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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 15 Nov 2024 16:19:58 GMTServer: ApacheStrict-Transport-Security: max-age31104000; includeSubDomains; preloadX-Frame-Options: sameoriginReferrer-Policy: no-referrerX-XSS-Protection: 1; modeblockX-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: noneX-Content-Type-Options: nosniffTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetutf-8> title>UTAC/title> !-- Correct title tag without src --> !-- Favicon --> link relicon hrefela/img/icon.png typeimage/png> !-- Ensure the correct path to your favicon --> meta contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0 nameviewport> meta content namekeywords> meta content namedescription> !-- Google Web Fonts --> link relpreconnect href> link relpreconnect href crossorigin> link href;500;600&familyNunito:wght@600;700;800&displayswap relstylesheet> !-- Icon Font Stylesheet --> link href relstylesheet> link href relstylesheet> !-- Libraries Stylesheet --> link hreflib/animate/animate.min.css relstylesheet> link hreflib/owlcarousel/assets/owl.carousel.min.css relstylesheet> !-- Customized Bootstrap Stylesheet --> link hrefcss/bootstrap.min.css relstylesheet> !-- Template Stylesheet --> link hrefcss/style.css relstylesheet>/head>body> !-- Spinner Start --> div idspinner classshow bg-white position-fixed translate-middle w-100 vh-100 top-50 start-50 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center> div classspinner-border text-primary stylewidth: 3rem; height: 3rem; rolestatus> span classsr-only>Loading.../span> /div> /div> !-- Spinner End --> !-- Navbar Start --> nav classnavbar navbar-expand-lg bg-white navbar-light shadow sticky-top p-0> a hrefindex.html classnavbar-brand d-flex align-items-center px-4 px-lg-5> h2 classm-0 text-primary >i div classicon-wrapper> img srcimg/icon.jpg altRounded Image classrounded-circle me-3 stylewidth: 50px; height: 50px;> /div> /i>UTAC/h2> /a> button typebutton classnavbar-toggler me-4 data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#navbarCollapse> span classnavbar-toggler-icon>/span> /button> div classcollapse navbar-collapse idnavbarCollapse> div classnavbar-nav ms-auto p-4 p-lg-0> a hrefindex.php classnav-item nav-link active>Home/a> a hrefela/about.php classnav-item nav-link>About/a> a hrefela/courses.php classnav-item nav-link>Courses/a> a hrefela/contact.php classnav-item nav-link>Contact/a> /div> a hreflogin.php classbtn btn-primary py-4 px-lg-5 d-none d-lg-block>Logini classfa fa-arrow-right ms-3>/i>/a> /div> /nav> !-- Navbar End --> !-- Carousel Start --> div classcontainer-fluid p-0 mb-5> div classowl-carousel header-carousel position-relative> div classowl-carousel-item position-relative> img classimg-fluid srcimg/carousel-1.jpg alt> div classposition-absolute top-0 start-0 w-100 h-100 d-flex align-items-center stylebackground: rgba(24, 29, 56, .7);> div classcontainer> div classrow justify-content-start> div classcol-sm-10 col-lg-8> h5 classtext-primary text-uppercase mb-3 animated slideInDown>SPACE IS OUR DESTINATION/h5> h1 classdisplay-3 text-white animated slideInDown>SKYS ARE NEVER THE LIMIT/h1> p classfs-5 text-white mb-4 pb-2>CHAGUA CHUO BORA KWA MAISHA YAKO, CHAGUA UTAC/p> a href classbtn btn-primary py-md-3 px-md-5 me-3 animated slideInLeft>Read More/a> a hrefapplication.php classbtn btn-light py-md-3 px-md-5 animated slideInRight>Join Now/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classowl-carousel-item position-relative> img classimg-fluid srcimg/carousel-2.jpg alt> div classposition-absolute top-0 start-0 w-100 h-100 d-flex align-items-center stylebackground: rgba(24, 29, 56, .7);> div classcontainer> div classrow justify-content-start> div classcol-sm-10 col-lg-8> h5 classtext-primary text-uppercase mb-3 animated slideInDown>WELCOME/h5> h1 classdisplay-3 text-white animated slideInDown>The United Tanzania Aeronautics College (UTAC)/h1> p classfs-5 text-white mb-4 pb-2>CHAGUA CHUO BORA KWA MAISH YAKO, CHAGUA UTAC/p> a href classbtn btn-primary py-md-3 px-md-5 me-3 animated slideInLeft>Read More/a> a hrefapplication.php classbtn btn-light py-md-3 px-md-5 animated slideInRight>Join Now/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Carousel End --> !