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Explore how EAP can improve employee well-being and a create happier healthier teams > !-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> script async src>/script> script> window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag(js, new Date()); gtag(config, G-TLGKVFH8H3); /script>!-- Google Tag Manager -->script>(function(w,d,s,l,i){wlwl||;wl.push({gtm.start:new Date().getTime(),event:gtm.js});var fd.getElementsByTagName(s)0,jd.createElement(s),dll!dataLayer?&l+l:;j.asynctrue;j.src;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f);})(window,document,script,dataLayer,GTM-M9X5X6L);/script>!-- End Google Tag Manager --> script defer src>/script>/head>body classantialiased scroll-smooth bg-neutral-50 bg-white x-data{ isOpen: false } x-bind:classisOpen ? overflow-hidden : > !-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->noscript>iframe src width0 styledisplay:none;visibility:hidden>/iframe>/noscript>!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> div classsite-wrapper> header>div classsticky top-0 z-10 w-full px-6 shadow-xl bg-white/80 backdrop-blur-lg shadow-primary/5> nav idnav home classflex flex-row justify-between> a href/ class>img src/assets/eap-logo-nav.svg classw-56 py-4 md:w-64>/a> div classflex flex-row items-center space-x-4> a href target_blank classflex-col hidden text-center text-white py-2 button-styled lg:flex bg-brand-blue> Book an appointment span classtext-sm font-medium font-display>Whakaretia he wā/span> /a> a href target_blank classflex-col hidden text-center text-white py-2 button-styled lg:flex bg-primary> Request a quote span classtext-sm font-medium font-display>Tonoa he tohutoro/span> /a> !-- Login Nav Toggle --> div x-data{ loginOpen: false } classrelative> button @clickloginOpen !loginOpen classrelative flex-col hidden text-center text-white button-styled lg:flex bg-brand-green py-2> Login span classtext-sm font-medium>Takiuru/span> /button> ul x-cloak x-transition x-showloginOpen @click.awayloginOpen false classabsolute overflow-hidden divide-y shadow-xl rounded-2xl divide-y-neutral-100 bg-neutral-50 w-200px right-0> li class>a classflex px-4 py-2 hover:bg-primary/10 href target_blank>AOD Portal/a>/li>li class>a classflex px-4 py-2 hover:bg-primary/10 href target_blank>Customer Portal/a>/li>li class>a classflex px-4 py-2 hover:bg-primary/10 href target_self>Professional Portal/a>/li> /ul> /div> button @clickisOpen !isOpen classrelative z-10 p-4 text-black rounded-full isolate before:absolute before:inset-0 before:rounded-full before:block before:transition hover:before:bg-accent before:bg-accent before:scale-0 hover:before:scale-100> svg xmlns classrelative w-10 h-10 fillblack viewBox0 0 256 256> path dM224,128a8,8,0,0,1-8,8H40a8,8,0,0,1,0-16H216A8,8,0,0,1,224,128ZM40,72H216a8,8,0,0,0,0-16H40a8,8,0,0,0,0,16ZM216,184H40a8,8,0,0,0,0,16H216a8,8,0,0,0,0-16Z>/path> /svg> /button> /div> /nav>/div>/header>!-- Alert (page block) -->!-- Home header (page block) -->section class mt-8 mb-12 fluid-container rounded-3xl > div classw-full aspect-video lg:aspect-3 relative rounded-3xl overflow-hidden> video src/files/1727386781_home-video.mp4 autoplay muted loop classabsolute inset-0 object-cover w-full h-full rounded-3xl poster/files/1727386858_demo.jpg>/video> div classabsolute bottom-0 left-0 flex flex-col> div classinline-flex px-4 pt-3 text-xl font-bold sm:text-3xl md:px-8 md:pt-5 md:text-4xl lg:text-5xl text-accent bg-primary rounded-tr-3xl w-fit>Tēnā koe/div> span classp-3 px-4 text-xl font-medium text-white sm:text-3xl md:p-5 md:px-8 md:text-4xl lg:text-5xl bg-primary