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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 27 Mar 2025 07:05:29 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 15:15:16 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 11592Vary: Accept-EncodingContent-Type: text/html ?xml version1.0 encodingiso-8859-1?>!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns>head>title>Wire Trolley Manufacturing: China Wanxin Wire Trolleys Co., Ltd./title>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1 />meta namekeywords contentWire Trolleys, Shopping Trolley, Chrome Plated Trolleys, Grocery Trolleys, Kitchen Trolleys, Wire Trolley Cart, Wire Cart, china wire trolleys />meta namedescription contentWanxin Wire Trolleys Co. exports steel wire trolleys, chrome plated trolleys, European grocery trolleys, epoxy coated wire trolley, shopping trolleys. />link hrefcss/template_css.css relstylesheet typetext/css/>/head>body bgcolor#B6BABA>div aligncenter> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width978> tr> td classleft_shadow>img srcimages/spacer.png altspacer.png, 0 kB titlespacer class height1 width17 />br />/td> td classoutline> div idheader_outer> div idheader> img srcimages/logo.png border0 height81 width250 /> /div> /div> div idbanner_outer> div idbanner_inner> div aligncenter>img srcimages/wire_trolleys.jpg border0 width540 height80 altwire trolleys />/div> /div> /div> div classclr>/div> div idmenu_outer> div idmenu_inner> div idbuttons>table width100% border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing1>tr alignleft>td>a hrefindex.htm classmainlevel >Home/a>/td>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/company.htm classmainlevel >About Us /a>/td>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/products.htm classmainlevel >Products /a>/td>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/contact.htm classmainlevel >Contact Us/a>/td>td>a classmainlevel >Email/a>/td>td width100#> /td>/tr>/table> /div> /div> /div> div classclr>/div> div idleft_outer> div idleft_inner>table cellspacing0 cellpadding1 classmoduletable> tr> th valigntop>Products/th> /tr> tr> td> table width100% border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing1>tr alignleft>td stylepadding-left:10px;>strong>Wire Trolleys/strong>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/chromeplatedwiretrolleys.htm classmainlevel >Chrome Plated Trolleys/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/multi-layerwiretrolley.htm classmainlevel >Multi-layer Wire Trolley/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/europeangrocerywiretrolleys.htm classmainlevel >European Grocery Trolleys/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wireshelvingtrolley.htm classmainlevel >Wire Shelving Trolley/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/epoxycoatedwiretrolley.htm classmainlevel >Epoxy Coated Wire Trolley/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wirebaskettrolleys.htm classmainlevel >Wire Basket Trolleys/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/kitchentrolleys.htm classmainlevel >Kitchen Trolleys/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wireracktrolleycart.htm classmainlevel >Wire Rack Trolley Cart/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wirecart.htm classmainlevel >Wire Cart/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/shoppingtrolleys.htm classmainlevel >Shopping Trolleys/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td stylepadding-left:10px;>strong>Other Wire Products/strong>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wireshelving.htm classmainlevel >Wire Shelving/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wirerackswithwheels.htm classmainlevel >Wire Racks with Wheels/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/stackablewirecontainers.htm classmainlevel >Stackable Wire Containers/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wiredecking.htm classmainlevel >Wire Decking/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wiregrids.htm classmainlevel >Wire Grids/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wirebaskets.htm classmainlevel >Wire Baskets/a>/td>/tr>/table> /td> /tr> /table> table cellspacing0 cellpadding1 classmoduletable> tr> th valigntop>Certificates/th> /tr> tr> td>center>img srcimages/iso.png border0>/center> /td> /tr> /table> /div> /div> div idcontent_outer> div idcontent_inner> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100% classcontent_table> tr> td> div idpathway_outer> div idpathway_inner> div idpathway_text> span classpathway>a