-- Service Start --> div classcontainer-xxl py-5> div classcontainer> div classrow g-4> div classcol-lg-3 col-sm-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.1s> div classservice-item text-center pt-3> div classp-4> i classfa fa-3x fa-graduation-cap text-primary mb-4>/i> h5 classmb-3>Quality Education/h5> p>b>We are committed to excellence. Our expert instructors, trained in the latest aviation technologies, deliver a curriculum designed for high performance and practical knowledge. With a strong focus on hands-on experience and real-world application, we ensure that every student is equipped with the skills needed to succeed in the competitive aviation industry./b> /p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-sm-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.3s> div classservice-item text-center pt-3> div classp-4> i classfa fa-3x fa-globe text-primary mb-4>/i> h5 classmb-3>Systematic Approach/h5> p>b>We follow a carefully crafted curriculum that blends theoretical knowledge with hands-on training. This method is bolstered by our state-of-the-art facilities and skilled instructors. By emphasizing structured learning and regular assessments, we equip our students with the confidence and competence needed for successful careers in aviation./b> /p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-sm-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.5s> div classservice-item text-center pt-3> div classp-4> i classfa fa-3x fa-home text-primary mb-4>/i> h5 classmb-3>Our Campus/h5> p>b>Our campus offers a welcoming and supportive environment designed to promote smooth and enjoyable learning experiences. With modern facilities, serene surroundings, and a focus on student well-being, we ensure that every student has the perfect setting to focus, engage, and thrive academically./b>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-sm-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.7s> div classservice-item text-center pt-3> div classp-4> i classfa fa-3x fa-book-open text-primary mb-4>/i> h5 classmb-3>Why Choosing Us?/h5> p>b>Choosing United Tanzania Aeronautics College (UTAC) offers top-tier aviation education at Julius Nyerere International Airport. Our accredited programs provide access to industry resources and real-world experience, preparing graduates for success in aviation./b> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Service End --> !-- About Start --> div classcontainer-xxl py-5> div classcontainer> div classrow g-5> div classcol-lg-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.1s stylemin-height: 400px;> div classposition-relative h-100> img classimg-fluid position-absolute w-100 h-100 srcimg/about.jpg alt styleobject-fit: cover;> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.3s> h6 classsection-title bg-white text-start text-primary pe-3>Course Offered/h6> h1 classmb-4>Welcome to UTAC/h1> p classmb-4>We are offering the oustanding course that will help you in the following fields:-/p> div classrow gy-2 gx-4 mb-4> div classcol-sm-6> p classmb-0>i classfa fa-arrow-right text-primary me-2>/i>Aircraft Maintenance Pilot Studies at Karume Campus Zanzibar/p> /div> div classcol-sm-6> p classmb-0>i classfa fa-arrow-right text-primary me-2>/i>Aircraft Maintenance in Airfrane and Power Plant Engineering Technology/p> /div> div classcol-sm-6> p classmb-0>i classfa fa-arrow-right text-primary me-2>/i>Aircraft Avionics Maintenance Engineering Technology/p> /div> div classcol-sm-6> p classmb-0>i classfa fa-arrow-right text-primary me-2>/i>Helicopter Maintenance Engineering Technology/p> /div> /div> a classbtn btn-primary py-3 px-5 mt-2 href>Read More/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- About End --> !-- Categories Start --> div classcontainer-xxl py-5 category> div classcontainer> div classtext-center wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.1s> h6 classsection-title bg-white text-center text-primary px-3>Achivements/h6> h1 classmb-5>In different years/h1> /div> div classrow g-3> div classcol-lg-7 col-md-6> div classrow g-3> div classcol-lg-12 col-md-12 wow zoomIn data-wow-delay0.1s> a classposition-relative d-block overflow-hidden href> img classimg-fluid srcimg/cat-1.jpg alt> div classbg-white text-center position-absolute bottom-0 end-0 py-2 px-3 stylemargin: 1px;> h5 classm-0>Large Number of Graduaters/h5> small classtext-primary>500+/small> /div> /a> /div> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-12 wow zoomIn data-wow-delay0.3s> a classposition-relative d-block