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Read the statement (…) | | /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Hugo GABBERO/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Singapore: End harassment and intimidation of Transformative Justice Collective./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Eleven organisations, including OMCT and FIDH within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, condemn in the strongest terms the latest restrictions imposed by the Singapore government on activists from the Transformative Justice Collective (TJC), a civil society group actively opposing the death penalty and advocating for human rights in the country. br classautobr /> We, the undersigned 11 organisations, condemn in the strongest terms the latest restrictions imposed (…) | | /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Maxime Duriez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza ceasefire and release of hostages welcomed: Justice is the only way for a lasting peace./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) welcomes the announcement of a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages, which it has been urging for the past 15 months. The ceasefire is a first step. On its own it cannot provide justice for the victims. It cannot produce a lasting peace. The ceasefire is a temporary strategic solution. What needs to come now is a real political and human rights based solution for the end of the Gaza blockade, the end of Israel's settler-colonial (…) | | /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Hugo GABBERO/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Uganda: Arbitrary detention, judicial harassment and torture of human rights lawyer Eron Kiiza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Human Rights Watch/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Death of Miners in South Africa a Government Failure./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Click to expand Image | Police maintain a cordon around shaft 11 during rescue operations for trapped miners at the abandoned Buffelsfontein gold mine in Stilfontein, South Africa, January 14, 2025. | © 2025 Leon Sadiki/Bloomberg via Getty Images…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Ten killed in Israel's Jenin raid as Gaza ceasefire holds./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Israeli forces launched a major assault on the northern occupied West Bank city of Jenin, bombing and storming the area in a At least The UN Human Rights Office has also reported s…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>UN experts urge Thailand not to deport 48 Uyghurs to China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> United Nations human rights experts have urged Thailand not to send 48 Human rights groups and some Thai lawmakers have raised concerns in the past week that the transfer to China of the Uyghurs, who have been held in immigration detention for more than a decade, was imminent. The government has said it has…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Hugo GABBERO/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Urgent call to confirm the suspension of Azerbaijan's PACE credentials at winter session 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> In a joint letter, human rights organisations, including the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, call the members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to uphold the suspension of Azerbaijan's credentials for 2025, as escalating repression of civil society in the country violates the principles of the Council of Europe (…) | | /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Hugo GABBERO/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Azerbaijan: Urgent call to confirm the suspension of Azerbaijan's PACE credentials at Winter session 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> In a joint letter, human rights organisations, including FIDH and OMCT within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, call the members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to uphold the suspension of Azerbaijan's credentials for 2025, as escalating repression of civil society in the country violates the principles of the Council of Europe (CoE). br classautobr /> | Jan 21 Joint Azerbaijan Let… by Obs defenders | | /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iraq's Nujaba warns will resume anti-Israeli retaliatory strikes if Gaza attacked./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> An Iraqi anti-terror group has warned Israel of resumption of its anti-Israeli strikes in case the Zionist regime opts to re-launch its military onslaught against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iraq parliament passes disputed laws, could allow child marriage./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The legislati…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Canary/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Palestine Action are occupying the offices of Aviva — complicit in Israel's genocide in Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> From 7.30am on Wednesday 22 January, Palestine Action begun occupying 'The Aviva Centre' in Bristol over its ongoing complicity with Israel's genocide in Gaza. One activist is on top of the overhang of the 'UK's largest insurer': BREAKING: Palestine Action is occupying 'The Aviva Centre' in Bristol. Aviva insures UAV Engines, a drone factory owned … | By /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Etan Nechin/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Columbia vows action against protesters who disrupted historian's first class on modern Israeli history./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Masked pro-Palestine activists burst into the classroom, banged on drums, chanted 'Free Palestine' and handed out posters that read 'Crush Zionism,' on the first day of the spring semester…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ali Salam/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Jenin: In a Wide-Scale Attack Israeli Forces Kill 9 Palestinians, Injure 40./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> br /> | On Tuesday, nine Palestinians were killed, including a child, and dozens were injured, including at least three doctors, as a result of a large-scale Israeli attack on the city of Jenin and the Jenin refugee camp, in the northern occupied West Bank. | The Health Ministry announced that nine Palestinians were killed and more than 35 were injured, identifying the slain Palestinians as;…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Headlines for January 22, 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Trump Takes Steps to Weaponize Justice Department, Reassigning Key Prosecutors, 22 States Sue to Block Trump's Attempt to End Birthright Citizenship, Trump Administration to Allow ICE Raids at Churches, Hospitals and Schools, Israeli Forces Raid Jenin, Killing 10 Palestinians, Newly Freed Palestinians Describe Torture and Ill-Treatment in Israeli Jails, Israeli Forces Kill Palestinian Child in Southern Gaza Despite Ceasefire, Four Injured in Tel Aviv Stabbing Attack, Israeli General Who Led Campaign That Devastated Gaza to Resign over October 7 Failures, Trump's U.N. Ambassador Pick Elise Stefanik Say…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza Ceasefire Deal: Netanyahu's war cabinet vote today./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Qatar and the United States Wednesday January 15, 2025 confirmed Palestinian Resistance Groups led by Hamas and Israel have finalised the deal to end over 15-month long war in Gaza and other occupied Palestinian lands./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Hamas-Israel Ceasefire: Salute to People of Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Despite round the clock terror and horrifying attacks in the last 15 months, the ordinary people of Gaza exhibited remarkable patience for which they deserve acclaim./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>APR editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel has ramped up West Bank raids to 'distract' from ceasefire, says analyst./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Asia Pacific Report Israeli forces have been ramping up operations in the occupied West Bank— mainly the Jenin refugee camp — to "distract" from the Gaza ceasefire deal, says political analyst Dr Mohamad Elmasry. The Qatari professor said the ceasefire was being viewed domestically as a "spectacular failure" for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "The ceasefire…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli captives return with smiles and goody bags, Palestinian abductees with scars./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Following the ceasefire deal, Israeli captives were released with goody bags, while Palestinian detainees came home with their hair turned white from the ordeal./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>'Skull without a jaw': Gaza survivors search for what remains of the dead./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Palestinians are taking the opportunity provided by the Israel-Hamas ceasefire to search for the remains of loved ones./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Rawan Suleiman/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>'Arduous and difficult': Palestinians search for bodies under the Gaza rubble./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> As the ceasefire begins, a Gaza civil defense spokesman stated that up to 10,000 bodies may still be trapped under rubble, with around 2,800 bodies "evaporated" in Israeli bombings…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Jessica Buxbaum/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel Isn't Leaving Syria: Settlement Plans Signal a Permanent Land Grab./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Israel wasted no time following the abrupt collapse of Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria. Within hours of Assad's fall on December 8, 2024, Israeli forces More than a month later, Israeli troops remain stationed in the United Nations-patrolled area — raiding government buildings and summoning residents for .../span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>bwitanek/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Repost from Palestinian Youth Movement: Military Vehicles Being Shipped Out of the Port of Elizabeth to Israel / Protest Wed 1/22 4pm Elizabeth NJ./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Leaked photos from New Jersey's Port of Elizabeth confirms research conducted by the Palestinian Youth Movement and Progressive International on…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza aid a 'drop in the ocean' after Israel's suffocating siege./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Hundreds of The /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Qatar working on the second phase of Gaza ceasefire deal./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The comments, made by Qatari foreign ministry spokesman Majed al-Ansari come after Israel freed 90 Palestinian women and children held in Israeli jails in exchange for three Israeli captives…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Amos Harel/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Despite operational successes in Gaza, the next IDF chief will inherit an army in crisis./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Fifteen months into the war, the IDF is suffering from heightened friction among senior officers, exacerbated by the government's refusal to approve new appointments for those who have left ‚ñ Defense Minister Katz hastened Halevi's departure by making his life a living hell — and now Netanyahu will try to do the same to the Shin Bet director…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>WSWS/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel tightens its grip on Jenin and the wider West Bank./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Repeating the tactics used in its criminal war of genocide in Gaza, Israeli forces have surrounded the Khalil Suleiman governmental hospital. Residents in several Jenin neighbourhoods were ordered to leave their homes, and the city, by loudspeaker./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza war ruins Israel's delusional future: Fmr. IRGC chief./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> A former IRGC chief commander says the Israeli regime's war of genocide against Gaza "destroyed the regime's imaginary future."/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href ⚪ genocidal-acts-spread-West-Bank-Gaza>'Death machinery': UN warns Israel's genocide could spread to West Bank./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Francesca Albanese has warned that Israel's genocidal acts may spread to the occupied West Bank, amid an ongoing large-scale military operation in the city of Jenin./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Michael Hauser Tov/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Netanyahu takes on Otzma Yehudit's ministerial roles, violating Supreme Court ruling./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Two hours after ministers from the far-right party submitted resignations, the Israeli prime minister has yet to appoint replacements at the three ministries they held meaning he automatically became interim minister…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Rachel Fink/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Trump Mideast envoy Witkoff hails cease-fire, says Israel-Saudi normalization viable only if war ends./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> In his first interview to Israeli news, U.S. envoy to the Middle East, Steve Witkoff, said he was directed to 'push' both sides to a deal. Whether Trump told Netanyahu that he will be able to continue the war, he refused to say…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ravit Hecht/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli Army chief's resignation sets stage for Netanyahu probe and ignites IDF power struggle./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> While the Israeli right hopes to evade responsibility for the October 7 attack, army chief Herzl Halevi's resignation is another step toward a state commission of inquiry that could put the blame on the political leadership…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Netanyahu minister: 'No promise' for Palestinian statehood in Israel-Saudi normalization deal./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> GAZA HOSTAGE DEAL: Saudi FM says 'Responsibility of all region to ensure that cease-fire continues' ‚ñ ISRAEL: Four people wounded in a stabbing in Tel Aviv by a Moroccan national with U.S. residence who was shot and killed ‚ñ GAZA: Israel to let 50 wounded Hamas militants cross for treatment in Egypt daily ‚ñ WEST BANK: Three Palestinians shot during East Jerusalem disturbances…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Yaniv Kubovich/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel to let 50 wounded Hamas militants cross for treatment in Egypt daily./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> As part of the Gaza deal, the Israeli government approved this plan to begin on the 14th day of the cease-fire. Netanyahu's office confirmed that Gazans unaffiliated with Hamas will manage the transfer, with all movements subject to prior IDF and Shin Bet approval…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel's raids in Jenin have displaced 2,000 families: UNRWA./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> UNRWA says Israel's deadly raids on the refugee camp of Jenin in the occupied West Bank have displaced at least 2,000 families since mid-December./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel's UNRWA ban 'beyond catastrophic' for Palestinians: Study./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> A new study reveals the tragic repercussions for Palestinians facing Israel's imminent ban on UNRWA./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>_____/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>Mohamed Mandour/a>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli Violence in West Bank Surges As 10 Palestinians Are Killed in Jenin Raid./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Israeli military raids in the West Bank city of Jenin have left 10 Palestinians dead and over 35 injured, Palestinian health officials reported Tuesday./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Rasha Abou Jalal/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Bread line deaths highlight how aid blockade caused chaos./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Israeli military allowed mayhem to proliferate and undermined any attempt to instill order in Gaza./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Jamal Kanj/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Contrasting Reality: Treatment of Israeli and Palestinian Prisoners./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The release of three Israeli women held captive in Gaza on Sunday attracted significant global media attention. However, there was comparatively limited coverage of the freed Palestinian women, who had been kidnapped and detained by Israel without charge. This disparity reflects the normalization of the dehumanization of Palestinians, perpetuating a narrative that enables Israel to /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href ⚪ Hamas-will-defeat-Israel-in-West-Bank>Official: Hamas will defeat Israel in West Bank./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> A senior Hamas official says the Palestinian resistance movement will defeat Israel in the occupied West Bank as it did in the besieged Gaza Strip./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli veteran group warns regime forces 'Gazafying' West Bank's Jenin./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> An Israeli army veterans group has warned that the West Bank city of Jenin is being "Gazified."/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel launches deadly raid on occupied West Bank's Jenin refugee camp./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Israeli forces kill at least 10 people and injure dozens in an assault expected to last several days./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel's scorched earth campaign leaves Gaza in ruins./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> As Palestinians return home, mounds of rubble stretch across Gaza's refugee camps and cities./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>ADL faces backlash for defending Elon Musk's raised-arm gesture./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> After previously feuding with Musk, pro-Israel group rushes to defend gesture, which critics compared with Nazi salute./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Mapping 1,800 Israeli settler attacks in the West Bank since October 2023./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> An average of four incidents of settler violence have taken place each day in the occupied West Bank since October 7./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Moshe Gilad/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>This Israeli city survived huge floods, the pandemic, and daily rocket attacks: 'Only a tsunami is missing'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The Israeli northern city of Nahariya has been heavily bombarded by Hezbollah almost every day since September, but few of the residents left. Now they are trying to return to routine…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Noa Shpigel/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli Knesset passes bill criminalizing denial of October 7 events./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Deniers of the events that transpired during Hamas' attacks will face up to five years in prison. The bill is 'modeled on the prohibition against Holocaust denial' found Israeli law…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Second phase of hostage deal set for Saturday, with four women to be released./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Under the cease-fire agreement, Hamas is set to release a total of 33 hostages. Three have already been freed during the initial phase, with the remaining 30 to be released in five phases: four groups of three, followed by the final 14 hostages in the last week of the agreement…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Trump says he's considering Mideast visit, blames Biden for Israeli hostage deaths./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> GAZA HOSTAGE DEAL: Saudi FM says 'Responsibility of all region to ensure that cease-fire continues' ‚ñ ISRAEL: Four people wounded in a stabbing in Tel Aviv by a Moroccan national with U.S. residence who was shot and killed ‚ñ GAZA: Israel agrees that the Palestinian Authority will run the Rafah border crossing, Asharq Al-Awsat reports ‚ñ WEST BANK: Three Palestinians, including 12-year-old boy, shot during East Jerusalem disturbances…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Five Israelis injured in stabbing attack in Tel Aviv./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Five The police said an initial investigation "revealed that a terrorist armed with a knife stabbed three civilians on Nahalat Binyamin Street and one civilian on Gruzenberg Street". | A later police statement said: "The terrorist, a 28-year-old foreign national, was neutralised". | Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv said it had received three stabbing victims, including o…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza: Israel denies deal to give PA full control of Rafah border./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Asharq Al-Awsat had reported earlier that Egyptian and Israeli intelligence chiefs had agreed to transfer the management of the Gaza side of the border to the PA during talks in Cairo this week. | This would be done alongside international supervision and monitori…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel escalates deadly violence in Jenin, over 600 displaced./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Forty others have been wounded in Israel's so-called "Iron Wall" operation, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. Military vehicles stormed the city at dawn on Wednesday, whi…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Lebanon border residents won't wait for Israel pullout to return./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel army chief resigns over 7 October attack./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The head of In his resignation letter, released by the army, Lieutenant General /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ian Hartman/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>1/18-1/20 Palestine Actions in NJ./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Despite changes in administration and the announcement of a Gaza ceasefire, activists across New Jersey continue to rally and mobilize in support of Palestine. Recent events demonstrate the ongoing solidarity efforts in the region. | South Jersey for Gaza Rally in Collingswood (January 18, 2025) | On Saturday, January 18, 2025, South Jersey for Gaza (SJ for Gaza) /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Irish film writer to boycott Berlin Film Festival over Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> In a statement posted on X, O'Gorman, who now lives in Manchester, announced his withdrawal from the festival in solidarity with Film Workers for Palestine and Strike Germany, with whom he signed a pledge last year. | He said Strike Germany "calls for a boycott of German cultural institutions that have supported the genocide of Palestinians, as well as…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>A Guest Author/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Defend pro-Palestinian teacher from expulsion by CGT./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> By Salah Lamrani and Alain Marshal Salah Lamrani, teacher in France who defends Palestine. Workers World publishes this appeal to sign the petition described and published below. We are in support of Salah Lamrani's struggle for his right to defend Palestine. We have removed most of the live links to . . . | /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Francesca Nadin/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>I am a political prisoner, not a hero./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Palestine Action prisoner Francesca Nadin writes from inside jail./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Caitlin Johnstone/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Bat Shit Insane Religious Fanaticism Is A Requirement For US Empire Managers: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/> During her Senate confirmation hearing for UN ambassador, Trump nominee Elise Stefanik was asked by Senator Chris Van Hollen …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Misión Verdad/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Phantom of Right-Wing Electoral Abstentionism Returns to Venezuela./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>Misión Verdad — Jan 21, 2025 | Venezuela's extremist sector, led by María Corina Machado, has returned to electoral abstentionism. The coordinator of Vente Venezuela has called for a boycott of the next elections in Venezuela through a video that she released on social media last Sunday. In the piece, she asserted that "the elections were on July 28 (2024). That day the people chose… Until that result comes into force, it is not appropriate to participate in elections of any kind. Going to vote again and again without respecting the results is not defending the vote, it is distorting the popular vote."/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Misión Verdad/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Phantom of Right-Wing Electoral Abstentionism Returns to Venezuela./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Misión Verdad — Jan 21, 2025 | Venezuela's extremist sector, led by María Corina Machado, has returned to electoral abstentionism. The coordinator of Vente Venezuela has called for a boycott of the next elections in Venezuela through a video that she released on social media last Sunday. In the piece, she asserted that "the elections were on July 28 (2024). That day the people chose… Until that result comes into force, it is not appropriate to participate in elections of any kind. Going to vote again and again without respecting the results is not defending the vote, it is distorting the popular vote."