rounded-tr-3xl box-decoration-clone w-fit>Welcome to EAP Services/span> /div> div classabsolute hidden md:flex top-8 lg:top-auto right-8 lg:bottom-8> div data-magnetic> a data-lightbox href classinline-flex p-4 transition border-2 rounded-full bg-black/10 border-accent group hover:bg-white> svg xmlns classtransition size-8 md:size-12 fill-white group-hover:fill-black fill#000000 viewBox0 0 256 256> path dM231.36,116.19,87.28,28.06a14,14,0,0,0-14.18-.27A13.69,13.69,0,0,0,66,39.87V216.13a13.69,13.69,0,0,0,7.1,12.08,14,14,0,0,0,14.18-.27l144.08-88.13a13.82,13.82,0,0,0,0-23.62Zm-6.26,13.38L81,217.7a2,2,0,0,1-2.06,0,1.78,1.78,0,0,1-1-1.61V39.87a1.78,1.78,0,0,1,1-1.61A2.06,2.06,0,0,1,80,38a2,2,0,0,1,1,.31L225.1,126.43a1.82,1.82,0,0,1,0,3.14Z>/path> /svg> /a> /div> /div> /div>/section>!-- Home nav tiles (page block) -->section classmy-12> div classfluid-container> h2 classtext-xl font-medium md:text-3xl text-primary>We provide wellbeing support to New Zealanders to create b>happier, healthier workplaces./b>/h2> div classgrid gap-8 mt-8 lg:grid-flow-col sm:grid-cols-2 lg:auto-cols-fr> a href/eap-for-me classrelative aspect-3/2 lg:aspect-2.5 bg-white group data-aosfade-up> div classabsolute inset-0 overflow-hidden rounded-2xl> img src/files/1727394986_eap-learningservices.jpg classabsolute inset-0 object-cover transition duration-300 ease-in-out size-full group-hover:scale-110> div classabsolute inset-0 block top-1/2 bg-gradient-to-t from-black to-transparent mix-blend-multiply>/div> div classabsolute text-xl font-bold text-white md:text-2xl bottom-4 left-4 right-10>Support for me/div> /div> div classsize-5.25rem -bottom-1px -right-1px absolute> svg xmlns width100% viewBox0 0 84 84 classobject-cover bg-button size-full> path dM56 28C71.464 28 84 15.464 84 0V84H0C15.464 84 28 71.464 28 56C28 40.536 40.536 28 56 28Z fillwhite>/path> /svg> /div> svg xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 40 40 classabsolute transition duration-300 ease-in-out bottom-1 right-1 size-2.75rem group-hover:-rotate-45> circle cx20 cy20 r20 fill#43b02a /> path fill#fff fill-ruleevenodd dm28.73 21.49-5.66 5.65-1.41-1.41L26.39 21H9v-2h17.24l-4.58-4.59L23.07 13l5.66 5.66 1.41 1.41-1.41 1.42Z clip-ruleevenodd /> /svg> /a> a href/eap-for-organisations classrelative aspect-3/2 lg:aspect-2.5 bg-white group data-aosfade-up> div classabsolute inset-0 overflow-hidden rounded-2xl> img src/files/1727394986_eap-org.jpg classabsolute inset-0 object-cover transition duration-300 ease-in-out size-full group-hover:scale-110> div classabsolute inset-0 block top-1/2 bg-gradient-to-t from-black to-transparent mix-blend-multiply>/div> div classabsolute text-xl font-bold text-white md:text-2xl bottom-4 left-4 right-10>Support for my organisation/div> /div> div classsize-5.25rem -bottom-1px -right-1px absolute> svg xmlns width100% viewBox0 0 84 84 classobject-cover bg-button size-full> path dM56 28C71.464 28 84 15.464 84 0V84H0C15.464 84 28 71.464 28 56C28 40.536 40.536 28 56 28Z fillwhite>/path> /svg> /div> svg xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 40 40 classabsolute transition duration-300 ease-in-out bottom-1 right-1 size-2.75rem group-hover:-rotate-45> circle cx20 cy20 r20 fill#005776 /> path fill#fff fill-ruleevenodd dm28.73 21.49-5.66 5.65-1.41-1.41L26.39 21H9v-2h17.24l-4.58-4.59L23.07 13l5.66 5.66 1.41 1.41-1.41 1.42Z clip-ruleevenodd /> /svg> /a> /div> /div>/section>!