overflow-hidden href> img classimg-fluid srcimg/cat-2.jpg alt> div classbg-white text-center position-absolute bottom-0 end-0 py-2 px-3 stylemargin: 1px;> h5 classm-0>Practical Training/h5> small classtext-primary>7+ Per Year/small> /div> /a> /div> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-12 wow zoomIn data-wow-delay0.5s> a classposition-relative d-block overflow-hidden href> img classimg-fluid srcimg/cat-3.jpg alt> div classbg-white text-center position-absolute bottom-0 end-0 py-2 px-3 stylemargin: 1px;> h5 classm-0>Technology Alignment/h5> small classtext-primary>Being Advanced in Teasching/small> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-5 col-md-6 wow zoomIn data-wow-delay0.7s stylemin-height: 350px;> a classposition-relative d-block h-100 overflow-hidden href> img classimg-fluid position-absolute w-100 h-100 srcimg/cat-4.jpg alt styleobject-fit: cover;> div classbg-white text-center position-absolute bottom-0 end-0 py-2 px-3 stylemargin: 1px;> h5 classm-0>Number of Students/h5> small classtext-primary>30% Intake Raised from last Year/small> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Categories Start --> !-- Courses Start --> !-- Courses End --> !-- Team Start --> !-- div classcontainer> div classtext-center wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.1s> h6 classsection-title bg-white text-center text-primary px-3>Instructor And Mission/h6> h1 classmb-5>The CEO/h1> /div> div classrow g-4> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.1s> div classteam-item bg-light> div classoverflow-hidden> img classimg-fluid srcimg/team-1.jpg alt> /div> div classposition-relative d-flex justify-content-center stylemargin-top: -23px;> div classbg-light d-flex justify-content-center pt-2 px-1> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-facebook-f>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-twitter>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-instagram>/i>/a> /div> /div> div classtext-center p-4> h5 classmb-0>Instructor Name/h5> small>Designation/small> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.3s> div classteam-item bg-light> div classoverflow-hidden> img classimg-fluid srcimg/team-2.jpg alt> /div> div classposition-relative d-flex justify-content-center stylemargin-top: -23px;> div classbg-light d-flex justify-content-center pt-2 px-1> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-facebook-f>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-twitter>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-instagram>/i>/a> /div> /div> div classtext-center p-4> h5 classmb-0>Instructor Name/h5> small>Designation/small> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.5s> div classteam-item bg-light> div classoverflow-hidden> img classimg-fluid srcimg/team-3.jpg alt> /div> div classposition-relative d-flex justify-content-center stylemargin-top: -23px;> div classbg-light d-flex justify-content-center pt-2 px-1> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-facebook-f>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-twitter>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-instagram>/i>/a> /div> /div> div classtext-center p-4> h5 classmb-0>Instructor Name/h5> small>Designation/small> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.7s> div classteam-item bg-light> div classoverflow-hidden> img classimg-fluid srcimg/team-4.jpg alt> /div> div classposition-relative d-flex justify-content-center stylemargin-top: -23px;> div classbg-light d-flex justify-content-center pt-2 px-1> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-facebook-f>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-twitter>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-instagram>/i>/a> /div> /div> div classtext-center p-4> h5 classmb-0>Instructor Name/h5> small>Designation/small> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> --> !-- Team End --> !