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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Fri, 21 Mar 2025 19:44:48 GMTServer: ApacheLocation: 234Content-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN>html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>h1>Moved Permanently/h1>p>The document has moved a href>here/a>./p>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 21 Mar 2025 19:44:49 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2Connection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Thu, 01 Feb 2024 19:36:12 GMTETag: fd5a-610571ba19f11Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 64858Content-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html>html langen> head> meta charsetutf-8> title>Wind & Water/title> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0> meta namedescription contentWind & Water> meta nameauthor contentHanno Smits> link relshortcut icon typeimage/x-icon hrefcontents/images/favicon.png> !-- Le styles --> link hrefresources/css/bootstrap.css relstylesheet> link hrefresources/css/bootstrap-responsive.css relstylesheet> link hrefresources/css/bg-info-hbs.css relstylesheet> style> /* GLOBAL STYLES -------------------------------------------------- */ /* Padding below the footer and lighter body text */ body { padding-bottom: 40px; color: #5a5a5a; } /* CUSTOMIZE THE NAVBAR -------------------------------------------------- */ /* Special class on .container surrounding .navbar, used for positioning it into place. */ .navbar-wrapper { position: absolute; 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srcresources/img/backgrounds/water.jpg alt> div classcontainer> div classcarousel-caption> h1>Water./h1> p classlead>Feeling and tasting the water, your element. /p> /div> /div> /div> div classitem> img srcresources/img/backgrounds/earth.jpg alt> div classcontainer> div classcarousel-caption> h1 stylecolor: black>Earth/h1> p classlead stylecolor: black>Gives you support, grounds you./p> /div> /div> /div> /div> a classleft carousel-control href#myCarousel data-slideprev>‹/a> a classright carousel-control href#myCarousel data-slidenext>›/a> /div> !-- /.carousel --> !-- Marketing messaging and featurettes --> !-- Wrap the rest of the page in another container to center all the content. -->div classcontainer-content span14>!-- kaartjes rij 0----------------------------------------------- --> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 style background: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier15c.jpg)> img srccontents/images/volvo/volvo.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Volvo P1800 renderings./b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Base model bought of CGTrader. Meshes rebuilt and re-cut for my>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font colorblue>#@hanno; 2021 /font>a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/volvo.php> View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 style background: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier15d.jpg)> img srccontents/images/monotracer2.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>SEM/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Webpage for the SEM (Streamlined Electric Motorcycle)br>br>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font colorblue>#@hanno; 2016 /font>a classbtn btn-primary> View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 style background: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier15d.jpg)> img srccontents/images/monotracer.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Webpage for the Dutch Monotracer and SEMbr>br>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font colorblue>#@hanno; 2016 /font>a classbtn btn-primary> View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 style background: url(resources/img/backgrounds/wip.jpg)> img srccontents/images/fd3d/fd3d.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Flying Dutchman 3D model/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Work in proces on this former olympic class>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font colorblue>#@hanno; 2024 /font>a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/fd3d.php> View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 style background: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier15a.jpg)> img srccontents/images/lapstrake rowing/lapstrake.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Lapstrake rowing/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>3D model and renderings a lapstrake sliding seat rowing shellbr>br>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font colorblue>#@hanno; 2018 /font>a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/lapstrake.php> View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 style background: url(resources/img/backgrounds/paper39.jpg)> img srccontents/images/kano/kano.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Kayak wood laminatd/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>3D model and renderings of a veneer laminated>br>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; 2017 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/kano.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 style background: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier14b.jpg)> img srccontents/images/JUVA/JUVA.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Renault Juvaquatre fourgonnette/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>The 3D model, the rendering and the orginals Ranault>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; 2022 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/JUVA.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 style background: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier-7.png)> img srccontents/images/choirdigital/choirdigital.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Choir.Digital/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Database with digital practice files for Choirs. br>BR>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; 2024 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/ChoirDigital.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 style background: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier13c.jpg)> img srccontents/images/apiary/apiary.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Apriary/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Apiary based on the traditional sheepfolds of the Dutch Achterhoek and Salland regions. br>BR>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; 2021 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/apiary.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 style background: url(resources/img/backgrounds/paper3.jpg)> img srccontents/images/2-man 2/2-man 2 start.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>RIVA style hydrofoil/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Re-visit of the RIVA style design for a 2 person motorized electric hydrofoil. V-Ray and 3D Studio Max renderings. br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; 2015/2020 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/2-man 2.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> !-- kaartjes rij 1----------------------------------------------- --> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 style background: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier15b.jpg)> img srccontents/images/cornish_flashboat.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>15 ft Cornish flashboat/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>In Cornwall they use a very particular style of rowing, combining sweep rowing with sculling. br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; Jan 2015 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/cornish_flashboat.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 style background: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier18a.jpg)> img srccontents/images/sem1.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>SEM/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Streamlined electric motorcycle, efficient exciting, personal>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; 15 Mar 2013 a classbtn btn-primary>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier11a.jpg)> img srccontents/images/draak1.