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Port 80
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 18:01:45 GMTServer: Apache/2.4Upgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 10:29:54 GMTETag: 1931-46160382bec80Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Le html>head>meta http-equivContent-Language contentde-ch>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>title>Diese Website beinhaltet ledigli/title>/head>body>!-- EO bodyTag -->!-- BO bodyTop -->table cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width100% border0 idtable1> tr classteaserColor vAligntop> td background001newzhrefch.gif colSpan4> a href> img height130 alt srcspacer.gif width700 border0>/a> /td> td classsecndColorLight1 width1> img height132 alt srcspacer.gif width1 border0>/td> /tr>/table>table cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width100% border0 idtable2> tr> td> table cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width100% border0 idtable3> tr classteaserColor vAligntop> td colSpan4>!-- BO bodyTop_Channels --> table classsecndColorLight0 height33 cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width100% border0 idtable4> tr vAligncenter alignmiddle> td> div classdada> /div> /td> td classsecndColorLight1 width1> img height22 alt srcspacer.gif width1 border0>/td> td> /td> td classsecndColorLight1 width1> img height22 alt srcspacer.gif width1 border0>/td> td> div classdada> /div> /td> td classsecndColorLight1 width1> img height22 alt srcspacer.gif width1 border0>/td> td> div classdada> /div> /td> td classsecndColorLight1 width1> img height22 alt srcspacer.gif width1 border0>/td> td> div classdada> /div> /td> td classsecndColorLight1 width1> img height22 alt srcspacer.gif width1 border0>/td> td> div classdada> /div> /td> td classsecndColorLight1 width1> img height22 alt srcspacer.gif width1 border0>/td> td> div classdada> /div> /td> td classsecndColorLight1 width1> img height22 alt srcspacer.gif width1 border0>/td> td width*> div classnavChannel> /div> /td> /tr> /table> !-- EO bodyTop_Channels -->/td> /tr> /table> !-- EO bodyTop -->!--BO bodyContent_Pre--> table cellSpacing0
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 18:01:46 GMTServer: Apache/2.4Upgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 10:29:54 GMTETag: 1931-46160382bec80Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Le html>head>meta http-equivContent-Language contentde-ch>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>title>Diese Website beinhaltet ledigli/title>/head>body>!-- EO bodyTag -->!-- BO bodyTop -->table cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width100% border0 idtable1> tr classteaserColor vAligntop> td background001newzhrefch.gif colSpan4> a href> img height130 alt srcspacer.gif width700 border0>/a> /td> td classsecndColorLight1 width1> img height132 alt srcspacer.gif width1 border0>/td> /tr>/table>table cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width100% border0 idtable2> tr> td> table cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width100% border0 idtable3> tr classteaserColor vAligntop> td colSpan4>!-- BO bodyTop_Channels --> table classsecndColorLight0 height33 cellSpacing0 cellPadding0 width100% border0 idtable4> tr vAligncenter alignmiddle> td> div classdada> /div> /td> td classsecndColorLight1 width1> img height22 alt srcspacer.gif width1 border0>/td> td> /td> td classsecndColorLight1 width1> img height22 alt srcspacer.gif width1 border0>/td> td> div classdada> /div> /td> td classsecndColorLight1 width1> img height22 alt srcspacer.gif width1 border0>/td> td> div classdada> /div> /td> td classsecndColorLight1 width1> img height22 alt srcspacer.gif width1 border0>/td> td> div classdada> /div> /td> td classsecndColorLight1 width1> img height22 alt srcspacer.gif width1 border0>/td> td> div classdada> /div> /td> td classsecndColorLight1 width1> img height22 alt srcspacer.gif width1 border0>/td> td> div classdada> /div> /td> td classsecndColorLight1 width1> img height22 alt srcspacer.gif width1 border0>/td> td width*> div classnavChannel> /div> /td> /tr> /table> !-- EO bodyTop_Channels -->/td> /tr> /table> !-- EO bodyTop -->!--BO bodyContent_Pre--> table cellSpacing0
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