hrefindex.htm classpathway>Home/a>/span> /div> /div> /div> div classclr>/div> /tr> /table> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100% classcontent_table> tr valigntop> td width99%> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100% classcontent_table> tr valigntop> td width50%> div classuser1_inner> table cellspacing0 cellpadding1 classmoduletable> tr> th valigntop>MAIN PRODUCTS/th> /tr> tr> td>p>Wanxin Wire Trolleys Co. exports a variety of steel wire trolleys. According to finishes, our wire trolleys can be chrome plated, electro galvanized and epoxy coated trolley carts. According to load capacity, wire trolleys can be heavy, meidum and light type. br /> According to uses, wire trolleys can be divided into grocerty trolleys, shopping trolleys, storage trolleys and service trolleys. According to structures and materials, they can be wire shelving trolleys, wire rack trolleys, basket trolleys and more. According to layers, we can supply 3 layer trolleys, five layer trolleys and multi-layer trolley carts for your choice. For more information, a>send your email now/a>./p>/td>/tr>/table> /div> /td> td width2> img srcimages/spacer.png alt titlespacer border0 height10 width2/> /td> td width50%> div classuser2_inner> table cellspacing0 cellpadding1 classmoduletable> tr> th valigntop>FEATURES /th> /tr> tr> td>p>Wanxin Shopping Trolleys have the following features:br /> 1.All welded construction with additional wire trussing for high /> 2.Top mat wires run front to back for ease of loading and unloadingbr /> 3.Quick assemblybr /> 4.Adjustable foot levelersbr /> 5.Durable finishesbr /> 6.Applicable for industrial, Health Care, Food Service and Retail Marketbr /> And /> br /> /p>/td> /tr> /table> /div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan3> img srcimages/spacer.png alt titlespacer border0 height2 width100/>br /> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan3 classbody_outer> table width100% cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0>tr>td valigntop > table width98% border0 aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing1 classcontentpaneopen> tr> td valigntop colspan2> p alignjustify>img width250 hspace8 height392 border0 alignright altchrome wire trolleys titleTechniflex Flexible Air Ducts srcimages/chrome_wire_trolleys.jpg />/p> p>Welcome! Wanxin Wire Trolleys Co. especially manufactures and exports Wire Shopping Trolleys of different designs and specifications, providing pratical, flexible and effective solutions to stores and supermaket uses. Our wire trolleys can be stackable to save spaces. /p> p>These wire trolleys can be used in various types of applications. All series of trolleys in the production can be designed in large or small wire diameter for applications of different loading capacities. Wire trolleys can be made with different wire materials, like shelving trolleys, basket trolleys, wire rack trolleys, etc./p>A variety of sizes and specifications are available for our customers. Besides trolley carts, we also supply wire shelvings, wire racks, wire containers and wire baskets for various uses. Welcome to contact us.h4 aligncenter>font size2>Trolleys & Materials/font>/h4>ul>ul>li>div alignjustify>font size2 color#fc5107>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/chromeplatedwiretrolleys.htm>Chrome Plated Trolleys/a>/font>/div>/li>li>div alignjustify>font size2 color#fc5107>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/multi-layerwiretrolley.htm>Multi-layer Wire Trolley/a>/font>/div>/li>li>div alignjustify>font size2 color#fc5107>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/europeangrocerywiretrolleys.htm >European Grocery Trolleys/a>/font>/div>/li>li>div alignjustify>font size2 color#fc5107>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wireshelvingtrolley.htm>Wire Shelving Trolley/a>/font>/div>/li>/ul>/ul> /td> /tr> /table> br />/td>tr>tr>td>/td>/tr>/table> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table> /div> /div> /td> td classright_shadow>img srcimages/spacer.png altspacer.png, 0 kB titlespacer class height1 width17 />br />/td> /tr>tr> td classleft_shadow>img srcimages/spacer.png altspacer.png, 0 kB titlespacer class height1 width17 />br />/td> td bgcolor#005DA3> div alignright classfooter> div aligncenter classfooter> b>font color#ffffff>Wanxin Wire Trolleys Co., Ltd./b>br> Add: East of Xinmin Street, Dezhou City, Shandong, China br> E-mail: a>>br> URL: a href>>/div> /div> /td> td classright_shadow>img srcimages/spacer.png altspacer.png, 0 kB titlespacer class height1 width17 />br />/td> /tr> /table>/div>/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 27 Mar 2025 07:05:30 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 15:15:16 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 11592Vary: Accept-EncodingContent-Type: text/html ?xml version1.0 encodingiso-8859-1?