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Hampshire/a>ol>li>a href#new-hampshire-criminal-records>New Hampshire Criminal Records/a>/li>li>a href#arrest-records-and-warrants>Arrest Records and Warrants/a>/li>li>a href#inmate-and-jail-records>Inmate and Jail Records/a>/li>li>a href#new-hampshire-background-checks>New Hampshire Background Checks/a>/li>li>a href#how-to-find-sex-offenders-in-new-hampshire>How to Find Sex Offenders in New Hampshire/a>/li>li>a href#new-hampshire-vital-records>New Hampshire Vital Records/a>/li>li>a href#new-hampshire-court-records>New Hampshire Court Records/a>/li>/ol>/li>li>a href#the-state-court-system-in-new-hampshire>The State Court System in New Hampshire/a>ol>li>a href#the-supreme-court>The Supreme Court/a>/li>li>a href#the-superior-court>The Superior Court/a>/li>li>a href#the-circuit-court>The Circuit Court/a>/li>li>a href#the-district-division>The District Division/a>/li>li>a href#the-family-division>The Family Division/a>/li>li>a href#the-probate-division>The Probate Division/a>/li>/ol>/li>li>a href#driving-records>Driving Records/a>ol>li>a href#civil-driving-infractions>Civil Driving Infractions/a>/li>li>a href#new-hampshire-license-plate-lookup>New Hampshire License Plate Lookup/a>/li>li>a href#new-hampshire-property-and-assets-records-online>New Hampshire Property and Assets Records Online/a>/li>/ol>/li>li>a href#important-government-agencies-in-new-hampshire>Important Government Agencies in New Hampshire/a>ol>/ol>/li>/ol>/div>/div>/div>/div>/header>div classsearch-container>div classcontainer>div classblk>div classttl>Search Public Records/div>div classfrm>ul classnav nav-pills mb-3 idpills-tab roletablist>li classnav-item rolepresentation>button classnav-link active idpills-name-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#pills-name typebutton roletab aria-controlspills-name aria-selectedtrue>Name/button>/li>li classnav-item rolepresentation>button classnav-link idpills-phone-tab data-bs-togglepill data-bs-target#pills-phone typebutton roletab 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placeholderLast Name required/>div classinvalid-feedback>Please enter last name/div>/div>/div>div classcol>div classform-group>input typetext namecity classform-control form-control-lg capitalize idcity placeholderCity (optional)/>/div>/div>div classcol>div classform-group>select classform-select form-select-lg namestate idstate placeholderState>option valueALL>Select State!-- -->/option>option valueAL>Alabama!-- -->/option>option valueAK>Alaska!-- -->/option>option valueAZ>Arizona!-- -->/option>option valueAR>Arkansas!-- -->/option>option valueCA>California!-- -->/option>option valueCO>Colorado!-- -->/option>option valueCT>Connecticut!-- -->/option>option valueDE>Delaware!-- -->/option>option valueDC>District of Columbia!-- -->/option>option valueFL>Florida!-- -->/option>option valueGA>Georgia!-- -->/option>option valueHI>Hawaii!-- -->/option>option valueID>Idaho!-- -->/option>option valueIL>Illinois!-- -->/option>option valueIN>Indiana!-- -->/option>option valueIA>Iowa!-- -->/option>option valueKS>Kansas!-- -->/option>option valueKY>Kentucky!-- -->/option>option valueLA>Louisiana!-- -->/option>option valueME>Maine!-- -->/option>option valueMD>Maryland!-- -->/option>option valueMA>Massachusetts!-- -->/option>option valueMI>Michigan!-- -->/option>option valueMN>Minnesota!-- -->/option>option valueMS>Mississippi!-- -->/option>option valueMO>Missouri!-- -->/option>option valueMT>Montana!-- -->/option>option valueNE>Nebraska!-- -->/option>option valueNV>Nevada!-- -->/option>option valueNH selected>New Hampshire!-- -->/option>option valueNJ>New Jersey!-- -->/option>option valueNM>New Mexico!-- -->/option>option valueNY>New York!-- -->/option>option valueNC>North Carolina!-- -->/option>option valueND>North Dakota!-- -->/option>option valueOH>Ohio!-- -->/option>option valueOK>Oklahoma!-- -->/option>option valueOR>Oregon!-- -->/option>option valuePA>Pennsylvania!-- -->/option>option valueRI>Rhode Island!-- -->/option>option valueSC>South Carolina!-- 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number/div>/div>/div>div classcol>div classform-group>input typetext classform-control form-control-lg capitalize namestreetName idaddressStreetName placeholderStreet Name required/>div classinvalid-feedback>Please enter a street name/div>/div>/div>div classcol>div classform-group>input typetext classform-control form-control-lg capitalize nameaddressAptUnit idaddressAptUnit placeholderApt/Unit/>/div>/div>div classcol>div classform-group>input typetext classform-control form-control-lg capitalize namecity idaddressCity placeholderCity required/>div classinvalid-feedback>Please enter a city/div>/div>/div>div classcol>div classform-group>select classform-select form-select-lg capitalize idstate namestate placeholderState required>option valueALL>Select State!-- -->/option>option valueAL>Alabama!-- -->/option>option valueAK>Alaska!-- -->/option>option valueAZ>Arizona!-- -->/option>option valueAR>Arkansas!-- -->/option>option valueCA>California!-- -->/option>option valueCO>Colorado!-- -->/option>option valueCT>Connecticut!-- -->/option>option valueDE>Delaware!-- -->/option>option valueDC>District of Columbia!-- -->/option>option valueFL>Florida!-- -->/option>option valueGA>Georgia!-- -->/option>option valueHI>Hawaii!-- -->/option>option valueID>Idaho!-- -->/option>option valueIL>Illinois!-- -->/option>option valueIN>Indiana!-- -->/option>option valueIA>Iowa!-- -->/option>option valueKS>Kansas!-- -->/option>option valueKY>Kentucky!-- -->/option>option valueLA>Louisiana!-- -->/option>option valueME>Maine!-- -->/option>option valueMD>Maryland!-- -->/option>option valueMA>Massachusetts!-- -->/option>option valueMI>Michigan!-- -->/option>option valueMN>Minnesota!-- -->/option>option valueMS>Mississippi!-- -->/option>option valueMO>Missouri!-- -->/option>option valueMT>Montana!-- -->/option>option valueNE>Nebraska!-- -->/option>option valueNV>Nevada!-- -->/option>option valueNH selected>New Hampshire!-- -->/option>option valueNJ>New Jersey!-- -->/option>option valueNM>New Mexico!-- -->/option>option valueNY>New York!-- -->/option>option valueNC>North Carolina!-- -->/option>option valueND>North Dakota!-- -->/option>option valueOH>Ohio!-- -->/option>option valueOK>Oklahoma!-- -->/option>option valueOR>Oregon!-- -->/option>option valuePA>Pennsylvania!-- -->/option>option valueRI>Rhode Island!-- -->/option>option valueSC>South Carolina!-- -->/option>option valueSD>South Dakota!-- -->/option>option valueTN>Tennessee!-- -->/option>option valueTX>Texas!-- -->/option>option valueUT>Utah!-- -->/option>option valueVT>Vermont!-- -->/option>option valueVA>Virginia!-- -->/option>option valueWA>Washington!-- -->/option>option valueWV>West Virginia!-- -->/option>option valueWI>Wisconsin!-- -->/option>option valueWY>Wyoming!-- -->/option>/select>div classinvalid-feedback>Please choose a state/div>/div>/div>div classcol>div classform-group d-grid>button typesubmit classbtn btn-lg btn-primary text-uppercase>Search/button>/div>/div>/div>/form>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/div>main classcontent-style2 inner-gap py-0>div classcontainer>div classrow justify-content-between>div classcol-12 col-lg-8>h1 classmb-4 mb-lg-5>New Hampshire Public Records/h1>p>Everyone who resides in the state of New Hampshire has the right to access, acquire, and investigate any state public records that are readily available. Public records are accessible to and available for review by members of the general public. /p>!-- -->p>The relevant agencies can provide information on a person's criminal background, registered property, and business accounts. In addition, the government agency that holds the document conveniently provides information on death, birth, or marriage to interested parties./p>!-- -->h2 idhow-to-find-new-hampshire-records>How to Find New Hampshire Records/h2>!-- -->p>In New Hampshire, the Vital Records Administration oversees the records for deaths and births that cover counties and towns. These records go back to 1640. /p>!