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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 04:57:10 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-EncodingStatus: 200 OKVary: Accept,Accept-EncodingPragma: no-cacheX-Request-Id: 73cb3570-0c34-457d-ba65-f0b4f6981ab1ETag: W/012e6ad4c78dfc6fc125036ba994627aX-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGINCache-Control: no-storeReferrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-originX-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: noneX-XSS-Protection: 1; modeblockContent-Language: enLink:>; relpreload; asstyle; nopush,>; relpreload; asscript; nopushX-Download-Options: noopenX-Runtime: 0.084378X-Content-Type-Options: nosniffExpires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetUTF-8 /> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1> link relstylesheet href mediascreen />meta nametwitter:card contentsummary />meta nametwitter:site content /> meta propertyog:title contentS3 /> meta propertyog:description content<p>Syncom Space Services (S3) is a joint venture that was created specifically to support the <span class"caps">NASA</span> <span class"caps">SACOM</span> vision for the future: to provide safe, reliable, and cost-efficient testing and manufacturing facilities to support space flight systems enabling the Nation’s Exploration Vision.</p><p>The S3 team offers management best practices, innovative processes, and continuous improvement methods with an emphasis on safety. Our talented management team has extensive <span class"caps">NASA</span> experience, and our solution demonstrates an understanding of and respect for NASA’s mission, culture and the operating environments of the two separate facilities. The S3 team has experience with the existing institutional and mission support requirements and can perform on “Day One” of the contract in a cost-efficient and customer-oriented manner.</p><p>For more information about S3, please visit <a href""></a></p><p>In compliance with the <span class"caps">ADA</span> Amendments Act (<span class"caps">ADAAA</span>), should you have a disability and would like to request an accommodation in order to apply for a currently open position with S3, please contact us.</p> />!-- request_id: 73cb3570-0c34-457d-ba65-f0b4f6981ab1 -->!-- company_id: 14769 -->!-- site_id: --> link relapple-touch-icon sizes180x180 href/apple-touch-icon.png>link relicon typeimage/png sizes32x32 href/favicon-32x32.png>link relicon typeimage/png sizes16x16 href/favicon-16x16.png> link relstylesheet href /> link relstylesheet href> title>S3 Career Opportunities/title>/head>body ids3careers>div classcontent> div idcareers-page-header> div classcompany-logo> a target_blank href> img src altLink to S3 website/>/a> /div> div classsocial-media-links> div classtitle>Share:/div>div classicons> div> a target_blank aria-labelshare on facebook href> svg width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 fillnone classicon xmlns altShare on Facebook> mask idmask-share-facebook mask-typealpha maskUnitsuserSpaceOnUse x0 y0 width23 height24> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM0 0.705566H22.5925V23.2987H0V0.705566Z fillwhite/> /mask>g maskurl(#mask-share-facebook)> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM0 20.9453V3.05898C0 1.76015 1.05459 0.705566 2.35341 0.705566H20.2391C21.5393 0.705566 22.5925 1.76015 22.5925 3.05898V20.9453C22.5925 22.2442 21.5393 23.2987 20.2391 23.2987H15.0621V14.8267H17.8856L18.5915 11.0609H15.0621L15.1461 9.13098C15.1461 8.19921 15.4009 7.65286 16.6624 7.65286H18.6579L19.1096 4.28298C19.1096 4.28298 16.9729 4.00062 15.7115 4.00062C12.8781 4.00062 11.2405 5.89239 11.2405 8.79215L11.2969 11.0609H8.472V14.8267H11.2969V23.2987H2.35341C1.05459 23.2987 0 22.2442 0 20.9453 fill#666666/> /g> /svg> /a> /div> div> a target_blank aria-labelshare on twitter href is hiring. Know anyone?