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classlanding-heading>Poznej span>Xtreme Adventures/span>/h3> div> p>Zážitky s námi ti rozproudí krev a zvednou adrenalin. Vykročíš ze své komfortní zóny, posuneš své hranice a překonáš strach. Průvodci ti budou elementy, které stvořila sama příroda – voda, země, vzduch, oheň a éter. Který z nich ovládne tebe?/p> /div> div classbuttons> a href classbtn>Naše filozofie/a> svg xmlns xml:spacepreserve idLayer_1 x0 y0 version1.1 viewBox0 0 326.2 296.4>style>.st0{fill:#3d6881}/style>path dm402.2 96.5 28.2-62h-27.3l-14.8 41.7-14.8-41.7h-28.4l29.1 62-30.6 64.5h27.1l17.6-44.3 17.4 44.3h28.2zM435.7 52.2h24.2V161h25.4V52.2h24.5V34.5h-74.1zM580.5 111.1c10.7-1.9 16.1-8.3 16.1-19.2V54.4c0-13.2-8-19.8-24-19.8h-51.2v126.5h25.3v-49.3h8.4l21.2 49.3h27.3l-23.1-50zm-9.2-21.8c0 2.1-.4 3.6-1.3 4.3-.9.7-2.5 1.1-4.9 1.1h-18.3V52.2h18.3c2.3 0 4 .4 4.9 1.1s1.3 2.2 1.3 4.3v31.7zM641.8 105.1H676V87.3h-34.2V52.2h40.6V34.5h-66.2V161h67.9v-17.6h-42.3zM749.8 109.7l-23.4-75.2h-27.7V161h22.5V72.4l18.5 61.2h20.5l18.5-61.4V161H801V34.5h-27.8zM890.2 143.4h-42.3v-38.3h34.2V87.3h-34.2V52.2h40.6V34.5h-66.2V161h67.9zM356.1 186l-12.6 73.3h8.9l3-18.6h16.3l3.4 18.6h8.9L370.1 186h-14zm.4 47.7 6.6-42.1 7.5 42.1h-14.1zM431.7 186h-25.5v73.3h25.5c6.8 0 10.2-3.1 10.2-9.3v-54.7c0-6.2-3.4-9.3-10.2-9.3zm1.3 62.7c0 1.6-.3 2.6-.8 3s-1.6.7-3.2.7h-13.9V193H429c1.6 0 2.7.2 1.4.8 3v52.1zM482 253.6 470.9 186H462l13 73.3h14.1L502 186h-8.9zM531.7 224.6h17.4v-6.9h-17.4v-24.8H553V186h-30.2v73.3h31.1v-7h-22.2zM603 240.8 586.9 186h-10.4v73.3h8.2v-56.8l16.7 56.8h9.7V186H603zM631.9 192.9h12.9v66.4h8.8v-66.4h13V186h-34.7zM711.8 248.7c0 1.6-.3 2.6-.8 3s-1.6.7-3.2.7h-8c-1.6 0-2.7-.2-3.2-.7-.5-.4-.8-1.4-.8-3V186H687v64c0 6.2 3.4 9.3 10.2 9.3h13.2c6.8 0 10.2-3.1 10.2-9.3v-64h-8.8v62.7zM781.1 219.3v-24c0-6.2-3.4-9.3-10.2-9.3h-23.5v73.3h8.8v-30.6h7.6l11.8 30.6h9.6L773 228.5c5.5-.5 8.1-3.6 8.1-9.2zm-8.8-1.3c0 1.6-.2 2.6-.7 3s-1.6.6-3.3.6h-12v-28.8h12c1.7 0 2.8.2 1.4.7 3V218zM816.5 224.6h17.4v-6.9h-17.4v-24.8h21.3V186h-30.2v73.3h31.1v-7h-22.2zM881.2 218h-8.8c-1.7 0-2.8-.2-3.3-.7s-.7-1.5-.7-3v-17.8c0-1.6.2-2.6.7-3s1.6-.6 3.3-.6h6c1.7 0 2.8.2 1.4.7 3v10h8.9v-11.3c0-6.2-3.4-9.3-10.2-9.3h-11.4c-6.8 0-10.2 3.1-10.2 9.3v20.4c0 6.2 3.4 9.3 10.2 9.3h8.8c1.6 0 2.7.2 1.4.8 3v20c0 1.6-.3 2.6-.8 3s-1.6.7-3.2.7h-5.8c-1.7 0-2.8-.2-3.3-.7-.5-.4-.7-1.4-.7-3v-10h-8.9v11.3c0 6.2 3.4 9.3 10.2 9.3h11.3c6.8 0 10.2-3.1 10.2-9.3v-22.6c-.1-6.1-3.5-9.2-10.3-9.2zM2 296.4h34.6l52.7-69.3 10 10.6 65.1-85.7 36.4 49.1 10.5-12.6 84.6 107.9h29.6L214 150.9 327.5 0H229l-65.3 85.3L98.5 0H0l113.5 150.9z classst0/>path dm164.7 166.2-36.4 47.2 38.6-30.3v65.5c0 3.1 7-32.4 7-32.4s20.8 31 21.8 32.1c1 1 .7-19.5.7-19.5s31.1 20 34.3 23.1c-4.6-5.7-66-85.7-66-85.7z classst0/>path dM230.9 252.1c0-.1-.1-.2-.3-. 