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px classtransbox> font size4>b>Int Dragon class/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>3D model of the famed international Dragon class sailing>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; 20 sep 2012 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/dragon.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier15a.jpg)> img srccontents/images/hydrofoil1.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Hydrofoil sailing/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>The hydrofoil sailing evolution that became a revolution in recent years, in>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; apr 2010 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/hydrofoil_sailing.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> !-- ---------------------------- rij 2 ------------------------- --> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier13a.jpg)> img srccontents/images/vin1.png alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Fin swimming/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Fin swimming the fastest way of swimming. This fin was developed as an>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; Jun 1999 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/fin.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier17b.jpg)> img srccontents/images/recumb.png alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Recumbent bicycle/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Why not build one yourself with this design, and join the fast cyclistsbr>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; apr 2001 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/recumb.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier14a.jpg)> img srccontents/images/monitor.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Monitor/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>The 1950s hydrofoil, using a mechanical computer they sailed at 30>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; june 1995 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/monitor_1.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> !-- ---------------------------- rij 3 ------------------------- --> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier11b.jpg)> img srccontents/images/flyak.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Flyak/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Hydrofoil kayak, difficult to take-off but tremendous>br>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; Mar 2007 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/flyak.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier12a.jpg)> img srccontents/images/hirondelle.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Hirondelle/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>RC sailplane with elliptical wings and curved>br>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; May 2006 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/hirondelle.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier16.jpg)> img srccontents/images/fd-h40.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>FD H40/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Flying Dutchman H40 on hydrofoils in 1980, an experiment to increase the max speed of a single hulled>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; May 1980 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/fd.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> !-- ---------------------------- rij 4 ------------------------- --> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier13c.jpg)> img srccontents/images/3d_man.gif alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>3D man /b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Model of a man for basic ergonomic design, all joints made>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; dec 2012 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/3d_man.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier15b.jpg)> img srccontents/images/killinger.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Friedenstaube /b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Very interesting frontwheel motor, streamlined motorcycle built and designed by Killinger und Freund in>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; oct 2009 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/killinger.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier13b.jpg)> img srccontents/images/buzzard.png alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Buzzard/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Design for a radio controlled Buzzard at true scale. Control of wingtip feathers and tailbr>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; 9 Mar 2009 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/buzzard.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier14d.jpg)> img srccontents/images/sail-row.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Sail rowing boat/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>The winner of the de Maas 2001 design competition for a saili, rowing camping>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font colorblue>#@hanno; Dec 2001 /font> a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/sail-row.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> !-- ---------------------------- rij 5 ------------------------- --> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier11b.jpg)> img srccontents/images/englaan-dome.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Domed regular house/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>A sketch design where a dome was inserted into the corner of a regular house to increase size, light and>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; oct 2004 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/englaan-dome.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier18b.jpg)> img srccontents/images/2-man.png alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>2 man motor hydrofoil/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>motorboat, Riva style but with hydrofoils for a smooth elevated>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; Oct 1998 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/2-man.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier17a.jpg)> img srccontents/images/oak-frame.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Oak frame house/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Oak framed, grass roofed, open plan house, half underground, windturbine, solar>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; Mar 2007 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/oak-frame.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div>!-- ---------------------------- rij 6 ------------------------- --> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier17d.jpg)> img srccontents/images/knots.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Skate sailing/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>An easy way to convert your windsurf-sail into an skate sailer by extending the mast with>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; Jan 1979 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/knots.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier14c.jpg)> img srccontents/images/hanggliding.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Light air sports/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Flying like you really are flying yourself. br> Literally free as a>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font colorblue>#@hanno; may 1989 /font>a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/hanggliding.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier11c.jpg)> img srccontents/images/canard.png alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Canard glider/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Sailplane set up as a>br>br>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; 1997a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/canard.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> !