> svg width24 height24 idLayer_1 xmlns version1.1 viewBox0 0 1200 1227> path dM714.2,519.3L1160.9,0h-105.9l-387.9,450.9L357.3,0H0l468.5,681.8L0,1226.4h105.9l409.6-476.2,327.2,476.2h357.3l-485.9-707.1h0ZM569.2,687.8l-47.5-67.9L144,79.7h162.6l304.8,436,47.5,67.9,396.2,566.7h-162.6l-323.3-462.4h0Z/> /svg> /a> /div> div> a target_blank aria-labelshare on linkedin href> svg stylemargin-top: 0.5px width24 height24 viewBox0 0 24 24 fillnone classicon xmlns altShare on LinkedIn> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM12.2372 17.8866V12.6977C12.2372 12.4365 12.2563 12.1767 12.3325 11.989C12.5435 11.468 12.7059 10.9266 13.5099 10.9266C14.5617 10.9266 15.0621 11.7285 15.0621 12.9038V17.8866H17.8857V11.6262C17.8857 8.51392 17.3386 8.44404 15.12 8.44404C12.9043 8.44404 12.2372 9.48168 12.2372 10.0767V8.47298H9.41367C9.42637 8.74686 9.4299 9.88404 9.4299 11.2782C9.4299 14.0678 9.41367 17.8866 9.41367 17.8866H12.2372ZM4.70683 17.8866H7.53036V8.47297H4.70683V17.8866ZM7.83954 5.47227C7.83954 4.52145 7.07013 3.75133 6.1186 3.75133C5.16707 3.75133 4.39837 4.52145 4.39837 5.47227C4.39837 6.42239 5.16707 7.19322 6.1186 7.19322C7.07013 7.19322 7.83954 6.42239 7.83954 5.47227V5.47227ZM0 20.24V2.35439C0 1.0598 1.05882 0.000976562 2.35341 0.000976562H20.2391C21.5336 0.000976562 22.5925 1.0598 22.5925 2.35439V20.24C22.5925 21.5346 21.5336 22.5927 20.2391 22.5927H2.35341C1.05882 22.5927 0 21.5346 0 20.24V20.24Z fill#666666/> /svg> /a> /div>/div> /div>/div> div classcareers-page-notifications>/div> div idcustom-html-container> div classtext-block-grey user-content> p>Syncom Space Services (S3) is a joint venture that was created specifically to support the span classcaps>NASA/span> span classcaps>SACOM/span> vision for the future: to provide safe, reliable, and cost-efficient testing and manufacturing facilities to support space flight systems enabling the Nation’s Exploration Vision./p>p>The S3 team offers management best practices, innovative processes, and continuous improvement methods with an emphasis on safety. Our talented management team has extensive span classcaps>NASA/span> experience, and our solution demonstrates an understanding of and respect for NASA’s mission, culture and the operating environments of the two separate facilities. The S3 team has experience with the existing institutional and mission support requirements and can perform on “Day One” of the contract in a cost-efficient and customer-oriented manner./p>p>For more information about S3, please visit a href>>/p>p>In compliance with the span classcaps>ADA/span> Amendments Act (span classcaps>ADAAA/span>), should you have a disability and would like to request an accommodation in order to apply for a currently open position with S3, please contact us./p> /div>/div>div classjobs-content> div idcareer-opportunities> h1>Career Opportunities/h1> /div> div data-react-classHiringThing.Components.JobFiltersContainer data-react-props{"categories":{},"locations":{"Louisiana":{"MIchoud Assembly Facility":890945,879754,870356,"Michoud Assembly Facility, LA":887300,"Michoud Assembly Facility, New Orleans":892640},"Mississippi":{"John C Stennis Space Center":890148,887285,"Stennis Space Center":892686}},"titles":{"id":890945,"title":"Systems Control Mechanic - 890945"},{"id":879754,"title":"Systems Control Mechanic - 879754"},{"id":870356,"title":"Stationary Engineer – Power Plant Equipment - 870356"},{"id":887300,"title":"Project Manager- 887300"},{"id":892640,"title":"Property Analyst - 892640"},{"id":890148,"title":"Property Administrator- Government Assets- 890148"},{"id":887285,"title":"Electrical Engineer I - 887285"},{"id":892686,"title":"Shop Lead Elec./Electrical Controls Specialist Certified MLOA- 892686"},"zipLookupEnabled":false,"remotePositions":,"nonRemotePositions":890945,879754,870356,887300,892640,890148,887285,892686,"showAll":true}>/div> div classjobs-list-container> div classjob-container data-job-id890945> div classjob-content-header> div classjob-headline> div classjob-title-and-category> a classmobile-apply-link href/job/890945/systems-control-mechanic-890945> h2>Systems Control Mechanic - 890945/h2> /a> /div> div classjob-location-and-category> div classjob-location> MIchoud Assembly Facility, LA /div> /div> /div> a href/job/890945/systems-control-mechanic-890945 aria-labelLink to job discription for Systems Control Mechanic - 890945> div