/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Yemen releases crew of UK-owned ship after Gaza ceasefire./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Yemen says it freed the crew of the cargo in support of the ceasefire in Gaza./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>As gold prices surge, Ghana faces 'looming crisis' over illegal mining./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Illegal and small-scale mining known as galamsey is contaminating the country's rivers and soil, activists say./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Olivia Barber/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Greenpeace protestors urge leaders at World Economic Forum to tax the super-rich./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Greenpeace activists have disrupted the World Economic Forum's annual summit in Davos, Switzerland, with a series of protests. | Protestors briefly blocked the ski resort's heliport and attached inflatable ball-and-chains to three private jets parked next to the airport runway. | They also placed stickers on the planes reading: "CONFISCATED: Time to Tax the Super-Rich." | In a statement, Greenpeace said the protest aimed to "hold polluting elites accountable and calls on governments to tax the super-rich to fund climate, environmental and social action". | Data from the flight tracker website Flightradar24 sho…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Caitlin Johnstone/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Bat Shit Insane Religious Fanaticism Is A Requirement For US Empire Managers./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>The world is ruled by religious fanatics with nukes./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Nathaniel St. Clair/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>No, Donny. These Men Are Losers./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk. Three of the wealthiest and most powerful men to ever exist. Yet beneath their towering tech empires lies a common truth: they are groveling losers. Take Jeff Bezos, for instance. Occasionally the richest person on Earth—depending on stock market fluctuations and divorce settlements—Bezos built Amazon into an online shopping /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>hindustantimes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Barron Tower? Trump's Youngest Son Follows Father's Footsteps, Set To Relaunch Real Estate Company./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Barron Trump, the youngest son of former President Donald Trump, is stepping into the spotlight as he prepares to launch his own luxury real estate venture. At just 18 years old, Barron is transitioning from college life at NYU's Stern School of Business to the world of high-stakes real estate, aiming to build an empire akin to his father's. His new company, Trump, Fulcher & Roxburgh Capital Inc., was briefly incorporated last year and is set to focus on developing luxury properties and golf courses in states like Utah, Arizona, and Idaho./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Smotrich's son wins land plot on demolished Bedouin village./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Bnaya Smotrich, the son of far-right The residents of Umm al-Hiran were forcibly removed last year, despite a court ruling affirming their authoris…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>infobrics/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Russia-Iran deal shows new global architecture is being created./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Russia will construct two new units at the Bushehr nuclear power plant./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran Sympathizes with Turkey over Hotel Fire Deaths./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Iranian Foreign Ministry's spokesperson offered condolences to Turkey on the loss of lives in a hotel fire that broke out at a ski resort in the northwestern Bolu province on Tuesday./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran to Launch Upgraded Kowsar Satellite in Coming Months./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran plans to launch an advanced version of the 'Kowsar' satellite in the first half of the next Iranian year, which begins on March 22, 2025, according to Hussein Shahraabi, the CEO of Omid Space private company./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran-Armenia Ties Serve Caucasus Peace: Araqchi./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said that close cooperation between Tehran and Yerevan serves the interests of the two nations and benefits stability and peace in the South Caucasus region./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran Optimistic about Strategic Partnership with Azerbaijan./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Continuation and promotion of cooperation between Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan will turn the two neighbors into strategic partners, Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian said./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Pilots Survive Military Plane Crash in Iran./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The two pilots of a military aircraft have survived after the warplane crashed in Iran's northwestern province of Hamedan on Wednesday./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Leader Describes BRICS as Ideal Opportunity for Iran./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei called on Iranian officials to seize the opportunity provided by the country's membership in BRICS, stressing the need to eliminate dependence on the US dollar./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Reports of Iran-US Talks in Davos Dismissed./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — An official dismissed media speculation that the Iranian vice president for strategic affairs has held talks with American representatives during his visit to Switzerland for participation in the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>tvbrics/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iranian scientist unveils innovative method for early cancer detection./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> This innovative approach employs an intelligent computer diagnostic system…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Swiss national who died in jail took photos of military sites: Iran's Judiciary./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Iran's Judiciary says a Swiss national who took his own life in jail earlier this month had photographed military sites./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran poses 'no security threat' to any country: Zarif./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Iran is no threat to its surrounding region but a pioneer of peace efforts, according to Iran's vice president for strategic affairs./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran executes man convicted of killing police officer./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ileana Ferrer Fonte/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Cuba holds Bastion 2016 strategic drill./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The exercise aims to train the leadership and command of the different structures of the National and Territorial Guard in organizing their work. | The Revolutionary Armed Forces Ministry (MINFAR) said this exercise "seeks to increase the country's defense willingness and the preparedness of troops and the population to face the enemy's different actions." | Granma newspaper informed in a note that the Strategic Exercise was scheduled for November 2024. However, due to the effects caused by two earthquakes and Hurricanes Oscar and Rafael, it was necessary to postpone it for the present year. | During the strateg…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Orcas y delfines alcanzan un punto evolutivo de "no retorno" y nunca regresarán a tierra firme./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Dos animales considerados superinteligentes han alcanzado un punto sin retorno que los hace completamente dependientes del medio acuático. A pesar de que sus ancestros fueron mamíferos terrestres, la evolución ha moldeado su anatomía y fisiología hasta el punto de que un regreso a la tierra firme es imposible. En concreto, se trata de las orcas y de los delfines./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>scorinoco/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>President Díaz-Canel Condemns Inclusion of Cuba in Trump's List of State Sponsors of Terrorism./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel has expressed his strong opposition to the recent decision by US President Donald Trump to reinstate Cuba in the list of state sponsors of terrorism. In a The Cuban president stressed that the measure is part of a broader US strategy to intensify the "cruel economic war" against the country, with the aim of exercising domination. | The extreme policies i…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ileana Ferrer Fonte/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Mexicans reject Cuba's inclusion in Washington's SSOT list./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Mexico City, Jan 22 (Prensa Latina) The Mexican Movement of Solidarity with Cuba has rejected the recent decision by US President Donald Trump to revoke the island's removal from Washington's State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Alina Ramos Martin/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Argentinean organization rejects reinstatement of Cuba to US list./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Buenos Aires, Jan 22 (Prensa Latina) The Argentine Movement of Solidarity with Cuba (MasCuba) joined organizations around the world that repudiate the reinstatement of Cuba to the US list of state sponsors of terrorism./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Raúl Rodríguez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Tiradores cubanos apuntan a los Juegos de Asunción./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 22 ene (JIT).- Los tiradores cubanos se aprestan a intervenir en dos torneos clasificatorios para los Juegos Panamericanos Júnior de Asunción 2025, en Paraguay./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>María Candela/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Más allá de las listas criminales, Cuba crecerá./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Hoy quiero hablarles sobre un tema que ha generado gran repercusión y daños a la economía cubana: la lista de entidades restringidas impuesta por el gobierno estadounidense, al igual que la espuria lista de paises supuestamente terroristas, desprecian la verdad y la soberanía del país./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>María Candela/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Comunicación al Día./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Comunicación al día, es un servicio de podcast de Radio Habana Cuba, que invita a conocer por dentro la Ley de Comunicación Social y los procesos relacionados con su implementación./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Comienza andadura de Fitur con expectativas de Cuba./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 22 ene (RHC) Mal tiempo, buena cara para el turismo, que comienza hoy su andadura con Fitur en IFEMA-Madrid, donde una legión de profesionales de 156 países promueve sus ofertas./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Raúl Rodríguez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Cubano Simón reapareció en la Superliga Italiana de Voleibol./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 22 ene (JIT).- El estelar Roberlandy Simón reapareció en la Superliga Italiana de Voleibol con un buen rendimiento, a pesar que su equipo Piacenza cayó frente al Milano en cinco parciales./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Elpidio Valdés, la cañonera y el dentista (II)./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Para confeccionar las minas subacuáticas made in manigua, los cubanos habían buscado garrafones de los que se usaban para almacenar vino, aguardientes o aceite. Vasijas robustas, en ocasiones reforzadas con cubiertas de mimbre como las que se muestran en las fotos. Pero para las funciones bélicas como las que narramos, el cuello estrecho dificultaba su llenado con dinamita./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>A la venta entradas para la edición 33 de la Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El Instituto Cubano del Libro informó que están a la venta las entradas al Recinto Ferial de la edición 33 de la Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana 2025, a efectuarse entre los venideros días del 13 al 23 de febrero. La institución cultural explicó que las boletas estarán disponibles en las librerías capitalinas Fayad Jamis y Tuxpan./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Anestesia de las conciencias./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Al ser humano le ha sido dada la capacidad dediscernimiento, atributo que le permite el ejercicio de la libertad. Pero hay quien prefiere renunciar a ese derecho de optar libremente. Prefiere dejar que sea el líder, el gurú o el mentor del grupo social con el que se identifica quien tome las decisiones./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Empresa Industria Electrónica: Renovación continua (+ Video)./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Empresa Industria Electrónica Comandante Camilo Cienfuegos (EIE) logró un récord histórico de ventas en el 2024 y apuesta por poner la innovación al servicio del desarrollo este 2025. Sobre las experiencias del año que recién concluye y las metas del nuevo período, Cubadebate dialogó con el director general de la institución, Edel Gómez Gómez./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Niebla, nubes en el suelo./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La niebla es un fenómeno meteorológico habitual en cualquier época del año en Cuba, que cuando ocurre en verano es presagio de un día caluroso. øNiebla o neblina? La diferencia entre ambos viene dada por qué tanto se reduzca la visibilidad por este fenómeno, definiéndose como neblina cuando el alcance visual supera los 1000 metros y como niebla cuando es inferior./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Conozca las órdenes ejecutivas que implementó Trump en sus primeras 24 horas en el cargo./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Donald Trump regresó este lunes a la Casa Blanca. Durante su primer discurso como presidente de Estados Unidos anunció que ese mismo día firmaría una serie de órdenes ejecutivas, entre ellas la declaratoria de emergencia nacional en la frontera con México. øCuáles son todas las órdenes firmadas?/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Tuit del día: La estatua de Donald Trump frente al Capitolio en San Juan./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La gobernadora de Puerto Rico, Jenniffer González Colón, dijo ayer que está "coordinando" para que se erija una estatua de Donald Trump frente al Capitolio en San Juan. Teniendo en cuenta la consabida historia de ese presidente con los puertorriqueños, suponemos que la estatua será algo así, tuiteó el periodista Luis de Jesús./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Línea del néctar Taoro concreta producción inicial de 279 000 unidades entre el jugo de mango y dos nuevos sabores./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Desde su reactivación, en el último trimestre de 2024 —tras unos cuatro años paralizada—, la línea del néctar Taoro, perteneciente a la Fábrica de Conservas y Vegetales de Yara, en Granma, logró concretar una producción inicial de unas 279 000 unidades, entre el jugo de mango y dos nuevos sabores./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Entregan Orden de la Solidaridad a Gabriel Escarrer Juliá, fundador de Meliá Hotels International./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> En emotiva ceremonia de homenaje póstumo, realizada en la Embajada de Cuba en España, se entregó la víspera la Orden de la Solidaridad a Gabriel Escarrer Juliá, fundador de Meliá Hotels International, quien mantuvo siempre una estrecha relación con Cuba, informó en X el primer ministro cubano Manuel Marrero Cruz./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>CTE Antonio Guiteras sincronizó nuevamente al Sistema Electroenergético Nacional./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La CTE Antonio Guiteras sincronizó nuevamente al Sistema Electroenergetico Nacional, según informó la Unión Eléctrica a través de sus plataformas oficiales. "Todo se ha venido haciendo según lo previsto y tenemos el compromiso de estar generando en el horario pico de este miércoles", aseguró Rubén Campos Olmo, director general de la planta./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-22)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>La imagen del día: Los grises del invierno./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Los días invernales nos regalan imágenes como esta. Según el Instituto de Meteorología predominarán este miércoles los nublados en el occidente con algunos chubascos y lluvias, fundamentalmente hacia localidades del interior y costa norte./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Codepink/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Leonard Peltier Out of Jail./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> After 49 years of incarceration, 80-year-old Leonard Peltier has been granted clemency. He will be released from jail and complete his sentence in home confinement. | Leonard was sentenced to two life sentences for the deaths of two FBI agents in Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota. He maintains his innocence. The trial that led to his prosecution has widely been seen as unfair, including serious suppression of evidence, FBI coercion, and refusal of witnesses. | We celebrate that Leonard can finally go home to his family and community, but maintain the demand for his long-overdue full pardon. | image or embed.../span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Kevin Gosztola, The Dissenter./span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Biden's Legacy: The World Is More Unsafe For Journalists./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> President Joe Biden's administration proclaimed numerous times that "journalism is not a crime" and that the United States government supports "free and independent media around the world." Biden said the "free press is crumbling" in his farewell address. But the reality is that Biden and his administration helped make the state of the free press more fragile. | Over 200 journalists in Gaza were killed by Israeli military forces armed by the Biden administration. Other client states, like India and Saudi Arabia, trampled on the human rights of reporters without fearing much criticism./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Maxime Duriez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza ceasefire and release of hostages welcomed: Justice is the only way for a lasting peace./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) welcomes the announcement of a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages, which it has been urging for the past 15 months. The ceasefire is a first step. On its own it cannot provide justice for the victims. It cannot produce a lasting peace. The ceasefire is a temporary strategic solution. What needs to come now is a real political and human rights based solution for the end of the Gaza blockade, the end of Israel's settler-colonial (…) | | /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Hugo GABBERO/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Uganda: Arbitrary detention, judicial harassment and torture of human rights lawyer Eron Kiiza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>SKWAWKBOX /span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli propagandist tries and fails to discredit Gaza video showing executed Palestinians dumped./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Fake '2020' copyright added to human rights org's footage showing skulls with bullet wounds discovered as families returned to northern Gaza An Israeli propagandist has tried and failed to discredit video footage and images that appear to show the remains of executed Palestinians, discovered by family members on their return to their home areas. Muhammad …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Morocco's opposition pushes for ex-human rights minister release./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Morocco's Over the weekend, the Jus…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Alina Ramos Martin/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Afghanistan highlights good state of relations with China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> During the celebration in Kabul for the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Afghanistan and China, Stanikzai described the bilateral ties as historic, adding that with the return of the Islamic Emirate (Taliban government), political and economic ties between the two countries have been strengthened more than ever. | In the last three years, especially in 2024, more Chinese businessmen and tourists than ever have traveled to Afghanistan. Today, thousands of Chinese citizens are present in Afghan cities, some for tourism and others for investment and trade, Stanikzai said. | For his part, the Chinese…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Alina Ramos Martin/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Afghanistan highlights good state of relations with China./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> During the celebration in Kabul for the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Afghanistan and China, Stanikzai described the bilateral ties as historic, adding that with the return of the Islamic Emirate (Taliban government), the political and economic relationship between the two countries have been strengthened more than ever. | In the last three years, especially in 2024, more Chinese businessmen and tourists than ever have traveled to Afghanistan. Today, thousands of Chinese citizens are present in Afghan cities, some for tourism and others for investment and trade, Stanikzai said. | The Chinese a…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Taliban announces release of US citizens in prisoner swap deal./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Taliban government in Afghanistan says US nationals released in exchange for Afghan serving life sentence in California./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Taliban announces release of two US citizens in prisoner swap deal./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Taliban government in Afghanistan says US nationals released in exchange for Afghan serving life sentence in California./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Independent/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>2024: Year global temperatures passed critical 1.5 ∞C milestone./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> A new report confirms that all continents except Australasia and Antarctica experienced their hottest year on record ANALYSIS | MATTHEW WRIGHT, NCHOLAS LEACH & SHRIN ERMIS | The earth's climate experienced its hottest year in 2024. Extreme flooding in April killed hundreds of people in Pakistan and Afghanistan. A year-long drought has left Amazon river levels …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iraqi parliament 'secretly' passes National Intelligence law./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem> a href classautohyperlink>> (2025-01-21). a href>Martin Luther King Jr would have called it a genocide, too/a>span classnewsdescription> Like Vietnam, MLK's take on the death and destruction in Gaza would be crystal clear: Israel is, in fact, guilty of genocide, and a fragile ceasefire deal doesn't change the fact that almost every facet of Palestinian life has been destroyed in part by American weaponry./span>/p>p classnewsitem> (2025-01-21). a href>Marwan Barghouti the world's most important hostage must be freed/a>span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:96% !important;margin:9px auto; src> As reported last week, Egypt, Qatar and Hamas are all insisting Barghouti, the most popular leader in Palestine, be among the thousands of Palestinian hostages to be freed as part of the ceasefire agreement. | | His release or retention in captivity will say volumes about which path the US and Israel wish to take: either more land thieving, more killings, more lawlessness or steps towards ending the occupation and choosing peace over territorial expansion./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>News Desk, The Cradle./span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Outraged By Gaza Ceasefire, Israeli Settlers Burn Palestinian Homes, Cars./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Israeli Jewish settlers rampaged through several Palestinian towns in the West Bank on 19 January in a show of anger at a ceasefire deal that saw the end of fighting between the Israeli army and Hamas in Gaza and the release of Palestinian prisoners and Israeli captives. | Settlers across the West Bank organized themselves in an effort to disrupt the release of Palestinians held captive in Israeli prisons and detention centers, where torture and rape are common. | Accompanied by soldiers, the settlers attacked Palestinian cars and closed several main roads in Turmus Ayy, Atara, Ein Siniya, Ein Ayoub, Qalqilya, an…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Hezbollah Hails Ceasefire as 'Grand Victory' for Palestinian Resistance./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Hezbollah has lauded the Palestinian people and their resistance factions for securing what it called a "grand victory" in the recently announced ceasefire deal with Israel./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran Urges Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's ambassador to the United Nations urged that the ceasefire in Gaza must be transformed into a permanent and sustainable solution, stressing the need for the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Palestinian enclave./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>krish-rad_ind/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>U.S. Congressman ADMITS Ceasefire Will Not Stop Israel./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza Ceasefire Deal: Netanyahu's war cabinet vote today./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Qatar and the United States Wednesday January 15, 2025 confirmed Palestinian Resistance Groups led by Hamas and Israel have finalised the deal to end over 15-month long war in Gaza and other occupied Palestinian lands./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Hamas-Israel Ceasefire: Salute to People of Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Despite round the clock terror and horrifying attacks in the last 15 months, the ordinary people of Gaza exhibited remarkable patience for which they deserve acclaim./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Alina Ramos Martin/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Argentine workers warn of situation in Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Buenos Aires, Jan 21 (Prensa Latina) The Central de Trabajadores de Argentina-Autónoma celebrated the ceasefire in Gaza, nevertheless has warned of the catastrophe that the region is experiencing due to the Israeli aggression, which has caused more than 46,000 deaths in 15 months./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ed Sykes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli forces arrest & kill Palestinians as Trump lifts sanctions on far-right settlers./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Pro-Israel lobbyists say Donald Trump was "the greatest president ever for Israel" in his first term as US leader. And as he starts his second term, he's wasted