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They are simple APIs but it isnt clear (at least... /p> p classpost-meta>Posted by a href>Mark Wright/a> on Thu 12 April 2018 /p> p> a data-disqus-identifieruikit-searching-with-uisearchcontroller-uisearchbar.html href>Join the discussion/a> /p> /div> div classpost-preview> a href relbookmark titlePermalink to Play Ball> h2 classpost-title> Play Ball /h2> /a> p classarticle-summary> Baseball season is tantalizingly close. The exhibition Bay Bridge series is under way at AT&T park. Last night Samardzija threw 5 crisp... /p> p classpost-meta>Posted by a href>Mark Wright/a> on Fri 01 April 2016 /p> p> a data-disqus-identifierplay-ball.html href>Join the discussion/a> /p> /div> div classpost-preview> a href relbookmark titlePermalink to Django Task Queue> h2 classpost-title> Django Task Queue /h2> /a> p classarticle-summary> My django app needs to periodically fetch and process data from a 3rd party API. I need a task queue. Celery is the big dog. Its well... /p> p classpost-meta>Posted by a href>Mark Wright/a> on Fri 01 April 2016 /p> p> a data-disqus-identifierdjango-task-queue.html href>Join the discussion/a> /p> /div> div classpost-preview> a href relbookmark titlePermalink to Validate x509 Certificate in Python> h2 classpost-title> Validate x509 Certificate in Python /h2> /a> p classarticle-summary> I need to validate a x509 certificates chain of trust in python. TL;DR version is that you can use PyOpenSSL. The code below gives an... /p> p classpost-meta>Posted by a href>Mark Wright/a> on Tue 15 March 2016 /p> p> a data-disqus-identifiervalidate-x509-certificate-in-python.html href>Join the discussion/a> /p> /div> div classpost-preview> a href relbookmark titlePermalink to In Our Time Podcast> h2 classpost-title> In Our Time Podcast /h2> /a> p classarticle-summary> My favorite podcast is In Our Time with Melvin Bragg. I have learned so much from it over the years. It takes the format of a weekly... /p> p classpost-meta>Posted by a href>Mark Wright/a> on Thu 10 March 2016 /p> p> a data-disqus-identifierin-our-time-podcast.html href>Join the discussion/a> /p> /div> div classpost-preview> a href relbookmark titlePermalink to Python Development on OSX> h2 classpost-title> Python Development on OSX /h2> /a> p classarticle-summary> Setting up OS X for python development can be confusing because there are multiple options. Below I go into more detail but the TL;DR... /p> p classpost-meta>Posted by a href>Mark Wright/a> on Thu 10 March 2016 /p> p> a data-disqus-identifierpython-development.html href>Join the discussion/a> /p> /div> div classpost-preview> a href relbookmark titlePermalink to Cover Photo> h2 classpost-title> Cover Photo /h2> /a> p classarticle-summary> My blog cover photo is of a female Hoplitis fulgida bee from the astoundingly beautiful USGS Bee Inventory & Monitoring Lab photostream... /p> p classpost-meta>Posted by a href>Mark Wright/a> on Mon 07 March 2016 /p> p> a data-disqus-identifiercover-photo.html href>Join the discussion/a> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> hr> !-- Footer --> footer> div classcontainer> div classrow> div classcol-lg-8 col-lg-offset-2 col-md-10 col-md-offset-1> ul classlist-inline text-center> /ul>p classcopyright text-muted> 38911 Basic Bytes Free © Mark Wright/p> /div> /div> /div> /footer> !-- jQuery --> script src>/script> !-- Bootstrap Core JavaScript --> script src>/script> script iddsq-count-scr src// async>/script>/body>/html>
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