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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Thu, 09 Jan 2025 23:19:26 GMTServer: ApacheVary: Accept-Encoding,Cookie,User-AgentLink:>; rel,>; relalternate; typeapplication/json,>; relshortlinkUpgrade: h2Connection: UpgradeCache-Control: max-age600Expires: Thu, 09 Jan 2025 23:29:26 GMTContent-Length: 61222Content-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE html>html langen-US classno-js no-svg>head>meta charsetUTF-8>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1>link relprofile href>script src>/script>link relstylesheet href>link href relstylesheet>link href|Bellefair|Bitter|Cabin|Courgette|Crete+Round|Dancing+Script|Droid+Sans|Encode+Sans+Expanded|Fjalla+One|Gudea|Hind|Josefin+Slab|Lato|Lora|Marck+Script|Montserrat|Mukta+Malar|Nothing+You+Could+Do|Open+Sans|Oswald|Play|PT+Sans|Quicksand|Raleway|Ranga|Roboto|Slabo+27px|Tangerine|Poiret+One relstylesheet>link href relstylesheet>script>(function(html){html.className html.className.replace(/\bno-js\b/,js)})(document.documentElement);/script>title>Just another WordPress site – Just another WordPress site/title>meta namerobots contentmax-image-preview:large />link reldns-prefetch href// />link reldns-prefetch href// />link href crossorigin relpreconnect />link relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleJust another WordPress site » Feed href />link relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleJust another WordPress site » Comments Feed href /> script typetext/javascript> window._wpemojiSettings {baseUrl:https:\/\/\/images\/core\/emoji\/13.0.1\/72x72\/,ext:.png,svgUrl:https:\/\/\/images\/core\/emoji\/13.0.1\/svg\/,svgExt:.svg,source:{concatemoji:https:\/\/\/wp-includes\/js\/wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver5.7.12}}; 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background-color: ; background-position: ; background-size: ; opacity: 0.18;>/div>div classhero-component--content>div classh-font h1>div styletext-align: center;>Welcome to span stylecolor: rgb(214, 0, 0);>The Lost Link/span>. An independent record label since 1999./div>/div>div classh3 body-text>div styletext-align: center;>span stylefont-family: Open Sans; color: rgb(214, 0, 0);>Take control of your music./span>/div>/div>/div>/div>/section>section id3866393 data-component-id3866393 classsimple data-position102>div classsimple-chord--wrapper component-wrapper>div classbg sib stylebackground-image: url(); background-color: ; background-position: ; background-size: ; opacity: ;>/div>div classsimple-chord--inner>div classh-font h2>div style>span stylecolor: rgb(214, 0, 0);>More than music./span>/div>/div>div classsimple-chord--text body-text>div>The Lost Link is much more than a record label. It is a lifestyle which embodies and empowers its artists to manage themselves. Our focus has always been on individual development, independence, power and wisdom. Our flagship artist: KWOTE SCRIPTURES is an example of our goals and motto. /div>/div>/div>/div>/section>section id3866394 data-component-id3866394 classphoto-grid data-position103>div classphotogrid-component>div classbg sib stylebackground-image: url(); background-color: ; background-position: ; background-size: ; opacity: ;>/div>div classphotogrid-component--flexbox-container>a href>div class bg stylebackground-image: url(; background-color: ; background-position: ; background-size: ; opacity: ;>/div>/a>a href>div class bg stylebackground-image: url(; background-color: ; background-position: ; background-size: ; opacity: ;>/div>/a>a href>div class bg stylebackground-image: url(; background-color: ; background-position: ; background-size: ; opacity: ;>/div>/a>a href>div class bg stylebackground-image: url(; background-color: ; background-position: ; background-size: ; opacity: ;>/div>/a>a href>div class bg stylebackground-image: url(; background-color: ; background-position: ; background-size: ; opacity: ;>/div>/a>a href>div class bg stylebackground-image: url(; background-color: ; background-position: ; background-size: ; opacity: ;>/div>/a>a href>div class bg stylebackground-image: url(; background-color: ; background-position: ; background-size: ; opacity: ;>/div>/a>a href>div class bg stylebackground-image: url(; background-color: ; background-position: ; background-size: ; opacity: ;>/div>/a>/div>/div>/section>section id3866395 data-component-id3866395 classgrid data-position104>div classgrid-component component-wrapper>div classgrid-component--background bg sib stylebackground-image: url(); background-color: #1c1c1c; background-position: ; background-size: ; opacity: ;>/div>div classgrid-component-inner>div classgrid-component--text-wrapper>div classh-font h2>div style>span stylecolor: rgb(214, 0, 0);>Services regarding our artists/span>/div>/div>div>Below you will find a few services that we offer: album work, voice over talent or guest appearances on your projects. We offer plenty of other services and options that can enhance your project. Send us your idea and we will reply promptly with details on how to proceed. Let’s work together to make beautiful music./div>/div>div classflexbox-container>div>div classh3>div style>span stylecolor: rgb(214, 0, 0);>Albums/span>/div>/div>div classbody-text>Looking to develop your album? We can pair you up with award winning producers who have history in the game./div>/div>div>div classh3>div style>span stylecolor: rgb(214, 0, 0);>Voice Overs/span>/div>/div>div classbody-text>Have a voice that could be worth millions? Let’s hear it. Our agenda going forward is based on voice over talent. There are many opportunities in this field./div>/div>div>div classh3>div style>span stylecolor: rgb(214, 0, 0);>For hire/span>/div>/div>div classbody-text>Need an artist to feature on your track? Add one of our artists to your single, album or remix. Let’s add some creativity to your project./div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/section>section id3866396 data-component-id3866396 classcontact-form data-position106>div classcontact-component--wrapper stylebackground-color: #141414;>div classcontact-component--centered>div classcontact-component--heading h2 h-font>div style>span stylecolor: rgb(214, 0, 0);>Contact Us:/span>/div>/div>div classcontact-component--inner body-text>div classcontact-component--form>form action// methodPOST>input typetext stylewidth:100%;height:30px; placeholdername namename>input typetext stylewidth:100%;height:30px; placeholderemail nameemail>input typetext stylewidth:100%;height:30px; placeholderphone namephone>textarea stylewidth: 100%; min-height:80px; placeholdermessage namemessage>/textarea>button classbutton typesubmit>a stylecolor: rgb(5, 0, 0);>Submit/a>/button>/form>/div>div classcontact-component--text>div classcontact-component--text-inner> We can be reached via: email and various social media platforms. Submit your contact information to keep in touch and be the first to know about our latest projects. br>br> Where to find us: br>Stamford, CT 06902 /div>/div>/div>/div>/div>/section>section id3866397 data-component-id3866397 classfooter-new data-position107>div classfooter footer-component--outer component-wrapper>div classbg sib stylebackground-image: url(); background-color: #1c1c1c; background-position: ; background-size: ; opacity: ;>/div>div classfooter-component--inner>div>div styletext-align: center;>span stylecolor: rgb(214, 0, 0);>© 2019 The Lost Link. /span>All Rights Reservedspan stylecolor: #fdc501; > /span>span stylecolor: rgb(214, 0, 0);>| Made with/span>span stylecolor: #fdc501; > a href >Respect/a>./span>/div>/div>div classlinks>/div>/div>/div>/section>style>/*! normalize.css v7.0.0 | MIT License | *//* Document *//** * 1. Correct the line height in all browsers. * 2. 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