272.9l8.1-12.6 9.5 13.3-3.5-24.8-8.7-9.2S63.5 275 61.4 278.3l20.7-16.8-7.4 19.3 10.5-7.9zM212.1 200.3l-6.2 6.6 24.6 32.7-6.6-16.1 15.7 11.7z classst0/>/svg> a href classbtn>Náš tým/a> /div> /div> div classset16by9> iframe src>/iframe> /div> /div> /div> div classlanding-events> div classwrapper> h4 classlanding-heading>span>Co zkusíš jako první?/span>/h4> div classgrid> div classitem> figure> a href>/a> img src alt> /figure> h3>Skalní lezení/h3> p>/p> a href classbtn btn--inverted> Dozvědět se více » /a> /div> div classitem> figure> a href>/a> img src alt> /figure> h3>Sjezd řeky Soča a Koritnica/h3> p>/p> a href classbtn btn--inverted> Dozvědět se více » /a> /div> div classitem> figure> a href>/a> img src alt> /figure> h3>Tour du Mont Blanc/h3> p>/p> a href classbtn btn--inverted> Dozvědět se více » /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classlanding-xa-family> div classwrapper> h3 classlanding-heading>Vítej do/h3>h2 classlanding-heading>span>XA Family/span>/h2> div classgrid> div> p>Baví tě sport, adrenalin a celkový rozvoj osobnosti? Nechceš zůstat u jednoho zážitku? Jsi stejná krevní skupina jako my, závislý na adrenalinu? Přidej se do naší XA family. /p>p>Sbírej odznaky, využívej slevy, dostávej dárky, buď v obraze, získej přístup do Facebookové skupiny. Nečekáme, že se uvidíme jenom jednou, tak z toho koukej vytřískat co nejvíc hned od začátku. Stačí se registrovat./p> div classgallery> a href data-lightboxgallery> img src alt> /a> a href data-lightboxgallery> img src alt> /a> a href data-lightboxgallery> img src alt> /a> /div> /div> div> div classinner> h4 classlanding-subtitle>Co získáš?/h4> p>• Pravidelnou nálož novinekbr>• Svůj vlastní editovatelný profilbr>• Odměny za každý zážitekbr>• Možnost získat slevybr>• Přístup do Facebookové skupiny/p> /div> div classinner> h4 classlanding-subtitle>Odebírej newsletter/h4> !-- Begin Mailchimp Signup Form --> div idmc_embed_signup> form action methodpost idmc-embedded-subscribe-form namemc-embedded-subscribe-form classvalidate container-form novalidate> div idmc_embed_signup_scroll> input typehidden name_token value4dZ6Mo25J2m9UoU8XT7FoEpCn8sA8IeAaKQwjeXM autocompleteoff> div classlabel-holder> div classlabel flex gap-3> input typeemail value nameemail placeholderE-mail classrequired email idmce-EMAIL> input typetext value namefirstname placeholderKřestní jméno classrequired idmce-FNAME> /div> /div> div idmce-responses classclear foot> div classresponse idmce-error-response styledisplay:none>/div> div classresponse idmce-success-response styledisplay:none>/div> /div> !