no time in bolstering the settler-colonial project. Because amid a shaky ceasefire giving Palestinians in Gaza a brief pause from genocide, he has lifted sanctions on "far-right … | By /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli snipers kill two Palestinian children in Gaza's Rafah despite ceasefire./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Israeli gunfire has killed two Palestinian children and injured several others in the Gaza Strip, despite a ceasefire./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href ⚪ >Turkey may resume trade with Israel if Gaza ceasefire 'permanent': Turkish official./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Turkey may resume trade with Israel if the Gaza ceasefire is permanent, according to a Turkish economic official./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli sniper kills child on second day of Gaza ceasefire./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The 15-year-old was identified as Zakaria Humaid Yahya Barbakh and was shot at by a snipe…/span>/p>p classnewsitem> a href classautohyperlink>> (2025-01-21). a href>Israeli forces arrest & kill Palestinians as Trump lifts sanctions on far-right settlers/a>span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:96% !important;margin:9px auto; src> And as he starts his second term, he's wasted no time in bolstering the settler-colonial project. Because amid a shaky ceasefire giving Palestinians in Gaza a brief pause from genocide, he has lifted sanctions on "far-right Israeli settler groups and individuals" responsible for attacking Palestinians in the occupied West Bank./span>/p>p classnewsitem> a href classautohyperlink>> (2025-01-21). a href>Israel launches major offensive in Jenin days after Gaza ceasefire/a>span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:96% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Large-scale incursion into West Bank city, dubbed operation 'Iron Wall', begins with deadly air strikes/span>/p>p classnewsitem> a href classautohyperlink>> (2025-01-21). a href>Gaza ceasefire: The Palestinian spirit will never be broken/a>span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:96% !important;margin:9px auto; src> As Israel grapples with the catastrophic failure of its 15-month war, the Palestinian people are asserting their right to return and to exist/span>/p>p classnewsitem> a href classautohyperlink>> (2025-01-21). a href>As Gaza Ceasefire Holds, Israeli Occupation Forces and Settlers Escalate Repression in West Bank Day 472/a>span classnewsdescription>Palestinian news outlets reported that settlers attacked several villages and towns in the occupied West Bank. They include villages and towns in Qalqilya, Jit Junction near Tulkarm, villages near Nablus, areas near the Ramin Plain in Tulkarm district./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>APR editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Marwan Barghouti — the world's most important hostage — must be freed./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> COMMENTARY: By Eugene Doyle A litmus test of Israel's commitment to abandon genocide and start down the road towards lasting peace is whether they choose to release the most important of all the hostages, Marwan Barghouti. During the past 22 years in Israeli prisons he has been beaten, tortured, sexually molested and had limbs broken./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pacific Media Watch/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza and the Western media — complicit in genocide./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> COMMENTARY: By Steven Cowan, editor of Against The Current New Zealand's One News interviewed a Gaza journalist last week who has called out the Western media for its complicity in genocide. For some 15 months, the Western media have framed Israel's genocidal rampage in Gaza as a "legitimate" war. Pretending to provide an objective and…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Josh Breiner/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel's police chief plays a waiting game as Ben-Gvir tells top officers: 'I'll be back'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The far-right minister who quit Netanyahu's government in response to the hostage deal with Hamas is likely to return to his position soon, officials believe — so officers will be afraid to deviate from his line — making this is a particularly testing time for the police commissioner…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ravit Hecht/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israelis rejoice over Ben-Gvir's resignation — on both left and right./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> In former National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir's attempt to act as a right-wing opposition to a right-wing government, he made a fundamental and profound mistake: he bullied Netanyahu and clashed with the Bibi-ists…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Yaniv Kubovich/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli army left in limbo amid Netanyahu government's mixed signals on Gaza cease-fire./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> While Israeli leadership keeps saying forces will remain in areas the army is expected to leave, the IDF cannot yet downsize the reservist forces that have been called up for another round of duty, either in Gaza, or in the West Bank…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel's Netanyahu government on edge over Ben-Gvir's Gaza exit./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Israeli Prime Minister The three open posts, /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>_____/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>Mohamed Mandour/a>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Robert Inlakesh/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Musk's Favorite X Accounts Lead in Community Notes Corrections for Propaganda./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Elon Musk, CEO of X (formerly Twitter), has lauded his Community Notes feature as a tool to combat fake news. Yet, despite his public commitment to accuracy, Musk has been amplifying tweets from accounts that have garnered the most Community Notes corrections—many of which are right-wing, pro-Israeli, or anti-Muslim. | On October 29, 2023, Musk announced that posts corrected by Community Notes would no longer be eligible for revenue sharing on the platform. "The idea is to maximize the incentive for accuracy over sensationalism," he /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Media Line Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Young, Educated Families Are Leaving Israel./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>krish-rad_ind/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>The Gaza Cease-fire Is a Major Step—But the Fight for Palestine Must Continue./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Trump lifts sanctions on violent settlers as Israelis attack West Bank towns./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Trump cancels an executive order that slapped sanctions on extremist Israeli settlers involved in violent attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Eight killed in Israeli raid on Jenin; Hamas calls for 'mobilization'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The regime's forces, backed by helicopters, raided Jenin refugee camp in West Bank, killing at least 7 people./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>At least 8 killed, dozens wounded in Israeli army attack on Jenin./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Eight killed, more than 35 wounded says Palestinian Ministry of Health, as violence rises in occupied West Bank./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Trump lifts US sanctions on Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Israeli officials welcome new president's decision to remove sanctions imposed by the Biden administration./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>How Israel shaped the narrative and its impact on Dutch politics./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Israel's portrayal of Amsterdam Maccabi violence as anti-Semitic sparked a debate on anti-Islam and immigration issues./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>After 15-months of war, how strong is Hamas?/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Israel vowed to eliminate Hamas, but armed members have been out in the open in Gaza. So how strong is Hamas?>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli army launches attack on Jenin refugee camp in West Bank./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Israel has launched an attack on Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank, killing at least seven Palestinians./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>South African humanitarian in pro-Israeli crosshairs over Palestine support./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Imtiaz Sooliman, driving force behind prominent African aid agency Gift of the Givers, says his work is not political./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli settlers attack West Bank villages under army's protection./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Israeli settlers attack Palestinian villages, set vehicles on fire and injure several residents in the West Bank./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ben Samuels/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Trump overturns Biden's executive order that enabled him to sanction Israeli settlers in West Bank./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Amid flurry of post-inauguration activity, Trump also cancelled U.S. sanctions against the International Criminal Court and sent a sharp message to to pro-Palestinian protesters across America…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ben Samuels/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Trump brings families of Israeli hostages on stage as Witkoff unveils four-point approach to Middle East./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> At Inauguration Day rally, Trump vows to 'bring them all home' and again claims 'Israel would never have been hit on October 7' if he had been president…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Jack Khoury/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Hamas says second stage of hostage release on Saturday after reports of one-day delay./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Palestinian media reported a Hamas official said the next phase of the deal will happen Sunday, not Saturday as agreed. Israel, unsure if it's a legitimate statement or psychological warfare, informed mediators that a Sunday release would violate the Gaza cease-fire agreement…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Josh Breiner/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>28-year-old shot dead in central Israel./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> According to a source familiar with the details, the victim was linked to a local crime organization. Since the beginning of the year, 12 people have been murdered in Israel over criminal motives./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Josh Breiner/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Two Israelis severely wounded in West Bank; accidental police shooting suspected./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The incident took place while settlers reportedly set ablaze buildings and vehicles in a nearby Palestinian village…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Kim Legziel/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli minister Smotrich's son wins cheap land plot on ruins of Bedouin village./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich's 21-year-old son won the option of buying a plot in a community being built at the site of the demolished Umm al-Hiran for just $16,800…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Moshe Gilad/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Just a short trip from Jerusalem, a thousand-year-old world awaits behind monastery gates./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Travel in Israel: The largely Muslim village of Abu Ghosh is home to several important and beautiful Christian sites that make for a fascinating visit…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Rawan Suleiman/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>As cease-fire comes into effect, Palestinians begin the search for bodies under the Gaza rubble./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> A spokesman for the Strip's civil defense said as many as 10,000 bodies could still be buried under the ruins of destroyed buildings and that around 2,800 bodies had 'evaporated' in Israeli bombardments…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>This is what Gaza looks like today: The scale of destruction caused by Israel is revealed./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> As the cease-fire Between Israel and Hamas takes effect, Gaza residents return to their shattered homes. Journalists and photographers gain access to previously restricted areas, capturing images that reveal the long road to recovery for Palestinians in the Strip…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Trump 'not confident' that Gaza cease-fire will hold, says 'It's not our war'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> GAZA HOSTAGE DEAL: IDF releases new footage of three female hostages reuniting with their families ‚ñ ISRAEL: Trump overturns Biden's executive order that enabled him to sanction Israeli settlers in West Bank ‚ñ GAZA: IDF says northern Gazans could return to northern Strip in about a week if Hamas upholds deal…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel kills six in operation in West Bank's Jenin refugee camp./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> At least six Palestinians have been killed in the occupied Jenin governor Kamal Abu al-Rub told AFP the operation was "an "It came quickly, Apache helicopters in the sky and Israeli military vehicles everywhere", he added. | Palestinian Aut…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>London's Camden Council rejects Israel divestment calls./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Pro-Palestine campaigners have vowed to maintain pressure on In a meeting late on Monday evening, the Labour-run council debated a petition signed by more than 4,000 residents to undertake a "thorough and transparent audit" of its pension fund investm…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ileana Ferrer Fonte/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel intensifies blockade on West Bank cities and towns./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Ramallah, Jan 21 (Prensa Latina) The Israeli army intensified the siege on cities and towns in the West Bank on Tuesday, amid threats of a major military operation in the area with the argument of fighting Palestinian militias./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Canary./span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Youth Demand Made It To The BBC At Saturday's Palestine March./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Three Youth Demand supporters defied Met Police restrictions on the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign (PSC) demonstration on Saturday 18 January by standing outside the BBC with signs. Youth Demand are calling for a two-way arms embargo on Israel and for the new UK government to halt all new oil and gas licences granted since 2021. | Youth Demand: not letting the BBC get away with it | At around 4: 00pm, the three were arrested under Section 14 of the Public Order Act after marching to the BBC and standing on the pavement with signs, defying the conditions imposed on the protest by the Met. One Youth Demand supporte…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ed Sykes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Here are the pro-Trump, pro-Israel billionaires Oxfam's report should have told you about./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> As Donald Trump becomes US president for a second time, Oxfam has released a report showing that the wealth of billionaires increased by $2tn in 2024, "three times faster than the year before". About four new billionaires popped up every week last year, but "the number of people living in poverty has barely changed since … | By /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Strengthen solidarity with Palestine!/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Resistance in Palestine and West Asia has mobilized an important movement in the U.S. and other NATO countries for over 15 months to demand the genocide in Gaza stop. A ceasefire has finally been achieved. This movement must ask itself the following question: What do we do now to contribute . . . | /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>SKWAWKBOX /span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>PSC's Ben Jamal charged despite video showing police waving marchers through line./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Footage shows Met Police officers ushering Gaza marchers through to lay wreaths for murdered children — but they are still being charged Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) director Ben Jamal is being charged under accusations that he 'led and incited others to join a procession that forced its way through a police line' blocking an anti-genocide …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>UK: Palestine Solidarity Campaign head charged over Gaza rally./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Ben Jamal, the director of the UK's The /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>cameron orr/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Resist Trump and MAGA's McCarthyism 2.0!/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The first 100 days of the Trump administration will be full of many challenges and dangers. Not least of these will be the incoming attacks against immigrant communities, the trade union movement, abortion access, LGBTQ people, and the justice for Palestine and other movements for peace and self-determination. | An important plank in the defenses of Resistance 2.0 will be launching efforts to prevent the MAGA right from resurrecting McCarthyism from its grave. During his campaign, Trump vowed to "root out" the communists, Marxists, and the "radical left." Should such a McCarthyism 2.0 be implemented, no pro-wo…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Canary/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Over 40 legal experts call for inquiry into Met handling of Palestine March — as its boss gets caught out./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Over 40 prominent UK legal scholars have condemned the actions of the Met Police in relation to Saturday 18 January's Palestine March in London in a letter to the home secretary. They have called the Met's approach to policing "an abuse of police powers" and called on the government repeal repressive legislation and defend the … | By /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Canary/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Green Party politicians rally behind people arrested at Saturday's pro-Palestine march./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Two Green Party politicians have hit back at the Met Police over the arrests of peaceful protesters on Saturday 18 January at the Palestine March in London. 'It's about choices' Following this weekend's disgraceful policing tactics from the Met Police against protestors organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) to urge the British government to … | By /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Vanessa Beeley/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Child-beheader allegedly appointed advisor to HTS chief, Jolani./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Caitlin Johnstone/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Donald Trump Is The Empire Unmasked./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/> During his inaugural address, the new president of the United States was refreshingly open about the fact that Washington is the hub of a continuously expanding empire which is ruled by billionaire plutocrats. | As Joe Lauria /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>TeleSur, Resumen English./span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Latin American Ministers Meet To Unify Their Stance On Trump's Policies./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> On Thursday, ministers, deputy ministers, and heads of delegations from 10 Latin American and Caribbean countries met in Mexico City to develop a joint strategy in response to the threats of mass deportations by Donald Trump. | The "Meeting on Human Mobility in the Northern Route of the Continent: Towards an Orderly, Safe, Regular, Responsible, and Humane Management" was attended by representatives from Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, and Venezuela. | "In light of the challenges we face in migration matters, we gathered in Mexico City to discuss and coordinate acti…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Asciende a 20 mil la cifra de desplazados por violencia en Colombia./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 21 ene (RHC) La violencia que sacude hoy a la región del Catatumbo, en el noreste de Colombia, obligó a unas 20 mil personas a dejar sus hogares y a buscar refugio en otras ciudades del país e incluso en Venezuela./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Finalizan en Venezuela postulaciones de proyectos comunales./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 21 ene (RHC) El proceso para definir las postulaciones de proyectos en los más de cinco mil circuitos comunales y 46 mil consejos finaliza hoy en Venezuela, luego de ser escogidos mediante asambleas de ciudadanos por todo el país./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Socialist Alliance/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Socialist Alliance resolution on the presidential elections in Venezuela./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The 19th National conference of the Socialist Alliance passed this resolution on the presidential elections in Venezuela…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Gabriel Aguirre/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Conference In Venezuela On The Southern Command And Foreign Military Bases / Conferencia en Venezuela, Sobre El Comando Sur y Las Bases Militares Extranjeras./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Conferencia sobre La Paz y las bases militares en Merida-Venezuela. #WorldBEYONDWar…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Caitlin Johnstone/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Donald Trump Is The Empire Unmasked./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>The hood stays popped open the entire time, showing the whole world how the imperial sausage gets made./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Caitlin Johnstone/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Donald Trump Is the Empire Unmasked./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> During his inaugural address, the new president of the United States was refreshingly open about the fact that Washington is the hub of a continuously expanding empire which is ruled by billionaire plutocrats. | As Joe Lauria /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Brian Berletic/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Anduril's "Arsenal 1" and "Rebuilding the Arsenal of Democracy"/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The growing challenges in matching the military industrial capabilities of Russia and China highlight the flaws in the U.S. defense industry's profit-driven approach, exemplified by Anduril's ambitious yet controversial "Arsenal 1" project. | With the conflict in Ukraine exposing how unprepared the United States' military industrial base is for a peer or near-peer conflict, continued efforts are being made to either match Russian and Chinese military industrial output or otherwise compensate for it. | Many attempts to do so, including ongoing efforts by the US Army to expand 155mm artillery shell production, have…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Ayatollah Khamenei Highlights Role of Private Sector in Iran's Progress./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei described utilizing the private sector's capabilities as the way to Iran's progress./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href,-sustainable-solution ⚪ Iran%E2%80%99s-UN-envoy>Gaza ceasefire deal must become sustainable solution: Iran's UN envoy./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Iran's UN ambassador emphasizes that the Gaza ceasefire must be transformed into a permanent and sustainable solution./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran Ready for Joint Production of Weapons with Pakistan./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces voiced Iran's preparedness to work with Pakistan in the production of military equipment./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran Ready to Restart Talks on Removal of Sanctions: Deputy FM./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Expressing Iran's readiness for the resumption of negotiations on the removal of sanctions, an Iranian deputy foreign minister said Tehran and the European parties have agreed to proceed with the talks./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iranian Army Performs Nocturnal Heliborne Operation in Drill./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The helicopters of the airborne division of Iran's Army Ground Force carried out a nocturnal mission to airlift the special forces attending a war game held in northeastern border regions./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>tvbrics/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran boosts health tourism to attract 2 million medical tourists./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The nation strives for UNESCO recognition as the tourism sector soars…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>tvbrics/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran increases caviar exports by 112% in 9 months./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The leading country's caviar producing provinces are Gilan, Mazandaran, and Fars…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>On the Eve of Trump, Iran and Russia Launch Historical Deal./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>On the Eve of Trump, Iran and Russia Launch Historical Deal./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran to participate in intl. naval drills hosted by Pakistan: Military chief./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Iran's top military official says the country would participate in international naval exercises that would be hosted by the Pakistani Navy next month./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran Army ready to thwart terrorist threats, will crush enemy's delusion of grandeur: Cmdr./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The commander of the Iranian Army's Ground Force says the Islamic Republic is completely ready to thwart any hostile