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Our culture embodies the core beliefs and dynamic interactions shaping how our management and employees drive business transactions. Embracing global quality standards, we seamlessly integrate human capital, premium facilities, cutting-edge tech, and operational excellence into our service delivery. /p> /div> div classrow gy-4 mt-2> div classcol-sm-4 col-4> div classcounterup-item> div classcounterup-item__number> h2 classcounterup-item__title> span classodometer data-odometer-final270>/span>span stylefont-size: 0.8em;>/span> /h2> /div> p classpara>Collective Headcount/p> /div>/div>div classcol-sm-4 col-4> div classcounterup-item> div classcounterup-item__number> h2 classcounterup-item__title> span classodometer data-odometer-final250>/span>span stylefont-size: 0.8em;>/span> /h2> /div> p classpara>Scalable Seats/p> /div>/div>div classcol-sm-4 col-4> div classcounterup-item> div classcounterup-item__number> h2 classcounterup-item__title> span classodometer data-odometer-final50>/span>span stylefont-size: 0.8em;>%/span> /h2> /div> p classpara>Of Revenue In USD/p> /div>/div>div classcol-sm-4 col-4> div classcounterup-item> div classcounterup-item__number> h2 classcounterup-item__title> span classodometer data-odometer-final12>/span>span stylefont-size: 0.8em;>/span> /h2> /div> p classpara>Key Clients/p> /div>/div>div classcol-sm-4 col-4> div classcounterup-item> div classcounterup-item__number> h2 classcounterup-item__title> span classodometer data-odometer-final12>/span>span stylefont-size: 0.8em;>+/span> /h2> /div> p classpara>Serviced Global Countries/p> /div>/div>div classcol-sm-4 col-4> div classcounterup-item> div classcounterup-item__number> h2 classcounterup-item__title> span classodometer data-odometer-final8>/span>span stylefont-size: 0.8em;>/span> /h2> /div> p classpara>Years of Experience/p> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classanim_section_item features> div classanim_section_text> div classfeatures-two-right anim_section_title> div classsection-heading style-two> h2 classsection-heading__title>ATHEAR’Sbr />SUCCESSbr />SYMPHONY/h2> p classsection-heading__desc> Since 2018, Athear has been pioneering cloud-based CX solutions, proficiently managing diverse operations within the MEA region in four languages. Trusted by key multinationals and select corporates across diverse industries, our ISO-certified and fully insured operations are housed in a state-of-the-art facility. Elevate your business standards with Athear, where professionalism converges with innovation. /p> ul> ul>li>Pioneering cloud-based CX solutions since 2018/li>li>Proficiently managing diverse operations in four languages within the MEA region/li>li>Trusted by key multinationals and select corporates across diverse industries/li>/ul> /ul> /div> /div> /div> div classanim_section_img> img src/media/dbejsaq5/cx_1.png alt2> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- About Start Here --> section classabout-two pt-120 pb-60 mobile-section> div classcontainer-fluid> div classrow justify-content-between align-items-center gy-5> div classcol-lg-6 about-img-left> div classabout-two-thumb> div classabout-two-thumb__img> img src/media/li5ptndw/careers_1.png> /div> !--img src~/images/home-02/about-img-border.png alt classabout-border>--> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-5 about-content-right> div classabout-right ps-lg-3> div classsection-heading style-two> h5 classsection-heading__top-title>About Us/h5> h2 classsection-heading__title>Athear in A Nutshell/h2> p classsection-heading__desc> At Athear, we infuse passion into every service element, sparking a blend of energy, creativity, and innovation. Our culture embodies the core beliefs and dynamic interactions shaping how our management and employees drive business transactions. Embracing global quality standards, we seamlessly integrate human capital, premium facilities, cutting-edge tech, and operational excellence into our service delivery. /p> /div> div classrow gy-4 mt-2> div classcol-sm-4 col-4> div classcounterup-item> div classcounterup-item__number> h2 classcounterup-item__title> span classodometer data-odometer-final270>/span>span stylefont-size: 0.8em;>/span> /h2> /div> p classpara>Collective Headcount/p> /div>/div>div classcol-sm-4 col-4> div classcounterup-item> div classcounterup-item__number> h2 classcounterup-item__title> span classodometer data-odometer-final250>/span>span stylefont-size: 0.8em;>/span> /h2> /div> p classpara>Scalable Seats/p> /div>/div>div classcol-sm-4 col-4> div classcounterup-item> div classcounterup-item__number> h2 classcounterup-item__title> span classodometer data-odometer-final50>/span>span stylefont-size: 0.8em;>%/span> /h2> /div> p classpara>Of Revenue In USD/p> /div>/div>div classcol-sm-4 col-4> div classcounterup-item> div classcounterup-item__number> h2 classcounterup-item__title> span classodometer data-odometer-final12>/span>span stylefont-size: 0.8em;>/span> /h2> /div> p classpara>Key Clients/p> /div>/div>div classcol-sm-4 col-4> div classcounterup-item> div classcounterup-item__number> h2 classcounterup-item__title> span classodometer data-odometer-final12>/span>span stylefont-size: 0.8em;>+/span> /h2> /div> p classpara>Serviced Global Countries/p> /div>/div>div classcol-sm-4 col-4> div classcounterup-item> div classcounterup-item__number> h2 classcounterup-item__title> span classodometer data-odometer-final8>/span>span stylefont-size: 0.8em;>/span> /h2> /div> p classpara>Years of Experience/p> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- About End Here --> !