classjob-content-button>Learn more/div> /a> /div> div classjob-description> Purpose of Position: Plans and performs a variety of complex technical, functional and operational tests for use in production process system. Reviews specifications, drawings, manuals or related data to become familiar with functional characteristics and requirements of pneumatic, mechanical, electrical, electronic, hydraulic or environmental systems required in process systems… /div> /div> div classjob-container data-job-id879754> div classjob-content-header> div classjob-headline> div classjob-title-and-category> a classmobile-apply-link href/job/879754/systems-control-mechanic-879754> h2>Systems Control Mechanic - 879754/h2> /a> /div> div classjob-location-and-category> div classjob-location> MIchoud Assembly Facility, LA /div> /div> /div> a href/job/879754/systems-control-mechanic-879754 aria-labelLink to job discription for Systems Control Mechanic - 879754> div classjob-content-button>Learn more/div> /a> /div> div classjob-description> Purpose of Position: Plans and performs a variety of complex technical, functional and operational tests for use in production process system. Reviews specifications, drawings, manuals or related data to become familiar with functional characteristics and requirements of pneumatic, mechanical, electrical, electronic, hydraulic or environmental systems required in process systems… /div> /div> div classjob-container data-job-id870356> div classjob-content-header> div classjob-headline> div classjob-title-and-category> a classmobile-apply-link href/job/870356/stationary-engineer-power-plant-equipment-870356> h2>Stationary Engineer – Power Plant Equipment - 870356/h2> /a> /div> div classjob-location-and-category> div classjob-location> Michoud Assembly Facility, LA /div> /div> /div> a href/job/870356/stationary-engineer-power-plant-equipment-870356 aria-labelLink to job discription for Stationary Engineer – Power Plant Equipment - 870356> div classjob-content-button>Learn more/div> /a> /div> div classjob-description> strong>Position Description/strong> Function of position: Performs start-up, functional operations, shut-down, maintenance and repair of power plant equipment. strong>Representative Duties and Responsibilities:/strong> Operates high pressure boilers, chillers and compressors and all related auxiliary equipment through the use of instruments, gauges, automatic or manual controls. Interprets temperature, pressure and… /div> /div> div classjob-container data-job-id887300> div classjob-content-header> div classjob-headline> div classjob-title-and-category> a classmobile-apply-link href/job/887300/project-manager-887300> h2>Project Manager- 887300/h2> /a> /div> div classjob-location-and-category> div classjob-location> Michoud Assembly Facility, LA, LA /div> /div> /div> a href/job/887300/project-manager-887300 aria-labelLink to job discription for Project Manager- 887300> div classjob-content-button>Learn more/div> /a> /div> div classjob-description> strong>Project Manager/strong> b>Purpose of the Position/b> The Project Manager (PM) manages the day to day aspects of a project and maintains overall responsibility of the project, including scope, schedule, budget, and the quality performance of the project. The project team reports to the PM for the project assigned. The PM follows the project from start to finish. The PM reports to the Project Management… /div> /div> div classjob-container data-job-id892640> div classjob-content-header> div classjob-headline> div classjob-title-and-category> a classmobile-apply-link href/job/892640/property-analyst-892640> h2>Property Analyst - 892640/h2> /a> /div> div classjob-location-and-category> div classjob-location> Michoud Assembly Facility, New Orleans, LA /div> /div> /div> a href/job/892640/property-analyst-892640 aria-labelLink to job discription for Property Analyst - 892640> div classjob-content-button>Learn more/div> /a> /div> div classjob-description> strong>Purpose of the Position/strong> Perform the material, equipment, and disposal management duties within prescribed timeframes and within customer requirements