-- real people should not fill this in and expect good things - do not remove this or risk form bot signups--> div styleposition: absolute; left: -5000px; aria-hiddentrue>input typetext nameb_37328c60708c9c580d0e3df38_cbf7ff6e0c tabindex-1 value>/div> div classlabel-holder label-holder--closer> div classlabel label--radio> input typecheckbox idnewsletter-consent required> label fornewsletter-consent>Souhlasím se a href>zásadami ochrany osobních údajů/a>/label> /div> /div> input typesubmit valuePřihlásit k odběru namesubscribe idmc-embedded-subscribe classbtn> /div> /form> /div> h4 classlanding-subtitle landing-subtitle--smaller mt-m>Nebo se chceš rovnou stát členem XA Family?/h4> div classflex> a href classbtn>Registrovat/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classlanding-crossroads> div classwrapper> div classitem> h2>Zážitky/h2> figure> a href>/a> img src alt> /figure> div>p>Nech se unášet divokými vlnami, vystup na nejvyšší vrcholy, najdi cestu k sobě. Zažij Xtreme Adventures!/p>/div> !-- chybí text odkazu a link --> a href classbtn btn--inverted>Prohlédnout zážitky »/a> /div> div classitem> h2>Teambuilding/h2> figure> a href>/a> img src alt> /figure> div>p>Vytrhni své kolegy ze stereotypu a dopřej jim teambuilding, na který budou roky vzpomínat./p>/div> !-- chybí text odkazu a link --> a href classbtn btn--inverted>Možnosti teambuildingu »/a> /div> div classitem> h2>Blog/h2> figure> a href>/a> img src alt> /figure> div>p>Přečti si rozhovory, cestopisy, zážitky, tipy – vše na jednom místě./p>/div> !-- chybí text odkazu a link --> a href classbtn btn--inverted>Přejít na blog »/a> /div> /div> /div> div classlanding-socialize> div classanchor idreviews>/div> div classwrapper> div> h4 classlanding-heading>svg xmlns xml:spacepreserve viewBox0 0 584 595.3> path dM549.3 289.8c0 45.7 0 91.3-.1 137 0 5.1-.7 10.3-1.4 15.4-.7 4.8-1.7 9.6-2.8 14.3-1.9 7.9-4.8 15.4-8.2 22.7-3.5 7.5-7.8 14.6-13 21.1-3.6 4.6-7.3 9.2-11.3 13.3-3.8 3.9-7.9 7.5-12.2 10.8-4.6 3.5-9.4 6.7-14.3 9.8-6.4 4.1-13.2 7.2-20.4 9.6-6.3 2.2-12.7 3.9-19.1 5.5-3.5.9-7.2 1.1-10.7 1.6-15 2-30.1 1-45.1 1-75.8.1-151.6.1-227.4 0-7.2 0-14.5-.5-21.5-2.1-6.2-1.4-12.4-2.7-18.5-4.6-11.3-3.5-21.9-8.6-31.6-15.4-4.3-3-8.4-6.2-12.4-9.7-3.9-3.4-7.7-7.1-11.3-10.9-5.7-6.1-10.7-12.7-14.7-20-3.4-6.1-6.6-12.3-9.2-18.7-2.4-5.8-4.1-11.9-5.6-18-1.4-5.9-2.2-11.9-2.8-17.9-.6-5-.7-10.1-.7-15.1 0-87.6-.1-175.3 0-262.9 0-5.9.8-11.8 1.3-17.7.7-7.8 2.6-15.3 5-22.6 2.8-8.4 6.2-16.7 