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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 12:51:45 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlContent-Length: 10127Connection: keep-aliveServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 08:41:48 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesCache-Control: max-age3600Etag: 278f-449b79f63fecbExpires: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 13:51:45 GMTAge: 0 HTML>HEAD>TITLE>Xtreme Youth Resources International/TITLE>meta nameresource-type contentdocument>meta nameGenerator contentxtremeyo Tag Generator>meta namerevisit-after content15>meta namedescription contentXtreme Youth Resources International is an organization dedicated to Christian youth groups and youth ministry. Providing resources for your youth group, youth ministry, scout group, or pathfinder club. From program ideas and youth curriculum to leadership training and organization helps.>meta namekeywords contentpathfinder,pathfinder club,youth group,bible study,youth ministry,youth curriculum,youth program,pathfinders, youth ministry resource,youth ministry curriculum,christian youth ministry,youth activity, youth bible study,youth for Christ>meta namerating contentSafe For Kids>meta namecopyright content2002-2004 Xtreme Youth Resources International sm>meta nameauthor contentXYRI>meta http-equivreply-to>meta http-equivContent-Language contentEnglish>style typetext/css>body {scrollbar-arrow-color: #F0F0F0;scrollbar-base-color: #1B274B;scrollbar-dark-shadow-color: #F0F0F0;scrollbar-track-color: #1B274B;}/style>style typetext/css>!--h1 { font-family: Arial, Garamond, serif; color: #1B274B; font-size: 10pt; background: transparent; border-top : 4px double #1B274B; border-bottom : 4px double #1B274B;}-->/style>/head>BODY backgroundimages/ltpewterbg.jpg BGCOLOR#F0F0F0 leftmargin0 topmargin0 marginwidth0 marginheight0 text#1B274B link#C00000 vlink#C00000 alink#639A9C>script typetext/javascript>//HV Menu v5.411- by Ger Versluis ( to Dynamic Drive ( for this script and morefunction Go(){return}/script>script typetext/javascript srcxyrmenu_var_home.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcmenu_com.js>/script>noscript>Your browser does not support script/noscript>table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 width100% border0> tr> td valigntop alignleft>a href>img height170 altXtreme Youth Resources International srcimages/xyrheader1.jpg width360 border0>/a>/td>td alignleft valigntop width415 backgroundimages/xyrheader2a.jpg height170>img srcimages/blank.gif height60 width415> /td>td alignleft valigntop width505 backgroundimages/xyrheader3.jpg height170> /td> /tr> /table>table alignleft valigntop backgroundimages/ bgcolor cellspacing0 cellpadding0 width100% border0> tr> td alignleft valigntop width180>img srcimages/xyrheaderlogobottom.jpg>br>font facearial size2>img srcimages/recentadd.jpg>br>img srcimages/asofdate.jpg>br>script typetext/javascript>/************************************************ Pausing updown message scroller- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use* Visit Dynamic Drive at for full source code***********************************************///configure the below five variables to change the style of the scrollervar scrollerdelay5000 //delay between msg scrolls. 30003 seconds.var scrollerwidth145pxvar scrollerheight75pxvar scrollerbgcolor#1B274B//set below to if you dont wish to use a background imagevar scrollerbackground//configure the below variable to change the contents of the scrollervar messagesnew Array()messages0font faceArial color#f0f0f0 size1>b>Youth Group Resources -br>3 New Documents/b>br>Find them a hrefyouthgroup_activitiesandoutreach.html>HERE/a>./font>///////Do not edit pass this line///////////////////////var iedocument.allvar domdocument.getElementByIdif (messages.length>2)i2elsei0function move(whichdiv){tdiveval(whichdiv)if (parseInt(>0&&parseInt({,scrollerdelay)setTimeout(move2(second2_obj),scrollerdelay)return}if (parseInt(>tdiv.offsetHeight*-1){,50)}else{ (imessages.length-1)i0elsei++}}function move2(whichdiv){tdiv2eval(whichdiv)if (parseInt(>0&&parseInt({,scrollerdelay)setTimeout(move(first2_obj),scrollerdelay)return}if (parseInt(>tdiv2.offsetHeight*-1){,50)}else{ (imessages.length-1)i0elsei++}}function startscroll(){first2_objie? 