-- Testimonial Start --> div classcontainer-xxl py-5 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.1s> div classcontainer> div classtext-center> h6 classsection-title bg-white text-center text-primary px-3>In Our College/h6> h1 classmb-5>Hear This Out/h1> /div> div classowl-carousel testimonial-carousel position-relative> div classtestimonial-item text-center> img classborder rounded-circle p-2 mx-auto mb-3 srcimg/utanitu.jpg stylewidth: 80px; height: 80px;> h5 classmb-0>CEO/h5> p>Profession/p> div classtestimonial-text bg-light text-center p-4> p classmb-0> Its our sincere belief and certainty that the college will run efficiently and smoothly with the cooperation of the administration, staff and students who are tirelessly putting more effort to build the college status and> Till this day, UTAC is very proud to have contributed more than 200 graduates into the industry at different levels of study of Aeronautics and Aircraft maintenance Engineering, though more effort is required to upgrade the industry internationally. /p> /div> /div> div classtestimonial-item text-center> h5 classmb-0>Our/h5> p>Mission/p> div classtestimonial-text bg-light text-center p-4> p > The mission of the college is: br> ● To turn resourceful Tanzanians into Aeronautical experts and specialists by providing them with focused and quality training in Airframes and Engines, Avionics and Flying. br> ● To turn the training center, currently underutilized into a future Aeronautics and Astronautics training in Tanzania where professionals will address the challenges facing the nation in relation to aeronautics and other related fields; br> ● To build a self sustaining institution that will be profitable and hence, ensure satisfactory returns to United Tanzania Aeronautics shareholders. /p> /div> /div> div classtestimonial-item text-center> h5 classmb-0>Our/h5> p>Objectives/p> div classtestimonial-text bg-light text-center p-4> p classmb-0 > ● To provide facilities for studying and training in principles, procedures and techniques. Also, conduct training programs in Aircraft Maintenance Technology, Helicopter Maintenance, Aircraft avionics, Piloting and other related disciplines as the institute may from time to time decide. br> ● To engage in applied research and development in the disciplines specified> ● To provide consultancy services to the public. br> ● To conduct examinations and grant awards of UTAC as approved by the National Council for Technical Education. br> ● To perform all such other functions as stipulated in the act that established the> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Testimonial End --> !-- Footer Start --> div classcontainer-fluid bg-dark text-light footer pt-5 mt-5 wow fadeIn data-wow-delay0.1s> div classcontainer py-5> div classrow g-5> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6> a classbtn btn-link href>About Us/a> a classbtn btn-link href>Contact Us/a> a classbtn btn-link href>Privacy Policy/a> a classbtn btn-link href>Terms & Condition/a> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6> h4 classtext-white mb-3>Contact/h4> p classmb-2>i classfa fa-hand-rock>/i> United Tanzania Aeronautics College/p> p classmb-2>i classfa fa-map-marker-alt me-3>/i>Chalinze,Coast Region/p> p classmb-2>i classfa fa-phone-alt me-3>/i>+255 656 875 500/p> p classmb-2>i classfa fa-envelope me-3>/i>> p classmb-2>i classfa fa-envelope me-3>/i>P.O.Box 125/p> p classmb-2>i classfa fa-envelope me-3>/i>> div classd-flex pt-2> a classbtn btn-outline-light btn-social href>i classfab fa-facebook-f>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-outline-light btn-social>i classfa fa-envelope>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-outline-light btn-social href>i classfab fa-linkedin-in>/i>/a> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6> h4 classtext-white mb-3>Welcome/h4> p classfa fa-arrow-right> We also have Collaboration with:-br> ●b>a href>The Karume Institute of Science and Technology/a> /b> /br> /p> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6> h4 classtext-white mb-3>Newsletter/h4> p>Make contact to us through Email./p> div classposition-relative mx-auto stylemax-width: 400px;> input classform-control border-0 w-100 py-3 ps-4 pe-5 typetext placeholderYour email> button typebutton classbtn btn-primary py-2 position-absolute top-0 end-0 mt-2 me-2>SignUp/button> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcontainer> div classcopyright> div classrow> div classcol-md-6 text-center text-md-start mb-3 mb-md-0> © a classborder-bottom href#>UTAC/a>, All Right Reserved. Designed By Im PokaTech /div> div classcol-md-6 text-center text-md-end> div classfooter-menu> a href>Home/a> a href>Cookies/a> a href>Help/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Footer End --> !-- Back to Top --> a href# classbtn btn-lg btn-primary btn-lg-square back-to-top>i classbi bi-arrow-up>/i>/a> !