11-24.3 2.5-4 4.9-8.1 7.6-11.9 2.3-3.3 5-6.3 7.7-9.4 2.3-2.7 4.8-5.2 7.4-7.7 6.9-6.8 14.7-12.4 22.9-17.4 8.7-5.3 18-9.5 27.8-12.3C132 31.5 138.4 30 145 29c6.8-1 13.6-1.3 20.5-1.3 86.5 0 173.1 0 259.6.1 4.8 0 9.5.9 14.3 1.3 7.6.7 15 2.7 22.3 5 7.3 2.3 14.2 5.5 20.9 9.2 6.2 3.5 12.1 7.3 17.7 11.7 5.8 4.5 11.2 9.5 16.1 15 4.7 5.3 9 10.8 12.8 16.7 5.3 8.1 9.7 16.7 12.7 25.9 1.9 5.6 3.5 11.4 4.9 17.2 1 4 1.5 8.2 1.8 12.3.5 5.6.7 11.1.7 16.7v131zm-474.6.2c0 38.3 0 76.7.1 115 0 4.7.3 9.4 1.1 14 .9 5.7 2.2 11.3 3.9 16.8 1.5 4.9 3.6 9.7 5.7 14.3 3 6.4 6.8 12.3 11.1 17.9 4.3 5.6 9 10.9 14.2 15.6 4.8 4.3 10 8.1 15.4 11.5 8.6 5.4 17.7 9.7 27.4 12.2 6 1.6 12.1 2.8 18.3 3.7 4 .6 8.1.4 12.2.4 75.4-.1 150.8-.2 226.1-.4 4 0 8-.6 11.9-1.5 5.1-1.2 10.1-2.8 15.1-4.4 6.4-1.9 12.3-4.9 18-8.2 5.6-3.3 11.1-6.7 15.8-11.2 4.9-4.8 10.1-9.5 14.5-14.7 3.7-4.3 6.8-9.2 9.6-14.2 3.1-5.5 5.7-11.3 8.1-17.2 2.3-5.7 3.9-11.7 4.8-17.8.6-4.8 1.7-9.6 1.7-14.4.1-73.6.1-147.3 0-220.9 0-5.9-.1-11.8-.4-17.7-.2-3.6-.4-7.2-1.1-10.6-1.4-7.3-3.3-14.4-6.1-21.4-2.9-7.1-6.4-13.9-10.6-20.3-4.1-6.2-8.9-11.9-14.2-17.1-4.7-4.6-9.5-9-15.1-12.5-5.3-3.3-10.8-6.4-16.5-9.2-4-2-8.2-3.6-12.4-4.9-4.1-1.3-8.3-2.3-12.5-3-5-.9-10.1-1.9-15.2-1.9-72.7 0-145.5.1-218.4.1-3.8 0-7.6.1-11.3.4-4.7.4-9.5.8-14.2 1.8-7.1 1.5-14.1 3.6-20.8 6.5-6.7 2.9-13 6.4-19 10.5-7.7 5.3-14.4 11.5-20.5 18.5-4.7 5.3-9 10.9-12.2 17.2-2.9 5.5-5.7 11.1-7.9 16.9-1.9 5.1-3.2 10.4-4.3 15.7-1 4.9-2.1 10-2.1 15-.3 39.9-.2 79.7-.2 119.5z/> path dM293.6 421.6c-32.7-.3-60.6-10-84.7-29.9-28.6-23.5-44.7-54-47.8-90.8-3.1-36.7 7.5-69.5 31.8-97.4 21.9-25.2 49.6-40.1 82.7-44.2 37.6-4.6 71.5 5.1 100.7 29.2 27.2 22.5 43 51.8 46.8 86.9 4.2 38.8-6.9 73.3-32.9 102.3s-59 43.3-96.6 43.9zm5.8-32.3v-.3c1.7-.1 3.5-.1 5.2-.5 5.9-1.3 11.8-2.5 17.6-4.3 6.6-2 12.9-5 18.9-8.6 4.9-2.9 9.5-6.2 13.7-9.9 5.2-4.5 10-9.4 14-14.9 2.8-3.8 5.3-7.7 7.6-11.8 2.2-4 4.1-8.2 5.9-12.4 2.4-5.5 4.1-11.3 5.1-17.2.7-4.4 1.7-8.8 1.8-13.3.3-7 .2-14-.9-21-.9-5.6-2.2-11-3.8-16.3-2.1-6.8-5.2-13.2-8.6-19.4-4-7.2-9-13.7-14.7-19.6-2.6-2.7-5.3-5.2-8.3-7.4-4.7-3.6-9.5-7.2-14.6-10.1-6.9-4-14.4-6.8-22.3-8.8-8.4-2.1-16.8-3.3-25.4-2.9-5.1.2-10.2.5-15.2 1.5-5.6 1-11.1 2.5-16.4 4.4-5.1 1.9-9.9 4.4-14.7 6.9-6.4 3.4-12.1 7.8-17.4 12.8-3.2 3-6.1 6.4-9 9.7-4.4 5-8 10.6-11.1 16.5-3.6 6.8-6.4 14-8.3 21.5-2.1 8.1-3.2 16.4-3.3 24.8 0 3.9.4 7.8.6 11.7.3 6.6 1.9 13.1 3.8 19.4 2.8 9.5 6.9 18.4 12.7 26.3 3.6 4.9 7.6 9.4 11.5 14 1.9 2.1 4 4 6.2 5.9 2.8 2.3 5.5 4.8 8.5 6.7 5.1 3.1 10.3 5.8 15.6 8.5 3.2 1.6 6.5 2.9 9.9 3.8 4.3 1.2 8.8 2.2 13.2 2.9 4.5.7 9 1.1 13.6 1.4 2.9.2 5.8 0 8.6 0zM428.9 192.4c-22.1-.2-37.2-17.1-39.2-34.8-1.4-12.6 