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Looking for ideas and resources for youth ministries? Need help on a project or activity for your group, or want to know how to start a new youth group? How about you SDA Pathfinder leaders? Could you use additional resources and/or help with your club? You have ALL come to the right place!br>br>At i>Xtreme Youth Resources International/i>, it is our continuing mission to provide you, the Youth and Pathfinder leaders of the world, with a wealth of helpful resources and information. It is our hope that these materials will assist you in your efforts to provide quality programming for your group. We, at XYRI, are also available to answer your questions and/or provide consultation upon request. We want to assist you in whatever capacity we are able, so please do not hesitate to let us know what you>br>We hope that you will visit us on a regular basis, and take full advantage of this ever-growing and expanding resource. Please bear with us, as we are constantly working to develop new and updated resources We will do our best to make these new materials available as soon as they are>br>If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, or if you are in need of a particular type of resource that you are unable to find on our site, please do not hesitate to a hrefcontactus.html>contact us/a>.br>br>In addition, if you have materials that you would like to make available on the XYRI site, please a hrefcontactus.html>contact us/a>, and we will consider your subbmission for online publication. We are always happy to include appropriate out-sourced materials on our site./p>God bless you and your ministrybr>br>i>The XYRI Staff/i>br>br>br> table aligncenter border0 width470> tr> td aligncenter>h1>a hrefindex.html>Home/a> • a hrefaboutus.html>About Us/a> • a hrefxyriministries.html>XYRI Ministries/a> • a hrefpocketresources.html>Pocket Resources/a> • a hrefpathfinders.html>Pathfinders/a>br>a hreffundraising.html>Fundraising/a> • ahrefsponsors.html>Sponsors/a> • ahrefcontactus.html>Contact Us/a> • ahrefxyriforums.html>Forums/a> • a hrefchat.html>Conference Rooms/a> /td> /tr>/table>br>TABLE WIDTH100% CELLPADDING0 CELLSPACING0> TR> TD ALIGNCENTER>FONT FACEArial SIZE2>All Content © Xtreme Youth Resources International - All Rights Reservedbr>br>Site Design & Maintenance: a href targetblank>RayneDay Creations/a>/font>br>br>/TD> /TR> /TABLE> /td>/tr>/table>/td>/tr>/table>/BODY>/HTML>
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From program ideas and youth curriculum to leadership training and organization helps.>meta namekeywords contentpathfinder,pathfinder club,youth group,bible study,youth ministry,youth curriculum,youth program,pathfinders, youth ministry resource,youth ministry curriculum,christian youth ministry,youth activity, youth bible study,youth for Christ>meta namerating contentSafe For Kids>meta namecopyright content2002-2004 Xtreme Youth Resources International sm>meta nameauthor contentXYRI>meta http-equivreply-to>meta http-equivContent-Language contentEnglish>style typetext/css>body {scrollbar-arrow-color: #F0F0F0;scrollbar-base-color: #1B274B;scrollbar-dark-shadow-color: #F0F0F0;scrollbar-track-color: #1B274B;}/style>style typetext/css>!--h1 { font-family: Arial, Garamond, serif; color: #1B274B; font-size: 10pt; background: transparent; border-top : 4px double #1B274B; border-bottom : 4px double #1B274B;}-->/style>/head>BODY backgroundimages/ltpewterbg.jpg BGCOLOR#F0F0F0 leftmargin0 topmargin0 marginwidth0 marginheight0 text#1B274B link#C00000 vlink#C00000 alink#639A9C>script typetext/javascript>//HV Menu v5.411- by Ger Versluis ( to Dynamic Drive ( for this script and morefunction Go(){return}/script>script typetext/javascript srcxyrmenu_var_home.