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7.526-1.405-1.392 5.1-5.133H8.474v-2h11.362l-5.1-5.134 1.405-1.392 7.526 7.526Z/> /g>/svg> /button> ul classsub-menu sub-menu--1> div classsub-menu__backlink> svg xmlns width20 height20 fillnone> mask idmask0_2827_28368 width20 height20 x0 y0 maskUnitsuserSpaceOnUse stylemask-type:alpha> path fill#D9D9D9 dM20 0v20H0V0z/> /mask> g maskurl(#mask0_2827_28368)> path fill#000 dm5.208 10 4.704-4.704.878.87-3.187 3.208h7.1v1.25h-7.1l3.187 3.209-.878.87-4.704-4.704Z/> /g>/svg> Terug naar hoofdmenu /div> li class> a href> Outdoor media /a> /li> li class> a href> Online media /a> /li> li class> a href> Folders & Brochures /a> /li> li class> a href> Mediakit /a> /li> li class> a href> Adverteren in Enschede /a> /li> li class> a href> Acceptant Cadeaukaart /a> /li> li class> a href> Toeristische informatie /a> /li> /ul> /li> li class main-item> a href> Nieuws /a> /li> li class has-subs main-item> a href aria-expandedfalse> Over ons svg xmlns width18 height18 fillnone> mask ida width18 height18 x0 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0-.859-.298-1.586-.894-2.182-.596-.596-1.324-.895-2.183-.895-.859 0-1.586.299-2.183.895-.596.596-.894 1.323-.894 2.182 0 .86.298 1.587.894 2.183.597.596 1.324.894 2.183.894Z/> /g> /g>/svg> /button> input typesearch classsearchInput nameq pattern.{0}|.{3,} required aria-labelSearch placeholderZoeken> /form>/div> div classlang-switch> button classlang-switch__item lang-switch__item--current aria-labelSwitch language aria-expandedfalse> figure classlang-switch__flag lang-switch__flag--current> svg xmlns width16 height16 fillnone roleimg aria-labelDutch> title>Dutch/title> path fill#21468B dM20 0H0v16h20V0Z/> path fill#fff dM20 0H0v10.667h20V0Z/> path fill#AE1C28 dM20 0H0v5.333h20V0Z/>/svg> /figure> span classlang-switch__title lang-switch__title--current aria-labelCurrent language is NL>NL/span> span classlang-switch__icon lang-switch__icon--current> svg xmlns width18 height18 fillnone> mask ida width18 height18 x0 y0 maskUnitsuserSpaceOnUse stylemask-type:alpha> path fill#D9D9D9 dM0 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/div> /div> /div> /div>/header>main idcontent> section classpage-header page-header--content-image> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-md-10 offset-md-1 col-lg-5 offset-lg-0 d-flex> div classpage-header__content> div classcontent editor> h1>Enschede. Hier begint het./h1> p>Enschede Promotie stimuleert economische groei door meer bezoekers aan te trekken, hun verblijf te verlengen, bestedingen te verhogen en het merk Enschede te versterken als technische, innovatieve en creatieve stad./p> /div> div classbutton-group> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-md-10 offset-md-1 col-lg-7 offset-lg-0> div classpage-header__image> picture> img src alt - Enschede Promotie width1200 height600 width1920 height1280 srcset 600w, 992w, 1600w sizes(min-width: 1025px) 1600px, (min-width: 781px) 1024px, 100vw/> /picture> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> section classflexible-section flexible-section--posts-overview> div classcontainer> div classrow justify-content-center> div classcol-xl-10> div classflexible-section__intro flexible-section__intro--center editor> h4 classflexible-section__intro-subtitle>Enschede Promotie/h4> h3 classflexible-section__intro-title>Nieuws/h3> /div> /div> /div> div classrow justify-content-center> div classcol-xl-10> div classrow post-cards post-cards--wide justify-content-center> div classcol-md-6 col-lg-6 col-xl-4> a classpost-card post-card--blogSingle href aria-labelEnschede Lights Up keert terug met een feestelijk randje> figure classpost-card__image post-card__image--gradient> img src alt - Enschede Promotie width400 height360 srcset 600w, 992w, 1600w sizes(min-width: 1025px) 1600px, (min-width: 781px) 1024px, 100vw loadinglazy/> div classtags> div classtags__item>Evenementen/div> /div> /figure> div classpost-card__content> h3>Enschede Lights Up keert terug met een feestelijk randje/h3> p>Van 