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Types of Car Flags/a> ul classsub_ul> li>a classpage-scroll href#sub_magn> Magnetic car flagpoles/a>/li> li>a classpage-scroll href#sub_fender> Fender-mounted/a>/li> li>a classpage-scroll href#sub_between> Mounted between fender & hood/a>/li> li>a classpage-scroll href#sub_suction> Suction mount/a>/li> li>a classpage-scroll href#special_mers> Special flagpoles/a>/li> /ul> /li> li>a classpage-scroll href#choose>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i> How to choose? /a>/li> li>a classpage-scroll href#how_many>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i> Quantity needed/a>/li> li>a classpage-scroll href#who_is_using>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i> Who is using?/a>/li> li>a classpage-scroll href#where_buy>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i> Online-Shops/a>/li> li>a classpage-scroll href#get_more_info>i classfa fa-chevron-right>/i> More info/a>/li> li> h4>Get More Information/h4> hr> br> div idmc_embed_signup> form action// methodpost idmc-embedded-subscribe-form namemc-embedded-subscribe-form classvalidate 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informations about diplomatic car flags .../strong> !--p>As we all know how important that first impression is, so we’ve put together this list of the best vehicle flag systems of all types to represent your nation or organization. br /> They are all manufactured exclusively in Germany, the country you know for great luxury cars like Mercedes, Audi, BMW, Porsche and VW./p>--> /a> /div> div classwrapper padding15> div idmain_types classmain_types> div classrow> div classcol-md-4> a classpage-scroll href#sub_magn> h3>Magnetic car flag poles/h3> img srcimg/magnetic-button.jpg /> /a> /div> div classcol-md-4> a classpage-scroll href#sub_fender> h3>Mounted to the fender/h3> img srcimg/fender-button.jpg /> /a> /div> div classcol-md-4> a classpage-scroll href#sub_between> h3>Mounted between fender and hood/h3> img srcimg/between-button.jpg /> /a> /div> /div> div classpadding15>/div> div classrow> div classcol-md-4> a classpage-scroll href#sub_suction> h3>Suction mount/h3> img srcimg/special-1-button.jpg /> /a> /div> div classcol-md-4> a classpage-scroll href#special_mers> h3>Special car flags/h3> img srcimg/special-2-button.jpg /> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- MAIN TYPES END --> div iddetails classwrapper padding15> div classmajor_details> h2>i classfa fa-chevron-circle-right>/i>Overview: Car Flag Poles/h2> div classseparator>/div> /div> div classmedia padding10> div classmedia-right padding10> a classpage-scroll href#sub_magn> img classmedia-object srcimg/magnetic-button.jpg /> /a> /div> div classmedia-body padding10> a classpage-scroll href#sub_magn> h3 classmedia-heading>Magnetic Car Flag Poles/h3> /a> ul classbay_ul> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Super Magnet adheres up to 130 km/h, 80 mph/li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Rubber protects your cars paint/li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Can be mounted and dismounted very quickly, no drilling/li> /ul> /div> /div> div classmedia padding10> div classmedia-right padding10> a classpage-scroll href#sub_fender> img classmedia-object srcimg/fender-button.jpg /> /a> /div> div classmedia-body padding10> a classpage-scroll href#sub_fender> h3 classmedia-heading>Fender-Mounted Car Flags/h3> /a> ul classbay_ul> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Bayonet-mounted upper-class pennant holder/li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Drilled and screwed to the fender/li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Like Audi, BMW and Mercedes models/li> /ul> /div> /div> div classmedia padding10> div classmedia-right padding10> a classpage-scroll href#sub_between> img classmedia-object srcimg/between-button.jpg /> /a> /div> div classmedia-body padding10> a classpage-scroll href#sub_between> h3 classmedia-heading>Car Flags Mounted between Fender and Hood/h3> /a> ul classbay_ul> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Bolted between hood and fender/li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Screwed in below the