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcmenu_com.js>/script>noscript>Your browser does not support script/noscript>table cellspacing0 cellpadding0 width100% border0> tr> td valigntop alignleft>a href>img height170 altXtreme Youth Resources International srcimages/xyrheader1.jpg width360 border0>/a>/td>td alignleft valigntop width415 backgroundimages/xyrheader2a.jpg height170>img srcimages/blank.gif height60 width415> /td>td alignleft valigntop width505 backgroundimages/xyrheader3.jpg height170> /td> /tr> /table>table alignleft valigntop backgroundimages/ bgcolor cellspacing0 cellpadding0 width100% border0> tr> td alignleft valigntop width180>img srcimages/xyrheaderlogobottom.jpg>br>font facearial size2>img srcimages/recentadd.jpg>br>img srcimages/asofdate.jpg>br>script typetext/javascript>/************************************************ Pausing updown message scroller- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use* Visit Dynamic Drive at for full source code***********************************************///configure the below five variables to change the style of the scrollervar scrollerdelay5000 //delay between msg scrolls. 30003 seconds.var scrollerwidth145pxvar scrollerheight75pxvar scrollerbgcolor#1B274B//set below to if you dont wish to use a background imagevar scrollerbackground//configure the below variable to change the contents of the scrollervar messagesnew Array()messages0font faceArial color#f0f0f0 size1>b>Youth Group Resources -br>3 New Documents/b>br>Find them a hrefyouthgroup_activitiesandoutreach.html>HERE/a>./font>///////Do not edit pass this line///////////////////////var iedocument.allvar domdocument.getElementByIdif (messages.length>2)i2elsei0function move(whichdiv){tdiveval(whichdiv)if (parseInt(>0&&parseInt({,scrollerdelay)setTimeout(move2(second2_obj),scrollerdelay)return}if (parseInt(>tdiv.offsetHeight*-1){,50)}else{ (imessages.length-1)i0elsei++}}function move2(whichdiv){tdiv2eval(whichdiv)if (parseInt(>0&&parseInt({,scrollerdelay)setTimeout(move(first2_obj),scrollerdelay)return}if (parseInt(>tdiv2.offsetHeight*-1){,50)}else{ (imessages.length-1)i0elsei++}}function startscroll(){first2_objie? 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Looking for ideas and resources for youth ministries? Need help on a project or activity for your group, or want to know how to start a new youth group? How about you SDA Pathfinder leaders? Could you use additional resources and/or help with your club? You have ALL come to the right place!br>br>At i>Xtreme Youth Resources International/i>, it is our continuing mission to provide you, the Youth and Pathfinder leaders of the world, with a wealth of helpful resources and information. It is our hope that these materials will assist you in your efforts to provide quality programming for your group. We, at XYRI, are also available to answer your questions and/or provide consultation upon request. We want to assist you in whatever capacity we are able, so please do not hesitate to let us know what you>br>We hope that you will visit us on a regular basis, and take full advantage of this ever-growing and expanding resource. Please bear with us, as we are constantly working to develop new and updated resources We will do our best to make these new materials available as soon as they are>br>If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, or if you are in need of a particular type of resource that you are unable to find on our site, please do not hesitate to a hrefcontactus.html>contact us/a>.br>br>In addition, if you have materials that you would like to make available on the XYRI site, please a hrefcontactus.html>contact us/a>, and we will consider your subbmission for online publication. We are always happy to include appropriate out-sourced materials on our site./p>God bless you and your ministrybr>br>i>The XYRI Staff/i>br>br>br> table aligncenter border0 width470> tr> td aligncenter>h1>a hrefindex.html>Home/a> • a hrefaboutus.html>About Us/a> • a hrefxyriministries.html>XYRI Ministries/a> • a hrefpocketresources.html>Pocket Resources/a> • a hrefpathfinders.html>Pathfinders/a>br>a hreffundraising.html>Fundraising/a> • ahrefsponsors.html>Sponsors/a> • ahrefcontactus.html>Contact Us/a> • ahrefxyriforums.html>Forums/a> • a hrefchat.html>Conference Rooms/a> /td> /tr>/table>br>TABLE WIDTH100% CELLPADDING0 CELLSPACING0> TR> TD ALIGNCENTER>FONT FACEArial SIZE2>All Content © Xtreme Youth Resources International - All Rights Reservedbr>br>Site Design & Maintenance: a href targetblank>RayneDay Creations/a>/font>br>br>/TD> /TR> /TABLE> /td>/tr>/table>/td>/tr>/table>/BODY>/HTML>
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