-- JavaScript Libraries --> script src>/script> script src>/script> script srclib/wow/wow.min.js>/script> script srclib/easing/easing.min.js>/script> script srclib/waypoints/waypoints.min.js>/script> script srclib/owlcarousel/owl.carousel.min.js>/script> !-- Template Javascript --> script srcjs/main.js>/script>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Fri, 15 Nov 2024 16:19:58 GMTServer: ApacheStrict-Transport-Security: max-age31104000; includeSubDomains; preloadX-Frame-Options: sameoriginReferrer-Policy: no-referrerX-XSS-Protection: 1; modeblockX-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: noneX-Content-Type-Options: nosniffTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE html>html langen>head> meta charsetutf-8> title>UTAC/title> !-- Correct title tag without src --> !-- Favicon --> link relicon hrefela/img/icon.png typeimage/png> !-- Ensure the correct path to your favicon --> meta contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1.0 nameviewport> meta content namekeywords> meta content namedescription> !-- Google Web Fonts --> link relpreconnect href> link relpreconnect href crossorigin> link href;500;600&familyNunito:wght@600;700;800&displayswap relstylesheet> !-- Icon Font Stylesheet --> link href relstylesheet> link href relstylesheet> !-- Libraries Stylesheet --> link hreflib/animate/animate.min.css relstylesheet> link hreflib/owlcarousel/assets/owl.carousel.min.css relstylesheet> !-- Customized Bootstrap Stylesheet --> link hrefcss/bootstrap.min.css relstylesheet> !-- Template Stylesheet --> link hrefcss/style.css relstylesheet>/head>body> !-- Spinner Start --> div idspinner classshow bg-white position-fixed translate-middle w-100 vh-100 top-50 start-50 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center> div classspinner-border text-primary stylewidth: 3rem; height: 3rem; rolestatus> span classsr-only>Loading.../span> /div> /div> !-- Spinner End --> !-- Navbar Start --> nav classnavbar navbar-expand-lg bg-white navbar-light shadow sticky-top p-0> a hrefindex.html classnavbar-brand d-flex align-items-center px-4 px-lg-5> h2 classm-0 text-primary >i div classicon-wrapper> img srcimg/icon.jpg altRounded Image classrounded-circle me-3 stylewidth: 50px; height: 50px;> /div> /i>UTAC/h2> /a> button typebutton classnavbar-toggler me-4 data-bs-togglecollapse data-bs-target#navbarCollapse> span classnavbar-toggler-icon>/span> /button> div classcollapse navbar-collapse idnavbarCollapse> div classnavbar-nav ms-auto p-4 p-lg-0> a hrefindex.php classnav-item nav-link active>Home/a> a hrefela/about.php classnav-item nav-link>About/a> a hrefela/courses.php classnav-item nav-link>Courses/a> a hrefela/contact.php classnav-item nav-link>Contact/a> /div> a hreflogin.php classbtn btn-primary py-4 px-lg-5 d-none d-lg-block>Logini classfa fa-arrow-right ms-3>/i>/a> /div> /nav> !-- Navbar End --> !-- Carousel Start --> div classcontainer-fluid p-0 mb-5> div classowl-carousel header-carousel position-relative> div classowl-carousel-item position-relative> img classimg-fluid srcimg/carousel-1.jpg alt> div classposition-absolute top-0 start-0 w-100 h-100 d-flex align-items-center stylebackground: rgba(24, 29, 56, .7);> div classcontainer> div classrow justify-content-start> div classcol-sm-10 col-lg-8> h5 classtext-primary text-uppercase mb-3 animated slideInDown>SPACE IS OUR DESTINATION/h5> h1 classdisplay-3 text-white animated slideInDown>SKYS ARE NEVER THE LIMIT/h1> p classfs-5 text-white mb-4 pb-2>CHAGUA CHUO BORA KWA MAISHA YAKO, CHAGUA UTAC/p> a href classbtn btn-primary py-md-3 px-md-5 me-3 animated slideInLeft>Read More/a> a hrefapplication.php classbtn btn-light py-md-3 px-md-5 animated slideInRight>Join Now/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classowl-carousel-item position-relative> img classimg-fluid srcimg/carousel-2.jpg alt> div classposition-absolute top-0 start-0 w-100 h-100 d-flex align-items-center stylebackground: rgba(24, 29, 56, .7);> div classcontainer> div classrow justify-content-start> div classcol-sm-10 col-lg-8> h5 classtext-primary text-uppercase mb-3 animated slideInDown>WELCOME/h5> h1 classdisplay-3 text-white animated slideInDown>The United Tanzania Aeronautics College (UTAC)/h1> p classfs-5 text-white mb-4 pb-2>CHAGUA CHUO BORA KWA MAISH YAKO, CHAGUA UTAC/p> a href classbtn btn-primary py-md-3 px-md-5 me-3 animated slideInLeft>Read More/a> a hrefapplication.php classbtn btn-light py-md-3 px-md-5 animated slideInRight>Join Now/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Carousel End --> !