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57.4577C58.2249 57.4577 73 39.501 73 39.501C73 39.501 58.2249 21.5459 40.0007 21.5459C21.7751 21.5459 7 39.0404 7 39.0404Z clip-ruleevenodd/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2 dM39.9999 28.3418C36.2455 28.3418 33.2042 31.3824 33.2042 35.1343C33.2042 38.8879 36.2455 41.93 39.9999 41.93C43.7512 41.93 46.7925 38.8879 46.7925 35.1343/> /g> g idimg-career-advice> path xmlns fill#CAE1F1 fill-ruleevenodd dM33 51C33 52.1046 33.8954 53 35 53H45C46.1046 53 47 52.1046 47 51V32C47 30.8954 46.1046 30 45 30H35C33.8954 30 33 30.8954 33 32V51Z clip-ruleevenodd/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2.074 dM44.1775 41.2617H72V27.1331C72 25.2958 70.4975 23.7949 68.6618 23.7949H11.3366C9.5025 23.7949 8 25.2958 8 27.1331V41.2617H35.8209/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2.074 dM35.8248 48.1321H44.1687V34.2256H35.8248V48.1321Z clip-ruleevenodd/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2.074 dM72 47V65.595C72 67.4674 70.4988 69 68.6611 69H11.3389C9.5028 69 8 67.4674 8 65.595V47/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2.074 dM29 19V14.3968C29 12.5136 30.5434 11 32.429 11H47.5726C49.4566 11 51 12.5136 51 14.3968V19/>path xmlns fill#EBEDEE dM67 56.9326V50C67 48.8954 66.1046 48 65 48H53C51.8954 48 51 48.8954 51 50V53.8523C51 55.0385 50.0385 56 48.8523 56H31.1477C29.9615 56 29 55.0385 29 53.8523V50C29 48.8954 28.1046 48 27 48H15C13.8954 48 13 48.8954 13 50V56.9326C13 61.4052 14.1225 64 15.4938 64L26.5074 64H53.4926L64.5062 64C65.8775 64 67 61.4052 67 56.9326Z/> /g> g idimg-astrology-and-horoscopes> path xmlns fill#EBEDEE dM53.0255 6.95844C59.6665 5.32556 66.3738 9.38543 68.0067 16.0264C69.5945 22.4842 65.7993 29.0047 59.4823 30.861C55.6881 22.9734 47.3116 19.7539 43.5975 19.1301C43.5258 13.5014 47.3246 8.36019 53.0255 6.95844Z/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2 dM65.5903 40.2959C70.8978 43.9829 73.7306 47.5945 72.8371 50.2677C71.044 55.6319 54.8931 55.159 36.7508 49.2126C18.6204 43.2691 5.36945 34.1041 7.1625 28.7384C8.05007 26.0815 12.4551 24.8564 18.8755 25.0145/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2 dM54.9996 54.213C49.5984 60.125 41.1712 62.6227 33.1952 59.904C25.2507 57.1914 19.9393 50.0367 18.9996 42.001/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2 dM18.9996 36.3384C19.1768 35.2459 19.4493 34.1548 19.8188 33.0696C23.4831 22.3177 35.4329 16.4844 46.503 20.0429C57.5837 23.6029 63.5889 35.2047 59.9246 45.9581C59.5642 47.0213 59.1191 48.0359 58.6043 48.999/>circle xmlns cx35 cy47 r8 fill#CAE1F1/> /g> g idimg-tarot-readers> path xmlns fill#EBEDEE fill-ruleevenodd dM26.4452 6.06803L25 10.4511L23.7892 14.4158C23.3967 15.7011 24.3581 17 25.702 17H31.7994H47C51 17 54 19 54 23V38.3826V53.5V53.7731C54 56.0977 57.1788 56.7652 58.1139 54.637L61.9087 46L70.7116 19.7798C71.7297 16.7114 69.9655 13.3958 66.7886 12.4119L34.0695 2.27875C30.8944 1.29486 27.4633 2.99969 26.4452 6.06803Z clip-ruleevenodd/>path xmlns fill#CAE1F1 fill-ruleevenodd dM32.0717 30.9786C32.4357 30.2035 33.5419 30.2147 33.8903 30.9969L37.8626 39.9163C38.0042 40.2343 38.301 40.4558 38.6462 40.501L47.9664 41.7218C48.7926 41.83 49.1318 42.842 48.5377 43.4263L41.6127 50.2368C41.3763 50.4693 41.2705 50.8039 41.3303 51.1301L43.1151 60.8646C43.2691 61.7044 42.3676 62.3385 41.6293 61.9097L33.5032 57.1902C33.1927 57.0098 32.8093 57.0098 32.4988 57.1901L24.371 61.9097C23.6326 62.3385 22.7311 61.7043 22.8853 60.8644L24.6716 51.1303C24.7315 50.804 24.6256 50.4693 24.3891 50.2367L17.4449 43.4089C16.8539 42.8278 17.1858 41.8212 18.0066 41.7056L27.1368 40.4199 clip-ruleevenodd/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2 dM33.0007 34L36.5933 42.067L45 43.1681L38.8127 49.2531L40.4165 58L33.0007 53.6931L25.5835 58L27.1887 49.2531L21 43.1681L29.2394 42.0079/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2 dM45.5 61V66/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2 dM22 25V30/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2 dM52 67.1132C52 69.8013 49.8286 72 47.1753 72H19.8247C17.1714 72 15 69.8013 15 67.1132V23.8854C15 21.1987 17.1714 19 19.8247 19H47.1753C49.8286 19 52 21.1987 52 23.8854V67.1132Z clip-ruleevenodd/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2 dM28 14.9146L29.1625 11.3284C29.9814 8.81793 32.7411 7.42307 35.295 8.22807L61.6126 16.5189C64.1679 17.3239 65.5869 20.0366 64.768 22.5471L57.6875 44/> /g> g idimg-love-relationships> path xmlns fill#EBEDEE dM6.15952 53.1137L5.27953 63.6736C5.17518 64.9257 6.1633 65.9996 7.41976 65.9996H32.3298C33.5686 65.9996 34.5507 64.9552 34.4817 63.7183C34.3002 60.4626 34.079 55.8149 34.079 53.1137C34.079 49.6774 31.3944 48.8184 30.8575 48.8184H28.6419C28.0046 48.8184 27.4081 49.1074 26.9698 49.5701C25.6708 50.9417 23.1092 53.1137 19.5823 53.1137C16.0554 53.1137 13.4939 50.9417 12.1948 49.5701C11.7566 49.1074 11.1578 48.8017 10.5242 48.8709C7.39982 49.2122 6.15952 51.1629 6.15952 53.1137Z/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2.148 dM37.6947 65.0306L36.9755 50.3884C36.3015 45.3627 33.2811 44.8058 33.2811 44.8058L26.394 43.5381C25.2584 46.704 23.2949 48.6892 19.8263 48.6892H19.7326C16.2657 48.6892 14.3005 46.704 13.165 43.5381L6.27783 44.8058C6.27783 44.8058 3.25907 45.3627 2.58341 50.3884L1.86426 65.0306/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2.148 dM20.8365 27.2168C20.8365 27.2168 23.4824 29.1334 26.9978 29.7087/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2.148 dM21.544 25.6855C21.544 25.6855 20.074 29.7964 12.548 29.8616/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2.148 dM19.7733 21C12.4564 21 12.05 25.621 12.5618 31.2353C13.0735 36.8648 16.4619 41.4724 19.7733 41.4724C23.0881 41.4724 26.4782 36.8648 26.9883 31.2353C27.5017 25.621 27.0936 21 19.7733 21Z clip-ruleevenodd/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2.148 dM41.7792 32.9284C41.7792 37.4424 44.5103 42.0215 47.5876 42.0215C50.7 42.0215 53.0648 37.4424 53.0648 32.9284C53.0648 32.9284 53.2371 29.9582 51.7252 28.0215C51.7252 28.0215 47.7565 32.1758 37.5228 32.7512/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2.148 dM57.9045 39.6325V32.4009C57.7556 20.7423 47.6323 21.5267 47.6323 21.5267H47.4149C47.4149 21.5267 37.2916 20.7423 37.1411 32.4009V39.6325/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2.148 dM54.4353 43.9609L47.5732 56.1246H47.4695L40.6058 43.9609/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2.148 dM54.4858 43.957L58.2622 44.6779C58.2622 44.6779 62.8698 45.5559 63.308 48.956L63.9987 65.0315/>path xmlns fill#DAEFFF fill-ruleevenodd stroke#DAEFFF stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2.32 dM40.3637 3.28071C38.6332 1.54841 35.7702 1.57731 34.0054 3.34393L32.9306 4.41872L31.8558 3.34393C30.091 1.57731 27.2297 1.54841 25.4992 3.28071C23.7669 5.01301 23.7958 7.87247 25.5624 9.63909L32.9306 17L40.3005 9.63909C42.0653 7.87247 42.0942 5.01301 40.3637 3.28071Z clip-ruleevenodd/> /g> g idimg-psychic-reading> path xmlns fill#EBEDEE fill-ruleevenodd dM40.5 39C17.5976 39 8 52.4987 8 52.4987C8 52.4987 17.5976 66 40.5 66C63.4024 66 73 52.4987 73 52.4987C73 52.4987 63.4024 39 40.5 39Z clip-ruleevenodd/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2.02 dM39.9958 44.6133C29.2287 44.6133 24.7166 52.3371 24.7166 52.3371C24.7166 52.3371 29.2287 60.0623 39.9958 60.0623C50.7628 60.0623 55.275 52.3371 55.275 52.3371C55.275 52.3371 50.7628 44.6133 39.9958 44.6133Z clip-ruleevenodd/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2.02 dM45.609 52.3364C45.609 55.4166 43.0989 57.9125 39.9999 57.9125C36.9009 57.9125 34.3909 55.4166 34.3909 52.3364C34.3909 49.2561 36.9009 46.7617 39.9999 46.7617C43.0989 46.7617 45.609 49.2561 45.609 52.3364Z clip-ruleevenodd/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2.02 dM13.4364 34.7422C14.8465 35.9034 16.0963 37.9734 16.5324 40.2331L14.5693 41.3197/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2.02 dM66.5726 34.7422C65.1624 35.9034 63.9126 37.9734 63.4766 40.2331L65.4397 41.3197/>path xmlns stroke#1B151B stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2.02 dM60.3713 60.0631C61.8533 57.0352 63.0387 53.6157 64.3544 50.0273C66.2276 44.904 68.366 39.4295 72 34.2464C72 34.2464 65.1082 28.1308 60.169 34.2464C58.9072 35.8082 57.6784 37.4507 56.5889 38.9662V17.9425C56.5889 14.8383 54.0354 12.2244 50.9139 12.2827C47.8899 12.341 45.4592 14.798 45.4592 17.817V13.4365C45.4592 6.03251 34.5408 6.34487 34.5408 13.4365V17.817C34.5408 14.795 32.1071 12.341 29.0831 12.2827C25.9646 12.2244 23.4081 14.8383 23.4081 17.941V38.9662C22.3186 37.4507 21.0928 35.8082 19.828 34.2464C14.8903 28.1308 8 34.2464 8 34.2464C11.4871 39.2247 13.5686 44.351 15.6441 50.0243C20.0049 61.9612 22.9525 71.9567 39.9985 72C45.5626 71.9866 49.6207 70.912 52.7182 69.0573/>path xmlns fill#DAEFFF fill-ruleevenodd dM19 12C17.3553 8.26778 17.7322 8.64473 14 7C17.7322 5.35527 17.3553 5.73222 19 2C20.6447 5.73155 20.2678 5.35527 24 7C20.2678 8.64473 20.6447 8.26778 19 12Z clip-ruleevenodd/>path xmlns fill#DAEFFF fill-ruleevenodd dM70 26C69.0132 23.7607 69.2393 23.9868 67 23C69.2393 22.0132 69.0132 22.2393 70 20C70.9868 22.2389 70.7607 22.0132 73 23C70.7607 23.9868 70.9868 23.7607 70 26Z clip-ruleevenodd/>path xmlns stroke#DAEFFF stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2 dM9 16V20/>path xmlns stroke#DAEFFF stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2 dM64 8V14/>path xmlns stroke#DAEFFF stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2 dM67 11H61/>path xmlns stroke#DAEFFF stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2 dM11 18H7/> /g> g idimg-home-shield> g xmlns clip-pathurl(#clip0_16327_285)>path stroke#DAEFFF stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width4 dM43.0668 8.46543L26.0001 2.06543L8.93347 8.46543/>path stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2 dM26.0001 50.3327C26.0001 50.3327 43.0668 41.7993 43.0668 28.9993V14.066L26.0001 7.66602L8.93347 14.066V28.9993C8.93347 41.7993 26.0001 50.3327 26.0001 50.3327Z/>path fill#EBEDEE dM25.5655 41.572C25.8382 41.7203 26.1618 41.7203 26.4344 41.572C28.4042 40.5001 36.4 35.7342 36.4 29.0002V20.737C36.4 20.3183 36.1391 19.9439 35.7463 19.7989L26.3463 16.3281C26.1228 16.2455 25.8771 16.2455 25.6536 16.3281L16.2536 19.7989C15.8608 19.9439 15.6 20.3183 15.6 20.737V29.0002C15.6 35.7342 23.5958 40.5001 25.5655 41.572Z/>/g>defs xmlns>clipPath idclip0_16327_285>path fillwhite dM0 0H51.2V54.4H0z transformtranslate(.4 .2)/>/clipPath>/defs> /g> g idimg-home-check> rect xmlns width12.8 height35.2 x1.6 y15.2 fill#EBEDEE rx4/>path xmlns stroke#45B1FF stroke-linecapround stroke-width5 dM20.8 29.0671L27.2 35.4671L48.5334 14.1338 opacity.2/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2 dM20.8 25.8679L27.2 32.2679L48.5334 10.9346/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2 dM46.4 27.9998V42.9331C46.4 44.0647 45.9505 45.15 45.1503 45.9501C44.3502 46.7503 43.2649 47.1998 42.1333 47.1998H12.2667C11.1351 47.1998 10.0498 46.7503 9.24968 45.9501C8.44952 45.15 8 44.0647 8 42.9331V13.0665C8 11.9349 8.44952 10.8496 9.24968 10.0495C10.0498 9.24933 11.1351 8.7998 12.2667 8.7998H35.7333/> /g> g idimg-home-star> g xmlns clip-pathurl(#clip0_16327_483)>path fill#EBEDEE dM27.8502 46.1544L44.2676 54.2806C45.0061 54.6461 45.845 54.0116 45.6944 53.2015L42.3448 35.1918C42.2089 34.461 41.3514 34.1287 40.7585 34.5771L27.6905 44.4606C27.0976 44.909 27.1839 45.8246 27.8502 46.1544Z/>path fill#45B1FF dM32.8764 24.953L28.8945 16.989C28.5259 16.252 27.4741 16.252 27.1056 16.989L23.1236 24.953C22.7912 25.6179 23.2747 26.4002 24.0181 26.4002H31.982C32.7254 26.4002 33.2089 25.6179 32.8764 24.953Z opacity.2/>path stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2 dM28 8.7998L33.9328 21.4383L47.2 23.4774L37.6 33.3096L39.8656 47.1998L28 40.6383L16.1344 47.1998L18.4 33.3096L8.80005 23.4774L22.0672 21.4383L28 8.7998Z/>/g>defs xmlns>clipPath idclip0_16327_483>path fillwhite dM0 0H56V56H0z/>/clipPath>/defs> /g> g idimg-home-clock> rect xmlns width24 height24 x26 y26 fill#EBEDEE rx12/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2 dM26.0001 46.8002C37.4876 46.8002 46.8001 37.4877 46.8001 26.0002C46.8001 14.5127 37.4876 5.2002 26.0001 5.2002C14.5125 5.2002 5.20007 14.5127 5.20007 26.0002C5.20007 37.4877 14.5125 46.8002 26.0001 46.8002Z/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-width2 dM26 13.2002V26.0002L34.5333 30.2669/>path xmlns stroke#45B1FF stroke-linecapround stroke-width7 dM13.2001 26.0003C13.2001 23.6008 14.0003 18.8003 16.4001 16.4003C17.6703 15.1299 19.389 14.3079 21.2001 13.8154 opacity.2/> /g> g idimg-pisces> ellipse xmlns cx25.855 cy40 fill#EBEDEE rx12.5 ry33/>ellipse xmlns fill#45B1FF fill-opacity.2 rx7 ry19 transformmatrix(-1 0 0 1 52.355 40)/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM62.6821 71.2664C54.7645 62.9749 49.8906 51.7501 49.8906 39.3793C49.8906 27.0084 54.7645 15.7837 62.6821 7.49219/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM17.5195 71.2664C25.439 62.9749 30.311 51.7501 30.311 