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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 03:55:09 GMTServer: ApacheExpires: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 00:00:00 GMTCache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check0, pre-check0Pragma: no-cacheSet-Cookie: f464517b0fd5879bece71e8b4e5afde4l1j19lpvkgao987alnke8e5f50; path/; secure; HttpOnlyX-Content-Type-Options: nosniffUpgrade: h2Connection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 03:55:09 GMTVary: Accept-Encoding,User-AgentTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN>html xmlns xml:langen-gb langen-gb >head>meta charsetutf-8> meta namerights content(c) Mark Cole 2018> meta nameauthor contentsilverto> meta namedescription contentThe unofficial home of vintage Teisco guitars> meta namegenerator contentJoomla! - Open Source Content Management> title>Teisco Twangers - Home/title> link href/templates/j51_brooklyn/favicon.ico relicon typeimage/>link href/media/vendor/joomla-custom-elements/css/joomla-alert.min.css?0.2.0 relstylesheet>script typeapplication/json classjoomla-script-options new>{joomla.jtext:{ERROR:Error,MESSAGE:Message,NOTICE:Notice,WARNING:Warning,JCLOSE:Close,JOK:OK,JOPEN:Open},system.paths:{root:,rootFull:,base:,baseFull:},csrf.token:74b7613ce546231ca6c2ee4567841155}/script> script src/media/system/js/core.min.js?2cb912>/script> script src/media/system/js/messages.min.js?9a4811 typemodule>/script> script typeapplication/ld+json>{@context:,@graph:{@type:Organization,@id:,name:Teisco Twangers,url:},{@type:WebSite,@id:,url:,name:Teisco Twangers,publisher:{@id:}},{@type:WebPage,@id:,url:,name:Teisco Twangers - Home,description:The unofficial home of vintage Teisco guitars,isPartOf:{@id:},about:{@id:},inLanguage:en-GB,breadcrumb:{@id:}},{@type:Article,@id:,name:Home,headline:Home,inLanguage:en-GB,isPartOf:{@id:}}}/script> link relstylesheet href/templates/system/css/system.css typetext/css />link relstylesheet href/templates/j51_brooklyn/css/reset.css typetext/css />link relstylesheet href/templates/j51_brooklyn/css/bootstrap.css typetext/css />link relstylesheet href/templates/j51_brooklyn/css/typo.css typetext/css />link relstylesheet href/templates/j51_brooklyn/css/template.css typetext/css />link relstylesheet href/templates/j51_brooklyn/css/nexus.css typetext/css />link relstylesheet href/templates/j51_brooklyn/css/font-awesome.css typetext/css />meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1, maximum-scale1/>link relstylesheet href/templates/j51_brooklyn/css/responsive-nav.css typetext/css />link relstylesheet href/templates/j51_brooklyn/css/responsive.css typetext/css />style typetext/css>@media only screen and (min-width: 1025px) and (max-width: 1080px) {.wrapper960, .backgrounds .content_background { width: 1024px !important;}}td img{margin: 10px !important;}/style>link relstylesheet typetext/css href />style typetext/css>body{font-family:Raleway }/style>link relstylesheet typetext/css href,400 />style typetext/css>h2{font-family:Raleway; 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padding:0;}#ie6msg p a.getie7{font-weight:bold; color:#006;}#ie6msg p a.ie6expl{font-weight:bold; color:#006;}#body_bg {display:none;}/style>div idie6msg>h4>Did you know that your browser is out of date?/h4> p>The site you are visiting can only be viewed using a modern browser. Please upgrade your browser to increase safety and your browsing experience. We strongly recommend upgrading to either a href>Firefox/a>, a href>Opera/a>, a href>Safari/a>, a href>Google Chrome/a>, or a more recent version of a href>Internet Explorer/a>./p>!endif-->!