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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 07:50:05 GMTServer: nginx/1.25.5Content-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 17637Last-Modified: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 19:48:06 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesVary: Accept-Encodinghost-header: c2hhcmVkLmJsdWVob3N0LmNvbQX-Server-Cache: trueX-Proxy-Cache: MISS !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN>html>head>title>NFL Football Predictions/title>meta contenttext/html; charsetunicode http-equivContent-Type>meta namekeywords contentNFL Football predictions, NFL predictions, football predictions>meta namedescription contentNFL Football predictions, NFL predictions, football predictions>meta nameAuthor contentShane Bigot>meta nameContent-Language contentenglish>meta nameGENERATOR contentMSHTML 8.00.6001.18939>/head>body alink#cccccc leftmargin0 rightmargin0 link#666666 topmargin0 bgColor#1f2d3a text#cccccc vLink#cccccc marginwidth0 marginheight0>h3 aligncenter>NFL FOOTBALL PREDICTIONS/h3>style typetext/css>!--.style1 { color: #ffffff; font-size: 11px; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; padding-left:10px;}.style2 { color: #E2D105; font-size: 11px; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; padding-left:10px;}.menuLink { color: #AAAAAA; font-size: 11px; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; text-decoration:none;}a.menuLink:hover { color: #9DA4BF; font-size: 11px; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; text-decoration:underline;} color: #5E6677; font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}body, td, p { font-size: 11px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}-->/style>table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width750 aligncenter height12> tbody> tr> td>img altnfl football predictions, nfl predictions, football predictions srcfulltopbit.gif width100% height100%>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width750 aligncenter height160> tbody> tr> td>img altnfl football predictions, nfl predictions, football predictions srctopbar.jpg width746 height158> /td>/tr>/tbody>/table>table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width750 aligncenter height15> tbody> tr> td bgcolor#555555 width600>img border0 altnfl football predictions, nfl predictions, football predictions srclogin_main.gif width100% height100%> /td> td bgcolor#555555> table border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter> tbody> tr> td width50 alignmiddle> td width40 alignmiddle>a classmenulink>Email/a> td width40 alignmiddle>a classmenulink href>Home/a>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width750 aligncenter height12%> tbody> tr> td width2% alignmiddle>img srcleft_side.gif width100% height100%> /td> td bgcolor#24242d height10% width20% alignmiddle>a hrefmatchups.htm>img classstyle2 border0 altNFL Football Predictions, NFL Analysis, NFL Football Picks srcterrain1.jpg width114 height108>/a> br> td bgcolor#24242d width20% alignmiddle>a href>img border0 altNFL Football Predictions, NFL Analysis, NFL Football Picks srcterrain2.jpg width114 height108>/a> br> td bgcolor#24242d width20% alignmiddle>a hreforder.htm>img border0 altNFL Football Predictions, NFL Analysis, NFL Football Picks srcterrain3.jpg width114 height108>/a> br> td bgcolor#222222 width19% alignmiddle> table classtext border1 cellspacing1 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width100% aligncenter height100%> tbody> tr> td backgroundmenulink_1.gif alignmiddle>font color#003979>b>-- Menu --/b>/font> /td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href>Home/a> /td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href>Matchups/a> /td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href>Order Now/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href>Forum/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href>Links/a> /td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href>Contact Us /a>/td>/tr> tr>/tr> tr>/tr>/tbody>/table>/td> td width2% alignmiddle>img srcrightside.gif width100% height100%> /td>/tr>/tbody>/table>!--BOTTOM HALF TABLE HERE-->table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width750 aligncenter height50%> tbody> tr> td width2% alignmiddle>img srcleft_side.gif width100% height100%> /td> td bgcolor#1e2837 width20% alignmiddle>br> h1>-- NEWS --/h1> table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width92% aligncenter height25%> tbody> tr> td bgcolor#1a243c alignmiddle> div aligncenter>NFL Football Predictions/div>/td>/tr> tr> td bgcolor#131a24 height90% alignmiddle> p>a href>img border0 altnfl football predictions, football predictions, nfl predictions srcordernow_nfl.gif width100 height60>/a>/p> p>font color#cccccc>strong>font size3>Full NFL Season font size5>N/A/font>/font>/strong>/font>/p>/td>/tr> tr> td bgcolor#1a243c alignright>09/09/2009/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>br> table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width92% aligncenter height25%> tbody> tr> td bgcolor#1a243c alignmiddle> div aligncenter>Record Last Week/div>/td>/tr> tr> td bgcolor#131a24 height90% alignmiddle> p>font size4 faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>0 - 0 SU/strong>/font>/p> p>font size4 faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>0 - 0 ATS font size2>(0 push)/font>/strong>/font>/p> p>strong>Good Record For Week 0/strong>/p>/td>/tr> tr> td bgcolor#1a243c