39.3793C30.311 27.0084 25.439 15.7837 17.5195 7.49219/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM13 40L67 40/> /g> g idimg-aquarius> path xmlns fill#45B1FF fill-opacity.2 dM34.4986 22.2024C38.1194 26.2012 40.3968 32 47.002 32C53.6055 32 55.8823 26.201 59.5022 22.2022C60.1683 21.4664 59.6534 20 58.6608 20H35.3399C34.3473 20 33.8324 21.4666 34.4986 22.2024Z/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM74 25C67.2023 25 67.2023 33 60.4046 33C53.6052 33 53.6052 25 46.8057 25C40.008 25 40.008 33 33.2103 33C26.4073 33 26.4073 25 19.6043 25C12.803 25 12.803 33 6 33/>path xmlns stroke#EBEDEE stroke-linecapround stroke-width12 dM74 47C67.2023 47 67.2023 55 60.4046 55C53.6052 55 53.6052 47 46.8057 47C40.008 47 40.008 55 33.2103 55C26.4073 55 26.4073 47 19.6043 47C12.803 47 12.803 55 6 55/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM74 47C67.2023 47 67.2023 55 60.4046 55C53.6052 55 53.6052 47 46.8057 47C40.008 47 40.008 55 33.2103 55C26.4073 55 26.4073 47 19.6043 47C12.803 47 12.803 55 6 55/> /g> g idimg-capricorn> path xmlns fill#EBEDEE dM2 20.3716V25.4687V37C2 38.6569 3.34315 40 5 40H23C24.6569 40 26 38.6569 26 37V20.3716C26 14.09 20.6262 9 14 9C7.37382 9 2 14.09 2 20.3716Z/>circle xmlns cx64.5 cy44.5 r4.5 fill#45B1FF fill-opacity.2/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM31.7041 64C54.3192 64 54.8994 44.9961 54.8961 44.1519C54.9842 38.4637 59.1721 34.659 64.4472 34.659C69.724 34.659 74 38.9098 74 44.1519C74 49.3956 69.724 53.6447 64.4472 53.6447C51.1554 53.6447 45.6392 31.7497 43.7506 22.6599C42.9393 18.7626 39.4763 15.8781 35.473 16.0053C35.4447 16.0069 35.4165 16.0069 35.3882 16.0086C32.4007 16.1259 29.5977 17.4789 27.6542 19.739C26.2128 21.4192 25.4198 23.5553 25.4198 25.7642V48.9479V25.7642C25.4198 23.5553 24.6268 21.4192 23.1837 19.739C21.2419 17.4789 18.4389 16.1259 15.4497 16.0086C12.6334 15.8963 9.88695 16.8892 7.80216 18.7742L6 20.4015/> /g> g idimg-sagittarius> rect xmlns width17.969 height59.632 x7 y29.707 fill#EBEDEE rx5 transformrotate(-45 7 29.707)/>circle xmlns cx67 cy13 r12 fill#45B1FF fill-opacity.2/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM11 69L69 11/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM21 31L49 59/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM47 11L69 11V33/> /g> g idimg-scorpio> path xmlns fill#EBEDEE fill-ruleevenodd dM1 27.0206V22.3716C1 16.6424 6.82164 12 14 12C21.1784 12 27 16.6424 27 22.3716V55 clip-ruleevenodd/>path xmlns fill#EBEDEE dM1 27.0206V22.3716C1 16.6424 6.82164 12 14 12C21.1784 12 27 16.6424 27 22.3716V55C27 56.6568 25.6569 58 24 58H4C2.34315 58 1 56.6569 1 55V27.0206Z/>circle xmlns cx69 cy57 r11 fill#45B1FF fill-opacity.2/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM7 26.0641C7 21.6096 10.5812 18 15.0008 18C19.4188 18 23 21.6096 23 26.0641V49/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM23 29.7553V26.1169C23 21.6332 26.8065 18 31.5 18C36.1935 18 40 21.6332 40 26.1169V54/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM40 29.8353V26.1722C40 21.6579 43.5831 18 48.0013 18C52.4195 18 56.0027 21.6579 56.0027 26.1722V48.2368C56.0027 53.0767 59.8439 57 64.581 57H73/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM68 51L73 57L68 63/> /g> g idimg-libra> circle xmlns cx46 cy26 r11 fill#45B1FF fill-opacity.2/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM8 45H23.3401V41.2053C23.3401 31.7026 30.7881 24 39.9751 24C49.1637 24 56.6117 31.7026 56.6117 41.2053V45H72/>path xmlns stroke#EBEDEE stroke-linecapround stroke-width12 dM8 56L72 56/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM8 56L72 56/> /g> g idimg-virgo> path xmlns fill#45B1FF fill-opacity.2 dM1 18.6758V22.1164V35C1 36.6569 2.34315 38 4 38H13C14.6569 38 16 36.6569 16 35V18.6758C16 14.4357 12.6414 11 8.5 11C4.35864 11 1 14.4357 1 18.6758Z/>path xmlns fill#EBEDEE dM50 32.665V32.7652L50.0102 53.6014C50.0102 58.3498 51.4268 62.7704 53.8641 66.4711C55.2802 68.6212 58.253 68.7841 60.1509 67.0445C63.2995 64.1585 66.1725 60.9846 68.6814 57.5497C74.3039 49.8529 80.3858 37.7782 77.0491 28.1199C74.9863 22.1506 69.0472 18.3074 62.6903 19.1043C55.7497 19.9732 50 25.5723 50 32.665Z/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM7 23.1498C7 18.6499 10.6337 15 15.1172 15C19.5991 15 23.2344 18.6499 23.2344 23.1498V53.8928/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM23.2412 26.8029V23.1498C23.2412 18.6499 26.8749 15 31.3584 15C35.8403 15 39.474 18.6499 39.474 23.1498V53.8928/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM39.4688 26.8029V23.1498C39.4688 18.6499 43.104 15 47.5859 15C52.0679 15 55.7031 18.6499 55.7031 23.1498V46.5641C55.7031 54.7204 62.2889 61.3326 70.4125 61.3326/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM55.6935 33.5144V33.4516C55.6935 29.0096 59.2469 25.5031 63.5364 24.9589C67.4651 24.4598 71.1357 26.8667 72.4105 30.6052C74.4727 36.6539 70.714 44.2161 67.239 49.0365C63.514 54.2046 58.4901 58.4292 52.9257 61.4769C51.3126 62.3608 49.6449 63.1465 47.9323 63.8163C46.7777 64.2671 45.6039 64.6615 44.4141 64.9996/> /g> g idimg-leo> circle xmlns cx23 cy50 r18 fill#EBEDEE/>circle xmlns cx56 cy62 r6 fill#45B1FF fill-opacity.2/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM66.3935 58.331C66.7868 59.4586 67 60.6693 67 61.9302C67 68.0434 61.978 73 55.7842 73C49.5904 73 44.5685 68.0434 44.5685 61.9302C44.5685 59.2713 45.5193 56.8307 47.102 54.921L58.8088 37.9407C60.9705 34.774 62.2343 30.9605 62.2343 26.8535C62.2343 15.8899 53.2273 7 42.1152 7C31.0051 7 22 15.8899 22 26.8535C22 32.8393 24.7567 38.3603 29 42/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width3 dM32.9698 49.2917C33.3983 54.7974 29.2166 59.5836 23.7093 59.9743C18.2001 60.367 13.4184 56.2207 13.0257 50.713C12.6331 45.2052 16.7829 40.461 22.2882 40.0304C27.7436 39.6018 32.5393 43.756 32.9698 49.2917Z clip-ruleevenodd/> /g> g idimg-cancer> circle xmlns cx60 cy30 r7 fill#45B1FF fill-opacity.2/>circle xmlns cx20 cy49 r20 fill#EBEDEE/>path xmlns stroke#404041 stroke-linecapround stroke-width2.952 dM8 21.5006C24.234 5.26841 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14.7679C8.13052 14.7555 7.98026 14.6468 7.91466 14.4872C7.5717 13.6529 7.38271 12.7393 7.38271 11.7827C7.38271 10.7627 7.59749 9.79156 7.9849 8.91361C7.98858 8.85695 8.00299 8.80005 8.02914 8.74579C8.0932 8.61281 8.15974 8.48125 8.22869 8.35116L8.32001 8.17066C8.33427 8.14247 8.35107 8.1164 8.37 8.09259C9.3651 6.3257 10.8112 4.84727 12.5524 3.81335ZM8.82842 9.25539C8.48401 10.0264 8.29234 10.8815 8.29234 11.7827C8.29234 12.3051 8.35677 12.8119 8.47799 13.296C9.86917 11.4991 12.0483 10.341 14.498 10.341C17.3872 10.341 19.8999 11.9515 21.1878 14.3225C21.7741 15.4014 22.1066 16.6374 22.1066 17.9497C22.1066 18.8198 21.9601 19.657 21.6907 20.4367C21.7084 20.5349 21.4446 20.5973 21.3936 20.6916L21.4575 21.0763C21.4439 21.1018 21.4301 21.1279 21.4161 21.1543L21.3936 21.1969C21.3372 21.3033 21.2799 21.4114 21.2332 21.4979C21.1994 21.5606 20.8794 21.5077 20.8499 21.5553C20.2754 22.5742 19.4945 23.2529 18.5339 23.9108C16.5509 25.5115 14.2846 26.719 11.538 26.719C8.87992 26.719 5.42712 24.9782 3.47504 23.4697C6.05684 26.3562 9.31357 28.8889 14.9914 29.0905C22.7779 29.0905 29.0906 22.7771 29.0906 14.9898C29.0906 11.8372 28.0581 8.92995 26.3109 6.58166C24.3637 4.44761 21.5606 3.10992 18.4451 3.10992C16.4613 3.10992 14.6063 3.65129 13.0169 4.5955C11.377 5.5693 10.0209 6.97132 9.10264 8.64689L8.82842 9.25539Z fillurl(#paint0_linear_12355_1585)/> path dM0.452491 15.2215L0.4512 15.1127L0.450684 14.9755C0.450684 6.95357 6.96072 0.450195 14.9909 0.450195C19.7637 0.450195 23.9995 2.74763 26.6507 6.29591C24.6219 4.06605 21.6948 2.66613 18.4411 2.66613C16.3757 2.66613 14.4423 3.22991 12.7864 4.21254C10.9131 5.3236 9.39528 6.97059 8.44469 8.94151L8.73125 8.37517L8.41913 9.06685C8.04943 9.8937 7.84393 10.8103 7.84393 11.7749C7.84393 15.4464 10.823 18.4222 14.498 18.4222C17.2778 18.4222 19.6589 16.72 20.6544 14.3018C21.2833 15.3649 21.645 16.6049 21.645 17.9296C21.645 19.1046 21.7072 19.5214 21.2035 20.4994L20.8901 21.1828C18.92 24.2601 15.4688 26.3002 11.5407 26.3002C5.41557 26.3002 0.450684 21.3406 0.452491 15.2215Z fill#FBD5FF/> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM0 14.9748C0 6.70463 6.7113 0 14.9897 0C19.9104 0 24.2774 2.3693 27.0097 6.02635C27.1547 6.22037 27.1217 6.49391 26.9347 6.64792C26.7477 6.80193 26.4726 6.78215 26.3096 6.60299C24.364 4.46443 21.5582 3.12285 18.4388 3.12285C16.4579 3.12285 14.605 3.66335 13.0179 4.60516C11.3792 5.5771 10.0241 6.97696 9.10706 8.64971L8.83484 9.25298C8.491 10.0223 8.29932 10.8761 8.29932 11.7751C8.29932 15.195 11.074 17.9667 14.497 17.9667C17.0854 17.9667 19.3037 16.382 20.2313 14.1288C20.2968 13.9696 20.4469 13.8611 20.6188 13.8488C20.7907 13.8364 20.9548 13.9223 21.0424 14.0705C21.952 15.6081 22.312 17.3624 22.0604 19.3435C21.4756 23.949 15.7149 26.75 11.5406 26.75C5.16761 26.75 0.00143123 21.5902 0.00180616 15.2234L0.00054804 15.1174L0.000519401 15.1137L0 14.9748ZM8.37772 8.09245C9.37149 6.33048 10.8156 4.85597 12.5539 3.82488C14.2776 2.80202 16.2903 2.21528 18.4388 2.21528C19.6854 2.21528 20.886 2.41284 22.0108 2.77825C19.9439 1.58817 17.5464 0.907564 14.9897 0.907564C7.21331 0.907564 0.908924 7.20541 0.908467 14.974L0.908951 15.1066L0.90898 15.1103L0.910241 15.2154L0.910273 15.2209C0.908541 21.0875 5.66835 25.8424 11.5406 25.8424C15.2002 25.8424 20.6393 23.3236 21.1592 19.2293C21.3234 17.9366 21.1668 16.5144 20.6571 15.3166C19.43 17.4426 17.1315 18.8743 14.497 18.8743C10.5723 18.8743 7.39085 15.6963 7.39085 11.7751C7.39085 10.7573 7.6054 9.78826 7.99232 8.91219C7.99609 8.85595 8.01047 8.7995 8.03644 8.74565C8.09916 8.61561 8.16424 8.48692 8.23165 8.35965L8.32673 8.17173C8.34123 8.14306 8.35838 8.11659 8.37772 8.09245Z fillurl(#paint1_linear_12355_1585)/> defs> linearGradient idpaint0_linear_12355_1585 x129.5452 y10.954046 x27.88431 y232.489 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse> stop offset0.0110497 stop-color#B500C6/> stop offset0.977901 stop-color#65016E/> /linearGradient> linearGradient idpaint1_linear_12355_1585 x113.55 y10.453791 x213.55 y226.2962 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse> stop offset0 stop-color#9A00A9/> stop offset1 stop-color#C95BD4/> /linearGradient> /defs> /g> g idpsiquicospt> path dM0 8.5668C3.04696 3.62806 8.62427 0.320377 14.9999 0.320377C21.3755 0.320377 26.953 3.62806 29.9999 8.5668C26.953 13.5055 21.3755 16.8132 14.9999 16.8132C8.62427 16.8132 3.04696 13.5055 0 8.5668Z fill#BA4ACB/> path dM15.4489 0.326042C17.5628 0.585375 19.3225 0.833864 19.8475 0.980447C18.1061 0.713292 16.077 1.02198 14.0646 1.6488C11.973 2.29369 10.2835 3.45692 9.16992 4.97912C10.8504 4.36648 12.6718 4.03124 14.5743 4.03124C20.1643 4.03124 25.0545 6.92547 27.726 11.2469C27.5822 11.4795 27.4319 11.708 27.2755 11.9321C28.3235 10.9292 29.2409 9.79886 30.0008 8.56702C27.0255 3.74431 21.6371 0.476918 15.4489 0.326042Z fill#880095/> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM15.9219 16.7609C17.0631 16.3932 18.1179 15.8168 18.9951 15.113C20.176 14.1655 21.0352 12.987 21.35 11.7755C19.4147 12.6307 17.2629 13.1073 14.9962 13.1073C9.45949 13.1073 4.6099 10.2641 1.92309 6.00615C1.20379 6.79156 0.559427 7.64249 0 8.5481C3.0461 13.4807 8.62206 16.7845 14.9962 16.7845C15.3066 16.7845 15.6154 16.7764 15.9219 16.7609Z fill#880095/> path dM19.8472 0.979108C18.3851 0.571079 16.8442 0.34302 15.2517 0.321321C14.7504 0.437115 14.251 0.574122 13.7582 0.727537C11.5183 1.43091 9.56608 2.78007 8.34534 4.43116L8.34097 4.43711L8.33678 4.44319C7.37356 5.84282 7.03994 7.42043 7.5204 8.86255C8.00826 10.3269 9.22798 11.4016 10.8822 11.9656C12.2459 12.4232 13.9607 12.4248 15.3796 12.009C16.5979 11.6472 17.7184 10.9594 18.3435 9.93036C18.7562 9.40361 19.001 8.74719 19.001 8.03549C19.001 7.50192 18.8634 6.99943 18.6206 6.55934C19.663 7.0888 20.4692 7.80787 20.9141 8.8402C21.452 10.0877 21.3301 11.7043 20.5015 13.0273C19.3709 14.7181 17.6248 15.9873 15.4417 16.6599C15.2718 16.7127 15.1019 16.7637 14.9317 16.8119L15.0006 16.8119C16.0484 16.8119 17.0748 16.7227 18.0718 16.5513C19.408 15.7692 20.5408 14.7336 21.3448 13.5475L21.3489 13.5414L21.3528 13.5347C22.3394 11.9644 22.5066 10.0212 21.8372 8.46826C21.1412 6.85306 19.7544 5.91095 18.1861 5.30536C17.4318 5.01992 16.8099 4.93724 16.1347 4.9155C16.0089 4.90118 15.8808 4.89382 15.751 4.89382C13.956 4.89382 12.501 6.3004 12.501 8.03549C12.501 9.53242 13.584 10.7848 15.0339 11.1004C13.7743 11.4688 12.3983 11.4648 11.2148 11.054C9.79275 10.5691 8.84581 9.68749 8.47225 8.56623C8.10528 7.46474 8.33542 6.19314 9.16574 4.9839C10.2792 3.45913 11.9706 2.29358 14.0648 1.64766C16.077 1.0212 18.1058 0.712302 19.8472 0.979108Z fillwhite/> rect x3.75 y12.5 width22.5 height14.5 rx3 fill#880095/> path dM9.81773 24.1003H7.86523V15.2348H12.1552C13.1177 15.2348 13.8694 15.5095 14.4102 16.0589C14.9602 16.5994 15.2352 17.2773 15.2352 18.0925C15.2352 18.8989 14.9602 19.5767 14.4102 20.1261C13.8602 20.6755 13.1086 20.9502 12.1552 20.9502H9.81773V24.1003ZM11.894 19.2888C12.2882 19.2888 12.609 19.1824 12.8565 18.9698C13.1132 