-- Home text with cards (page block) -->section classgrid my-12 space-y-8 md:my-16 fluid-container> div class> h2 classmb-8 text-3xl font-bold md:text-5xl text-primary>All around support/h2> div classprose text-primary max-w-none> p>EAP Services (Employee Assistance Programme) provides wraparound mental health support for the emotional, social, and practical needs of your team. Our services are delivered by a multidisciplinary team of counsellors, personal trainers, physiotherapists, advisors and educators. EAP ensures that your team receives comprehensive care, tailored to their unique circumstances. As an employee assistance provider, it is our goal to empower people to achieve stable, fulfilling lives, making it a vital component of any workplace wellness programme./p> /div> /div> ul classspace-y-4> li classflex flex-row gap-4 p-6 bg-white border shadow-xl md:px-12 rounded-2xl shadow-primary/5 border-neutral-100> img src/assets/favicon.svg classsize-10> div classmax-w-screen-lg prose prose-headings:mb-3 text-primary prose-headings:leading-tight> h2>Face to face or online counselling/h2> p>Our team of EAP counsellors are available throughout New Zealand, the booking process is managed online and is simple and easy to use./p> /div> /li> li classflex flex-row gap-4 p-6 bg-white border shadow-xl md:px-12 rounded-2xl shadow-primary/5 border-neutral-100> img src/assets/favicon.svg classsize-10> div classmax-w-screen-lg prose prose-headings:mb-3 text-primary prose-headings:leading-tight> h2>Digital support through habithealth+/h2> p>habithealth+ provides around the clock guidance, support and motivation to manage all aspects of your team’s health and wellbeing. habithealth+ is easy to download, onboard and start using within minutes./p> /div> /li> /ul>/section>!-- Fat button (page block) -->section classmy-12 lg:my-20 fluid-container> a data-lightbox href classflex flex-row items-center justify-between w-full gap-12 p-8 text-white transition hover:-translate-y-1 group md:px-12 bg-primary rounded-3xl hover:bg-color-mix(in_hsl,_theme(colors.primary.DEFAULT)_80%,_black_20%)> div classspace-y-4 text-3xl font-medium leading-tight md:text-4xl> h3>How does span classfont-bold text-accent>EAP Services/span> work?/h3> div classtext-xl font-bold>Click here to view/div> /div> div data-magnetic> div classinline-flex p-4 transition border-2 rounded-full bg-black/10 border-accent group-hover:bg-white> svg xmlns classtransition size-8 md:size-12 fill-white group-hover:fill-black fill#000000 viewBox0 0 256 256> path dM231.36,116.19,87.28,28.06a14,14,0,0,0-14.18-.27A13.69,13.69,0,0,0,66,39.87V216.13a13.69,13.69,0,0,0,7.1,12.08,14,14,0,0,0,14.18-.27l144.08-88.13a13.82,13.82,0,0,0,0-23.62Zm-6.26,13.38L81,217.7a2,2,0,0,1-2.06,0,1.78,1.78,0,0,1-1-1.61V39.87a1.78,1.78,0,0,1,1-1.61A2.06,2.06,0,0,1,80,38a2,2,0,0,1,1,.31L225.1,126.43a1.82,1.82,0,0,1,0,3.14Z>/path> /svg> /div> /div> /a>/section>!-- Home stats feature (page block) -->section classmy-12 md:fluid-container> div classbg-#effeff md:rounded-3xl p-6 sm:p-12 grid lg:grid-cols-3 gap-8> div classgrid gap-8 lg:col-span-2 sm:grid-cols-2 xl:grid-cols-3> div classself-center space-y-4 xl:col-span-full text-primary> h2 classtext-3xl font-bold md:text-4xl xl:text-5xl>Our Stats/h2> div classprose text-primary> p>We will work with you to create a supportive environment that encourages employees to seek help when needed./p> /div> /div> figure classp-4 bg-white shadow-xl shadow-primary/10 lg:p-4 rounded-3xl> div classrelative mx-auto overflow-hidden chart-container max-w-56> div classabsolute inset-0 flex flex-col items-center justify-center pt-4 leading-none> div classtext-base font-bold lg:text-lg text-brand-blue>Client/div> div classtext-2xl font-bold lg:text-4xl text-primary>8.9/10/div> div classtext-base font-bold lg:text-lg text-brand-blue>Satisfaction/div> /div> canvas