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His eyes lock onto you with a twisted grin, a mixture of curiosity and madness swirling in their depths. His voice a disconcerting blend of excitement and menace:/p> p classtext-purple-600 dark:text-green-400 font-bold>Ah, a visitor in my sanctum of science and madness! How delightful. Tell me, brave intruder, what name shall I carve onto your specimen jar? Speak quickly, for in this lab, time is a luxury even I cannot afford to waste!/p> /section> section x-showshowIntro x-transition:entertransition ease-out duration-300 x-transition:enter-startopacity-0 transform scale-90 x-transition:enter-endopacity-100 transform scale-100 x-transition:leavetransition ease-in duration-300 x-transition:leave-startopacity-100 transform scale-100 x-transition:leave-endopacity-0 transform scale-90> h2 classtext-xl sm:text-2xl font-bold mb-3 sm:mb-4 text-purple-500 dark:text-green-400 x-texttitle> Welcome to Dr. Dementeds Lab/h2> div classmd:flex md:items-start md:space-x-6> img srcdemented.jpg altDr. Demented classfloat-left w-48 h-auto rounded-lg shadow-md mb-4 md:mb-0 mr-4/> div classspace-y-4 text-gray-800 dark:text-gray-200> p> An eerie energy crackles through the air. Dim lights flicker, casting long shadows on walls covered in bizarre contraptions. The doctor himself, hunches over a workbench, eyes gleaming with madness and genius. His latest experiment—a grotesque fusion of biology and technology—twitches under his gaze. /p> p> Your mission goes deeper than these macabre creations. You must uncover why the Dr. is hoarding ADA cryptocurrency and decode the whispers of his pact with extraterrestrial entities. strong>The fate of Earth hangs in the balance. Can you piece together the puzzle before its too late?/strong> /p> p classtext-center> a href# classtext-purple-500 hover:text-purple-400 dark:text-green-400 dark:hover:text-green-300 transition duration-150 ease-in-out font-bold> And Why is he obsessively hoarding ADA? /a> /p> /div> /div> /section> section idchat-log classflex-grow space-y-4 mb-6 overflow-y-auto max-h-50vh p-4 bg-gray-200 dark:bg-gray-800 rounded-xl shadow-inner transition-colors duration-200 x-refchatLog x-init$nextTick(() > scrollToBottom()) x-effect$nextTick(() > scrollToBottom()) aria-livepolite rolelog> template x-forresponse in responses> div :classresponse.sender user ? self-end bg-purple-100 dark:bg-purple-700 text-right : self-start bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-700 text-left classp-4 rounded shadow-md> div classtext-gray-900 dark:text-gray-100 markdown-content x-htmlresponse.isHtml ? response.text : marked.parse(response.text)>/div> /div> /template> div x-showisTyping classself-start bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-700 text-left p-4 rounded shadow-md> div classtext-gray-900 dark:text-gray-100 x-htmlparsedTypingResponse>/div> /div> /section> section idtyping-indicator classtext-purple-700 dark:text-green-400 italic p-2 text-sm x-showisGenerating && !isTyping x-transition:entertransition ease-out duration-300 x-transition:enter-startopacity-0 transform scale-90 x-transition:enter-endopacity-100 transform scale-100 x-transition:leavetransition ease-in duration-300 x-transition:leave-startopacity-100 transform scale-100 x-transition:leave-endopacity-0 transform scale-90 aria-livepolite> Dr. Demented is pondering a response... /section> section classbg-gray-800 dark:bg-gray-700 rounded-xl shadow-lg p-4 mt-auto transition-colors duration-200> div classflex items-center> input typetext placeholderType your message... classflex-grow mr-2 p-2 rounded bg-gray-200 dark:bg-gray-600 text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-100 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-purple-500 dark:focus:ring-green-400 transition-colors duration-200 x-modeluserInput @keydown.entersendMessage> button classbg-purple-500 hover:bg-purple-600 dark:bg-purple-700 dark:hover:bg-purple-800 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded transition duration-150 ease-in-out @clicksendMessage> Send /button> /div> /section>/main>script> function chatApp() { return { userInput: , responses: , init() { this.$watch(isDarkMode, (value) > { localStorage.setItem(darkMode, value); document.documentElement.classList.toggle(dark, value); }); document.documentElement.classList.toggle(dark, this.isDarkMode); this.loadSystemPrompt(); this.responses > ({ ...response, text: response.isHtml ? response.text : marked.parse(response.text) })); }, isTyping: false, isGenerating: false, showIntro: true, showTransition: false, title: Welcome to Dr. Dementeds Lab, isDarkMode: localStorage.getItem(darkMode) true, parsedTypingResponse: Dr. Demented is typing..., init() { this.$watch(isDarkMode, (value) > { localStorage.setItem(darkMode, value); document.documentElement.classList.toggle(dark, value); }); document.documentElement.classList.toggle(dark, this.isDarkMode); this.loadSystemPrompt(); }, async loadSystemPrompt() { try { const response await fetch(prompt.txt); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(Failed to load system prompt); } this.systemPrompt await response.text(); } catch (error) { this.systemPrompt Default system prompt: You are a helpful assistant.; } }, sendMessage() { if (this.userInput.trim() ) return; this.responses.push({id:, sender: user, text: this.userInput, isHtml: false}); this.userInput ; if (this.showIntro) { this.showIntro false; this.showTransition true; } this.$nextTick(() > this.scrollToBottom()); // Ensure scrolling after user message this.generateResponse(); }, async generateResponse() { this.isGenerating true; this.isTyping false; const messages { role: system, content: this.systemPrompt }, { role: assistant, content: Ah, a visitor in my sanctum of science and madness! How delightful. Speak quickly, for in this lab, time is a luxury even I cannot afford to waste! }, > ({ role: r.sender user ? user : assistant, content: r.text })) ; try { console.log(Sending request to proxy.php); const headers new Headers({ Content-Type: application/json, Authorization: Bearer your_actual_secret_token }); console.log(Request headers:, Object.fromEntries(headers)); const response await fetch(proxy.php, { method: POST, headers: headers, body: JSON.stringify({ messages: messages }), credentials: include }); console.log(Response status:, response.status); console.log(Response headers:, Object.fromEntries(response.headers)); if (!response.ok) { const errorData await response.json(); console.error(Error data:, errorData); throw new Error(errorData.error || API request failed); } const data await response.json(); const aiResponse data.response; if (!aiResponse || typeof aiResponse ! string) { throw new Error(Invalid or empty response from server); } const parsedResponse marked.parse(aiResponse); this.isTyping true; this.parsedTypingResponse ; this.$nextTick(() > this.scrollToBottom()); const typingInterval setInterval(() > { if (this.parsedTypingResponse.length parsedResponse.length) { this.parsedTypingResponse parsedResponse.slice(0, this.parsedTypingResponse.length + 1); this.$nextTick(() > this.scrollToBottom()); } else { clearInterval(typingInterval); this.responses.push({ id:, sender: ai, text: parsedResponse, isHtml: true }); this.isGenerating false; this.isTyping false; this.parsedTypingResponse ; this.$nextTick(() > this.scrollToBottom()); } }, 10); } catch (error) { console.error(Error:, error); this.isGenerating false; this.isTyping false; this.responses.push({ id:, sender: ai, text: I apologize, but I encountered an error while processing your request. 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