-- -->p>The Vital Records Administration will not issue certificates online, so you must go through the process by mail or in person at the local town clerk's office. /p>!-- -->p>Moreover, vital records in the state are considered private. Therefore, the state's law limits access to only those who can show a direct and tangible interest in the information. For example, if you want to access the birth certificate of someone outside your family, you can't access the record./p>!-- -->p>To search, you are charged $15.00 for one certificate and $10.00 per extra copy. Birth records, beginning in 1988, and death records from 1990, are available at town clerk sites through the newest computer systems./p>!-- -->p>You can easily find several types of state records if you visit the State Records website for New Hampshire. These records include an array of public archives, including arrests and criminal and inmate files, traffic violations, financial and real estate information, business ownership records, and vital records. You can also check unclaimed records and registered licenses./p>!-- -->p>You can find court records in New Hampshire through the court system. However, you cannot access all records. Some sealed cases include juvenile cases, including records regarding termination of parental rights, delinquency, and neglect and abuse information./p>!-- -->p>Other court records that are not open to the public include grand jury records and applications made for wiretaps. Agencies also maintain and do not release denied or pending applications involving arrest or search warrants or data related to a current investigation./p>!-- -->p>The Judicial Branch will give you the necessary details to obtain the court records you seek. You can also research court records in person at 1 Granite Place, Suite N400 in Concord, New Hampshire. The contact number is 1 (855) 212-1234./p>!-- -->h3 idare-new-hampshire-public-records-available-online>Are New Hampshire Public Records Available Online?/h3>!-- -->p>em>You can access most records online with some exceptions, as noted above, such as birth and death certificates. /em>/p>!-- -->p>em>Vital records are available at one of two places online. You can go through the New Hampshire Secretary of State (/em>a href>em>SOS/em>/a>em>) website and download an application to receive certificates through the mail. Applicants may obtain a certified copy for a birth, marriage, divorce, civil union, or death./em>/p>!-- -->p>You can also easily obtain various records online through the state's!-- -->a href> State Records portal/a>.!-- -->/p>!-- -->p>If you’re checking court records, visit the !-- -->a href>New Hampshire Judicial Branch site f/a>or access and retrieval.!-- -->/p>!-- -->p>You may also contact the agency directly for specific records when searching. For instance, if you're seeking deed information, visit the !-- -->a href>Register of Deeds online./a>/p>!-- -->p>Do you want bankruptcy information? If so, visit the !-- -->a href>PACER /a>case locator portal online. PACER is the acronym assigned to the public access to court electronic records system. Not only can you access bankruptcy court records, but it also gives you information for all bankruptcy, appellate, and district court cases. You may also save cases for later review at the site.!-- -->/p>!-- -->h2 idwhat-records-are-available-in-new-hampshire>What Records Are Available in New Hampshire?/h2>!-- -->p>You can access a large number of public records in New Hampshire. This non-exhaustive list includes:/p>!-- -->ul> !-- -->li>Vital records, such as death, birth, marriage, and divorce information/li> !-- -->li>Arrest records and criminal and jail and inmate records/li> !-- -->li>Traffic violations on file/li> !-- -->li>Information regarding bankruptcies/li> !-- -->li>Property deed information/li> !-- -->li>Real estate liens and judgments/li> !-- -->li>Business ownership files/li> !-- -->li>The registration of licenses/li> !-- -->li>Unclaimed assets/li>!-- -->/ul>!-- -->p>You may also obtain genealogy information and history details through the !-- -->a href>New Hampshire State Library/a>.!-- -->/p>!-- -->h3 idwhat-records-are-non-public-in-new-hampshire>What Records are Non-Public in New Hampshire?/h3>!-- -->p>Some records are not available for public access in New Hampshire. Below are examples of some of the standard records/p>!-- -->ul> !-- -->li>Vital records, such as marriage, death, birth, and divorce certificates that are not direct or tangible./li> !-- -->li>Confidential criminal history files, including non-conviction information. This information is only given to law enforcement officers or individuals who wish to access their own records./li> !-- -->li>Records related to Petit and Grand juries. (Petit juries listen to trial evidence so they can return a verdict while a Grand jury listens to lawyer-presented evidence for the government. This allows jurors to determine if criminal charges should be brought against a defendant.)/li> !-- -->li>Pardon board and parole information./li> !-- -->li>Student records./li> !-- -->li>Some financial or commercial data./li>!-- -->/ul>!-- -->p>You can glean more information about public record access by learning more about the Right to Know Law in the state !-- -->a href>here/a>.!-- -->/p>!-- -->h2 idtypes-of-public-records-available-in-new-hampshire>Types of Public Records Available in New Hampshire/h2>!-- -->p>Below are some of the usual public records available in New Hampshire:/p>!-- -->h3 idnew-hampshire-criminal-records>New Hampshire Criminal Records/h3>!-- -->p>The !-- -->a href>New Hampshire State Police/a> offers a repository for New Hampshire criminal records through its CHRI database. CHRI is an acronym that stands for Criminal History Record Information. !-- -->/p>!-- -->p>It includes all arrests and dispositions of people charged with a crime in the state. An Automated Fingerprint Identification System, or AFIS, supports the Criminal Records Unit of the Central Repository and the record database for the FBI./p>!-- -->p>The CHRI database provides the following information:/p>!-- -->ul> !-- -->li>The date of birth of the offender/li> !-- -->li>The offender's driver's license number/li> !-- -->li>A mugshot or photo/li> !-- -->li>Fingerprints/li> !-- -->li>Past and current address/li> !-- -->li>Prior arrest records/li> !-- -->li>Past and current warrants/li> !-- -->li>Sex offender status/li>!-- -->/ul>!-- -->p>When requesting your own criminal history, you'll need to have the document notarized or signed by a Justice of the Peace, along with a seal and date. Requesters must provide a current photo I.D. if they order the history at a public counter./p>hr/>h4>Police Departments and Sheriffe Office in !-- -->span>New Hampshire/span> :!-- -->/h4>div classoffice-address>div classitem>a hrefhillsborough-county/hillsborough-county-sheriff-office>Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office/a>em>329 Mast Road, !-- -->Goffstown, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefrockingham-county/rockingham-county-sheriff-office>Rockingham County Sheriff's Office/a>em>101 North Road, !-- -->Brentwood, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefmerrimack-county/merrimack-county-sheriff-office>Merrimack County Sheriff's Office/a>em>333 Daniel Webster Hwy, !-- -->Boscawen, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefstrafford-county/strafford-county-sheriff-office>Strafford County Sheriff's Office/a>em>259 County Farm Rd, !-- -->Dover, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefgrafton-county/grafton-county-sheriff-office>Grafton County Sheriff's Office/a>em>3785 Dartmouth College Hwy, !-- -->North Haverhill, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefcheshire-county/cheshire-county-sheriff-office>Cheshire County Sheriff's Office/a>em>12 Court St, !-- -->Keene, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefbelknap-county/belknap-county-sheriff-office>Belknap County Sheriff's Office/a>em>42 County Dr, !