18.7482 13.2415 18.4558 13.2415 18.0925C13.2415 17.7292 13.1132 17.4412 12.8565 17.2285C12.609 17.007 12.2882 16.8963 11.894 16.8963H9.81773V19.2888H11.894Z fillwhite/> path dM20.5293 24.1003H18.5631V16.8963H15.8818V15.2348H23.1968V16.8963H20.5293V24.1003Z fillwhite/> /g> g idspain> path xmlns fill#BA4ACB dM0 14.6807C3.04696 9.57164 8.62427 6.1499 14.9999 6.1499C21.3755 6.1499 26.953 9.57164 29.9999 14.6807C26.953 19.7897 21.3755 23.2115 14.9999 23.2115C8.62427 23.2115 3.04696 19.7897 0 14.6807Z/>path xmlns fill#880095 dM15.4479 6.15576C17.5618 6.42404 19.3215 6.68109 19.8466 6.83273C18.1051 6.55637 16.0761 6.8757 14.0636 7.52414C11.972 8.19126 10.2825 9.39461 9.16895 10.9693C10.8494 10.3355 12.6708 9.98873 14.5733 9.98873C20.1633 9.98873 25.0535 12.9828 27.725 17.4532C27.5812 17.6938 27.4309 17.9302 27.2745 18.162C28.3225 17.1246 29.2399 15.9552 29.9999 14.6809C27.0245 9.6919 21.6362 6.31184 15.4479 6.15576Z/>path xmlns fill#880095 fill-ruleevenodd dM15.9219 23.1573C17.0631 22.7769 18.1179 22.1807 18.9951 21.4526C20.176 20.4725 21.0352 19.2534 21.35 18C19.4147 18.8847 17.2629 19.3777 14.9962 19.3777C9.45949 19.3777 4.6099 16.4365 1.92309 12.0317C1.20379 12.8442 0.559427 13.7245 0 14.6613C3.04609 19.764 8.62206 23.1817 14.9962 23.1817C15.3066 23.1817 15.6154 23.1734 15.9219 23.1573Z clip-ruleevenodd/>path xmlns fillwhite dM19.8462 6.83232C18.3841 6.41023 16.8432 6.1743 15.2507 6.15186C14.7494 6.27164 14.25 6.41337 13.7572 6.57208C11.5173 7.29971 9.56511 8.69539 8.34436 10.4034L8.33999 10.4096L8.33581 10.4159C7.37258 11.8637 7.03897 13.4958 7.51942 14.9876C8.00728 16.5025 9.227 17.6142 10.8812 18.1977C12.2449 18.6711 13.9598 18.6727 15.3786 18.2426C16.597 17.8683 17.7175 17.1568 18.3425 16.0922C18.7552 15.5473 19 14.8683 19 14.132C19 13.5801 18.8624 13.0602 18.6196 12.605C19.6621 13.1527 20.4682 13.8966 20.9131 14.9645C21.451 16.255 21.3292 17.9274 20.5005 19.296C19.3699 21.045 17.6238 22.358 15.4407 23.0538C15.2708 23.1085 15.1009 23.1612 14.9307 23.211L14.9996 23.211C16.0474 23.211 17.0738 23.1188 18.0709 22.9415C19.407 22.1324 20.5398 21.0611 21.3438 19.8341L21.3479 19.8278L21.3519 19.8209C22.3384 18.1964 22.5057 16.1862 21.8362 14.5797C21.1402 12.9088 19.7535 11.9342 18.1851 11.3078C17.4308 11.0125 16.809 10.9269 16.1338 10.9045C16.0079 10.8896 15.8798 10.882 15.75 10.882C13.9551 10.882 12.5 12.3371 12.5 14.132C12.5 15.6806 13.583 16.9762 15.033 17.3027C13.7733 17.6838 12.3973 17.6796 11.2138 17.2546C9.79177 16.753 8.84483 15.841 8.47128 14.6811C8.10431 13.5416 8.33444 12.2261 9.16476 10.9752C10.2783 9.39787 11.9696 8.19213 14.0638 7.52393C16.0761 6.87587 18.1048 6.55632 19.8462 6.83232Z/> /g> g idtouch> path xmlns fill#C85FD2 fill-ruleevenodd dM10.7603 11.4471C11.0677 11.8306 11.5211 12.1164 12.1007 12.4726C11.7078 11.6094 12.1205 10.8503 12.3875 10.0915C12.4356 9.95465 12.5391 9.47617 12.7146 9.24536C13.3138 8.45679 14.4119 7.87261 14.5269 8.79167C14.5366 8.86955 14.4692 9.01618 14.3336 9.07511C14.2689 9.10317 14.1803 9.05617 14.1121 9.03067C14.0947 9.02436 14.0838 8.98437 14.069 8.98811C14.0546 8.99209 14.0293 8.94578 14.0588 8.93666C14.0932 8.92614 14.1899 9.05032 14.2824 9.01337C14.3746 8.97642 14.4312 8.8796 14.4418 8.82511C14.4795 8.63078 14.2546 8.42311 13.8829 8.52975C13.485 8.7 13.0046 9.01594 12.7487 9.58258C12.694 9.70372 12.6955 9.81527 12.7143 9.96166C12.9749 9.82509 13.364 9.83187 13.5291 10.0108C13.6051 10.0926 13.6659 10.3101 13.5687 10.4946C13.5223 10.5828 13.382 10.6085 13.2836 10.6403C13.2586 10.6485 13.2107 10.6137 13.1978 10.6312C13.1853 10.6483 13.1157 10.619 13.1405 10.583C13.169 10.5414 13.3874 10.5935 13.4565 10.4715C13.5256 10.3494 13.5018 10.1922 13.4647 10.1226C13.3324 9.8742 12.8973 9.84193 12.5811 10.2874C12.1872 10.8845 12.0153 11.7366 12.382 12.4574C12.4488 12.5884 12.5396 12.7114 12.6504 12.8316C13.3445 13.3755 13.7621 14.2272 14.2222 15.6554C14.6642 16.031 14.9062 16.3095 15.1118 16.7817C15.5266 16.1687 15.6488 16.1437 16.2235 15.6554C16.6836 14.2272 17.1013 13.3755 17.7954 12.8316C17.9062 12.7114 17.997 12.5884 18.0635 12.4574C18.4305 11.7366 18.2585 10.8845 17.8647 10.2874C17.5484 9.84193 17.1133 9.8742 16.981 10.1226C16.944 10.1922 16.92 10.3494 16.9893 10.4715C17.0584 10.5935 17.2768 10.5414 17.3053 10.583C17.3301 10.619 17.2607 10.6483 17.248 10.6312C17.235 10.6137 17.1874 10.6485 17.1624 10.6403C17.0638 10.6085 16.9235 10.5828 16.877 10.4946C16.7799 10.3101 16.8409 10.0926 16.9166 10.0108C17.082 9.83187 17.4819 9.68103 17.9312 10.0482C17.651 9.31575 16.9513 8.69579 16.5629 8.52975C16.1912 8.42311 15.9665 8.63078 16.004 8.82511C16.0146 8.8796 16.0712 8.97642 16.1636 9.01337C16.2558 9.05032 16.3528 8.92614 16.387 8.93666C16.4164 8.94578 16.3912 8.99209 16.3768 8.98811C16.362 8.98437 16.3511 9.02436 16.3337 9.03067C16.2655 9.05617 16.1768 9.10317 16.1122 9.07511C15.9766 9.01618 15.9136 8.87002 15.9188 8.79167C15.9771 7.92008 17.1277 8.41469 17.8656 9.5765C18.3958 10.4109 18.6816 11.7327 18.3451 12.4726C19.0092 12.0645 19.5372 11.7205 19.8141 11.2694C19.8459 11.2175 19.8752 11.1646 19.9023 11.1113L19.9007 11.1069L19.9113 11.0928C20.3016 10.3008 20.1676 9.35925 19.7837 8.66235C19.449 8.10156 18.9271 8.09899 18.7455 8.38289C18.6948 8.4624 18.6512 8.64762 18.7222 8.79986C18.7929 8.9521 19.0583 8.91 19.0884 8.96262C19.1144 9.00799 19.029 9.03605 19.0156 9.01477C19.0017 8.99279 18.9413 9.02951 18.9123 9.01758C18.7981 8.97057 18.6331 8.92637 18.5861 8.81693C18.4878 8.58775 18.5812 8.33401 18.6795 8.24351C18.9602 7.9844 19.6707 8.11372 19.8724 8.47947C20.2563 8.99794 20.4603 9.89104 20.3653 10.6314C20.9718 10.2091 21.897 10.3136 22.5264 10.5377C22.8316 10.6464 23.0896 11.1069 22.8502 11.4109C22.7925 11.496 22.6085 11.597 22.4205 11.55C22.3309 11.5273 22.2774 11.4081 22.2276 11.3274C22.2149 11.3068 22.2361 11.2568 22.2175 11.2491C22.1993 11.2416 22.2109 11.1735 22.2489 11.1878C22.2927 11.2044 22.2923 11.4097 22.4175 11.445C22.5429 11.4806 22.6802 11.4254 22.7351 11.3777C22.9316 11.2065 22.8675 10.8124 22.3965 10.6265C21.7715 10.4039 20.9633 10.4338 20.3895 10.9146C20.3504 10.9478 20.3127 10.9836 20.2766 11.0222C20.2263 11.1712 20.1575 11.3138 20.0665 11.4464C19.9431 11.6265 19.8042 11.7883 19.6566 11.9361C20.2174 11.8676 20.8468 12.0734 21.1794 12.3912C21.4223 12.5479 21.4744 13.0392 21.2801 13.217C21.2119 13.2792 21.031 13.3294 20.8775 13.2504C20.7669 13.1933 20.777 12.9571 20.7629 12.9471C20.7487 12.9368 20.7728 12.88 20.803 12.9001C20.8376 12.9235 20.7947 13.1021 20.8966 13.1585C20.9982 13.2149 21.0923 13.1548 21.1501 13.1244C21.3565 13.0156 21.419 12.6997 21.0478 12.442C20.5674 12.1319 19.8896 11.9918 19.3047 12.2537C18.73 12.7256 18.1041 13.0582 17.7437 13.4709C17.3786 13.8893 17.1192 14.3535 16.9282 15.086C18.0479 14.1858 18.8915 13.7244 20.3362 13.6218C20.6695 13.5804 22.1397 13.7106 22.7045 13.3383C23.145 13.0264 23.1101 12.6012 22.8625 12.4735C22.7929 12.438 22.6366 12.4155 22.5156 12.4841C22.3946 12.5523 22.4481 12.7654 22.4066 12.7939C22.371 12.818 22.3415 12.7507 22.3585 12.738C22.3757 12.7254 22.3408 12.6789 22.3489 12.6543C22.3797 12.558 22.4045 12.4207 22.4918 12.3746C22.6745 12.2783 22.8913 12.3363 22.9731 12.4099C23.2997 12.6644 23.1311 13.1809 22.8623 13.3975C22.4404 13.7375 21.9069 13.8194 21.2305 13.8313C21.2381 13.8341 21.2459 13.8369 21.2534 13.84C21.4635 13.9227 21.7156 14.0123 21.9477 14.0958C22.4224 14.267 23.0644 14.3589 23.4695 14.3739C23.9556 14.3916 24.4999 14.0801 24.5598 13.5839C24.636 13.0607 24.3478 12.4158 23.7311 12.2977C23.6424 12.2806 23.533 12.2626 23.3797 12.3239C23.4919 12.2429 23.6448 12.2034 23.8431 12.2413C24.4791 12.4137 24.8503 12.9836 24.7812 13.5537C24.7008 14.2188 24.1907 14.5918 23.5537 14.6091C20.682 14.6868 20.2483 12.804 17.194 15.6152C18.2899 15.2536 18.9415 15.2754 19.4719 15.4779C19.7627 15.6292 20.2563 15.8378 20.6096 15.9126C20.9902 15.9938 21.3286 15.8093 21.4991 15.6991C21.8706 15.4414 21.7942 15.1117 21.6123 14.966C21.419 14.8112 21.0157 14.8708 21.0711 14.8551C21.3178 14.785 21.6477 14.7934 21.7944 14.9777C22.1991 15.4863 21.7008 15.7775 21.3449 15.9739C21.1015 16.1081 20.7947 16.1304 20.5049 16.0897C20.8676 16.339 21.2808 16.6081 21.8557 16.827C22.338 17.0104 23.2745 16.6862 23.6587 16.3958C24.1127 16.0525 24.3126 15.5097 24.2044 15.2709C24.0747 14.9838 23.6655 15.082 23.6266 15.3497C23.6191 15.4028 23.4769 15.1266 23.7825 14.977C23.9954 14.8729 24.2832 15.0724 24.3457 15.1629C24.5909 15.5188 24.3155 16.1149 23.7938 16.5284C23.3771 16.8588 22.4618 17.3226 21.8112 17.1996C21.2105 17.0859 20.6829 16.5803 20.0257 16.3008C18.9731 15.6832 17.8152 15.6512 16.6844 16.3726C16.5223 16.4762 16.4131 16.5513 16.3124 16.7159C16.1033 17.0578 16.1535 17.4161 15.971 17.7772C15.1863 19.3295 16.5129 19.7797 16.5204 21.2591C16.528 22.7839 16.0372 24.4999 16.0066 26.2648C15.9849 27.5054 16.3705 29.0398 17.8293 29.228C18.2567 29.2832 18.8625 29.1085 19.1068 28.9488C18.4847 29.4231 17.3018 29.3536 16.7145 29.0084C16.183 28.6958 16.0629 28.0913 15.8799 27.4612C15.8915 27.5613 15.8894 27.809 15.8905 27.8955C15.8971 28.4367 16.0287 28.9652 16.3837 29.2741C16.7169 29.5646 17.1728 29.7105 17.6991 29.6558C17.0895 29.7799 16.4577 29.4951 16.2073 29.351C15.5488 28.9724 15.6528 28.0517 15.6457 27.4418L15.6255 27.1233C15.6266 27.2964 15.6052 27.6715 15.5679 27.9465C15.5347 28.193 15.4724 28.5449 15.3717 28.7563C15.1399 29.2435 14.7125 29.7739 13.5504 30C14.0991 29.7977 14.7915 29.5971 15.187 28.4315C15.2762 28.1689 15.3021 27.7246 15.2774 27.4418L15.2418 26.9914C15.2352 27.3799 15.1003 28.2493 14.8283 28.7255C14.6095 29.109 14.3012 29.3779 13.9652 29.5662C13.0872 30.0351 11.7868 29.688 11.8082 29.6827C12.4705 29.7671 13.0096 29.7685 13.4492 29.6097C14.4652 29.2425 14.9972 28.0644 14.8937 27.0464C14.7673 27.7283 14.6392 28.0602 14.3336 28.4907C14.235 28.6298 14.1199 28.7554 13.9911 28.8651C13.4416 29.3326 12.641 29.5124 11.784 29.2348C11.4656 29.1317 11.1437 29.051 10.9203 28.7285C11.2807 29.127 12.1045 29.3157 12.8789 29.149C13.6074 28.9923 14.043 28.5739 14.2496 28.0901C14.4404 27.6434 14.6536 26.8476 14.6156 26.3958C14.6618 24.6493 13.4152 22.1632 13.8109 20.7063C13.9241 20.2888 14.2208 19.9411 14.3446 19.5126C14.5423 18.8286 14.3468 18.2599 14.1838 17.6362C14.1654 17.4711 14.1256 17.059 14.0706 16.9215C13.5379 15.5897 11.5856 15.6154 10.4204 16.3008C9.76285 16.5803 9.23529 17.0859 8.63462 17.1996C7.98396 17.3226 7.06868 16.8588 6.65196 16.5284C6.13053 16.1149 5.85484 15.5188 6.10011 15.1629C6.16261 15.0724 6.45033 14.8729 6.66328 14.977C6.96892 15.1266 6.82672 15.4028 6.81917 15.3497C6.78026 15.082 6.37109 14.9838 6.24138 15.2709C6.13313 15.5097 6.33312 16.0525 6.7871 16.3958C7.17127 16.6862 8.108 17.0104 8.59005 16.827C9.16501 16.6081 9.57819 16.339 9.94091 16.0897C9.65107 16.1304 9.34425 16.1081 9.10087 15.9739C8.74476 15.7775 8.24691 15.4863 8.65137 14.9777C8.79806 14.7934 9.12799 14.785 9.37467 14.8551C9.43009 14.8708 9.02681 14.8112 8.83343 14.966C8.65184 15.1117 8.57543 15.4414 8.94663 15.6991C9.11714 15.8093 9.45556 15.9938 9.8362 15.9126C10.1895 15.8378 10.6831 15.4994 10.9739 15.4779C11.5043 15.2754 12.1559 15.2536 13.2518 15.6152C12.1412 14.593 10.7505 13.8952 9.69918 13.905C8.69735 13.9143 7.83845 14.6346 6.89181 14.6091C6.25505 14.5918 5.74495 14.2188 5.66453 13.5537C5.59543 12.9836 5.96663 12.4137 6.60267 12.2413C6.80101 12.2034 6.95383 12.2429 7.06609 12.3239C6.91775 12.2647 6.81044 12.2797 6.72319 12.296C6.71422 12.2864 6.70573 12.2762 6.69748 12.2656C6.70102 12.2769 6.70479 12.2881 6.70856 12.2988C6.33264 12.3739 6.05059 12.7011 5.92748 13.0271C5.85036 13.2312 5.84164 13.4232 5.88597 13.5839C5.94588 14.0801 6.5456 14.3792 7.03166 14.3615C7.56466 14.3421 8.14308 14.0136 8.74532 13.7954C8.35681 13.7422 8.02693 13.6303 7.74628 13.4043C7.47743 13.1877 7.30881 12.6711 7.63544 12.4164C7.71751 12.343 7.93401 12.2848 8.11678 12.3811C8.20404 12.4272 8.2288 12.5645 8.25969 12.6608C8.26748 12.6854 8.23281 12.7319 8.25002 12.7448C8.26677 12.7572 8.23752 12.8248 8.20191 12.8004C8.16041 12.7721 8.21394 12.5591 8.09296 12.4906C7.97197 12.4221 7.81562 12.4445 7.74628 12.4803C7.49842 12.6077 7.46352 13.0329 7.90406 13.3451C8.23945 13.5659 8.89373 13.6098 9.43981 13.6176C9.47355 13.6136 9.50734 13.6103 9.54117 13.608C9.7701 13.5919 10.0033 13.5987 10.2378 13.6249C10.2504 13.6259 10.2619 13.627 10.2723 13.6283L10.2714 13.6288C11.4568 13.7707 12.6702 14.4047 13.5176 15.086C13.3265 14.3535 13.0674 13.8893 12.7021 13.4709C12.3417 13.0582 11.7158 12.7256 11.1411 12.2537C10.556 11.9918 9.87841 12.1319 9.39802 12.442C9.02681 12.6997 9.08931 13.0156 9.29567 13.1244C9.6822 13.328 9.60154 12.9277 9.64281 12.9001C9.673 12.88 9.69706 12.9368 9.68291 12.9471C9.66876 12.9571 9.67913 13.1933 9.56829 13.2504C9.41476 13.3294 9.23388 13.2792 9.16572 13.217C8.97116 13.0392 9.02351 12.5479 9.26642 12.3912C9.59895 12.0734 10.2284 11.8676 10.7892 11.9361C10.6416 11.7883 10.5029 11.6265 10.3793 11.4464C10.2885 11.3138 10.2194 11.1712 10.1692 11.0222C10.1331 10.9836 10.0956 10.9478 10.056 10.9146C9.48268 10.4338 8.67424 10.4039 8.04928 10.6265C7.57832 10.8124 7.51417 11.2065 7.71062 11.3777C7.76557 