actions./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Leader visits 'Pioneers of Progress' exhibition on Iran private sector achievements./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Ayatollah Khamenei pays a visit to an exhibition in Tehran on the achievements of Iran's private sector./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Detained Italian journalist in Iran expected a longer stay./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> An Italian journalist In her first televised interview since her release on 8 January, Cecilia Sala discussed the three-nation negotiation th…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran denies blasphemy death penalty for rapper 'Amir Tataloo'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Iran has denied issuing the Amir Tataloo, a hugely popular artist among Iranian youth and known for tattoos that cover his entire face, was handed multiple "short and long" jail terms by a Tehran court last May, according to his lawyer. This included a three-year sentence for blasphemy and 10 year…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>La Operación Verdad: La campaña propagandística del Gobierno de EE. UU. que la hizo necesaria./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Encaminada al aislamiento internacional de la triunfante Revolución, el núcleo de tal campaña se basó en la utilización de la carga emotiva del término baño de sangre, del cual supuestamente eran víctimas, indiscriminada y masivamente, partidarios de la recién derrocada tiranía batistiana. Tal campaña encontró una inmediata respuesta revolucionaria a través de lo que se denominó Operación Verdad./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Saudi FM to visit Lebanon on Thursday amid 'new phase' of ties./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Saudi Foreign Minister The top diplomat is also expected to meet influential Speaker Nabih Berri and Prime Minister-designate Nawaf Salam, local media reports said. | The Saudi minister will announce the beginning of a new phase in Saud…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Saudi hospital performs world's 1st robot assisted artificial heart pump implantation./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSHRC) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia has claimed performing the world's first robotic-assisted implantation of an artificial heart pump./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Headlines for January 21, 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Tech Billionaires Share Stage as Donald Trump Takes Oath of Office as 47th U.S. President, Trump Declares Emergency at Southern Border, Promising "Millions and Millions" of Deportations, Trump Pardons 1,500 Capitol Rioters Including Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, Biden Grants Clemency to Indigenous Political Prisoner Leonard Peltier, Trump Withdraws U.S. from Paris Climate Agreement , Trump Withdraws from WHO, Rolls Back LGBTQ Rights and Puts Cuba Back on Terrorism List, Senate Votes 99-0 to Confirm Marco Rubio as Secretary of State, Senate Armed Services Committee Advances Pete Hegseth's Nominati…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China critica a EE.UU. por devolver a Cuba a lista terrorista./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 21 ene (RHC) China criticó hoy la decisión de la nueva administración estadounidense de devolver a Cuba a la lista de supuestos países patrocinadores del terrorismo y cuestionó la credibilidad internacional de Washington./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Alina Ramos Martin/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Association of Italy supports student initiative for event in Cuba./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Rome, Jan 21 (Prensa Latina) The Italian humanitarian association Seeds of Peace, has launched an international student initiative to welcome the upcoming International Conference for the Balance of the World that will begin on January 28 in Cuba./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Modelos de lenguaje de la inteligencia artificial: Conversando con un amigo virtual./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Los humanos hemos inventado la inteligencia artificial a imagen y semejanza de nosotros mismos. Esta paráfrasis bíblica, y también marxista, se aplica perfectamente también a muchos otros avances de la ciencia y la tecnología que tienen que ver con la información, como es el caso de la computación digital./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Asociación de Italia apoya iniciativa estudiantil para evento en Cuba./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 21 ene (RHC) La asociación humanitaria italiana Semillas de Paz, impulsó una iniciativa estudiantil internacional en saludo a la próxima Conferencia Internacional por el Equilibrio del Mundo que iniciará el 28 de enero en Cuba, señala hoy un comunicado./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Cuba indoblegable pese a reincorporación en lista terrorista de Estados Unidos./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 21 ene (RHC) Cuba mantiene hoy su determinación de no doblegarse y seguir batallando, pese a la reincorporación de la isla en la lista de países patrocinadores del terrorismo y demás acciones injerencistas en su contra./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Compañía cubana de danza Malpaso abre temporada en Nueva York./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 21 ene (RHC) La compañía danzaria cubana Malpaso inaugura hoy una temporada en el Teatro Joyce de Nueva York, en Estados Unidos, con invitados como la primera bailarina del Ballet Nacional de Cuba Grettel Morejón y prestigiosos músicos./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Rafael Fuentes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Resaltan en Panamá ejemplo de dignidad y resistencia de Cuba./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 21 ene (RHC) Organizaciones populares de Panamá resaltaron hoy el ejemplo de dignidad y resistencia de Cuba y llamaron a incrementar la lucha contra el bloqueo de Estados Unidos./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Andy Kroll/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>A Time Capsule from 2048./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> My name isn't important, only what I have to say. I'm writing with a pencil because I need to conserve my batteries tonight. It's Year 24 of Our Trump (though he himself, of course, is no longer with us, just his kids who are running things). I feel like I should try to explain our era to whoever opens this time capsule a century from now, though you may need scuba gear to get at it. A lot of records could be lost by then. The Chinese climate hoax was less of a hoax than we thought at the time. Forgive me, Donald, but despite what the New Evangelical Church says, you were anything but infallible — even if I…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo hallan otra nieta y ya son 139 encontrados./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo anunciaron este martes el hallazgo de la nieta 139. La asociación ofrecerá más información en una conferencia de prensa en el Espacio Memoria y Derechos Humanos. Abuelas ha denunciado que el gobierno de Javier Milei hace todo lo posible por obstaculizar la búsqueda de los bebés robados en la última dictadura./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>UNE pronostica afectación de 1 600 MW durante hora pico de este martes./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Unión Eléctrica estima para la hora pico de este martes una disponibilidad estimada de 1 720 MW, mientras que la demanda máxima podría alcanzar 3 250 MW, resultando en un déficit de 1 530 MW, y una afectación de 1 600 MW durante ese horario. Para el horario pico se espera la entrada de la unidad 3 de la CTE Rente y la unidad 6 de la CTE Nuevitas./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Más de 50 parques solares fotovoltaicos serán finalizados en Cuba durante 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> En 2025 serán finalizados los primeros 55 parques solares fotovoltaicos de 92 que prevé un proyecto de 2 012 MW de generación. Los parques, que están en diferentes fases de construcción y montaje, entregarán al SEN alrededor de 1 200 MW. El proyecto cuenta con un sistema de acumulación en baterías de 50 mw en cuatro instalaciones./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Este martes en la Mesa Redonda "América vs Trump"/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El retorno de Donald Trump a la Casa Blanca, su discurso de toma de posesión y las primeras medidas del mandatario, serán los principales temas a analizar este martes en la Mesa Redonda "América vs Trump" con la presencia de periodistas y académicos./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>José Martí y los movimientos sociales de su tiempo./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Martí fue, a la vez, hombre de pensamiento y acción, y poeta en versos y en actos. Su conocimiento de los movimientos sociales nuestramericanos fue muy amplio, y se sirvió de esa información para el diseño teórico de su proyecto de república y, sobre todo, para la campaña de preparación ideológica y de organización de la Guerra Necesaria./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Turquía: Incendio en hotel de una estación de esquí deja 69 muertos./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El incendio en el hotel Grand Kartal de la estación de esquí de Kartalkaya, a medio camino entre Estambul y Ankara, en Turquía, dejó al menos 69 muertos y 68 heridos. El inmueble alojaba a 238 personas. El fuego se originó sobre las 3: 30 a.m. (hora local). Los equipos de rescate continúan tratando de localizar a posibles víctimas./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Incendios en Los àÅngeles generan elevados niveles de contaminación por plomo y cloro./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Los incendios en varias zonas de Los àÅngeles liberan enormes concentraciones de contaminación por plomo y cloro a la atmósfera, incluso a kilómetros de los fuegos, según mediciones obtenidas por The New York Times. De acuerdo con el rotativo, la presencia de plomo en el ambiente fue 100 veces superior al promedio./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-21)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Qué trae la prensa cubana, martes 21 de enero de 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>div classjump idjump>202501221739 | tr | 216 | 0 | 127 | 115 | 0 a stylecolor:gray; href#top>∧/a>/div>/div>!-- .entry-content -->footer classentry-meta>Posted on a href title5:39 pm relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2025-01-22T17:39:49-07:00>January 22, 2025/time>/a>!-- KLUDGE in Uncategorized -->span classby-author> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by admin relauthor>admin/a>/span>/span>./footer>!-- .entry-meta -->/article>!-- #post -->article idpost-9944 classpost-9944 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry>header classentry-header>h2 classentry-title>a href titlePermalink to 2025-01-20: News Headlines relbookmark>2025-01-20: News Headlines/a>/h2>/header>!-- .entry-header -->div classentry-content>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Barcelona Anticapitalista, Autónoma y Feminista: La Cinètika./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Safa News Agency./span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>120 Human Rights Groups Accuse US Of Shielding Israeli War Criminals./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> A coalition of 120 international human rights organizations and activists has accused the United States of shielding Israeli war criminals by obstructing the enforcement of International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrants. This condemnation follows the U.S. vote to impose sanctions on the ICC, undermining its ability to pursue justice against Israeli occupation leaders accused of war crimes. | The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the "Anti-ICC Law," a controversial bill that, if ratified, would penalize any foreign entity investigating or prosecuting U.S. citizens or citizens of allied states, incl…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Leading Egyptian rights activist freed on bail./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Egyptian human rights activist Hossam Bahgat was released on bail Sunday after being charged with "joining and financing a terrorist group" and publishing "fake news and data", a rights group said. | The charges were part of a new case against Bahgat, who was released on bail of 20,000 Egyptian pounds (about $400), the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, which he founded, said in a statement. | On Wednesday, EIPR said prosecutors had summoned Bahgat, who is also the group's executive director, but "the summons did not specify the details of the case or the charges involved" at the time. | Mahmoud Shalaby…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Maxime Duriez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza ceasefire and release of hostages welcomed: Justice is the only way for a lasting peace./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) welcomes the announcement of a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages, which it has been urging for the past 15 months. The ceasefire is a first step. On its own it cannot provide justice for the victims. It cannot produce a lasting peace. The ceasefire is a temporary strategic solution. What needs to come now is a real political and human rights based solution for the end of the Gaza blockade, the end of Israel's settler-colonial (…) | | /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza Ceasefire: Palestinian Lawyer Says Women, Children Released by Israel Faced Torture, Starvation./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> As the ceasefire in Gaza has entered its second day and appears to be holding, we begin our coverage in Ramallah. "We're hoping that it will continue, the Israelis will continue to release prisoners. And, of course, we have no guarantees they will not be rearrested again," says Tala Nasir, a lawyer with the Palestinian prisoner and human rights organization Addameer. She also notes that many of those released are coming home in poor health. "They were starving inside the prisons," Nasir notes./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>krish-rad_ind/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>120 Human Rights Groups Accuse US Of Shielding Israeli War Criminals./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>States must face up to illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Six months ago today, on 19 July 2024, the UN International Court of Justice in the Hague (ICJ) issued one of the most significant judicial decisions ever rendered in international law. What Palestinian human rights NGO Althou…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Hugo GABBERO/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Uganda: Arbitrary detention, judicial harassment and torture of human rights lawyer Eron Kiiza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>APR editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Australia still claims 'not responsible' for detainees, after UN body rulings./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> By Margot Staunton, RNZ Pacific senior journalist The Australian government denies responsibility for asylum seekers detained in Nauru, following two decisions from the UN Human Rights Committee. The UNHRC recently published its decisions on two cases involving refugees who complained about their treatment at Nauru's regional processing facility. The committee stated that Australia remained responsible…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Morocco's opposition pushes for ex-human rights minister release./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Morocco's Over the weekend, the Jus…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Afghanistan: Deputy FM calls for girls' high schools to open./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href,-says-Iraqi-Kata%E2%80%99ib-Hezbollah>Iraq's Kata'ib Hezbollah: Zionist regime sustained irreparable defeat./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Kata'ib Hezbollah has described the Gaza ceasefire deal and release of Palestinian prisoners as an "irreparable defeat" for the Zionist regime./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iraqi parliament 'secretly' passes National Intelligence law./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Bad Deal Better Than No Deal: Ex-Israeli Negotiator Fears Netanyahu Could Resume Attacks./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> We continue our coverage of the long-awaited Gaza ceasefire by going to Jerusalem to speak with Israeli activist Gershon Baskin, who has experience negotiating with Hamas, including during this latest conflict. Baskin says while it's heartening to see captives returning home, the ceasefire agreement is "a bad deal" because of how fragile it is. "Hamas would not have agreed to enter into this two- or three-phase deal without having guarantees … that in fact the war would end," says Baskin. "But we don't know that, because Netanyahu has given alternative promises to membe…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Socialist Worker/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Tens of thousands defy police on Palestine march in London./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Activists broke through police lines after the police tried to stop them from marching. A sense of defiance captured the 23rd national Palestine demonstration—we need more of that militancy and mass numbers to win. It's vital to keep fighting for the British state to cut all ties with Israel and stop all arms sales—and for a free Palestine from the river to the sea./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Steven Ganot/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Houthis Limit Red Sea Attacks to Israeli Ships as Ceasefire Holds./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Hamas Hands Over Three Israeli Captives to Red Cross As Ceasefire Begins./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Palestinian resistance group Hamas handed over three Israeli captives to the Red Cross on Sunday as part of the initial phase of a ceasefire and prisoner exchange agreement in Gaza./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel Releases 90 Palestinian Prisoners As Ceasefire Brings Temporary Calm to Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Israel has freed 90 Palestinian prisoners as part of a ceasefire agreement in Gaza, coinciding with the return of three Israeli captives./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Abdaljawad Omar, Mondoweiss./span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza Ceasefire Reveals Israel's Fragility./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The Qatari Minister of Foreign Affairs, in a pivotal announcement on Wednesday evening, confirmed that Israel and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) have finalized a deal designed to halt Israel's genocidal and destructive war in the Gaza Strip for at least 42 days. This accord is essentially a reworking of the previously proposed ceasefire arrangement in May by the Biden administration, when Hamas declared its acceptance of the ceasefire agreement, while Israel reneged on it and continued with the war. It turned out Israel wanted time to both bring out more destruction in Gaza, more death, and use its mix o…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Hamas Releases First Three Israeli Hostages as Gaza Ceasefire Takes Hold./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>krish-rad_ind/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Dozens of Palestinian women, teens freed from Israeli jails as part of Gaza ceasefire./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Olivia Barber/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Corbyn and Palestine Solidarity Campaign criticise Met Police for their handling of Palestine protest./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The Palestine Solidarity Campaign and former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn have criticised the police for promoting "a misleading narrative" about a pro-Palestine protest over the weekend. | Corbyn challenged the Metropolitan Police's claim that protestors had broken through the police line, stating it was "not an accurate description of events at all". | Approximately 77 protestors were arrested on Saturday on suspicion of breaching protest conditions. Nine have been charged with breaching protest conditions under the Public Order Act. | The first day of the Israel-Hamas ceasefire began yesterday after 15 month…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Dr. Binoy Kampmark/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Bitter Harvests: The Gaza Ceasefire./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Twinning the terms "ceasefire" and "Gaza" seems not only incongruous but an obscene joke. This is largely because the ceasefire announced on January 15 between Israel and Hamas could have been reached so much earlier by all the concerned parties. …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza Ceasefire Deal: Netanyahu's war cabinet vote today./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Qatar and the United States Wednesday January 15, 2025 confirmed Palestinian Resistance Groups led by Hamas and Israel have finalised the deal to end over 15-month long war in Gaza and other occupied Palestinian lands./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Palestinians hoping to return to Gaza's Rafah find city in ruins./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> As an Israel-Hamas ceasefire begins, rubble is all that's left in large swaths of southern Gaza's Rafah./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>90 Palestinian prisoners freed under Gaza ceasefire deal./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> There were scenes of celebration in the occupied West Bank as Israel freed 90 Palestinian prisoners./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Endless violence: Israeli settlers attack Palestinian towns to protest Gaza truce deal./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Israeli settlers, backed up by the occupation forces, storm several Palestinian towns in the West Bank, in a show of anger at a Gaza ceasefire deal./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ana Luisa Brown/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Lebanese legislator warns of Israeli non-compliance with the truce./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Beirut, Jan 20 (Prensa Latina) The member of the Loyalty to the Resistance bloc in the Lebanese Parliament, Ali Fayyad, warned today of any Israeli breach of the ceasefire agreement./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel accepted ceasefire after battlefield defeat; Hamas 'stronger' than ever: IRGC cmdr./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> A senior Iranian commander says Hamas will strongly continue its path after Israel was forced to accept a ceasefire agreement./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli accepted ceasefire after battlefield defeat; Hamas 'stronger' than ever: IRGC cmdr./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> A senior Iranian commander says Hamas will strongly continue its path after Israel was forced to accept a ceasefire agreement./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Aid enters Gaza, Israeli settlers carry out attacks over truce./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Gaza's ceasefire has entered its second day, with aid entering the besieged enclave and Hamas deploying its security forces in areas under its control. US officials have pledged to ensure Aid enters Gaza: | Trucks carrying /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Hamas-Israel Ceasefire: Salute to People of Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Despite round the clock terror and horrifying attacks in the last 15 months, the ordinary people of Gaza exhibited remarkable patience for which they deserve acclaim./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Crowds cheer as Palestinian prisoners freed from Israeli jail./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Hundreds of people cheered, chanted and honked car horns as two buses carrying Palestinian prisoners freed from an Israeli jail arrived in the occupied West Bank town of Beitunia early on Monday, AFP journalists reported. | The buses held some of the 90 prisoners released as part of the Gaza ceasefire deal that began Sunday and saw three Israeli hostages freed by Hamas. | Members of the crowd climbed atop the lead bus and unfurled a Hamas flag, the journalists reported. | They were joined by others waving the flags of Fatah, Islamic Jihad and several other Palestinian factions, as well as the Palestinian natio…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>WHO says needs full Gaza access during Israel-Hamas truce./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The World Health Organization said Sunday it was ready to pour much-needed aid into Gaza during the Israel-Hamas truce, but that it would need "systematic access" across the territory to do so. | Much of the Gaza Strip's WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus welcomed the ceasefire, posting on social media that it would "bring great hope for millions of people whose lives have been ravaged by the conf…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza ceasefire begins after Israeli delays, deadly strikes./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Gaza's A statement from Netanyahu's office, issued less than an hour before the truce was set to start at 8: 30 am (0630 GMT), said he had "instructed the IDF (military) that the ceasefire… will not begin until Israel has received the list" of hostages to be freed. | Hamas, while "affirming its commitme…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza ceasefire: Israel releases 90 Palestinian prisoners./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> This live blog has now ended. Make sure to follow us for the latest news on The Israeli prison service said early Monday that 90 Palestinian prisoners have been released as part of the Gaza ceasefire and swap deal between Israel and Hamas. | This comes after Hamas /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel kills 19 after ceasefire deadline, 36 wounded./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Israeli airstrikes killed at least 19 civilians in Gaza and wounded 36 more early on Sunday, shortly after a The truce later came into effect after an Israeli delay over a list of names of captives to be released by Hamas. | Gaza's Civil Defence Department said the civilians were killed in attacks across the One person was killed in Rafah, six in Khan Younis, nin…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>The names of the 93 Palestinian prisoners set to be freed Sunday./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The names of 93 male and female Palestinian prisoners who will be released Sunday night, as part