-- Service Start --> div classcontainer-xxl py-5> div classcontainer> div classrow g-4> div classcol-lg-3 col-sm-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.1s> div classservice-item text-center pt-3> div classp-4> i classfa fa-3x fa-graduation-cap text-primary mb-4>/i> h5 classmb-3>Quality Education/h5> p>b>We are committed to excellence. Our expert instructors, trained in the latest aviation technologies, deliver a curriculum designed for high performance and practical knowledge. With a strong focus on hands-on experience and real-world application, we ensure that every student is equipped with the skills needed to succeed in the competitive aviation industry./b> /p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-sm-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.3s> div classservice-item text-center pt-3> div classp-4> i classfa fa-3x fa-globe text-primary mb-4>/i> h5 classmb-3>Systematic Approach/h5> p>b>We follow a carefully crafted curriculum that blends theoretical knowledge with hands-on training. This method is bolstered by our state-of-the-art facilities and skilled instructors. By emphasizing structured learning and regular assessments, we equip our students with the confidence and competence needed for successful careers in aviation./b> /p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-sm-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.5s> div classservice-item text-center pt-3> div classp-4> i classfa fa-3x fa-home text-primary mb-4>/i> h5 classmb-3>Our Campus/h5> p>b>Our campus offers a welcoming and supportive environment designed to promote smooth and enjoyable learning experiences. With modern facilities, serene surroundings, and a focus on student well-being, we ensure that every student has the perfect setting to focus, engage, and thrive academically./b>/p> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-sm-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.7s> div classservice-item text-center pt-3> div classp-4> i classfa fa-3x fa-book-open text-primary mb-4>/i> h5 classmb-3>Why Choosing Us?/h5> p>b>Choosing United Tanzania Aeronautics College (UTAC) offers top-tier aviation education at Julius Nyerere International Airport. Our accredited programs provide access to industry resources and real-world experience, preparing graduates for success in aviation./b> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Service End --> !-- About Start --> div classcontainer-xxl py-5> div classcontainer> div classrow g-5> div classcol-lg-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.1s stylemin-height: 400px;> div classposition-relative h-100> img classimg-fluid position-absolute w-100 h-100 srcimg/about.jpg alt styleobject-fit: cover;> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.3s> h6 classsection-title bg-white text-start text-primary pe-3>Course Offered/h6> h1 classmb-4>Welcome to UTAC/h1> p classmb-4>We are offering the oustanding course that will help you in the following fields:-/p> div classrow gy-2 gx-4 mb-4> div classcol-sm-6> p classmb-0>i classfa fa-arrow-right text-primary me-2>/i>Aircraft Maintenance Pilot Studies at Karume Campus Zanzibar/p> /div> div classcol-sm-6> p classmb-0>i classfa fa-arrow-right text-primary me-2>/i>Aircraft Maintenance in Airfrane and Power Plant Engineering Technology/p> /div> div classcol-sm-6> p classmb-0>i classfa fa-arrow-right text-primary me-2>/i>Aircraft Avionics Maintenance Engineering Technology/p> /div> div classcol-sm-6> p classmb-0>i classfa fa-arrow-right text-primary me-2>/i>Helicopter Maintenance Engineering Technology/p> /div> /div> a classbtn btn-primary py-3 px-5 mt-2 href>Read More/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- About End --> !