12 t/m 15 dec. wordt de binnenstad van Enschede weer verrassend verlicht./p> div classpost-card__bottom> span>Lees artikel/span> div classbutton-diamond__gradient> svg xmlns width22 height22 fillnone> mask idmask0_2686_14775 width22 height22 x0 y0 maskUnitsuserSpaceOnUse stylemask-type:alpha> path fill#D9D9D9 dM0 0h22v22H0z/> /mask> g maskurl(#mask0_2686_14775)> path fill#000 dm11 17-.846-.846 4.584-4.564H5v-1.18h9.738l-4.584-4.564L11 5l6 6-6 6Z/> /g>/svg>/div> /div> /div>/a> /div> div classcol-md-6 col-lg-6 col-xl-4> a classpost-card post-card--blogSingle href aria-labelWinters Enschede 2024> figure classpost-card__image post-card__image--gradient> img src alt - Enschede Promotie width400 height360 srcset 600w, 992w, 1600w sizes(min-width: 1025px) 1600px, (min-width: 781px) 1024px, 100vw loadinglazy/> div classtags> div classtags__item>Evenementen/div> /div> /figure> div classpost-card__content> h3>Winters Enschede 2024/h3> p>Ook dit jaar schittert de schaatsbaan weer op de Oude Markt van 29 november t/m 5 januari 2025./p> div classpost-card__bottom> span>Lees artikel/span> div classbutton-diamond__gradient> svg xmlns width22 height22 fillnone> mask idmask0_2686_14775 width22 height22 x0 y0 maskUnitsuserSpaceOnUse stylemask-type:alpha> path fill#D9D9D9 dM0 0h22v22H0z/> /mask> g maskurl(#mask0_2686_14775)> path fill#000 dm11 17-.846-.846 4.584-4.564H5v-1.18h9.738l-4.584-4.564L11 5l6 6-6 6Z/> /g>/svg>/div> /div> /div>/a> /div> div classcol-md-6 col-lg-6 col-xl-4> a classpost-card post-card--blogSingle href aria-labelTerugblik campagne Study in Enschede> figure classpost-card__image post-card__image--gradient> img src alt - Enschede Promotie width400 height360 srcset 600w, 992w, 1600w sizes(min-width: 1025px) 1600px, (min-width: 781px) 1024px, 100vw loadinglazy/> div classtags> div classtags__item>Studenten/div> /div> /figure> div classpost-card__content> h3>Terugblik campagne Study in Enschede/h3> p>Wij blikken terug op de campagne voor de kortingskaart met een nieuw record./p> div classpost-card__bottom> span>Lees artikel/span> div classbutton-diamond__gradient> svg xmlns width22 height22 fillnone> mask idmask0_2686_14775 width22 height22 x0 y0 maskUnitsuserSpaceOnUse stylemask-type:alpha> path fill#D9D9D9 dM0 0h22v22H0z/> /mask> g maskurl(#mask0_2686_14775)> path fill#000 dm11 17-.846-.846 4.584-4.564H5v-1.18h9.738l-4.584-4.564L11 5l6 6-6 6Z/> /g>/svg>/div> /div> /div>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classflexible-section__bottom> a classbutton button--red href target> Bekijk meer nieuws /a> /div> /div>/section> section classflexible-section flexible-section--ic-block> div classcontainer> div classrow justify-content-center> div classcol-xl-10> div classic-block ic-block--imageLeft> figure classic-block__image> img src altDe binnenstad van Enschede - Enschede Promotie styleobject-position: 52.31% 57.83%; width1280 height1920 srcset 600w, 992w, 1600w sizes(min-width: 1025px) 1600px, (min-width: 781px) 1024px, 100vw loadinglazy/> /figure> div classic-block__content ic-block__content--alignCenter> div classcontent editor> h4 classsubtitle>Citymarketingvisie/h4> h2>Brand story Enschede/h2> p>Veel inwoners, bezoekers, bedrijven en talenten ontdekten het al. Enschede is een technologische, innovatieve en creatieve stad. Door de menselijke maat en Enschedese mentaliteit is het hier fijn ondernemen, studeren, recreëren en wonen. Dat zorgde de afgelopen jaren voor een mooie groei van de stad. Die groei willen we, samen met alle partners in de stad, vasthouden en uitbreiden. Daarvoor zetten we citymarketing in./p> a href target classbutton> Lees meer over het merk Enschede /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> section classflexible-section flexible-section--posts-overview> div classcontainer> div classrow justify-content-center> div classcol-xl-10> div classflexible-section__intro flexible-section__intro--center editor> h4 classflexible-section__intro-subtitle>Cases/h4> h3 classflexible-section__intro-title>Bekijk onze projecten/h3> /div> /div> /div> div