of a prisoner exchange on the first day of the Gaza ceasefire, have been published. | Israel and mediating nation Qatar confirmed on Sunday a long-awaited ceasefire in Gaza had come into effect following a delay of almost three hours as Israel awaited a list of three captives to be initially freed by Hamas. | According to the ceasefire plan, a total of 33 captives will be returned from Gaza during an initial 42-day truce. | In a statement, Hamas said the truce deal stipulated "the release of 30 Palestinian prisoner…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Smotrich says ceasefire deal a 'defeat for Israel'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Israel's far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich on Sunday slammed the ongoing ceasefire with Hamas in Gaza as a "very serious mistake" and a "surrender to Hamas". | The minister threatened to leave Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition government if Gaza is not occupied by Israel. | Speaking to Army Radio, Smotrich said Israel "must occupy Gaza and create a temporary military government because there is no other way to defeat Hamas". | "I will overthrow the government if it does not return to fighting in a way that leads to us taking over the entire Gaza and governing it," he continued. | The mi…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Headlines for January 20, 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Palestinians Return to Decimated Homes, Israeli Hostages Released as Ceasefire Takes Effect, Netanyahu Says U.S. Gave Him Green Light to Resume Attacking Gaza Despite Ceasefire, Trump Vows Blitz of EOs Cracking Down on Immigration, Schools, Gov't Agencies Ahead of Swearing-In, Immigrant Communities Brace for Mass Deportations as Trump Returns to Presidency, "Literally Cashing In on the Presidency": Donald and Melania Trump Launch Their Own Cryptocurrencies, TikTok Briefly Goes Dark, Then Returns After Trump Says He Will Delay Its Ban, Biden Issues Preemptive Pardons for Anthony Fauci, Gen. Mark…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>APR editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>'Spectacular failure' over Hamas an embarrassment for Netanyahu./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Asia Pacific Report Scenes of fully armed Hamas fighters in their green headbands escorting the three Israeli women hostages to their handover on the first day of the ceasefire and patrolling the streets of Gaza are embarrasing for the Israeli government, says an academic. Mohamad Elmasry, a media studies professor at the Doha Institute for…/span>/p>p classnewsitem> a href classautohyperlink>> (2025-01-20). a href>Israel-Hamas ceasefire live updates: Israel releases 90 Palestinian prisoners/a>span classnewsdescription>Israel freed 90 Palestinian prisoners and detainees early on Monday, hours after three Israeli hostages released from Hamas captivity in Gaza returned to Israel. The long-awaited ceasefire in the Gaza Strip took effect Sunday./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Binoy Kampmark/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Bitter Harvests: The Gaza Ceasefire./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Twinning the terms "ceasefire" and "Gaza" seems not only incongruous but an obscene joke. This is largely because the ceasefire announced on January 15 between Israel and Hamas could have been reached so much earlier by all the concerned parties. But will was lacking in Washington to force Israel's hand, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Dave DeCamp, Antiwar./span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Netanyahu's Likud Party Says Ceasefire Deal Allows A 'Return To Fighting'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party said in a statement on Thursday that the Gaza ceasefire deal will allow "Israel to return to fighting under American guarantee." | The statement was a response to National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, leader of the Jewish Power party, who has threatened to quit the coalition government if the ceasefire deal is approved. | The three-phase ceasefire deal does not commit Israel to a permanent truce, and the statement from Likud signals the US has assured Israel it could resume its genocidal war after the first phase, which involves a 42-day ceasefire and…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Manlio Dinucci/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>The Ceasefire of the Arsonists. Manlio Dinucci./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> In the tragic play of the 'ceasefire between Israel and Hamas,' every actor plays his part: | President Biden, who supported and armed Israel in the demolition of Palestine, assumes the role of peace mediator; | Prime Minister Netanyahu, who carried out …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Tariq Kenney-Shawa/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>A Ceasefire Won't Stop Israel's Genocidal Agenda./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Steven Witkoff, Donald Trump's incoming Middle East envoy, reportedly didn't bother with pleasantries when he informed the Israelis that he would be arriving to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last Saturday. When told his visit coincided with Shabbat, meaning …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli hostages, Palestinian detainees freed on first Gaza truce exchange./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Israel released 90 Palestinian prisoners on Monday after Hamas handed over three Israeli captives, completing the first exchange under a The three captives released Sunday, all women, were reunited with their families and taken to hospital in central Israel where a doctor said they were in stable condition. | Hours later in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, Pales…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza's Civil Defence praised for 'tireless work' through war./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> As Palestinian Since the start of Israel's war in October 2023, the workers have been rescuing Palestinians on the ground while retrieving Often using their bare hands due to a lack of tools to remove the wreckage, they would spend hours finding and helping people attacked by…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza is right to celebrate victory against Israeli genocide./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> As I listened to the announcement of the /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli forces fire bullets, tear gas at Palestinians awaiting prisoner release outside Ofer./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The Israeli regime's forces attack the Palestinian prisoners' families waiting for their loved ones./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Yifat Reuven/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>British Airways to renew daily flights to Israel from April, as airlines begin their return./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The British airline is the latest to announce its return to Ben-Gurion airport, starting with daily flights in April. Last week, the Lufthansa group announced it will resume operations in February, and EasyJet will resume flights in June…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Amba Guerguerian, Adrita Talukder, The Indypendent./span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>NYU Imposes One-Year Suspensions On 11 Students./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> On Dec. 11, over a dozen NYU students and faculty dropped flyers and hung banners throughout the Bobst Library while 13 people sat in on the administrative floor of thelibrary. The actionists were demanding a meeting with administrators, who had, in the spring during the Gaza solidarity encampment movement at NYU, promised students to disclose the university's endowment, including all its investments in weapons manufacturers and ties to Israel and companies that profit off its occupation of Palestine. | The direct action was organized by student group Shut It Down NYU…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran president congratulates Gazans on victory, praises 'strong resistance' against Israel./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> President Pezeshkian congratulates the people of the Gaza Strip for their victory in the face of the Israeli regime's 15-month-long war of genocide./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Protesters gather in Jordan in solidarity with Palestinians./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Pro-Palestinian protesters gathered in the Jordanian capital, Amman, on Friday, condemning Israel's genocide in Gaza and expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>SKWAWKBOX /span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>More footage exposes Met's false claim anti-genocide marchers 'forced' through police line./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Police officers smiling as marchers allowed through peacefully — but anti-genocide Jewish bloc barred as Cooper claims police protecting Jews On Saturday, the Met Police arrested around seventy peace marchers, some of them violently, claiming that they had 'forced' their way to Trafalgar Square, supposedly in an area the force, to appease pro-Israel groups, had …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Amir Tibon/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Netanyahu is lying to Trump and preparing to sabotage the Gaza cease-fire deal./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> President Trump and his envoy refused to let Netanyahu's games and excuses delay the signing of a cease-fire deal that would free the hostages and end the Gaza war. But Netanyahu is still scheming to sink the deal — and with it, the hostages and Trump's wider Middle East agenda…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Yossi Verter/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Smotrich bet it all on blocking a deal. He still hopes Netanyahu will come through./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Since day one, the far-right has insisted only military pressure would bring back the hostages, blocking any alternative to Hamas. Even Trump, whose sole aim is to oppose Biden, recognized that a deal was the only way…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Amos Harel/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Trump, not Netanyahu, will decide whether to restart the war and who will govern Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The hostage deal marks a step toward restoring solidarity between Israel and its citizens and a possible path out of the war. While Netanyahu's government works to confuse the public and Hamas shows off its strength, the future depends on Trump…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel's Netanyahu government on edge over Ben-Gvir's Gaza exit./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Israeli Prime Minister The three open posts, /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Chris Gunness/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Expelling UNRWA punishes Palestinians. But it's also dangerous for Israel — and the hostages./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Flooding Gaza with humanitarian aid is crucial to the success of the cease-fire and hostage deal. But Israel is about to effectively force the collapse of UNRWA operations in Gaza, while shuttering its essential services in East Jerusalem — which could trigger even more violence…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ali Salam/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli Soldiers Kill a Palestinian Child Near Nablus./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> br /> | Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian child, on Sunday, after storming the town of Sebastia, northwest of Nablus in the northern occupied West Bank. | Media sources said that the child, Ahmad Rashid Rushdi Jazar, 14, was killed on Sunday evening, after occupation forces shot him with live ammunition in the town of Sebastia./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Felice Friedson/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Retired IDF General Avivi: Israel Considering 'Dead Zone' on Lebanese Border To Contain Hezbollah./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Media Line Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>France Vows To Secure Release of 2 French-Israeli Hostages./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>_____/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>Mohamed Mandour/a>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Media Line Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>France Vows To Secure Release of Two French-Israeli Hostages./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Hend Salama Abo Helow/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Despite our universities and hospitals lying in ruins, my generation will rebuild Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> I always wanted to become is doctor, and my dream was coming true at Al-Azhar University. But Israel left our campus in ruins and has destroyed a generation. Those of us who survive vow to carry the legacy of those martyred forward, and rebuild Gaza./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>krish-rad_ind/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Palestinian Prisoners Speak Out on Repression and Torture in Israeli Prisons./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>WSWS/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Another set of Israeli lies collapses: Prosecutor admits no evidence of rape in October 7 attack./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Israel's entire narrative surrounding the events of October 7 has been shown to be a pack of lies./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href ⚪ Advocacy-groups>Young Palestinian prisoner dies in Israeli jail due to deliberate medical negligence./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> A young Palestinian prisoner has died due to deliberate medical negligence./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href,-four-others-wounded-in-West-Bank-retaliatory-operation>Israeli soldier killed, 4 others wounded in West Bank explosion./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> An Israeli reservist soldier has been killed and four others wounded when their vehicle struck a roadside bomb during a raid in the occupied West Bank./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Aerial photos show scale of Israeli destruction in Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Many are returning to their homes, but more than a year of Israeli bombardment has left most houses in ruins./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Tears, hugs greet 90 Palestinian women, children freed from Israeli prisons./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Jubilant crowds of relatives, friends and well wishers gathered to celebrate the release of 90 Palestinian prisoners./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Adi Hashmonai/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Thousands attend funeral of IDF soldier Oron Shaul, whose body was recovered from Gaza after 10 years./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Shaul was one of four Israelis being held by Hamas in Gaza before October 7 and the other three Hadar Goldin, Avera Mengistu and Hisham al-Sayed are on the list of hostages to return in the cease-fire and hostage-release deal signed between Israel and Hamas…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ben Samuels/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Elon Musk appears to make fascist salute at Trump inauguration rally./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Elon Musk, who raised his right arm in a salute while speaking at the official rally following President Trump's inauguration, has previously attacked George Soros and doubled down on his endorsement of European far-right parties…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Eden Solomon/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli reservist killed in West Bank blast, IDF announces./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Eviatar Ben Yehuda, 31, from Nitzan in southern Israel, was killed when a roadside bomb struck his vehicle in a military operation in the West Bank. Two other soldiers were wounded in the incident…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Josh Breiner/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel Police issues new rules allowing cops to blindfold suspects in 'extreme cases'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The rule was issued after several cases of detainees, all Arab Israelis, being documented with their eyes covered without justification, which were boasted by outgoing far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir on social media…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Josh Breiner/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Two Israelis severely wounded in West Bank; accidental police shooting suspected./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The incident took place while settlers reportedly set ablaze buildings and vehicles in a nearby Palestinian village…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Oded Yaron/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Netherlands restricts F-35 parts to Israel, but buys Israeli weapons systems./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The Netherlands has signed a huge contract with Israeli arms maker Elbit, despite a Dutch court decision barring F-35 parts to Israel over the Gaza War. The deal was closed despite strong criticism by the Dutch parliament…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pablo Utin/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Ze'ev Revach, 1940-2025: The actor who put a vulgar mirror in front of Israelis./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Actor and director Ze'ev Revach was the people's court jester and a performer in every fiber of his being. His death is a call for us Israelis to formulate a new Israeli folksiness…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Rachel Fink/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Hamas 'gift bags' to women hostages spark outrage, praise across Israeli-Palestinian divide./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The three Israeli hostages who returned on Sunday were given bags containing photos from their time in captivity, a map of the Gaza Strip, and a 'certificate of appreciation' they were made to pose with before leaving Gaza, Hebrew and Palestinian media reported…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Rachel Fink/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Jakarta unaware of Trump envoy's reported plan to relocate Gazans to Indonesia./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The idea of 'voluntary migration' — a plan promoted by far-right Israeli ministers eyeing the Jewish resettlement of Gaza — was highly controversial under Biden's administration, with most Palestinians rejecting the idea of relocating, even temporarily…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Rachel Fink/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel's most powerful warriors: Three mothers who fought nonstop for 471 days./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> For 471 days, I have thought about all kinds of motherhood. But on Sunday night, as three mothers were made whole again, I thought of only one: motherhood as redemption…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>IDF releases new footage of three female hostages reuniting with their families./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> GAZA HOSTAGE DEAL: 90 Palestinian prisoners released from Israeli custody after hours of delay; Hamas releases three Israeli hostages ‚ñ ISRAEL: Smotrich blasts IDF chief, says Israel 'cannot win in Gaza with him' ‚ñ GAZA: UN senior official says more than 630 humanitarian aid trucks entered Strip, headed mainly to northern Gaza…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Yael Freidson/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Freed Israeli hostage Emily Damari: 'Back to my life, I'm the happiest person in the world'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The morning after her release, Damari thanked those who fought for her return. Romi Gonen's mother also wrote on social media: 'There are still 94 loved ones who need to experience such a reality'…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli reservist killed in explosion in West Bank, IDF announces./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> GAZA HOSTAGE DEAL: 90 Palestinian prisoners released from Israeli custody after hours of delay; Hamas releases three Israeli hostages ‚ñ ISRAEL: Smotrich blasts IDF chief, says Israel 'cannot win in Gaza with him' ‚ñ GAZA: UN senior official says more than 630 humanitarian aid trucks entered Strip, headed mainly to northern Gaza…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Freed Israeli hostage Emily Damari: 'I'm back to my life, happiest person in the world'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> GAZA HOSTAGE DEAL: 90 Palestinian prisoners released from Israeli custody after hours of delay; Hamas releases three Israeli hostages ‚ñ ISRAEL: Far-right Otzma Yehudit party resigns over deal with Hamas ‚ñ GAZA: Cease-fire to allow north Gaza residents to return, but passage via Netzarim route remains dangerous; 600 aid trucks to enter Strip daily…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Three Israeli hostages reunite with families; 90 Palestinian prisoners freed./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> GAZA HOSTAGE DEAL: 90 Palestinian prisoners released from Israeli custody after hours of delay; Hamas releases three Israeli hostages ‚ñ ISRAEL: Far-right Otzma Yehudit party resigns over deal with Hamas ‚ñ GAZA: Cease-fire to allow north Gaza residents to return, but passage via Netzarim route remains dangerous; 600 aid trucks to enter Strip daily…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>What is the future of Hamas in post-war Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Ramallah Following 470 days of Israel's brutal war on Gaza, a The first of a three-phase deal announced in Doha and mediated by Qatar, Egypt, and the US will last 42 days and includes the release of /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>193 journalists killed by Israeli forces in Gaza since Oct 2023./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Release of Khalida Jarrar shows conditions of Israeli prisons./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Released Palestinian women, children describe abuses by Israel./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> After a long wait at the point closest to Ofer Prison, west of Ramallah, families of released The exchange occurred once /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>What was in the Hamas 'gift bags' given to freed Israeli women./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Who are the jailed Palestinians being released by Israel./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> As the This number includes 1,167 people taken by the Israeli army in Gaza and transferred to Israel, and 737 others who come from Gaza, the occupied West Bank and East Jerus…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza: Rescue workers search for missing as truce enters 2nd day./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Palestinians began searching on Monday for thousands of Gazans believed still buried The truce in the 15-month-old conflict, which has laid waste to the Gaza Strip and inflamed the Middle East, took effect on Sunday with the release of the first three hostages held by Hamas and 90 Palestinians freed from Israeli jails. | Rescue workers said…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ana Luisa Brown/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Egyptian President calls on the world to rebuild Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Cairo, Jan 20 (Prensa Latina) Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi today called on the world to launch a campaign to rebuild the Gaza Strip, devastated after 15 months of Israeli attacks./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Andrew Korybko/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>The Russian-Iranian Partnership Might be a Game-Changer, But Only for Gas, Not Geopolitics./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The future of their strategic partnership is bright, but in order to fully appreciate its prospects, observers must acknowledge its non-military nature instead of continuing to fantasize about a joint war against Israel and/or the US like some are doing…./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Yemen says monitoring Netanyahu's 'crushing defeat', pledges support for Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Ansarullah pledges support for Palestine after the implementation of the Gaza ceasefire deal./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Areeb Ullah, Middle East Eye./span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>London's Met Police Arrest Organiser Of National Gaza Rally./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The London Metropolitan Police arrested one of the organisers of the pro-Palestine rally on Saturday in central London after imposing restrictions banning protesters from marching towards the headquarters of the BBC. Organisers denied claims made by the Met that protesters had forced their way through a police cordon to march towards the BBC after ending their protest in Whitehall. | The police said 77 arrests were made during Saturday's protest, which organisers estimated drew 100,000 people. | Among those arrested was Chris Nineham, the vice-chair of the Stop the War Coalition, who served as the chief steward f…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ana Luisa Brown/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Venezuela explains strategic nature of military exercise./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Caracas, Jan 20 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela's Minister of Defense, General in Chief Vladimir Padrino, explained today the strategic nature of the Bolivarian Shield Exercise 2025, to be carried out throughout the country in defense of peace and democracy./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>María Candela/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Explican carácter estratégico de ejercicio militar en Venezuela./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Caracas, 20 ene (RHC) El ministro para la Defensa de Venezuela, general en jefe Vladimir Padrino, explicóeste lunes el carácter estratégico del Ejercicio Escudo Bolivariano 2025, a ejecutarse en todo el país en defensa de la paz y la democracia./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>krish-rad_ind/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Venezuela Receives Displaced Colombians Fleeing Armed Conflict in Catatumbo./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Alina Ramos Martin/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Venezuela's democracy rests on the people's organization./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Caracas, Jan 20 (Prensa Latina) Vice President for Communal Councils and Communes of the United Socialist Party Jorge Arreaza stressed that in Venezuela real and participatory democracy rests on the organization of the people in their territories./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href,-spank-Trump-pinata>Activists in Mexico rally against incoming Trump's anti-immigration policies./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Migrant rights groups in Mexico demonstrated against the proposed anti-immigration measures of US President-elect Donald Trump./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ron Ridenour/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Scandinavians, the World's Happiest People, Love Killing for the USA — Part V./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> This is part 5 of a 6-part series on Denmark and its support for the U.S. empire. See Parts I, II, III, and IV.