>!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns>head>title>Wire Trolley Manufacturing: China Wanxin Wire Trolleys Co., Ltd./title>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1 />meta namekeywords contentWire Trolleys, Shopping Trolley, Chrome Plated Trolleys, Grocery Trolleys, Kitchen Trolleys, Wire Trolley Cart, Wire Cart, china wire trolleys />meta namedescription contentWanxin Wire Trolleys Co. exports steel wire trolleys, chrome plated trolleys, European grocery trolleys, epoxy coated wire trolley, shopping trolleys. />link hrefcss/template_css.css relstylesheet typetext/css/>/head>body bgcolor#B6BABA>div aligncenter> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width978> tr> td classleft_shadow>img srcimages/spacer.png altspacer.png, 0 kB titlespacer class height1 width17 />br />/td> td classoutline> div idheader_outer> div idheader> img srcimages/logo.png border0 height81 width250 /> /div> /div> div idbanner_outer> div idbanner_inner> div aligncenter>img srcimages/wire_trolleys.jpg border0 width540 height80 altwire trolleys />/div> /div> /div> div classclr>/div> div idmenu_outer> div idmenu_inner> div idbuttons>table width100% border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing1>tr alignleft>td>a hrefindex.htm classmainlevel >Home/a>/td>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/company.htm classmainlevel >About Us /a>/td>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/products.htm classmainlevel >Products /a>/td>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/contact.htm classmainlevel >Contact Us/a>/td>td>a classmainlevel >Email/a>/td>td width100#> /td>/tr>/table> /div> /div> /div> div classclr>/div> div idleft_outer> div idleft_inner>table cellspacing0 cellpadding1 classmoduletable> tr> th valigntop>Products/th> /tr> tr> td> table width100% border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing1>tr alignleft>td stylepadding-left:10px;>strong>Wire Trolleys/strong>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/chromeplatedwiretrolleys.htm classmainlevel >Chrome Plated Trolleys/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/multi-layerwiretrolley.htm classmainlevel >Multi-layer Wire Trolley/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/europeangrocerywiretrolleys.htm classmainlevel >European Grocery Trolleys/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wireshelvingtrolley.htm classmainlevel >Wire Shelving Trolley/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/epoxycoatedwiretrolley.htm classmainlevel >Epoxy Coated Wire Trolley/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wirebaskettrolleys.htm classmainlevel >Wire Basket Trolleys/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/kitchentrolleys.htm classmainlevel >Kitchen Trolleys/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wireracktrolleycart.htm classmainlevel >Wire Rack Trolley Cart/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wirecart.htm classmainlevel >Wire Cart/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/shoppingtrolleys.htm classmainlevel >Shopping Trolleys/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td stylepadding-left:10px;>strong>Other Wire Products/strong>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wireshelving.htm classmainlevel >Wire Shelving/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wirerackswithwheels.htm classmainlevel >Wire Racks with Wheels/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/stackablewirecontainers.htm classmainlevel >Stackable Wire Containers/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wiredecking.htm classmainlevel >Wire Decking/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wiregrids.htm classmainlevel >Wire Grids/a>/td>/tr>tr alignleft>td>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wirebaskets.htm classmainlevel >Wire Baskets/a>/td>/tr>/table> /td> /tr> /table> table cellspacing0 cellpadding1 classmoduletable> tr> th valigntop>Certificates/th> /tr> tr> td>center>img srcimages/iso.png border0>/center> /td> /tr> /table> /div> /div> div idcontent_outer> div idcontent_inner> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100% classcontent_table> tr> td> div idpathway_outer> div idpathway_inner> div idpathway_text> span classpathway>a hrefindex.htm