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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 09:00:14 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlTransfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-alivevary: Accept-Encodingvary: Hostvary: Accept-Encodinglast-modified: Tue, 09 Aug !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html>head> title>XPilot - the online multiplayer space action game/title> meta namedescription contentDating from 1991, XPilot is one of the oldest online multiplayer space action computer games. It is open source and runs on many platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X, Unix/Linux, and the iPhone. Gameplay includes Capture the Flag, base defense, racing and deathmatches. /> link relstylesheet hrefshared/css/site.css typetext/css /> link relshortcut icon href/shared/favicon.ico typeimage/ico />/head>body>div idpage>img idend src/shared/bg/end.png alt />div idcontent>!-- FF -->h1 classhead>XPilot small>Multiplayer online space action since 1991/small>/h1>div idmenu>ul> li>a href/>Home/a>/li> li>a href/gaming/>Gameplay/a>/li> li>a href/development/>Development/a>/li> li>a href/community/>Community/a>/li> li>a href/about/>About/a>/li>/ul>/div>img classlst_deco height128 width128 srchome/release_4.5.5.png alt />h2 classsection>XPilot Classic 4.5.5 released/h2>i classsubtitle>January 2010, The Crew/i>br />p>This release reflects the changed IP of the meta servers. a classintext href>Download/a> (courtesy to SourceForge)/p>h2 classsection> re-vamped/h2>img classlst_deco height128 width128 srchome/all_browsers.png alt />i classsubtitle>January 2010, The Crew/i>br />p>The XPilot web site has been designed to feature the classical game theme. We consider it to be in Beta state right now, although it is far from being complete. The appearance, structure, and content is of experimental nature. Feedback from a classintext href/community/>the community/a> is welcome./p>h2 classsection>Robots Cup/h2>img classlst_deco height128 width128 srchome/cup_award.png alt />i classsubtitle>January 2010, The Crew/i>br />p>May we draw your attention to the potential Robots Cup on the occasion of the WCCI. Although you have to reveal your technology to the organizers, wh
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 09:00:14 GMTContent-Type: text/htmlTransfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-alivevary: Accept-Encodingvary: Hostvary: Accept-Encodinglast-modified: Tue, 09 Aug !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html>head> title>XPilot - the online multiplayer space action game/title> meta namedescription contentDating from 1991, XPilot is one of the oldest online multiplayer space action computer games. It is open source and runs on many platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X, Unix/Linux, and the iPhone. Gameplay includes Capture the Flag, base defense, racing and deathmatches. /> link relstylesheet hrefshared/css/site.css typetext/css /> link relshortcut icon href/shared/favicon.ico typeimage/ico />/head>body>div idpage>img idend src/shared/bg/end.png alt />div idcontent>!-- FF -->h1 classhead>XPilot small>Multiplayer online space action since 1991/small>/h1>div idmenu>ul> li>a href/>Home/a>/li> li>a href/gaming/>Gameplay/a>/li> li>a href/development/>Development/a>/li> li>a href/community/>Community/a>/li> li>a href/about/>About/a>/li>/ul>/div>img classlst_deco height128 width128 srchome/release_4.5.5.png alt />h2 classsection>XPilot Classic 4.5.5 released/h2>i classsubtitle>January 2010, The Crew/i>br />p>This release reflects the changed IP of the meta servers. a classintext href>Download/a> (courtesy to SourceForge)/p>h2 classsection> re-vamped/h2>img classlst_deco height128 width128 srchome/all_browsers.png alt />i classsubtitle>January 2010, The Crew/i>br />p>The XPilot web site has been designed to feature the classical game theme. We consider it to be in Beta state right now, although it is far from being complete. The appearance, structure, and content is of experimental nature. Feedback from a classintext href/community/>the community/a> is welcome./p>h2 classsection>Robots Cup/h2>img classlst_deco height128 width128 srchome/cup_award.png alt />i classsubtitle>January 2010, The Crew/i>br />p>May we draw your attention to the potential Robots Cup on the occasion of the WCCI. Although you have to reveal your technology to the organizers, wh
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