idchart1>/canvas> /div> script typemodule> (function() { const config { type: doughnut, data: { datasets: { data: 100, backgroundColor: #4CA6C3, rgba(100,100,100,0.1), } }, options: { aspectRatio: 1.15, datalabels: false, animation: { duration: 3000 }, rotation: 220, circumference: 280, cutout: 85%, borderRadius: 100, } }; const percentage; initializeChart(chart1, config); })(); /script> /figure> figure classp-4 bg-white shadow-xl shadow-primary/10 lg:p-4 rounded-3xl> div classrelative mx-auto overflow-hidden chart-container max-w-56> div classabsolute inset-0 flex flex-col items-center justify-center pt-4 leading-none> div classtext-base font-bold lg:text-lg text-brand-blue>Supporting/div> div classtext-2xl font-bold lg:text-4xl text-primary>4000+/div> div classtext-base font-bold lg:text-lg text-brand-blue>companies/div> /div> canvas idchart2>/canvas> /div> script typemodule> (function() { const config { type: doughnut, data: { datasets: { data: 100, backgroundColor: #EEEC87, rgba(100,100,100,0.1), } }, options: { aspectRatio: 1.15, datalabels: false, animation: { duration: 3000 }, rotation: 220, circumference: 280, cutout: 85%, borderRadius: 100, } }; const percentage; initializeChart(chart2, config); })(); /script> /figure> figure classp-4 bg-white shadow-xl shadow-primary/10 lg:p-4 rounded-3xl> div classrelative mx-auto overflow-hidden chart-container max-w-56> div classabsolute inset-0 flex flex-col items-center justify-center pt-4 leading-none> div classtext-base font-bold lg:text-lg text-brand-blue>Increased/div> div classtext-2xl font-bold lg:text-4xl text-primary>86%/div> div classtext-base font-bold lg:text-lg text-brand-blue>productivity/div> /div> canvas idchart3>/canvas> /div> script typemodule> (function() { const config { type: doughnut, data: { datasets: { data: 100, backgroundColor: #62AE41, rgba(100,100,100,0.1), } }, options: { aspectRatio: 1.15, datalabels: false, animation: { duration: 3000 }, rotation: 220, circumference: 280, cutout: 85%, borderRadius: 100, } }; const percentage; initializeChart(chart3, config); })(); /script> /figure> /div> figure classflex flex-col justify-center w-full p-6 bg-white shadow-xl shadow-primary/10 rounded-3xl> h2 classmb-4 text-xl text-center text-primary>Reasons people b>seek help/b>/h2> div classrelative max-w-full mx-auto chart-container> div classabsolute inset-0 flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-2 pt-4 leading-none xl:gap-4> div classflex flex-col text-xl text-center> span classfont-bold stylecolor:#62AE41>Personal/span> span>75%/span> /div> div classflex flex-col text-xl text-center> span classfont-bold stylecolor:#4CA6C3>Work/span> span>25%/span> /div> /div> canvas idchartpie>/canvas> /div> script typemodule> (function() { const config { type: doughnut, data: { datasets: { data: 75,25, backgroundColor: #62AE41,#4CA6C3, } }, options: { spacing: 3, animation: { duration: 3000, delay: 500 }, rotation: 90, cutout: 65%, borderRadius: 10, } }; const percentage; initializeChart(chartpie, config); })(); /script> /figure> /div>/section>!-- Blue panel (page block) -->section classmy-12 fluid-container> div classbg-#effeff rounded-3xl p-12 grid gap-8 lg:gap-24 md:grid-cols-2> div class> h2 classmb-8 text-4xl font-bold tracking-tight md:text-5xl text-primary>Happier Healthier Teams/h2> div classflex flex-row flex-wrap gap-2 buttons> a href/eap-for-organisations/our-services target_self classpx-6 py-2 text-base font-medium tracking-wider text-white uppercase button-styled bg-brand-green>Our services/a>a href/eap-for-organisations/manager-support target_self classpx-6 py-2 text-base font-medium tracking-wider text-white uppercase button-styled bg-primary>Manager support/a> /div> /div> div classprose prose-lg text-primary> p>Wellbeing support is a valuable resource for all organisations. Our support enables employees to address personal and professional challenges, enhance their wellbeing, and promotes happiness and productivity in your workplace. We will work with you to create a supportive environment that encourages employees to seek help when needed./p> /div> /div>/section>!