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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 21:34:26 GMTServer: ApacheLocation: 237Content-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN>html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>h1>Moved Permanently/h1>p>The document has moved a href>here/a>./p>/body>/html>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 21:34:26 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 20:30:43 GMTAccept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 13733Content-Type: text/html html>head>title>Collecting original Tijuana Bibles and other vintage cartoon erotica /title>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1>meta namedescription contentProhibition gangsters subvert sexuality and humor to create Americas first comic books the Tijuana Bibles.> meta namekeywords contenttijuana bibles,forbidden funnies,tiuana,tijawana,cartoon sex,vintage smut,eight pager,8 pagers,Mr.Prolific,Wesley Morse,underground comics,sleeze> script typetext/javascript src>/script> script typetext/javascript srcjs/infinite-rotator.js>/script> link relstylesheet hrefstyle.css typetext/css mediascreen />meta namegoogle-site-verification contentC5be2XTi2y_rldJG_BL0dt5IN2c9PMRWCuT912vsoJs />/head>body leftmargin0 marginheight0 marginwidth0 topmargin0 bgcolor#FFFFCC text#000000 link#FFFF00 vlink#FFFF00 alink#FFFF00>div stylemax-width:100%;background-image:url(pics/biblesgrnbkd.jpg); >table border0 cellspacing0 cellpadding0 width950 aligncenter> tr> td width310>img srcpics/tijuanabibleorg3bbooks.jpg alttijuana logo width300 height160> /td> td> /td> td>h1 classstyle1>Tijuana Bibles featured the most popular cartoon stars! /h1>/td> /tr> /table> div stylebackground-color:#993300;height:20px;> div aligncenter>img srcpics/dot-brred.gif width900 height4> /div> /div>/div> table width1000 border0 aligncenter cellpadding0 cellspacing0 vspace0> tr> td width300valigntop> div stylewidth:300px; background-color:#000000;border-style:solid;border-right-width:0px;border-left-width:4px;border-top-width:0px;border-bottom-width:0px;border-color:#CA0000; padding-bottom:0px; position:relative;> p classwelcome>br> Welcome underground comic book lovers! br> br> TijuanaBible.Org was founded to preserve this unique part of our American culture. br> Were collectors of original 8 pagers and always interested in sharing our finds, as well as buying comics to add to our collection. /p> /div> div idmenuO>a hrefarticles/tijuana-bible-history.html classmenutitle>Tijuana Bible Comics/a> br> span classmenudescription>8 Pager History & Background /span>img srcpics/dot-dkred.gif altline width228 height2 vspace2 alignright>/div> div idmenuG>a hrefarticles/collecting-tijuana-bibles.html classmenutitle>Collecting Vintage Tijuana Bibles/a>br> span classmenudescription>Tips For New Collectors/span>img srcpics/dot-dkred.gif altline width228 height2 vspace2 alignright>/div> div idmenuO>a hrefcomiclibrary/tijuana-bible-of-the-month-list.htm classmenutitle>Tijuana Bible Library/a> br> span classmenudescription>8 Pagers from Our Collection /span>img srcpics/dot-dkred.gif altline width228 height2 vspace2 alignright>/div> div idmenuG>a hrefarticles/blackjackart.htm classmenutitle>1930s Blackjack Original Art/a>br> span classmenudescription>Rare Original drawings discovered/span>img srcpics/dot-dkred.gif altline width228 height2 vspace2 alignright>/div> div idmenuO>a hreftijuana-bible/tijuanabiblesforsale.htm classmenutitle>New Tijuana Bibles For Sale/a> br> span classmenudescription>Pick up some for your next party /span>img srcpics/dot-dkred.gif altline width228 height2 vspace2 alignright>/div> div idmenuG>a href articles/articles-list.htm classmenutitle>Tijuana Bible Articles/a>br> span classmenudescription>A Directory of Articles/span>img srcpics/dot-dkred.gif altline width228 height2 vspace2 alignright>/div> div idmenuO>a hrefarticles/16pagetijuanabibles.html classmenutitle>16 Pagers - Comics Review/a> br> span classmenudescription>Classic Double Size Comics /span>img srcpics/dot-dkred.gif altline width228 height2 vspace2 alignright>/div> div idmenuG>a href articles/SexinComicsbyDonald H.html classmenutitle>Sex in Comics/a>br> span classmenudescription>by Donanld H. Gilmore Phd./span>img srcpics/dot-dkred.gif altline width228 height2 vspace2 alignright>/div> div idmenuO>a hrefvintage-tijuana-bibles-for-sale.html classmenutitle>Vintage Tijuana Bibles for Sale /a> br> span classmenudescription>Golden Age Originals You Can Own /span>img srcpics/dot-dkred.gif altline width228 height2 vspace2 alignright>/div> div aligncenter stylepadding:5px;> a>font color#CC0000 size4 faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif>br> Email>/a>br> br> /div> br>br> div aligncenter> span classstyle1>TJ Ts Now Available/span>br> a href target_blank>img srcsc/tjringneck.jpg width135 height150 border0>br> br> /a>br> /div> a href target_blank>img altMr. Skin width300 height250 src />/a> br>br>/td> td width8 valigntop bgcolor#E1000> /td> td width2 bgcolor#000000>img srcpics/shim.gif width1 height2>/td> td >div idrotating-item-wrapper aligncenter> a