11.4254 7.90283 11.4806 8.02806 11.445C8.15352 11.4097 8.15305 11.2044 8.19691 11.1878C8.23488 11.1735 8.24644 11.2416 8.22828 11.2491C8.20988 11.2568 8.23087 11.3068 8.21814 11.3274C8.16838 11.4081 8.11484 11.5273 8.02499 11.55C7.83727 11.597 7.65355 11.496 7.59554 11.4109C7.42998 11.1679 7.61417 10.6464 7.91934 10.5377C8.54878 10.3136 9.47396 10.2091 10.0805 10.6314C9.99892 9.99464 10.6409 7.20425 11.7663 8.24351C11.7854 8.26082 11.8042 8.28467 11.8215 8.31297H11.8172C11.8191 8.31367 11.8207 8.31437 11.8226 8.31484C11.8941 8.4334 11.9387 8.63312 11.8597 8.81693C11.8127 8.92637 11.6476 8.97057 11.5335 9.01758C11.5045 9.02951 11.4441 8.99279 11.4302 9.01477C11.417 9.03605 11.3314 9.00799 11.3573 8.96262C11.3875 8.91 11.6531 8.9521 11.7236 8.79986C11.7946 8.64762 11.7509 8.4624 11.7 8.38289C11.5186 8.09899 10.9967 8.10156 10.6621 8.66235C10.2782 9.35925 10.1442 10.3008 10.5345 11.0928L10.5451 11.1069L10.5435 11.1113C10.6047 11.2325 10.677 11.3432 10.76 11.4467C10.5925 11.1526 10.5228 10.955 10.6362 10.6221C10.8183 10.0887 11.4477 9.91028 11.8152 9.53284C11.6942 10.3563 12.2446 11.3272 10.9666 11.545C11.0428 11.1867 11.2034 10.8076 11.3553 10.4425C11.1645 10.787 10.9787 11.1548 10.7603 11.4471ZM15.2107 13.4428C15.6859 13.4428 16.071 13.9437 16.071 14.5616C16.071 15.1794 15.6859 15.6803 15.2107 15.6803C14.7355 15.6803 14.3504 15.1794 14.3504 14.5616C14.3504 13.9437 14.7355 13.4428 15.2107 13.4428ZM15.3396 7.2868C15.5594 7.66705 15.7906 8.0618 15.9262 8.44533C14.4878 8.3864 14.9543 7.23956 14.7027 6.35043C15.1611 6.71385 15.8797 6.82119 16.1571 7.38291C16.3299 7.73323 16.2813 7.96054 16.1391 8.30876C15.8568 8.0176 15.5991 7.63922 15.3396 7.2868ZM19.1098 6.56177C19.0718 7.02808 19.035 7.5138 18.9211 7.93241C17.691 7.02013 18.7994 6.28956 19.119 5.35647C19.3015 5.9507 19.8684 6.47524 19.7708 7.13542C19.7097 7.54725 19.5288 7.71843 19.1916 7.93966C19.1201 7.5145 19.1239 7.02715 19.1098 6.56177ZM24.2913 10.2553C23.8727 10.4208 23.4379 10.5958 23.028 10.6767C23.2935 9.24547 24.3944 9.87619 25.3356 9.75154C24.9003 10.1587 24.688 10.8626 24.0765 11.0597C23.6952 11.1828 23.4706 11.1018 23.1367 10.9094C23.4732 10.6685 23.8956 10.4648 24.2913 10.2553ZM26.379 13.2139C25.9373 13.1248 25.477 13.0348 25.0895 12.8795C26.1031 11.8269 26.6748 12.9532 27.5308 13.3606C26.9415 13.4642 26.375 13.9375 25.7545 13.7698C25.3678 13.6655 25.2246 13.4756 25.0518 13.1333C25.4663 13.1148 25.9321 13.174 26.379 13.2139ZM16.2471 5.40083C16.2459 5.83767 16.2473 6.29206 16.1719 6.69009C14.9604 5.92958 15.9381 5.17001 16.1671 4.27854C16.3806 4.81829 16.9468 5.26566 16.9041 5.88725C16.8777 6.27475 16.7218 6.44711 16.4242 6.67722C16.3266 6.28692 16.2943 5.833 16.2471 5.40083ZM22.3814 8.99146C22.38 9.46478 22.3817 9.95776 22.2998 10.389C20.9865 9.56464 22.0465 8.74123 22.2949 7.7747C22.5262 8.36004 23.1401 8.84483 23.0939 9.51857C23.0649 9.93882 22.896 10.1257 22.5734 10.3752C22.4675 9.95191 22.4326 9.45987 22.3814 8.99146ZM20.7884 5.57882C20.6301 5.94621 20.4679 6.32973 20.2611 6.63819C19.5142 5.56876 20.6113 5.27504 21.1252 4.60503C21.1105 5.13542 21.4266 5.71258 21.1669 6.22099C21.0049 6.5381 20.8117 6.62814 20.4783 6.71677C20.5365 6.35312 20.6726 5.95954 20.7884 5.57882ZM24.2206 8.32106C24.0218 8.65664 23.8169 9.0072 23.5784 9.28011C22.9903 8.15455 24.0874 8.00558 24.6678 7.42141C24.5873 7.93215 24.8206 8.52872 24.506 8.98825C24.3098 9.27473 24.1117 9.3381 23.7784 9.38254C23.8803 9.03853 24.061 8.67465 24.2206 8.32106ZM25.7883 15.3674C25.3996 15.5938 24.9966 15.8319 24.6037 15.9731C24.6483 14.5185 25.8326 14.9774 26.7439 14.7131C26.3753 15.1808 26.2729 15.9084 25.6984 16.1948C25.3402 16.3735 25.1058 16.3272 24.7464 16.1871C25.0426 15.8983 25.4289 15.6338 25.7883 15.3674ZM20.576 18.6828C20.8389 18.3196 21.1102 17.9401 21.4118 17.6532C21.9651 19.0011 20.6949 19.0575 19.9694 19.665C20.1156 19.0893 19.9119 18.383 20.3201 17.8903C20.5748 17.583 20.8081 17.5313 21.1939 17.5152C21.0411 17.898 20.7958 18.2951 20.576 18.6828ZM24.8868 17.6442C24.6889 17.2427 24.4802 16.8259 24.3682 16.4267C25.8275 16.5818 25.2757 17.7179 25.4717 18.639C25.0297 18.2389 24.3059 18.082 24.0616 17.4922C23.9095 17.1243 23.9741 16.8961 24.1423 16.5516C24.4099 16.8664 24.6465 17.2686 24.8868 17.6442ZM22.679 18.5661C22.4939 18.1585 22.2986 17.7354 22.1991 17.333C23.6528 17.5336 23.0653 18.6517 23.2323 19.5787C22.8031 19.165 22.0845 18.9857 21.859 18.3886C21.7187 18.0161 21.7904 17.7902 21.9694 17.4508C22.227 17.7738 22.4508 18.1831 22.679 18.5661ZM26.8925 16.9266C26.5069 16.8539 26.1051 16.7807 25.7657 16.6499C26.6362 15.7218 27.1472 16.696 27.8974 17.0412C27.3854 17.1382 26.8972 17.5568 26.355 17.4177C26.0169 17.3312 25.8902 17.1675 25.7357 16.8712C26.0966 16.8504 26.5029 16.8967 26.8925 16.9266ZM25.4626 11.5088C25.1075 11.7808 24.7469 12.079 24.3872 12.2845C24.3474 11.9036 24.3651 11.6674 24.6346 11.3729C25.0669 10.9008 25.8013 10.9981 26.3546 10.7712C25.8534 11.571 25.9817 12.8254 24.5566 12.4782C24.7992 12.1407 25.1384 11.8194 25.4626 11.5088ZM27.12 11.7442C26.8125 11.8649 26.4932 11.9923 26.1925 12.0508C26.3903 11.0015 27.1964 11.4664 27.8869 11.3768C27.5667 11.6745 27.4096 12.1904 26.9606 12.3338C26.6807 12.4233 26.5163 12.3632 26.2715 12.2215C26.5191 12.0454 26.8292 11.8969 27.12 11.7442ZM21.2145 7.69051C20.8096 7.93091 20.3898 8.18348 19.9797 8.33478C20.0136 6.81167 21.2574 7.28172 22.209 6.99735C21.8274 7.49009 21.7265 8.2527 21.1277 8.55742C20.7541 8.74754 20.5086 8.70077 20.1311 8.55742C20.4386 8.2527 20.8407 7.9723 21.2145 7.69051ZM17.5549 7.10893C17.2905 7.4679 17.028 7.85376 16.7403 8.15006C16.5953 7.79553 16.546 7.56378 16.7222 7.20691C17.0044 6.63466 17.7367 6.52522 18.2039 6.15502C17.9475 7.06075 18.4225 8.22934 16.9573 8.28921C17.0955 7.89843 17.3308 7.49643 17.5549 7.10893ZM23.0714 15.709C22.6858 15.6365 22.284 15.563 21.9446 15.4323C22.8151 14.5041 23.3261 15.4784 24.0763 15.8236C23.5643 15.9206 23.0761 16.3392 22.5339 16.2003C22.1957 16.1136 22.0691 15.9498 21.9146 15.6536C22.2755 15.6327 22.6818 15.679 23.0714 15.709ZM19.8313 13.1201C19.4544 13.0114 19.0613 12.9006 18.7361 12.7385C19.6917 11.8966 20.107 12.9148 20.8206 13.329C20.3015 13.3772 19.7756 13.7481 19.2492 13.5584C18.921 13.4403 18.8104 13.2654 18.6849 12.956C19.0464 12.9693 19.4464 13.0537 19.8313 13.1201ZM15.588 9.80217C15.9646 9.93079 16.3573 10.0622 16.6787 10.2428C15.6684 11.0486 15.2984 9.99698 14.5961 9.54189C15.1244 9.51874 15.6757 9.16889 16.1998 9.38661C16.5264 9.52248 16.6297 9.70512 16.7412 10.0248C16.3759 9.99347 15.9748 9.88823 15.588 9.80217ZM19.0896 10.4425C19.2418 10.8076 19.4021 11.1867 19.4785 11.545C18.2006 11.3272 18.7508 10.3563 18.6298 9.53284C18.9972 9.91028 19.6266 10.0887 19.8087 10.6221C19.9224 10.9552 19.8523 11.1528 19.6847 11.4472C19.4663 11.1549 19.2804 10.787 19.0896 10.4425ZM21.5401 11.5345C21.1509 11.4592 20.7411 11.3956 20.3937 11.2785C20.6255 11.0303 20.7941 10.9043 21.1483 10.9101C21.7165 10.9195 22.0796 11.4597 22.5537 11.6917C21.7261 11.8283 20.9611 12.6437 20.3628 11.503C20.7302 11.466 21.1432 11.502 21.5401 11.5345ZM15.109 3.9626C15.1203 4.31783 15.1461 4.6892 15.1116 5.01637C14.8442 4.86342 14.6982 4.74135 14.6324 4.43032C14.5268 3.93173 14.9343 3.50588 15.0454 3.04448C15.3328 3.74067 16.2118 4.24627 15.3173 4.99836C15.2107 4.68452 15.16 4.3162 15.109 3.9626ZM11.3352 6.56177C11.3212 7.02715 11.3248 7.5145 11.2533 7.93966C10.9163 7.71843 10.7354 7.54725 10.6744 7.13542C10.5765 6.47524 11.1437 5.9507 11.3262 5.35647C11.6458 6.28956 12.7539 7.02013 11.5241 7.93241C11.4099 7.5138 11.3731 7.02808 11.3352 6.56177ZM6.15365 10.2553C6.54938 10.4648 6.97176 10.6685 7.30829 10.9094C6.97435 11.1018 6.74984 11.1828 6.36849 11.0597C5.75697 10.8626 5.54496 10.1587 5.10937 9.75154C6.05035 9.87619 7.15122 9.24547 7.41701 10.6767C7.00713 10.5958 6.57225 10.4208 6.15365 10.2553ZM4.06595 13.2139C4.51262 13.174 4.97839 13.1148 5.39322 13.1333C5.22036 13.4756 5.0772 13.6655 4.69044 13.7698C4.06996 13.9375 3.50325 13.4642 2.91413 13.3606C3.76998 12.9532 4.34211 11.8269 5.35549 12.8795C4.96801 13.0348 4.50766 13.1248 4.06595 13.2139ZM13.8156 5.04843C13.7684 5.4806 13.7361 5.93428 13.6385 6.32482C13.3409 6.09471 13.185 5.92235 13.1586 5.53462C13.1159 4.91326 13.6821 4.46589 13.8953 3.92614C14.1245 4.81761 15.1023 5.57718 13.8908 6.33769C13.8154 5.93966 13.8168 5.48527 13.8156 5.04843ZM8.06355 8.99146C8.01237 9.45987 7.97747 9.95191 7.87158 10.3752C7.54896 10.1257 7.3801 9.93882 7.35109 9.51857C7.30487 8.84483 7.91875 8.36004 8.1501 7.7747C8.39843 8.74123 9.45851 9.56464 8.14515 10.389C8.06331 9.95776 8.06473 9.46478 8.06355 8.99146ZM9.65654 5.57882C9.77233 5.95954 9.90841 6.35312 9.96666 6.71677C9.63319 6.62814 9.44004 6.5381 9.27802 6.22099C9.01837 5.71258 9.33439 5.13542 9.32 4.60503C9.83365 5.27504 10.9308 5.56876 10.1839 6.63819C9.97704 6.32973 9.81478 5.94621 9.65654 5.57882ZM6.22437 8.32106C6.3838 8.67465 6.56468 9.03853 6.66656 9.38254C6.33309 9.3381 6.13499 9.27473 5.93901 8.98825C5.62441 8.52872 5.85765 7.93215 5.77723 7.42141C6.35762 8.00558 7.45472 8.15455 6.86655 9.28011C6.62812 9.0072 6.42318 8.65664 6.22437 8.32106ZM4.65671 15.3674C5.01612 15.6338 5.40242 15.8983 5.69839 16.1871C5.33922 16.3272 5.1048 16.3735 4.74656 16.1948C4.17207 15.9084 4.06948 15.1808 3.70111 14.7131C4.61237 14.9774 5.79673 14.5185 5.84131 15.9731C5.44841 15.8319 5.04537 15.5938 4.65671 15.3674ZM9.86893 18.6828C9.64913 18.2951 9.40387 17.898 9.25105 17.5152C9.63687 17.5313 9.87011 17.583 10.1248 17.8903C10.533 18.383 10.3295 19.0893 10.4755 19.665C9.75007 19.0575 8.47987 19.0011 9.03313 17.6532C9.33477 17.9401 9.60598 18.3196 9.86893 18.6828ZM5.55819 17.6442C5.7985 17.2686 6.03505 16.8664 6.30272 16.5516C6.47087 16.8961 6.53549 17.1243 6.38337 17.4922C6.13905 18.082 5.41527 18.2389 4.97332 18.639C5.1693 17.7179 4.61745 16.5818 6.07679 16.4267C5.96477 16.8259 5.75605 17.2427 5.55819 17.6442ZM7.76595 18.5661C7.99424 18.1831 8.21804 17.7738 8.47558 17.4508C8.65457 17.7902 8.7265 18.0161 8.58571 18.3886C8.36049 18.9857 7.6419 19.165 7.21268 19.5787C7.37965 18.6517 6.79219 17.5336 8.24587 17.333C8.14635 17.7354 7.95108 18.1585 7.76595 18.5661ZM3.55242 16.9266C3.94202 16.8967 4.34836 16.8504 4.70942 16.8712C4.55471 17.1675 4.42807 17.3312 4.08988 17.4177C3.5477 17.5568 3.05976 17.1382 2.54753 17.0412C3.29772 16.696 3.80877 15.7218 4.67923 16.6499C4.3401 16.7807 3.93824 16.8539 3.55242 16.9266ZM4.98235 11.5088C5.30639 11.8194 5.64575 12.1407 5.88843 12.4782C4.46328 12.8254 4.59134 11.571 4.09043 10.7712C4.64369 10.9981 5.37808 10.9008 5.81037 11.3729C6.07992 11.6674 6.09761 11.9036 6.05776 12.2845C5.69811 12.079 5.33728 11.7808 4.98235 11.5088ZM3.32498 11.7442C3.61576 11.8969 3.92588 12.0454 4.17327 12.2215C3.92871 12.3632 3.76434 12.4233 3.48417 12.3338C3.03538 12.1904 2.87831 11.6745 2.55781 11.3768C3.24857 11.4664 4.05465 11.0015 4.25252 12.0508C3.95183 11.9923 3.63251 11.8649 3.32498 11.7442ZM9.18204 7.65152C9.57046 7.94431 9.98836 8.2357 10.3079 8.55234C9.91572 8.70154 9.66031 8.74995 9.27213 8.55234C8.65 8.2357 8.54505 7.44315 8.14838 6.93124C9.13747 7.22684 10.4298 6.73831 10.4652 8.32106C10.0391 8.1639 9.60277 7.90128 9.18204 7.65152ZM12.843 7.0502C13.0782 7.45712 13.3253 7.879 13.4704 8.28942C11.9322 8.22627 12.4308 6.99969 12.1617 6.04859C12.6522 6.43726 13.4208 6.55232 13.7173 7.1531C13.9022 7.52774 13.8503 7.77095 13.6982 8.14326C13.3961 7.83199 13.1206 7.42695 12.843 7.0502ZM7.37352 15.709C7.76312 15.679 8.16946 15.6327 8.53053 15.6536C8.37582 15.9498 8.24917 16.1136 7.91099 16.2003C7.36881 16.3392 6.88086 15.9206 6.36863 15.8236C7.11882 15.4784 7.62987 14.5041 8.50034 15.4323C8.16121 15.563 7.75935 15.6365 7.37352 15.709ZM10.6136 13.1201C10.9985 13.0537 11.3985 12.9693 11.76 12.956C11.6346 13.2654 11.524 13.4403 11.1957 13.5584C10.6693 13.7481 10.1434 13.3772 9.62432 13.329C10.338 12.9148 10.7533 11.8966 11.7089 12.7385C11.3836 12.9006 10.9905 13.0114 10.6136 13.1201ZM14.7958 10.8201C14.4383 10.6506 14.0577 10.4869 13.7511 10.2872C14.0383 10.1045 14.2333 10.0243 14.5748 10.1183C15.1222 10.2687 15.3371 10.8821 15.7375 11.2247C14.9017 11.1508 13.9546 11.75 13.6643 10.4967C14.0291 10.5524 14.4199 10.6901 14.7958 10.8201ZM8.90494 11.5345C9.30184 11.502 9.71479 11.466 10.0822 11.503C9.48391 12.6437 8.71886 11.8283 7.89108 11.6917C8.36535 11.4597 8.72853 10.9195 9.29642 10.9101C9.65088 10.9043 9.81926 11.0303 10.0513 11.2785C9.70394 11.3956 9.29406 11.4592 8.90494 11.5345ZM17.6895 4.7417C17.6996 5.06793 17.7234 5.4089 17.6918 5.7094C17.4463 5.56886 17.3121 5.45684 17.2517 5.1713C17.1548 4.7134 17.5289 4.32216 17.631 3.89864C17.8949 4.53801 18.7021 5.00222 17.8807 5.6928C17.7828 5.40469 17.7361 5.06629 17.6895 4.7417ZM12.299 4.60779C12.3094 4.93402 12.333 5.27499 12.3014 5.5755C12.0559 5.43495 11.9219 5.32293 11.8613 5.03739C11.7644 4.5795 12.1384 4.18849 12.2405 3.76474C12.5044 4.4041 13.3117 4.86831 12.4903 5.55889C12.3924 5.27078 12.3457 4.93239 12.299 4.60779ZM19.6258 4.2021C19.6362 4.52833 19.6598 4.86929 19.6282 5.1698C19.3827 5.02925 19.2485 4.91723 19.1881 4.63169C19.0912 4.1738 19.4652 3.78256 19.5674 3.35904C19.8313 3.99841 