—Editors Part V: War Costs and Profits When Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen met with President Donald Trump, December 2019, Trump was threatening less support for NATO and European conflicts if they did …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran Warns EU3 of Response to Snapback Mechanism./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry warned the European troika that a bid to trigger the so-called snapback provisions of the 2015 nuclear deal will trigger Iran's counteraction./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza developments devastated Zionists, elevated Islam, resistance: Iran top general./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Iran's highest-ranking military commander says the Gaza developments were the beginning of a disaster for the Zionists and the elevation of Islam./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Ayatollah Khamenei Leads Funeral Prayers for 2 Iranian Justices./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei led funeral prayers for two judges of the Iranian Judiciary who were martyred in a shooting attack in Tehran on Saturday./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Army Holds War Game Northeast of Iran./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Iranian Army Ground Force has staged military exercises in Iran's northeastern regions./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran, Pakistan Share Views on Various Issues: Top General./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran and Pakistan have adopted identical stances on many regional and international subjects, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri said./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran's Zarif Attends Davos 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Iranian vice president for strategic affairs, Mohammad Javad Zarif, has traveled to Switzerland to take part in the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>tvbrics/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran and Russia implement monetary agreement and connect banking networks./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> This development aims to strengthen financial cooperation between the two nations…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>tvbrics/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran boosts AI research with US$115 million fund investment./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> This initiative aims to support AI-focused universities and private research centres across the country…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Steven Ganot/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Avivi Advocates International Action Against Hezbollah, Iran./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran Army Ground Force launches extensive security, offensive drills./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The Iranian Army's Ground Forces launch extensive drills near the country's borders and beyond./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran asserts its defense, military capabilities 'non-negotiable' forever./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Foreign Ministry spokesman Esmaeil Baghaei says Iran's defense capabilities will never be subject to negotiations./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iranian, Pakistani military chiefs urge fight against terrorism./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Iranian and Pakistani military chiefs urge a serious fight against terrorism and protection of sustainable border security./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iranian Army's Ground Forces launch extensive security, offensive drills./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The Iranian Army's Ground Forces launch extensive drills near the country's borders and beyond./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran denies blasphemy death penalty for rapper 'Amir Tataloo'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Iran has denied issuing the Amir Tataloo, a hugely popular artist among Iranian youth and known for tattoos that cover his entire face, was handed multiple "short and long" jail terms by a Tehran court last May, according to his lawyer. This included a three-year sentence for blasphemy and 10 year…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Saudi hospital performs world's 1st robot assisted artificial heart pump implantation./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSHRC) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia has claimed performing the world's first robotic-assisted implantation of an artificial heart pump./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>People's Dispatch./span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Warhawk Senator Marco Rubio Confirmed As Secretary Of State./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Yesterday, amid the momentous news of a ceasefire agreement finally being reached in Gaza, right-wing Senator Marco Rubio was confirmed as Trump's Secretary of State by the United States Senate. To some, Rubio's confirmation, given his reputation as a warhawk known for promoting an aggressive approach against countries that do not tip-toe around the US line on foreign policy, contradicts Trump's campaign promise of "preventing World War III." Rubio's role as Secretary of State signals that Trump may immediately relist Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism. This week, in his final days as President, Biden removed C…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Envía China segundo lote de donativo para sistema eléctrico cubano./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> China envió un segundo lote de donativo de piezas y accesorios para los equipos de grupos electrógenos de Cuba, como parte de la implementación de los consensos entre los gobiernos de los dos países. Se trata de suministros para la recuperación de capacidades de la generación distribuida, que deben arribar al país en la tarde de este lunes./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Bárbara Gómez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Envía China segundo lote de donativo para sistema eléctrico cubano./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 20 ene (RHC) El gobierno de China envió un segundo lote de donativo de piezas y accesorios para los equipos de grupos electrógenos de Cuba, como parte de la implementación de los consensos entre los dos países./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Líder nativo americano Leonard Peltier saldrá de prisión, al fin./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Miembro del Movimiento Indígena Estadounidense, a Leonard Peltier lo declararon culpable de participar en el asesinato de dos agentes del FBI en 1975 en la reserva indígena de Pine Ridge, Dakota del Sur, y cumplía cadena perpetua, pero siempre mantuvo su inocencia. Según la orden de Biden, pasará a confinamiento domiciliario./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ana Luisa Brown/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>AU reiterated continental support to Cuba's Gov't and people./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Addis Ababa, Jan 20 (Prensa Latina) The president of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, reiterated today Africa's unwavering support to the Cuban government and people, after receiving the credentials of the Cuban ambassador to that organization, Lucas Domingo Hernandez./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ana Luisa Brown/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Cuban doctors in Zimbabwe hold health fair in Chitungwiza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Harare, Jan 20 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban Medical Brigade in Zimbabwe offered an open health care fair in coordination with the Chitungwiza Central Hospital in the Public House of that town, about 24 kilometers south of the capital./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ileana Ferrer Fonte/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Belarusian artist to open photo exhibition on Havana./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Havana, Jan 20 (Prensa Latina) The exhibition "Realismo Romantico. Cuba" (Romantic Realism. Cuba) by Belarus-born photographer Valery Katsuba will be opened at the Art Gallery of the Melia Cohiba Hotel in this capital on Thursday, January 23, organizers informed./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ileana Ferrer Fonte/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Cuba sends condolences to Zimbabwe for Chimutengwende's death./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Harare, Jan 20 (Prensa Latina) Fernando Gonzalez Llort, president of the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), sent a message of condolences to the family and friends of Chen Chimutengwende, a recognized political and solidarity leader of Zimbabwe, who died in this capital./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ileana Ferrer Fonte/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Cubans pay tribute to 13 militaries who died in Holguin./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Havana, Jan 20 (Prensa Latina) Cubans pay a posthumous tribute on Monday to the 13 members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) who died as a result of a fire in a war material warehouse in the Holguin's Military Region./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Alina Ramos Martin/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>X account of the Cuban Foreign Ministry was hacked./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> "URGENT!, the X account of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba has been hacked," a message posted on Facebook warns. | It also states that "any information posted from the @CubaMINREX account" after 08: 00 local time is false. | In December 2022, the Foreign Ministry also suffered a cyberattack on its networks and in July 2021, the official Cubaminrex website was also hacked. | The Cuban authorities denounced and condemned the two events, and considered them part of the communication war against the Caribbean nation./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Elsy Fors Garzon/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>African Union reiterates continental support for Cuban government./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Addis Ababa, Jan 20 (Prensa Latina) The president of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, reiterated today Africa's unwavering support to the Cuban government and people, after receiving credentials of the Caribbean ambassador to that organization, Lucas Domingo Hernández./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ileana Ferrer Fonte/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Cuban poet Nancy Morejon to attend Cultural Day in Gabon./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Libreville, Jan 20 (Prensa Latina) Cuban National Literatures Prize, Nancy Morejon, arrived in this capital on an invitation by academic and cultural centers of this Central African country, according to a release from the Cuban Embassy in Gabon./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>María Candela/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Congreso Internacional de Espeleología con notable presencia mundial en Holguín (+Foto)./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Holguín, 20 ene (RHC) Espeleólogos de Cuba, Colombia, España Portugal, Puerto Rico, Eslovenia Hungría, Argentina, asistirán al Congreso Internacional de Espeleología del 21 al 26 de enero de 2025, en la provincia de Holguín, en el Oriente de la mayor de las Antillas./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Raúl Rodríguez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Cubano Barcelán a Salón de la Fama de las Pesas en el continente./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 20 ene (JIT).- El presidente la la Federación Cubana de Levantamiento de Pesas, el Dr. C. Jorge Luis Barcelán, ha sido exaltado al Salón de la Fama de este deporte a nivel continental./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Raúl Rodríguez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Velerista cubano Adriano Castro con cupo para Asunción./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 20 ene (ACN) El velerista cubano Adriano Castro clasificó para la segunda edición de los Juegos Panamericanos Junior de Asunción 2025, al terminar en el cuarto lugar de la Fórmula Kite del torneo Mayan Wind Fest, con sede en la Marina Puerto Cancún, México./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>María Candela/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Fotógrafo belaruso retrata La Habana./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 20 ene (RHC) La exposición "Realismo romántico. Cuba", del artista belaruso Valery Katsuba, se inaugurará el próximo jueves, a las 17: 00, hora local, en el Hotel Meliá Cohiba, de esta capital, informaron los organizadores./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>María Candela/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Brigada uruguaya reafirma solidaridad con Cuba./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Montevideo, 20 ene (RHC) El pueblo uruguayo reafirma su solidaridad con Cuba, expresada con el envío de una brigada que lleva consigo compromiso político y ayuda humanitaria./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Bárbara Gómez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Visa electrónica agiliza trámites a turistas que visiten Cuba./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 20 ene (RHC) Los turistas que visiten Cuba pueden acceder al sitio a href classautohyperlink>> para obtener visa electrónica, procedimiento que agiliza el trámite y les permite desde la tranquilidad de su hogar completar el formulario de viajeros online./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>María Candela/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Hackean cuenta en X de la Cancillería de Cuba./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 20 ene (RHC) La Cancillería de Cuba denunció este lunes que su cuenta en la red social X fue hackeada./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>María Candela/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Tributo en Holguín a combatientes caídos en Melones , Holguín./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 20 ene (RHC) Los cubanos rinden homenaje este lunes a los 13 combatientes fallecidos como consecuencia de un incendio en una obra que almacenaba material de guerra de la Región Militar de Holguín./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Raúl Rodríguez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Cubano Echevarría volverá a las pistas luego de tres años y medio de ausencia./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 20 ene (RHC).- El saltador de longitud cubano Juan Miguel Echevarría, campeón mundial y subtitular olímpico, regresará a las pistas el próximo domingo en un meeting en Portugal, tres años y medio después de su última aparición en Tokio-2020./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>María Candela/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Intentar aislamiento de Cuba es una estrategia malograda./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Bárbara Gómez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Empresarios españoles dialogan con autoridades del turismo de Cuba./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Madrid, 20 ene (RHC) Una concurrida velada con empresarios españoles marcó hoy el pistoletazo de arrancada de la presencia de Cuba en la Feria Internacional de Turismo (Fitur)./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Bárbara Gómez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Honran en Cuba a combatientes caídos en enfrentamiento a incendio./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 20 ene (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, lideró este lunes en la provincia de Holguín, el homenaje a los 13 combatientes de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias fallecidos tras explotar material de guerra en una comunidad de la oriental región./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Bárbara Gómez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Unión Africana reiteró apoyo continental al Gobierno y pueblo de Cuba (+Foto)./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Addis Abeba, 20 ene (RHC) El presidente de la Comisión de la Unión Africana, Moussa Faki Mahamat, reiteró este lunes el apoyo inquebrantable de àÅfrica al Gobierno y pueblo cubanos, tras recibir las cartas credenciales del embajador caribeño ante esa organización, Lucas Domingo Hernández./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>María Candela/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Desde Zimbabwe llaman a la justicia y al fin del bloqueo a | Cuba./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Harare, 20 ene (RHC) La Solidaridad con Cuba, el llamado a la justicia y al fin del bloqueo de Estados Unidos a Cuba centran hoy desde Zimbabwe la publicación de The Pan Afrikanist, centro para la restauración de la dignidad de àÅfrica./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>María Candela/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Cuba envía condolencias a Zimbabwe por deceso de Chimutengwende (+Foto)./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Harare, 20 ene (Prensa Latina) El presidente del Instituto Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos (ICAP), Fernando González Llort, envió un mensaje de condolencias a familiares y amigos de Chen Chimutengwende, reconocido dirigente político y de la solidaridad de Zimbabwe fallecido en esta capital./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>María Candela/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Poetisa cubana Nancy Morejón visita Gabón./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Libreville, 20 de enero (RHC) La Premio Nacional de Literatura de Cuba, Nancy Morejón, arribó a Gabón invitada por centros académicos y culturales del país centroafricano, según confirmaron este lunes a Prensa Latina fuentes diplomáticas./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Turistas que visitan Cuba pueden acceder a sitio online para obtener visa electrónica./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Los turistas que visiten Cuba pueden acceder al a href classautohyperlink>/a> para obtener visa electrónica, procedimiento que agiliza el trámite y les permite desde la tranquilidad de su hogar completar el formulario de viajeros online, informó Giana Galindo Enríquez, directora comercial del Mintur./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>La violencia en Haití suma un millón de desplazados./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) ha confirmado que más de un millón de personas han sido desplazadas debido a la violencia en Haití. Estos movimientos internos aumentaron un 48% en un mes, según un informe reciente. Los haitianos enfrentan condiciones cada vez más precarias./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Presidenta de México: Relación con EEUU será de iguales./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> "Mi papel es ser representante de este pueblo grandioso, entonces nuestra relación con Estados Unidos será de iguales y siempre de defensa de las y los mexicanos que viven" allá, sostuvo la mandataria, en el día de la juramentación de Donald Trump, quien ha prometido entre otras medidas la realización de deportaciones masivas./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Misterios del 18, celular cucalambeano y enlazar correctamente./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Las cosas del número 18 hay que pensarlas bien; volvamos a conectar con el teléfono celular al estilo de nuestro Cucalambé en Para Penar; y cubanos célebres del mes de enero./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Unión Eléctrica pronostica una afectación de 1 680 MW durante el horario pico de este lunes./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La disponibilidad estimada para el horario pico de este lunes será de 1 640 MW, mientras que la demanda máxima podría alcanzar 3 250 MW, resultando en un déficit de 1 610 MW. En esas condiciones, se pronostica una afectación de 1 680 MW./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Empresarios estatales: Cuadros o cuadrados (+ Video)./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Liderazgo es la capacidad en la que se integran muchas otras competencias de los cuadros. El cuadro tiene que formarse desde la base, tiene que conocer los procesos más intestinos de una empresa, los procesos más simples e ir creciendo en la medida que va conociendo dichos procesos. Esto se hablaba en años atrás de los cuadros probetas, los cuadros no se hacen en un laboratorio. Los cuadros se hacen en el bregar diario, en el conocimiento, en la interacción con los trabajadores./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>"El Canal es y seguirá siendo de Panamá": La inmediata respuesta del presidente Mulino al anuncio de Trump./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El presidente de Panamá, José Raúl Mulino, expresó su rechazo frontal a las declaraciones hechas por Donald Trump sobre el Canal de Panamá durante su primer discurso tras ser investido presidente de Estados Unidos este lunes. Trump expresó la intención de su gobierno de "recuperar" la vía interoceánica para EE.UU./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Investidura de Donald Trump será en el interior del Capitolio y firmando 100 decretos (+ Video)./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Donald Trump regresará este lunes a la Casa Blanca tras una investidura que, por primera vez en décadas, se celebrará en el interior del Capitolio, contará con la presencia de líderes mundiales y magnates de Silicon Valley, y culminará con la firma de un centenar de órdenes ejecutivas para revertir las políticas de su predecesor, Joe Biden./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Accidente de tránsito ocurrido en la carretera entre Morón y la Isla de Turiguanó deja seis fallecidos./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Seis personas murieron este lunes en un accidente del tránsito ocurrido en la carretera entre Morón y la Isla de Turiguanó, en Ciego de àÅvila, según saldo preliminar reportado por el periódico Invasor en sus redes sociales. El choque se produjo entre dos ómnibus, uno de la Constructora Militar, y otro de trabajadores del Turismo./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Servicios de orientación jurídica para poblaciones claves: øPor qué y para qué?