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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 04 Jan 2025 09:43:53 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 15491Connection: keep-aliveServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Thu, 06 Feb 2020 16:58:18 GMTETag: 3c83-59deb2dffc4e0Accept-Ranges: bytesCache-Control: max-age3600Expires: Sat, 04 Jan 2025 10:43:53 GMTAge: 0 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>!-- saved from url(0014)about:internet -->html xmlns>head>title>Dr. Marylou Naccarato, DHS, PhD(c), Clinical Sexologist, Sexuality Educator, & Speaker/title>link relshortcut icon href/favicon.ico>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetUTF-8 />style typetext/css>td img { display: block;}/style>!--Fireworks CS3 Dreamweaver CS3 target. 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Standing at a statuesque 3’11” she developed a “High10 Your Life” approach to managing life’s magical, yet often unpredictable journey/span>/td> /tr> /table> p classtext2>a hrefproducts.html target_blank>img srcimages_nav/featuredproductTitle.jpg altFeatured Product width250 height55 border0 />/a>span classproduct>The LOVE BENCH™/span>br /> span classtextitalicbold>for Exercise, Massage and Intimacy! a hrefproducts.html target_blank>img srclounger/PALmassage.jpg altLove Bench width250 height160 border0 />/a>/span>Enhance your Pleasure and Personal Health…The only Sex Furniture designed for people with short stature and those with limited mobility! Create endless positions suited to your range of mobility and stature.span classtextitalicbold>a hrefproducts.html target_blank>img srclounger/PAL3views.jpg altLove Bench width250 height384 border0 />/a>Very practical for solo use, exercise, and massage./span> User friendly with non-disabled partners. em>"I personally love, love, love The LOVE BENCH™ and use it all the time. The LOVE BENCH™ allows me to easily be on top without excessive bending or weight on my knees and arms." /em>Lots of creative positions to explore without being limited to a flat surface of a mattress! strong>STANDARD MEASUREMENTS/strong>br /> 52" L x 9" W x 9" H ; Removable 4" legs. /p> p>a hrefproducts.html target_blank classsection>click for MORE INFORMATION/a>/p>/td> td>img srcimages_nav/spacer.gif width1 height1 border0 alt />/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop backgroundimages_nav/slice.jpg>img nameslice srcimages_nav/slice.jpg width30 height309 border0 idslice alt />/td> td colspan8 valigntop bgcolor#ffffff>p classtext> object idflashObj width480 height270 classidclsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 codebase,0,47,0> param namemovie value /> param namebgcolor value#FFFFFF /> param nameflashVars valuevideoId40277561001&,AAAAAAu3W8c~,nuO-KXezTsNYt86Yneu1-_2PgseCJ3xD&domainembed&dynamicStreamingtrue /> param namebase value /> param nameseamlesstabbing valuefalse /> param nameallowFullScreen valuetrue /> param nameswLiveConnect valuetrue /> param nameallowScriptAccess valuealways /> embed src bgcolor#FFFFFF flashVarsvideoId40277561001&,AAAAAAu3W8c~,nuO-KXezTsNYt86Yneu1-_2PgseCJ3xD&domainembed&dynamicStreamingtrue base nameflashObj width480 height270 seamlesstabbingfalse typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreentrue allowscriptaccessalways swliveconnecttrue pluginspage>/embed> /object> /p> p classtext>Episode: a href target_blank>Mini Women>/p>p classtext>Dr. Marylou conducts explicit educational and entertaining sex and relationship workshops, for all people who desire to heighten their sensuality and intimacy. She shares fun creative techniques, sex positions, and a variety of adult toys that are suited to your range of mobility!/p> p classtext>She also holds private and group sessions for teens, adult individuals and/or couples. One of her goals is to bring forth issues regarding sensuality and intimacy for people with short stature, disabilities, or chronic illness. She personally believes that everyone is disabled or “differently-abled” in one way or another. “It’s all a matter of degree, and whether your condition is visibly noticeable” she states. Dr. Marylou also conducts educational sexuality seminars for students and professional clinicians in the field of Sexology, Sex Therapy, and Rehabilitation Therapy. /p> p classsection>Learn how to raise your level of “Sexability”/p> p classtext>Medical technology today affords us the benefit of living longer and healthier lives. If you are living with high blood pressure, diabetes, or even if a few pounds overweight, there is a possibility that your sex life will be affected. But many also live with the survival scars of past surgeries, an accident or injury, cancer, heart attack, stroke, or other health conditions. Normal progression of aging, medication, recovering from a recent surgery, declining physical stamina, stress, and your overall mental health are all factors that can limit the quality of your everyday SEX life unless you and/or your partner make a conscious decision to raise your level of “Sexability.”