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We can make sure that youre ready for the transition, no matter which industry youre from./p> a href/industries-we-serve classbuttonfullreverse>Learn more about Industries We Serve/a> /div> /div> /div> /li> !-- Slide --> li classcustom-slide stylebackground: url(/layouts/default/images/slide03.jpg) no-repeat;> div classcontainer> div classsixteen columns> div classslider_description right width50> h2>Ive just become a partner in the company: how does this affect my tax?/h2> p> A shift from an employee to a business partner brings on additional obligations in relation to your taxation responsibilities. Make sure youre not caught out at tax time./p> a href/berwick-business-accounting-services classbuttonfullreverse>Learn more about Our Services/a> /div> /div> /div> /li> !-- Slide --> li classcustom-slide stylebackground: url(/layouts/default/images/slide04.jpg) no-repeat;> div classcontainer> div classsixteen columns> div classslider_description> h2>We want to start our own business: how do we set up the company?/h2> p>At Affinity Accounting Solutions we specialise in the seting up of start-up and new businesses. Well set up a solid foundation for your new business so that you can hit the ground running!/p> a href/berwick-business-accounting-services classbuttonfullreverse>Learn more about Our Services/a> /div> /div> /div> /li> !-- Slide --> li classcustom-slide stylebackground: url(/layouts/default/images/slide05.jpg) no-repeat;> div classcontainer> div classsixteen columns> div classslider_description left width65> h2>Ive always done my own tax returns without the help of an accountant/h2> p>More often than not people who do their own tax returns will miss out on valuable deductions simply because they didnt know what they were entitled to claim./p> p>Are you sure your tax return is as big as it could be?/p> a href/contact-us classbuttonfullreverse>Book an appointment/a> /div> /div> /div> /li> /ul> /div> !-- Flexslider End--> /div>!-- End Slider --> div classclearfix>/div>!-- Light Grey Wrapper Start -->div classlightgrey-wrapper> !-- Welcome Start --> div idwelcome> !-- 960 Container Start --> div classcontainer> div classsixteen columns> h1>Accountants in Berwick VIC 3806br />Welcome to Affinity Accounting Solutions/h1>p>We are a progressive accounting firm conveniently located in High Street, Berwick - offering a complete range of taxation and accounting solutions in Berwick./p>p>We are here to support you in your business, your profession, or life stage, by assisting you in building a chain of wealth from wherever you are today to a financial future beyond your expectations./p>p>We aim to partner with you in your financial goals by offering our professional expertise in taxation, accounting and business consulting in a personalised approach./p> /div> /div> !-- 960 Container End --> /div> !-- Welcome End -->/div>!-- Light Grey Wrapper End -->!-- White Wrapper Start -->div classwhite-wrapper> !-- 960 Container Start -->div classcontainer> div classsixteen columns service-intro> h1>How can we help you?/h1> /div>/div>!-- 960 Container End -->!-- 960 Container Start -->div classcontainer> div classrow> div classservices-group> div classthree columns offset-by-one> p>img src classserviceicon-personaltax altPersonal Tax Accounting services in Berwick 3806 Victoria />/p> /div> div classten columns> h3>a href/taxation-services>Personal Tax Accounting/a>/h3> p>For individuals, tax time can be a simple once a year event or a yearly calamity. Our expertise and attention to detail ensures your Individual or Partnership Return is an easy step by step process, and we will put you on track for stronger financial future./p> p>Learn more in a href/taxation-services>Taxation Services/a>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classservices-group> div classthree columns offset-by-one> p>img src classserviceicon-businessaccounting altNew and Start-up Business Accounting services in Berwick 3806 Victoria />/p> /div> div classten columns> h3>a href/berwick-business-accounting-services>New & Start-up Business Accounting/a>/h3> p>If you are starting up, or even thinking of starting a business, then we are the right accounting firm for you. We specialise in business accounting, including all areas of taxation, accounting, we will explain and assist you to set a firm foundation on which to build your business success./p> p>Learn more in a href/berwick-business-accounting-services>Business Accounting Services/a>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classrow> div classservices-group> div classthree columns offset-by-one> p>img src classserviceicon-whoweserve altSmall Business to Corporate Accounting Services in Berwick 3806 Victoria />/p> /div> div classten columns> h3>a href/berwick-business-accounting-services>Small Business to Corporation Accounting Services/a>/h3> p>Your business needs a financial team that is effective, that sees your vision and partners with you to meet your goals. Understanding small business taxation and accounting is our business. We offer our full suite of services to you, tailored to your individual requirements. We bring to your business current and professional business accountancy services, together with knowledge and understanding of a diverse range of industries and professional businesses including:/p> ul> li>Medical Practioners/li> li>Electrical Contractors/li> li>Primary Producers/li> li>Financial Investors/li> li>Building Contractors/li> li>Retailers/li> li>Engineers/li> li>Property Investors/li> li>Landscapers/li> li>Cleaners/li> li>Hospitality Workers/li> li>Sign Writers/li> li>Designers/li> li>Teachers/li> /ul> div classclearfix stylemargin-bottom: 25px;>/div> p>Learn more about more a href/industries-we-serve>industries we serve/a>./p> p>We are committed to knowing you, understanding your business and aligning our financial expertise with all you hope to achieve./p> p>Learn more in a href/berwick-business-accounting-services>Business Accounting Services/a>/p> /div> /div> /div>/div>!-- 960 Container End -->/div>!-- White Wrapper End -->!-- Ticker start -->div idjsticker_wide> !-- jsticker_scroll.php -->div idjsticker_scroll>div classscrollingtext> div classjstickeritem>a styletext-decoration:none; 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