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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 14:09:46 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 13:39:13 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 14436Vary: Accept-Enco html>!-- Created on: 01/12/2012 -->head> meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1> title>The Worldwide Boxer/title> meta namedescription contentBoxers, > meta namekeywords content> meta nameauthor contentJudy Horton> meta namegenerator contentAceHTML 6 Pro>link hrefboxer.css typetext/css relstylesheet>/head>body topmargin0 bgcolor#ffffff backgroundwwwbg3.jpg> br>br>table aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0 summary bgcolor#ffffff border1 width1000> tr> td>br>br> br>center>IMG SRCwww_logo2.jpg WIDTH481 HEIGHT116 BORDER0 ALTThe Worldwide Boxer Logo>/center> center> | A HREFindex.html> Home /A> | A HREFPAGE2.html> Judging Type /A> | A HREFPAGE3.html> History & Purpose /A> | A HREFTEMPERAMENT.html> Temperament /A> | A HREFCOLOUR.html> Colour /A> | A HREFPAGE4.html> The Side View /A> | A HREFPAGE5.html> From the Front /A> | A HREFPAGE6.html> The Head /A> |br> | A HREFHEADS.html> More Heads /A> | A HREFPAGE7.html> The Body /A> | A HREFPAGE8.html> From the Rear /A> | A HREFPAGE9.html> Movement /A> | A HREFPAGE10.html> Standards /A> | A HREFANATOMY.html> Anatomy /A> | A HREFFAMOUS.html> Famous Sires /A> | A HREFPAGE11.html> Photo Gallery /A> | A HREFWWBLINKS.html> Links /A> |br> | a hrefstyle.html>Differences Around the World /A> | a hrefcomparisons.html> Body Style Comparisions /a> | a hrefbeautiful-heads.html>b>Beautiful Heads/b>/a> | a hrefeyes.html>b>Eye Shape/b>/a> | a hrefskull.html>b>The Skull Shape/b>/a> | a hrefsalsa.html>b>Optical Illusions/b>/a> |br> | a hrefmovement1.html titleGo to article>b>How Structure affects Movement/b>/a> | A HREFPUPPIES.html> Choosing a Puppy /A> | A HREFcontact.html> Contact Me/A> | br>br>br>br> form methodget action> div styleborder:0px solid black;padding:4px;width:20em;> table border0 cellpadding0 aligncenter> tr> td> input typetext nameq size25 maxlength255 value /> input typesubmit valueGoogle Search /> /td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter stylef
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 14:09:47 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 13:39:13 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 14436Vary: Accept-Enco html>!-- Created on: 01/12/2012 -->head> meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1> title>The Worldwide Boxer/title> meta namedescription contentBoxers, > meta namekeywords content> meta nameauthor contentJudy Horton> meta namegenerator contentAceHTML 6 Pro>link hrefboxer.css typetext/css relstylesheet>/head>body topmargin0 bgcolor#ffffff backgroundwwwbg3.jpg> br>br>table aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0 summary bgcolor#ffffff border1 width1000> tr> td>br>br> br>center>IMG SRCwww_logo2.jpg WIDTH481 HEIGHT116 BORDER0 ALTThe Worldwide Boxer Logo>/center> center> | A HREFindex.html> Home /A> | A HREFPAGE2.html> Judging Type /A> | A HREFPAGE3.html> History & Purpose /A> | A HREFTEMPERAMENT.html> Temperament /A> | A HREFCOLOUR.html> Colour /A> | A HREFPAGE4.html> The Side View /A> | A HREFPAGE5.html> From the Front /A> | A HREFPAGE6.html> The Head /A> |br> | A HREFHEADS.html> More Heads /A> | A HREFPAGE7.html> The Body /A> | A HREFPAGE8.html> From the Rear /A> | A HREFPAGE9.html> Movement /A> | A HREFPAGE10.html> Standards /A> | A HREFANATOMY.html> Anatomy /A> | A HREFFAMOUS.html> Famous Sires /A> | A HREFPAGE11.html> Photo Gallery /A> | A HREFWWBLINKS.html> Links /A> |br> | a hrefstyle.html>Differences Around the World /A> | a hrefcomparisons.html> Body Style Comparisions /a> | a hrefbeautiful-heads.html>b>Beautiful Heads/b>/a> | a hrefeyes.html>b>Eye Shape/b>/a> | a hrefskull.html>b>The Skull Shape/b>/a> | a hrefsalsa.html>b>Optical Illusions/b>/a> |br> | a hrefmovement1.html titleGo to article>b>How Structure affects Movement/b>/a> | A HREFPUPPIES.html> Choosing a Puppy /A> | A HREFcontact.html> Contact Me/A> | br>br>br>br> form methodget action> div styleborder:0px solid black;padding:4px;width:20em;> table border0 cellpadding0 aligncenter> tr> td> input typetext nameq size25 maxlength255 value /> input typesubmit valueGoogle Search /> /td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter stylef
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