hood with small screws/li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Nearly perfectly removable when you sell your car/li> /ul> /div> /div> div classmedia padding10> div classmedia-right padding10> a classpage-scroll href#sub_suction> img classmedia-object srcimg/special-1-button.jpg /> /a> /div> div classmedia-body padding10> a classpage-scroll href#sub_suction> h3 classmedia-heading>Car Flags with Suction Mount/h3> /a> ul classbay_ul> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Pennant Holder with suction cup for your car flag/li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Can be mounted on any flat surface/li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Usable for slow speeds & short drives/li> /ul> /div> /div> div classmedia padding10> div classmedia-right padding10> a classpage-scroll href#special_mers> img classmedia-object srcimg/special-2-button.jpg /> /a> /div> div classmedia-body padding10> a classpage-scroll href#special_mers> h3 classmedia-heading>Special Car Flags/h3> /a> ul classbay_ul> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Model available replacing the Mercedes-Star/li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Model mounted below the Rolls Royce Emily/li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>b>.../b>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> !-- MAIN TYPES END --> div classwrapper padding15> div iddetailes classmajor_details> h2>i classfa fa-chevron-circle-right>/i>Major Car Flag Poles in Detail/h2> div classseparator>/div> /div> div classwrapper padding20> h3 idsub_magn classtypes>i classfa fa-check-circle-o>/i> Magnetic Car Flag Poles/h3> Magnetic car flags are a great solution if you want to have flagpoles that can be removed quickly and doesn’t need to be drilled into your automobile. br /> You can use magnetic car flags if the hood of your vehicle is made of steel. br /> The maximum speed depends on the height of the flag pole, the strength of the magnet, and the weight of the mounted flag. br /> /div> div classwrapper padding20> table> tr> th>i>Magnetic Car Flag Poles/i>/th> th>Diplomat-1.30 series/th> th>Diplomat-1 series/th> th>other models/th> /tr> tr> th>Max Speed in km/h/th> td>130 km/h/td> td>100 km/h/td> td>80 km/h or less/td> /tr> tr> th>Max Speed in mph/th> td>80 mph/td> td>60 mph/td> td>50 mph or less/td> /tr> tr> th>Height/th> td>around 40cm/td> td>around 40cm/td> td>(very) small/td> /tr> tr> th>Magnet/th> td>rubber coated magnet protects your car paint/td> td>rubber coated magnet protects your car paint/td> td>magnet damaging your car paint/td> /tr> tr> th>Category/th> td>Luxury/td> td>Economy/td> td>You wont use it/td> /tr> /table> /div> div classwrapper padding20 highlight> h4>The best available magnetic car flagpole: Diplomat-1.30-Chrome/h4> The Diplomat-1.30-Series car flags are about 40cm tall, and you could drive 130 km/h, 80 mph with a 20g polyester flag. br /> The Diplomat-1.30-Chrome is high polished and finished in Chrome. This model is used by ambassadors and embassies all over the world. It is also available in gold as the Diplomat-1.30-Gold and finished with black chrome as the Diplomat-1.30-Black. br /> br /> div idimages-carousel-4 classcarousel slide data-ridecarousel data-pausehover> !-- Wrapper for slides --> div classcarousel-inner rolelistbox> div classitem active> img srcimg/680x300/diplomat-1.30-chrome.jpg /> div classcarousel-caption> /div> /div> div classitem> img srcimg/680x300/diplomat-1.30-chrome-us.jpg loadinglazy /> div classcarousel-caption> /div> /div> div classitem> img srcimg/680x300/diplomat-1.30-chrome-at.jpg loadinglazy /> div classcarousel-caption> /div> /div> /div> !