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The No. 1 Caterer in Cavite.> meta namekeywords contentTagaytay Wedding Catering, Catering Services Tagaytay, Tagaytay Wedding Packages, Tagaytay Catering, Catering in Tagaytay, Tagaytay Reception, Catering in Cavite, Corporate Catering, Cavite Caterer, Cavite Catering Packages> meta propertyog:title contentThe No. 1 Wedding Caterer in the South | Town's Delight Catering & Events /> meta propertyog:description contentTown's Delight Catering & Events offers wide selections of food and styling perfect for Weddings, Debuts, and Corporate. The No. 1 Caterer in Cavite. /> meta propertyog:image content> meta propertyog:url content /> meta propertytwitter:title contentThe No. 1 Wedding Caterer in the South | Town's Delight Catering & Events> meta propertytwitter:description contentTown's Delight Catering & Events offers wide selections of food and styling perfect for Weddings, Debuts, and Corporate. 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classsub-anc nav-text href>div classsub-anc-div> Towns Delight Presents the Ultimate Save the Date Experience in Tagaytay /div>/a>/li> li>a classsub-anc nav-text href>div classsub-anc-div> Unraveling the Essence of Tasteful Fair: A Culinary Delight by Towns Delight /div>/a>/li> li>a classsub-anc nav-text href>div classsub-anc-div> Say I do in Tagaytay: Weddings in Tagaytay /div>/a>/li> li>a classsub-anc nav-text href>div classsub-anc-div> Tie the Knot in Style: Matching Tagaytay wedding venues and themes /div>/a>/li> li>a classsub-anc nav-text href>div classsub-anc-div> Weddings at Alta Veranda de Tibig /div>/a>/li> li>a classsub-anc nav-text href>div classsub-anc-div> Weddings at Clear Water House /div>/a>/li> li>a classsub-anc nav-text href>div classsub-anc-div> Tagaytay Wedding Packages /div>/a>/li> li>a classsub-anc nav-text href>div classsub-anc-div> Fernwood Gardens Tagaytay /div>/a>/li> li>a classsub-anc nav-text href>div classsub-anc-div> Tagaytay Wedding Churches /div>/a>/li> 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3.59534H0.423372C0.187488 3.5957 0 3.77346 0 3.99711C0 4.22076 0.187488 4.4043 0.423372 4.4043H10.5424L7.4759 7.3063C7.31242 7.46671 7.31242 7.72505 7.4759 7.87969C7.64509 8.0401 7.91756 8.0401 8.08066 7.87969L11.8731 4.28399C12.0423 4.12899 12.0423 3.87101 11.8731 3.71638L8.08066 0.120314Z fillwhite/> /svg> /div> ul classslider-pagi>/ul> div classarrow-con> div classslider-control diamond right>/div> svg width12 height8 viewBox0 0 12 8 fillnone xmlns class hero-arrow> path dM8.08066 0.120314C7.91718 -0.0401048 7.64509 -0.0401048 7.4759 0.120314C7.31242 0.275314 7.31242 0.533285 7.4759 0.687923L10.5424 3.59534H0.423372C0.187488 3.5957 0 3.77346 0 3.99711C0 4.22076 0.187488 4.4043 0.423372 4.4043H10.5424L7.4759 7.3063C7.31242 7.46671 7.31242 7.72505 7.4759 7.87969C7.64509 8.0401 7.91756 8.0401 8.08066 7.87969L11.8731 4.28399C12.0423 4.12899 12.0423 3.87101 11.8731 3.71638L8.08066 0.120314Z fillwhite/> /svg> /div> /div> div classoverlay>/div> div classslider> div classslide slide-0 active> div classslide__bg style background-image: url(/storage/app/media/HOME/SLIDER/homepage-banner.jpg);> !-- img src/storage/app/media/HOME/SLIDER/homepage-banner.jpg altTown's Delight Catering & Events Cover - Tagaytay South Weddings Catering titleTown's Delight Catering & Events Cover - Tagaytay South Weddings Catering classcenter-block> --> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> div classrow noPM instagram-base data-scroll-index1> div classelfsight-app-161e0c83-ab3f-405e-947b-7b91d1e06a40>/div> /div> div classrow noPM about-home section-pad bg-img> div classcontainer> div classabt-con center-block> div classabt-header-con text-center text-parallax-no> h3 classhome-abt-header>Over strong>45/strong> years/h3> h4 classhome-abt-header-sm>of food & service excellence/h4> /div> div classrow flex-con> div classcol-sm-6 col-xs-12 abt-img-base flex-item> !--div classabt-img bg-img img-parallax flex-item stylebackground-image: url(/storage/app/media/ABOUT/towns-delight-catering-food-review-tagaytay-kitche_c00082e56be51f0a565fc7dd55977e25.jpg) data-paroller-factor0.1 data-paroller-factor-sm0.3 data-paroller-factor-xs0 altTown's Delight Kitchen titleTown's Delight Kitchen> !-- img src/storage/app/media/ABOUT/towns-delight-catering-food-review-tagaytay-kitche_c00082e56be51f0a565fc7dd55977e25.jpg altTown's Delight Kitchen titleTown's Delight Kitchen> /div>--> iframe classhome-iframe width100% height315 src titlePrestige by Towns Delight frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe> /div> div classcol-sm-6 col-xs-12 flex-item home-abt-content> h4 classhome-abt-sub text-center reveal-slow hidden>Your wedding is unique, just like you. Town‘s Delight Catering & Events will help transform your special day into a grandiose experience, an event worth remembering./h4> h4 classhome-abt-text>We blend perfectly in every venue.Town’s Delight brings memorable events happen, one plate at a time./h4> !--h4 classhome-abt-text>--> !--a id videoPop href target _blank>Check out our short video/a> to catch a glimpse of our team in action./a>--> a href classhome-abt-btn> div classbtn-text btn-gold>EXPLORE OUR FOOD TO GO/div> /a> /div> /div> div classrow flex-con abt-row-2 hidden> div classcol-sm-7 col-xs-12 reveal-slow abt-bottom> h4 classhome-abt-text>a id videoPop href target _blank>Check out our short video/a> to catch a glimpse of our team in action./h4> a href> div classbtn-text btn-gold>LEARN MORE/div> /a> /div> !-- div classcol-sm-3 col-xs-12>/div> --> div classcol-sm-5 col-xs-12 abt-img-2-base> div classabt-img-2 bg-img center-block img-parallax reveal-slow stylebackground-image: url(/storage/app/media/FOOD%20AND%20STYLE/FOOD/towns-delight-catering-venue-versailes-palace-las-_b787fcab9b56e7cf3675ab6ba0718d82.jpg) data-paroller-factor0.1 data-paroller-factor-sm0.3 data-paroller-factor-xs0 altTown's Delight Clear Water House titleTown's Delight Clear Water House> !