-- ---------------------------- rij 7 ------------------------- --> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier17c.jpg)> img srccontents/images/tekening.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Sketches/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>When sketches were not>br>br>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; 1969-88 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/tekening.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier11d.jpg)> img srccontents/images/endeavour.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Endeavour/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>RC model of the J-class Endeavour. Original sailplan with consequently a long fin with>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; Jun 1996 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/endeavour.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier15c.jpg)> img srccontents/images/eco-house.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Eco house/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>An off the grid house, with a large glass front to catch as much solar energy as possiblebr>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; dec 2006 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/eco-house.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> !-- ---------------------------- rij 8 ------------------------- --> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier18c.jpg)> img srccontents/images/dune.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Dune Gooning/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Hanggliding with several gliders along the dunes. Intense, unexpected,> Language : i>dutch/i>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; Apr 2001 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/dune.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier12b.jpg)> img srccontents/images/dn.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>DN iceyacht/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>True affordable speedsailing. Competitions at >100km/h at minus 20°Cbr>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; jan 1975 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/dn.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier13c.jpg)> img srccontents/images/uw_cycle.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Underwater cycle/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Trying to use our strong thigh muscles, like cycling must increase the>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; Dec 2002 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/uw_cycle.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> !-- ---------------------------- rij 9 ------------------------- --> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier13d.jpg)> img srccontents/images/hydr_surf.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Hydrofoil surfing/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Foilboarding, started with Laird Hamiltons adaptation of the airchair for>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; 2002 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/hydr_surf.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier15d.jpg)> img srccontents/images/shelter.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Shelter/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>A large collection of images of houses/shelter. Beautiful and natural>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; >1990 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/shelter.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier18d.jpg)> img srccontents/images/fiets.gif alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Bicycles, bicycles, ../b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Lots and lots of bicycles, concept, wooden, recumbent, rowing, design ideas br>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; >1988 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/fiets.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> !-- ---------------------------- rij 10 ------------------------- --> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebox-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #888888;> img srccontents/images/gravity.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Gravity racers/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Small engine-less cars, low roll resistance and aerodynamic>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; 2006 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/gravity.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier11e.jpg)> img srccontents/images/nitsch.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Stephan Nitsch †/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Great builder of Lilienthal replicas, but his glider gyro is what got me>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; sept 2004 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/nitsch.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier13d.jpg)> img srccontents/images/kite.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Kiting/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Rogallo - Jalbert, dirigible kites became serious propulsion and good>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; december 1967 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/kite.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> !-- ---------------------------- rij 11 ------------------------- --> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier15d.jpg)> img srccontents/images/1_man.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>1 man copter/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>super light one man helicopters, personal transportation of the future or just fun?.br>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; july 1985 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/1_man_copter.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier18c.jpg)> img srccontents/images/rcparapente.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>RC Parapente/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Small realistic remote controlled parapente/paraglider, just for>br>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; oct 2009 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/rcparapente.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier11d.jpg)> img srccontents/images/trampo.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Trampofoil/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Human powered, hopping hydrofoil. Clever idea, commercial>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; Mar 2002 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/trampo.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> !-- ---------------------------- rij 12 ------------------------- --> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier13d.jpg)> img srccontents/images/3D_house.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>3D house/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Doing (doen) br>Thinking (denken) br>Dreaming (dromen).br>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; feb 2001 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/3D_house.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier12a.jpg)> img srccontents/images/sails.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Sails/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Organically shaped oakframe houses, with a thatched roof, easily configurable>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; apr 2003 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/sails.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier18b.jpg)> img srccontents/images/wing.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Wing /b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>The house that turns with the wind. Every day, every hour, will be>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; sept 2003 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/wing.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> !-- ---------------------------- rij 13 ------------------------- --> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier12b.jpg)> img srccontents/images/spits.