20.6385 4.46238 19.8171 5.1532C19.7192 4.86508 19.6725 4.52669 19.6258 4.2021ZM10.8078 4.45759C10.8182 4.78382 10.8418 5.12478 10.8102 5.42529C10.5647 5.28474 10.4307 5.17272 10.3701 4.88718C10.2732 4.42929 10.6475 4.03805 10.7493 3.61453C11.0132 4.2539 11.8205 4.7181 10.9991 5.40869C10.9012 5.12057 10.8545 4.78218 10.8078 4.45759ZM23.0073 7.12894C22.8745 7.42758 22.7474 7.74516 22.5882 8.00287C22.4278 7.77112 22.3557 7.61256 22.4255 7.32889C22.5373 6.87451 23.0452 6.68181 23.3216 6.34342C23.2813 7.0333 23.8075 7.79731 22.7658 8.06882C22.8028 7.76691 22.908 7.44185 23.0073 7.12894ZM22.259 5.7993C22.059 6.05865 21.8602 6.33764 21.6444 6.55092C21.5434 6.28829 21.5111 6.11734 21.646 5.85823C21.8625 5.44243 22.4016 5.37368 22.7507 5.10918C22.5479 5.77007 22.8783 6.63534 21.8014 6.65639C21.909 6.37178 22.0884 6.0804 22.259 5.7993ZM7.28709 6.96204C7.44746 7.22583 7.61584 7.49968 7.71678 7.76721C6.70552 7.74733 7.01564 6.93468 6.82533 6.31379C7.1529 6.56214 7.65947 6.62692 7.86276 7.01723C7.98964 7.26091 7.95898 7.42134 7.86441 7.66806C7.66159 7.46787 7.47481 7.20572 7.28709 6.96204ZM8.3369 5.54196C8.49727 5.80599 8.66542 6.0796 8.76659 6.34713C7.75534 6.32726 8.06546 5.5146 7.87514 4.89371C8.20295 5.14207 8.70929 5.20684 8.91258 5.59715C9.03946 5.84083 9.0088 6.00126 8.91423 6.24798C8.71141 6.0478 8.52463 5.78564 8.3369 5.54196ZM0.536051 15.4594C0.536051 21.2011 3.94032 26.1558 8.85581 28.4469C3.63562 26.1191 0 20.9169 0 14.8743C0 6.66074 6.71703 0 15 0C23.2827 0 30 6.66074 30 14.8743C30 20.9169 26.3641 26.1191 21.1442 28.4469C26.0597 26.1558 29.464 21.2011 29.464 15.4594C29.464 7.53957 22.9868 1.11667 15 1.11667C7.01324 1.11667 0.536051 7.53957 0.536051 15.4594Z clip-ruleevenodd/> /g> g idlive> circle xmlns cx15 cy15 r15 fillurl(#paint0_linear_11822_438)/> path xmlns fillwhite dM21.8183 17.6298C21.5261 22.4999 16.9722 26.2986 11.4936 26.2986C10.3138 26.2986 9.17842 26.1394 8.11669 25.8247C9.33309 26.0355 10.6935 26.1711 11.9806 26.0064C14.4106 25.6953 16.8164 24.1906 18.117 22.4999C19.091 21.2336 19.6062 20.2973 19.8703 19.1882C20.3573 17.1428 19.1884 15.9806 16.9885 16.3268C15.6348 16.5399 14.8997 15.7053 14.7117 15.3945C14.8991 15.3981 15.4388 15.3897 15.6819 15.2921C16.2664 15.0973 16.656 13.831 15.7794 13.1492C15.1712 12.6761 14.2209 12.37 12.7599 11.883C12.7599 11.883 11.0587 11.2282 10.13 10.0324C9.20144 8.83653 8.81639 7.86783 8.76636 6.62329C8.76636 6.62329 8.27935 7.3051 8.27935 8.27913C8.27935 8.78919 8.3125 9.21402 8.3425 9.59859L8.3427 9.6011C8.40529 10.402 8.45418 11.0281 8.16216 11.883C7.94662 12.5141 6.81831 13.1493 6.03909 13.4415C6.01607 13.8507 6.70797 15.0201 7.50013 15.1947C7.5123 15.6638 7.30169 15.8313 7.11417 15.9804L7.11394 15.9806C7.0388 16.0401 6.96765 16.0968 6.91571 16.1687C6.87862 16.5804 7.11052 16.8506 7.59753 17.1428C7.26613 17.4681 7.20792 17.6298 7.20792 17.8246C7.20792 18.0186 7.32359 18.1337 7.45447 18.2637C7.58631 18.3947 7.73336 18.541 7.79234 18.7986C7.85492 19.0712 7.78739 19.2487 7.71529 19.4382C7.65784 19.5889 7.59753 19.7473 7.59753 19.9674C7.59753 21.0389 8.27935 21.6233 11.591 20.5519C12.532 20.1828 13.6397 20.2859 14.1903 20.767C14.6008 21.126 14.4893 22.1999 13.6365 22.9869C12.2727 24.2454 11.591 24.448 10.5196 24.7402C8.18195 25.2272 5.45467 24.5315 4.28584 23.6687L3.95996 23.3977L5.01883 24.6329C7.51668 27.2213 11.0217 28.8311 14.9027 28.8311C22.4878 28.8311 28.6365 22.6824 28.6365 15.0973C28.6365 8.27514 22.3053 2.04536 17.143 1.75316C17.143 1.75316 14.8613 1.6101 13.2469 3.11679C11.7858 4.48043 11.6884 6.23368 11.6884 6.23368C11.3962 9.44796 15.3897 10.6168 15.9742 10.7142C16.1061 10.7361 16.248 10.7531 16.3964 10.7709L16.407 10.7722C16.9136 10.8323 17.4953 10.9016 18.0196 11.2012C18.7014 11.591 21.8183 13.2467 21.8183 17.6298Z/>defs xmlns> linearGradient idpaint0_linear_11822_438 x115 x215 y10 y230 gradientUnitsuserSpaceOnUse> stop offset0 stop-color#C026AB/> stop offset1 stop-color#57276E/> /linearGradient> /defs> /g> g idlogout> path dM9 21H5C4.46957 21 3.96086 20.7893 3.58579 20.4142C3.21071 20.0391 3 19.5304 3 19V5C3 4.46957 3.21071 3.96086 3.58579 3.58579C3.96086 3.21071 4.46957 3 5 3H9 stroke#9C93A3 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM16 17L21 12L16 7 stroke#9C93A3 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM21 12H9 stroke#9C93A3 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /g> g idadd-image> rect x0.75 y0.75 width22.5 height18.5 rx2.25 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5/> path dM8.72563 10.8285L5.73438 15.3999H19.3344L15.1355 7.3999L11 13L8.72563 10.8285Z fill#9C93A3 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> circle cx9.73281 cy5.66689 r1.6 fillcurrentColor/> /g> g idicon-close-chat> path dM18 6L6 18 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM6 6L18 18 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /g> g idmobile-back> path dM14 5L7 12L14 19 stroke#404041 stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /g> g idsearch> path dM7.33333 12.6667C10.2789 12.6667 12.6667 10.2789 12.6667 7.33333C12.6667 4.38781 10.2789 2 7.33333 2C4.38781 2 2 4.38781 2 7.33333C2 10.2789 4.38781 12.6667 7.33333 12.6667Z stroke#ACACAC stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM14.0002 14L11.1003 11.1 stroke#ACACAC stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /g> g idaudio-wave> rect y11 width2 height2 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x4 y10.5 width2 height3 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x8 y10.5 width2 height3 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x12 y9 width2 height6 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x16 y3 width2 height18 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x20 y2 width2 height20 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x24 y6 width2 height12 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x28 y6 width2 height12 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x32 y9 width2 height6 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x36 y3 width2 height18 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x40 y2 width2 height20 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x44 y6 width2 height12 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x48 y6 width2 height12 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x52 y6 width2 height12 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x56 y7.5 width2 height9 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x60 y2 width2 height20 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x64 width2 height24 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x68 y3 width2 height18 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x72 y9 width2 height6 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x76 y7.5 width2 height9 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x80 y2 width2 height20 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x84 width2 height24 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x88 y3 width2 height18 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> rect x92 y9 width2 height6 rx1 fillcurrentColor/> /g> g idbalance-icon> path dM12 3L12 21 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM16.1667 6H9.91667C9.14312 6 8.40125 6.31607 7.85427 6.87868C7.30729 7.44129 7 8.20435 7 9C7 9.79565 7.30729 10.5587 7.85427 11.1213C8.40125 11.6839 9.14312 12 9.91667 12H14.0833C14.8569 12 15.5987 12.3161 16.1457 12.8787C16.6927 13.4413 17 14.2044 17 15C17 15.7956 16.6927 16.5587 16.1457 17.1213C15.5987 17.6839 14.8569 18 14.0833 18H7 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /g> g idcoupon-icon> path dM17 6.99991V16.9999 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround stroke-dasharray1 2/> path dM3 11.9999V16.9999C3 17.5522 3.44771 17.9999 4 17.9999H9.34091H15.1972C15.3946 17.9999 15.5877 17.9415 15.7519 17.832L16.4453 17.3697C16.7812 17.1458 17.2188 17.1458 17.5547 17.3697L18.2481 17.832C18.4123 17.9415 18.6054 17.9999 18.8028 17.9999H20C20.5523 17.9999 21 17.5522 21 16.9999V11.9999 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM3 11.9999V6.99991C3 6.44762 3.44771 5.99991 4 5.99991H9.34091H15.1972C15.3946 5.99991 15.5877 6.05835 15.7519 6.16786L16.4453 6.63011C16.7812 6.85404 17.2188 6.85404 17.5547 6.63011L18.2481 6.16786C18.4123 6.05835 18.6054 5.99991 18.8028 5.99991H20C20.5523 5.99991 21 6.44762 21 6.99991V11.9999 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> circle cx12.8182 cy13.9636 r0.818182 strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> circle cx7.90998 cy9.87278 r0.818182 strokecurrentColor stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM12.4112 9.0546L8.32031 14.7819 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /g> g idfavorite-icon> path dM19.612 5.41452C19.1722 4.96607 18.65 4.61034 18.0752 4.36763C17.5005 4.12492 16.8844 4 16.2623 4C15.6401 4 15.0241 4.12492 14.4493 4.36763C13.8746 4.61034 13.3524 4.96607 12.9126 5.41452L11.9998 6.34476L11.087 5.41452C10.1986 4.50912 8.99364 4.00047 7.73725 4.00047C6.48085 4.00047 5.27591 4.50912 4.38751 5.41452C3.4991 6.31992 3 7.5479 3 8.82833C3 10.1088 3.4991 11.3367 4.38751 12.2421L5.30029 13.1724L11.9998 20L18.6992 13.1724L19.612 12.2421C20.0521 11.7939 20.4011 11.2617 20.6393 10.676C20.8774 10.0902 21 9.46237 21 8.82833C21 8.19428 20.8774 7.56645 20.6393 6.9807C20.4011 6.39494 20.0521 5.86275 19.612 5.41452V5.41452Z strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /g> g idprofile-icon> path dM12.0006 3C14.0543 3 15.7105 4.68 15.7105 6.7632C15.7105 8.8464 14.0543 10.5276 12.0006 10.5276C11.513 10.5284 11.0301 10.4316 10.5795 10.2427C10.1289 10.0538 9.7195 9.77651 9.37474 9.42679C9.02999 9.07708 8.75666 8.66178 8.57044 8.20471C8.38422 7.74763 8.28876 7.25777 8.28954 6.7632C8.28954 4.68 9.94573 3 12.0006 3ZM12.0006 21C7.00118 21 4 19 4 16.7508C4 14.5016 7.00118 13.0368 12.0006 13.0368C17 13.0368 20 14.5016 20 16.7508C20 19 17 21 12.0006 21Z strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5/> /g> g idtransaction-icon> path dM18.8955 17.6458V19.9998C18.8955 20.552 18.4478 20.9998 17.8955 20.9998H5.32422C4.77193 20.9998 4.32422 20.552 4.32422 19.9998V12.5713C4.32422 12.019 4.77193 11.5713 5.32422 11.5713H17.8955C18.4478 11.5713 18.8955 12.019 18.8955 12.5713V14.5713 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5/> path dM4.32422 18.4285V10C4.32422 9.44772 4.77193 9 5.32422 9H9.03845 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5/> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM16.4766 17.529H19.8762V14.7148H16.4766V17.529Z strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5/> path dM7.87891 11.2453L12.9372 3.83836C13.252 3.37741 13.8832 3.2634 14.3393 3.58512L19.3989 7.15354C19.8479 7.4702 19.9574 8.08978 19.644 8.54108L17.7664 11.2453 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5/> path dM11.1816 11.5711L15.7838 4.73926 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5/> /g> g idinfo> path dM8.00016 14.6668C11.6821 14.6668 14.6668 11.6821 14.6668 8.00016C14.6668 4.31826 11.6821 1.3335 8.00016 1.3335C4.31826 1.3335 1.3335 4.31826 1.3335 8.00016C1.3335 11.6821 4.31826 14.6668 8.00016 14.6668Z strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM8 10.6667V8 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM8 5.3335H8.00667 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /g> g idicon-copied> path dM43.3337 13L19.5003 36.8333L8.66699 26 stroke#9C93A3 stroke-width6 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /g> g idicon-user> path dM15 15.75V14.25C15 13.4544 14.6839 12.6913 14.1213 12.1287C13.5587 11.5661 12.7956 11.25 12 11.25H6C5.20435 11.25 4.44129 11.5661 3.87868 12.1287C3.31607 12.6913 3 13.4544 3 14.25V15.75 stroke#9C93A3 stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM9 8.25C10.6569 8.25 12 6.90685 12 5.25C12 3.59315 10.6569 2.25 9 2.25C7.34315 2.25 6 3.59315 6 5.25C6 6.90685 7.34315 8.25 9 8.25Z stroke#9C93A3 stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /g> g idicon-chat-coupons> path dM10.3325 10.2859L11.9991 7.42871L13.6658 10.2859L16.4436 10.8573L14.2214 13.143L14.7769 16.0001L11.9991 14.8573L9.22135 16.0001L9.77691 13.143L7.55469 10.8573L10.3325 10.2859Z strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM0.75 5C0.75 3.75736 1.75736 2.75 3 2.75H21C22.2426 2.75 23.25 3.75736 23.25 5V7.75736C23.25 8.3541 23.0129 8.92639 22.591 9.34835L21.8839 10.0555C20.8099 11.1294 20.8099 12.8706 21.8839 13.9445L22.591 14.6516C23.0129 15.0736 23.25 15.6459 23.25 16.2426V19C23.25 20.2426 22.2426 21.25 21 21.25H3C1.75736 21.25 0.75 20.2426 0.75 19V16.5C0.75 15.7918 1.08344 15.1249 1.65 14.7L2.31667 14.2C3.78333 13.1 3.78333 10.9 2.31667 9.8L1.65 9.3C1.08344 8.87508 0.75 8.2082 0.75 7.5V5Z strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5/> /g> g idicon-global> path dM16.5 8.99993C16.5 13.142 13.142 16.5 8.99993 16.5C4.85787 16.5 1.5 13.142 1.5 8.99993C1.5 4.85787 4.85787 1.5 8.99993 1.5C13.142 1.5 16.5 4.85787 16.5 8.99993Z stroke#9C93A3 stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM11.7153 