-- Features Start Here --> section classfeatures-two mobile-section> div classcontainer-fluid> div classrow justify-content-between align-items-center gy-4> div classcol-lg-5 about-content-left> div classfeatures-two-right ps-lg-3> div classsection-heading style-two> h2 classsection-heading__title>ATHEAR’S SUCCESS SYMPHONY/h2> p classsection-heading__desc> Since 2018, Athear has been pioneering cloud-based CX solutions, proficiently managing diverse operations within the MEA region in four languages. Trusted by key multinationals and select corporates across diverse industries, our ISO-certified and fully insured operations are housed in a state-of-the-art facility. Elevate your business standards with Athear, where professionalism converges with innovation. /p> ul> ul>li>Pioneering cloud-based CX solutions since 2018/li>li>Proficiently managing diverse operations in four languages within the MEA region/li>li>Trusted by key multinationals and select corporates across diverse industries/li>/ul> /ul> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-6 about-img-right> div classfeatures-two-thumb> div classfeatures-two-thumb__img> img src/media/dbejsaq5/cx_1.png> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- Features End Here --> !-- Brand Start Here --> section classbrand py-120 section-bg> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12> div classsection-heading> h2 classsection-heading__title text-white mb-0>OURbr />PARTNERS INbr />SUCCESS/h2> /h2> p>Explore the invaluable partnerships that drive our success story forward./p> /div> /div> /div> div classpartner-section> logo-slider> div classproduct-card> div classproduct-img> img src/media/yjenqx33/microsoft.png 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height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/v0gj1eqo/oracle.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/kutfqnwj/tejari.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/hdqb4qva/visa.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/laiobpfd/webhelp.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/eodchzis/mdmark.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/mlxbs0qz/zvendo.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/ppffxtwr/bouri.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> /div> div classproduct-card> div classproduct-img> img src/media/yjenqx33/microsoft.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/mh0crzh1/mahid-al-futtaim.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/v0gj1eqo/oracle.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/kutfqnwj/tejari.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/hdqb4qva/visa.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/laiobpfd/webhelp.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/eodchzis/mdmark.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/mlxbs0qz/zvendo.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/ppffxtwr/bouri.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/yjenqx33/microsoft.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/mh0crzh1/mahid-al-futtaim.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/v0gj1eqo/oracle.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/kutfqnwj/tejari.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/hdqb4qva/visa.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/laiobpfd/webhelp.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/eodchzis/mdmark.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/mlxbs0qz/zvendo.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> div classproduct-img> img src/media/ppffxtwr/bouri.png width130 height130 altClient Logo> /div> /div> /logo-slider> /div> /section> !-- Brand End Here --> !-- Service Start Here --> section classservice-section-hm> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12> div classsection-heading> h5 classsection-heading__top-title> Service /h5> h2 classsection-heading__title> Our Comprehensive BPO Service Suite /h2> p classsection-heading__subtitle>Engage with our portfolio and discover a strategic partnership that aligns with your corporate ethos, empowering your vision with cutting-edge outsourcing capabilities./p> /div> /div> /div> div classflex-container> div classservices-homepage business> div classservice-content> h2>Business Processes Outsourcing /h2> p>p>At Athear, we achieve this through our expertise in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) in Egypt. We excel at streamlining operations, enhancing