-- Controls --> a classleft carousel-control href#images-carousel-4 rolebutton data-slideprev> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>Previous/span> /a> a classright carousel-control href#images-carousel-4 rolebutton data-slidenext> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>Next/span> /a> /div> br /> br /> /div> div classwrapper padding20> div classtech_det> h4>Diplomat-1-Series/h4> a classwhite href/downloads/DiplomatFlagsSaftyInstructions.pdf targetDiplomatFlagsSaftyInstructions>Download Diplomat-1 Safety Instructions here/a> br /> h5 classwhite>Technical Detailsi classfa fa-caret-square-o-down>/i>/h5> table> tr> th> Total height /th> td> 37 cm /td> td> 14.57 inch /td> td> 1.21 feet /td> /tr> tr> th> Height magnet /th> td> 0,85 cm /td> td> 0.33 inch /td> td> 0.2 feet /td> /tr> tr> th> Height link /th> td> 6,1 cm /td> td> 2.4 inch /td> td> 0.2 feet /td> /tr> tr> th> Height pole /th> td> 28 cm /td> td> 11.02 inch /td> td> 0.92 feet /td> /tr> tr> td> /td> td> /td> td> /td> td> /td> /tr> tr> th> Diameter magnet /th> td> 8,8 cm /td> td> 3.46 inch /td> td> 0.29 feet /td> /tr> tr> th> Diameter link /th> td> 1,8 cm /td> td> 0.71 inch /td> td> 0.06 feet /td> /tr> tr> th> Diameter pole /th> td> 0,6 cm /td> td> 0.24 inch /td> td> 0.02 feet /td> /tr> tr> th> Diameter ball /th> td> 2,5 cm or 3cm /td> td> 1 inch OR 1.2 inch /td> td> 0.08 feet OR 0.1 feet /td> /tr> tr> td> /td> td> /td> td> /td> td> /td> /tr> tr> th> Material of the link and the leverage /th> td colspan3> stainless steel, polished /td> /tr> tr> th> Material magnet /th> td colspan3> NdFeB, bounded with Santoprene, which texture is like rubber. For this reason, our car flags are of high resistance to atmospheric corrosion and excellent suitable for outdoor actions. /td> /tr> /table> /div> br> h4>Usage examples/h4> br> div idvideos-carousel classcarousel slide data-ridecarousel data-pausehover> !-- Wrapper for slides --> div classcarousel-inner rolelistbox> div classitem active> iframe classvid_iframe width100% height360px; src frameborder0 allowfullscreen idiframe1>/iframe> /div> div classitem> iframe classvid_iframe width100% height360px; src frameborder0 allowfullscreen idiframe2>/iframe> /div> div classitem> iframe classvid_iframe width100% height360px; src frameborder0 allowfullscreen idiframe3>/iframe> /div> /div> !-- Controls --> a classleft carousel-control href#videos-carousel rolebutton data-slideprev> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>Previous/span> /a> a classright carousel-control href#videos-carousel rolebutton data-slidenext> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>Next/span> /a> /div> br /> br /> br /> div idimages-carousel-1 classcarousel slide data-ridecarousel data-pausehover> !-- Wrapper for slides --> div classcarousel-inner rolelistbox> div classitem active> img srcimg/680x300/diplomat-1.30-chrome.jpg /> div classcarousel-caption> /div> /div> div classitem> img srcimg/680x300/diplomat-1.30-chrome-us.jpg loadinglazy /> div classcarousel-caption> /div> /div> div classitem> img srcimg/680x300/diplomat-1.30-chrome-at.jpg loadinglazy /> div classcarousel-caption> /div> /div> div classitem> img srcimg/680x300/diplomat-1.30-chrome-super-magnet.jpg loadinglazy /> div classcarousel-caption> /div> /div> div classitem> img srcimg/680x300/oldtimer.jpg /> div classcarousel-caption> /div> /div> /div> !-- Controls --> a classleft carousel-control href#images-carousel-1 rolebutton data-slideprev> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>Previous/span> /a> a classright carousel-control href#images-carousel-1 rolebutton data-slidenext> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>Next/span> /a> /div> div classseparator>/div> h3 idsub_fender classtypes>i classfa fa-check-circle-o>/i> Fender-Mounted Car Flags/h3> Car Flags mounted on the fender are the premium luxury solution you get, when you buy a Mercedes, Audi or BMW presidential car. Most of these car flagpoles you cannot exchange between different cars. br /> br />i>So, here is the best flexible solution:/i> br /> br /> div classwrapper padding20 highlight> h4>Best Luxury Car Flag Pole Series: The Diplomat-Bayonet Series/h4> ul classbay_ul> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Premium luxury pennant holder with bayonet mount/li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>The professional appearance is perfect for official purposes/li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Can be mounted and dismounted very quickly/li> li>span classwhite>See video:/span>/li> /ul> /div> br> iframe width100% height360px src frameborder0 allowfullscreen>/iframe> br> br> div idimages-carousel-2 classcarousel slide data-ridecarousel data-pausehover> !