/p> p classtext>Dr. Marylou emphasizes that you can have a very passionate and erotic experience without intercourse or orgasm either alone or with your partner. Remove the performance anxiety quotient and allow yourself the opportunity to dialogue and explore what is uniquely pleasurable for you. Ultimately, the real sensual experience is enjoying the self-discovery of giving and receiving pleasure, and the emotional connection/intimate bonding that you create with each other! /p> p classsection>Got Questions? Get Answers! a>Contact Dr. Marylou today/a>/p> p classtextitalicbold>a href target_blank>img srcimages_nav/facebook.jpg altfacebook width92 height30 border0 alignleft />/a> Join Dr. Marylou on a href target_blank>>/p> p classtextitalic2>Dr. Marylou Naccarato, a hrefindex.html>>, and its contents herein is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not professional medical advice, sex therapy, or counseling. Dr. Marylou does not advocate doing any sexual activity that is painful, uncomfortable, or against the instruction of your medical doctor. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, or any other situation, in which you require medical or professional help. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of what was stated during a consultation or something you have read on her website. /p> p classtext>All Rights Reserved © 2020 a hrefindex.html>>/p> hr /> p classtextitalicbold>a hrefindex.html>Home/a> | a hrefbiography.html>About/a> | a hrefconsultation.html>Consultation/a> | a hrefproducts.html>Products/a> | a hrefmedia.html>Media / TV/a> | a hrefblog.html>Blog/a> | a hrefcontact.html>Contact/a>/p>/td> td>img srcimages_nav/spacer.gif width1 height309 border0 alt />/td> /tr> tr> td colspan12>img namebottom srcimages_nav/bottom.jpg width1002 height48 border0 idbottom altbottom />/td> td>img srcimages_nav/spacer.gif width1 height48 border0 alt />/td> /tr>/table>/body>/html>
Port 443
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Standing at a statuesque 3’11” she developed a “High10 Your Life” approach to managing life’s magical, yet often unpredictable journey/span>/td> /tr> /table> p classtext2>a hrefproducts.html target_blank>img srcimages_nav/featuredproductTitle.jpg altFeatured Product width250 height55 border0 />/a>span classproduct>The LOVE BENCH™/span>br /> span classtextitalicbold>for Exercise, Massage and Intimacy! a hrefproducts.html target_blank>img srclounger/PALmassage.jpg altLove Bench width250 height160 border0 />/a>/span>Enhance your Pleasure and Personal Health…The only Sex Furniture designed for people with short stature and those with limited mobility! Create endless positions suited to your range of mobility and stature.span classtextitalicbold>a hrefproducts.html target_blank>img srclounger/PAL3views.jpg altLove Bench width250 height384 border0 />/a>Very practical for solo use, exercise, and massage./span> User friendly with non-disabled partners. em>"I personally love, love, love The LOVE BENCH™ and use it all the time. The LOVE BENCH™ allows me to easily be on top without excessive bending or weight on my knees and arms." /em>Lots of creative positions to explore without being limited to a flat surface of a mattress! strong>STANDARD MEASUREMENTS/strong>br /> 52" L x 9" W x 9" H ; Removable 4" legs. /p> p>a hrefproducts.html target_blank classsection>click for MORE INFORMATION/a>/p>/td> td>img srcimages_nav/spacer.gif width1 height1 border0 alt />/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop backgroundimages_nav/slice.jpg>img nameslice srcimages_nav/slice.jpg width30 height309 border0 idslice alt />/td> td colspan8 valigntop bgcolor#ffffff>p classtext> object idflashObj width480 height270 classidclsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 