-- link relstylesheet href> -->/head>body> div idbody_bg data-typebackground>div classbody_bg_right> /div> div idcontainer_header classj51container>div classwrapper960> div id header classblock_holder> div idsocialmedia> ul idnavigation> /ul> /div> div idlogo> div classlogo_container> h1 classlogo> a href/index.php title>span> img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src/images/topframe.png altLogo /> /span>/a> /h1> /div> /div> div classclear>/div>/div> /div>/div> div classcontent_background_container> !-- Content background --> div classbackgrounds> div classcontent_background>/div> /div> !--End Content background --> div classcontent_background> div idcontainer_hornav classj51container>div classwrapper960> div classhornavmenu> div idhornav> ul classmenu idmoomenu>li classitem-101 current active>a href/ >Home/a>/li>li classitem-103>a href/timeline >Timeline/a>/li>li classitem-102>a href/id-parade >ID Parade/a>/li>li classitem-104>a href/literature >Literature/a>/li>li classitem-105>a href/your-teiscos >Your Teiscos/a>/li>li classitem-106>a href/my-teiscos >My Teiscos/a>/li>li classitem-107>a href/technical >Technical/a>/li>/ul> /div> /div> div classclear>/div> /div>/div> div idcontainer_main classj51container> div classwrapper960> !--Setting up Layout for MainContent and Side Columns. Check to see if modules are enabled or disabled in the sidecolumns-->div id main classblock_holder>!--Sidecol & content background --> div classbackgrounds> div idcontent_full>/div> /div>!--End Sidecol & content background --> !--Side Columns Layout--> !--End Side Columns Layout-->!--Find Content width and show component area-->div idcontent_full classside_margins> !--Modules ContentTop--> !--End Modules ContentTop--> div classmaincontent> div classmessage> div idsystem-message-container aria-livepolite>/div> /div> div classcom-content-article item-page> meta itempropinLanguage contenten-GB> div classpage-header> h1> Home /h1> /div> div classcom-content-article__body> h4>img src/images/gtr_animation.gif altgtr animation stylemargin-right: 30px; margin-bottom: 20px; float: left; />Welcome to the unofficial home of vintage Teisco guitars!/h4>p>This site is dedicated to all you guitarists out there who ever owned an old Japanese Teisco guitar, especially those of you who started out with one and still have it today. I created this site out of frustration at not being able to identify the model of my first Teisco despite my best online and off-line efforts. I found out (eventually!) that its an SS-4L made some time in the early/mid 60s./p>p>Many of the photos that are on the site come from numerous other online sources and Id like to apologise now to the original owners for any photos that Ive mis-credited or not credited at all! I hope you dont mind and enter into the spirit of this site./p>p>I would also like to credit writers Michael Wright in the USA and Paul Day in the UK and the Kawai musical instruments Mfg. CO, Ltd whos fantastic research Ive referenced quite a lot for source material, especially on the Timeline page./p>p>Sorry, but em>please/em> dont try to email me as I just dont have time to respond to the dozens of emails I get each day. However, the FAQs below should offer some help. /p>table border0 stylewidth: 98%; cellspacing0>tbody>tr>td stylepadding: 20px; bgcolor#FFCCCC>p>strong>em>Q: If I cant email you anymore how do I contact you if I have info you might want to put on the website?br /> /em>/strong>A: You cant. Sorry. The site is currently a time capsule, i.e. frozen. If that changes in the future Ill say so on here./p>/td>/tr>tr>td stylepadding: 20px; bgcolor#FF9999>p>strong>em>Q: How do you pronounce Teisco?br /> /em>/strong>A: According to various sources, some from Japan, the best guess is em> strong>tey/strong>/em> (as in hey!) em>strong>- sco./strong>/em>/p>/td>/tr>tr>td stylepadding: 20px; bgcolor#FFCCCC>p>strong>em>Q: I have a guitar which looks like a ??? model but its a little different. What is it?br /> /em>/strong>A: If it looks like a ??? it almost certainly