alignright>01/05/2010/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>br> table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width92% aligncenter height25%> tbody> tr> td bgcolor#1a243c alignmiddle> div aligncenter>Season Record/div>/td>/tr> tr> td bgcolor#131a24 height90% alignmiddle> p>font size4 faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>161 - 95 SU/strong>/font> /p> p>font size4 faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>37 - 46 ATS font size2>(2 push)/font>/strong>/font>/p>/td>/tr> tr> td bgcolor#1a243c alignright>01/05/2010/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>/td> th bgcolor#1b1d25 width38% alignmiddle> h1 alignleft> font color#999999>em>--/em> em>NFL -- WEEK 1/em> em>--/em>/font>/h1> div alignleft> p>font color#999999 size1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>Sorry, 2010 Football Picks will not be offered./font>/p>/div> div alignleft> p>font color#999999 size2 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>a classmenulink href target_blank strong>NFL Football Predictions/strong>/a>/font>/p> div aligncenter> p>a href>img border0 altClick to Vote - Top 300 NFL Sites! src width88 height31> a href>img border0 altBest Football Sites src>/a> a href>img border0 altTOP 100 FOOTBALL SITES src width88 height31>/a> /p> p>font color#999999 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>Click Here-->/font>font color#999999 size2 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>a classmenulink href target_blank strong>font color#cccccc>img border0 srcbutton2.jpg width88 height31>/font>/a>/font>font color#999999 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif><-- Click Here/font>/p>/div>/div> hr> p>font color#999999 size1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>This is a very unique site as we show you how to more accurately predict the outcome of any strong>football game/strong>. We not only show you how, we do the work for you. We also give our top 5 ATS Picks per week. We also determine the most likely final score./font>/p> p>font color#999999 size1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>This site includes, strong>football analysis, football predictions, football statistics, football outcomes/strong> and anything else to do with the strong>predictions of every NFL football a classmenulink hrefmatchups.htm>Match up/a>/strong>. /font>/p> p>font color#999999 size1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>Welcome to statistical analysis for today. /font>/p> hr> div aligncenter>font color#999999 size1 faceCourier New, Courier, mono>Please use this site responsibly. The teams mentioned do not endorse this site. The statistics shown are meant for recreational use only. This site is not responsible for how this analysis may harm the end user if it is abused./font>font color#999999 size1 faceVerdana> /font>/div>/th> td bgcolor#222222 width19% alignmiddle> table classtext border1 cellspacing1 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width100% aligncenter height65%> tbody> tr> td backgroundmenulink_1.gif alignmiddle>font color#003979>b>-- Sponsored --/b>/font> /td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>Flip It Ticket/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>Keno Bets /a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>SeatHunter/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>Madden Forums /a>/td> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_1.gif alignmiddle>font color#003979>b>-- Important --/b>/font> /td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>NFLPicks/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>Top Football Sites/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_1.gif alignmiddle>font color#003979>b>-- Other --/b>/font> /td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>Football Forum/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>Video Game Rental/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>Banner X-Change /a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_1.gif alignmiddle>font color#003979>b>-- Also Check --/b>/font> /td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>RubyStats/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>DLX/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>My Golf Site/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>Purchasing Used Games/a>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table> p>a href>img border0 altUsa Sports Monitor srcusasportsmonitor125-2.gif width125 height125>/a>/p>/td> td width2% alignmiddle>img srcrightside.gif width100% height100%> /td>/tr>/tbody>/table>table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width750 aligncenter height3%> tbody> tr> td bgcolor#111111 alignmiddle> p>----- Copyright (c) 2009 a classmenulink href>> All rights reserved ----- /p> p>-----br>font size1>© 2009 NFL Enterprises LLC. NFL and the NFL shield design are registered trademarks of the National Football League.The team names, logos and uniform designs are registered trademarks of the teams indicated. All other NFL-related trademarks are trademarks of the National Football League. NFL footage © NFL Productions LLC. /font>font size1>NFL Football Predictions/font>br> ----- /p>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width750 aligncenter height12> tbody> tr> td>img altnfl football predictions, nfl predictions, football predictions srcbottom_div.gif width100% height100%> /td>/tr>/tbody>/table>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript>_uacct UA-2816912-1;urchinTracker();/script>br>br>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 07:50:05 GMTServer: nginx/1.25.5Content-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 17637Last-Modified: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 19:48:06 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesVary: Accept-Encodinghost-header: c2hhcmVkLmJsdWVob3N0LmNvbQX-Server-Cache: trueX-Proxy-Cache: MISS !