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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 08:27:59 GMTServer: ApacheLocation: max-age604800Expires: Sat, 04 Jan 2025 08:27:59 GMTContent-Length: 239Content-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN>html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>h1>Moved Permanently/h1>p>The document has moved a href>here/a>./p>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 08:28:00 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeCache-Control: max-age604800Expires: Sat, 04 Jan 2025 08:28:00 GMTVary: Accept-Encoding,User-AgentContent-Length: 17029Content-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE html>html langen xml:langen xmlns>head>title>UPHEAVAL // Design & Photo/title>meta http-equivcontent-type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8 />meta nameviewport contentinitial-scale1, minimum-scale1, minimal-ui />meta namerobots contentindex, follow />meta namedescription contentJeremiah Deasey works with enterprise companies and small businesses to build websites, design branding, and capture portraits. />meta nametheme-color content#39f>meta nameapple-mobile-web-app-capable contentyes />meta nameapple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style contentblack />meta namemsapplication-TileColor content#39f>meta namemsapplication-TileImage content/assets/gfx/favicon-144.png>meta nameformat-detection contenttelephoneno>meta propertyog:url content />meta propertyog:type contentwebsite />meta propertyog:site_name contentUPHEAVAL // Design & Photo />meta propertyog:title contentUPHEAVAL // Design & Photo />meta propertyog:description contentJeremiah Deasey works with enterprise companies and small businesses to build websites, design branding, and capture portraits. />meta propertyog:image itempropimage content />meta propertyog:image:width content1200 />meta propertyog:image:height content630 />link relstylesheet typetext/css href/assets/css/styles.css?v1640309261341! />link relShortcut Icon typeimage/x-icon href/favicon.png />link relapple-touch-icon-precomposed href/assets/gfx/favicon-152.png>link relapple-touch-icon-precomposed sizes144x144 href/assets/gfx/favicon-144.png>link relapple-touch-icon-precomposed sizes114x114 href/assets/gfx/favicon-114.png>link relapple-touch-icon-precomposed sizes72x72 href/assets/gfx/favicon-72.png>link relapple-touch-icon-precomposed href/assets/gfx/favicon-57.png>link itempropthumbnailUrl href>link relcanonical href>link typetext/plain relauthor href/humans.txt>script>document.documentElement.className + wf-loading; (function(d) { var config { kitId: frf6nji, scriptTimeout: 3000, async: true }, hd.documentElement,tsetTimeout(function(){h.classNameh.className.replace(/\bwf-loading\b/g,)+ wf-inactive;},config.scriptTimeout),tkd.createElement(script),ffalse,sd.getElementsByTagName(script)0,a;h.className+ wf-loading;tk.src;tk.asynctrue;tk.onloadtk.onreadystatechangefunction(){athis.readyState;if(f||a&&a!complete&&a!loaded)return;ftrue;clearTimeout(t);try{Typekit.load(config)}catch(e){}};s.parentNode.insertBefore(tk,s) })(document);/script>/head>body classhome>header idmasthead> div classgrid-container> div classlogo> a href/> figure classupheaval>img src/assets/gfx/UPHEAVAL.png altUpheaval Design logo>/figure> div classname>UPHEAVAL span classtitle>Design & Photo/span>/div> /a> /div> button idnav-icon> span>/span> /button> nav classprimary-nav> ul> !-- li> a class href/web/> span>Web/span> /a>/li> --> li> a class href/photo/> span>Photo/span>/a> /li> !