market presence, and propelling businesses to success. /p> /p> div classicon-container> a href/services/business-process-outsourcing classbtn--simple> img src/media/5sdbj342/arrow-right.png /> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classservices-homepage hr> div classservice-content> h2>Human Resources Outsourcing /h2> p>ul>li>Step Into The Realm Of HR Excellence With Athear, Your Top-Tier Human Resources Outsourcing (HRO) Partner In Egypt. We Bring A Blend Of Professionalism And Ease, Simplifying Tasks From Payroll To Talent Management./li>/ul> /p> div classicon-container> a href/services/hr-outsourcing classbtn--simple> img src/media/5sdbj342/arrow-right.png /> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classservices-homepage customer> div classservice-content> h2>Customer Experience Outsourcing/h2> p>p>strong>Contact Center:/strong> Inbound & Outbound Calls Requests & Complaints Surveysbr>strong>Social Media:/strong> Chat Handling Social Channel & Website Handlingbr>strong>Back Office:/strong> Complaint Handling Performance Analysis/p> /p> div classicon-container> a href/services/cx-outsourcing classbtn--simple> img src/media/5sdbj342/arrow-right.png /> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classservices-homepage managed> div classservice-content> h2>Managed Workspace/h2> p>p>Our Managed Workspace offers fully equipped workstations, flexible desk arrangements, premium amenities, and advanced meeting rooms tailored for corporate productivity and innovation./p> /p> div classicon-container> a href/services/managed-workspace classbtn--simple> img src/media/5sdbj342/arrow-right.png /> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classservices-homepage foursee> div classservice-content> h2>FOURSEE - Design unit/h2> p>p>FOURSEE - a design division of Athear Marketing Services for BPO - creates exploratively crafted, clear, and connecting visual narratives. We are a young and experimental group of dreamers, who are ready to play/p> /p> div classicon-container> a href/services/foursee-design-unit classbtn--simple> img src/media/5sdbj342/arrow-right.png /> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- Service End Here --> !-- Team Start Here -->section classteam pb-120> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12> div classsection-heading> h5 classsection-heading__top-title>Our Team/h5> h2 classsection-heading__title>Meet The Team/h2> p classsection-heading__subtitle>Join us in exploring the minds and hearts that power our mission. The diverse individuals whose expertise and passion synergize to create not just a workforce, but a dynamic community poised to meet any challenge. /p> /div> /div> /div> div classswiper-container mt-3> div classswiper-wrapper> div classswiper-slide> div classteam-item> div classteam-card> img src/media/5olikifk/tarek-zidan.png> /div> div classcontent> p>At Athear, we believe in the transformative power of strategic outsourcing. Choosing BPO is not just a business decision; its a commitment to efficiency, growth, and unparalleled success. Partner with Athear, where innovation meets dedication, and lets redefine excellence together./p> /div> /div> div classteam-details> h4 classteam-item__title>Tarek Zidan/h4> span classteam-item__designation>CEO/span> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div classteam-item> div classteam-card> img src/media/o1omf5g3/hadeer-khedr.png> /div> div classcontent> p>At Athear, we specialize in delivering top-notch Human Resources Outsourcing (HRO) services, ensuring your organization thrives with streamlined operations and a flourishing workplace culture./p> /div> /div>div classteam-details> h4 classteam-item__title>Hadeer Khedr/h4> span classteam-item__designation>People & Culture Manager/span> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div classteam-item> div classteam-card> img src/media/mfijgief/ahmed-fakhry.png> /div> div classcontent> p>At Athear, we believe in managing finances with a human touch. With care and diligence, we steer towards stability and growth, ensuring every investment serves our collective goals and aspirations./p> /div> /div>div classteam-details> h4 classteam-item__title>Ahmed Fakhry/h4> span classteam-item__designation> Finance Manager /span> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div classteam-item> div classteam-card> img src/media/byhjk4px/ola-mahfouz.png> /div> div classcontent> p>At Athear there are no passengers on this journey; we are all crew members navigating the seas of creativity, sustainability, and development together. Each member brings their unique skills and perspective, propelling us forward towards our shared destination of a brighter, more sustainable future./p> /div> /div> div classteam-details> h4 classteam-item__title>Ola Mahfouz/h4> span classteam-item__designation>Sustainability & Impact Head/span> /div> /div> div classswiper-slide> div classteam-item> div classteam-card> img src/media/upuhbfup/salma-zidan.png> /div> div classcontent> p>At Athear, we thrive on creativity and innovation. Its at the core of everything we do. Our goal is to step into the world, where imagination knows no limits, and together, lets redefine the art of design./p> /div> /div>div classteam-details> h4 classteam-item__title>Salma Zidan/h4> span classteam-item__designation>Creative Director of FOURSEE/span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section>!