is a ??? Because the factory used to change the hardware at a whim there will be slight variations. This has, in most cases, nothing to do with a particular year but more to do with what happened to be to hand at the time. Some exceptions are pickups, pickguards, logos and headstocks. All I know is here on the website if you look hard enough. Also bear in mind that your guitar may have been modified at some stage in its life./p>/td>/tr>tr>td stylepadding: 20px; bgcolor#FF9999>p>em>strong>Q: The serial number on my guitar/amp is ????? when was it made?br /> /strong>/em>A: Identifying the exact age is usually impossible - no records were kept of serial numbers and manufacture dates. If you read the Timeline page then you should be able to make a rough guess. I have no extra knowledge - its all there on that page and I add to the page as I learn more./p>/td>/tr>tr>td stylepadding: 20px; bgcolor#FFCCCC>p>strong>em>Q: How much is a ??? worth?br /> /em>/strong>A: Its worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. Check eBay regularly and see what they are going for at the moment./p>/td>/tr>tr>td stylepadding: 20px; bgcolor#FF9999>p>em>strong>Q: I have a guitar - its not a Teisco but you might know anyway?br /> /strong>/em>A: All I know about is Teisco, and then not as much as Id like to. Sorry, cant help you./p>/td>/tr>tr>td stylepadding: 20px; bgcolor#FFCCCC>p>em>strong>Q: Do you have a circuit diagram for a ???br /> /strong>/em>A: If I do there will be a link to it on the Technical page. The only one I have at the moment is the built-in amp for the TRG-100./p>/td>/tr>tr>td stylepadding: 20px; bgcolor#FF9999>p>em>strong>Q: I have an old Teisco amp. Do you know more about it?br /> /strong>/em>A: Again, all I know is posted here. I dont know too much about amps as its the guitars I have collected and therefore I dont have any amps./p>/td>/tr>tr>td stylepadding: 20px; bgcolor#FFCCCC>p>em>strong>Q: Where can I get Teisco parts?br /> /strong>/em>A: Keep an eye on eBay. If you see someone selling Teisco parts but they dont have what you need, email them - you might get lucky./p>/td>/tr>tr>td stylepadding: 20px;> /td>/tr>/tbody>/table> /div> /div> div classclear>/div> /div> !--Modules ContentBottom--> !--End Modules ContentBottom-->/div>div classclear>/div>!--End Content width and show component area--> /div>div classclear>/div> /div>/div> div aligncenter>br /> script typetext/javascript>!--google_ad_client pub-9183064629466064;google_ad_width 728;google_ad_height 90;google_ad_format 728x90_as;google_ad_type text_image;google_ad_channel ;google_color_border 66B5FF;google_color_bg FFFFCC;google_color_link CC0000;google_color_text 000000;google_color_url 0066CC;//-->/script> script typetext/javascript src>/script>/div> /div> /div> div idcontainer_base classj51container> div classwrapper960> div id base classblock_holder> /div> /div>/div>div idcontainer_copyright classj51container> div classwrapper960> div idcopyright classmodule_margin>div classblock_holder_margin> p>a href target_blank>(c) 2018 Rawtone Records/a>/p> /div>/div> div idfootermenu>div classmodule_margin> ul classmenu>li classitem-101 current active>a href/ >Home/a>/li>li classitem-103>a href/timeline >Timeline/a>/li>li classitem-102>a href/id-parade >ID Parade/a>/li>li classitem-104>a href/literature >Literature/a>/li>li classitem-105>a href/your-teiscos >Your Teiscos/a>/li>li classitem-106>a href/my-teiscos >My Teiscos/a>/li>li classitem-107>a href/technical >Technical/a>/li>/ul> div classclear>/div> /div>/div> div classclear>/div> /div>/div> div idcontainer_spacer1 classj51container>div classwrapper960> /div>/div>/div> script typetext/javascript> var navigation responsiveNav(#nav, { animate: true, transition: 800, label: Menu, insert: before, }); /script>/body> /html>
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