classrow justify-content-center> div classcol-xl-10> div classrow post-cards post-cards--small justify-content-center> div classcol-md-6 col-lg-6> a classpost-card post-card--caseItem href aria-labelEnschede Lights Up> figure classpost-card__image> img src alt - Enschede Promotie width400 height360 srcset 600w, 992w, 1600w sizes(min-width: 1025px) 1600px, (min-width: 781px) 1024px, 100vw loadinglazy/> /figure> div classpost-card__content> h3>Enschede Lights Up/h3> p>Enschede Lights Up: een spectaculaire lichtroute door de binnenstad van Enschede./p> div classpost-card__bottom> span>Lees artikel/span> div classbutton-diamond__gradient> svg xmlns width22 height22 fillnone> mask idmask0_2686_14775 width22 height22 x0 y0 maskUnitsuserSpaceOnUse stylemask-type:alpha> path fill#D9D9D9 dM0 0h22v22H0z/> /mask> g maskurl(#mask0_2686_14775)> path fill#000 dm11 17-.846-.846 4.584-4.564H5v-1.18h9.738l-4.584-4.564L11 5l6 6-6 6Z/> /g>/svg>/div> /div> /div>/a> /div> div classcol-md-6 col-lg-6> a classpost-card post-card--caseItem href aria-labelEnschede Cadeaukaart> figure classpost-card__image> img src alt - Enschede Promotie width400 height360 srcset 600w, 992w, 1600w sizes(min-width: 1025px) 1600px, (min-width: 781px) 1024px, 100vw loadinglazy/> /figure> div classpost-card__content> h3>Enschede Cadeaukaart/h3> p>Een mooi initiatief om de lokale economie een boost te geven: de Enschede Cadeaukaart./p> div classpost-card__bottom> span>Lees artikel/span> div classbutton-diamond__gradient> svg xmlns width22 height22 fillnone> mask idmask0_2686_14775 width22 height22 x0 y0 maskUnitsuserSpaceOnUse stylemask-type:alpha> path fill#D9D9D9 dM0 0h22v22H0z/> /mask> g maskurl(#mask0_2686_14775)> path fill#000 dm11 17-.846-.846 4.584-4.564H5v-1.18h9.738l-4.584-4.564L11 5l6 6-6 6Z/> /g>/svg>/div> /div> /div>/a> /div> div classcol-md-6 col-lg-6> a classpost-card post-card--caseItem href aria-labelCampagne Duitsland> figure classpost-card__image> img src alt - Enschede Promotie width400 height360 srcset 600w, 992w, 1600w sizes(min-width: 1025px) 1600px, (min-width: 781px) 1024px, 100vw loadinglazy/> /figure> div classpost-card__content> h3>Campagne Duitsland/h3> p>Met de Duitsland campagnes laten we Duitse bezoekers kennismaken met de veelzijdigheid van Enschede./p> div classpost-card__bottom> span>Lees artikel/span> div classbutton-diamond__gradient> svg xmlns width22 height22 fillnone> mask idmask0_2686_14775 width22 height22 x0 y0 maskUnitsuserSpaceOnUse stylemask-type:alpha> path fill#D9D9D9 dM0 0h22v22H0z/> /mask> g maskurl(#mask0_2686_14775)> path fill#000 dm11 17-.846-.846 4.584-4.564H5v-1.18h9.738l-4.584-4.564L11 5l6 6-6 6Z/> /g>/svg>/div> /div> /div>/a> /div> div classcol-md-6 col-lg-6> a classpost-card post-card--caseItem href aria-labelStudy in Enschede> figure classpost-card__image> img src alt - Enschede Promotie width400 height360 srcset 600w, 992w, 1600w sizes(min-width: 1025px) 1600px, (min-width: 781px) 1024px, 100vw loadinglazy/> /figure> div classpost-card__content> h3>Study in Enschede/h3> p>Het project 'Study in Enschede' versterkt het aantrekken en behouden van studenten./p> div classpost-card__bottom> span>Lees artikel/span> div classbutton-diamond__gradient> svg xmlns width22 height22 fillnone> mask idmask0_2686_14775 width22 height22 x0 y0 maskUnitsuserSpaceOnUse stylemask-type:alpha> path fill#D9D9D9 dM0 0h22v22H0z/> /mask> g maskurl(#mask0_2686_14775)> path fill#000 dm11 17-.846-.846 4.584-4.564H5v-1.18h9.738l-4.584-4.564L11 5l6 6-6 6Z/> /g>/svg>/div> /div> /div>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> section classflexible-section flexible-section--content> div classcontainer> div classrow justify-content-center> div classcol-xl-8> div classeditor> h3>Onze websites/h3> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classflexible-section flexible-section--buttons> div classcontainer> div classrow justify-content-center> div classcol-xl-10> div classbutton-group> a href classbutton-group__button button button--black target_blank> /a> a href