-- Wrapper for slides --> div classcarousel-inner rolelistbox> div classitem active> img srcimg/680x300/diplomat-bayonet-chrome.jpg /> div classcarousel-caption> ... /div> /div> div classitem> img srcimg/680x300/diplomat-bayonet-chrome-eu.jpg loadinglazy /> div classcarousel-caption> ... /div> /div> div classitem> img srcimg/680x300/diplomat-bayonet-chrome-sheriff.jpg loadinglazy /> div classcarousel-caption> ... /div> /div> div classitem> img srcimg/680x300/airport-pickup.jpg loadinglazy /> div classcarousel-caption> ... /div> /div> /div> !-- Controls --> a classleft carousel-control href#images-carousel-2 rolebutton data-slideprev> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>Previous/span> /a> a classright carousel-control href#images-carousel-2 rolebutton data-slidenext> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>Next/span> /a> /div> br> br> h4>Diplomat-Bayonet series: First-time installation/h4> a classwhite href/downloads/diplomat-bayonet-mounting-instructions.pdf>Download Diplomat Bayonet Mounting Instructions here/a> br /> div classseparator>/div> h3 idsub_between classtypes>i classfa fa-check-circle-o>/i> Car Flags mounted between the fender and the hood/h3> For your utmost flexibility, these car flags are provided with a Z-angle and five screw holes, to let you easily screw the flagstaffs under your hood. br> video autoplay loop muted playsinline> source srcimg/flying-z-680.mp4 width680px height382px typevideo/mp4> /video> br> h4>Car Flag Pole Diplomat-Z Series/h4> The Diplomat-Z-series comes with a Z-shaped bracket, you could mount between the fender and the hood. There is a standard Z-bracket, you could adjust for nearly every car. If you have a Mercedes-Benz S-Class or E-Class, Audi A8 or BMW 7, ask for special formed Z-brackets, fitting to this auto. br> br> div idimages-carousel-3 classcarousel slide data-ridecarousel data-pausehover> !-- Wrapper for slides --> div classcarousel-inner rolelistbox> div classitem active> img srcimg/680x300/diplomat-z.jpg /> div classcarousel-caption> ... /div> /div> div classitem> img srcimg/680x300/diplomat-z-chrome-ie.jpg loadinglazy /> div classcarousel-caption> ... /div> /div> div classitem> img srcimg/680x300/diplomat-z-chrome-jp.jpg loadinglazy /> div classcarousel-caption> ... /div> /div> div classitem> img srcimg/680x300/diplomat-z-chrome-staatsbesuch.jpg loadinglazy /> div classcarousel-caption> ... /div> /div> /div> !-- Controls --> a classleft carousel-control href#images-carousel-3 rolebutton data-slideprev> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>Previous/span> /a> a classright carousel-control href#images-carousel-3 rolebutton data-slidenext> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>Next/span> /a> /div> br> br> div classtech_det> h5 classwhite>Technical Detailsi classfa fa-caret-square-o-down>/i>/h5> table> tr> th> Total height of flag pole /th> td> 37 cm /td> td> 14.57 inch /td> td> 1.21 feet /td> /tr> tr> th> Height link /th> td> 6,1 cm /td> td> 2.4 inch /td> td> 0.2 feet /td> /tr> tr> th> Height mast /th> td> 28 cm /td> td> 11.02 inch /td> td> 0.92 feet /td> /tr> tr> td> /td> td> /td> td> /td> td> /td> /tr> tr> th> Hight Z-angle /th> td> 5 cm /td> td> 2 inch /td> td> 0.16 feet /td> /tr> tr> td> /td> td> /td> td> /td> td> /td> /tr> tr> th> Material of the flag pole /th> td colspan3> stainless steel, polished /td> /tr> /table> /div> /div> div classwrapper padding20> div classseparator>/div> h3 idsub_suction classtypes>i classfa fa-check-circle-o>/i> Suction-mount car flags: Diplomat-Air/h3> This pennant holder has a suction cup for easy vehicle mounting. Thanks to the lever on the suction cup, it’s very easy to create a vacuum and get good suction. For safety reasons, car flagpoles with suction cups are NOT considered appropriate traffic on public roadways. br> br> div idimages-carousel-5 classcarousel slide data-ridecarousel data-pausehover> !-- Wrapper for slides --> div classcarousel-inner rolelistbox> div classitem active> img srcimg/680x300/diplomat-air-bentley.jpg /> div classcarousel-caption> /div> /div> div classitem> img srcimg/680x300/diplomat-air-mercedes.jpg loadinglazy /> div classcarousel-caption> /div> /div> div classitem> img srcimg/680x300/diplomat-air.jpg loadinglazy /> div classcarousel-caption> /div> /div> /div> !