-- Team End Here --> !-- Guiding Section Start Here --> section classguiding pb-60> div classcontainer> div classmain-title> h1>OUR GUIDING br /> PRINCIPLES/h1> /div> div classguiding-content> div classprinciple excellence> h2>EXCELLENCE/h2> p> Beyond a mere buzzword, excellence defines our culture at Athear. It's woven into the very fabric of our beliefs and behaviors, shaping how management and employees collaboratively navigate and elevate business transactions. It's not just a standard; it's the benchmark we continually strive to surpass. /p> /div> div classprinciple passion> h2>PASSION/h2> p>Where Athear thrives, passion is the secret sauce, infusing every facet of our service delivery with a potent blend of energy, creativity, and innovation. It's not just a job; it's a dynamic journey fueled by the fire of genuine enthusiasm./p> /div> div classprinciple quality> h2>QUALITY/h2> p>Athear is more than just a service provider; it's a commitment to global quality standards. From our human capital and elite facilities to the latest in technology and operations, quality isn't an add-on—it's an intrinsic part of our DNA. It's not just a checkbox; it's the unwavering foundation of everything we do./p> /div> /div> /div> /section> !-- Guiding Section End Here --> !-- Faq Section Start Here --> section classfaq pt-120 pb-60> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-12> div classsection-heading> h2 classsection-heading__title>FAQs/h2> /div> /div> /div> div classrow gy-3> div classcol-lg-12> div classaccordion custom--accordion style-two idaccordionExample0> div classaccordion-item> h2 classaccordion-header idheading-0> button classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#collapse-0 aria-expandedfalse aria-controlscollapse-0> What outsourcing services does your company provide in MEA REGION? /button> /h2> div idcollapse-0 classaccordion-collapse collapse aria-labelledbyheading-0 data-bs-parent#accordionExample0> div classaccordion-body> p> p classMsoNormal>We offer a comprehensive suite of BPO services, including Customer Experience (CX), Cloud based Solutions HR, IT, Managed Workspace, and Creative solutions./p> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12> div classaccordion custom--accordion style-two idaccordionExample1> div classaccordion-item> h2 classaccordion-header idheading-1> button classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#collapse-1 aria-expandedfalse aria-controlscollapse-1> Can you highlight your company's language capabilities for operations in MEA REGION? /button> /h2> div idcollapse-1 classaccordion-collapse collapse aria-labelledbyheading-1 data-bs-parent#accordionExample1> div classaccordion-body> p> p>span stylefont-size: 12.0pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;>Our multilingual team operates proficiently in English, Arabic, and 2 other languages to ensure seamless communication across the MEA region./span>/p> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12> div classaccordion custom--accordion style-two idaccordionExample2> div classaccordion-item> h2 classaccordion-header idheading-2> button classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#collapse-2 aria-expandedfalse aria-controlscollapse-2> What sets your BPO operations apart in terms of technology? /button> /h2> div idcollapse-2 classaccordion-collapse collapse aria-labelledbyheading-2 data-bs-parent#accordionExample2> div classaccordion-body> p> p classMsoNormal>As a pioneer in Egypt, we were the first to launch cloud-based CX solutions, ensuring cutting-edge technology integration for optimal service delivery./p> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12> div classaccordion custom--accordion style-two idaccordionExample3> div classaccordion-item> h2 classaccordion-header idheading-3> button classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#collapse-3 aria-expandedfalse aria-controlscollapse-3> How long has your company been operational in MEA REGION, and what industries do you primarily serve? /button> /h2> div idcollapse-3 classaccordion-collapse collapse aria-labelledbyheading-3 data-bs-parent#accordionExample3> div classaccordion-body> p> p classMsoNormal>Operating since 2018, we have been serving key multinationals and selected corporates across diverse industries, demonstrating a proven track record of success./p> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12> div classaccordion custom--accordion style-two idaccordionExample4> div classaccordion-item> h2 classaccordion-header idheading-4> button classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#collapse-4 aria-expandedfalse aria-controlscollapse-4> Is your company