-- -->Laconia, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefcarroll-county/carroll-county-sheriff-office>Carroll County Sheriff's Office/a>em>95 Water Village Rd, !-- -->Ossipee, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefsullivan-county/sullivan-county-sheriff-office>Sullivan County Sheriff's Office/a>em>14 Main St, !-- -->Newport, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefcoos-county/coos-county-sheriff-office>Coos County Sheriff's Office/a>em>55 School St, !-- -->Lancaster, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>/div>h3 idarrest-records-and-warrants>Arrest Records and Warrants/h3>!-- -->p>You can access arrests and warrants through the !-- -->a href>New Hampshire State Police website/a>. Arrest records show the offender's name, the time and date of the arrest, and its location. A mug shot and charges are part of the report. You can also obtain fingerprint information.!-- -->/p>!-- -->h3 idinmate-and-jail-records>Inmate and Jail Records/h3>!-- -->p>The New Hampshire !-- -->a href>Department of Corrections/a> provides a locator tool to find inmates. Once you access the data, it will give your the following information!-- -->/p>!-- -->ul> !-- -->li>Name of offender and date of birth/li> !-- -->li>Number of inmate/li> !-- -->li>Booking date/li> !-- -->li>Parole date/li> !-- -->li>Release date/li> !-- -->li>Case number/li>!-- -->/ul>hr/>h4>Jails and Prisons in !-- -->span>New Hampshire/span> :!-- -->/h4>div classoffice-address>div classitem>a hrefhillsborough-county/new-hampshire-state-prison-for-women>New Hampshire State Prison for Women/a>em>317 Mast Rd., !-- -->Goffstown, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefhillsborough-county/hillsborough-county-nh-department-of-corrections>Hillsborough County NH Department of Corrections/a>em>445 Willow Street, !-- -->Manchester, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefhillsborough-county/calumet-house-transitional-housing-unit>Calumet House Transitional Housing Unit/a>em>126 Lowell Street, !-- -->Manchester, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefrockingham-county/rockingham-county-nh-department-of-corrections>Rockingham County NH Department of Corrections/a>em>99 North Road, !-- -->Brentwood, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefmerrimack-county/concord-transitional-work-center>Concord Transitional Work Center/a>em>275 North State Street, PO Box 14, !-- -->Concord, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefmerrimack-county/new-hampshire-state-prison-for-men>New Hampshire State Prison for Men/a>em>281 North State St., !-- -->Concord, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefmerrimack-county/merrimack-county-nh-department-of-corrections>Merrimack County NH Department of Corrections/a>em>314 Daniel Webster Highway, !-- -->Boscawen, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefmerrimack-county/north-end-house-transitional-housing-unit>North End House Transitional Housing Unit/a>em>1 Perimeter Road, PO Box 14, !-- -->Concord, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefmerrimack-county/shea-farm-transitional-housing-unit>Shea Farm Transitional Housing Unit/a>em>60 Iron Works Road, !-- -->Concord, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefstrafford-county/strafford-county-house-of-corrections>Strafford County House of Corrections/a>em>266 County Farm Road, !-- -->Dover, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>/div>h3 idnew-hampshire-background-checks>New Hampshire Background Checks/h3>!-- -->p>You must visit the !-- -->a href>Office of Professional and Licensure Certification t/a>o obtain a New Hampshire background check if you're a licensed professional, such as a nurse, podiatrist, chiropractor, court reporter, or dietician. Background checks are available for over 50 professionals.!-- -->/p>!-- -->p>Otherwise, you can obtain a background check by performing a criminal records search through the !-- -->a href>New Hampshire State Police website/a>.!-- -->/p>!-- -->p>Employers, landlords, and adoption agencies may request background checks in New Hampshire. Employers may not base his or her hiring decision on an applicant's criminal history unless it affects the job assignment. For example, a past offense for embezzlement may prevent an applicant from applying as a bookkeeper./p>!-- -->p>Criminal convictions or arrests over seven years old are not provided for applicants making up to $20,000. This rule is waived if the applicant earns over $20,000 per annum./p>!-- -->p>According to law, background checks do not provide details about arrests that did not end in a conviction that are over seven years old. /p>!-- -->p>Landlords may conduct background checks as long as the potential renter signs a consent to do so. If you have a criminal record and were convicted of a crime, you cannot adopt a child in New Hampshire./p>!-- -->h3 idhow-to-find-sex-offenders-in-new-hampshire>em>How to Find Sex Offenders in New Hampshire/em>/h3>!-- -->p>em>To find sex offenders in New Hampshire, you can access the information through the /em>a href>em>New Hampshire Department of Public Safety,/em>/a>em> State Police website. You can also visit the U.S. /em>a href>em>Justice Department website,/em>/a>em> which allows you to link to different state sex offender registries./em>/p>!-- -->h3 idnew-hampshire-vital-records>New Hampshire Vital Records/h3>!-- -->p>You can request vital records information through the !-- -->a href>Secretary of State's office/a>. These records may also be obtained through the !-- -->a href>State Records platform/a>.!-- -->/p>!-- -->h3 idnew-hampshire-court-records>New Hampshire Court Records/h3>!-- -->p>You must visit the state's j!-- -->a href>udicial branch platform/a> to obtain court records in New Hampshire. You may also obtain records from the County Clerk's Office at a public terminal. There is no charge for the service when you use a public terminal.!-- -->/p>!-- -->h2 idthe-state-court-system-in-new-hampshire>The State Court System in New Hampshire/h2>!-- -->p>The court system in New Hampshire is made up of the following courts:/p>!-- -->h3 idthe-supreme-court>The Supreme Court/h3>!-- -->p>The Supreme Court is the state's highest court and the only appellate court in New Hampshire. Not only does it hear appeals, but it also corrects errors in proceedings for trial and the laws that govern the state and federal constitutions. The court receives appeals from the Superior and Circuit courts. Four associate justices and a chief justice preside over this part of the state's judicial branch./p>!-- -->h3 idthe-superior-court>The Superior Court/h3>!-- -->p>The Superior Court in New Hampshire is composed of 11 courts, all of which oversee criminal and civil matters except cases that are exclusive to the Circuit Court. The ten counties in New Hampshire have one or more of these types of courts. /p>!-- -->p>More specifically, the Superior Court system handles cases covering negligence, real estate rights, contracts, and civil matters with a minimum damage amount of $1,500. The court also has primary jurisdiction over court cases where damage claims are above $25,000. /p>!-- -->p>In addition, the court handles felony charges and misdemeanor appeals from the state’s Circuit Court./p>!-- -->h3 idthe-circuit-court>The Circuit Court/h3>!-- -->p>This court was introduced in 2011 and was created by combining the Probate Court, District Court, and Family Division. Therefore, it presides over cases under these three classifications. The state has 10 circuit courts, one in each county. Within the 10 circuit courts, 34 circuit courts serve local New Hampshire communities./p>!-- -->h3 idthe-district-division>The District Division/h3>!-- -->p>This part of the court system holds non-jury trials that cover violations or misdemeanors. Tenant and landlord matters are heard as are civil cases, stalking cases, and small business claims under $10,000. The state has 32 District Divisions in the Circuit Court system./p>!