hreftijuana-bible/tijuanabiblesforsale.htm>img srcpics/decorations/newtjforsale.jpg altnew tijuana bibles for sale width450 height200 border0 classrotating-item />/a> a hrefvintage-tijuana-bibles-for-sale.html>img srcpics/decorations/tjstilllife.jpg altphoto of our vintage tijuana bible collection width450 height200 border0 classrotating-item />/a> img srcpics/decorations/forbiddenfunnies.jpg altvintage tijuana bibles for sale classrotating-itemwidth450 height200/>/div> div idredbar aligncenter>/div> table width470 aligncenter cellpadding4 cellspacing4> tr bgcolor#CCCC99 aligncenter> td bgcolor#E4E3BA>h2 classstyle8>a href>Tijuana Bibles video on YouTube /a>/h2>> /tr> /table> div idredbar aligncenter>/div> div idslug> h2 classstyle8>Titter Tatter Proverbs & Breastypes! /h2> div stylefloat: right; iditable> img srcpics/tittertatter/tittertatter-cover.jpg alttittter tatter width120 height205 border0>/div> p classstyle1>br> a hrefarticles/tittertatterproverbs.html>If you ever needed help objectifying women, there are br> two versions of this br> Vintage Guide to Womens Breast Types/a>br> br> /p> /div> div idredbar>/div> div idslug> h2 classstyle8>Blackjacks Wayward Girls/h2> div stylefloat: right; iditable> img srcvintagebibles/covers/thumbs/frivolousfifi73112.jpg altfifi width200 height137>/div> p classstyle1>br> a hrefarticles/blackjackswaywardgirls.html>A Guide to thebr> Fifi / Mazie / Tessie Tijuana Bibles by Blackjack. /a>br> /p> /div> div idredbar>/div> div idslug> h2 classstyle8>Mystery of the 7 page Foozy/h2> div stylefloat: right; iditable> img srcvintagebibles/covers/thumbs/foozy-7511.jpg altfoozy width200 height136>/div> p classstyle1>br> a hrefarticles/sevenpagefoozymystery.html>Foozy plays like one of the Big Boys when he uses a Decoy!/a>/p> a hrefarticles/sevenpagefoozymystery.html>/a>/div> div idredbar>/div> div idslug> h2 classstyle8>Superboy in Big Bet by Mr. Dyslexic /h2> div stylefloat: right; iditable> img srcpics/botm/superboy/bigbet-cov.jpg altsuperboy width200 height153>/div> p classstyle1>br> a hrefcomiclibrary/superboysbigbet.html>Superboy is surprised with a dirty girls br> betting! /a>br> /p> a hrefcomiclibrary/superboysbigbet.html>/a>/div> div idredbar>/div> div idslug> h2 classstyle8> Gay Sex in the 8 pagers /h2> div stylefloat: right; iditable> img srcpics/tjcovers/jimmycagney.jpg altGay Jimmy Cagney in Boys will be girls! width200 height130>/div> p classstyle1>a hrefarticles/gaytijuanabibles.html>If youve ever wondered about Gay Sex in the Tijuana Bibles, weve made a list!/a> /p> a hrefarticles/gaytijuanabibles.html>/a>/div> div idredbar>/div> div idslug> h2 classstyle8> "Our" Ma /h2> div stylefloat: right; iditable> img srcpics/botm/ourma/ourmacov.jpg width200 height154>/div> p classstyle1>a hrefcomiclibrary/ourma.html>A ruthless pimp Mother makes her children compete at Whoring!/a>/p> br> br> a hrefcomiclibrary/ourma.html>/a> /div> div idredbar>/div> div idslug> h2 classstyle8> Peter & Mable Home Made Vintage Tijuana Bibles /h2> div stylefloat: right; iditable> img srcpics/botm/peterandmabel/peterandMabel-cover.jpg alt width200 height141>/div> br> br> p classstyle1>a hrefarticles/PeterMableHomeMadeVintageTijuanaBible.html>A true deviants br> home made idea of erotica! /a>/p> a hrefarticles/PeterMableHomeMadeVintageTijuanaBible.html>/a>/div> div idredbar>/div> div idslug> h2 classstyle8> EXPOSED - Movie Stars Victims of Dirty Book Racket /h2> div stylefloat: right; iditable> img altpolicegazette-cover srcpics/photos/policegazette-cover.jpg height183 width150 />/div> p>span classstyle1>br> br> a hrefarticles/EXPOSED-MovieStarsVictimsofDirtyBookRacket.html>This is undoubtedly the most absurd article on 8 pagers you will ever read!/a>/span> br> /p> /div> div idredbar>/div> div idslug> h2 classstyle8> Superman with Lois ... a Real Find! /h2> div stylefloat: right; iditable> img srcpics/tjcovers/supermanwithlois.jpg width200 height140>/div> p classstyle1>img srcpics/shim.gif width24 height10>a hrefarticles/SupermanwithLois.html>Superman comes through, and Lois puts out, in this very hard to find eight pager./a>/p> a hrefarticles/SupermanwithLois.html>/a>/div> div idredbar>/div> br> br> br> /td> td width3 bgcolor#e10000>img srcpics/shim.gif width3 height1>/td> td width211 rowspan4 aligncenter valigntop bordercolor1 bgcolor#55552B>br> div aligncenter>a href target_blank>img src altMr. Skin width160 height600 vspace200 border0/>br> br>/a>/div> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan4 aligncentervaligntop> all artwork and text copyright © 2004 - 2014> td bgcolor#e10000> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan4 aligncentervaligntop bgcolor#CCCC99>font faceArial, Helvetica, sans-serif size2 color#CC0000>Tijuana Bibles cartoon parodies are reprinted as examples of traditional American satire and social commentary.They make fun of real life personalities or comic characters that may be copyrighted or registered but in no way should be construed as an attempt to defame, challenge to, or as an endorsement by copyright holders/font>/td> td bgcolor#e10000> /td> /tr>/table>br>br>/body>/html>
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