/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El ser aceptado y no sometido a discriminación por razón alguna, sigue siendo uno de los Derechos más debatidos y trabajados desde la Academia y de notable interés por parte de la población./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Accidente de tránsito ocurrido en la carretera entre Morón y la Isla de Turiguanó deja once fallecidos./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Once personas murieron este lunes en un accidente del tránsito ocurrido en la carretera entre Morón y la Isla de Turiguanó, en Ciego de àÅvila, según saldo preliminar reportado por el periódico Invasor en sus redes sociales. El choque se produjo entre dos ómnibus, uno de la Constructora Militar, y otro de trabajadores del Turismo./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>La FEU y sus desafíos, este lunes en la Mesa Redonda./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El presidente de la Federación Estudiantil Universitaria y otros dirigentes estudiantiles comparecerán este lunes en la Mesa Redonda para dialogar sobre las principales tareas de la organización. Cubavisión, Cubavisión Internacional y Radio Habana Cuba transmitirán este programa a las 7 de la noche. El Canal Educativo la retransmitirá al cierre. Además, estará disponible en las redes sociales Facebook y YouTube./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Presidente cubano participa en homenaje póstumo a combatientes de las FAR en Holguín./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El primer secretario de Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, participará este lunes en la ceremonia de homenaje póstumo a los 13 combatientes de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias caídos en el cumplimiento del deber en la provincia de Holguín./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>El Real Madrid amanece este lunes como líder de LaLiga./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Suerte asociada a un deslumbrante Kylian Mbappé, el Real Madrid amanece este 20 de enero como líder de LaLiga de Fúbtol de España, gracias en gran medida al descalabro de sus archirrivales./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-20)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Qué trae la prensa cubana, lunes 20 de enero de 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Codepink/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Can the Internet Wage Peace? Amidst a Push for War, Chinese and American Citizens Connect Online./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> With the Tiktok ban just days away, American youth have started flooding the Chinese social media app The app "Xiaohongshu" directly translates to 'Little Red Book," but it has been dubbed RedNote in the United States. Many are quick to think of Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong's famous Little Red Book, though app officials say it isn't a direct reference. Still, th…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Independent/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Youth activists call on judiciary to end civilian trials in military court./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | A group of youth activists have called upon the judiciary to break its silence on human rights violations, particularly when Ugandans are prosecuted in military courts. The activists claim that the judiciary's inaction and silence have enabled prolonged injustices, persecution, and subjugation of civilians, activists, and political dissidents in …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Maxime Duriez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza ceasefire and release of hostages welcomed: Justice is the only way for a lasting peace./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) welcomes the announcement of a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages, which it has been urging for the past 15 months. The ceasefire is a first step. On its own it cannot provide justice for the victims. It cannot produce a lasting peace. The ceasefire is a temporary strategic solution. What needs to come now is a real political and human rights based solution for the end of the Gaza blockade, the end of Israel's settler-colonial (…) | | /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Hugo GABBERO/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Uganda: Arbitrary detention, judicial harassment and torture of human rights lawyer Eron Kiiza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>HRW World Report highlights Israeli atrocities in Gaza, W. Bank./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> This includes being part of a trend of fraying international norms, double standards by liberal democracies on human rights, and a conflict underscoring the importance of institutions…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Qassam Brigades: Al-Aqsa Strom final nail in Israeli regime's coffin./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Hamas has extended its gratitude towards Iran and members of the regional Resistance Front, saying Operation al-Aqsa Strom hammered the final nail in the Israeli regime's coffin./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Canary/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>People rally at the Old Bailey in support of the Palestine Action Filton 18./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Some of the Palestine Action activists from the so-called Filton 18 appeared at the Old Bailey on Friday 17 January over an action at a weapons factory that supplies genocidal Israel. Of course, they entered not guilty to the charges the state was brining against them — and they also received huge support from crowds … | By /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>APR editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Delay in Gaza ceasefire as Israel kills 19 fails to daunt people celebrating./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Asia Pacific Report An almost three-hour delay for the start of the temporary ceasefire — due to "technical difficulties", said the resistance movement Hamas — hardly daunted thousands of euphoric Palestinians who took to the streets of Gaza on Sunday to celebrate and try to move back to bombed-out homes in spite of the dangers./span>/p>p classnewsitem> a href classautohyperlink>>.lb (2025-01-19). a href>Ceasefire in Gaza Takes Effect, Ending 471 Days of Israeli Genocide and Devastation Al-Manar TV Lebanon/a>span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:96% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip officially came into effect on Sunday morning, marking the end of 471 days of relentless military aggression by Israeli occupation forces on the besieged enclave. Airstrikes on Gaza continued until Zionist Prime Minister Netanyahu's office confirmed that the ceasefire would commence at 11:15 AM local time (9:15 GMT)./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Pacific Media Watch/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>John Minto: A triumph of the human spirit./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> LETTER: By John Minto With the temporary ceasefire agreement, we should take our hats off to the Palestinian people of Gaza who have withstood a total military onslaught from Israel but without surrendering or shifting from their land. Over 15 months Israel has dropped well over 70,000 tonnes of bombs on this tiny 360 sq…/span>/p>p classnewsitem> a href classautohyperlink>> (2025-01-19). a href>The end of the genocide in Gaza?/a>span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:96% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Throughout the 15-month genocide on Gaza by Israel, President Joe Biden, adamantly refused to apply any pressure on Israel, while Netanyahu repeatedly humiliated Biden by violating red line after red line set by him and in his ludicrous defence, leaked stories to the press about how angry he was with Netanyahu as Netanyahu thumbed his nose at him, again and again. Biden dutifully sated his Zionist cravings by sending more and more arms, including 2,000-pound bombs to be dropped on civilians, in complicity with the carnage./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Keeping Eye on Israel, Yemen Ponders Next Moves on Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Foreign Minister of the National Salvation Government of Yemen Jamal Ahmed Amer said his country's future measures in support of Palestine will depend on the Israeli regime's commitment to a ceasefire agreement in Gaza./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel Suffered A Huge Defeat: IRGC Quds Force Chief./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Pointing to the Israeli regime's humiliating acceptance of a ceasefire agreement with Hamas, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Quds Force Brigadier General Esmaeil Qaani said the Zionists have sustained a big defeat./span>/p>p classnewsitem> a href classautohyperlink>> (2025-01-19). a href>Israel drops leaflets on Gaza mocking suffering of Palestinians/a>span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:96% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The leaflets depicted a drawing of a Palestinian family sat on the rubble of their home, with some reading "Is victory at hand or not yet?" and "A new victory for the resistance."/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli Government Approves Hostage/Ceasefire Deal, To Take Effect Sunday./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor> a href classautohyperlink>>.lb/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Video | Ceasefire in Gaza Takes Effect, Ending 471 Days of Israeli Genocide and Devastation./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>The ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip officially came into effect on Sunday morning, marking the end of 471 days of relentless military aggression by Israeli occupation forces on the besieged enclave. Initially scheduled to start at 8: 30 AM, the ceasefire was delayed after the Israeli occupation army insisted that Hamas fulfill its commitments, including …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor> a href classautohyperlink>>.lb/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Senior IRGC Commanders: Gaza Ceasefire Agreement Marks 'Greatest Defeat' for Israeli Enemy./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>Since the onset of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, the Islamic Republic of Iran has emerged as a steadfast pillar of support for the Palestinian cause, playing a crucial role in Gaza's victory that forced the Israeli enemy to cease its aggression. Massive public demonstrations across Iranian cities, along with unwavering military and diplomatic efforts, have showcased …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor> a href classautohyperlink>>.lb/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Al-Qassam Brigades Abu Obaida: Gaza Ceasefire Marks a Turning Point in Resistance Against Occupation./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>In a recorded message on Sunday, Abu Obeida, the spokesperson for the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, addressed the public following the implementation of the ceasefire in Gaza. During his speech, Abu Obeida discussed the ceasefire agreement and the course of the battle that Palestinian resistance forces fought against the Israeli occupation over …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Timeline: The path to the Israel-Hamas ceasefire deal in Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The ceasefire deal began on Sunday, January 19. Here's a look at the long road to a deal that could end the Gaza war./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Factbox: Israeli regime's despicable record of breaching ceasefire agreements./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> A truce agreement took effect on Sunday, bringing to an end 15 months of genocidal war on Gaza, but serious doubts remain about the commitment of Israel to uphold it./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel-Hamas ceasefire takes effect in Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The long-awaited ceasefire comes into effect, pausing a devastating 15-month war in the Palestinian enclave./span>/p>p classnewsitem> a href classautohyperlink>> (2025-01-19). a href>Wikipedia's Supreme Court On the Verge of Topic Banning 8 Editors from Israel-Palestine Area/a>span classcomment fs09 style>em titlePositive Universe Comment>Comment:/em> Hasn't Wikipedia has always been a stooge of the neocons and zionists?/span>span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:96% !important;margin:9px auto; src> ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in a statement, "We're pleased that the Wikipedia arbitration board has taken disciplinary action against some editors who, in our view, have spread malicious, false and biased information about Zionism and Israel across the platform …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel delays Gaza ceasefire due to captive names not provided./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Israeli PM says the ceasefire in Gaza will not begin until Hamas releases the names of the first phase captives./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Hamas names 3 Israeli captives to be freed under Gaza ceasefire deal./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The Palestinian resistance group Hamas has released the names of three female Israeli captives set to be released under a prisoner swap agreement as part of the Gaza ceasefire deal./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Hamas says committed to Gaza ceasefire deal with Israel./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Hamas says it will fully commit to implementing the terms of the agreement which will see the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli minister Ben-Gvir quits Netanyahu's coalition over Gaza ceasefire./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Israeli minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and and his party have resigned from prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition over the Gaza ceasefire agreement./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Palestinians in Gaza celebrate Israel-Hamas ceasefire./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Ceasefire announced more than two hours later than scheduled due to Israel-Hamas dispute over naming captives./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Netanyahu says Gaza ceasefire won't start until Hamas gives captives' list./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Israeli PM orders army not to begin truce until names are released. Hamas says delay due to 'technical field reasons'./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza ceasefire agreement 'biggest defeat' for Israel: Gen. Qa'ani./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has lauded the ceasefire agreement between the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas and Israel as the biggest defeat for the occupying regime./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href ⚪ Palestinian-prisoners-ceasefire>Hamas awaits release of 90 prisoners as it hands over 3 Israeli captives./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> All the 90 prisoners have been abducted from the occupied cities of West Bank and al-Quds./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza ceasefire takes effect after Israel launches deadly strikes on Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The planned ceasefire agreement between the Palestinian Hamas resistance group and Israel has taken effect after deadly strikes by the usurping regime on the Gaza Strip./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli minister threatens to 'bring down' Netanyahu's coalition over Gaza ceasefire./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Bezalel Smotrich says he will 'bring down' Netanyahu's ruling coalition if it doesn't occupy the besieged Gaza Strip./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href,-with-the-Israelis-irrefutably-defeated->Gaza ceasefire agreement begins./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> An overwhelming majority of the global population are of the view that the Palestinians are the true winners of this illegal genocidal war, with the Israelis irrefutably defeated./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Timeline: Key events that shaped 470 days of Israeli genocidal war on Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> After 470 days of genocide in Gaza, a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas came into effect on Sunday. We look at the timeline of important events that shaped this war./span>/p>p classnewsitem> a href classautohyperlink>> (2025-01-19). a href>Zionist regime to release over 1,890 Palestinians in first phase of Gaza truce: Egypt/a>span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:96% !important;margin:9px auto; src> a href classautohyperlink>>/span>span classnewsdescription>Egypt says Israel will release more than 1,890 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for 33 Israeli captives during the first phase of the Gaza ceasefire deal./span>/p>p classnewsitem> a href classautohyperlink>> (2025-01-19). a href>Gaza's defiance spurs hope/a>span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:96% !important;margin:9px auto; src> FINALLY, a ceasefire in Gaza is in place as of 0800 local time this morning as a result of a peace deal that, Qatari interlocutors say, is the same as the first one agreed to by Hamas last May and from which Israel walked away. | | The only major difference between May last year and January this year is Donald Trump./span>/p>p classnewsitem> a href classautohyperlink>> (2025-01-19). a href>Moments before the ceasefire, the genocide continues and the pain of loss is greater/a>span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:96% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Conflicting news reports emerged, and with them, the brutal Israeli strikes intensified on the homes and tents of the innocent. Israeli warplanes launched attacks that reminded Gazans of the days of fire and violent strikes at the beginning of the war./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Hamas says committed to Gaza ceasefire deal; awaits list of prisoners to be released by Israel./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Hamas says it will fully commit to implementing the terms of the agreement which will see the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>70+ arrested at London pro-Palestine rally on eve of Gaza truce./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Thousands of people gathered and over 70 were arrested at a pro-Palestine rally in central London Saturday, on the eve of the start of a The majority were detained on The ceasefire, which comes into effect Sunday morning, involves the release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas and Palestinian prisoners held…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza ceasefire begins after Israeli delays, deadly strikes./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Gaza's A statement from Netanyahu's office, issued less than an hour before the truce was set to start at 8: 30 am (0630 GMT), said he had "instructed the IDF (military) that the ceasefire… will not begin until Israel has received the list" of hostages to be freed. | Hamas, while "affirming its commitme…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza ceasefire begins following delays over captive release list./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> A ceasefire has gone into effect in Gaza following hours of delays after Hamas released the names of three female Israeli captives in the enclave which Israel said it had yet to receive. | Netanyahu's office had /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel drops leaflets on Gaza mocking suffering of Palestinians./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> The Israeli army on Saturday reportedly dropped leaflets on the Gaza Strip hours before a A long-overdue ceasefire is supposed to begin on Sunday 8: 30 am local time (630 GMT) after Hamas…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel kills 19 after ceasefire deadline, 36 wounded./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Israeli airstrikes killed at least 19 civilians in Gaza and wounded 36 more early on Sunday, shortly after a The truce later came into effect after an Israeli delay over a list of names of captives to be released by Hamas. | Gaza's Civil Defence Department said the civilians were killed in attacks across the One person was killed in Rafah, six in Khan Younis, nin…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Lebanon cabinet to be formed 'before 26 Jan ceasefire deadline'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Efforts are ongoing to form a new cabinet in Lebanon before the deadline for Israeli troops to withdraw from the country's south later this month, local media reported Saturday. | "Work is underway to finalise the cabinet formation before 26 January," the end of the 60-day deadline given to Lebanon, Hezbollah and Israel to implement the terms of the ceasefire deal that ended the recent war, sources familiar with the matter Former head of the Inter…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza Ceasefire Deal: Netanyahu's war cabinet vote today./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Qatar and the United States Wednesday January 15, 2025 confirmed Palestinian Resistance Groups led by Hamas and Israel have finalised the deal to end over 15-month long war in Gaza and other occupied Palestinian lands./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Gaza Ceasefire Deal: 95 Palestinians to be freed for 3 Israeli captives Sunday./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> As many as 95 Palestinians will be freed for three Israeli captives in the first lot as part of the prisoners' exchange agreed upon by Israel and Hamas under the Gaza Ceasefire Deal that comes into force Sunday January 19, 2025./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Independent/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>What's behind Israel's approval of Hamas ceasefire deal?/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> JERUSALEM, ISRAEL | Xinhua | The Israeli government on Saturday approved a ceasefire agreement aimed at the release of hostages held in the Gaza Strip, following a lengthy cabinet meeting, the Prime Minister's Office said. Israel's decision to move forward with the ceasefire deal with Hamas, mediated by Qatar, Egypt and the United States, 469 …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Rachael Swindon/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>#SwindonsSundaySermon: a ceasefire in theory, a loss for Israel in practice./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Hamas has claimed victory in their armed conflict with the genocidal state of Israel, following the announcement of the long-overdue ceasefire agreement. The ceasefire, as impossible as it seems, may well bring an end to the killing, but it will not bring an end to the conflict. Hamas won because they didn't lose Hamas arguably … | By /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Alina Ramos Martin/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Foreign delegations in Egypt to monitor Gaza truce./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Cairo, Jan 19 (Prensa Latina) Palestinian, Israeli, Qatari, and American delegations arrived in Egypt as part of the mechanism designated to monitor the implementation of the ceasefire in Gaza, Extra News reported./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Jessica Corbett/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>After a Deadly 3-Hour Delay, Gaza Ceasefire Finally Takes Effect./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Israeli forces killed at least 19 Palestinians across the Gaza Strip on Sunday morning during a three-hour delay in implementing a cease-fire and hostage-release deal that Israel's Cabinet finally approved the previous day. After over 15 months of a U.S.-backed military assault for which Israel faces a genocide case at the International Court of Justice, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) strikes on… | /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>SKWAWKBOX /span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Ben-Gvir, 2 other extremist ministers quit for show over 'ceasefire' — but 'won't topple Netanyahu'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Far-right 'Jewish Power' figures make show of quitting but will leave wanted war-criminal in place Itamar Ben-Gvir and two other members of the racist 'Jewish Power' party have resigned from Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition government over the agreement of a 'ceasefire' in Israel's genocide in Gaza — but it appears to be primarily theatre. Ben-Gvir, who …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>SKWAWKBOX /span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Video: Israel breaks 'ceasefire' deal, bombing, shooting and killing civilians./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> Netanyahu demands captive list at last second while foreign minister Saar signals continued attacks during 'ceasefire' Israel continued bombing and killing Palestinian civilians in Gaza this morning, within moments of the supposed start of the ceasefire supposed to come into force at 6.30am GMT today. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu 'delayed' the start of the ceasefire, …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Tariq Kenney-Shawa/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>A Ceasefire Won't Stop Israel's Genocidal Agenda./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Steven Witkoff, Donald Trump's incoming Middle East envoy, reportedly didn't bother with pleasantries when he informed the Israelis that he would be arriving to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last Saturday. When told his visit coincided with Shabbat, meaning …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Rights group files war crimes case in Spain against Israeli soldier./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The pro-Palestine advocacy organization Hind Rajab Foundation (HRF) has filed a legal complaint in Barcelona, Spain, against an Israeli soldier./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Protesters gather in Jordan in solidarity with Palestinians./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Pro-Palestinian protesters gathered in the Jordanian capital, Amman, on Friday, condemning Israel's genocide in Gaza and expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel failed to reach 'malicious goals' in Gaza despite genocide: Iran FM./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Iran's Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi says Israel failed to achieve its 'malicious' objectives in the Gaza Strip despite waging a genocide against Palestinians over the past 15 months./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>aljazeera/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Netanyahu says Israel has a right to keep fighting in Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel has a right to continue military operations in Gaza./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Amos Harel/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Netanyahu is counting on Hamas to help him derail the second phase of cease-fire talks./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> When the first hostages released share the horrors they likely experienced, the public's outcry to release the remaining captives will grow even louder. But if Trump forces Netanyahu to go on to the second phase, the PM's coalition likely won't survive…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Michael Hauser Tov/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Ben-Gvir and his far-right party resign from Netanyahu gov't over 'reckless' cease-fire deal./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> National Security Minister Ben-Gvir says his party has officially left the governing coalition. He previously said 'If the war against Hamas resumes with full force,' his party with return to the government…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>After 471 days of war in Gaza, cease-fire between Israel and Hamas takes effect./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> GAZA HOSTAGE DEAL: Hamas submits to Israel list of three female hostages to be released on Sunday; Israeli Justice Ministry releases list of 735 Palestinian prisoners to be released ‚ñ ISRAEL: Far-right Otzma Yehudit party resigns over deal with Hamas ‚ñ GAZA: Cease-fire to allow north Gaza residents to return, but passage via Netzarim route remains dangerous; 600 aid trucks to enter Strip daily…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>APR editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Netanyahu's war on Hamas backfires as Gaza resistance holds strong./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> An Al-Jazeera Arabic special report translated by The Palestine Chronicle staff details how Israel's military strategy in Gaza, aimed at dismantling Hamas and displacing Palestinian civilians, has failed after 470 days of conflict. ANALYSIS: By Abdulwahab al-Mursi On May 5, 2024, nearly seven months into Israel's ongoing genocidal war on Gaza, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Scott Ritter/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Endgame: Ukraine. Can Donald Trump Pressure Russia to End the War?/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> According to Scott Ritter, | Donald Trump sent his Special Envoy to the Middle East in November where he, in coordination with the Biden administration, entered into talks with the Israeli government. Basically, let it be known to Benjamin Netanyahu that …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Philip Giraldi/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Is Gaza-Israel Fighting "A False Flag"? They Let It Happen? Their Objective Is "to Wipe Gaza Off the Map"?