2.4-23.6 11.1-32.6 6.4-6.7 14.6-10.6 23.8-11.3 27.3-2.2 42.5 18.7 43.6 35.9 1.7 25.8-18.7 42.6-39.3 42.8z/>/svg>span>Instagram/span>/h4> div classinstagram> a href target_blank relnoopener>/a> div>img src>/div> div>img src>/div> div>img src>/div> div>img src>/div> div>img src>/div> div>img src>/div> div>img src>/div> div>img src>/div> div>img src>/div> /div> /div> div> div classreviews> div classitem> div classmain> p>Byla jsem absolutní začátečník a dneska už umím natáhnout cestu, jistit druhého i slaňovat. Přístup instruktora Dana byl velmi profesionální, vše pečlivě vysvětlil, celou dobu kurzu dbal na moji bezpečnost a velmi snadno rozpustil moje obavy z pádu. Dostala jsem přesně to, co jsem od a href relnoopener noreferrer target_blank>strong>KURZU ZÁKLADNÍHO LEZENÍ/strong>/a> čekala./p> /div> div classsignature> Veronika Wisiorková, Havířov /div> /div> div classitem> div classmain> p>Wow took this guided a href relnoopener noreferrer target_blank>strong>TRIP DOWN SALZA/strong>/a> and some other river there in Austria. Hands down best guided trip I ever been on. 3 days packed with crazy fun in the daytime and fun in the camp after. River is safe but not so easy. Went with my girlfriend and we had a blast all the time. ... 5 stars from me/p> /div> div classsignature> Davíð Örn Kristjánsson, Greenland /div> /div> div classitem> div classmain> p>Jel jsem a href relnoopener noreferrer target_blank>strong>SALZU A ENNS/strong>/a> v září 2021. Doporučuji všem co chtějí zažít skvělou atmosféru Rakouska a užít si nejenom vodu. Kluci celou akci výborně vedli a zažil jsem s nimi nezapomenutelný prodloužený víkend. :-) Doporučuji všem, budete v dobrý rukou - platí pro začátečníky i profíky. :-)/p> /div> div classsignature> Jan Brzák, Praha /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /main>/div> footer> div classwrapper> div classlogo>svg xmlns xml:spacepreserve x0 y0 version1.1 viewBox0 0 890.2 296.4>path dm402.2 96.5 28.2-62h-27.3l-14.8 41.7-14.8-41.7h-28.4l29.1 62-30.6 64.5h27.1l17.6-44.3 17.4 44.3h28.2zM435.7 52.2h24.2V161h25.4V52.2h24.5V34.5h-74.1zM580.5 111.1c10.7-1.9 16.1-8.3 16.1-19.2V54.4c0-13.2-8-19.8-24-19.8h-51.2v126.5h25.3v-49.3h8.4l21.2 49.3h27.3l-23.1-50zm-9.2-21.8c0 2.1-.4 3.6-1.3 4.3-.9.7-2.5 1.1-4.9 1.1h-18.3V52.2h18.3c2.3 0 4 .4 4.9 1.1s1.3 2.2 1.3 4.3v31.7zM641.8 105.1H676V87.3h-34.2V52.2h40.6V34.5h-66.2V161h67.9v-17.6h-42.3zM749.8 109.7l-23.4-75.2h-27.7V161h22.5V72.4l18.5 61.2h20.5l18.5-61.4V161H801V34.5h-27.8zM890.2 143.4h-42.3v-38.3h34.2V87.3h-34.2V52.2h40.6V34.5h-66.2V161h67.9zM356.1 186l-12.6 73.3h8.9l3-18.6h16.3l3.4 18.6h8.9L370.1 