-- img src/storage/app/media/FOOD%20AND%20STYLE/FOOD/towns-delight-catering-venue-versailes-palace-las-_b787fcab9b56e7cf3675ab6ba0718d82.jpg altTown's Delight Clear Water House titleTown's Delight Clear Water House> --> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow noPM section-pad wedding-block> img src alt classwedding-flower-elem> div classcontainer-fluid> div classwedding-content-container flex-con reveal col-lg-6 col-md-6> div classwedding-content> h1 classblock-header-b sm>Choosing the type of venue for your Dream Destination Wedding/h1> p classblock-teaser-b>A destination wedding gives you the opportunity to escape while celebrating your marriage./p> a href> div classbtn-text btn-gold>INQUIRE NOW/div> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-6> div classwedding-card-container> div classwedding-card> div classwedding-card-content> div classwedding-card-img stylebackground: url(/storage/app/media/Blogs/Red%20Barn/TOWNS-DELIGHT-CATERING-EVENTS-TAGAYTAY-CAVITE-CATERING-CATERER-HOMEPAGE-1.jpg) scroll no-repeat center 70%/cover; >/div> div classwedding-desc> h1 classwedding-title>Barn Weddings/h1> p classblock-teaser-b>A barn can be the perfect place for a rustic or country wedding. Just like farm weddings, barn weddings can be dressed up or dressed down to match the style and decor of your wedding and offer endless charm. This is a hit for couples who want that “home far away from home” vibe./p> /div> /div> /div> div classwedding-card> div classwedding-card-content> div classwedding-card-img stylebackground: url(/storage/app/media/Featured%20Weddings/tnfd/fw-hall.jpg) scroll no-repeat center 70%/cover; >/div> div classwedding-desc> h1 classwedding-title>Hall Weddings/h1> p classblock-teaser-b>Whether you’re planning a civil ceremony, a small intimate wedding or a large-scale celebration, from traditional to unique, Banquet Halls have always been a grand classic.Banquet halls are ideal indoor spaces to host a large number of people.The Banquet Halls have gorgeous views and even breezy terraces if your guests want to get some fresh air. The best part is most resorts have one, so you have no shortage of options./p> /div> /div> /div> div classwedding-card> div classwedding-card-content> div classwedding-card-img stylebackground: url(/storage/app/media/Featured%20Weddings/tnfd/fw-pavilion.jpg) scroll no-repeat center 70%/cover; >/div> div classwedding-desc> h1 classwedding-title>Pavilion Weddings/h1> p classblock-teaser-b>Pavilions are somewhat a lavish wedding venue with lush carpets and a grand ceiling setup. Apart from the panoramic view that will give you the best pictures from the wedding ceremonies, these facilities typically offer a simple elegant interior. Weddings at Pavilions are becoming the next big thing for millennial couples./p> /div> /div> /div> div classwedding-card> div classwedding-card-content> div classwedding-card-img stylebackground: url(/storage/app/media/HOME/towns-delight-garden-wedding-homepage-tagaytay-1-2.jpeg) scroll no-repeat center 70%/cover; >/div> div classwedding-desc> h1 classwedding-title>Garden Weddings/h1> p classblock-teaser-b>There is nothing more serene than a Garden Wedding. The Garden has become the top choice for more non-traditional brides who always dreamt of having their weddings outdoors. There is such value in the aesthetic of the open-air setting with the natural beauty of the landscape and being surrounded by nature is so calming. Destination Garden Weddings are amazing because of the lush tropical flora that serves as a whimsical background for ceremonies and receptions, especially with lights strung romantically across the garden trees. Even better, gardens are normally secluded and very private for you and your wedding guests./p> /div> /div> /div> div classwedding-card> div classwedding-card-content> div classwedding-card-img stylebackground: url(/storage/app/media/HOME/towns-delight-beach-weddings-sample-catering-homepage-1.jpeg) scroll no-repeat center 70%/cover; >/div> div classwedding-desc> h1 classwedding-title>Beach Weddings/h1> p classblock-teaser-b>A beautiful beach is a must for a tropical destination wedding.This is actually a favorite because of the travel experience that makes it worthwhile for those floury sands and sweet ocean breezes. Beach ceremonies are a staple of the destination wedding if not simply because you can’t beat that sunset view.The photography comes out stunning with a great visual experience. Receptions on the beach are also a ton of fun. Everyone ends up barefoot at the dance anyway, and the cool breeze off the ocean cuts through any heat./p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow noPM section-pad-2 special-events hidden idspecial-event> div classcontainer> div classcol-md-6> h3 classhome-abt-header>Special strong>Event/strong>/h3> p classblock-teaser-b>/p> br> a href target_blank idrsrv-btn> div classbtn-text btn-gold>RESERVE NOW/div> /a> div classbtn-text btn-gold disabled idrsrv-over>RESERVATION IS NOW OVER/div> /div> div classcol-md-6> !--div classabt-img bg-img img-parallax reveal-slow flex-item stylebackground-image: url(/storage/app/media/josephine.jpg) data-paroller-factor0.1 data-paroller-factor-sm0.3 data-paroller-factor-xs0 altJosephine Valentine's Dinner titleJosephine Valentine's Dinner> /div>--> br> img classimg-responsive center-block src/storage/app/media/josephine.jpg altJosephine Valentine's Dinner titleJosephine Valentine's Dinner> div idcountdown> ul> li>span iddays>/span>days/li> li>span idhours>/span>Hours/li> li>span idminutes>/span>Minutes/li> li>span idseconds>/span>Seconds/li> /ul> /div> style> #countdown li { display: inline-block; list-style-type: none; text-transform: uppercase; text-align:center; font-family: Linux; font-size: 14px; line-height: 24px; color: var(--greyish-brown); margin: 15px; position: relative; } #rsrv-over{ display: none; max-width: 300px; pointer-events: none; background: var(--warm-grey-two); border-color: var(--warm-grey-two); } #countdown li:not(#countdown li:nth-child(4)):before{ content: ; width: 15px; height: 1px; background: var(--warm-grey-two); position: absolute; top: 35%; right: -25px; } #countdown li span { display: block; font-size: 45px; line-height: 54px; color: var(--black); } #countdown ul{ display: inline-flex; justify-content: center; width: 100%; } .message { font-size: 4rem; } #content { display: none; padding: 1rem; } .emoji { padding: 0 .25rem; } @media all and (max-width: 768px) { #countdown li { font-size: 1.125rem; padding: .75rem; } #countdown li span { font-size: 3.375rem; } } /style> script> (function () { const second 1000, minute second * 60, hour minute * 60, day hour * 24; let birthday 2021-02-14 18:00:00, countDown new Date(birthday).getTime(), x setInterval(function() { let now new Date().getTime(), distance countDown - now; document.getElementById(days).innerText Math.floor(distance / (day)), document.getElementById(hours).innerText