codebase,0,47,0> param namemovie value /> param namebgcolor value#FFFFFF /> param nameflashVars valuevideoId40277561001&,AAAAAAu3W8c~,nuO-KXezTsNYt86Yneu1-_2PgseCJ3xD&domainembed&dynamicStreamingtrue /> param namebase value /> param nameseamlesstabbing valuefalse /> param nameallowFullScreen valuetrue /> param nameswLiveConnect valuetrue /> param nameallowScriptAccess valuealways /> embed src bgcolor#FFFFFF flashVarsvideoId40277561001&,AAAAAAu3W8c~,nuO-KXezTsNYt86Yneu1-_2PgseCJ3xD&domainembed&dynamicStreamingtrue base nameflashObj width480 height270 seamlesstabbingfalse typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreentrue allowscriptaccessalways swliveconnecttrue pluginspage>/embed> /object> /p> p classtext>Episode: a href target_blank>Mini Women>/p>p classtext>Dr. Marylou conducts explicit educational and entertaining sex and relationship workshops, for all people who desire to heighten their sensuality and intimacy. She shares fun creative techniques, sex positions, and a variety of adult toys that are suited to your range of mobility!/p> p classtext>She also holds private and group sessions for teens, adult individuals and/or couples. One of her goals is to bring forth issues regarding sensuality and intimacy for people with short stature, disabilities, or chronic illness. She personally believes that everyone is disabled or “differently-abled” in one way or another. “It’s all a matter of degree, and whether your condition is visibly noticeable” she states. Dr. Marylou also conducts educational sexuality seminars for students and professional clinicians in the field of Sexology, Sex Therapy, and Rehabilitation Therapy. /p> p classsection>Learn how to raise your level of “Sexability”/p> p classtext>Medical technology today affords us the benefit of living longer and healthier lives. If you are living with high blood pressure, diabetes, or even if a few pounds overweight, there is a possibility that your sex life will be affected. But many also live with the survival scars of past surgeries, an accident or injury, cancer, heart attack, stroke, or other health conditions. Normal progression of aging, medication, recovering from a recent surgery, declining physical stamina, stress, and your overall mental health are all factors that can limit the quality of your everyday SEX life unless you and/or your partner make a conscious decision to raise your level of “Sexability.”/p> p classtext>Dr. Marylou emphasizes that you can have a very passionate and erotic experience without intercourse or orgasm either alone or with your partner. Remove the performance anxiety quotient and allow yourself the opportunity to dialogue and explore what is uniquely pleasurable for you. Ultimately, the real sensual experience is enjoying the self-discovery of giving and receiving pleasure, and the emotional connection/intimate bonding that you create with each other! /p> p classsection>Got Questions? Get Answers! a>Contact Dr. Marylou today/a>/p> p classtextitalicbold>a href target_blank>img srcimages_nav/facebook.jpg altfacebook width92 height30 border0 alignleft />/a> Join Dr. Marylou on a href target_blank>>/p> p classtextitalic2>Dr. Marylou Naccarato, a hrefindex.html>>, and its contents herein is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not professional medical advice, sex therapy, or counseling. Dr. Marylou does not advocate doing any sexual activity that is painful, uncomfortable, or against the instruction of your medical doctor. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, or any other situation, in which you require medical or professional help. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of what was stated during a consultation or something you have read on her website. /p> p classtext>All Rights Reserved © 2020 a hrefindex.html>>/p> hr /> p classtextitalicbold>a hrefindex.html>Home/a> | a hrefbiography.html>About/a> | a hrefconsultation.html>Consultation/a> | a hrefproducts.html>Products/a> | a hrefmedia.html>Media / TV/a> | a hrefblog.html>Blog/a> | a hrefcontact.html>Contact/a>/p>/td> td>img srcimages_nav/spacer.gif width1 height309 border0 alt />/td> /tr> tr> td colspan12>img namebottom srcimages_nav/bottom.jpg width1002 height48 border0 idbottom altbottom />/td> td>img srcimages_nav/spacer.gif width1 height48 border0 alt />/td> /tr>/table>/body>/html>
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