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN>html>head>title>NFL Football Predictions/title>meta contenttext/html; charsetunicode http-equivContent-Type>meta namekeywords contentNFL Football predictions, NFL predictions, football predictions>meta namedescription contentNFL Football predictions, NFL predictions, football predictions>meta nameAuthor contentShane Bigot>meta nameContent-Language contentenglish>meta nameGENERATOR contentMSHTML 8.00.6001.18939>/head>body alink#cccccc leftmargin0 rightmargin0 link#666666 topmargin0 bgColor#1f2d3a text#cccccc vLink#cccccc marginwidth0 marginheight0>h3 aligncenter>NFL FOOTBALL PREDICTIONS/h3>style typetext/css>!--.style1 { color: #ffffff; font-size: 11px; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; padding-left:10px;}.style2 { color: #E2D105; font-size: 11px; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; padding-left:10px;}.menuLink { color: #AAAAAA; font-size: 11px; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; text-decoration:none;}a.menuLink:hover { color: #9DA4BF; font-size: 11px; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; text-decoration:underline;} color: #5E6677; font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}body, td, p { font-size: 11px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}-->/style>table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width750 aligncenter height12> tbody> tr> td>img altnfl football predictions, nfl predictions, football predictions srcfulltopbit.gif width100% height100%>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width750 aligncenter height160> tbody> tr> td>img altnfl football predictions, nfl predictions, football predictions srctopbar.jpg width746 height158> /td>/tr>/tbody>/table>table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width750 aligncenter height15> tbody> tr> td bgcolor#555555 width600>img border0 altnfl football predictions, nfl predictions, football predictions srclogin_main.gif width100% height100%> /td> td bgcolor#555555> table border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 aligncenter> tbody> tr> td width50 alignmiddle> td width40 alignmiddle>a classmenulink>Email/a> td width40 alignmiddle>a classmenulink href>Home/a>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width750 aligncenter height12%> tbody> tr> td width2% alignmiddle>img srcleft_side.gif width100% height100%> /td> td bgcolor#24242d height10% width20% alignmiddle>a hrefmatchups.htm>img classstyle2 border0 altNFL Football Predictions, NFL Analysis, NFL Football Picks srcterrain1.jpg width114 height108>/a> br> td bgcolor#24242d width20% alignmiddle>a href>img border0 altNFL Football Predictions, NFL Analysis, NFL Football Picks srcterrain2.jpg width114 height108>/a> br> td bgcolor#24242d width20% alignmiddle>a hreforder.htm>img border0 altNFL Football Predictions, NFL Analysis, NFL Football Picks srcterrain3.jpg width114 height108>/a> br> td bgcolor#222222 width19% alignmiddle> table classtext border1 cellspacing1 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width100% aligncenter height100%> tbody> tr> td backgroundmenulink_1.gif alignmiddle>font color#003979>b>-- Menu --/b>/font> /td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href>Home/a> /td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href>Matchups/a> /td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href>Order Now/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href>Forum/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href>Links/a> /td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href>Contact Us /a>/td>/tr> tr>/tr> tr>/tr>/tbody>/table>/td> td width2% alignmiddle>img srcrightside.gif width100% height100%> /td>/tr>/tbody>/table>!--BOTTOM HALF TABLE HERE-->table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width750 aligncenter height50%> tbody> tr> td width2% alignmiddle>img srcleft_side.gif width100% height100%> /td> td bgcolor#1e2837 width20% alignmiddle>br> h1>-- NEWS --/h1> table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width92% aligncenter height25%> tbody> tr> td bgcolor#1a243c alignmiddle> div aligncenter>NFL Football Predictions/div>/td>/tr> tr> td bgcolor#131a24 height90% alignmiddle> p>a href>img border0 altnfl football predictions, football predictions, nfl predictions srcordernow_nfl.gif width100 height60>/a>/p> p>font color#cccccc>strong>font size3>Full NFL Season font size5>N/A/font>/font>/strong>/font>/p>/td>/tr> tr> td bgcolor#1a243c alignright>09/09/2009/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>br> table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width92% aligncenter height25%> tbody> tr> td bgcolor#1a243c alignmiddle> div aligncenter>Record Last Week/div>/td>/tr> tr> td bgcolor#131a24 height90% alignmiddle> p>font size4 faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>0 - 0 SU/strong>/font>/p> p>font size4 faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>0 - 0 ATS font size2>(0 push)/font>/strong>/font>/p> p>strong>Good Record For Week 0/strong>/p>/td>/tr> tr> td bgcolor#1a243c alignright>01/05/2010/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>br> table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width92% aligncenter