Math.floor((distance % (day)) / (hour)), document.getElementById(minutes).innerText Math.floor((distance % (hour)) / (minute)), document.getElementById(seconds).innerText Math.floor((distance % (minute)) / second); //do something later when date is reached if (distance 0) { let countdown document.getElementById(countdown), rsrv_btn document.getElementById(rsrv-btn), rsrv_over document.getElementById(rsrv-over); none; none; block; clearInterval(x); } //seconds }, 0) }()); /script> /div> /div> /div> div classrow noPM service-home hidden> div classcol-sm-3 col-xs-6 srv-base> div class srv-img bg-img hover-zoom stylebackground-image: url(>/div> div classsrv-overlay>/div> div classsrv-con> svg class cross-top-right width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-top-left width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-bot-right width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-bot-left width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> /div> div classsrv-text-con> h3 classhome-srv-title>Wedding/h3> p classhome-srv-desc>We make every wedding unique and memorable in its own way./p> a href class anc-hover> span classhome-srv-btn>VIEW GALLERY/span> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-3 col-xs-6 srv-base> div class srv-img bg-img hover-zoom stylebackground-image: url(>/div> div classsrv-overlay>/div> div classsrv-con> svg class cross-top-right width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-top-left width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-bot-right width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-bot-left width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> /div> div classsrv-text-con> h3 classhome-srv-title>Corporate/h3> p classhome-srv-desc>Dedicated team specialized in every corporate event, office party or workshop./p> a href class anc-hover> span classhome-srv-btn>VIEW GALLERY/span> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-3 col-xs-6 srv-base> div class srv-img bg-img hover-zoom stylebackground-image: url(>/div> div classsrv-overlay>/div> div classsrv-con> svg class cross-top-right width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-top-left width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-bot-right width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-bot-left width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> /div> div classsrv-text-con> h3 classhome-srv-title>Debut/h3> p classhome-srv-desc>A perfect debut celebration through our customizable catering packages./p> a href class anc-hover> span classhome-srv-btn>VIEW GALLERY/span> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-3 col-xs-6 srv-base> div class srv-img bg-img hover-zoom stylebackground-image: url(>/div> div classsrv-overlay>/div> div classsrv-con> svg class cross-top-right width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-top-left width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-bot-right width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-bot-left width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> /div> div classsrv-text-con> h3 classhome-srv-title>Special Events/h3> p classhome-srv-desc>Carefully prepared foods for your all occasion needs with impressive styling./p> a href class anc-hover> span classhome-srv-btn>VIEW GALLERY/span> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classrow noPM section-pad-2 food-to-go> div classcontainer flex-con> div classcol-md-6 ftg-left> img classimg-responsive center-block src alt> div classftg-img-grp hidden> img classchop-board img-responsive center-block src alt> img classkare-kare idkare-kare src alt> img classutensils idutensils src alt> img classveggies idveggies src alt> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6 ftg-right> h3 classblock-header-b>Grab your favorite dish/h3> p classblock-teaser-b>Order your celebratory platters online via> br> a href target_blank> div classbtn-text btn-gold>EXPLORE OUR FOOD TO GO/div> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classrow noPM section-pad-2 cater-block hidden> div classcontainer flex-con> div classcol-md-6 cs-left> h3 classblock-header-b>Let us help you with your event/h3> p classblock-teaser-b>Only the best ingredients for your noteworthy event. Every dish on our menu is thoughtfully made to cater to conscious eaters who don’t want to compromise on flavour./p> br> a href> div classbtn-text btn-gold>DISCOVER OUR CATERING SERVICE/div> /a> /div> div classcol-md-6 cs-right> div classcs-img-grp> img classcs-img img-responsive center-block src alt> img classcater-vase src alt> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow noPM award-home section-pad-2> div classcontainer text-center> h3 classblock-header-b>We, at Town's Delight Catering & Events, are proud of/h3> p classblock-teaser-b award-teaser>Getting recognized is all part of being the best in the business./p> div classrow noPM award-list-con flex-con> div classcol-xs-12 award-car-base hidden-lg hidden-md hidden-sm> div classowl-carousel owl-theme id award-carousel> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2019/h4> h6 classaward-title>Top Booker in Caterer Category/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2019/h4> h6 classaward-title>Overall Top Grosser/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2016/h4> h6 classaward-title>Top Grosser Award/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2020/h4> h6 classaward-title>Overall Top Grosser/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2020/h4> h6 classaward-title>Top Booker in Caterer Category/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-6 award-base hidden-xs> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2019/h4> h6 classaward-title>Top Booker in Caterer Category/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-6 award-base hidden-xs> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2019/h4> h6 classaward-title>Overall Top Grosser/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-6 award-base hidden-xs> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2016/h4> h6 classaward-title>Top Grosser Award/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-6 award-base hidden-xs> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2020/h4> h6 classaward-title>Overall Top Grosser/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-6 award-base hidden-xs> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2020/h4> h6 classaward-title>Top Booker in Caterer Category/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow noPM food-style> div classcontainer> div classrow home-food-base flex-con-stretch> div classtext-parallax-side food-title-side> h2 classfs-side-header>Food Tasting/h2> /div> div classcol-sm-2 col-xs-0>/div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-6 home-food-img-con noP flex-con-stretch flex-item> div classhome-food-img bg-img stylebackground-image: url(/storage/app/media/HOME/DESSERT-TOWNS-DELIGHT-APPLE-CRUMBLE_tnfd.jpg) data-paroller-factor0.1 data-paroller-factor-sm0.3 data-paroller-factor-xs0.3 altTown's Delight Bread titleTown's Delight Bread> !