-- Controls --> a classleft carousel-control href#images-carousel-5 rolebutton data-slideprev> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>Previous/span> /a> a classright carousel-control href#images-carousel-5 rolebutton data-slidenext> span classglyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right aria-hiddentrue>/span> span classsr-only>Next/span> /a> /div> /div> div classwrapper padding20> div classseparator>/div> h3 idspecial_mers classtypes>i classfa fa-check-circle-o>/i> Special auto flag poles for Mercedes-Benz/h3> To enable the simplest possible change between the Mercedes-Star and the Diplomat-Star car flag pole, the Diplomat-Star comes with the same base as the Mercedes-Star. br> br> img classimg-responsive srcimg/mercedes-diplomat-star.jpg /> br> br> There are also special Z-brackets available to mount the Diplomat-Z-series without drilling to Mercedes limos like the S-Class or the E-Class. /div> br> br> div idchoose classhow_to_choose> h2>i classfa fa-chevron-circle-right>/i> How to choose the best flag pole for your car? /h2> div classseparator>/div> div classwrapper padding20> span classwhite>The following information will help to make the best choice for your specific needs:/span> br> ul> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>If you need the best solution like we attach them to luxury Mercedes, Audi or BMW, then choose the Diplomat-Bayonet series./li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>If you do not want to drill into your car and your hood is made of steel, then choose the Diplomat-1.30 series./li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>If you do not want to drill into your fender, but your hood is made of non-steel material, such as aluminum, titanium or plastic, then the Diplomat-Z series might work for you./li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>If you do not want to drill anything into your car, but your hood is made of non-steel material, such as aluminum, titanium or plastic, then the Diplomat-Air might work for you./li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>If you do not want to drill anything and you have a modern Mercedes, then you could use the Diplomat-Star./li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>If you like the Diplomat-1.30-series but want to save some money, check out for the more speed-limited version with a smaller magnet: the Diplomat-1 series./li> /ul> br> div classwrapper padding20 highlight> h3>Should I get the Steel, Chrome, Black Chrome, or Golden Car Flagpoles? /h3> ul> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>If the car is for an embassy, take the Chrome version. Almost all embassies use this version./li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>If you are expecting guests from an Arabic nation, choose the gold-plated car flagpoles./li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>If you want to attach the flagpoles to a military vehicle, the Black-Chrome finished version might be the best choice./li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>If you need the most economical model, the steel version without any finishing might work for you./li> /ul> /div> br> h3>Available Diplomat-Flags models/h3> table> tr> th>Steel/th> th>Chrome/th> th>Black/th> th>Gilded/th> /tr> tr> td>Diplomat-1.30/td> td>Diplomat-1.30-Chrome/td> td>Diplomat-1.30-Black/td> td>Diplomat-1.30-Gold/td> /tr> tr> td>Diplomat-1/td> td>Diplomat-1-Chrome/td> td>Diplomat-1-Black/td> td>Diplomat-1-Gold/td> /tr> tr> td>Diplomat-Z/td> td>Diplomat-Z-Chrome/td> td>Diplomat-Z-Black/td> td>Diplomat-Z-Gold/td> /tr> tr> td>Diplomat-Bayonet/td> td>Diplomat-Bayonet-Chrome/td> td>Diplomat-Bayonet-Black/td> td>Diplomat-Bayonet-Gold/td> /tr> tr> td>Diplomat-Air/td> td>/td> td>/td> td>/td> /tr> tr> td>/td> td>Diplomat-Star/td> td>/td> td>/td> /tr> tr> th>Economy/th> th>center>.../center>/th> th>center>.../center>/th> th>Premium Luxury/th> /tr> /table> br> All the models on this list - even the economy models - are exclusive auto accessories for showing your flags and banners and are much more long-lasting and professional-looking than every plastic car window flags, tailgate flags or antenna flags. br> /div> /div> !