-- -->h3 idthe-family-division>The Family Division/h3>!-- -->p>The Family Division oversees parenting, divorces, child support, abuse, and negligence cases, plus minor guardianships. It also handles children in need of services and charges of delinquency. Domestic violence cases also fall under this domain./p>!-- -->h3 idthe-probate-division>The Probate Division/h3>!-- -->p>This part of the New Hampshire court system presides over estate planning adoptions, trusts, wills, and termination of parental rights. It oversees matters that involve name changes, equity matters, and involuntary obligations./p>hr/>h4>Courts in !-- -->span>New Hampshire/span> :!-- -->/h4>div classoffice-address>div classitem>a hrefrockingham-county/rockingham-county-superior-court-2>Rockingham County Superior Court /a>em>10 Route 125, !-- -->Brentwood, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefmerrimack-county/new-hampshire-supreme-court>New Hampshire Supreme Court/a>em>1 Charles Doe Dr., !-- -->Concord, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefmerrimack-county/merrimack-county-superior-court>Merrimack County Superior Court /a>em>5 Court St., !-- -->Concord, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefstrafford-county/strafford-county-superior-court>Strafford County Superior Court/a>em>259 County Farm Rd., !-- -->Dover, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefgrafton-county/grafton-county-superior-court>Grafton County Superior Court/a>em>3785 Dartmouth College Hwy., !-- -->North Haverhill, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefcheshire-county/cheshire-county-superior-court>Cheshire County Superior Court/a>em>33 Winter St., !-- -->Keene, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefbelknap-county/belknap-county-superior-court>Belknap County Superior Court/a>em>64 Court St., !-- -->Laconia, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefcarroll-county/carroll-county-superior-court>Carroll County Superior Court/a>em>96 Water Village Rd., !-- -->Ossipee, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefsullivan-county/sullivan-county-superior-court>Sullivan County Superior Court/a>em>22 Main St., !-- -->Newport, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>div classitem>a hrefcoos-county/coos-county-superior-court>Coos County Superior Court/a>em>55 School St., !-- -->Lancaster, !-- -->NH!-- -->/em>/div>/div>h2 iddriving-records>Driving Records/h2>!-- -->p>To access driving records in New Hampshire, you must visit the !-- -->a href>Division of Motor Vehicles/a> website. !-- -->/p>!-- -->p>The agency, by law, must keep personal details on driving records confidential. Therefore, you can only access this information if you need it to transact business as a company, law enforcement officer, or governmental entity. You may also access the record if you need it for yourself./p>!-- -->p>Driving records show convictions, revocations, or suspension and restoration of licenses. They may also contain information that shows the completion of a safe driver course or the date the driver completed an Attitude Program.* Individuals who have an AKA (also known as) or FKA (formerly known as) referenced name are also listed. /p>!-- -->p>*!-- -->em>Attitude Programs cover subjects that allow a driver to make better decisions while driving, thereby avoiding impulsive actions and increasing risk./em>/p>!-- -->p>The information for a driver's license is limited to the license's issue and expiration dates. You can access an application online to request your driving record or another person's driving record./p>!-- -->h3 idcivil-driving-infractions>Civil Driving Infractions/h3>!-- -->p>You may also receive information about civil infractions when you obtain a driving record. These infractions include parking and speeding tickets./p>!-- -->p>The state uses a demerit point system when you violate a driving law. Point values range from 1 to 6 and appear on a copy of your driving record for three years from the violation date. /p>!-- -->h3 idnew-hampshire-license-plate-lookup>New Hampshire License Plate Lookup/h3>!-- -->p>To look up a New Hampshire license plate, you can do so online on a private VIN or license plate platform. This is one of the fastest ways to obtain data on a vehicle's driver or history. You may also request a !-- -->a href>records request form/a> through New Hampshire’s DMV.!-- -->/p>!-- -->h3 idnew-hampshire-property-and-assets-records-online>New Hampshire Property and Assets Records Online/h3>!-- -->p>If you’re seeking real property assets online, you can use the database tool on the New Hampshire Department of Administrative Services !-- -->a href>website./a> !-- -->/p>!-- -->p>Information about unclaimed property is featured on the State Treasury's !-- -->a href>Abandoned Property Division/a> website. !-- -->/p>!-- -->h2 idimportant-government-agencies-in-new-hampshire>Important Government Agencies in New Hampshire/h2>!-- -->ol> !-- -->li>a href>State Governor/a>/li> !-- -->li>a href>Secretary of State/a>/li> !-- -->li>a href>State Police/a>/li> !-- -->li>a href>Judicial Branch/a>/li> !-- -->li>a href>Vital Records Administration/a>/li> !-- -->li>a href>Department of Corrections/a>/li> !-- -->li>a href>Division of Motor Vehicles/a>/li>!-- -->/ol>hr/>h2 classmt-0>Counties in !-- -->New Hampshire!-- -->/h2>ul classarrow dy-lst>li>a hrefbelknap-county>Belknap/a>/li>li>a hrefcarroll-county>Carroll/a>/li>li>a hrefcheshire-county>Cheshire/a>/li>li>a hrefcoos-county>Coos/a>/li>li>a hrefgrafton-county>Grafton/a>/li>li>a hrefhillsborough-county>Hillsborough/a>/li>li>a hrefmerrimack-county>Merrimack/a>/li>li>a hrefrockingham-county>Rockingham/a>/li>li>a hrefstrafford-county>Strafford/a>/li>li>a hrefsullivan-county>Sullivan/a>/li>/ul>hr/>h2 classmt-0 idother-records>Other Records in !-- -->New Hampshire!-- -->/h2>ul classarrow>li>a hrefarrest-records>New Hampshire Arrest Records/a>/li>li>a hrefcourt-records>New Hampshire Court Records/a>/li>li>a hrefcriminal-records>New Hampshire Criminal Records/a>/li>li>a hrefdivorce-records>New Hampshire Divorce Records/a>/li>li>a hrefdriving-records>New Hampshire Driving Records/a>/li>li>a hrefinmate-search>New Hampshire Inmate Search/a>/li>li>a hrefmarriage-records>New Hampshire Marriage Records/a>/li>li>a hrefwarrant-search>New Hampshire Warrant Search/a>/li>/ul>/div>div classcol-12 col-md-4 ps-5 rightMenu>div classrightnav sticky overflow-y-scroll>h3>List of Content/h3>ol>li>a href#how-to-find-new-hampshire-records>How to Find New Hampshire Records/a>ol>li>a href#are-new-hampshire-public-records-available-online>Are New Hampshire Public Records Available Online?/a>/li>/ol>/li>li>a href#what-records-are-available-in-new-hampshire>What Records Are Available in New Hampshire?/a>ol>li>a href#what-records-are-non-public-in-new-hampshire>What Records are Non-Public in New Hampshire?/a>/li>/ol>/li>li>a href#types-of-public-records-available-in-new-hampshire>Types of Public Records Available in New Hampshire/a>ol>li>a href#new-hampshire-criminal-records>New Hampshire Criminal Records/a>/li>li>a href#arrest-records-and-warrants>Arrest Records and Warrants/a>/li>li>a href#inmate-and-jail-records>Inmate and Jail Records/a>/li>li>a href#new-hampshire-background-checks>New Hampshire Background Checks/a>/li>li>a href#how-to-find-sex-offenders-in-new-hampshire>How to Find Sex Offenders in New Hampshire/a>/li>li>a href#new-hampshire-vital-records>New Hampshire Vital Records/a>/li>li>a href#new-hampshire-court-records>New Hampshire Court Records/a>/li>/ol>/li>li>a href#the-state-court-system-in-new-hampshire>The State Court System in New Hampshire/a>ol>li>a href#the-supreme-court>The Supreme Court/a>/li>li>a href#the-superior-court>The Superior Court/a>/li>li>a href#the-circuit-court>The Circuit Court/a>/li>li>a href#the-district-division>The District Division/a>/li>li>a href#the-family-division>The Family Division/a>/li>li>a href#the-probate-division>The Probate Division/a>/li>/ol>/li>li>a href#driving-records>Driving Records/a>ol>li>a href#civil-driving-infractions>Civil Driving Infractions/a>/li>li>a href#new-hampshire-license-plate-lookup>New Hampshire License Plate Lookup/a>/li>li>a href#new-hampshire-property-and-assets-records-online>New Hampshire Property and Assets Records Online/a>/li>/ol>/li>li>a href#important-government-agencies-in-new-hampshire>Important Government Agencies in New Hampshire/a>ol>/ol>/li>li>a href#other-records>Other Records/a>/li>/ol>/div>/div>/div>/div>/main>footer>div classinner-gap bg-white>div classcontainer>div classrow>div classcol-12 col-md-6 footer-left stylejustify-content:flex-start>div classlogo>a href/>ThePublicIndex/a>/div>div classcopy>© !