainwright/a>/p> p classtour_leader_role>/p> /div> div classtour_leader> div classtour_leader_img stylebackground-image: url(> a href classtour_leader_link> div classtour_leader_hover> i classfa fa-music aria-hiddentrue>/i> p>View bio/p> /div> /a> /div> p classtour_leader_name>a href>Vicki Belinoski/a>/p> p classtour_leader_role>/p> /div> div classtour_leader> div classtour_leader_img stylebackground-image: url(> a href classtour_leader_link> div classtour_leader_hover> i classfa fa-music aria-hiddentrue>/i> p>View bio/p> /div> /a> /div> p classtour_leader_name>a href>Dan Sebranek/a>/p> p classtour_leader_role>/p> /div> div classtour_leader> div 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