-- HOW TO CHOOSE END --> div idhow_many classhow_many> h2>i classfa fa-chevron-circle-right>/i> How many flagpoles do I need for my car?/h2> div classseparator>/div> div classwrapper padding20> Whether you need one or two car flags depends on your specific situation. But generally speaking, it’s good to be able to fly two flags. The following rules will fit most countries’ flag protocols: br /> br /> div classwrapper padding20 highlight> h3>Which flags should I fly?/h3> If you drive on the right side of the road, the following general rules will /> If you drive on the left side of the road, then simply reverse left and right. ul> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>The host official (who owns the car) usually sits on the right-hand side of the back seat, so his country’s flag should be mounted on the front-right./li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>A guest official will usually sit on the left-hand side of the back seat, so his country’s flag should be mounted on the front-left./li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>If you aren’t planning on having any guests in your car, you could mount your country’s flag on both the front-right and front-left. Or if you have a personal office flag, you might want to use this on the front-left. For example, Presidential Flags could be mounted front-left./li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> !-- HOW MANY I NEED END --> div idwho_is_using classwho_is_using> h2>i classfa fa-chevron-circle-right>/i> Who uses this car flags?/h2> div classseparator>/div> div classwrapper padding20> h3>Notable Persons/h3> hr> div classrow presidents> div classcol-md-2 center>img classimg-responsive srcimg/Obama.jpg />span>Obamabr/>(USA)/span>/div> div classcol-md-2 center>img classimg-responsive srcimg/Merkel.jpg />span>Merkelbr/>(Germany)/span>/div> div classcol-md-2 center>img classimg-responsive srcimg/ind_pres.jpg />span>Mukherjeebr/>(India)/span>/div> div classcol-md-2 center>img classimg-responsive srcimg/brit_queen.jpg />span>Elizabeth>(Commonwealth)/span>/div> div classcol-md-2 center>img classimg-responsive srcimg/prince_monaco.jpg />span>Albert>(Monaco)/span>/div> /div> br /> br /> div classinstitutions> h3>International Organizations/h3> hr> div classrow> div classcol-md-3> img classreferences img-responsive srcimg/references/un.png> /div> div classcol-md-3> img classreferences img-responsive srcimg/references/oecd.png> /div> div classcol-md-3> img classreferences img-responsive srcimg/references/eu.png> /div> /div> /div> br /> br /> h3>Foreign State Departments/h3> hr> div> div classrow> div classcol-md-3>img classreferences srcimg/references/fco.png />/div> div classcol-md-3>img classreferences srcimg/references/us.png />/div> div classcol-md-3>img classreferences srcimg/references/ch.png />/div> div classcol-md-3>img classreferences srcimg/references/es.png />/div> div classcol-md-4>img classreferences srcimg/references/de.png />/div> div classcol-md-4>img classreferences srcimg/references/au.png />/div> div classcol-md-4>img classreferences srcimg/references/no.png />/div> /div> /div> h3>Other Common Uses/h3> hr> ul> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Embassies and Ministries/li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Advertising & taxi promotional/li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Fans/li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Movie producers/li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Classic Car Owners/li> li>i classfa fa-flag>/i>Funeral Cars/li> /ul> /div> /div> !-- WHO IS USING END --> div idwhere_buy classwhere_buy wrapper> h2>i classfa fa-chevron-circle-right>/i> Where can I buy premium car flags?