8.99993C11.7153 13.142 10.4997 16.5 9.00013 16.5C7.50079 16.5 6.28516 13.142 6.28516 8.99993C6.28516 4.85787 7.50074 1.5 9.00013 1.5C10.4997 1.5 11.7153 4.85787 11.7153 8.99993Z stroke#9C93A3 stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM1.98047 6.59961H15.9903 stroke#9C93A3 stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM1.98047 11.4004H15.9903 stroke#9C93A3 stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /g> g idicon-edit> path dM11 4H4C3.46957 4 2.96086 4.21071 2.58579 4.58579C2.21071 4.96086 2 5.46957 2 6V20C2 20.5304 2.21071 21.0391 2.58579 21.4142C2.96086 21.7893 3.46957 22 4 22H18C18.5304 22 19.0391 21.7893 19.4142 21.4142C19.7893 21.0391 20 20.5304 20 20V13 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM18.5 2.50023C18.8978 2.1024 19.4374 1.87891 20 1.87891C20.5626 1.87891 21.1022 2.1024 21.5 2.50023C21.8978 2.89805 22.1213 3.43762 22.1213 4.00023C22.1213 4.56284 21.8978 5.1024 21.5 5.50023L12 15.0002L8 16.0002L9 12.0002L18.5 2.50023Z strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /g> g idicon-remove> path dM3 6H5H21 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround/> path dM8 6V4C8 3.46957 8.21071 2.96086 8.58579 2.58579C8.96086 2.21071 9.46957 2 10 2H14C14.5304 2 15.0391 2.21071 15.4142 2.58579C15.7893 2.96086 16 3.46957 16 4V6M19 20V8C19 6.89543 18.1046 6 17 6H7C5.89543 6 5 6.89543 5 8V20C5 20.5304 5.21071 21.0391 5.58579 21.4142C5.96086 21.7893 6.46957 22 7 22H17C17.5304 22 18.0391 21.7893 18.4142 21.4142C18.7893 21.0391 19 20.5304 19 20Z strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround/> path dM10 11V17 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround/> path dM14 11V17 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround/> /g> g idicon-check> path dM20 6L9 17L4 12 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /g> g idicon-chat-plus> path dM12 19V5 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> path dM5 12H19 strokecurrentColor stroke-width1.5 stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround/> /g> g idicon-chat-attach> path dM21.4328 11.376L12.5151 20.2938C11.4226 21.3862 9.94083 22 8.39581 22C6.85079 22 5.36905 21.3862 4.27656 20.2938C3.18407 19.2013 2.57031 17.7195 2.57031 16.1745C2.57031 14.6295 3.18407 13.1477 4.27656 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Please check your entries,to-top-up-use-zt-restrict:To top-up your Zodiac account, please open your Zodiac Touch app and choose "Top-Up",key-expired:Expired,offer-n-is-expired:Sorry, coupon %name% can no longer be used,e-g-e-candle-chakra-et:(e.g.e Candle, Chakra, et),\u0441oupon-was-successfully-sent:Coupon was successfully sent!,pls-fill-about-my-service:Please fill "About My Service",pls-enter-4-digit-code:Please enter 4 digit code,wrong-number:Wrong number,api-integration:API Integration,webmaster-referral-program:Webmaster Partner Referral Program,typing-d:Typing ...,key-send:Send,reconnecting-to-session:Reconnecting to session,do-you-want-close-chat-q:Do you really want to close the chat?,key-yes:Yes,key-no:No,key-price:Price,select-price:Select price,filters-status-approved:Approved,filters-status-rejected:Rejected,grid-title-advisor:Advisor,grid-offline:Offline,grid-online:Online,user-submit:Submit,grid-change-status:Change status,filters-status-pending:Pending,grid-chats:Chats,grid-calls:Calls,grid-apply:Apply,dates-today:Today,dates-yesterday:Yesterday,error-unapproved-status:You can\u2019t change your status until account is on approval.,key-rate:Rate,key-prev:Prev,key-less:Less,add-service:Add Service,edit-service:Edit Service,paid-chat:Paid Chat,free-chat:Free Chat,key-reconnecting:Reconnecting,key-disconnected:Disconnected,how-may-i-help-you-today-q:how may I help you today?,connecting-to:Connecting to %name%,you-have-already-connection:You have connection with the %name% already in another browser tab. ,key-buy:Buy,advisor-is-connecting-to-chat:Advisor is connecting to chat. Please be patient.,connection-error:Connection error. Please wait!,psychic-entered-chat-room:Psychic has entered the chat room,ok-top-up:OK, Top-up,credit-popup-title:Credit minutes are running low,credit-popup-text:In order to continue reading with %name%,credit-popup-text-more:top up my account with,back-to-chat:Back to chat,user-is-connecting-to-chat:User is connecting to chat. Please be patient.,do-you-have-a-question-q:I need your name and date of birth please. And do you have a specific question?,chat-request-dd:Chat Request:,key-start:Start,afk-end-session:End Session From Afk Popup,afk-stay-online:Stay Online From Afk Popup,time-hours:hours,browser-can-not-change-status:You can't change your status in this browser.,wrong-code:Wrong code,change-payment-method:Change payment method,enter-cvv-code:Enter CVC,error-security-code:You haven't entered the 3 or 4 digit security code.,10-clients-had-paid-reading:Randomly send free minutes to 10% of the clients that had a paid reading with me,all-clients-had-reading:All clients that had a reading with me but did not pay for it (i.e used free 3 minutes only),best-clients-had-reading:20% of the clients who had a reading with me and their readings earned me most,key-day:Day,key-month:Month,key-year:Year,key-reply:Reply,wrong-upload-image-types:Please upload image with the following types: %list%,unknown-upload-error:Unknown upload error,service-specification:Add the services you would like to provide, and offer them to clients during a chat reading directly in the chat window,verify-phone:Verify phone,enter-credit-card-details:Please enter your credit card details for validation purposes.,use-following-card-dd:Use the following Card:,error-response:Bad response,hide-filters:Hide Filters,add-tips:Add %currency%%value%,add-card:Payment method,credit-card-not-supported:Sorry! Your card is currently not supported. Please use Visa or MasterCard,continue-session:Continue Session,notify-title:Notify me when advisor becomes available,chat-ended:Chat ended,call-ended:Call ended,you-mised-action-adv:You missed a %action% from %name%,you-mised-action-user:%name% missed a %action% from you,with-adv:with %name%,sorry-adv-is-offline:Sorry %name% is offline,key-connecting:connecting,starting-call:Starting call,chat-is-being-connected:Please wait a minute while we connect you,call-is-being-connected:Please wait while call is being connected,starting-chat:Starting chat,ty-for-review:Thank you for review,no-tips:No tips,no-thanks:No thanks,please-rate:Please rate,chat-request:Chat request,key-decline:Decline,start-chat:Start Chat,like-to-tip:Would you like to tip the advisor?,sorry-advisor-unreachable:The advisor seems to be unavailable. Would you like to choose another one?,you-can-still-write:You can still write...,chat-image-error:Invalid image (JPEG, PNG only - max 10Mb),write-short-review:write short review,end-offline-chat:End Offline Chat,key-sorry:sorry,call-back:Call Back,offline-chat:Offline Chat,you-tipped:You tipped %currency%%amount%,you-have-been-tipped:You have been tipped %currency%%amount%,key-chose:chose,key-h:h,key-s:s,user-reconnecting:User reconnecting,withdrawal-tr:Withdrawal %month%,key-january:January,key-february:February,key-march:March,key-april:April,key-may:May,key-june:June,key-july:July,key-august:August,key-september:September,key-october:October,key-november:November,key-december:December,regular-reader-rate-applies:Coupon has been used on your another account. Regular reader rate applies for your next reading,key-login:Login,error-while-delete-locale:Error while delete locale,please-fill-all-required-fields:Please fill all required fields,pm-wire-transwer:Wire Transwer,pm-check:Check,pm-payoneer:Payoneer,form-country:Country:,form-state:State:,form-beneficiary-address:Beneficiary Address:,form-bank-address:Bank Address:,form-routing-number-aba:Routing Number ABA:,key-retry:Retry,you-called-user:You called %name%,call-again:Call Again,missed-by-internet-connection:You\u2019ve just missed the call. Please check your internet connection to accept next call,transaction-bonus:Bonus,clarify-message:Advisor want to clarify question, please, retype it,advisor-needs-more-info:Hey! Your advisor needs more info. We have added another free question. Please use it to provide us with further details.,not-question-refund:Refund - Oops! We have refunded you as this was not a question.,clarify-question-request:Request - Hey! I need more details to provide you with a proper answer.,first_login_popup_title:Easy to ask,first_login_popup_content:It\u2019s that easy! Just enter your question and one of our experts will get back to you with an answer.,first_login_popup_btn_title:ASK A QUESTION,unknown_error:Unknown error,key-user:User,answer-clarify:Answer your clarification,question-already-taken:Sorry. The message was taken by another advisor. Please choose another message.,your-weekly-horoscope-is-here:Your Weekly Horoscope is here. Ask your questions!,want-a-free-horoscope:Want a free horoscope? Add your zodiac sign!,error-union-brand-disabled:Union brand was disabled for you,terms-title:Terms,your-daily-horoscope-is-here:Your Daily Horoscope is here. Ask your questions!,key-not-used:Not Used,grid-title-subscription-trial:Trial,push-cancel-chat:Canceled chat from %name%,use-app-on-your-phone:Please use our app on your cell phone,main-page-new-advisors:New advisors,main-page-top-advisors:Top advisors,key-online:Online,new-customers-text-bold:3 %openTag%free%closeTag% min + 60% off,new-customers-text-normal:for your first reading,new-customers-text-button:Try it now,mobile-banner-title:Our experts are always in touch,mobile-banner-description:Enjoy psychic reading on your mobile. Our Psychic Readers are compassionate and will amaze you with a personal live reading unlike any you\u2019ve had before,homepage-horoscope-section-title:Horoscope,key-yesterday:Yesterday,key-tomorrow:Tomorrow,key-previous-week:Previous Week,key-this-week:This Week,key-next-week:Next Week,key-previous-month:Previous Month,key-this-month:This Month,key-next-month:Next Month,key-show-more:Show more,chat-transaction-detail:Chat: %currency%%fee% \u00d7 %min% min,call-transaction-detail:Call: %currency%%fee% \u00d7 %min% min,key-get-coupon:Get coupon,back-to-login:Back to Log In,generate-reset-password-link-error:Failed to generate a link to reset your password,key-back-to-list:Back to list,key-union-dashboard-name:Union,advisor-min-price-format:%currency%%price%\/min,type-message-here:Enter your message here,my-goods-and-services:My goods and services,type-your-question:Type your question\u2026,popup-end-chat-modal-title:Are you sure?,popup-end-chat-modal-text:If you want to go back, it is necessary <br \/>to end the chat.,dashboard-question-expire-in:Expires in %time%,waiting-your-answers:Waiting for your answers,confirm_and_pay:Confirm & Pay,add_cvc_code:Add CVC code,start-call-with:Starting call with %name%\u2026,apply-coupon:Apply coupon,coupon-applied:Coupon applied,choose-your-free-time:Choose your availability time range,cant-reach-phone:We can't reach your phone right now.,enter-correct-phone:The phone number is invalid. Please check that you have entered it correctly.,advisor-reconnecting:Advisor reconnecting,time-h:h,time-s:s,key-paid:Paid,connect-fb:Connect with Facebook,listing-title:Listing title,coupon-expire-day:Expires in %count% day,coupon-expire-days:Expires in %count% days,coupon-expire-in:Expires in,key-sold:Sold,coupon-banner-title-all:Grab your coupon and get the best reading ever!,coupon-banner-title-chat:Click on \u2018Chat Now\u2019 and Save on your next reading,coupon-banner-title-topup:Grab your coupon and get the best reading ever!,coupon-banner-button-all:Pick your Psychic,coupon-banner-button-chat:Chat Now,coupon-banner-button-topup:Top up here,all-advisors-title:All Advisors,see-all-advisors-button:See all advisors,see-more-advisors-button:See more advisors,key-advisors-available:Advisors available,key-advisor-alias-name:expert,menu-articles-key:Articles,key-article-author-description:Written by,key-union-brands-disabled:All brands were disabled for you,key-new-password:New password,gdpr-signup-warning:Please confirm you're over age 18.,gdpr-confirm-terms:You confirm that you've read and accept our %terms_link% and %policy_link%,gdpr-confirm-marketing:You agree to receive our marketing communications,gdpr-confirm-18-years:You're at least 18 years old,gdpr-cookies-privacy:Cookies & Privacy,gdpr-website-uses-cookies:Our website uses cookies. By continuing to browse this website you are agreeing to our privacy policy,key-accept:Accept,key-learn-more:Learn more,grid-remove-advertise-id-from-list:Remove Advertise ID From List,billing-zip-code:Billing Zip Code,twilio-welcome-message-for-user:Welcome to %brand_name%. Please wait a moment while we connect you to your psychic advisor.,twilio-welcome-message-for-advisor:Welcome to %brand_name%. Please wait a moment while we connect you to user.,user-view-first-message-for-user:I really need to talk with you \u2013 please let me know when you will be online next?,user-view-second-message-for-user:I would like to connect with you as soon as possible.,advisor-view-first-message-for-user:{USER} asking when will you be available.,advisor-view-second-message-for-user:{USER} would like to connect with you as soon as possible.,user-view-first-message-for-advisor:Hi {USER}. I will next be online at time. I hope to see you there! Thanks {ADVISOR},user-view-second-message-for-advisor:Hi {USER}. I am usually online from time_from \u2013 time_to most days. Looking forward to our next reading together.,advisor-view-first-message-for-advisor:I will next be online at time. I hope to see you there!,advisor-view-second-message-for-advisor:I am usually online from time_from \u2013 time_to most days. Looking forward to our next reading together.,key-main:Main,tax-form-was-uploaded:Tax Form was successfully uploaded,reconfirm-card:Please reconfirm your card,payment-card-reconfirm-title:Please add your card again or attach a new one,payment-card-reconfirm-text:We are currently moving to another payment system and can\u2019t transfer your data,payment-event-complete-notify:Please wait while we process your payment.,payment-event-complete-error:We are sorry! The payment could not be executed successfully. The following error has occurred:,payment-event-complete-sub:Please try again with another credit card on the %link_open%payment page.