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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 07 Feb 2025 03:06:55 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Content-Length: 88987Connection: keep-aliveServer: nginx/1.21.6X-Frame-Options: DENYVary: CookieX-Content-Type-Options: nosniffReferrer-Policy: same-origin !DOCTYPE html>html langja>head> meta charsetutf-8/> title>Yamabico/title> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0> meta contentA premium admin dashboard template by mannatthemes namedescription/> meta contentMannatthemes nameauthor/> link relshortcut icon href/static/assets/images/yamabico_logo-sm-removebg.ico> link href/static/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css relstylesheet typetext/css/> link href/static/assets/css/icons.css relstylesheet typetext/css/> link href/static/assets/css/metismenu.min.css relstylesheet typetext/css/> link href/static/assets/css/style.css relstylesheet typetext/css/> link href/static/assets/plugins/slick/slick.css relstylesheet typetext/css/> link href/static/assets/plugins/slick/slick-theme.css relstylesheet typetext/css/> link href/static/assets/plugins/sweet-alert2/sweetalert2.min.css relstylesheet typetext/css> link href/static/assets/plugins/custombox/custombox.min.css relstylesheet typetext/css>/head> style> :root { --maincolor: #dc3545; 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$.validator.addMethod(validLanguage, function (value) { //regEx /一-龠+|ぁ-ゔ+|ァ-ヴー+|a-zA-Z0-9+|a-zA-Z0-9+々〆〤+/u; regEx /一-龠+|ぁ-ゔ+|ァ-ヴー+|a-zA-Z0-9+|a-zA-Z0-9+々〆〤+/; if (!regEx.test(value)) return false; else if (regEx.test(value)) return true; }, Please enter anto!); $.validator.addMethod(hyphen, function (value) { return !value.includes(-); }, Please enter anto!); $.validator.addMethod(passwordCheck, function (value, element, param) { if (this.optional(element)) { return true; } else if (!/A-Z/.test(value)) { return false; } else if (!/a-z/.test(value)) { return false; } else if (!/0-9/.test(value)) { return false; } return true; }, error msg here); $.validator.addMethod(alphanumeric, function (value, element) { return this.optional(element) || /^a-zA-Z0-9+$/.test(value); }); $.validator.addMethod(validNumber1, function (value, element) { let number /0-9/; var len value.length; for (var i 0; i len - 3; i++) { if (number.test(valuei)) { if (valuei valuei + 1 && valuei valuei + 2) { return false; 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rolestatus>/div>\n + Loading...); $.ajax({ url: /profile, type: get, data: $(#frmProfile).serialize(), success: function (response) { $(#btnProfile).html(変更を保存); $(#closeBtnProfile).click(); if (response.result.status success) { var data; $(#profile_first_name).val(dataprofile_first_name); $(#profile_last_name).val(dataprofile_last_name); $(#profile_kana_first_name).val(dataprofile_kana_first_name); $(#profile_kana_last_name).val(dataprofile_kana_last_name); $(#profile_work_place).val(dataprofile_work_place); $(#profile_username).val(dataprofile_username); $(#profile_work_position).val(dataprofile_work_position); swal( { title: 成功しました。, text: プロファイルの更新が成功しました。, type: success, showCancelButton: false, confirmButtonClass: btn btn-success, } ) } else { swal({ title: 失敗しました。, text: 何か問題があります。後で試してください, type: warning, showCancelButton: false, cancelButtonText: Cancel, confirmButtonClass: btn btn-success, cancelButtonClass: btn btn-danger ml-2, buttonsStyling: false }) } } }); } }); }); $(#btnLogIn).click(function () { $(#btnLogIn).html(div classspinner-grow text-secondary stylevertical-align: middle; rolestatus>/div>); $(#frmLogIn).validate({ rules: { username: { required: true, }, user_password: { required: true } }, messages: { username: { required: メールアドレスを入力してください。 }, user_password: { required: パスワードを入力してください。 } }, submitHandler: function (form) { $.ajax({ url: /authenticate, type: get, data: $(#frmLogIn).serialize(), success: function (response) { if (response.result.status success) { window.location.href /dashboard; } else { $(#btnLogIn).html(Log In i classfas fa-sign-in-alt ml-1>/i>); $(#login_error_msg).html(User name or password is not valid); } } }); } }); }); $(#btnRegister).click(function () { $(#frmRegister).validate({ rules: { email: { email: true, required: true }, user_password: { required: true, minlength: 6, maxlength: 20, validNumber1: true, validNumber2: true }, confirm_password: { required: true, equalTo: #user_password, }, term_of_use: { required: true } }, messages: { email: { email: メールアドレスの書式が正しくありません。, required: メールアドレスを入力してください。 }, user_password: { required: パスワードを入力してください。, minlength: パスワードは6文字以上、20文字以内で入力してください。, maxlength: パスワードは6文字以上、20文字以内で入力してください。, validNumber1: 3文字以上同じ数字はご利用いただけません。, validNumber2: 3文字以上の連続した数字はご利用いただけません。 }, confirm_password: { required: パスワード(確認)を入力してください。, equalTo: パスワードと再入力パスワードが一致しません。 }, term_of_use: { required: Please check this box if you want to process } }, submitHandler: function (form) { $.ajax({ url: /register_process, type: get, data: $(#frmRegister).serialize(), success: function (response) { if (response.result.status success) { swal( { title: 成功しました。, text: 確認メールを確認してください。, type: success, showCancelButton: false, confirmButtonClass: btn btn-success, } ).then(function () { window.location.href /login; }) } else { swal({ title: 失敗しました。, text: メールアドレスが使用されましたので、他のメールを試してください。, type: warning, showCancelButton: false, cancelButtonText: Cancel, confirmButtonClass: btn btn-success, cancelButtonClass: btn btn-danger ml-2, buttonsStyling: false }) } } }); } }); }); $(#btnRegisterConfirm).click(function () { $(#frmRegisterConfirm).validate({ rules: { confirm_code: { required: true }, }, messages: { confirm_code: { required: Confirm code is required }, }, submitHandler: function (form) { $.ajax({ url: /confirm_register_process, type: get, data: $(#frmRegisterConfirm).serialize(), success: function (response) { if (response.result.status success) { swal( { title: 成功しました。, text: アカウントがアクティブ化されました。, type: success, showCancelButton: false, confirmButtonClass: btn btn-success, } ).then(function () { window.location.href /login; }) } else { swal({ title: 失敗しました。, text: 何か問題があります。後で試してください, type: warning, showCancelButton: false, cancelButtonText: Cancel, confirmButtonClass: btn btn-success, cancelButtonClass: btn btn-danger ml-2, buttonsStyling: false }) } } }); } }); }); $(#btnRecoverPassword).click(function () { $(#frmRecoverPassword).validate({ rules: { username: { required: true }, }, messages: { username: { required: メールアドレスを入力してください。 }, }, submitHandler: function (form) { $.ajax({ url: /recover_password_initiate, type: get, data: $(#frmRecoverPassword).serialize(), success: function (response) { if (response.result.status success) { window.location.href confirm_new_password?username + response.result.username; } } }); } }); }); $(#btnRecoverPasswordConfirm).click(function () { $(#frmRecoverPasswordConfirm).validate({ rules: { confirm_code: { required: true }, new_password: { required: true, minlength: 6, maxlength: 20 }, }, messages: { confirm_code: { required: 認証キーを入力してください。 }, new_password: { required: 新パスワードを入力してください。, minlength: 新パスワードは6文字以上、20文字以内で入力してください。, maxlength: 新パスワードは6文字以上、20文字以内で入力してください。 }, }, submitHandler: function (form) { $.ajax({ url: /recover_password_confirm, type: get, data: $(#frmRecoverPasswordConfirm).serialize(), success: function (response) { if (response.result.status success) { swal( { title: 成功しました。, text: Your password have changed!, type: success, showCancelButton: false, confirmButtonClass: btn btn-success, } ).then(function () { window.location.href /login; }) } else { swal({ title: 失敗しました。, text: 確認コードが一致しません。