-- -->2024!-- --> All Rights Reserved.!-- -->/div>/div>div classcol-12 col-md-6 footer-right>div classfooter-nav>ul>li>a href>Privacy Policy/a>/li>li>a href>Terms and Conditions/a>/li>li>a href>Blog/a>/li>li>a href target_blank>Log In/a>/li>li>a href>Contact Us/a>/li>li>a href>Accessibility Statement/a>/li>li>a href>Your Privacy Choices/a>/li>li>a href>Do Not Sell / Share My Personal Information/a>/li>li>a idaccessibilityWidget classacs-set stylecursor:pointer>Accessibility Settings/a>/li>/ul>/div>/div>/div>hr/>div classrow>div classcol-12 discalimer>p>DISCLAIMER: The mission of !-- -->!-- --> is to provide easy, affordable, and prompt access to government-generated public records. !-- -->!-- --> is not operated by, affiliated with, or associated with any federal, state, or local government or agency. Because we are not the original source of the information provided through !-- -->!-- -->, we cannot ensure or guarantee that the information is correct, accurate, comprehensive, or current. !-- -->!-- --> is not a consumer reporting organization as determined by The Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 USC § 1681 et seq ("FCRA"), and information provided cannot be used to establish a person's eligibility for personal credit or employment, tenant screening, or evaluate risk connected with a business transaction, or for any other purpose under the FCRA. Use of !-- -->!-- --> for illegitimate reasons like stalking or harassing others may subject users to civil and criminal lawsuits and fines. To carry out research on !-- -->!-- -->, users must consent to the !-- -->!-- --> !-- -->a href>terms of service/a> and our !-- -->a href>privacy policy/a> and must agree that they will not use !-- -->!-- --> for any purpose under the FCRA per our notice.!-- -->/p>/div>/div>/div>/div>/footer>/div>/div>script id__NEXT_DATA__ typeapplication/json>{props:{pageProps:{host:newhampshire,results:{name:New Hampshire Public Records,slug:home,subdomain:newhampshire,site:{name:ThePublicIndex,key:thepublicindex,url:},content-pieces:{key:1,heading:,heading_tag:null,content:\u003cp\u003eEveryone who resides in the state of New Hampshire has the right to access, acquire, and investigate any state public records that are readily available. Public records are accessible to and available for review by members of the general public.\u0026nbsp;\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eThe relevant agencies can provide information on a person\u0026#39;s criminal background, registered property, and business accounts. In addition, the government agency that holds the document conveniently provides information on death, birth, or marriage to interested parties.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch2\u003eHow to Find New Hampshire Records\u003c/h2\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eIn New Hampshire, the Vital Records Administration oversees the records for deaths and births that cover counties and towns. These records go back to 1640.\u0026nbsp;\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eThe Vital Records Administration will not issue certificates online, so you must go through the process by mail or in person at the local town clerk\u0026#39;s office.\u0026nbsp;\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eMoreover, vital records in the state are considered private. Therefore, the state\u0026#39;s law limits access to only those who can show a direct and tangible interest in the information. For example, if you want to access the birth certificate of someone outside your family, you can\u0026#39;t access the record.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eTo search, you are charged $15.00 for one certificate and $10.00 per extra copy. Birth records, beginning in 1988, and death records from 1990, are available at town clerk sites through the newest computer systems.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eYou can easily find several types of state records if you visit the State Records website for New Hampshire. These records include an array of public archives, including arrests and criminal and inmate files, traffic violations, financial and real estate information, business ownership records, and vital records. You can also check unclaimed records and registered licenses.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eYou can find court records in New Hampshire through the court system. However, you cannot access all records. Some sealed cases include juvenile cases, including records regarding termination of parental rights, delinquency, and neglect and abuse information.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eOther court records that are not open to the public include grand jury records and applications made for wiretaps. Agencies also maintain and do not release denied or pending applications involving arrest or search warrants or data related to a current investigation.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eThe Judicial Branch will give you the necessary details to obtain the court records you seek. You can also research court records in person at 1 Granite Place, Suite N400 in Concord, New Hampshire. The contact number is 1 (855) 212-1234.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch3\u003eAre New Hampshire Public Records Available Online?\u003c/h3\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eYou can access most records online with some exceptions, as noted above, such as birth and death certificates.\u0026nbsp;\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eVital records are available at one of two places online. You can go through the New Hampshire Secretary of State (\u003c/em\u003e\u003ca href\\\u003e\u003cem\u003eSOS\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/a\u003e\u003cem\u003e) website and download an application to receive certificates through the mail. Applicants may obtain a certified copy for a birth, marriage, divorce, civil union, or death.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eYou can also easily obtain various records online through the state\u0026#39;s\u003ca href\\\u003e State Records portal\u003c/a\u003e.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eIf you\u0026rsquo;re checking court records, visit the \u003ca href\\\u003eNew Hampshire Judicial Branch site f\u003c/a\u003eor access and retrieval.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eYou may also contact the agency directly for specific records when searching. For instance, if you\u0026#39;re seeking deed information, visit the \u003ca href\\\u003eRegister of Deeds online.\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eDo you want bankruptcy information? If so, visit the\u0026nbsp; \u003ca href\\\u003ePACER \u003c/a\u003ecase locator portal online. PACER is the acronym assigned to the public access to court electronic records system. Not only can you access bankruptcy court records, but it also gives you information for all bankruptcy, appellate, and district court cases. You may also save cases for later review at the site.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch2\u003eWhat Records Are Available in New Hampshire?