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Spits /b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>the converted spits inland cargo ship, living where ever you want to>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; sept 2000 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/spits.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier14d.jpg)> img srccontents/images/unrendered.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Unrendered /b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Some designs which did not leave the concept stage, still in their unrendered>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; may 1998 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/unrendered.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier15a.jpg)> img srccontents/images/walking.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Walking cycle/b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Jansen beach-animal (strandbeest)>Used in a different>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; jan 2005 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/walking.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> !-- ---------------------------- rij 14 ------------------------- --> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier16.jpg)> img srccontents/images/veneer.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Veneer /b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Beautiful woods used in a different way, text as part of the>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; nov 1997 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/veneer.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier18.jpg)> img srccontents/images/bitri.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>BITRI /b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Nederlandse scooterfabriek nv. Van der Gang,>br>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; 1950 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/bitri.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier17c.jpg)> img srccontents/images/slippery.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Slippery car /b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Project to design and built a low resistance aerodynamic>br>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; 1997 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/slippery.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> !-- ---------------------------- rij 15 ------------------------- --> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier12a.jpg)> img srccontents/images/sideways.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Back, sideways, front cycle /b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Project to design a bicycle that allows the cyclist to turn around, while>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; nov 2007 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/sideways.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier12b.jpg)> img srccontents/images/sideby.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Sociable bicycle /b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Side by side cycling, the sociable alternative for a tandem>br>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; nov 2004 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/sideby.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier14a.jpg)> img srccontents/images/hydrofoil_ideas.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Hydrofoil ideas /b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Some doodles, but also some late 70s tests of some concepts, for fast hydrofoil>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; jun 1976 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/hydrofoil_ideas.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> !-- ---------------------------- rij 16 ------------------------- --> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier18a.jpg)> img srccontents/images/special.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Special cars /b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Cars, trikes and motorcycles, that inspire me, and maybe>br>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; 1970 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/special.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier11a.jpg)> img srccontents/images/more_houses.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>More house designs /b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Some more architectural design project, which do not merit a page of their own, but have some interesting>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; sep 2006 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/more_houses.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier13a.jpg)> img srccontents/images/windsurfen.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Windsurfing and surfing./b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Windsurfing and surf board design>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; aug 1975 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/windsurfen.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier13c.jpg)> img srccontents/images/geodesic.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Geodesic design./b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Domes, domes, canoes and some modern architectural>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; 1975/1995/2005/2013 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/geodesic.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier15a.jpg)> img srccontents/images/bolt.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Bolt in Rhino 3D./b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>How to make a metric thread bolt in Rhino 3D, a kind of>br>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; jan 2013 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/bolt.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> div classcontainer-kaartje span4 stylebackground: url(resources/img/backgrounds/papier15d.jpg)> img srccontents/images/gear.jpg alignleft stylemargin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; width:150px> font size4>b>Bicycle gears./b>/font>br> p>font colorblack>Dirt proof internal gears for bicycles offer great reliability and gear>br>/font>/p> hr>/hr> p classlicht alignright>font color#797CFF>#@/font>hanno; 2013 a classbtn btn-primary hrefcontents/gear.php>View i classicon-eye-open icon-white>/i> »/a>/i>/p> /div> !-- eind koppen tabel --------------------------------------------------- --> !-- START THE FEATURETTES -->Table classspan14> tr> td> div classfeaturette span10> h2 classfeaturette-heading styleopacity: 0.7;>Wind & Waterspan classmuted> Try, Play, Learn and Enjoy../span>/h2> !-- /END THE FEATURETTES --> !-- FOOTER --> footer> p aligncenter>© 1995 - 2024 Wind & Water · /p> /footer> /div> br>br> /td> td> !-- Begin Motigo Webstats counter code ---------------------------------------------------------------------- a idmws672480 href> img width80 height15 border0 altFree counter and web stats src />/a> script src typetext/javascript>/script> End Motigo Webstats counter code --> /td> /tr> /table>/div>!-- /.container --> !-- Le javascript --> !-- Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster --> script srcresources/js/jquery.js>/script> script srcresources/js/bootstrap-transition.js>/script> script srcresources/js/bootstrap-alert.js>/script> script srcresources/js/bootstrap-modal.js>/script> script srcresources/js/bootstrap-dropdown.js>/script> script srcresources/js/bootstrap-scrollspy.js>/script> script srcresources/js/bootstrap-tab.js>/script> script srcresources/js/bootstrap-tooltip.js>/script> script srcresources/js/bootstrap-popover.js>/script> script srcresources/js/bootstrap-button.js>/script> script srcresources/js/bootstrap-collapse.js>/script> script srcresources/js/bootstrap-carousel.js>/script> script srcresources/js/bootstrap-typeahead.js>/script> script srcresources/js/jquery-latest.js>/script> script srcresources/js/holder/holder.js>/script> script> !function ($) { $(function(){ $(#myCarousel).carousel({ }) }) } (window.jQuery) /script> !-- google analytics --> script typetext/javascript> var _gaq _gaq || ; 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