, type: warning, showCancelButton: false, cancelButtonText: Cancel, confirmButtonClass: btn btn-success, cancelButtonClass: btn btn-danger ml-2, buttonsStyling: false }) } } }); } }); }); $(#btnFilter).click(function (e) { e.preventDefault() $(#cover).addClass(loading); $(#coverHeader).addClass(loading2); $(#spinnerListData).show(); $.ajax({ url: /filter, type: get, data: $(#frmFilter).serialize(), success: function (response) { incomingCallData response.result.dataincoming_calls_data; successCountingData response.result.datasuccessful_counting_data; unsuccessCountingData response.result.dataunsuccessful_counting_data; busyCallData response.result.databusy_call_data; notCompatibleCountingData response.result.datanot_compatible_counting_data; var call_data tr idsummaryCalls>\n + td classlist-data-summary>概要/td>\n + td>/td>\n + td classlist-data-summary idincomingCallSummary> + button typebutton onclickshowDetail(this) classbtn btn-primary stylefont-size: 18px !important> + numberWithCommas(response.result.dataincoming_calls) + i classmdi mdi mdi-filter-outline mdi-18px>/i>/button>br>span classcounting-percent-td> + countingPercent(response.result.dataincoming_calls, response.result.dataincoming_calls) + /span>br>/td>\n + td classlist-data-summary idsuccessCountingSummary> + button typebutton onclickshowDetail(this) classbtn btn-primary stylefont-size: 18px !important> + numberWithCommas(response.result.datasuccessful_counting) + i classmdi mdi mdi-filter-outline mdi-18px>/i>/button>br>span classcounting-percent-td> + countingPercent(response.result.dataincoming_calls, response.result.datasuccessful_counting) + /span>br>/td>\n + td classlist-data-summary idunsuccessCountingSummary> + button typebutton onclickshowDetail(this) classbtn btn-primary stylefont-size: 18px !important> + numberWithCommas(response.result.dataunsuccessful_counting) + i classmdi mdi mdi-filter-outline mdi-18px>/i>/button>br>span classcounting-percent-td> + countingPercent(response.result.dataincoming_calls, response.result.dataunsuccessful_counting) + /span>br>/td>\n + td classlist-data-summary idbusyCallSummary> + button typebutton onclickshowDetail(this) classbtn btn-primary stylefont-size: 18px !important> + numberWithCommas(response.result.databusy_call) + i classmdi mdi mdi-filter-outline mdi-18px>/i>/button>br>span classcounting-percent-td> + countingPercent(response.result.dataincoming_calls, response.result.databusy_call) + /span>br>/td>\n + td classlist-data-summary idnotCompatibleCountingSummary> + button typebutton onclickshowDetail(this) classbtn btn-primary stylefont-size: 18px !important> + numberWithCommas(response.result.datanot_compatible_counting) + i classmdi mdi mdi-filter-outline mdi-18px>/i>/button>br>span classcounting-percent-td> + countingPercent(response.result.dataincoming_calls, response.result.datanot_compatible_counting) + /span>br>/td>\n + td classlist-data-summary> + response.result.dataconnection_duration + /td>\n + td classtext-right stylefont-size: 18px; font-weight: bold>¥ + numberWithCommas(response.result.datacall_fee) + /td>\n + /tr>\n; var detail_data ; var calls_length response.result.datahistory_calls.length; response.result.datahistory_calls.forEach(function (call, i) { detail_data ; i i + 1; detail_data detail_data + tr idcollapseTable + i + classcollapse>\n + td colspan10>\n + table classtable-bordered dt-responsive nowrap>\n + thead>\n + tr>\n + th classtext-center>着信日時/th>\n + th classtext-center>発信元/th>\n + th classtext-center>待ち時間/th>\n + th classtext-center>接続秒数/th>\n + th classtext-center>通話料/th>\n + th classtext-center>終話ステータス/th>\n + /tr>\n + /thead>\n + tbody>\n; callhistory_call_detail.forEach(function (history_detail, y) { let waiting_time (history_detailwaiting_time_second > 15) ? (i stylecolor: #f93b7a; font-size: 20px classmdi mdi-emoticon-angry>/i> + + history_detailwaiting_time) : history_detailwaiting_time; let connection_time (history_detailconnection_time_second 30) ? (i stylecolor: #f93b7a; font-size: 20px classmdi mdi-emoticon-dead>/i> + + history_detailconnection_seconds) : history_detailconnection_seconds; var status_detail history_detailstatus_detail; var status_code ; if (response.result.datasuccessful_list.includes(history_detailstatus_code) true) { status_code i stylecolor: #5766da; font-size: 20px classmdi mdi-phone-in-talk tippy-btn title + status_detail + data-tippy-interactivetrue>/i>; } else if (response.result.datanot_compatible_list.includes(history_detailstatus_code) true) { status_code i stylecolor: #f93b7a; font-size: 20px classmdi mdi-phone-missed tippy-btn title + status_detail + data-tippy-interactivetrue>/i>; } else { status_code i stylecolor: #fab623; font-size: 20px classmdi mdi-alert-outline tippy-btn title + status_detail + data-tippy-interactivetrue>/i>; } detail_data detail_data + tr>\n + td> + history_detaildialed_date_time + /td>\n + td classtext-center> + history_detailcaller_phone + /td>\n + td classtext-center> + waiting_time + /td>\n + td classtext-center> + connection_time + /td>\n + td classtext-right>¥ + history_detailconnection_fee + /td>\n + td> + status_code + code + history_detailstatus_code + /td>\n + /tr>\n; }) detail_data detail_data + /tbody>\n + /table>\n + /td>\n + /tr>\n; call_data call_data + tr classmedium-tr\n + /td>\n + td styledisplay: none>a href/cd_analyze/ + callclient_phone + target_blank>/a>/td>\n + td classmedium-td data-size9 stylefont-size: 12px;> + callclient_name + /td>\n + td classtext-center> + callclient_phone + /td>\n + td classtext-center> + numberWithCommas(callincoming_calls) + br>span classcounting-percent-td> + countingPercent(response.result.dataincoming_calls, callincoming_calls) + /span> + /td>\n + td classtext-center> + numberWithCommas(callsuccessful_counting) + br>span classcounting-percent-td> + countingPercent(response.result.dataincoming_calls, callsuccessful_counting) + /span> + /td>\n + td classtext-center> + numberWithCommas(callunsuccessful_counting) + br>span classcounting-percent-td> + countingPercent(response.result.dataincoming_calls, callunsuccessful_counting) + /span> + /td>\n + td classtext-center> + numberWithCommas(callbusy_call) + br>span classcounting-percent-td> + countingPercent(response.result.dataincoming_calls, callbusy_call) + /span> + /td>\n + td classtext-center> + numberWithCommas(callnot_compatible_counting) + br>span classcounting-percent-td> + countingPercent(response.result.dataincoming_calls, callnot_compatible_counting) + /span> + /td>\n + td classtext-center> + callconnection_duration + /td>\n + td classtext-right>¥ + numberWithCommas(callcall_fee) + /td>\n + /tr>; call_data call_data + detail_data; }) $(#cover).removeClass(loading); $(#coverHeader).removeClass(loading2); $(#spinnerListData).hide(); $(#datatable tbody).html(call_data); isFilterDataAvailable true; isExpanded false; previousTarget null; sortDesc false; dump_history response.result.datahistory_calls; total_call response.result.dataincoming_calls; var clientHeader document.getElementById(clientNameHeader); sortingData(clientHeader, client_name); $(#datatable_filter).find(label).html(検索する: input typesearch classform-control form-control-sm placeholder aria-controlsdatatable>); $(#datatable_previous).find(a).text(前); $(#datatable_next).find(a).text(次); $(#datatable_info).text(); var label $(#datatable_length).find(label); label.contents().filter((_, el) > el.nodeType Node.TEXT_NODE).remove(); label.append(件表示する); } }); }); $(#btnCompare).click(function (e) { e.preventDefault() $(#btnCompare).html(div classspinner-grow text-secondary stylevertical-align: middle; rolestatus>/div>\n + Loading...); $.ajax({ url: /compare, type: get, data: $(#frmCompare).serialize(), success: function (response) { var start start_date; var end end_date; var options_data {} var data ; var data_column ; let list_month_titles 今月のデータ, 先月のデータ; let list_year_titles 本年のデータ, 前年のデータ; var series_name ; var title ; if (response.result.compare_option 0 || response.result.compare_option 1) { if (response.result.compare_option 0) { series_name list_month_titles; title 先月と比較; } else { series_name list_year_titles; title 前年と比較する; } var series ; for (var k 0; k response.result.datalist_data.length; k++) { if (Array.isArray(response.result.datalist_datak) && response.result.datalist_datak.length) { start_date new Date(response.result.datalist_datak0date); end_date new Date(response.result.datalist_datakresponse.result.datalist_datak.length - 1date); if (k 0) { start start_date; end end_date; } else { if (start_date start) { start start_date; } if (end_date > end) { end end_date } } } } for (var i 0; i response.result.datalist_data.length; i++) { data ; response.result.datalist_datai.forEach(function (detail, i) { var date new Date(detaildate); if (response.result.compare_item 3) { data.push(date.getTime(), detailcall_cost); } else { data.push(date.getTime(), detailcounting); } }) series.push({ name: series_namei, data: data }); } options_data { chart: { locales: { name: ja, options: { months: 1月, 2月, 3月, 4月, 5月, 6月, 7月, 8月, 9月, 10月, 11月, 12月 , shortMonths: 1月, 2月, 3月, 4月, 5月, 6月, 7月, 8月, 9月, 10月, 11月, 12月 , days: 日曜日, 月曜日, 火曜日, 水曜日, 木曜日, 金曜日, 土曜日 , shortDays: 日, 月, 火, 水, 木, 金, 土, toolbar: { exportToSVG: SVGダウンロード, exportToPNG: PNGダウンロード, exportToCSV: CSVダウンロード, menu: メニュー, selection: 選択, selectionZoom: 選択ズーム, zoomIn: 拡大, zoomOut: 縮小, pan: パン, reset: ズームリセット } } }, defaultLocale: ja, type: area, stacked: false, height: 450, zoom: { enabled: true }, toolbar: { show: true, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, tools: { download: true, selection: true, zoom: true, zoomin: true, zoomout: true, pan: true, reset: true | img src/static/icons/reset.png width20>, customIcons: }, export: { csv: { filename: undefined, columnDelimiter: ,, headerCategory: category, headerValue: value, dateFormatter(timestamp) { return new Date(timestamp).toDateString() } } }, autoSelected: zoom }, }, plotOptions: { line: { curve: smooth, } }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, series: series, markers: { size: 0, style: full, }, fill: { type: gradient, gradient: { shadeIntensity: 1, inverseColors: false, opacityFrom: 0.45, opacityTo: 0.05, stops: 20, 100, 100, 100 }, }, yaxis: { labels: { style: { color: #8e8da4, }, offsetX: 0, formatter: function (val) { return val.toFixed(1).includes(.0) ? val.toFixed(0) : val.toFixed(1); }, }, axisBorder: { show: false, }, axisTicks: { show: false } }, xaxis: { type: datetime, tickAmount: 8, min: start.getTime(), max: end.getTime(), labels: { rotate: -15, rotateAlways: true, formatter: function (val, timestamp) { var jaDate moment(new Date(timestamp)); jaDate.locale(ja); return jaDate.format(Do MMMM YYYY); } }, tickPlacement: on }, title: { text: title, align: center, style: { fontSize: 16px, fontWeight: bold, colors: #304758 } }, colors: #f93b7a, #00bcd4, #fbb624, tooltip: { shared: true, x: { formatter: function (value, series) { var call_date new Date(value); if (response.result.compare_option 0) { if (series ! undefined) { if (series.seriesIndex 1) { call_date.setMonth(call_date.getMonth() - 1); } } } else if (response.result.compare_option 1) { if (series ! undefined) { if (series.seriesIndex 1) { call_date.setFullYear(call_date.getFullYear() - 1); } } } var jaDate moment(new Date(call_date)); jaDate.locale(ja); return jaDate.format(Do MMMM YYYY).toString(); } } }, legend: { position: top, horizontalAlign: right, offsetX: -10 } }; } else if (response.result.compare_option 2) { title 番号で比較する; var series ; series_name response.result.datalist_dataresponse.result.datalist_data.length - 1; for (var k 0; k response.result.datalist_data.length - 1; k++) { if (Array.isArray(response.result.datalist_datak) && response.result.datalist_datak.length) { start_date new Date(response.result.datalist_datak0date); end_date new Date(response.result.datalist_datakresponse.result.datalist_datak.length - 1date); if (k 0) { start start_date; end end_date; } else { if (start_date start) { start start_date; } if (end_date > end) { end end_date } } } } for (var i 0; i response.result.datalist_data.length - 1; i++) { data ; response.result.datalist_datai.forEach(function (detail, i) { var date new Date(detaildate); if (response.result.compare_item 3) { data.push(date.getTime(), detailcall_cost); } else { data.push(date.getTime(), detailcounting); } }) series.push({ name: series_namei, data: data }); } options_data { chart: { type: area, stacked: false, height: 450, zoom: { enabled: true }, }, plotOptions: { line: { curve: smooth, } }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, series: series, markers: { size: 0, style: full, }, fill: { type: gradient, gradient: { shadeIntensity: 1, inverseColors: false, opacityFrom: 0.45, opacityTo: 0.05, stops: 20, 100, 100, 100 }, }, yaxis: { labels: { style: { color: #8e8da4, }, offsetX: 0, formatter: function (val) { return val.toFixed(1).includes(.0) ? val.toFixed(0) : val.toFixed(1); }, }, axisBorder: { show: false, }, axisTicks: { show: false } }, xaxis: { type: datetime, tickAmount: 8, min: start.getTime(), max: end.getTime(), labels: { rotate: -15, rotateAlways: true, formatter: function (val, timestamp) { return moment(new Date(timestamp)).format(DD MMM YYYY) } } }, title: { text: title, align: center, style: { fontSize: 16px, fontWeight: bold, colors: #304758 } }, colors: #f93b7a, #00bcd4, #fbb624, tooltip: { shared: true }, legend: { position: top, horizontalAlign: right, offsetX: -10 } }; } else if (response.result.compare_option 3) { $(#btn-group-time).children().attr(disabled, disabled); for (var i 0; i response.result.datarate_incoming_call.length; i++) { data.push(response.result.datarate_incoming_callirate_counting); data_column.push(response.result.datarate_incoming_calliphone_number); } options_data { chart: { height: 450, type: bar, toolbar: { show: false } }, plotOptions: { bar: { dataLabels: { position: top, // top, center, bottom }, } }, dataLabels: { enabled: true, formatter: function (val) { return val + %; }, offsetY: -20, style: { fontSize: 12px, colors: #304758 } }, colors: #4facfe, series: { name: 番号で比較する, data: data }, xaxis: { categories: data_column, position: top, labels: { offsetY: -18, }, axisBorder: { show: false }, axisTicks: { show: false }, crosshairs: { fill: { type: gradient, gradient: { colorFrom: #D8E3F0, colorTo: #BED1E6, stops: 0, 100, opacityFrom: 0.4, opacityTo: 0.5, } } }, tooltip: { enabled: true, offsetY: -35, } }, fill: { gradient: { enabled: false, shade: light, type: horizontal, shadeIntensity: 0.25, gradientToColors: undefined, inverseColors: true, opacityFrom: 1, opacityTo: 1, stops: 50, 0, 100, 100 }, }, yaxis: { axisBorder: { show: false }, axisTicks: { show: false, }, labels: { show: false, formatter: function (val) { return val + %; } } }, title: { text: 着信率, floating: true, offsetY: 420, align: center, style: { color: #444 } }, grid: { row: { colors: #f1f3fa, transparent, // takes an array which will be repeated on columns opacity: 0.2 }, borderColor: #f1f3fa } } } else if (response.result.compare_option 4) { for (var i 0; i response.result.datarate_weekday_incoming_call.length; i++) { data.push(response.result.datarate_weekday_incoming_callirate_weekday); } options_data { chart: { height: 450, type: bar, toolbar: { show: false } }, plotOptions: { bar: { dataLabels: { position: top, // top, center, bottom }, } }, dataLabels: { enabled: true, formatter: function (val) { return val + %; }, offsetY: -20, style: { fontSize: 12px, colors: #304758 } }, colors: #4facfe, series: { name: 着信率, data: data }, xaxis: { categories: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, position: top, labels: { offsetY: -18, }, axisBorder: { show: false }, axisTicks: { show: false }, crosshairs: { fill: { type: gradient, gradient: { colorFrom: #D8E3F0, colorTo: #BED1E6, stops: 0, 100, opacityFrom: 0.4, opacityTo: 0.5, } } }, tooltip: { enabled: true, offsetY: -35, } }, fill: { gradient: { enabled: false, shade: light, type: horizontal, shadeIntensity: 0.25, gradientToColors: undefined, inverseColors: true, opacityFrom: 1, opacityTo: 1, stops: 50, 0, 100, 100 }, }, yaxis: { axisBorder: { show: false }, axisTicks: { show: false, }, labels: { show: false, formatter: function (val) { return val + %; } } }, title: { text: , floating: true, offsetY: 420, align: center, style: { color: #444 } }, grid: { row: { colors: #f1f3fa, transparent, // takes an array which will be repeated on columns opacity: 0.2 }, borderColor: #f1f3fa } } } var chart_data new ApexCharts(document.querySelector(#apex_line3), options_data); chart_data.render(); chart_data.updateOptions({}); $(#btnCompare).html(Apply); $(.apexcharts-zoom-in-icon).attr(title, ズームイン); $(.apexcharts-zoom-out-icon).attr(title, ズームアウト); $(.apexcharts-zoom-icon).attr(title, 選択ズーム); $(.apexcharts-pan-icon).attr(title, パーンする); $(.apexcharts-reset-zoom-icon).attr(title, ズームをリセット); } }); }); $(.btnLogout).bind(click, function (e) { $.ajax({ url: /logout, type: get, data: , success: function (response) { window.location.href /login; } }); }); }); function shortenMediumName() { if ($(window).width() 1400) { $(.medium-td).each(function () { var maxLength parseInt($(this).attr(data-size)), name $(this).text(); if (name.length > maxLength) { var shortname name.substring(0, maxLength) + ...; this.innerHTML shortname; } }); } } function calculatePoint(i, intervalSize, colorRangeInfo) { var {colorStart, colorEnd, useEndAsStart} colorRangeInfo; return (useEndAsStart ? (colorEnd - (i * intervalSize)) : (colorStart + (i * intervalSize))); } function interpolateColors(dataLength, colorScale, colorRangeInfo) { var {colorStart, colorEnd} colorRangeInfo; var colorRange colorEnd - colorStart; var intervalSize 0; if (dataLength ! 0) { intervalSize colorRange / dataLength; } var i, colorPoint; var colorArray ; for (i 0; i dataLength; i++) { colorPoint calculatePoint(i, intervalSize, colorRangeInfo); colorArray.push(colorScale(colorPoint)); } return colorArray; } function countingPercent(incoming_calls, arg) { var result 0.00; if (incoming_calls ! 0) { result String((100 * (arg / incoming_calls)).toFixed(2)); } return ( + result + % + ); } function truncate(x, decimals 0) { const multiplier 10 ** decimals; return Math.trunc(x * multiplier) / multiplier; } function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ,); } function openTableDetail(id, list_length, post_cd) { if (isExpanded true) { $(#summaryCalls).show(); for (var i 1; i list_length; i++) { const medium_id accordion + i; $(# + medium_id).show(); } isExpanded false; } else { $(#summaryCalls).hide(); for (var j 1; j list_length; j++) { const medium_id accordion + j; $(# + medium_id).hide(); } var selected_medium $(# + id);; isExpanded true; } } function getPagination(table) { var lastPage 1; lastPage 1; $(.pagination) .find(li) .slice(1, -1) .remove(); var trnum 0; // reset tr counter var maxRows 50; // get Max Rows from select option var totalRows $(table + tbody tr).length; // numbers of rows $(table + tr:gt(0)).each(function () { // each TR in table and not the header trnum++; // Start Counter if (trnum > maxRows) { // if tr number gt maxRows $(this).hide(); // fade it out } if (trnum maxRows) { $(this).show(); } // else fade in Important in case if it .. }); // was fade out to fade it in if (totalRows > maxRows) { // if tr total rows gt max rows option var pagenum