-- img src/storage/app/media/HOME/DESSERT-TOWNS-DELIGHT-APPLE-CRUMBLE_tnfd.jpg altTown's Delight Bread titleTown's Delight Bread classalt-text> --> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-6 col-xs-6 home-food-det-con noP flex-con-stretch flex-item> div classhome-food-det flex-con> div classh-food-det-con> h3 classsrv-title-2>Gastronomic Food Experience/h3> p classblock-teaser-b>Food forges great weddings to a memorable one. Our menu selections are crafted perfectly for your Tagaytay wedding dream./p> /div> a href> div classbtn-text btn-gold btn-full>CHECK OUR MENUi classfas fa-arrow-right>/i>/div> /a> /div> /div> /div> br> div classrow home-food-base home-food-base-mobile flex-con-stretch> div classcol-sm-1 col-xs-0>/div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-6 home-food-img-con noP flex-con-stretch flex-item> div classhome-food-img bg-img stylebackground-image: url(/storage/app/media/FOOD%20AND%20STYLE/FOOD/home-towns-delight-catering-styling-venue-tagaytay_e104d1f0fb0098c0b20ebceae46a8a35.jpg) data-paroller-factor0.1 data-paroller-factor-sm0.3 data-paroller-factor-xs0.3 altTown's Delight Rustic Wedding titleTown's Delight Rustic Wedding> !-- img src/storage/app/media/FOOD%20AND%20STYLE/FOOD/home-towns-delight-catering-styling-venue-tagaytay_e104d1f0fb0098c0b20ebceae46a8a35.jpg altTown's Delight Rustic Wedding titleTown's Delight Rustic Wedding classalt-text> --> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-6 col-xs-6 home-food-det-con noP flex-con-stretch flex-item> div classhome-food-det flex-con> div classh-food-det-con> h3 classsrv-title-2>Towns Delight Styling/h3> p classblock-teaser-b>Our stylists are well-experienced that will make every occasion unforgettable. See how we blend seamlessly in Tagaytay landscape./p> /div> a href> div classbtn-text btn-gold btn-full>CHECK OUR DESIGNSi classfas fa-arrow-right>/i>/div> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-1 col-xs-0>/div> div classtext-parallax-side-1 event-title-side> h2 classfs-side-header>Event Styling/h2> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow noPM testimonial> div classcontainer-fluid noP flex-con-stretch> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12 noP flex-item> div classtest-base> div classowl-carousel owl-theme id test-carousel> div classitem text-center> p classtestimonal-text>"The food is great. Everyone liked it. Mostly, the style and design of the venue was designed perfectly based on what we're talked to. You made our wedding day so special. Thank you so much!"/p> !--div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(>/div>--> div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(/storage/app/media/TASTYMONIALS/towns-delight-catering-review-1.png)>/div> h6 classtestimonial-name>Roel and Wendy/h6> /div> div classitem text-center> p classtestimonal-text>"Sobrang ok. Ang ganda ng design ng lahat, pati sa food. Ang waiter napakabait at sobrang accommodating. Natuwa ang mga guests. Madami at masarap ang food. Sa uulitin!"/p> !--div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(>/div>--> div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(/storage/app/media/TASTYMONIALS/towns-delight-catering-review-3.png)>/div> h6 classtestimonial-name>Greg and Kaye/h6> /div> div classitem text-center> p classtestimonal-text>"Best food! Nice set-up. Decoration was very beautiful exceeds our expectations. Keep up the very good work! Thanks!"/p> !--div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(>/div>--> div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(/storage/app/media/TASTYMONIALS/towns-delight-catering-review-2.png)>/div> h6 classtestimonial-name>Michael and Marilou/h6> /div> div classitem text-center> p classtestimonal-text>"Thank you for the great service. Sulit ang investment namin. Thank you so much!"/p> !--div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(>/div>--> div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(/storage/app/media/TASTYMONIALS/towns-delight-catering-review-5.png)>/div> h6 classtestimonial-name>Jose and Diana/h6> /div> div classitem text-center> p classtestimonal-text>"It was the best moments of my life. One of the best catering suppliers in Tagaytay. If you really want a unique experience, Town's Delight is the way to go!"/p> !--div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(>/div>--> div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(/storage/app/media/TASTYMONIALS/towns-delight-catering-review-6.png)>/div> h6 classtestimonial-name>Erik and Vina/h6> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-8 col-xs-12 noP flex-con-stretch flex-item> div classtest-base-img bg-img style background-image: url(/storage/app/media/HOME/home-towns-delight-catering-venue-balai-taal-tagaytnfd-1.jpg); data-paroller-factor0.1 data-paroller-factor-sm0.3 data-paroller-factor-xs0.3 altTown's Delight Reviews titleTown's Delight Reviews altTown's Delight Reviews titleTown's Delight Reviews> a href> div classbtn-text>View all tastymonialsi classfas fa-arrow-right>/i>/div> /a> !-- img src/storage/app/media/HOME/home-towns-delight-catering-venue-balai-taal-tagaytnfd-1.jpg altTown's Delight Reviews titleTown's Delight Reviews classalt-text> --> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow noPM feat-blog-home bg-pattern section-pad-2> div classcontainer> h3 classblock-header-b text-center >Our Featured Blogs/h3> p classblock-teaser-b text-center >Find out more about our great food, fabulous place and all the latestbr> stories on Towns Delight The Caterer!