186h-14zm.4 47.7 6.6-42.1 7.5 42.1h-14.1zM431.7 186h-25.5v73.3h25.5c6.8 0 10.2-3.1 10.2-9.3v-54.7c0-6.2-3.4-9.3-10.2-9.3zm1.3 62.7c0 1.6-.3 2.6-.8 3s-1.6.7-3.2.7h-13.9V193H429c1.6 0 2.7.2 1.4.8 3v52.1zM482 253.6 470.9 186H462l13 73.3h14.1L502 186h-8.9zM531.7 224.6h17.4v-6.9h-17.4v-24.8H553V186h-30.2v73.3h31.1v-7h-22.2zM603 240.8 586.9 186h-10.4v73.3h8.2v-56.8l16.7 56.8h9.7V186H603zM631.9 192.9h12.9v66.4h8.8v-66.4h13V186h-34.7zM711.8 248.7c0 1.6-.3 2.6-.8 3s-1.6.7-3.2.7h-8c-1.6 0-2.7-.2-3.2-.7-.5-.4-.8-1.4-.8-3V186H687v64c0 6.2 3.4 9.3 10.2 9.3h13.2c6.8 0 10.2-3.1 10.2-9.3v-64h-8.8v62.7zM781.1 219.3v-24c0-6.2-3.4-9.3-10.2-9.3h-23.5v73.3h8.8v-30.6h7.6l11.8 30.6h9.6L773 228.5c5.5-.5 8.1-3.6 8.1-9.2zm-8.8-1.3c0 1.6-.2 2.6-.7 3s-1.6.6-3.3.6h-12v-28.8h12c1.7 0 2.8.2 1.4.7 3V218zM816.5 224.6h17.4v-6.9h-17.4v-24.8h21.3V186h-30.2v73.3h31.1v-7h-22.2zM881.2 218h-8.8c-1.7 0-2.8-.2-3.3-.7s-.7-1.5-.7-3v-17.8c0-1.6.2-2.6.7-3s1.6-.6 3.3-.6h6c1.7 0 2.8.2 1.4.7 3v10h8.9v-11.3c0-6.2-3.4-9.3-10.2-9.3h-11.4c-6.8 0-10.2 3.1-10.2 9.3v20.4c0 6.2 3.4 9.3 10.2 9.3h8.8c1.6 0 2.7.2 1.4.8 3v20c0 1.6-.3 2.6-.8 3s-1.6.7-3.2.7h-5.8c-1.7 0-2.8-.2-3.3-.7-.5-.4-.7-1.4-.7-3v-10h-8.9v11.3c0 6.2 3.4 9.3 10.2 9.3h11.3c6.8 0 10.2-3.1 10.2-9.3v-22.6c-.1-6.1-3.5-9.2-10.3-9.2zM2 296.4h34.6l52.7-69.3 10 10.6 65.1-85.7 36.4 49.1 10.5-12.6 84.6 107.9h29.6L214 150.9 327.5 0H229l-65.3 85.3L98.5 0H0l113.5 150.9z classst0/>path dm164.7 166.2-36.4 47.2 38.6-30.3v65.5c0 3.1 7-32.4 7-32.4s20.8 31 21.8 32.1c1 1 .7-19.5.7-19.5s31.1 20 34.3 23.1c-4.6-5.7-66-85.7-66-85.7z classst0/>path dM230.9 252.1c0-.1-.1-.2-.3-. 272.9l8.1-12.6 9.5 13.3-3.5-24.8-8.7-9.2S63.5 275 61.4 278.3l20.7-16.8-7.4 19.3 10.5-7.9zM212.1 200.3l-6.2 6.6 24.6 32.7-6.6-16.1 15.7 11.7z classst0/>/svg>/div> div classgrid> div> p> XTREME ADVENTURES> Horní náměstí 3br> 755 01 Vsetínbr> Česká Republika /p> p> a hreftel:+420792767642>Tel: (+420) 792 767 642/a> a href/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#6c4c18090d012c140d081a090218191e091f420919>E-mail: span class__cf_email__ data-cfemaile19584808ca199808597848f9594938492cf8494>email protected/span>/a> /p> p> IČO: 08525820br> DIČ: CZ08525820 /p> p classsmall> Společnost je zapsána zde: C 79825/KSOS, Krajský soud v Ostravě /p> /div> div> div classheading>Xtreme Adventures/div> a href>Naše filozofie/a> a href>Náš tým/a> div classseparator>/div> a href>Často kladené dotazy/a> a href>Obchodní podmínky/a> a href>GDPR/a> /div> div> div classheading>Obchod/div> a href>Zažij/a> a href>Merch/a> a href>Vouchery/a> div classseparator>/div> a href>Teambuildingy/a> /div> div> div classheading>Elementy/div> a