\u003c/h2\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eYou can access a large number of public records in New Hampshire. This non-exhaustive list includes:\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cul\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eVital records, such as death, birth, marriage, and divorce information\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eArrest records and criminal and jail and inmate records\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eTraffic violations on file\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eInformation regarding bankruptcies\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eProperty deed information\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eReal estate liens and judgments\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eBusiness ownership files\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eThe registration of licenses\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eUnclaimed assets\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\u003c/ul\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eYou may also obtain genealogy information and history details through the \u003ca href\\\u003eNew Hampshire State Library\u003c/a\u003e.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch3\u003eWhat Records are Non-Public in New Hampshire?\u003c/h3\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eSome records are not available for public access in New Hampshire. Below are examples of some of the standard records\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cul\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eVital records, such as marriage, death, birth, and divorce certificates that are not direct or tangible.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eConfidential criminal history files, including non-conviction information. This information is only given to law enforcement officers or individuals who wish to access their own records.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eRecords related to Petit and Grand juries. (Petit juries listen to trial evidence so they can return a verdict while a Grand jury listens to lawyer-presented evidence for the government. This allows jurors to determine if criminal charges should be brought against a defendant.)\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003ePardon board and parole information.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eStudent records.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eSome financial or commercial data.\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\u003c/ul\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eYou can glean more information about public record access by learning more about the Right to Know Law in the state \u003ca href\\\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch2\u003eTypes of Public Records Available in New Hampshire\u003c/h2\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eBelow are some of the usual public records available in New Hampshire:\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch3\u003eNew Hampshire Criminal Records\u003c/h3\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eThe \u003ca href\\\u003eNew Hampshire State Police\u003c/a\u003e offers a repository for New Hampshire criminal records through its CHRI database. CHRI is an acronym that stands for Criminal History Record Information.\u0026nbsp;\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eIt includes all arrests and dispositions of people charged with a crime in the state. An Automated Fingerprint Identification System, or AFIS, supports the Criminal Records Unit of the Central Repository and the record database for the FBI.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eThe CHRI database provides the following information:\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cul\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eThe date of birth of the offender\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eThe offender\u0026#39;s driver\u0026#39;s license number\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eA mugshot or photo\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eFingerprints\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003ePast and current address\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003ePrior arrest records\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003ePast and current warrants\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eSex offender status\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\u003c/ul\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eWhen requesting your own criminal history, you\u0026#39;ll need to have the document notarized or signed by a Justice of the Peace, along with a seal and date. Requesters must provide a current photo I.D. if they order the history at a public counter.\u003c/p\u003e},{key:2,heading:,heading_tag:null,content:\u003ch3\u003eArrest Records and Warrants\u003c/h3\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eYou can access arrests and warrants through the \u003ca href\\\u003eNew Hampshire State Police website\u003c/a\u003e. Arrest records show the offender\u0026#39;s name, the time and date of the arrest, and its location. A mug shot and charges are part of the report. You can also obtain fingerprint information.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch3\u003eInmate and Jail Records\u003c/h3\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eThe New Hampshire \u003ca href\\\u003eDepartment of Corrections\u003c/a\u003e provides a locator tool to find inmates. Once you access the data, it will give your the following information\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cul\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eName of offender and date of birth\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eNumber of inmate\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eBooking date\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eParole date\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eRelease date\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003eCase number\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\u003c/ul\u003e},{key:3,heading:,heading_tag:null,content:\u003ch3\u003eNew Hampshire Background Checks\u003c/h3\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eYou must visit the \u003ca href\\\u003eOffice of Professional and Licensure Certification t\u003c/a\u003eo obtain a New Hampshire background check if you\u0026#39;re a licensed professional, such as a nurse, podiatrist, chiropractor, court reporter, or dietician. Background checks are available for over 50 professionals.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eOtherwise, you can obtain a background check by performing a criminal records search through the \u003ca href\\\u003eNew Hampshire State Police website\u003c/a\u003e.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eEmployers, landlords, and adoption agencies may request background checks in New Hampshire. Employers may not base his or her hiring decision on an applicant\u0026#39;s criminal history unless it affects the job assignment. For example, a past offense for embezzlement may prevent an applicant from applying as a bookkeeper.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eCriminal convictions or arrests over seven years old are not provided for applicants making up to $20,000. This rule is waived if the applicant earns over $20,000 per annum.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eAccording to law, background checks do not provide details about arrests that did not end in a conviction that are over seven years old.\u0026nbsp;\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eLandlords may conduct background checks as long as the potential renter signs a consent to do so. If you have a criminal record and were convicted of a crime, you cannot adopt a child in New Hampshire.