-- li> a class href/artwork/> span>Artwork/span>/a> /li> --> li> a class href/about/> span>About/span>/a> /li> li> a class href/contact/> span>Contact/span>/a> /li> /ul> /nav> /div>/header>section classpage-heading> div classgrid-container> div classgrid-x stylejustify-content: flex-end;> div classcell xlarge-12 pl-xlarge-2> h1 class>Twenty years of creative work has allowed me to gain experience in many roles across design and development./h1> h1 class stylemargin:16px 0;>I have worked with major household brands, respected law firms, projects funded by NSF, and I even created the first website for Jim Morrison’s legendary band The Doors./h1> h1 class>I am now working closely with one client and no longer taking new projects./h1> /div> /div> /div>/section>article classpage> section classclients> div classgrid-container> div classgrid-x grid-margin-x mason-grid> div classcell large-9 xlarge-6 mason-item> a classclient slideup href target_blank relnoopener> figure classgfx> figcaption>span classclient-title>Explaining Complex Sciencebr class> with Animations./span> span classclient-year>Best Friends Since 1998/span> /figcaption> div classimg-wrap fill>img classlazyload data-src/assets/web/einstein.jpg src/assets/gfx/pixel.png altIllustration of Darwin riding bird.>/div> /figure> div classsummary> h5 classclient-name>Stated Clearlyspan classclient-scope>Design, Wordpress/span>/h5> /div> /a> /div> div classcell large-9 xlarge-6 mason-item> a classclient slideup href target_blank relnoopener> figure classgfx> figcaption>span classclient-title>Run. Everyday./span> span classclient-year>Personal Project Launched 2013/span> /figcaption> div classimg-wrap fill>img classlazyload data-src/assets/web/forest_trail.jpg src/assets/gfx/pixel.png altRunning trail in Oregon forest.>/div> /figure> div classsummary> h5 classclient-name>OregonRunsspan classclient-scope>Design, Wordpress, Maps, Photography/span>/h5> /div> /a> /div> div classcell large-9 xlarge-6 mason-item> a classclient slideup href target_blank relnoopener> figure classgfx> figcaption>span classclient-title>Expert Analysis of Softwarebr class> and Computing Technology./span> span classclient-year>Client Since 2016/span> /figcaption> div classimg-wrap fill>img classlazyload data-src/assets/web/losangeles.jpg src/assets/gfx/pixel.png altBusy street in Los Angeles.>/div> /figure> div classsummary> h5 classclient-name>Quandary Peak Researchspan classclient-scope>Design, Web/span>/h5> /div> /a> /div> /div> /div> /section> hr classhide-for-large> div classgrid-container statement> div classcell text-center> h4>My work often includes branding such as logo design, print assets, and style classshow-for-large> I love crafting the entire presentation and user experience./h4> /div> /div> section classportfolio> div classgrid-container> div classgrid-x> div id1 classcell small-9 large-four xlarge-five thumb> div classbtn-thumb data-path/assets/artwork/logos/ data-slugmilwaukielaundry_w data-count1> figure classframe> img classlazyload data-src/assets/artwork/logos/milwaukielaundry_w-thumb.jpg src/assets/gfx/pixel.png altMilwaukie Laundry /> /figure> /div> /div> div id2 classcell small-9 large-four xlarge-five thumb> div classbtn-thumb data-path/assets/artwork/logos/ data-slugtitan_w data-count2> figure classframe> img classlazyload data-src/assets/artwork/logos/titan_w-thumb.jpg src/assets/gfx/pixel.png altTitan Construction Group /> /figure> /div> /div> div id3 classcell small-9 large-four xlarge-five thumb> div classbtn-thumb data-path/assets/artwork/logos/ data-slugzaro_w data-count3> figure classframe> img classlazyload data-src/assets/artwork/logos/zaro_w-thumb.jpg src/assets/gfx/pixel.png altZaro Court Reporting /> /figure> /div> /div> div id4 classcell small-9 large-four xlarge-five thumb> div classbtn-thumb data-path/assets/artwork/logos/ data-slugripcity_w data-count4> figure classframe> img classlazyload data-src/assets/artwork/logos/ripcity_w-thumb.jpg src/assets/gfx/pixel.png altRip City Roofing /> /figure> /div> /div> div id5 classcell small-9 large-four xlarge-five show-for-xlarge thumb> div classbtn-thumb data-path/assets/artwork/logos/ data-slugrivercity data-count5> figure classframe> img classlazyload data-src/assets/artwork/logos/rivercity-thumb.jpg src/assets/gfx/pixel.png altRiver City Media /> /figure> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classgrid-container partners> div classstatement> div classcell> h3>Esteemed Partnerships/h3> p>Design and photography have allowed me to collaborate with some great