-- Categories Start --> div classcontainer-xxl py-5 category> div classcontainer> div classtext-center wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.1s> h6 classsection-title bg-white text-center text-primary px-3>Achivements/h6> h1 classmb-5>In different years/h1> /div> div classrow g-3> div classcol-lg-7 col-md-6> div classrow g-3> div classcol-lg-12 col-md-12 wow zoomIn data-wow-delay0.1s> a classposition-relative d-block overflow-hidden href> img classimg-fluid srcimg/cat-1.jpg alt> div classbg-white text-center position-absolute bottom-0 end-0 py-2 px-3 stylemargin: 1px;> h5 classm-0>Large Number of Graduaters/h5> small classtext-primary>500+/small> /div> /a> /div> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-12 wow zoomIn data-wow-delay0.3s> a classposition-relative d-block overflow-hidden href> img classimg-fluid srcimg/cat-2.jpg alt> div classbg-white text-center position-absolute bottom-0 end-0 py-2 px-3 stylemargin: 1px;> h5 classm-0>Practical Training/h5> small classtext-primary>7+ Per Year/small> /div> /a> /div> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-12 wow zoomIn data-wow-delay0.5s> a classposition-relative d-block overflow-hidden href> img classimg-fluid srcimg/cat-3.jpg alt> div classbg-white text-center position-absolute bottom-0 end-0 py-2 px-3 stylemargin: 1px;> h5 classm-0>Technology Alignment/h5> small classtext-primary>Being Advanced in Teasching/small> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-5 col-md-6 wow zoomIn data-wow-delay0.7s stylemin-height: 350px;> a classposition-relative d-block h-100 overflow-hidden href> img classimg-fluid position-absolute w-100 h-100 srcimg/cat-4.jpg alt styleobject-fit: cover;> div classbg-white text-center position-absolute bottom-0 end-0 py-2 px-3 stylemargin: 1px;> h5 classm-0>Number of Students/h5> small classtext-primary>30% Intake Raised from last Year/small> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Categories Start --> !-- Courses Start --> !-- Courses End --> !-- Team Start --> !-- div classcontainer> div classtext-center wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.1s> h6 classsection-title bg-white text-center text-primary px-3>Instructor And Mission/h6> h1 classmb-5>The CEO/h1> /div> div classrow g-4> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.1s> div classteam-item bg-light> div classoverflow-hidden> img classimg-fluid srcimg/team-1.jpg alt> /div> div classposition-relative d-flex justify-content-center stylemargin-top: -23px;> div classbg-light d-flex justify-content-center pt-2 px-1> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-facebook-f>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-twitter>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-instagram>/i>/a> /div> /div> div classtext-center p-4> h5 classmb-0>Instructor Name/h5> small>Designation/small> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.3s> div classteam-item bg-light> div classoverflow-hidden> img classimg-fluid srcimg/team-2.jpg alt> /div> div classposition-relative d-flex justify-content-center stylemargin-top: -23px;> div classbg-light d-flex justify-content-center pt-2 px-1> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-facebook-f>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-twitter>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-instagram>/i>/a> /div> /div> div classtext-center p-4> h5 classmb-0>Instructor Name/h5> small>Designation/small> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.5s> div classteam-item bg-light> div classoverflow-hidden> img classimg-fluid srcimg/team-3.jpg alt> /div> div classposition-relative d-flex justify-content-center stylemargin-top: -23px;> div classbg-light d-flex justify-content-center pt-2 px-1> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-facebook-f>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-twitter>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-instagram>/i>/a> /div> /div> div classtext-center p-4> h5 classmb-0>Instructor Name/h5> small>Designation/small> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.7s> div classteam-item bg-light> div classoverflow-hidden> img classimg-fluid srcimg/team-4.jpg alt> /div> div classposition-relative d-flex justify-content-center stylemargin-top: -23px;> div classbg-light d-flex justify-content-center pt-2 px-1> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-facebook-f>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-twitter>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-sm-square btn-primary mx-1 href>i classfab fa-instagram>/i>/a> /div> /div> div classtext-center p-4> h5 classmb-0>Instructor Name/h5> small>Designation/small> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> --> !-- Team End --> !