href>Voda/a> a href>Oheň/a> a href>Země/a> a href>Vzduch/a> a href>Mysl/a> /div> div> div classheading>Profil/div> a show-modalmodal-login>Přihlášení/a> a href>Registrace/a> /div> div classsocials> a href target_blank relnoopener> svg xmlns xml:spacepreserve viewBox0 0 591.2 595.3> path dM483.6 106.4c-3.4-.8-6.9-1-10.3-1.2-7.8-.6-15.7-.7-23.5-1.5-11.4-1.1-22.7-.7-34.1-.5-11 .2-22 1.9-32.5 5.4-10.6 3.5-20.5 8.4-29.2 15.3-10.8 8.6-19.2 19-25.1 31.4-4.5 9.5-7.5 19.5-9.3 30-1.8 10.7-2.1 21.4-2 32.2.1 16.6 0 33.1.1 49.7 0 1.9-.5 2.4-2.5 2.4-21.7-.1-43.5 0-65.2-.1-1.9 0-2.5.5-2.5 2.4.1 25.5.1 51 0 76.5 0 1.9.5 2.5 2.4 2.5 21.7-.1 43.3 0 65-.1 2.1 0 2.7.4 2.7 2.6-.1 67.5-.1 135 0 202.5 0 2.1-.6 2.5-2.6 2.5-85.8 0-171.6 0-257.4-.1-5.8 0-10.8-2.5-15.3-5.9C36.6 548 33 542 31.5 535c-.4-2-.7-4.1-.7-6.2 0-159.2-.1-318.3 0-477.5 0-15 11.6-27.8 26.3-29.3 2.1-.2 4.2-.3 6.2-.3h473.3c15.7 0 28 10.1 30.6 1.4.1 2.1 0 160.4 0 320.8-.1 481.3 0 6.4-2.5 12-6.6 17-4.8 5.8-10.9 9.1-18.2 10.5-.7.1-1.5.2-2.3.2-45.5 0-91 0-136.5.1-2.1 0-2.7-.9-2.8-2.6-.1-.6 0-1.3 0-1.9V354.5c0-3.6 0-3.6 3.6-3.6h63.7c2 0 2.7-.3 2.8-2.6.2-4.6 1.1-9.2 1.6-13.8.7-5.2 1.3-10.3 2-15.4.8-6 1.7-12.1 2.4-18.1.8-6 1.3-12.1 2.2-18.2.6-4 .6-8 1.8-11.9.3-1.1-.1-1.4-1.1-1.4h-76.3c-2.8 0-2.8-.1-2.5-2.8.1-.6 0-1.3 0-1.9v-53.9c0-7.8 2.2-15 6.8-21.3 2.6-3.6 6.3-5.9 10.4-7.5 4.6-1.9 9.6-2.9 14.6-3.2 14.7-.9 29.5-.2 44.2-.4 1.8 0 3.6-.1 5.4 0 1.3.1 1.9-.5 1.5-1.7-.4-1.2-.3-2.3-.3-3.5v-66c1-.8.5-.8 0-.9z/>/svg> /a> a href target_blank relnoopener> svg xmlns xml:spacepreserve viewBox0 0 584 595.3> path dM549.3 289.8c0 45.7 0 91.3-.1 137 0 5.1-.7 10.3-1.4 15.4-.7 4.8-1.7 9.6-2.8 14.3-1.9 7.9-4.8 15.4-8.2 22.7-3.5 7.5-7.8 14.6-13 21.1-3.6 4.6-7.3 9.2-11.3 13.3-3.8 3.9-7.9 7.5-12.2 10.8-4.6 3.5-9.4 6.7-14.3 9.8-6.4 4.1-13.2 7.2-20.4 9.6-6.3 2.2-12.7 3.9-19.1 5.5-3.5.9-7.2 1.1-10.7 1.6-15 2-30.1 1-45.1 1-75.8.1-151.6.1-227.4 0-7.2 0-14.5-.5-21.5-2.1-6.2-1.4-12.4-2.7-18.5-4.6-11.3-3.5-21.9-8.6-31.6-15.4-4.3-3-8.4-6.2-12.4-9.7-3.9-3.4-7.7-7.1-11.3-10.9-5.7-6.1-10.7-12.7-14.7-20-3.4-6.1-6.6-12.3-9.2-18.7-2.4-5.8-4.1-11.9-5.6-18-1.4-5.9-2.2-11.9-2.8-17.9-.6-5-.7-10.1-.7-15.1 0-87.6-.1-175.3 0-262.9 0-5.9.8-11.8 1.3-17.7.7-7.8 2.6-15.3 5-22.6 2.8-8.4 6.2-16.7 11-24.3 2.5-4 4.9-8.1 7.6-11.9 2.3-3.3 5-6.3 7.7-9.4 2.3-2.7 4.8-5.2 7.4-7.7 6.9-6.8 14.7-12.4 22.9-17.4 8.7-5.3 18-9.5 27.8-12.3C132 31.5 138.4 30 145 29c6.8-1 13.6-1.3 20.5-1.3 86.5 0 173.1 0 259.6.1 4.8 0 9.5.9 14.3 1.3 7.6.7 15 2.7 22.3 5 7.3 2.3 14.2 5.5 20.9 9.2 6.2 3.5 12.1 7.3 17.7 11.7 5.8 4.5 11.2 9.5 16.1 15 4.7 5.3 9 10.8 12.8 16.7 5.3 8.1 9.7 16.7 12.7 25.9 1.9 