folksbr classhide-for-large> throughout the years./p> /div> /div> div classgrid-x grid-padding-x small-up-3 large-up-4> figure classcell partner > a href target_blank relnoopener> img altiStock Photo src/assets/img/partners/istock.jpg>/a> /figure> figure classcell partner > a href target_blank relnoopener> img altAdidas src/assets/img/partners/adidas.jpg>/a> /figure> figure classcell partner > a href target_blank relnoopener> img altAmazon src/assets/img/partners/amazon.jpg>/a> /figure> figure classcell partner > a href target_blank relnoopener> img altMicrosoft src/assets/img/partners/microsoft.jpg>/a> /figure> figure classcell partner > a href target_blank relnoopener> img altRhyme Sayers src/assets/img/partners/rhymesayers.jpg>/a> /figure> figure classcell partner > a href target_blank relnoopener> img altThe Doors src/assets/img/partners/thedoors.jpg>/a> /figure> figure classcell partner > a href target_blank relnoopener> img altE-40 src/assets/img/partners/e40.jpg>/a> /figure> figure classcell partner > a href target_blank relnoopener> img altDiesel src/assets/img/partners/diesel.jpg>/a> /figure> figure classcell partner > a href target_blank relnoopener> img altThe Source Magazine src/assets/img/partners/thesource.jpg>/a> /figure> figure classcell partner show-for-large> a href target_blank relnoopener> img altDrx Romanelli src/assets/img/partners/drx_romanelli.jpg>/a> /figure> figure classcell partner > a href target_blank relnoopener> img altHart Wagner, Trial Attorneys src/assets/img/partners/hartwagner.jpg>/a> /figure> figure classcell partner > a href target_blank relnoopener> img altAmalfis Restaurant src/assets/img/partners/amalfis.jpg>/a> /figure> figure classcell partner > a href target_blank relnoopener> img altBenish Design src/assets/img/partners/benish.jpg>/a> /figure> figure classcell partner > a href target_blank relnoopener> img altSandin Insurance src/assets/img/partners/sandin.jpg>/a> /figure> figure classcell partner > a href target_blank relnoopener> img altRiver City Media src/assets/img/partners/rivercitymedia.jpg>/a> /figure> figure classcell partner > a href target_blank relnoopener> img altGolden Tongue src/assets/img/partners/goldentongue.jpg>/a> /figure> /div>/section>/article>section classdirective> div classgrid-container > div classcell> h4 classcall show-for-large>Thanks for taking a look./h4> /div> /div>/section>section classmodal> div classwrap> div classpanel> button classclose>span>/span>/button> figure classphoto> img alt> figcaption> h5>Loading/h5> /figcaption> /figure> nav data-count1> button idprev>span>i classicon-left>/i>/span>/button> button idnext>span>i classicon-right>/i>/span>/button> /nav> /div> /div>/section>footer> section classgrid-container bottom> div classgrid-x justify-center> div classcell> ul classsocial-icons> li classinstagram> a href titleInstagram target_blank relnoopener> span>svg aria-hiddentrue> use xlink:href/assets/gfx/sprite.svg#social-instagram>/use> /svg>/span> /a> /li> li classistock>a href titleContributor at iStock Photo target_blank relnoopener>span>svg aria-hiddentrue> use xlink:href/assets/gfx/sprite.svg#social-istockphoto>/use> /svg>/span>/a>/li> li class500px>a href titlePortfolio at 500px target_blank relnoopener>span>svg aria-hiddentrue> use xlink:href/assets/gfx/sprite.svg#social-500px>/use> /svg>/span>/a>/li> li classvimeo>a href titlePortfolio at Vimeo target_blank relnoopener>span>svg aria-hiddentrue> use xlink:href/assets/gfx/sprite.svg#social-vimeo>/use> /svg>/span>/a>/li> li classtwitter> a href titleTwitter target_blank relnoopener> span>svg aria-hiddentrue> use xlink:href/assets/gfx/sprite.svg#social-twitter>/use> /svg>/span> /a> /li> li classgithub>a href titleView my work at Github target_blank relnoopener>span>svg aria-hiddentrue> use xlink:href/assets/gfx/sprite.svg#social-github>/use> /svg>/span>/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classcell> div classquicklinks> ul classa> !-- li>a class href/web>Web/a>/li> --> li>a class 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