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Port 80
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: image/svg+xmlAccept-Ranges: bytesETag: 363504002Last-Modified: Thu, 20 Jul 2017 19:31:32 GMTContent-Length: 6650Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2024 14:51:28 GMTServer: lighttpd/1.4.59 ?xml version1.0 encodingUTF-8?>!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN>svg xmlns xmlns:xlink width100% height100% viewBox-195 -190 500 425>title>9-Mens-Morris Data Base/title>script typetext/ecmascript xlink:hrefhelper_functions.js />script typetext/ecmascript xlink:hrefmapApp.js />defs> g idstone0> circle cx0 cy0 r18 fillwhite strokegray/> circle cx0 cy0 r13 fillnone strokelightgray/> circle cx0 cy0 r8 fillnone strokelightgray/> /g> g idstone1> circle cx0 cy0 r18 fillblack strokegray/> circle cx0 cy0 r13 fillnone strokegray/> circle cx0 cy0 r8 fillnone strokegray/> /g> marker idbluearrow viewBox0 0 10 10 refX5 refY5 markerUnitsstrokeWidth markerWidth15 orientauto> path dM 0,0 l 10,5 l -10,5 z fillblue /> /marker> marker idgrayarrow viewBox0 0 10 10 refX5 refY5 markerUnitsstrokeWidth markerWidth15 orientauto> path dM 0,0 l 10,5 l -10,5 z fillgray /> /marker> marker idredarrow viewBox0 0 10 10 refX5 refY5 markerUnitsstrokeWidth markerWidth15 orientauto> path dM 0,0 l 10,5 l -10,5 z fillred /> /marker> marker idgreenarrow viewBox0 0 10 10 refX5 refY5 markerUnitsstrokeWidth markerWidth15 orientauto> path dM 0,0 l 10,5 l -10,5 z fillgreen /> /marker> marker idlimearrow viewBox0 0 10 10 refX5 refY5 markerUnitsstrokeWidth markerWidth15 orientauto> path dM 0,0 l 10,5 l -10,5 z filllime /> /marker> marker iddarkredarrow viewBox0 0 10 10 refX5 refY5 markerUnitsstrokeWidth markerWidth15 orientauto> path dM 0,0 l 10,5 l -10,5 z filldarkred /> /marker>/defs>rect x-180 y-180 width360 height360 filllightgray/>g idlines fillnone strokeblack stroke-width6> rect x-50 y-50 width100 height100/> rect x-100 y-100 width200 height200/> rect x-150 y-150 width300 height300/> line x1-150 y10 x2-50 y20/> line x1150 y10 x250 y20/> line y1-150 x10 y2-50 x20/> lin
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-Type: image/svg+xmlAccept-Ranges: bytesETag: 363504002Last-Modified: Thu, 20 Jul 2017 19:31:32 GMTContent-Length: 6650Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2024 14:51:29 GMTServer: lighttpd/1.4.59 ?xml version1.0 encodingUTF-8?>!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN>svg xmlns xmlns:xlink width100% height100% viewBox-195 -190 500 425>title>9-Mens-Morris Data Base/title>script typetext/ecmascript xlink:hrefhelper_functions.js />script typetext/ecmascript xlink:hrefmapApp.js />defs> g idstone0> circle cx0 cy0 r18 fillwhite strokegray/> circle cx0 cy0 r13 fillnone strokelightgray/> circle cx0 cy0 r8 fillnone strokelightgray/> /g> g idstone1> circle cx0 cy0 r18 fillblack strokegray/> circle cx0 cy0 r13 fillnone strokegray/> circle cx0 cy0 r8 fillnone strokegray/> /g> marker idbluearrow viewBox0 0 10 10 refX5 refY5 markerUnitsstrokeWidth markerWidth15 orientauto> path dM 0,0 l 10,5 l -10,5 z fillblue /> /marker> marker idgrayarrow viewBox0 0 10 10 refX5 refY5 markerUnitsstrokeWidth markerWidth15 orientauto> path dM 0,0 l 10,5 l -10,5 z fillgray /> /marker> marker idredarrow viewBox0 0 10 10 refX5 refY5 markerUnitsstrokeWidth markerWidth15 orientauto> path dM 0,0 l 10,5 l -10,5 z fillred /> /marker> marker idgreenarrow viewBox0 0 10 10 refX5 refY5 markerUnitsstrokeWidth markerWidth15 orientauto> path dM 0,0 l 10,5 l -10,5 z fillgreen /> /marker> marker idlimearrow viewBox0 0 10 10 refX5 refY5 markerUnitsstrokeWidth markerWidth15 orientauto> path dM 0,0 l 10,5 l -10,5 z filllime /> /marker> marker iddarkredarrow viewBox0 0 10 10 refX5 refY5 markerUnitsstrokeWidth markerWidth15 orientauto> path dM 0,0 l 10,5 l -10,5 z filldarkred /> /marker>/defs>rect x-180 y-180 width360 height360 filllightgray/>g idlines fillnone strokeblack stroke-width6> rect x-50 y-50 width100 height100/> rect x-100 y-100 width200 height200/> rect x-150 y-150 width300 height300/> line x1-150 y10 x2-50 y20/> line x1150 y10 x250 y20/> line y1-150 x10 y2-50 x20/> lin
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