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} }, 1000);//each 1 second } }(jQuery)); //> /script> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classdiywebContent> div classdiywebLiveArea> div classdiywebMainGutter> div classdiyfeGridGroup diyfeCA diyfeCA1> div classdiywebMain diyfeGE> div classdiywebGutter> div idcontent_area> div idcontent_start>/div> div idmatrix_205603 classsortable-matrix data-matrixId205603>div classn module-type-header diyfeLiveArea > h2>span classdiyfeDecoration>Welcome to Vesterdalen Lodge!/span>/h2> /div>div classn module-type-text diyfeLiveArea > p>span stylecolor:#000000;>Were part of Sons of Norway, an international fraternal organization dedicated to preserving Norwegian Heritage. We meet in Auburn and our members come fromeverywhere in south Puget Sound!/span>/p>p> /p>p>span stylecolor:#000000;>Please take a few minutes to look over the pages on this web site - our calendar of events, where we meet, how we communicate, how to join and how to contact us. Ifyou have any questions, please use the contact form and well get right back to you./span>/p>p> /p>p>span stylecolor:#000000;>We are meeting in person at this date, but meetings are held on Zoom (virtual meeting on your computer, tablet or phone) as well. We send the Zoom link with meetingannouncements. If youd like to get this announcement, please contact>/p>p> /p>p>span stylecolor:#000000;>Our President for 2025 is Amanda Reding!/span>/p> /div>div classn module-type-imageSubtitle diyfeLiveArea > div classclearover imageSubtitle idimageSubtitle-7406130> div classalign-container align-center stylemax-width: 224px> a classimagewrapper href rellightbox7406130> img idimage_6997402 src alt stylemax-width: 224px; height:auto/> /a> /div>/div>script typetext/javascript>//!CDATAjQuery(function($) { var $target $(#imageSubtitle-7406130); if ($.fn.swipebox && Modernizr.touch) { $target .find(arel*lightbox) .addClass(swipebox) .swipebox(); } else { $target.tinyLightbox({ item: arel*lightbox, cycle: false, hideNavigation: true }); }});//>/script> /div>div classn module-type-hr diyfeLiveArea > div stylepadding: 15px 0px> div classhr>/div>/div> /div>div classn module-type-imageSubtitle diyfeLiveArea > div classclearover imageSubtitle idimageSubtitle-6936923> div classalign-container align-center stylemax-width: 440px> a classimagewrapper href rellightbox6936923> img idimage_6051807 src alt stylemax-width: 440px; height:auto/> /a> /div>/div>script typetext/javascript>//!CDATAjQuery(function($) { var $target $(#imageSubtitle-6936923); if ($.fn.swipebox && Modernizr.touch) { $target .find(arel*lightbox) .addClass(swipebox) .swipebox(); } else { $target.tinyLightbox({ item: arel*lightbox, cycle: false, hideNavigation: true }); }});//>/script> /div>div classn module-type-imageSubtitle diyfeLiveArea > div classclearover imageSubtitle idimageSubtitle-7413360> div classalign-container align-center stylemax-width: 205px> a classimagewrapper href rellightbox7413360> img idimage_7003203 src alt stylemax-width: 205px; height:auto/> /a> /div>/div>script typetext/javascript>//!CDATAjQuery(function($) { var $target $(#imageSubtitle-7413360); if ($.fn.swipebox && Modernizr.touch) { $target .find(arel*lightbox) .addClass(swipebox) .swipebox(); } else { $target.tinyLightbox({ item: arel*lightbox, cycle: false, hideNavigation: true }); }});//>/script> /div>div classn module-type-text diyfeLiveArea > p>span stylecolor:#000000;>Our congratulation to/span>span stylecolor:#B71C1C;> Karen Tofte /span>span stylecolor:#000000;>for becoming our Norwegian of the Year for 2024.Karen has been our Cultural Director for several years and found some outstanding programs, many available to us on Zoom! We enjoyd programs from Norway (which required taping to allow for time zonedifferences) and from the Viking ship replica in Moorhead, Minnesota. So many great ones!/span>/p>p>span stylecolor:#000000;>She resurrected our NordicFest spring program pulling together vendors and creating fun booths (such as the photo booth) and coordinating volunteers. We have a newbase on which to build the 2025 NordicFest!/span>/p>p>span stylecolor:#000000;>Thank you, Karen!/span>/p> /div>div classn module-type-hr diyfeLiveArea > div stylepadding: 7px 0px> div classhr>/div>/div> /div>div classn module-type-text diyfeLiveArea > p>span stylecolor:#000000;>span stylefont-size:18px;>Our Annual LUTEFISK DINNER was on the Fourth Saturday of October. We decided last year to not host one as we didnt have enough membersto work the dinner. We are considering hosting this again. If you sign up below, youll get an emailed notice. /span>/span>/p>p> /p>p>span stylecolor:#000000;>span stylefont-size:18px;>We do host a couple of TORSK dinners each year and tickets may be available for those - Torsk is boiled cod and isdelicious!