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch3\u003e\u003cem\u003eHow to Find Sex Offenders in New Hampshire\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/h3\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cem\u003eTo find sex offenders in New Hampshire, you can access the information through the \u003c/em\u003e\u003ca href\\\u003e\u003cem\u003eNew Hampshire Department of Public Safety,\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/a\u003e\u003cem\u003e State Police website. You can also visit the U.S. \u003c/em\u003e\u003ca href\\\u003e\u003cem\u003eJustice Department website,\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/a\u003e\u003cem\u003e which allows you to link to different state sex offender registries.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch3\u003eNew Hampshire Vital Records\u003c/h3\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eYou can request vital records information through the \u003ca href\\\u003eSecretary of State\u0026#39;s office\u003c/a\u003e. These records may also be obtained through the \u003ca href\\\u003eState Records platform\u003c/a\u003e.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch3\u003eNew Hampshire Court Records\u003c/h3\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eYou must visit the state\u0026#39;s j\u003ca href\\\u003eudicial branch platform\u003c/a\u003e to obtain court records in New Hampshire. You may also obtain records from the County Clerk\u0026#39;s Office at a public terminal. There is no charge for the service when you use a public terminal.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch2\u003eThe State Court System in New Hampshire\u003c/h2\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eThe court system in New Hampshire is made up of the following courts:\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch3\u003eThe Supreme Court\u003c/h3\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eThe Supreme Court is the state\u0026#39;s highest court and the only appellate court in New Hampshire. Not only does it hear appeals, but it also corrects errors in proceedings for trial and the laws that govern the state and federal constitutions. The court receives appeals from the Superior and Circuit courts. Four associate justices and a chief justice preside over this part of the state\u0026#39;s judicial branch.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch3\u003eThe Superior Court\u003c/h3\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eThe Superior Court in New Hampshire is composed of 11 courts, all of which oversee criminal and civil matters except cases that are exclusive to the Circuit Court. The ten counties in New Hampshire have one or more of these types of courts.\u0026nbsp;\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eMore specifically, the Superior Court system handles cases covering negligence, real estate rights, contracts, and civil matters with a minimum damage amount of $1,500. The court also has primary jurisdiction over court cases where damage claims are above $25,000.\u0026nbsp;\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eIn addition, the court handles felony charges and misdemeanor appeals from the state\u0026rsquo;s Circuit Court.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch3\u003eThe Circuit Court\u003c/h3\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eThis court was introduced in 2011 and was created by combining the Probate Court, District Court, and Family Division. Therefore, it presides over cases under these three classifications. The state has 10 circuit courts, one in each county. Within the 10 circuit courts, 34 circuit courts serve local New Hampshire communities.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch3\u003eThe District Division\u003c/h3\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eThis part of the court system holds non-jury trials that cover violations or misdemeanors. Tenant and landlord matters are heard as are civil cases, stalking cases, and small business claims under $10,000. The state has 32 District Divisions in the Circuit Court system.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch3\u003eThe Family Division\u003c/h3\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eThe Family Division oversees parenting, divorces, child support, abuse, and negligence cases, plus minor guardianships. It also handles children in need of services and charges of delinquency. Domestic violence cases also fall under this domain.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch3\u003eThe Probate Division\u003c/h3\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eThis part of the New Hampshire court system presides over estate planning adoptions, trusts, wills, and termination of parental rights. It oversees matters that involve name changes, equity matters, and involuntary obligations.\u003c/p\u003e},{key:4,heading:,heading_tag:null,content:\u003ch2\u003eDriving Records\u003c/h2\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eTo access driving records in New Hampshire, you must visit the \u003ca href\\\u003eDivision of Motor Vehicles\u003c/a\u003e website.\u0026nbsp;\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eThe agency, by law, must keep personal details on driving records confidential. Therefore, you can only access this information if you need it to transact business as a company, law enforcement officer, or governmental entity. You may also access the record if you need it for yourself.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eDriving records show convictions, revocations, or suspension and restoration of licenses. They may also contain information that shows the completion of a safe driver course or the date the driver completed an Attitude Program.* Individuals who have an AKA (also known as) or FKA (formerly known as) referenced name are also listed.\u0026nbsp;\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003e*\u003cem\u003eAttitude Programs cover subjects that allow a driver to make better decisions while driving, thereby avoiding impulsive actions and increasing risk.\u003c/em\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eThe information for a driver\u0026#39;s license is limited to the license\u0026#39;s issue and expiration dates. You can access an application online to request your driving record or another person\u0026#39;s driving record.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch3\u003eCivil Driving Infractions\u003c/h3\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eYou may also receive information about civil infractions when you obtain a driving record. These infractions include parking and speeding tickets.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eThe state uses a demerit point system when you violate a driving law. Point values range from 1 to 6 and appear on a copy of your driving record for three years from the violation date.\u0026nbsp;\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch3\u003eNew Hampshire License Plate Lookup\u003c/h3\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eTo look up a New Hampshire license plate, you can do so online on a private VIN or license plate platform. This is one of the fastest ways to obtain data on a vehicle\u0026#39;s driver or history. You may also request a \u003ca href\\\u003erecords request form\u003c/a\u003e through New Hampshire\u0026rsquo;s DMV.\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch3\u003eNew Hampshire Property and Assets Records Online\u003c/h3\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eIf you\u0026rsquo;re seeking real property assets online, you can use the database tool on the New Hampshire Department of Administrative Services \u003ca href\\\u003ewebsite.\u003c/a\u003e\u0026nbsp;\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cp\u003eInformation about unclaimed property is featured on the State Treasury\u0026#39;s \u003ca href\\\u003eAbandoned Property Division\u003c/a\u003e website.