-- Testimonial Start --> div classcontainer-xxl py-5 wow fadeInUp data-wow-delay0.1s> div classcontainer> div classtext-center> h6 classsection-title bg-white text-center text-primary px-3>In Our College/h6> h1 classmb-5>Hear This Out/h1> /div> div classowl-carousel testimonial-carousel position-relative> div classtestimonial-item text-center> img classborder rounded-circle p-2 mx-auto mb-3 srcimg/utanitu.jpg stylewidth: 80px; height: 80px;> h5 classmb-0>CEO/h5> p>Profession/p> div classtestimonial-text bg-light text-center p-4> p classmb-0> Its our sincere belief and certainty that the college will run efficiently and smoothly with the cooperation of the administration, staff and students who are tirelessly putting more effort to build the college status and> Till this day, UTAC is very proud to have contributed more than 200 graduates into the industry at different levels of study of Aeronautics and Aircraft maintenance Engineering, though more effort is required to upgrade the industry internationally. /p> /div> /div> div classtestimonial-item text-center> h5 classmb-0>Our/h5> p>Mission/p> div classtestimonial-text bg-light text-center p-4> p > The mission of the college is: br> ● To turn resourceful Tanzanians into Aeronautical experts and specialists by providing them with focused and quality training in Airframes and Engines, Avionics and Flying. br> ● To turn the training center, currently underutilized into a future Aeronautics and Astronautics training in Tanzania where professionals will address the challenges facing the nation in relation to aeronautics and other related fields; br> ● To build a self sustaining institution that will be profitable and hence, ensure satisfactory returns to United Tanzania Aeronautics shareholders. /p> /div> /div> div classtestimonial-item text-center> h5 classmb-0>Our/h5> p>Objectives/p> div classtestimonial-text bg-light text-center p-4> p classmb-0 > ● To provide facilities for studying and training in principles, procedures and techniques. Also, conduct training programs in Aircraft Maintenance Technology, Helicopter Maintenance, Aircraft avionics, Piloting and other related disciplines as the institute may from time to time decide. br> ● To engage in applied research and development in the disciplines specified> ● To provide consultancy services to the public. br> ● To conduct examinations and grant awards of UTAC as approved by the National Council for Technical Education. br> ● To perform all such other functions as stipulated in the act that established the> /p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Testimonial End --> !-- Footer Start --> div classcontainer-fluid bg-dark text-light footer pt-5 mt-5 wow fadeIn data-wow-delay0.1s> div classcontainer py-5> div classrow g-5> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6> a classbtn btn-link href>About Us/a> a classbtn btn-link href>Contact Us/a> a classbtn btn-link href>Privacy Policy/a> a classbtn btn-link href>Terms & Condition/a> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6> h4 classtext-white mb-3>Contact/h4> p classmb-2>i classfa fa-hand-rock>/i> United Tanzania Aeronautics College/p> p classmb-2>i classfa fa-map-marker-alt me-3>/i>Chalinze,Coast Region/p> p classmb-2>i classfa fa-phone-alt me-3>/i>+255 656 875 500/p> p classmb-2>i classfa fa-envelope me-3>/i>> p classmb-2>i classfa fa-envelope me-3>/i>P.O.Box 125/p> p classmb-2>i classfa fa-envelope me-3>/i>> div classd-flex pt-2> a classbtn btn-outline-light btn-social href>i classfab fa-facebook-f>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-outline-light btn-social>i classfa fa-envelope>/i>/a> a classbtn btn-outline-light btn-social href>i classfab fa-linkedin-in>/i>/a> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6> h4 classtext-white mb-3>Welcome/h4> p classfa fa-arrow-right> We also have Collaboration with:-br> ●b>a href>The Karume Institute of Science and Technology/a> /b> /br> /p> /div> div classcol-lg-3 col-md-6> h4 classtext-white mb-3>Newsletter/h4> p>Make contact to us through Email./p> div classposition-relative mx-auto stylemax-width: 400px;> input classform-control border-0 w-100 py-3 ps-4 pe-5 typetext placeholderYour email> button typebutton classbtn btn-primary py-2 position-absolute top-0 end-0 mt-2 me-2>SignUp/button> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcontainer> div classcopyright> div classrow> div classcol-md-6 text-center text-md-start mb-3 mb-md-0> © a classborder-bottom href#>UTAC/a>, All Right Reserved. 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