height25%> tbody> tr> td bgcolor#1a243c alignmiddle> div aligncenter>Season Record/div>/td>/tr> tr> td bgcolor#131a24 height90% alignmiddle> p>font size4 faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>161 - 95 SU/strong>/font> /p> p>font size4 faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif>strong>37 - 46 ATS font size2>(2 push)/font>/strong>/font>/p>/td>/tr> tr> td bgcolor#1a243c alignright>01/05/2010/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>/td> th bgcolor#1b1d25 width38% alignmiddle> h1 alignleft> font color#999999>em>--/em> em>NFL -- WEEK 1/em> em>--/em>/font>/h1> div alignleft> p>font color#999999 size1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>Sorry, 2010 Football Picks will not be offered./font>/p>/div> div alignleft> p>font color#999999 size2 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>a classmenulink href target_blank strong>NFL Football Predictions/strong>/a>/font>/p> div aligncenter> p>a href>img border0 altClick to Vote - Top 300 NFL Sites! src width88 height31> a href>img border0 altBest Football Sites src>/a> a href>img border0 altTOP 100 FOOTBALL SITES src width88 height31>/a> /p> p>font color#999999 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>Click Here-->/font>font color#999999 size2 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>a classmenulink href target_blank strong>font color#cccccc>img border0 srcbutton2.jpg width88 height31>/font>/a>/font>font color#999999 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif><-- Click Here/font>/p>/div>/div> hr> p>font color#999999 size1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>This is a very unique site as we show you how to more accurately predict the outcome of any strong>football game/strong>. We not only show you how, we do the work for you. We also give our top 5 ATS Picks per week. We also determine the most likely final score./font>/p> p>font color#999999 size1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>This site includes, strong>football analysis, football predictions, football statistics, football outcomes/strong> and anything else to do with the strong>predictions of every NFL football a classmenulink hrefmatchups.htm>Match up/a>/strong>. /font>/p> p>font color#999999 size1 faceVerdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif>Welcome to statistical analysis for today. /font>/p> hr> div aligncenter>font color#999999 size1 faceCourier New, Courier, mono>Please use this site responsibly. The teams mentioned do not endorse this site. The statistics shown are meant for recreational use only. This site is not responsible for how this analysis may harm the end user if it is abused./font>font color#999999 size1 faceVerdana> /font>/div>/th> td bgcolor#222222 width19% alignmiddle> table classtext border1 cellspacing1 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width100% aligncenter height65%> tbody> tr> td backgroundmenulink_1.gif alignmiddle>font color#003979>b>-- Sponsored --/b>/font> /td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>Flip It Ticket/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>Keno Bets /a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>SeatHunter/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>Madden Forums /a>/td> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_1.gif alignmiddle>font color#003979>b>-- Important --/b>/font> /td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>NFLPicks/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>Top Football Sites/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_1.gif alignmiddle>font color#003979>b>-- Other --/b>/font> /td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>Football Forum/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>Video Game Rental/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>Banner X-Change /a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_1.gif alignmiddle>font color#003979>b>-- Also Check --/b>/font> /td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>RubyStats/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>DLX/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>My Golf Site/a>/td>/tr> tr> td backgroundmenulink_2.gif alignmiddle>a classmenulink href target_blank>Purchasing Used Games/a>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table> p>a href>img border0 altUsa Sports Monitor srcusasportsmonitor125-2.gif width125 height125>/a>/p>/td> td width2% alignmiddle>img srcrightside.gif width100% height100%> /td>/tr>/tbody>/table>table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width750 aligncenter height3%> tbody> tr> td bgcolor#111111 alignmiddle> p>----- Copyright (c) 2009 a classmenulink href>> All rights reserved ----- /p> p>-----br>font size1>© 2009 NFL Enterprises LLC. NFL and the NFL shield design are registered trademarks of the National Football League.The team names, logos and uniform designs are registered trademarks of the teams indicated. All other NFL-related trademarks are trademarks of the National Football League. NFL footage © NFL Productions LLC. /font>font size1>NFL Football Predictions/font>br> ----- /p>/td>/tr>/tbody>/table>table border1 cellspacing0 bordercolor#000000 cellpadding0 width750 aligncenter height12> tbody> tr> td>img altnfl football predictions, nfl predictions, football predictions srcbottom_div.gif width100% height100%> /td>/tr>/tbody>/table>script typetext/javascript src>/script>script typetext/javascript>_uacct UA-2816912-1;urchinTracker();/script>br>br>/body>/html>
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