/p> ul classfeat-blog-base> li class> a href> div classfeat-blog-con flex-con justify-space-between> div> h4 classblog-title>2025 Wedding Trends/h4> p classhome-srv-btn>PUBLISHED ON November 4, 2024/p> /div> div classblog-arrow flex-con> svg width12 height8 viewBox0 0 12 8 fillnone xmlns> path dM8.08066 0.120314C7.91718 -0.0401048 7.64509 -0.0401048 7.4759 0.120314C7.31242 0.275314 7.31242 0.533285 7.4759 0.687923L10.5424 3.59534H0.423372C0.187488 3.5957 0 3.77346 0 3.99711C0 4.22076 0.187488 4.4043 0.423372 4.4043H10.5424L7.4759 7.3063C7.31242 7.46671 7.31242 7.72505 7.4759 7.87969C7.64509 8.0401 7.91756 8.0401 8.08066 7.87969L11.8731 4.28399C12.0423 4.12899 12.0423 3.87101 11.8731 3.71638L8.08066 0.120314Z fillwhite/> /svg> /div> /div> /a> /li> li class> a href> div classfeat-blog-con flex-con justify-space-between> div> h4 classblog-title>Tasteful Fair at Hillbarn Tagaytay: A Thanksgiving Feast/h4> p classhome-srv-btn>PUBLISHED ON October 13, 2024/p> /div> div classblog-arrow flex-con> svg width12 height8 viewBox0 0 12 8 fillnone xmlns> path dM8.08066 0.120314C7.91718 -0.0401048 7.64509 -0.0401048 7.4759 0.120314C7.31242 0.275314 7.31242 0.533285 7.4759 0.687923L10.5424 3.59534H0.423372C0.187488 3.5957 0 3.77346 0 3.99711C0 4.22076 0.187488 4.4043 0.423372 4.4043H10.5424L7.4759 7.3063C7.31242 7.46671 7.31242 7.72505 7.4759 7.87969C7.64509 8.0401 7.91756 8.0401 8.08066 7.87969L11.8731 4.28399C12.0423 4.12899 12.0423 3.87101 11.8731 3.71638L8.08066 0.120314Z fillwhite/> /svg> /div> /div> /a> /li> li class> a href> div classfeat-blog-con flex-con justify-space-between> div> h4 classblog-title>The Perfect Day: Kulas and Therine's Dream Wedding in Tagaytay/h4> p classhome-srv-btn>PUBLISHED ON September 11, 2024/p> /div> div classblog-arrow flex-con> svg width12 height8 viewBox0 0 12 8 fillnone xmlns> path dM8.08066 0.120314C7.91718 -0.0401048 7.64509 -0.0401048 7.4759 0.120314C7.31242 0.275314 7.31242 0.533285 7.4759 0.687923L10.5424 3.59534H0.423372C0.187488 3.5957 0 3.77346 0 3.99711C0 4.22076 0.187488 4.4043 0.423372 4.4043H10.5424L7.4759 7.3063C7.31242 7.46671 7.31242 7.72505 7.4759 7.87969C7.64509 8.0401 7.91756 8.0401 8.08066 7.87969L11.8731 4.28399C12.0423 4.12899 12.0423 3.87101 11.8731 3.71638L8.08066 0.120314Z fillwhite/> /svg> /div> /div> /a> /li> /ul> /div> /div> div classrow noPM insti> div classcontainer> h3 classblock-header-b text-center>Trusted by Institutions/h3> div classinsti-flex-con> div classinsti-logo-con> img classimg-responsive center-block src/storage/app/media/Institutions/insti-kwe.png altKintetsu World Express titleKintetsu World Express> /div> div classinsti-logo-con> img classimg-responsive center-block src/storage/app/media/Institutions/insti-semitec.png altSemitec Ishizuka Electronics Corporation titleSemitec Ishizuka Electronics Corporation> /div> div classinsti-logo-con> img classimg-responsive center-block src/storage/app/media/Institutions/insti-mitsuboshi.png altMitsuboshi titleMitsuboshi> /div> div classinsti-logo-con> img classimg-responsive center-block src/storage/app/media/Institutions/insti-jpn.png altJapan Philippines Nameplate Inc. titleJapan Philippines Nameplate Inc.> /div> div classinsti-logo-con> img classimg-responsive center-block src/storage/app/media/Institutions/insti-bdo.png altBanco de Oro titleBanco de Oro> /div> div classinsti-logo-con> img classimg-responsive center-block src/storage/app/media/Institutions/insti-lei.png altLeader Electronics Inc. titleLeader Electronics Inc.> /div> div classinsti-logo-con> img classimg-responsive center-block src/storage/app/media/insti-gentri-2_9d1f8d9d4a9c6b983e7d4c2565ddffdd.png 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active> div classslide__bg style background-image: url(/storage/app/media/HOME/SLIDER/homepage-banner.jpg);> !-- img src/storage/app/media/HOME/SLIDER/homepage-banner.jpg altTown's Delight Catering & Events Cover - Tagaytay South Weddings Catering titleTown's Delight Catering & Events Cover - Tagaytay South Weddings Catering classcenter-block> --> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> div classrow noPM instagram-base data-scroll-index1> div classelfsight-app-161e0c83-ab3f-405e-947b-7b91d1e06a40>/div> /div> div classrow noPM about-home section-pad bg-img> div classcontainer> div classabt-con center-block> div classabt-header-con text-center text-parallax-no> h3 classhome-abt-header>Over strong>45/strong> years/h3> h4 classhome-abt-header-sm>of food & service excellence/h4> /div> div classrow flex-con> div classcol-sm-6 col-xs-12 abt-img-base flex-item> !--div classabt-img bg-img img-parallax flex-item stylebackground-image: url(/storage/app/media/ABOUT/towns-delight-catering-food-review-tagaytay-kitche_c00082e56be51f0a565fc7dd55977e25.jpg) data-paroller-factor0.1 data-paroller-factor-sm0.3 data-paroller-factor-xs0 altTown's Delight Kitchen titleTown's Delight Kitchen> !-- img src/storage/app/media/ABOUT/towns-delight-catering-food-review-tagaytay-kitche_c00082e56be51f0a565fc7dd55977e25.jpg altTown's Delight Kitchen titleTown's Delight Kitchen> /div>--> iframe classhome-iframe width100% height315 src titlePrestige by Towns Delight frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe> /div> div classcol-sm-6 col-xs-12 flex-item home-abt-content> h4 classhome-abt-sub text-center reveal-slow hidden>Your wedding is unique, just like you. Town‘s Delight Catering & Events will help transform your special day into a grandiose experience, an event worth remembering./h4> h4 classhome-abt-text>We blend perfectly in every venue.Town’s Delight brings memorable events happen, one plate at a time./h4> !--h4 classhome-abt-text>--> !--a id videoPop href target _blank>Check out our short video/a> to catch a glimpse of our team in action./a>--> a href classhome-abt-btn> div classbtn-text btn-gold>EXPLORE OUR FOOD TO GO/div> /a> /div> /div> div classrow flex-con abt-row-2 hidden> div classcol-sm-7 col-xs-12 reveal-slow abt-bottom> h4 classhome-abt-text>a id videoPop href target _blank>Check out our short video/a> to catch a glimpse of our team in action./h4> a href> div classbtn-text btn-gold>LEARN MORE/div> /a> /div> !-- div classcol-sm-3 col-xs-12>/div> --> div classcol-sm-5 col-xs-12 abt-img-2-base> div classabt-img-2 bg-img center-block img-parallax reveal-slow stylebackground-image: url(/storage/app/media/FOOD%20AND%20STYLE/FOOD/towns-delight-catering-venue-versailes-palace-las-_b787fcab9b56e7cf3675ab6ba0718d82.jpg) data-paroller-factor0.1 data-paroller-factor-sm0.3 data-paroller-factor-xs0 altTown's Delight Clear Water House titleTown's Delight Clear Water House> !