for both Michoud Assembly Facility, LA and Stennis Space Center, MS. strong> /strong> strong>Company Conformance Statement /strong> In the performance of their respective tasks and duties all employees are expected to conform to the following: Perform quality work… /div> /div> div classjob-container data-job-id890148> div classjob-content-header> div classjob-headline> div classjob-title-and-category> a classmobile-apply-link href/job/890148/property-administrator-government-assets-890148> h2>Property Administrator- Government Assets- 890148/h2> /a> /div> div classjob-location-and-category> div classjob-location> John C Stennis Space Center, MS /div> /div> /div> a href/job/890148/property-administrator-government-assets-890148 aria-labelLink to job discription for Property Administrator- Government Assets- 890148> div classjob-content-button>Learn more/div> /a> /div> div classjob-description> Purpose of the Position • Perform the equipment and disposal management duties within prescribed timeframes and within customer requirements. Company Conformance Statement In the performance of their respective tasks and duties all employees are expected to conform to the following: • Perform quality work within deadlines with or without direct supervision. • Interact professionally… /div> /div> div classjob-container data-job-id887285> div classjob-content-header> div classjob-headline> div classjob-title-and-category> a classmobile-apply-link href/job/887285/electrical-engineer-i-887285> h2>Electrical Engineer I - 887285/h2> /a> /div> div classjob-location-and-category> div classjob-location> John C Stennis Space Center, MS /div> /div> /div> a href/job/887285/electrical-engineer-i-887285 aria-labelLink to job discription for Electrical Engineer I - 887285> div classjob-content-button>Learn more/div> /a> /div> div classjob-description> b>Purpose of the Position/b> Plans, designs, develops, modifies and evaluates power generation and distribution, information processing hardware and/or electrical components, mechanisms, materials, circuitry, equipment or processes. b>Company Conformance Statement/b> In the performance of their respective tasks and duties all employees are expected to conform to the following: Perform quality… /div> /div> div classjob-container data-job-id892686> div classjob-content-header> div classjob-headline> div classjob-title-and-category> a classmobile-apply-link href/job/892686/shop-lead-elec-electrical-controls-specialist-certified-mloa-892686> h2>Shop Lead Elec./Electrical Controls Specialist Certified MLOA- 892686/h2> /a> /div> div classjob-location-and-category> div classjob-location> Stennis Space Center, MS /div> /div> /div> a href/job/892686/shop-lead-elec-electrical-controls-specialist-certified-mloa-892686 aria-labelLink to job discription for Shop Lead Elec./Electrical Controls Specialist Certified MLOA- 892686> div classjob-content-button>Learn more/div> /a> /div> div classjob-description> strong>Purpose of the Position /strong> Performs preventive and corrective maintenance, modifications and installation of electrical and electronically controlled equipment as directed. strong>Company Conformance Statement /strong> In the performance of their respective tasks and duties all… /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>div classfooter> div idcareers-page-footer class> div> h4>Get Updates/h4> div idfooter-main-content> div classget-updates-copy> Are you interested in hearing about new opportunities at S3 in real time? Enter your email address to be notified automatically when new positions are posted. /div> div data-react-classHiringThing.Components.EmailSubscribe data-react-props{}>/div> /div> div idcopyright-links> div classcopyright> Powered by a href>G&A Hiring/a> © 2025 /div> div classlogin-subscribe> a href/users/login/>Admin Login/a> | a href/api/rss.xml>Subscribe via RSS/a> /div> /div> /div>/div>/div>script nomodule src/javascripts/unsupported_browser_public.js>/script>script src>/script>script> HiringThing.environment production; i18n.changeLanguage(en);/script>/body>/html>
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