classpathway>Home/a>/span> /div> /div> /div> div classclr>/div> /tr> /table> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100% classcontent_table> tr valigntop> td width99%> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100% classcontent_table> tr valigntop> td width50%> div classuser1_inner> table cellspacing0 cellpadding1 classmoduletable> tr> th valigntop>MAIN PRODUCTS/th> /tr> tr> td>p>Wanxin Wire Trolleys Co. exports a variety of steel wire trolleys. According to finishes, our wire trolleys can be chrome plated, electro galvanized and epoxy coated trolley carts. According to load capacity, wire trolleys can be heavy, meidum and light type. br /> According to uses, wire trolleys can be divided into grocerty trolleys, shopping trolleys, storage trolleys and service trolleys. According to structures and materials, they can be wire shelving trolleys, wire rack trolleys, basket trolleys and more. According to layers, we can supply 3 layer trolleys, five layer trolleys and multi-layer trolley carts for your choice. For more information, a>send your email now/a>./p>/td>/tr>/table> /div> /td> td width2> img srcimages/spacer.png alt titlespacer border0 height10 width2/> /td> td width50%> div classuser2_inner> table cellspacing0 cellpadding1 classmoduletable> tr> th valigntop>FEATURES /th> /tr> tr> td>p>Wanxin Shopping Trolleys have the following features:br /> 1.All welded construction with additional wire trussing for high /> 2.Top mat wires run front to back for ease of loading and unloadingbr /> 3.Quick assemblybr /> 4.Adjustable foot levelersbr /> 5.Durable finishesbr /> 6.Applicable for industrial, Health Care, Food Service and Retail Marketbr /> And /> br /> /p>/td> /tr> /table> /div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan3> img srcimages/spacer.png alt titlespacer border0 height2 width100/>br /> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan3 classbody_outer> table width100% cellspacing0 cellpadding0 border0>tr>td valigntop > table width98% border0 aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing1 classcontentpaneopen> tr> td valigntop colspan2> p alignjustify>img width250 hspace8 height392 border0 alignright altchrome wire trolleys titleTechniflex Flexible Air Ducts srcimages/chrome_wire_trolleys.jpg />/p> p>Welcome! Wanxin Wire Trolleys Co. especially manufactures and exports Wire Shopping Trolleys of different designs and specifications, providing pratical, flexible and effective solutions to stores and supermaket uses. Our wire trolleys can be stackable to save spaces. /p> p>These wire trolleys can be used in various types of applications. All series of trolleys in the production can be designed in large or small wire diameter for applications of different loading capacities. Wire trolleys can be made with different wire materials, like shelving trolleys, basket trolleys, wire rack trolleys, etc./p>A variety of sizes and specifications are available for our customers. Besides trolley carts, we also supply wire shelvings, wire racks, wire containers and wire baskets for various uses. Welcome to contact us.h4 aligncenter>font size2>Trolleys & Materials/font>/h4>ul>ul>li>div alignjustify>font size2 color#fc5107>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/chromeplatedwiretrolleys.htm>Chrome Plated Trolleys/a>/font>/div>/li>li>div alignjustify>font size2 color#fc5107>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/multi-layerwiretrolley.htm>Multi-layer Wire Trolley/a>/font>/div>/li>li>div alignjustify>font size2 color#fc5107>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/europeangrocerywiretrolleys.htm >European Grocery Trolleys/a>/font>/div>/li>li>div alignjustify>font size2 color#fc5107>a hrefshoppingtrolleys/wireshelvingtrolley.htm>Wire Shelving Trolley/a>/font>/div>/li>/ul>/ul> /td> /tr> /table> br />/td>tr>tr>td>/td>/tr>/table> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> /table> /div> /div> /td> td classright_shadow>img srcimages/spacer.png altspacer.png, 0 kB titlespacer class height1 width17 />br />/td> /tr>tr> td classleft_shadow>img srcimages/spacer.png altspacer.png, 0 kB titlespacer class height1 width17 />br />/td> td bgcolor#005DA3> div alignright classfooter> div aligncenter classfooter> b>font color#ffffff>Wanxin Wire Trolleys Co., Ltd./b>br> Add: East of Xinmin Street, Dezhou City, Shandong, China br> E-mail: a>>br> URL: a href>>/div> /div> /td> td classright_shadow>img srcimages/spacer.png altspacer.png, 0 kB titlespacer class height1 width17 />br />/td> /tr> /table>/div>/body>/html>
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