classbutton-group__button button button--black target> /a> a href classbutton-group__button button button--black target_blank> /a> a href classbutton-group__button button button--black target_blank> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> /main>footer classfooter aria-labelfooter> div classflexible-section flexible-section--newsletter flexible-section--contentbuilder-footer cta-newsletter cta-newsletter--contentbuilder-footer> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-8> div classcta-newsletter__wrapper> div classcta-newsletter__content editor> h2 classheading-bg title> /h2> h2>Abbonneer je op onze nieuwsbrief/h2>p>Ontvang om de twee weken een stakeholdernieuwsbrief met het laatste corporate nieuws van Enschede Promotie. Uitschrijven kan op elk moment./p> /div> div classcta-newsletter__form> form action methodpost idmc-embedded-subscribe-form namemc-embedded-subscribe-form classform form--newsletter form--footer target_blank> div classmc-field-group> label formce-EMAIL>E-mailadres span classasterisk>*/span>/label> input typeemail nameEMAIL classrequired email idmce-EMAIL required value placeholderE-mailadres> /div> div classmc-field-group> label formce-MMERGE1>Voornaam /label> input typetext nameMMERGE1 class text idmce-MMERGE1 value placeholderNaam> /div> div hidden>input typehidden nametags value11837779>/div> div idmce-responses classclear> div classresponse idmce-error-response styledisplay: none;>/div> div classresponse idmce-success-response styledisplay: none;>/div> /div> div aria-hiddentrue styleposition: absolute; left: -5000px;> input typetext nameb_05aaf0f1a854efcf24daf2bf4_091619a9aa tabindex-1 value> /div> button classbutton typetext valueSubscribe namesubscribe idmc-embedded-subscribe> Aanmelden /button>/form> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classfooter__main> div classcontainer> ul classfooter-cols> li classfooter-cols__item > a href>Over ons/a> ul> li > a href>Kernactiviteiten/a> /li> li > a href>Het team/a> /li> li > a href>Vacatures/a> /li> li > a href>Tourist Info/a> /li> li > a href>Jaarverslag/a> /li> li > a href>Raad van Toezicht/a> /li> /ul> /li> li classfooter-cols__item > a href>Cases/a> ul> li > a href>Campagne Nederland/a> /li> li > a href>Campagne Duitsland/a> /li> li > a href>Enschede Cadeaukaart/a> /li> li > a href>Dit is Enschede/a> /li> li > a href>Adventskalender/a> /li> /ul> /li> li classfooter-cols__item > a href>Evenementen/a> ul> li > a href>Evenement organiseren/a> /li> li > a href>Evenementenpromotie/a> /li> li > a href>Symphonic Broadway/a> /li> li > a href>Enschede Lights Up/a> /li> li > a href>Winters Enschede/a> /li> li > a href>Grolsch Summer Sounds/a> /li> li > a href>Koningsfestival Enschede/a> /li> /ul> /li> li classfooter-cols__item > a href>Middelen/a> ul> li > a href>Outdoor media/a> /li> li > a href>Online media/a> /li> li > a href>Folders & Brochures/a> /li> li > a href>Adverteren in Enschede/a> /li> li > a href>Mediakit/a> /li> li > a href>Acceptant cadeaukaart/a> /li> li > a href>Standplaats aanvragen/a> /li> /ul> /li> li classfooter-cols__item footer-cols__item-contact> a href/contact>Contact/a> p>Langestraat 41 /p>p>7511 HB Enschede/p> a hreftel:+31 5 348 019 70>+31 5 348 019 70/a> a>> /li> /ul> /div> /div>/footer> script src/assets/js/app.js?v1735315008>/script>script typeapplication/ld+json>{ @context:, @graph: { @type: WebSite, author: { @id: }, copyrightHolder: { @id: }, copyrightYear: 2021, creator: { @id: #creator }, dateCreated: 2021-10-07T10:26:09+02:00, dateModified: 2024-12-09T17:05:29+01:00, datePublished: 2021-10-07T10:26:00+02:00, description: Online gids voor Enschede met een overzicht van alle evenementen, activiteiten, winkels en overnachtingsmogelijkheden en meer., headline: Officiële bezoekerswebsite van Enschede, inLanguage: nl, mainEntityOfPage:, name: Enschede Promotie, publisher: { @id: #creator }, url: }, { @id:, @type: LocalBusiness, description: Wij leveren een bijdrage aan de economische groei van de stad. 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