/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> "Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy". Benjamin Netanyahu…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ali Salam/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Army Shoots Four Palestinian Children, Detain Citizens, Near Hebron./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> br /> | Israeli forces shot four Palestinian children and injured dozens of citizens after invading the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron in the southern occupied West Bank. The army invaded a number of towns in the governorate, detained many citizens, and abducted a woman./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ali Salam/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli Colonizers Injure Palestinians, Steal Sheep, in the Occupied West Bank./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> br /> | On Saturday, illegal Israeli colonizers injured three Palestinians in two separate incidents, and stole 53 heads of sheep from a citizen's land, in the occupied West Bank. | Illegal paramilitary colonizers injured two Palestinian young, on Saturday evening, near Tubas in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Ali Salam/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli Forces Shoot a Palestinian Man in Al-Biereh./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> br /> | Israeli forces shot a Palestinian young man, on Saturday, in the city of Al-Biereh, and invaded several towns and villages in the central West Bank governorate of Ramallah and Al-Biereh. | Media sources said that occupation soldiers guarding the illegal "Psagot" colony, built on Palestinian lands in Al-Biereh, shot a young man in the leg with live ammunition after opening fire at him in the Jabal al-Tawil neighborhood; he was transported to the hospital for /> | br />/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>_____/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>Mohamed Mandour/a>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Media Line Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Body of Fallen Israeli Soldier Held Since 2014 Retrieved in Covert Gaza Mission./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Frank Wright/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Inside Zelensky's Plan for Ukraine to Become 'A Greater Israel'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> With the U.S. proxy war in Ukraine now lost, a return to Volodymyr Zelensky's vision for Ukraine may explain what might come next. | Should the Russians end the war with possession only of the regions populated by Russians, as Colonel …/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Editor/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Glenn Greenwald Interviews Journalist Abubaker Abed On Israel's Destruction Of Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor> a href classautohyperlink>>.lb/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli Channel 12: The transfer of kidnapped female prisoners to the Red Cross is underway./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Aaron Rabinowitz/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>IDF issues arrest warrants against ultra-Orthodox men evading military service./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> While the IDF said that it recently issued arrest warrants, it isn't clear whether it will actively enforce them. The warrants will likely apply pressure on ultra-Orthodox political parties to pass a military service exemption bill…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Gidi Weitz/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Opposition MK Eisenkot backs judicial coup policy on selection process of Supreme Court president./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> 'Not so bad': Eisenkot's support for the policy proposed by Justice Minister Levin, the architect of the Israeli government's judicial overhaul, is notable, as he is a leading figure in the liberal camp, which often opposes Levin's policies…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Linda Dayan/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Right-wing mayor pushes back against a central Israel city's Reform community./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> For years, a Reform congregation near Tel Aviv has been fighting in court for a piece of land to build its synagogue. After the latest municipal elections, the city's Allocation Committee revoked their land allotment, despite court orders…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Linda Dayan/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>'The work is not done': With cease-fire deal, Israel's hostage families experience fragile sense of hope./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Hostage Square in Tel Aviv saw its biggest gathering in many months on Saturday night, as the participants anxiously awaited the cease-fire deal that finally went into effect hours later…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Yaniv Kubovich/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israeli forces retrieve body of Oron Shaul from Gaza, soldier killed during 2014 war./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Shaul's body was taken into a tunnel in Gaza's Shujaiyeh after an RPG hit his armored personnel carrier, killing seven soldiers. Special forces, including navy commandos, participated in the mission to retrieve his body…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Yaniv Kubovich/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel pledges to allow rebuilding of Gaza Strip as part of cease-fire deal./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The cease-fire and hostage release agreement with Hamas is paving the way for significant humanitarian aid and the rebuilding of vital infrastructure in Gaza: Israel will let 600 trucks of food enter daily, and Egyptian construction companies will build roads, schools and hospitals…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Zvi Bar'el/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Racing against the resumption of war: Why Qatar and Egypt want to start rebuilding Gaza now./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Policies that Israel has opposed throughout the war are now going into effect, including the involvement of Hamas in guarding and distributing aid and the Palestinian Authority managing the Rafah border crossing. But the true 'bridesmaids' of the cease-fire deal are Egypt and Qatar…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Aaron Rabinowitz/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>'We fully contribute to Israel, and we expect to get our boy back'./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The family of hostage Matan Angrest last received a sign of life six months ago. Now they fear that the deal's next stages will be sabotaged: 'As of now, so far as we understand, they haven't yet talked about the next stage,' Matan's father says…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Deiaa Haj Yahia/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Crime in Arab Israeli society has made many kids orphans — and the state is failing them here too./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The parents of hundreds of Arab children have been murdered over the past two years, leaving the kids suffering from anxiety, dysfunction, trauma and a high risk of falling into crime themselves. Nonprofit groups have been forced to fill the vacuum…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>hindustantimes/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Trump Family Tree: 3 Relatives Picked For Govt So Far; Who'll Replace Ivanka? | USA | Inauguration./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> During his first term as President, Donald Trump had his daughter and son-in-law as two of his closest advisors. Ivanka and Jared Kushner didn't just work with Trump on American policies, but also acted as ambassadors of his administration all over the world. Jared Kushner even played a key role in finalising the Abraham Accords, which normalised relations between Israel and several Arab nations. But this time, Ivanka and Jared have largely been absent from the spotlight, whether it be during Trump's election campaign, or after his victory. Does this mean that in his second stint as President, Donald Trump will n…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran unveils new underground naval base amid US, Israel tension./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Ex CIA analyst pleads guilty to leaking info on Israeli attack./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> A former Asif Rahman, 34, was He entered guilty pleas in federal court in Virginia to two counts of wilful retention and transmission of classifie…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Israel: 737 Palestinian prisoners to be freed after Gaza truce./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Javier Arana Villasusa/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Egypt works to deliver more aid to Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Cairo, Jan 19 (Prensa Latina) Egypt is finalizing today a plan to facilitate greater volumes of international humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip after the entry into force of a cease-fire between Hamas and Israel./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Cuba recibe con esperanza el alto el fuego entre Israel y Hamás y aboga por una solución justa y duradera del conflicto./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Cuba no puede estar indiferente ante el genocidio que se comete contra el pueblo palestino y espera que el alto al fuego que entró en vigor este domingo sea respetado y se cumpla con lo pactado en sus tres fases. A la vez, aboga por una solución justa y duradera del conflicto, que incluya la creación de un Estado palestino independiente./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Bárbara Gómez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Pide papa Francisco reconciliación y paz tras cese al fuego en Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Ciudad del Vaticano, 19 ene (RHC) El papa Francisco expresó hoy su deseo de que, tras entrar en vigor este domingo el cese al fuego en Gaza, se pueda alcanzar la reconciliación y la paz permanente en el conflicto entre Israel y Palestina./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Bárbara Gómez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Entra en vigor alto al fuego en la Franja de Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Ramallah, 19 ene (RHC) El acuerdo de alto al fuego en la Franja de Gaza entró en vigor hoy a las 11: 15 hora local entre Israel y Hamás, pese a las tensiones previas y el retraso de casi 3 horas en la implementación del acuerdo, ambas partes dieron por cumplidas las exigencias pactadas./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Bárbara Gómez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Arriban delegaciones extranjeras a Egipto para monitorear tregua en Gaza./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El Cairo, 19 ene (RHC) Delegaciones palestinas, israelíes, qataríes y estadounidenses arribaron a Egipto como parte del mecanismo designado para dar seguimiento a la implementación del alto el fuego en Gaza, reveló hoy la televisora Extra News./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>The Canary/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Jeremy Corbyn slams Met Police's wilful 'inaccuracies' following mass-arrests at Palestine march./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> On Saturday 18 January, Britons once again took to the streets to show their support for the people of Palestine. As is unfortunately common in Britain, the peaceful march was beset by what some have described as "fascist" police violence. The Met Police also arrested 77 people, with former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn criticising … | By /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Khury Petersen-Smith/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Trump Has Pledged an Era of Spectacular Violence. We Can't Be Passive Onlookers./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The incoming Trump administration is preparing to carry out a major chapter of state violence in U.S. history. The mass deportations that Donald Trump is planning aim to be in the same league as the internment of Japanese and Japanese Americans during World War II. Attacks on progressive nonprofit organizations (particularly those involved in the movement to stop the genocide of Palestinians)… | /span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Bárbara Gómez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Frente al fascismo y el imperialismo: Política, método y organización./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El cuerpo revolucionario, antiimperialista y antihegemónico en América Latina se articula principalmente en torno a dos pilares históricos y estratégicos: Cuba y Venezuela./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Frente al fascismo y el imperialismo: Política, método y organización./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El cuerpo revolucionario, antiimperialista y antihegemónico en América Latina se articula principalmente en torno a dos pilares históricos y estratégicos: Cuba y Venezuela, claves en la construcción de alternativas frente a la hegemonía global de EE.UU. y sus aliados. La resistencia de estos dos pueblos ha sido fundamental para mantener vivo el proyecto de izquierdas en la región y consolidar el apoyo a iniciativas internacionales como el Brics, que busca contrarrestar el dominio económico y político occidental./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Más de 218 desplazados colombianos encuentran refugio en Venezuela./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Más de 218 desplazados procedentes de Colombia, quienes huyen del conflicto interno entre grupos armados en ese país, fueron recibidos este viernes en el municipio Jesús María Semprún, estado de Zulia, ubicado en la frontera con Catatumbo y Tibú, en Venezuela./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Yemen to halt Red Sea operations if Gaza ceasefire implemented: Ansarullah./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> The Ansarullah resistance movement says it will stop its operations in the Red Sea in support of the Palestinian people if the Gaza ceasefire comes into effect on Sunday./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Yemen Declares Eighth Strike on USS Harry Truman in Red Sea./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Yemen's military has announced a successful attack on the US aircraft carrier USS Harry Truman in the Red Sea, marking the eighth such operation against the vessel./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>US warplanes target north of Yemen's capital in fresh aggression./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> US warplanes have launched four attacks on the al-Azraqeen area north of the Yemeni capital Sana'a./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran, PIJ Discuss Gaza Truce Deal./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The foreign minister of Iran and the secretary general of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad talked about the latest developments in Gaza and a ceasefire agreement between Hamas and the Zionist regime./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Ayatollah Khamenei Offers Condolences on Martyrdom of 2 Iranian Justices./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei sent his condolences on the martyrdom of two Iranian judges who were shot dead at the Supreme Court of Iran on Saturday./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>President Orders Probe of Assassination of Iranian Justices./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian called on Saturday for a probe into the assassination of two judges at the Supreme Court of Iran./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Top Iranian General to Visit Pakistan./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's highest-ranking military commander is going to visit Pakistan for talks on bilateral relations and regional developments./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Andrew Korybko/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>The Russian-Iranian Partnership Might Be A Game-Changer, But Only For Gas, Not Geopolitics./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>newarab/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Two judges killed outside Iran's supreme court./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription>img decodingasync class styledisplay:block;max-width:80% !important;margin:9px auto; src> A man fatally shot two prominent hard-line judges in Iran's capital Saturday, officials said, both of whom allegedly took part in the No group immediately claimed responsibility for the shootings of the judges, clerics Mohammad Mogheiseh and Ali Razini. However, Razini's involvement in the 1988 executions had likely made him a target in the past, including an assassination attempt in 1999.o: p>/o: p> | Their killings, a rare attack targeting the judiciary, also come as Ir…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Leonid Savin/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Nouvelle Syrie: voie vers la fédération ou la réincarnation du ´califat ª terroriste?/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Les processus en cours en Syrie inquiètent de nombreux acteurs extérieurs, qu'il s'agisse des voisins (ce qui est tout à fait naturel) et des anciens alliés de Bachar el-Assad, comme la Russie et l'Iran, ou des acteurs occidentaux qui se méfient du fait que les processus de construction de l'État se déroulent sans leur participation, alors que l'administration intérimaire actuelle ne fait que parler de ´ démocratie ª, mais a en réalité ses propres idées sur l'avenir du pays. | C'est pourquoi, en marge des couloirs du pouvoir, on parle d'une possible fédéralisation de la Syrie avec une division en zones…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Iran, Pakistan boosting all-out military cooperation: Top general./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Iran's top general says his country is expanding military cooperation with Pakistan in various fields./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor> a href classautohyperlink>>.lb/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Abu Obeida: We also extend our salutes to our Iranian brothers for their unwavering support, involvement in this historic battle./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>UMMID/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Saudi hospital performs world's 1st robot assisted artificial heart pump implantation./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSHRC) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia has claimed performing the world's first robotic-assisted implantation of an artificial heart pump./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>China irrumpe con fuerza en la industria de cruceros mundial./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La entrada de China en el mercado de cruceros impacta directamente en la industria global. Con capacidad para construir barcos en tiempo récord y con tecnologías avanzadas, el país cambia las reglas del juego. Con dos barcos terminados y muchos más en el horizonte, China promete dominar aún más el sector. Entonces, øveremos pronto cruceros chinos surcar por el Mar Caribe?/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Trump modelo 2025./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Con estos antecedentes, poco bueno se puede esperar del dúo Rubio-Claver Carone, nacidos y criados en ese ambiente mafioso. Se sabe que Rubio hace años que sueña con una reedición de la invasión a Playa Girón y que Trump se entusiasma con la idea de combatir al narcotráfico en México bombardeando con drones sus enclaves territoriales, especialmente en Sinaloa. Pero el mundo ha cambiado y mucho desde la primera presidencia de Trump y hoy el multipolarismo es una pétrea realidad./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>En vilo, 16 millones de personas en EU que residen con estatus "irregular"/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> A pesar de las repetidas advertencias de Trump y sus aliados de que se enfrenta una invasión de migrantes en la frontera, datos oficiales del gobierno estadunidense indican que la intrusión está en pausa como resultado de los esfuerzos de los dos gobiernos por controlar el flujo./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Bárbara Gómez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Senador demócrata presenta proyecto de ley para eliminar el bloqueo contra Cuba./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El senador de mayor rango en Comité de Finanzas de esa cámara, el demócrata por Oregon, Ron Wyden, presentó hoy un proyecto de ley para levantar el bloqueo a Cuba./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Bárbara Gómez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Saluda exembajador panameño en Cuba exclusión de lista terrorista./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Ciudad de Panamá, 19 ene (RHC) El exembajador de Panamá en Cuba Reynaldo Rivera estimó saludó hoy la exclusión de la isla de una lista estadounidense sobre terrorismo, pero alertó que la medida puede volver con la administración de Donald Trump./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Bárbara Gómez/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Realizan homenaje al Héroe Nacional de Cuba en provincia central./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> La Habana, 19 ene (RHC) Un sinnúmero de actividades se impulsan este domingo en la central provincia de Sancti Spíritus para rendir homenaje desde la cultura al Héroe Nacional de Cuba, José Martí (1853-1895), en el aniversario 172 de su natalicio./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Como Quijotes despiertos./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Cuba salió de la lista/cruel y absurda en la que estaba/y que la calificaba/como "Estado terrorista"./Pero la medida dista/de lo que realmente veo/como un ansiado deseo/y un sentimiento profundo/de Cuba y también del mundo: / °Eliminen el bloqueo!/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Decretan Duelo Oficial en Cuba./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El Duelo Oficial establecido como tributo a los 13valientes y abnegados militares fallecidos en la obra que almacenaba material de guerra de la Región Militar de Holguín, se extenderá desde las 06: 00 horas hasta las 12: 00 de la noche, del 20 de enero de 2025…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Fallece Lázaro Arístides Betencourt, pilar del atletismo cubano./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Lázaro Betancourt formó, además, parte de la delegación del Cerro Pelado y fue una de las figuras importantes en los años que se sentaron las bases de un sistema que a partir de la práctica masiva consolidaría grandes resultados a nivel universal./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Decretan Duelo Oficial en Cuba./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El Duelo Oficial establecido como tributo a los 13 valientes y abnegados militares fallecidos en la obra que almacenaba material de guerra de la Región Militar de Holguín, se extenderá desde las 06: 00 horas hasta las 12: 00 de la noche, del 20 de enero de 2025…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>øQué podemos hacer cuando percibimos maltrato animal?/a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Ponemos a su disposición los teléfonos a los que se puede llamar para presentar las quejas o denuncias, las que deben realizarse con los datos precisos en cuanto a la fecha y lugar de ocurrencia, características de los causantes de los hechos, para poder llevar a cabo la investigación,…/span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Senador demócrata presenta proyecto de ley para eliminar el bloqueo contra Cuba./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> ´Intentar aislar a Cuba es una estrategia fallida y obsoleta que castiga al pueblo cubano y cierra la influencia y la inversión estadounidenses que podrían beneficiar tanto a los agricultores y ganaderos estadounidenses como a las pequeñas empresas cubanas ª, dijo el legislador, quien fue presidente del Comité de Finanzas./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>La lista y el cachumbambé./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> Cuba, su pueblo y su gobierno han reconocido las muestras de apoyo de países amigos, de movimientos de solidaridad, y de personas honestas dentro de los propios Estados Unidos, que durante este tiempo alzaron sus voces contra el bochornoso listado. Pero es difícil coincidir en este caso con aquello de que fue tantas veces el cántaro a la fuente hasta que se rompió. El cántaro sigue intacto./span>/p>p classnewsitem>span classnewsauthor>Staff/span> span classnewsdate>(2025-01-19)/span>. span classnewstitle> a href>Ese daño es enorme: Lavrov se refiere a la política de Estados Unidos hacia Rusia durante Biden./a>/span> span classnewspublisher> a href>>/span> span classnewsdescription> El canciller ruso, Serguéi Lavrov, catalogó este domingo de "enorme" el daño causado a las relaciones de su país con Estados Unidos por la administración saliente de Joe Biden. ´Ese daño es enorme ª, recalcó el jefe de la diplomacia del gigante euroasiático./span>/p>div classjump idjump>202501201655 | tr | 283 | 0 | 133 | 182 | 0 a stylecolor:gray; href#top>∧/a>/div>/div>!-- .entry-content -->footer classentry-meta>Posted on a href title4:55 pm relbookmark>time classentry-date datetime2025-01-20T16:55:09-07:00>January 20, 2025/time>/a>!-- KLUDGE in Uncategorized -->span classby-author> by span classauthor vcard>a classurl fn n href titleView all posts by admin 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Gaza War | Watch/a>/h2>iframe classvideo-embed-iframe src allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture>/iframe>div classvideo-embed-note fs08 style>Posted by a href>Hindustan Times/a>./div>/div>hr>div classradial whitesmoke video-embed t2023-12-04 style>h2 classvideo-embed-title style> a href>Netanyahu Says He Wants Wars With Iran, Iraq, Libya & Russia!/a>/h2>iframe classvideo-embed-iframe src allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture>/iframe>div classvideo-embed-note fs08 style>Posted by a href>The Jimmy Dore Show/a>./div>/div>hr>div classradial whitesmoke video-embed t2023-12-04 style>h2 classvideo-embed-title style> a href>Iran and Oman held joint naval exercises in the Strait of Hormuz amid possible threats/a>/h2>iframe classvideo-embed-iframe src allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture>/iframe>div classvideo-embed-note fs08 style>Posted by a href>MILITARY TUBE TODAY/a>./div>/div>hr>div classradial whitesmoke video-embed t2023-12-04 style>h2 classvideo-embed-title style> a href>Exclusive with Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero/a>/h2>iframe classvideo-embed-iframe src allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture>/iframe>div classvideo-embed-note fs08 style>Posted by a href>CGTN/a>./div>/div>hr>div classradial whitesmoke video-embed t2023-12-04 style>h2 classvideo-embed-title style> a href>Chinas global initiatives feature sharing of experience, opportunities: Cuban PM/a>/h2>iframe classvideo-embed-iframe src allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture>/iframe>div classvideo-embed-note fs08 style>Posted by a href>CGTN/a>./div>/div>hr>div classradial whitesmoke video-embed t2023-12-04 style>h2 classvideo-embed-title style> a href>Cuban PM calls China visit extraordinary with profound meaning/a>/h2>iframe classvideo-embed-iframe src allowaccelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; 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