Math.ceil(totalRows / maxRows); // ceil total(rows/maxrows) to get .. // numbers of pages for (var i 1; i pagenum;) { // for each page append pagination li $(.pagination #prev) .before( li classpage-item data-page + i + >\ span classpage-link> + i++ + /li> ) .show(); } // end for i } // end if row count > max rows $(.pagination data-page1).addClass(active); // add active class to the first li $(.pagination li).on(click, function (evt) { // on click each page evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); var pageNum $(this).attr(data-page); // get its number var maxRows 50; // get Max Rows from select option if (pageNum prev) { if (lastPage 1) { return; } pageNum --lastPage; } if (pageNum next) { if (lastPage $(.pagination li).length - 2) { return; } pageNum ++lastPage; } lastPage pageNum; var trIndex 0; // reset tr counter $(.pagination li).removeClass(active); // remove active class from all li $(.pagination data-page + lastPage + ).addClass(active); // add active class to the clicked // $(this).addClass(active); // add active class to the clicked limitPagging(); $(table + tr:gt(0)).each(function () { // each tr in table not the header trIndex++; // tr index counter // if tr index gt maxRows*pageNum or lt maxRows*pageNum-maxRows fade if out if ( trIndex > maxRows * pageNum || trIndex maxRows * pageNum - maxRows ) { $(this).hide(); } else { $(this).show(); } //else fade in }); // end of for each tr in table }); // end of on click pagination list limitPagging(); } function limitPagging() { // alert($(.pagination li).length) if ($(.pagination li).length > 7) { if ($(.pagination 3) { $(.pagination li:gt(5)).hide(); $(.pagination li:lt(5)).show(); $(.pagination data-pagenext).show(); } if ($(.pagination > 3) { $(.pagination li:gt(0)).hide(); $(.pagination data-pagenext).show(); for (let i (parseInt($(.pagination - 2); i (parseInt($(.pagination + 2); i++) { $(.pagination data-page + i + ).show(); } } } } (function (w, d) { function LetterAvatar(name, size) { name name || ; size size || 60; var colours #1abc9c, #2ecc71, #3498db, #9b59b6, #34495e, #16a085, #27ae60, #2980b9, #8e44ad, #2c3e50, #f1c40f, #e67e22, #e74c3c, #ecf0f1, #95a5a6, #f39c12, #d35400, #c0392b, #bdc3c7, #7f8c8d , nameSplit String(name).toUpperCase().split( ), initials, charIndex, colourIndex, canvas, context, dataURI; initials nameSplit0.charAt(0) + nameSplit0.charAt(1); if (w.devicePixelRatio) { size (size * w.devicePixelRatio); } charIndex (initials ? ? 72 : initials.charCodeAt(0)) - 64; colourIndex charIndex % 20; canvas d.createElement(canvas); canvas.width size; canvas.height size; context canvas.getContext(2d); context.fillStyle colourscolourIndex - 1; context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); context.font Math.round(canvas.width / 2) + px Arial; context.textAlign center; context.fillStyle #FFF; context.fillText(initials, size / 2, size / 1.5); dataURI canvas.toDataURL(); canvas null; return dataURI; } LetterAvatar.transform function () {, function (img, name) { name img.getAttribute(avatar); img.src LetterAvatar(name, img.getAttribute(width)); img.removeAttribute(avatar); img.setAttribute(alt, name); }); }; // AMD support if (typeof define function && define.amd) { define(function () { return LetterAvatar; }); // CommonJS and Node.js module support. } else if (typeof exports ! undefined) { // Support Node.js specific `module.exports` (which can be a function) if (typeof module ! undefined && module.exports) { exports module.exports LetterAvatar; } // But always support CommonJS module 1.1.1 spec (`exports` cannot be a function) exports.LetterAvatar LetterAvatar; } else { window.LetterAvatar LetterAvatar; d.addEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, function (event) { LetterAvatar.transform(); }); } })(window, document); /script>/html>
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