%link_close%,key-magazine:Magazine,key-support:Support,phone-number-was-verified-successfully:Phone number was verified successfully,sms-verification:SMS verification,type-verification-code:Please type the verification code send to,phone-number-is-enabled-now:Your phone number %phone% is now enabled to receive calls.,we-sent-you-a-new-code:We've send you a new code,verify-phone-number:Verify phone number,enter-code-you-will-receive-per-sms:To verify this phone number, you need to enter a code you will receive per SMS,key-done:Done,key-verify:Verify,request-sms-verification:Request SMS verification,resend-code:Resend code,cant-add-phone-number-in-current-app-version:Can't add phone number in current app version,choose-custom-image:Choose custom image,start-chat-with:Starting chat with %name%\u2026,coupon-title-section-caption:Title,coupon-description-field-label:Description,services-filter-any-option:Any,services-filter-only-call-option:Call enabled,services-filter-only-chat-option:Chat enabled,services-filter-select-text:Call & Chat,services-filter-select-inner-title:Type of communication,key-show-less:Show less,payment-label-valid-until:Valid until,key-skip:Skip,best-match-button-back-label:Back to Match,chat-started:Chat started,payment-error-refused:Transaction failed. Please contact your card issuer and try another payment method.,payment-error-referral:Referral,payment-error-acquirer-error:Error. There was an issue communicating with your card issuer. Try again.,payment-error-blocked-card:It appears your card is blocked. Contact your card issuer and try another payment method.,payment-error-expired-card:It appears your card has expired. Please try another payment method.,payment-error-declined-cvc-incorrect-expiry-incorrect:It appears your card has expired. Please try another payment method.,payment-error-declined-expiry-incorrect:It appears your card has expired. Please try another payment method.,payment-error-invalid-amount:There was an error processing the transaction amount. Please try again.,payment-error-invalid-card-number:The card number is incorrect or invalid. Please try again or use another payment method.,payment-error-issuer-unavailable:There was an issue communicating with your bank. Try again or use another payment method.,payment-error-not-supported:Your bank does not support this type of transaction. Please try another payment method.,payment-error-3d-not-authenticated:Secure authentication failed. Please try again.,payment-error-not-enough-balance:Insufficient funds. Please try another payment method.,payment-error-acquirer-fraud:Transaction failed due to a fraud alert. Please contact your card issuer immediately.,payment-error-cancelled:Error. Transaction canceled.,payment-error-shopper-cancelled:Error. The transaction was canceled before it was completed.,payment-error-invalid-pin:The PIN you entered is incorrect or invalid. Please try again or contact your card issuer.,payment-error-pin-tries-exceeded:You entered an incorrect PIN too many times. Please contact your bank. Try another payment method.,payment-error-pin-validation-not-possible:PIN validation failed. Please contact your card issuer and try another payment method.,payment-error-fraud:Transaction failed due to a fraud alert. Please contact your card issuer immediately.,payment-error-not-submitted:There was a problem processing this transaction. Please contact your card issuer and try again.,payment-error-fraud-cancelled:Transaction failed due to a fraud alert. Please contact your card issuer immediately.,payment-error-transaction-not-permitted:Transaction not permitted. Please contact your card issuer and try another payment method.,payment-error-cvc-declined:Error. The card security code (CVC) you entered is invalid. Please try again.,payment-error-restricted-card:Error. The card may not be valid in this country. Please try another payment method.,payment-error-revocation-of-auth:Transaction failed. It appears you may have canceled recurring payments for this card.,payment-error-declined-non-generic:The card issuer has declined this transaction. Try another payment method.,payment-error-withdrawal-amount-exceeded:It appears the withdrawal limit on your card has been reached. Please try another payment method.,payment-error-withdrawal-count-exceeded:It appears the withdrawal limit on your card has been reached. Please try another payment method.,payment-error-issuer-suspected-fraud:Transaction failed due to a fraud alert. Please contact your card issuer immediately.,payment-error-avs-declined:It appears you may have entered your card details incorrectly. Please check and try again.,payment-error-card-requires-online-pin:Your card issuer requires a mobile PIN. Please try again.,payment-error-no-checking-account-available-on-card:It appears your card is not set up for this purchase. Please contact your card issuer and try again.,payment-error-no-savings-account-available-on-card:It appears your card is not set up for this purchase. Please contact your card issuer and try again.,payment-error-mobile-pin-required:Your card issuer requires a mobile PIN. Please try again.,payment-error-contactless-fallback:Error due to contactless payment. Please try again.,payment-error-authentication-required:Your payment method may require more authentication. Please try again.,payment-error-rreq-not-received-from-ds:There was an issue communicating with your card issuer. Try again or use another payment method.,payment-error-current-aid-is-in-penalty-box:There was an issue communicating with your card issuer. Try again or use another payment method.,payment-error-cvm-required-restart-payment:A PIN or signature is required. Please try again or use another payment method.,payment-error-3ds2-authentication-error:Payment could not be authorized. Please try again or use another payment method.,payment-error-00-approved-or-completed-successfully:Transaction canceled after approval. Please contact your card issuer.,payment-error-01-refer-to-card-issuer:Transaction failed. Please contact your card issuer and try another payment method.,payment-error-03-invalid-merchant:Transaction failed. Please contact your card issuer and try another payment method.,payment-error-04-capture-card-pick-up:Transaction failed due to a fraud alert. Please contact your card issuer immediately.,payment-error-05-do-not-honor:Transaction failed. Please contact your card issuer and try another payment method.,payment-error-06-error:Payment could not be authorized. Please try another payment method.,payment-error-07-pickup-card-special-condition:Transaction failed due to a fraud alert. Please contact your card issuer immediately.,payment-error-10-partial-approval:Transaction canceled due to prepaid card partial authorization. Complete transaction with another payment method.,payment-error-12-invalid-transaction:This transaction is not permitted on this card. Please try another payment method.,payment-error-13-invalid-amount:Invalid card number. Try again or use another payment method.,payment-error-14-invalid-card-number:Invalid card number. Try again or use another payment method.,payment-error-15-invalid-issuer:Invalid card number. Try again or use another payment method.,payment-error-19-re-enter-transaction:There was an issue communicating with your card issuer. Try again or use another payment method.,payment-error-30-format-error:Format error. Please re-enter the transaction information and try again.,payment-error-41-lost-card:This card was reported as lost. Please contact your card issuer immediately.,payment-error-43-stolen-card:This card was reported as stolen. Please contact your card issuer immediately.,payment-error-46-closed-account:It appears the card account may be closed. Please contact the card issuer.,payment-error-51-insufficient-funds-over-credit-limit-not-sufficient-funds:Insufficient funds. Please contact the card issuer and try another payment method.,payment-error-54-expired-card:It appears your card has expired. Please try another payment method.,payment-error-55-invalid-pin:Invalid card PIN. Try again or use another payment method.,payment-error-57-transaction-not-permitted-to-issuer-cardholder:Transaction refused by the card issuer. Try another payment method.,payment-error-58-transaction-not-permitted-to-acquirer-terminal:Transaction refused by the card issuer. Try another payment method.,payment-error-59-suspected-fraud:Transaction failed due to a fraud alert. Please contact your card issuer immediately.,payment-error-61-exceeds-withdrawal-amount-limit-s-withdrawal-amount-limit-exceeded:It appears you may have exceeded your card limit. Try another payment method.,payment-error-62-restricted-card:There appear to be restrictions on this card. Please contact the card issuer and try another payment method.,payment-error-63-security-violation:There may be a security issue with your card. Please contact the card issuer and try another payment method.,payment-error-65-exceeds-withdrawal-count-limit-withdrawal-count-limit-exceeded:It appears you may have exceeded your card limit. Please contact the card issuer and try another payment method.,payment-error-6p-customer-id-verification-failed:Card verification failed. Please contact the card issuer and try another payment method.,payment-error-65-authentication-required:Error. Your payment method may require more authentication. Please try again,payment-error-70-contact-card-issuer:The card issuer is unable to process your transaction. Please contact the card issuer and try another payment method.,payment-error-70-pin-data-required:The card issuer is requesting secure authentication. Please try again using your card PIN.,payment-error-75-allowable-number-of-pin-tries-exceeded:You entered an incorrect PIN too many times. Please contact your bank. Try another payment method.,payment-error-78-invalid-nonexistent-account-specified-general:Error. It looks like your card may not be authorized yet. Please contact your card issuer.,payment-error-79-life-cycle:Error. Invalid card data. Please contact your card issuer and try another payment method.,payment-error-80-credit-issuer-unavailable:There was an issue communicating with your card issuer. Try again or use another payment method.,payment-error-82-policy:This transaction cannot be completed because it violates the card issuer's policy.,payment-error-82-negative-online-cam-dcvv-icvv-cvv-or-cavv-results-or-offline-pin-authentication-interrupted:Error. The cardholder verification method failed. Please contact your card issuer.,payment-error-83-fraud-security:Transaction failed due to a fraud alert. Please contact your card issuer immediately.,payment-error-85-no-reason-to-decline-a-request-for-account-number-verification:Authorized.,payment-error-85-not-declined-valid-for-all-zero-amount-transactions:Authorized.,payment-error-86-cannot-verify-pin:There was an issue verifying your PIN. Try again or use another payment method.,payment-error-91-authorization-platform-or-issuer-system-inoperative-issuer-not-available:There was an issue communicating with your card issuer. Try again or use another payment method.,payment-error-91-issuer-unavailable-or-switch-inoperative:There was an issue communicating with your card issuer. Try again or use another payment method.,payment-error-92-destination-cannot-be-found-for-routing-unable-to-route-transaction:Error. It appears this card cannot be used. Please try another payment method.,payment-error-93-transaction-cannot-be-completed-violation-of-law:This