\u0026nbsp;\u003c/p\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003ch2\u003eImportant Government Agencies in New Hampshire\u003c/h2\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003col\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003e\u003ca href\\\u003eState Governor\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003e\u003ca href\\\u003eSecretary of State\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003e\u003ca href\\\u003eState Police\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003e\u003ca href\\\u003eJudicial Branch\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003e\u003ca href\\\u003eVital Records Administration\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003e\u003ca href\\\u003eDepartment of Corrections\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\t\u003cli\u003e\u003ca href\\\u003eDivision of Motor Vehicles\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/li\u003e\r\n\u003c/ol\u003e},metas:{title:New Hampshire Public Records Online - ThePublicIndex,description:Search New Hampshire public public records on Find New Hampshire government offices, criminal, court, inmate, marriage, divorce, birth and death records.,keywords:null,h1:\u003cspan\u003eNew Hampshire\u003c/span\u003e Public Records,canoncical:,robots:INDEX,FOLLOW}},prisonAndJails:{state:NH,name:New Hampshire State Prison for Women,county:HILLSBOROUGH,city:Goffstown,address:317 Mast Rd.,slug:new-hampshire-state-prison-for-women,population_county:400721,county_slug:hillsborough},{state:NH,name:Hillsborough County NH Department of Corrections,county:HILLSBOROUGH,city:Manchester,address:445 Willow Street,slug:hillsborough-county-nh-department-of-corrections,population_county:400721,county_slug:hillsborough},{state:NH,name:Calumet House Transitional Housing Unit,county:HILLSBOROUGH,city:Manchester,address:126 Lowell Street,slug:calumet-house-transitional-housing-unit,population_county:400721,county_slug:hillsborough},{state:NH,name:Rockingham County NH Department of Corrections,county:ROCKINGHAM,city:Brentwood,address:99 North Road,slug:rockingham-county-nh-department-of-corrections,population_county:295223,county_slug:rockingham},{state:NH,name:Concord Transitional Work Center,county:MERRIMACK,city:Concord,address:275 North State Street, PO Box 14,slug:concord-transitional-work-center,population_county:146445,county_slug:merrimack},{state:NH,name:New Hampshire State Prison for Men,county:MERRIMACK,city:Concord,address:281 North State St.,slug:new-hampshire-state-prison-for-men,population_county:146445,county_slug:merrimack},{state:NH,name:Merrimack County NH Department of Corrections,county:MERRIMACK,city:Boscawen,address:314 Daniel Webster Highway,slug:merrimack-county-nh-department-of-corrections,population_county:146445,county_slug:merrimack},{state:NH,name:North End House Transitional Housing Unit,county:MERRIMACK,city:Concord,address:1 Perimeter Road, PO Box 14,slug:north-end-house-transitional-housing-unit,population_county:146445,county_slug:merrimack},{state:NH,name:Shea Farm Transitional Housing Unit,county:MERRIMACK,city:Concord,address:60 Iron Works Road,slug:shea-farm-transitional-housing-unit,population_county:146445,county_slug:merrimack},{state:NH,name:Strafford County House of Corrections,county:STRAFFORD,city:Dover,address:266 County Farm Road,slug:strafford-county-house-of-corrections,population_county:123143,county_slug:strafford},courtData:{Court_Name:Rockingham County Superior Court ,State_abbv:NH,Street:10 Route 125,City:Brentwood,slug:rockingham-county-superior-court-2,county_slug:rockingham,population_county:295223},{Court_Name:New Hampshire Supreme Court,State_abbv:NH,Street:1 Charles Doe Dr.,City:Concord,slug:new-hampshire-supreme-court,county_slug:merrimack,population_county:146445},{Court_Name:Merrimack County Superior Court ,State_abbv:NH,Street:5 Court St.,City:Concord,slug:merrimack-county-superior-court,county_slug:merrimack,population_county:146445},{Court_Name:Strafford County Superior Court,State_abbv:NH,Street:259 County Farm Rd.,City:Dover,slug:strafford-county-superior-court,county_slug:strafford,population_county:123143},{Court_Name:Grafton County Superior Court,State_abbv:NH,Street:3785 Dartmouth College Hwy.,City:North Haverhill,slug:grafton-county-superior-court,county_slug:grafton,population_county:89118},{Court_Name:Cheshire County Superior Court,State_abbv:NH,Street:33 Winter St.,City:Keene,slug:cheshire-county-superior-court,county_slug:cheshire,population_county:77117},{Court_Name:Belknap County Superior Court,State_abbv:NH,Street:64 Court St.,City:Laconia,slug:belknap-county-superior-court,county_slug:belknap,population_county:60088},{Court_Name:Carroll County Superior Court,State_abbv:NH,Street:96 Water Village Rd.,City:Ossipee,slug:carroll-county-superior-court,county_slug:carroll,population_county:47818},{Court_Name:Sullivan County Superior Court,State_abbv:NH,Street:22 Main St.,City:Newport,slug:sullivan-county-superior-court,county_slug:sullivan,population_county:43742},{Court_Name:Coos County Superior Court,State_abbv:NH,Street:55 School St.,City:Lancaster,slug:coos-county-superior-court,county_slug:coos,population_county:33055},listOfCounty:{id:1914,county:BELKNAP,slug:belknap},{id:1915,county:CARROLL,slug:carroll},{id:1916,county:CHESHIRE,slug:cheshire},{id:1917,county:COOS,slug:coos},{id:1918,county:GRAFTON,slug:grafton},{id:1919,county:HILLSBOROUGH,slug:hillsborough},{id:1920,county:MERRIMACK,slug:merrimack},{id:1921,county:ROCKINGHAM,slug:rockingham},{id:1922,county:STRAFFORD,slug:strafford},{id:1923,county:SULLIVAN,slug:sullivan},sheriffOffice:{sheriff_office:Hillsborough County Sheriffs Office,state_abbv:NH,street:329 Mast Road,city:Goffstown,slug:hillsborough-county-sheriff-office,county_slug:hillsborough,population_county:400721},{sheriff_office:Rockingham County Sheriffs Office,state_abbv:NH,street:101 North Road,city:Brentwood,slug:rockingham-county-sheriff-office,county_slug:rockingham,population_county:295223},{sheriff_office:Merrimack County Sheriffs Office,state_abbv:NH,street:333 Daniel Webster Hwy,city:Boscawen,slug:merrimack-county-sheriff-office,county_slug:merrimack,population_county:146445},{sheriff_office:Strafford County Sheriffs Office,state_abbv:NH,street:259 County Farm Rd,city:Dover,slug:strafford-county-sheriff-office,county_slug:strafford,population_county:123143},{sheriff_office:Grafton County Sheriffs Office,state_abbv:NH,street:3785 Dartmouth College Hwy,city:North Haverhill,slug:grafton-county-sheriff-office,county_slug:grafton,population_county:89118},{sheriff_office:Cheshire County Sheriffs Office,state_abbv:NH,street:12 Court St,city:Keene,slug:cheshire-county-sheriff-office,county_slug:cheshire,population_county:77117},{sheriff_office:Belknap County Sheriffs Office,state_abbv:NH,street:42 County Dr,city:Laconia,slug:belknap-county-sheriff-office,county_slug:belknap,population_county:60088},{sheriff_office:Carroll County Sheriffs Office,state_abbv:NH,street:95 Water Village Rd,city:Ossipee,slug:carroll-county-sheriff-office,county_slug:carroll,population_county:47818},{sheriff_office:Sullivan County Sheriffs Office,state_abbv:NH,street:14 Main St,city:Newport,slug:sullivan-county-sheriff-office,county_slug:sullivan,population_county:43742},{sheriff_office:Coos County Sheriffs Office,state_abbv:NH,street:55 School St,city:Lancaster,slug:coos-county-sheriff-office,county_slug:coos,population_county:33055},otherRecords:{slug:arrest-records,name:New Hampshire Arrest Records,domain:newhampshire},{slug:court-records,name:New Hampshire Court Records,domain:newhampshire},{slug:criminal-records,name:New Hampshire Criminal Records,domain:newhampshire},{slug:divorce-records,name:New Hampshire Divorce Records,domain:newhampshire},{slug:driving-records,name:New Hampshire Driving Records,domain:newhampshire},{slug:inmate-search,name:New Hampshire Inmate Search,domain:newhampshire},{slug:marriage-records,name:New Hampshire Marriage 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