-- Green card panel (page block) -->section classmy-12 md:fluid-container> ul classbg-#04c77926 md:rounded-3xl p-6 grid lg:grid-cols-2 gap-6> li classflex flex-col items-center gap-8 p-6 bg-white shadow-2xl sm:flex-row shadow-primary/10 rounded-3xl> div classleading-snug prose text-primary> h2>Counselling/h2> p>It can be beneficial to talk through a work or personal issue with someone who is impartial, and trained to assist others to overcome what’s troubling them./p> /div> img src/files/1727389268_couselling.png classbg-#43b02a26 rounded-xl object-cover shrink-0 sm:h-full w-full sm:w-40%> /li> li classflex flex-col items-center gap-8 p-6 bg-white shadow-2xl sm:flex-row shadow-primary/10 rounded-3xl> div classleading-snug prose text-primary> h2>Health Coaching/h2> p>EAP provide health coaching services including fitness, nutrition, sleep, heart and quit smoking services to support holistic wellbeing./p> /div> img src/files/1727395162_Habit_Health_Illustrations__Workout_Intensity.png classbg-#04a9c726 rounded-xl object-cover shrink-0 sm:h-full w-full sm:w-40%> /li> li classflex flex-col items-center gap-8 p-6 bg-white shadow-2xl sm:flex-row shadow-primary/10 rounded-3xl> div classleading-snug prose text-primary> h2>Learning Services/h2> p>Our Learning Services team provide workplace wellbeing education, support and resources on a wide range of topics to organisations across Aotearoa./p> /div> img src/files/1727395238_Habit_Health_Illustrations__Group_Support.png classbg-#43b02a26 rounded-xl object-cover shrink-0 sm:h-full w-full sm:w-40%> /li> li classflex flex-col items-center gap-8 p-6 bg-white shadow-2xl sm:flex-row shadow-primary/10 rounded-3xl> div classleading-snug prose text-primary> h2>Leadership Mentoring/h2> p>Leadership Mentoring is designed to provide leaders with guidance and insights to help them navigate the complexities of leadership and develop critical thinking skills./p> /div> img src/files/1729736321_leadership-mentoring.png classbg-#04a9c726 rounded-xl object-cover shrink-0 sm:h-full w-full sm:w-40%> /li> li classflex flex-col items-center gap-8 p-6 bg-white shadow-2xl sm:flex-row shadow-primary/10 rounded-3xl> div classleading-snug prose text-primary> h2>Financial & Legal/h2> p>The EAP Guidance team can provide practical advice and tools in a relaxed and easy to understand manner to help you achieve and maintain financial and legal wellbeing./p> /div> img src/files/1727395238_Habit_Health_Illustrations__Clipboard.png classbg-#43b02a26 rounded-xl object-cover shrink-0 sm:h-full w-full sm:w-40%> /li> li classp-6 space-y-6> div classprose text-primary> h2>Bring balance to life with EAP/h2> p>EAP Services provide a range of services and to support your team and their whanau with any work or life issues that may impact them./p> /div> a href/contact target_self classpx-6 py-2 text-base font-medium tracking-wider text-white uppercase button-styled bg-primary>Contact us today/a> /li> /ul>/section>!