ISO certified, and what measures are in place for data security? /button> /h2> div idcollapse-4 classaccordion-collapse collapse aria-labelledbyheading-4 data-bs-parent#accordionExample4> div classaccordion-body> p> p classMsoNormal>Yes, we are ISO certified in ISO9001, 27001, 27701. Our operations adhere to strict security protocols, ensuring the highest level of data protection for our clients./p> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12> div classaccordion custom--accordion style-two idaccordionExample5> div classaccordion-item> h2 classaccordion-header idheading-5> button classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#collapse-5 aria-expandedfalse aria-controlscollapse-5> Can you elaborate on your facility and insurance for operations in MEA REGION? /button> /h2> div idcollapse-5 classaccordion-collapse collapse aria-labelledbyheading-5 data-bs-parent#accordionExample5> div classaccordion-body> p> p classMsoNormal>Our operations are housed in a state-of-the-art facility, modern, and trendy facility in the Fifth Settlement. We abide by the best standard practice procedures in terms of everything from security to insurance./p> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12> div classaccordion custom--accordion style-two idaccordionExample6> div classaccordion-item> h2 classaccordion-header idheading-6> button classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#collapse-6 aria-expandedfalse aria-controlscollapse-6> How do you tailor your BPO solutions to meet the unique needs of clients in MEA REGION? /button> /h2> div idcollapse-6 classaccordion-collapse collapse aria-labelledbyheading-6 data-bs-parent#accordionExample6> div classaccordion-body> p> p classMsoNormal>Our services are highly flexible and customizable, allowing us to tailor solutions that align precisely with the specific requirements and objectives of each client./p> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12> div classaccordion custom--accordion style-two idaccordionExample7> div classaccordion-item> h2 classaccordion-header idheading-7> button classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#collapse-7 aria-expandedfalse aria-controlscollapse-7> What is your approach to maintaining quality standards in BPO services? /button> /h2> div idcollapse-7 classaccordion-collapse collapse aria-labelledbyheading-7 data-bs-parent#accordionExample7> div classaccordion-body> p> p classMsoNormal>We prioritize quality at every step, following global standards and implementing rigorous quality control measures to consistently deliver excellence./p> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12> div classaccordion custom--accordion style-two idaccordionExample8> div classaccordion-item> h2 classaccordion-header idheading-8> button classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#collapse-8 aria-expandedfalse aria-controlscollapse-8> How do you ensure a seamless transition for clients looking to outsource their operations to your company? /button> /h2> div idcollapse-8 classaccordion-collapse collapse aria-labelledbyheading-8 data-bs-parent#accordionExample8> div classaccordion-body> p> p classMsoNormal>Our dedicated team works closely with clients, ensuring a smooth onboarding process and seamless integration of services to minimize disruptions./p> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-12> div classaccordion custom--accordion style-two idaccordionExample9> div classaccordion-item> h2 classaccordion-header idheading-9> button classaccordion-button collapsed typebutton data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#collapse-9 aria-expandedfalse aria-controlscollapse-9> What is the key philosophy driving your BPO and CX operations in MEA REGION? /button> /h2> div idcollapse-9 classaccordion-collapse collapse aria-labelledbyheading-9 data-bs-parent#accordionExample9> div classaccordion-body> p> p classMsoNormal>Our philosophy revolves around achieving client success through a perfect blend of innovation, professionalism, and unwavering commitment to excellence./p> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div> /div> /section> !-- Faq Section End Here --> !-- Blog Start Here -->/main>!-- Blog End Here --> !-- Footer End Here -->footer classfooter-area section-bg footer-two> !--ul classwork-shape__list> li classwork-shape__item>img srcassets/images/home-01/shape-circle.png alt>/li> li classwork-shape__item>img srcassets/images/home-01/shape-square.png alt>/li> li classwork-shape__item>img srcassets/images/home-01/shape-triangle.png alt>/li> /ul>--> div classcontainer footer-top py-120> div classrow gy-5> div classcol-xl-3 col-sm-6> div classfooter-item style-two> img classnavbar-brand logo src/images/logo/logo.png /> p classfooter-item__desc>Delivering efficient and innovative outsourcing solutions tailored to client needs./p> /div> /div> !--div class col-xl-2 col-sm-6>/div>--> div classcol-xl-3 col-sm-6 offset-lg-2> div classfooter-item style-two> ul classfooter-menu> li 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