/h2> div classseparator>/div> div classwrapper padding20> h3>Car Flag Shops and Retailers/h3> The following car flag stores offer all Diplomat-Flags car flagpoles and all country flags to fit these flagpoles. Many local flags and the flags of most international organisations are available, too. Custom car flags are printed on request and can be ordered online at these shops. Ask for the custom flag bunting that fits your needs. br> br> table classborder_none> tr> td classurl>a href titleCar Flags Shop in Euro>>/td> td>English/td> td>img srcimg/blank.gif classflag flag-gb altUS English>/td> td classval>€/td> /tr> tr> td classurl>a href titleCar Flags Shop in USD>>/td> td>English/td> td>img srcimg/blank.gif classflag flag-us altUS English>/td> td classval>$/td> /tr> tr> td classurl>a href titleDrapeaux Auto Shop en Euros>>/td> td>Français/td> td>img srcimg/blank.gif classflag flag-fr altFrench>/td> td classval>€/td> /tr> tr> td classurl>a href titleBanderas de coches Shop en Euros>>/td> td>Español/td> td>img srcimg/blank.gif classflag flag-es altEspanol>/td> td classval>€/td> /tr> tr> td classurl>a href titleAutofahnen Shop in Euros>>/td> td>Deutsch/td> td>img srcimg/blank.gif classflag flag-de altDeutsch>/td> td classval>€/td> /tr> tr> td classurl>a href titleNegozio Bandiera per Auto in Euro>>/td> td>Italiano/td> td>img srcimg/blank.gif classflag flag-it altItaliano>/td> td classval>€/td> /tr> /table> hr> table classborder_none> tr> td classurl>a href titleCar Flags Shop in USD>>/td> td>English/td> td>img srcimg/blank.gif classflag flag-us altUS English>/td> td classval>$/td> /tr> tr> td classurl>a href titleCar Flags Shop in GBP>>/td> td>English/td> td>img srcimg/blank.gif classflag flag-gb altEnglish>/td> td classval>£/td> /tr> tr> td classurl>a href titleAutofahnen Shop in Euro>>/td> td>Deutsch/td> td>img srcimg/blank.gif classflag flag-de altDeutsch>/td> td classval>€/td> /tr> tr> td classurl>a href titleAutoflaggen Shop in Euro>>/td> td>Deutsch/td> td>img srcimg/blank.gif classflag flag-at altDeutsch>/td> td classval>€/td> /tr> tr> td classurl>a href titleAutofahnen Shop in SFr.>>/td> td>Deutsch/td> td>img srcimg/blank.gif classflag flag-ch altSchweizer Deutsch>/td> td classval>Fr/td> /tr> /table> /div> /div> !-- WHERE TO BUY END --> /div> !-- DETAILS END --> div idget_more_info classget_more_info wrapper padding20> h2>i classfa fa-chevron-circle-right>/i> Where could I get more information?/h2> div classseparator>/div> div classwrapper padding20> h3>We would be happy to send you more information. br>Simply enter your email./h3> !-- Begin MailChimp Signup Form --> link href// relstylesheet typetext/css> div idmc_embed_signup> form action// methodpost idmc-embedded-subscribe-form namemc-embedded-subscribe-form classvalidate target_blank novalidate> div idmc_embed_signup_scroll> div classmc-field-group> label formce-EMAIL> Enter your Email Address /label> input typeemail value nameEMAIL classrequired email idmce-EMAIL> /div> div idmce-responses classclear> div classresponse idmce-error-response styledisplay:none>/div> div classresponse idmce-success-response styledisplay:none>/div> /div> !-- real people should not fill this in and expect good things - do not remove this or risk form bot signups--> div styleposition: absolute; left: -5000px;> input typetext nameb_868eb7ff95b06403b6a39d8eb_948c9bc7a4 tabindex-1 value> /div> div classclear> input typesubmit valueSubscribe for free namesubscribe idmc-embedded-subscribe classbutton> /div> /div> input typecheckbox namegroup198651 value1 checked styledisplay:none;> /form> /div> /div> !--End mc_embed_signup--> div classseparator>/div> div classwrapper padding20> h3>Contact us/h3> p> magFlags GmbH, Bei der Zehntscheuer 22/2, 73650 Winterbach, Germany br>, Tel: +49 7151 133 91 31, Fax: +49 7151 133 91 99 br> CEO, Geschäftsführer: Matthias Jaekle, Handelsregister: HRB 728610, Amtsgericht Stuttgart br> VAT / TVA / UmSt. ID: DE815041217, a relnofollow classlink href>Privacy/a> /p> /div> /div> !-- MORE INFO END --> /div> /div> /div> script typetext/javascript> var tag document.createElement(script); tag.src //; var firstScriptTag document.getElementsByTagName(script)0; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); // Create YouTube player(s) after the API code downloads. var player1; var player2; var player3; function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() { player1 new YT.Player(iframe1); player2 new YT.Player(iframe2); player3 new YT.Player(iframe3); } /script> !-- begin Convert Experiments code-->script typetext/javascript>var _conv_host ((https: document.location.protocol) ? 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