-- Chart feature (page block) -->section classmy-12 md:fluid-container> div classbg-#effeff md:rounded-3xl p-8 grid lg:grid-cols-2 gap-8 items-center> div classorder-last p-8 bg-white shadow-xl rounded-3xl shadow-primary/10 md:order-first> figure class> h2 classpb-4 text-2xl font-bold text-center text-primary>Work Issues/h2> div classrelative max-w-full mx-auto md:max-w-md chart-container> canvas idchart5>/canvas> /div> script typemodule> (function() { const config { type: doughnut, data: { labels: Career,Conditions,Work Load,Conflict with Manager,Performance,Conflict with Colleague , datasets: { data: 2478,2478,734,784,433,344, backgroundColor: #43b02a,#005776,#04a9c7,#47888a,#f65275,#eeec77, } }, options: { plugins: { deferred: { xOffset: 150, // defer until 150px of the canvas width are inside the viewport yOffset: 50%, // defer until 50% of the canvas height are inside the viewport delay: 500 // delay of 500 ms after the canvas is considered inside the viewport } }, beforeInit: function(chart) { // Get reference to the original fit function const originalFit; // Override the fit function function fit() { // Call original function and bind scope in order to use `this` correctly inside it originalFit.bind(chart.legend)(); // Change the height as suggested in another answers this.height + 15; } }, aspectRatio: 1.15, datalabels: false, animation: { duration: 3000 }, cutout: 50%, borderRadius: 10, spacing: 3, } }; const percentage; initializeChart(chart5, config); })(); /script> /figure> /div> div class> h2 classtext-3xl font-bold leading-tight md:text-5xl text-primary>Our new reporting portal will show you:/h2> div classmy-6 prose prose-lg text-primary &_ul_li:my-1 marker:text-primary > ul> li>Month-by-month usage rates/li> li>Clinical trends over time, like whether your staff’s wellbeing is improving/li> li>Average length of support programmes/li> li>Feedback data on how your staff feel about our services/li> li>Use of additional services such as Alcohol and Other Drug intervention programmes/li> li>b>And much more.../b>/li>/ul> /div> a href/eap-for-organisations target_self classpx-6 py-2 text-base font-medium tracking-wider text-white uppercase button-styled bg-brand-green>Learn more/a> /div> /div>/section>!-- Home carousel (page block) -->!-- Include SwiperJS CSS and JS -->link relstylesheet href />script src>/script>section classmy-12 md:fluid-container x-dataswiperController()> div classgrid gap-12 p-6 md:p-12 md:gap-24 bg-primary md:grid-cols-2 md:rounded-3xl> div> h2 classtext-3xl text-white md:text-5xl> Prioritise wellbeing with b>habithealth/b>span classtext-brand-green>b>+/b>/span> /h2> div classmt-4 font-medium leading-tight prose prose-lg prose-invert> p>As part of our EAP service, you can now access habithealth+. A new support app designed to provide 24/7 wellbeing support./p> /div> div classh-full mt-8> ul> li classtransition slide-item rounded-2xl group hover:ring-2 ring-white/50 hover:cursor-pointer data-slide-index0> div classp-6> h3 classtext-2xl font-bold text-brand-blue>Manage your health on the move/h3> p classhidden>Habithealth+ integrates with your devices to access insights about your wellbeing./p> /div> /li> li classtransition slide-item rounded-2xl group hover:ring-2 ring-white/50 hover:cursor-pointer data-slide-index1> div classp-6> h3 classtext-2xl font-bold text-brand-blue>Customise notifications to boost motivation/h3> p classhidden>Get your life back on track and moving forwards./p> /div> /li> li classtransition slide-item rounded-2xl group hover:ring-2 ring-white/50 hover:cursor-pointer data-slide-index2> div classp-6> h3 classtext-2xl font-bold text-brand-blue>Manage regular check-ins/h3> p classhidden>Book a session with a counsellor and access support when needed./p> /div> 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