5.6 3.5 11.4 4.9 17.2 1 4 1.5 8.2 1.8 12.3.5 5.6.7 11.1.7 16.7v131zm-474.6.2c0 38.3 0 76.7.1 115 0 4.7.3 9.4 1.1 14 .9 5.7 2.2 11.3 3.9 16.8 1.5 4.9 3.6 9.7 5.7 14.3 3 6.4 6.8 12.3 11.1 17.9 4.3 5.6 9 10.9 14.2 15.6 4.8 4.3 10 8.1 15.4 11.5 8.6 5.4 17.7 9.7 27.4 12.2 6 1.6 12.1 2.8 18.3 3.7 4 .6 8.1.4 12.2.4 75.4-.1 150.8-.2 226.1-.4 4 0 8-.6 11.9-1.5 5.1-1.2 10.1-2.8 15.1-4.4 6.4-1.9 12.3-4.9 18-8.2 5.6-3.3 11.1-6.7 15.8-11.2 4.9-4.8 10.1-9.5 14.5-14.7 3.7-4.3 6.8-9.2 9.6-14.2 3.1-5.5 5.7-11.3 8.1-17.2 2.3-5.7 3.9-11.7 4.8-17.8.6-4.8 1.7-9.6 1.7-14.4.1-73.6.1-147.3 0-220.9 0-5.9-.1-11.8-.4-17.7-.2-3.6-.4-7.2-1.1-10.6-1.4-7.3-3.3-14.4-6.1-21.4-2.9-7.1-6.4-13.9-10.6-20.3-4.1-6.2-8.9-11.9-14.2-17.1-4.7-4.6-9.5-9-15.1-12.5-5.3-3.3-10.8-6.4-16.5-9.2-4-2-8.2-3.6-12.4-4.9-4.1-1.3-8.3-2.3-12.5-3-5-.9-10.1-1.9-15.2-1.9-72.7 0-145.5.1-218.4.1-3.8 0-7.6.1-11.3.4-4.7.4-9.5.8-14.2 1.8-7.1 1.5-14.1 3.6-20.8 6.5-6.7 2.9-13 6.4-19 10.5-7.7 5.3-14.4 11.5-20.5 18.5-4.7 5.3-9 10.9-12.2 17.2-2.9 5.5-5.7 11.1-7.9 16.9-1.9 5.1-3.2 10.4-4.3 15.7-1 4.9-2.1 10-2.1 15-.3 39.9-.2 79.7-.2 119.5z/> path dM293.6 421.6c-32.7-.3-60.6-10-84.7-29.9-28.6-23.5-44.7-54-47.8-90.8-3.1-36.7 7.5-69.5 31.8-97.4 21.9-25.2 49.6-40.1 82.7-44.2 37.6-4.6 71.5 5.1 100.7 29.2 27.2 22.5 43 51.8 46.8 86.9 4.2 38.8-6.9 73.3-32.9 102.3s-59 43.3-96.6 43.9zm5.8-32.3v-.3c1.7-.1 3.5-.1 5.2-.5 5.9-1.3 11.8-2.5 17.6-4.3 6.6-2 12.9-5 18.9-8.6 4.9-2.9 9.5-6.2 13.7-9.9 5.2-4.5 10-9.4 14-14.9 2.8-3.8 5.3-7.7 7.6-11.8 2.2-4 4.1-8.2 5.9-12.4 2.4-5.5 4.1-11.3 5.1-17.2.7-4.4 1.7-8.8 1.8-13.3.3-7 .2-14-.9-21-.9-5.6-2.2-11-3.8-16.3-2.1-6.8-5.2-13.2-8.6-19.4-4-7.2-9-13.7-14.7-19.6-2.6-2.7-5.3-5.2-8.3-7.4-4.7-3.6-9.5-7.2-14.6-10.1-6.9-4-14.4-6.8-22.3-8.8-8.4-2.1-16.8-3.3-25.4-2.9-5.1.2-10.2.5-15.2 1.5-5.6 1-11.1 2.5-16.4 4.4-5.1 1.9-9.9 4.4-14.7 6.9-6.4 3.4-12.1 7.8-17.4 12.8-3.2 3-6.1 6.4-9 9.7-4.4 5-8 10.6-11.1 16.5-3.6 6.8-6.4 14-8.3 21.5-2.1 8.1-3.2 16.4-3.3 24.8 0 3.9.4 7.8.6 11.7.3 6.6 1.9 13.1 3.8 19.4 2.8 9.5 6.9 18.4 12.7 26.3 3.6 4.9 7.6 9.4 11.5 14 1.9 2.1 4 4 6.2 5.9 2.8 2.3 5.5 4.8 8.5 6.7 5.1 3.1 10.3 5.8 15.6 8.5 3.2 1.6 6.5 2.9 9.9 3.8 4.3 1.2 8.8 2.2 13.2 2.9 4.5.7 9 1.1 13.6 1.4 2.9.2 5.8 0 8.6 0zM428.9 192.4c-22.1-.2-37.2-17.1-39.2-34.8-1.4-12.6 2.4-23.6 11.1-32.6 6.4-6.7 14.6-10.6 23.8-11.3 27.3-2.2 42.5 18.7 43.6 35.9 1.7 25.8-18.7 42.6-39.3 42.8z/>/svg> /a> a href target_blank relnoopener> svg xmlns xml:spacepreserve viewBox0 0 500 500> path dM251.6 4.3h204c5.9-.1 11.8.9 17.3 3.1 13.8 5.7 22.8 19.3 22.7 34.2v412c.3 13.9-6.3 27.1-17.8 35-6.2 4.5-13.7 7-21.4 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