transaction is not permitted by the card issuer. Please try another payment method.,payment-error-96-system-malfunction:Error. There was an issue communicating with your bank. Try again or use another payment method.,payment-error-1a-authentication-required:Error. Your payment method may require more authentication. Please try again.,payment-error-r0-stop-payment-order:Transaction failed. It appears you may have canceled this payment.,payment-error-r1-revocation-of-authorisation-order:Transaction failed. It appears you may have canceled recurring payments for this card.,payment-error-r3-revocation-of-all-authorisation-orders:Transaction failed. It appears you may have canceled recurring payments for this card.,payment-error-z1-offline-declined:Transaction failed. Please contact your card issuer. Try another payment method.,payment-error-z3-unable-to-go-online-offline-declined:Transaction failed. Please contact your card issuer. Try another payment method.,payment-error-000-approved:Transaction canceled after approval. Please contact your card issuer.,payment-error-001-approve-with-id:Transaction canceled. Please contact your card issuer.,payment-error-002-prepaid-card-partial-authorization:Transaction canceled due to prepaid card partial authorization. Complete transaction with another payment method.,payment-error-100-deny:Transaction failed. Please contact your card issuer. Try another payment method.,payment-error-101-expired-card-invalid-expiration-date:It appears your card has expired. Please try another payment method.,payment-error-106-pin-tries-exceeded:You entered an incorrect PIN too many times. Please contact your bank. Try another payment method.,payment-error-109-invalid-service-establishment:Transaction failed. Please contact your card issuer. Try another payment method.,payment-error-110-invalid-amount:Error. Invalid character in the transaction amount. Please check and try again.,payment-error-111-invalid-account:Error. Invalid character in your card number. Please check and try again.,payment-error-115-requested-function-not-supported:This transaction is not permitted by the card issuer. Please try another payment method.,payment-error-117-incorrect-pin:It appears you entered the incorrect PIN. Please try again.,payment-error-119-transaction-not-permitted-to-cardmember:This transaction is not permitted by the card issuer. Please try another payment method.,payment-error-122-invalid-keyed-printed-card-security-code-pcsc:Error. There may be a security issue with this card. Please try another payment method.,payment-error-125-invalid-effective-date-on-card:Error. The card expiry date may not be in the proper format. Please try again.,payment-error-130-additional-customer-identification-required:Error. Your payment method may require more authentication. Please try again,payment-error-181-format-error:Format error. Please re-enter your card details and try again.,payment-error-183-invalid-currency-code:Error. We don't accept the currency you\u2019re trying to pay with.,payment-error-187-deny-new-card-issued:Error. You may have been issued a new card. Please try again with that card.,payment-error-189-deny-canceled-or-closed-card-acceptor:Error. You may be trying to pay with a card we don\u2019t accept.,payment-error-200-deny-pick-up-card:Transaction failed due to a fraud alert. Please contact your card issuer immediately.,payment-error-900-advice-accepted:Error. There was an issue communicating with your card issuer. Try again or use another payment method.,payment-error-911-card-issuer-timed-out:Error. There was an issue communicating with your bank. Try again or use another payment method.,payment-error-912-host-unavailable:Error. There was an issue communicating with your bank. Try again or use another payment method.,payment-error-10606-transaction-rejected-please-contact-the-buyer:Transaction failed. Please contact PayPal.,payment-error-11607-duplicate-request:Error. It looks like you may have already tried this transaction.,payment-error-10001-internal-error:Error. PayPal is having technical issues. Please try again.,payment-error-10002-the-user-account-is-locked:Error. Your PayPal account appears to be locked. Please contact PayPal.,payment-error-10002-restricted-account:Error. Please contact PayPal.,payment-error-10212-profile-preference-setting:Error. Your PayPal account may not be set up for this type of transaction. Please check and try again.,payment-error-10525-invalid-data:Error. The transaction cannot be processed because the amount is zero.,payment-error-10729-shipping-address-state-empty:PayPal needs a complete billing address to complete this transaction.,payment-error-10730-shipping-address-postal-code-empty:PayPal needs a complete billing address to complete this transaction.,payment-error-11452-merchant-not-enabled-for-reference-transactions:Error. You may not have the recurring feature enabled on your PayPal account.,payment-error-11557-permission-denied:PayPal says you don\u2019t have permission for this transaction. Please check your PayPal account.,payment-error-11601-request-for-billing-address-failed:PayPal needs a complete billing address to complete this transaction.,payment-error-error:Transaction failed. Please check your PayPal account.,payment-error-10201-agreement-cancelled:Transaction failed. Please check your PayPal account.,payment-error-10204-denied:Transaction failed. Please contact PayPal.,payment-error-13122-transaction-refused:This transaction cannot be completed because it violates the PayPal User Agreement.,payment-error-10417-transaction-cannot-complete:Transaction failed. Try another payment method from your PayPal wallet.,payment-error-10486-this-transaction-could-not-be-completed:Transaction failed. Please check that you have sufficient funds and try again.,payment-error-10002-you-do-not-have-permission-to-make-this-api-call:PayPal says you don\u2019t have permission for this refund. Please check your PayPal account.,payment-error-10007-permission-denied-you-do-not-have-permission-to-refund-this-transaction:PayPal says you don\u2019t have permission for this refund. Please check your PayPal account.,payment-error-10009-you-do-not-have-a-verified-ach:Refund failed. PayPal had an issue verifying your account information.,key-unavailable:Unavailable,key-change:Change,search-no-results:No results found for "%needle%",search-categories-title:Are you looking for...,search-recent-advisors:Your recent readings,search-advisor-readings-label:Readings,search-recent-viewed-advisors:Your recent views,user-chat-help-review-text:Help other users understand your rating. How long was your session? What was your budget? Was the advisor`s profile accurate?,chat-services:Services,filters-all:All,key-options:Options,key-try-again:Try again,key-add-to-favourite:Add to favorites,microphone-access-denied:Microphone access denied,not-allowed-to-access-your-microphone:Not allowed to access your microphone,add-credit-card-btn-title:Add payment method,like-to-tip-message:Advisors are real people using their time and talents to make a living. Say thanks with a tip!,phone-verification-attempts-count:You have %count% verification attempts per day.,enter-code-you-will-receive-per-validation-request:To verify this phone number, enter the code you receive via SMS or answer the call if you are using a landline.,key-not-verified:Unverified,mobile-phone-verification:Mobile Phone Verification,landphone-verification:Phone Verification,phone-validation-description:Please enter the verification code sent to %phone_number% via SMS,landphone-validation-description:Please answer the call and enter the code you hear to verify your phone number %phone_number%,verify-your-number:Verify your number,starting-call-advisor-found:Advisor found. Starting call with:,server-side-error-message:An error occurred while processing your request.,user-id-copied-message:Copied,key-voice-message:Voice message,key-send-coupon:Choose your coupon,key-templates:Templates,key-add-template:Add canned message,key-choose-category-template:What type of message is this?,chat-send-coupon:Send coupon,chat-coupons-limit:You can send 5 coupons per day,chat-send-premade-message:Send premade message,key-dashboard-templates-description:Here you can send upselling content and create templates to make your conversation during the chat easier,key-dashboard-templates-info-message:Access your canned messages during and after a chat by clicking the <strong>plus button on the left side menu <\/strong>and selecting <strong>the messages<\/strong> tab,key-dashboard-templates-add-message-description:Save a message here to share with your clients,key-manage-templates:Manage templates,key-amount:Credits,key-discount:Discount,advisor-can-not-answer:%name% is currently unavailable. Please try again later.,key-services-and-messages:Services & Messages,really-want-delete-template:Do you really want to delete this message?,remove-template-description:Keep in mind, It will be permanently removed from the system and unavailable during chats. This can't be undone.,edit-template:Edit message,key-service-paid:Purchase successful,key-copy-text:Copy text,claim-coupon:Claim coupon,already-claimed:Already claimed,success-claim-coupon-title:Coupon successfully claimed,success-claim-coupon-text:It will automatically apply on your next session with this advisor,key-got-it:Got it,save-coupons-set-disabled:Select at least 1 coupon,save-coupons-set:Save coupon set,success-save-coupon-text:All selected coupons are ready to be displayed on your profile,success-save-coupon-title:Set up successfully,key-something-went-wrong:Something went wrong,search-advisor-category-label:Category,search-advisor-method-label:Method,really-want-delete-service:Do you really want to delete \u201c%name%\u201d service?,remove-service-description:It will be removed from the services page and from your profile if it\u2019s shown there. You wouldn\u2019t be able to sell it anymore,service-info-title:More about offline services,service-info-description:This type of services are not time sensitive. Also user can buy it from your profile page and from the services page. You will need to complete it during certain period and provide feedback to the customer,edit-service-specification:Change description and image of the service.,service-description-label-explanation:Explain in 3-5 steps what the customers will get.,service-set-main-lang-label:Set as main language,service-duplicate-label:Duplicate an existing service,service-image-label:Choose an image,service-delivery-label:Delivery time,service-preview:Service Preview,offline-service:Offline service,online-service:Online service,key-days:days,not-selected:Not selected,offline-services-dashboard-title:Show offline services,offline-services-dashboard-text:You can display up to 10 offline services on your profile,offline-service-label:Offline service,service-buy-button-text:Buy for %money%,service-waiting-start-label:Waiting to start,audio-message:Audio Message,offline-service-cancelled-status-name:Cancelled,reply-own-message-caption:%author% (You),ongoing-services-page-title:Ongoing services,ongoing-services-page-subtitle:Start working on services requested by users,advisor-services-status-active:Active,advisor-services-status-todo:To do,advisor-services-status-completed:Completed,advisor-service-activate-button-text:Activate,advisor-service-complete-button-text:Complete,advisor-offline-service-chat-link:Chat history,advisor-service-expire-timer:Expiring in %timer%,advisor-service-time-left-timer:Time left %timer%,key-requirements:Requirements,advisor-service-purchased-button-text:Purchased,advisor-service-start-working-button-text:Start working,service-rejected:Your service has been rejected,service-rejected-description:Service should have a proper description, a clear title, and an appropriate picture,service-requirements-placeholder:What are the requirements to complete this service,send-service:Send service,all-set:All set!,key-testtt:Translate1,advisor-cancel-chat-message:%name% ended the chat,advisor-cancel-call-message:%name% ended the call,missed-call-by-voicemail:Call unsuccessful due to voicemail activation,key-copied:Copied,active-chat:Active chat,chat-paused:Chat paused,chat-not-started:Not started,wait-first-message:Waiting for your first message,key-added-to-favourite:Added to favorites,time-m:m,rate-review:Rate & Review,feel-about-reading:How do you feel about this reading?,share-feedback:Share your feedback (optional),say-thank-you:Say thank you!,show-password:Show password,hide-password:Hide password,thank-you-message-placeholder:Add a personal thank you note for your advisor.,thank-you-message-default:Thank you, %advisorName%,thank-you-message-placement-marker:Add a personal thank you note for your advisor.,thank-you-message:Thank you, %advisorName%,coupon-expired:Expired}; 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