-- img src/storage/app/media/FOOD%20AND%20STYLE/FOOD/towns-delight-catering-venue-versailes-palace-las-_b787fcab9b56e7cf3675ab6ba0718d82.jpg altTown's Delight Clear Water House titleTown's Delight Clear Water House> --> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow noPM section-pad wedding-block> img src alt classwedding-flower-elem> div classcontainer-fluid> div classwedding-content-container flex-con reveal col-lg-6 col-md-6> div classwedding-content> h1 classblock-header-b sm>Choosing the type of venue for your Dream Destination Wedding/h1> p classblock-teaser-b>A destination wedding gives you the opportunity to escape while celebrating your marriage./p> a href> div classbtn-text btn-gold>INQUIRE NOW/div> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-lg-6 col-md-6> div classwedding-card-container> div classwedding-card> div classwedding-card-content> div classwedding-card-img stylebackground: url(/storage/app/media/Blogs/Red%20Barn/TOWNS-DELIGHT-CATERING-EVENTS-TAGAYTAY-CAVITE-CATERING-CATERER-HOMEPAGE-1.jpg) scroll no-repeat center 70%/cover; >/div> div classwedding-desc> h1 classwedding-title>Barn Weddings/h1> p classblock-teaser-b>A barn can be the perfect place for a rustic or country wedding. Just like farm weddings, barn weddings can be dressed up or dressed down to match the style and decor of your wedding and offer endless charm. This is a hit for couples who want that “home far away from home” vibe./p> /div> /div> /div> div classwedding-card> div classwedding-card-content> div classwedding-card-img stylebackground: url(/storage/app/media/Featured%20Weddings/tnfd/fw-hall.jpg) scroll no-repeat center 70%/cover; >/div> div classwedding-desc> h1 classwedding-title>Hall Weddings/h1> p classblock-teaser-b>Whether you’re planning a civil ceremony, a small intimate wedding or a large-scale celebration, from traditional to unique, Banquet Halls have always been a grand classic.Banquet halls are ideal indoor spaces to host a large number of people.The Banquet Halls have gorgeous views and even breezy terraces if your guests want to get some fresh air. The best part is most resorts have one, so you have no shortage of options./p> /div> /div> /div> div classwedding-card> div classwedding-card-content> div classwedding-card-img stylebackground: url(/storage/app/media/Featured%20Weddings/tnfd/fw-pavilion.jpg) scroll no-repeat center 70%/cover; >/div> div classwedding-desc> h1 classwedding-title>Pavilion Weddings/h1> p classblock-teaser-b>Pavilions are somewhat a lavish wedding venue with lush carpets and a grand ceiling setup. Apart from the panoramic view that will give you the best pictures from the wedding ceremonies, these facilities typically offer a simple elegant interior. Weddings at Pavilions are becoming the next big thing for millennial couples./p> /div> /div> /div> div classwedding-card> div classwedding-card-content> div classwedding-card-img stylebackground: url(/storage/app/media/HOME/towns-delight-garden-wedding-homepage-tagaytay-1-2.jpeg) scroll no-repeat center 70%/cover; >/div> div classwedding-desc> h1 classwedding-title>Garden Weddings/h1> p classblock-teaser-b>There is nothing more serene than a Garden Wedding. The Garden has become the top choice for more non-traditional brides who always dreamt of having their weddings outdoors. There is such value in the aesthetic of the open-air setting with the natural beauty of the landscape and being surrounded by nature is so calming. Destination Garden Weddings are amazing because of the lush tropical flora that serves as a whimsical background for ceremonies and receptions, especially with lights strung romantically across the garden trees. Even better, gardens are normally secluded and very private for you and your wedding guests./p> /div> /div> /div> div classwedding-card> div classwedding-card-content> div classwedding-card-img stylebackground: url(/storage/app/media/HOME/towns-delight-beach-weddings-sample-catering-homepage-1.jpeg) scroll no-repeat center 70%/cover; >/div> div classwedding-desc> h1 classwedding-title>Beach Weddings/h1> p classblock-teaser-b>A beautiful beach is a must for a tropical destination wedding.This is actually a favorite because of the travel experience that makes it worthwhile for those floury sands and sweet ocean breezes. Beach ceremonies are a staple of the destination wedding if not simply because you can’t beat that sunset view.The photography comes out stunning with a great visual experience. Receptions on the beach are also a ton of fun. Everyone ends up barefoot at the dance anyway, and the cool breeze off the ocean cuts through any heat./p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow noPM section-pad-2 special-events hidden idspecial-event> div classcontainer> div classcol-md-6> h3 classhome-abt-header>Special strong>Event/strong>/h3> p classblock-teaser-b>/p> br> a href target_blank idrsrv-btn> div classbtn-text btn-gold>RESERVE NOW/div> /a> div classbtn-text btn-gold disabled idrsrv-over>RESERVATION IS NOW OVER/div> /div> div classcol-md-6> !--div classabt-img bg-img img-parallax reveal-slow flex-item stylebackground-image: url(/storage/app/media/josephine.jpg) data-paroller-factor0.1 data-paroller-factor-sm0.3 data-paroller-factor-xs0 altJosephine Valentine's Dinner titleJosephine Valentine's Dinner> /div>--> br> img classimg-responsive center-block src/storage/app/media/josephine.jpg altJosephine Valentine's Dinner titleJosephine Valentine's Dinner> div idcountdown> ul> li>span iddays>/span>days/li> li>span idhours>/span>Hours/li> li>span idminutes>/span>Minutes/li> li>span idseconds>/span>Seconds/li> /ul> /div> style> #countdown li { display: inline-block; list-style-type: none; text-transform: uppercase; text-align:center; font-family: Linux; font-size: 14px; line-height: 24px; color: var(--greyish-brown); margin: 15px; position: relative; } #rsrv-over{ display: none; max-width: 300px; pointer-events: none; background: var(--warm-grey-two); border-color: var(--warm-grey-two); } #countdown li:not(#countdown li:nth-child(4)):before{ content: ; width: 15px; height: 1px; background: var(--warm-grey-two); position: absolute; top: 35%; right: -25px; } #countdown li span { display: block; font-size: 45px; line-height: 54px; color: var(--black); } #countdown ul{ display: inline-flex; justify-content: center; width: 100%; } .message { font-size: 4rem; } #content { display: none; padding: 1rem; } .emoji { padding: 0 .25rem; } @media all and (max-width: 768px) { #countdown li { font-size: 1.125rem; padding: .75rem; } #countdown li span { font-size: 3.375rem; } } /style> script> (function () { const second 1000, minute second * 60, hour minute * 60, day hour * 24; let birthday 2021-02-14 18:00:00, countDown new Date(birthday).getTime(), x setInterval(function() { let now new Date().getTime(), distance countDown - now; document.getElementById(days).innerText Math.floor(distance / (day)), document.getElementById(hours).innerText Math.floor((distance % (day)) / (hour)), document.getElementById(minutes).innerText Math.floor((distance % (hour)) / (minute)), document.getElementById(seconds).innerText Math.floor((distance % (minute)) / second); //do something later when date is reached if (distance 0) { let countdown document.getElementById(countdown), rsrv_btn document.getElementById(rsrv-btn), rsrv_over document.getElementById(rsrv-over); none; none; block; clearInterval(x); } //seconds }, 0) }()); /script> /div> /div> /div> div classrow noPM service-home hidden> div classcol-sm-3 col-xs-6 srv-base> div class srv-img bg-img hover-zoom stylebackground-image: url(>/div> div classsrv-overlay>/div> div classsrv-con> svg class cross-top-right width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-top-left width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-bot-right width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-bot-left width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> /div> div classsrv-text-con> h3 classhome-srv-title>Wedding/h3> p classhome-srv-desc>We make every wedding unique and memorable in its own way./p> a href class anc-hover> span classhome-srv-btn>VIEW GALLERY/span> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-3 col-xs-6 srv-base> div class srv-img bg-img hover-zoom stylebackground-image: url(>/div> div classsrv-overlay>/div> div classsrv-con> svg class cross-top-right width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-top-left width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-bot-right width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-bot-left width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> /div> div classsrv-text-con> h3 classhome-srv-title>Corporate/h3> p classhome-srv-desc>Dedicated team specialized in every corporate event, office party or workshop./p> a href class anc-hover> span classhome-srv-btn>VIEW GALLERY/span> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-3 col-xs-6 srv-base> div class srv-img bg-img hover-zoom stylebackground-image: url(>/div> div classsrv-overlay>/div> div classsrv-con> svg class cross-top-right width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-top-left width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-bot-right width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-bot-left width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> /div> div classsrv-text-con> h3 classhome-srv-title>Debut/h3> p classhome-srv-desc>A perfect debut celebration through our customizable catering packages./p> a href class anc-hover> span classhome-srv-btn>VIEW GALLERY/span> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-3 col-xs-6 srv-base> div class srv-img bg-img hover-zoom stylebackground-image: url(>/div> div classsrv-overlay>/div> div classsrv-con> svg class cross-top-right width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-top-left width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-bot-right width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> svg class cross-bot-left width15 height15 viewBox0 0 15 15 fillnone xmlns> path fill-ruleevenodd clip-ruleevenodd dM6 9V15H9V9H15V6H9V0H6V6H0V9H6Z fill#A87C4F/> /svg> /div> div classsrv-text-con> h3 classhome-srv-title>Special Events/h3> p classhome-srv-desc>Carefully prepared foods for your all occasion needs with impressive styling./p> a href class anc-hover> span classhome-srv-btn>VIEW GALLERY/span> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classrow noPM section-pad-2 food-to-go> div classcontainer flex-con> div classcol-md-6 ftg-left> img classimg-responsive center-block src alt> div classftg-img-grp hidden> img classchop-board img-responsive center-block src alt> img classkare-kare idkare-kare src alt> img classutensils idutensils src alt> img classveggies idveggies src alt> /div> /div> div classcol-md-6 ftg-right> h3 classblock-header-b>Grab your favorite dish/h3> p classblock-teaser-b>Order your celebratory platters online via> br> a href target_blank> div classbtn-text btn-gold>EXPLORE OUR FOOD TO GO/div> /a> /div> /div> /div> div classrow noPM section-pad-2 cater-block hidden> div classcontainer flex-con> div classcol-md-6 cs-left> h3 classblock-header-b>Let us help you with your event/h3> p classblock-teaser-b>Only the best ingredients for your noteworthy event. Every dish on our menu is thoughtfully made to cater to conscious eaters who don’t want to compromise on flavour./p> br> a href> div classbtn-text btn-gold>DISCOVER OUR CATERING SERVICE/div> /a> /div> div classcol-md-6 cs-right> div classcs-img-grp> img classcs-img img-responsive center-block src alt> img classcater-vase src alt> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow noPM award-home section-pad-2> div classcontainer text-center> h3 classblock-header-b>We, at Town's Delight Catering & Events, are proud of/h3> p classblock-teaser-b award-teaser>Getting recognized is all part of being the best in the business./p> div classrow noPM award-list-con flex-con> div classcol-xs-12 award-car-base hidden-lg hidden-md hidden-sm> div classowl-carousel owl-theme id award-carousel> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2019/h4> h6 classaward-title>Top Booker in Caterer Category/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2019/h4> h6 classaward-title>Overall Top Grosser/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2016/h4> h6 classaward-title>Top Grosser Award/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2020/h4> h6 classaward-title>Overall Top Grosser/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2020/h4> h6 classaward-title>Top Booker in Caterer Category/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-6 award-base hidden-xs> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2019/h4> h6 classaward-title>Top Booker in Caterer Category/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-6 award-base hidden-xs> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2019/h4> h6 classaward-title>Overall Top