/span>/span>/p> /div>div classn module-type-htmlCode diyfeLiveArea > div classmediumScreenDisabled>script typetext/javascript>if (window.jQuery) {window.jQuery_1and1 window.jQuery;}/script>div idmc_embed_shell>div idmc_embed_signup>form action methodpost idmc-embedded-subscribe-form namemc-embedded-subscribe-form classvalidate target_blank>div idmc_embed_signup_scroll>h2>Subscribe/h2>div classindicates-required>span classasterisk>*/span> indicates required/div>div classmc-field-group>label formce-EMAIL>Email Address span classasterisk>*/span>/label>input typeemail nameEMAIL classrequired email idmce-EMAIL required value/>/div>div classmc-field-group>label formce-FNAME>First Name/label> input typetext nameFNAME class text idmce-FNAME value/>/div>div classmc-field-group>label formce-LNAME>Last Name/label> input typetext nameLNAME class text idmce-LNAME value/>/div>div idmce-responses classclear>div classresponse idmce-error-response styledisplay: none;>/div>div classresponse idmce-success-response styledisplay: none;>/div>/div>div aria-hiddentrue styleposition: absolute; left: -5000px;>input typetext nameb_418a20646d21f345ffd7f9ebc_5c0b1ba616 tabindex-1 value/>/div>div classclear>input typesubmit namesubscribe idmc-embedded-subscribe classbutton valueSubscribe/>/div>/div>/form>/div>script typetext/javascript src//>/script>script typetext/javascript>//!CDATA(function($) {window.fnames new Array(); window.ftypes new Array();fnames0EMAIL;ftypes0email;fnames1FNAME;ftypes1text;fnames2LNAME;ftypes2text;fnames3ADDRESS;ftypes3address;fnames4PHONE;ftypes4phone;fnames5BIRTHDAY;ftypes5birthday;}(jQuery));var $mcj jQuery.noConflict(true);//>/script>/div>script typetext/javascript>if (window.jQuery_1and1) {window.jQuery window.jQuery_1and1;}/script>/div> /div>div classn module-type-remoteModule-counter diyfeLiveArea > div idmodul_1630037_content>div idNGH1630037_ classcounter apsinth-clear> div classngh-counter ngh-counter-skin-00new_counter01a styleheight:26px>div classchar stylewidth:14px;height:26px>/div>div classchar stylebackground-position:-128px 0px;width:13px;height:26px>/div>div classchar stylebackground-position:-102px 0px;width:13px;height:26px>/div>div classchar stylebackground-position:-151px 0px;width:5px;height:26px>/div>div classchar stylebackground-position:-128px 0px;width:13px;height:26px>/div>div classchar stylebackground-position:-14px 0px;width:10px;height:26px>/div>div classchar stylebackground-position:-76px 0px;width:13px;height:26px>/div>div classchar stylebackground-position:-220px 0px;width:13px;height:26px>/div>/div> div classapsinth-clear>/div>/div>/div>script>/* !CDATA */var __NGHModuleInstanceData1630037 __NGHModuleInstanceData1630037 || {};__NGHModuleInstanceData1630037.server;__NGHModuleInstanceData1630037.data_web {content:108016};var m mm1630037 new Counter(1630037,1638,counter);if (m.initView_main ! null) m.initView_main();/* > *//script> /div>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classdiywebSecondary diyfeGE diyfeCA diyfeCA3> div classdiywebNav diywebNav23 diywebHideOnSmall> div classdiyfeGE> div classdiywebGutter> div classwebnavigation>/div> /div> /div> /div> div classdiywebSidebar> div classdiyfeGE> div classdiywebGutter> div idmatrix_205602 classsortable-matrix data-matrixId205602>div classn module-type-imageSubtitle diyfeLiveArea > div classclearover imageSubtitle idimageSubtitle-1627922> div classalign-container align-left stylemax-width: 272px> a classimagewrapper href rellightbox1627922> img idimage_1055540 src alt stylemax-width: 272px; height:auto/> /a> /div>/div>script typetext/javascript>//!CDATAjQuery(function($) { var $target $(#imageSubtitle-1627922); if ($.fn.swipebox && Modernizr.touch) { $target .find(arel*lightbox) .addClass(swipebox) .swipebox(); } else { $target.tinyLightbox({ item: arel*lightbox, cycle: false, hideNavigation: true }); }});//>/script> /div>div classn module-type-header diyfeLiveArea > h2>span classdiyfeDecoration>Contact Us Today!/span>/h2> /div>div classn module-type-text diyfeLiveArea > p>span stylecolor:#000000;>Vesterdalen Lodge 2-131/span>/p>p>span stylecolor:#000000;>Sons of Norway/span>/p>p>span stylecolor:#000000;>PO Box 99/span>/p>p>span stylecolor:#000000;>Auburn, WA 98071/span>/p>p> /p>p>span stylecolor:#000000;>E-mail:>/p> /div>div classn module-type-hr diyfeLiveArea > div stylepadding: 0px 0px> div classhr>/div>/div> /div>div classn module-type-remoteModule-facebook diyfeLiveArea > div idmodul_1514485_content>div idNGH1514485_main> div classfacebook-content> a classfb-share button href> img src> Share/a> /div>/div>/div>script>/* !CDATA */var __NGHModuleInstanceData1514485 __NGHModuleInstanceData1514485 || {};__NGHModuleInstanceData1514485.server;__NGHModuleInstanceData1514485.data_web {};var m mm1514485 new Facebook(1514485,18583,facebook);if (m.initView_main ! 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