Grosser/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-6 award-base hidden-xs> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2016/h4> h6 classaward-title>Top Grosser Award/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-6 award-base hidden-xs> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2020/h4> h6 classaward-title>Overall Top Grosser/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-6 award-base hidden-xs> div classaward-con> h4 classaward-year>2020/h4> h6 classaward-title>Top Booker in Caterer Category/h6> span classaward-category>Kasalang Tagaytay Expo/span> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow noPM food-style> div classcontainer> div classrow home-food-base flex-con-stretch> div classtext-parallax-side food-title-side> h2 classfs-side-header>Food Tasting/h2> /div> div classcol-sm-2 col-xs-0>/div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-6 home-food-img-con noP flex-con-stretch flex-item> div classhome-food-img bg-img stylebackground-image: url(/storage/app/media/HOME/DESSERT-TOWNS-DELIGHT-APPLE-CRUMBLE_tnfd.jpg) data-paroller-factor0.1 data-paroller-factor-sm0.3 data-paroller-factor-xs0.3 altTown's Delight Bread titleTown's Delight Bread> !-- img src/storage/app/media/HOME/DESSERT-TOWNS-DELIGHT-APPLE-CRUMBLE_tnfd.jpg altTown's Delight Bread titleTown's Delight Bread classalt-text> --> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-6 col-xs-6 home-food-det-con noP flex-con-stretch flex-item> div classhome-food-det flex-con> div classh-food-det-con> h3 classsrv-title-2>Gastronomic Food Experience/h3> p classblock-teaser-b>Food forges great weddings to a memorable one. Our menu selections are crafted perfectly for your Tagaytay wedding dream./p> /div> a href> div classbtn-text btn-gold btn-full>CHECK OUR MENUi classfas fa-arrow-right>/i>/div> /a> /div> /div> /div> br> div classrow home-food-base home-food-base-mobile flex-con-stretch> div classcol-sm-1 col-xs-0>/div> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-6 home-food-img-con noP flex-con-stretch flex-item> div classhome-food-img bg-img stylebackground-image: url(/storage/app/media/FOOD%20AND%20STYLE/FOOD/home-towns-delight-catering-styling-venue-tagaytay_e104d1f0fb0098c0b20ebceae46a8a35.jpg) data-paroller-factor0.1 data-paroller-factor-sm0.3 data-paroller-factor-xs0.3 altTown's Delight Rustic Wedding titleTown's Delight Rustic Wedding> !-- img src/storage/app/media/FOOD%20AND%20STYLE/FOOD/home-towns-delight-catering-styling-venue-tagaytay_e104d1f0fb0098c0b20ebceae46a8a35.jpg altTown's Delight Rustic Wedding titleTown's Delight Rustic Wedding classalt-text> --> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-6 col-xs-6 home-food-det-con noP flex-con-stretch flex-item> div classhome-food-det flex-con> div classh-food-det-con> h3 classsrv-title-2>Towns Delight Styling/h3> p classblock-teaser-b>Our stylists are well-experienced that will make every occasion unforgettable. See how we blend seamlessly in Tagaytay landscape./p> /div> a href> div classbtn-text btn-gold btn-full>CHECK OUR DESIGNSi classfas fa-arrow-right>/i>/div> /a> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-1 col-xs-0>/div> div classtext-parallax-side-1 event-title-side> h2 classfs-side-header>Event Styling/h2> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classrow noPM testimonial> div classcontainer-fluid noP flex-con-stretch> div classcol-sm-4 col-xs-12 noP flex-item> div classtest-base> div classowl-carousel owl-theme id test-carousel> div classitem text-center> p classtestimonal-text>"The food is great. Everyone liked it. Mostly, the style and design of the venue was designed perfectly based on what we're talked to. You made our wedding day so special. Thank you so much!"/p> !--div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(>/div>--> div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(/storage/app/media/TASTYMONIALS/towns-delight-catering-review-1.png)>/div> h6 classtestimonial-name>Roel and Wendy/h6> /div> div classitem text-center> p classtestimonal-text>"Sobrang ok. Ang ganda ng design ng lahat, pati sa food. Ang waiter napakabait at sobrang accommodating. Natuwa ang mga guests. Madami at masarap ang food. Sa uulitin!"/p> !--div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(>/div>--> div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(/storage/app/media/TASTYMONIALS/towns-delight-catering-review-3.png)>/div> h6 classtestimonial-name>Greg and Kaye/h6> /div> div classitem text-center> p classtestimonal-text>"Best food! Nice set-up. Decoration was very beautiful exceeds our expectations. Keep up the very good work! Thanks!"/p> !--div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(>/div>--> div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(/storage/app/media/TASTYMONIALS/towns-delight-catering-review-2.png)>/div> h6 classtestimonial-name>Michael and Marilou/h6> /div> div classitem text-center> p classtestimonal-text>"Thank you for the great service. Sulit ang investment namin. Thank you so much!"/p> !--div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(>/div>--> div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(/storage/app/media/TASTYMONIALS/towns-delight-catering-review-5.png)>/div> h6 classtestimonial-name>Jose and Diana/h6> /div> div classitem text-center> p classtestimonal-text>"It was the best moments of my life. One of the best catering suppliers in Tagaytay. If you really want a unique experience, Town's Delight is the way to go!"/p> !--div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(>/div>--> div classtest-img bg-img center-block style background-image: url(/storage/app/media/TASTYMONIALS/towns-delight-catering-review-6.png)>/div> h6 classtestimonial-name>Erik and Vina/h6> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classcol-sm-8 col-xs-12 noP flex-con-stretch flex-item> div classtest-base-img bg-img style background-image: url(/storage/app/media/HOME/home-towns-delight-catering-venue-balai-taal-tagaytnfd-1.jpg); data-paroller-factor0.1 data-paroller-factor-sm0.3 data-paroller-factor-xs0.3 altTown's Delight Reviews titleTown's Delight Reviews altTown's Delight Reviews titleTown's Delight Reviews> a href> div classbtn-text>View all tastymonialsi classfas fa-arrow-right>/i>/div> /a> !-- img src/storage/app/media/HOME/home-towns-delight-catering-venue-balai-taal-tagaytnfd-1.jpg altTown's Delight Reviews titleTown's Delight Reviews 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