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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 12:56:52 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 00:13:55 GMTETag: cbc-4f7fb130836c0Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 3260Content-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN>html xmlns xml:langen langen dirltr> head> title>Taxonometrics/title> link hrefimages/favicon.ico relshortcut icon typeimage/x-icon /> link hrefcss/style.css mediaall relstylesheet typetext/css /> /head> body> div idpage> div idheader> img idlogo altlogo srcimages/logo.png> /div> div idsidebar> a hrefcontact.html>Contact Us/a> /div> div idmain> p>a href>Identification of the i>Staphylococcus sciuri /i>species group with i>Eco/i>RI fragments containing rRNA sequences and description of i>Staphylococcus vitulus/i> sp. nov/a>br /> JA Webster, TL Bannerman, RJ Hubner, DN Ballard, EM Cole, JL Bruce, F Fiedler, K Schubert and WE Kloos /p> p> a href>Ribotype Delineation and Description of i>Staphylococcus sciuri/i> Subspecies and Their Potential as Reservoirs of Methicillin Resistance and Staphylolytic Enzyme Genes/a>br /> WE Kloos, DN Ballard, JA Webster, RJ Hubner, A Tomasz, I Couto, GL Sloan, HP Dehart, F Fiedler, K Schubert, H de Lencastre, IS Sanches, HE Heath, PA Leblanc and A Ljung/p> p>a href>Delimiting the genus i>Staphylococcus/i> through description of i>Macrococcus caseolyticus/i> gen. nov., comb. nov. and i>Macrococcus equipercicus/i> sp. nov., and i>Macrococcus bovicus/i> sp. nov. and i>Macrococcus carouselicus/i> sp. nov/a>br /> WE Kloos, DN Ballard, CG George, JA Webster, RJ Hubner, W Ludwig, KH Schleifer, F Fiedler and K Schubert/p> p>a href>Sets of i>Eco/i>RI fragments containing ribosomal RNA Sequences are conserved among different strains of i>Listeria monocytogenes/i>/a>br /> JL Bruce, RJ Hubner, EM Cole, CI McDowell and JA Webster/p> p>a h
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 12:56:52 GMTServer: ApacheStrict-Transport-Security: max-age15768000Last-Modified: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 00:13:55 GMTETag: cbc-4f7fb130836c0Accept-Ranges: bytesContent !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN>html xmlns xml:langen langen dirltr> head> title>Taxonometrics/title> link hrefimages/favicon.ico relshortcut icon typeimage/x-icon /> link hrefcss/style.css mediaall relstylesheet typetext/css /> /head> body> div idpage> div idheader> img idlogo altlogo srcimages/logo.png> /div> div idsidebar> a hrefcontact.html>Contact Us/a> /div> div idmain> p>a href>Identification of the i>Staphylococcus sciuri /i>species group with i>Eco/i>RI fragments containing rRNA sequences and description of i>Staphylococcus vitulus/i> sp. nov/a>br /> JA Webster, TL Bannerman, RJ Hubner, DN Ballard, EM Cole, JL Bruce, F Fiedler, K Schubert and WE Kloos /p> p> a href>Ribotype Delineation and Description of i>Staphylococcus sciuri/i> Subspecies and Their Potential as Reservoirs of Methicillin Resistance and Staphylolytic Enzyme Genes/a>br /> WE Kloos, DN Ballard, JA Webster, RJ Hubner, A Tomasz, I Couto, GL Sloan, HP Dehart, F Fiedler, K Schubert, H de Lencastre, IS Sanches, HE Heath, PA Leblanc and A Ljung/p> p>a href>Delimiting the genus i>Staphylococcus/i> through description of i>Macrococcus caseolyticus/i> gen. nov., comb. nov. and i>Macrococcus equipercicus/i> sp. nov., and i>Macrococcus bovicus/i> sp. nov. and i>Macrococcus carouselicus/i> sp. nov/a>br /> WE Kloos, DN Ballard, CG George, JA Webster, RJ Hubner, W Ludwig, KH Schleifer, F Fiedler and K Schubert/p> p>a href>Sets of i>Eco/i>RI fragments containing ribosomal RNA Sequences are conserved among different strains of i>Listeria monocytogenes/i>/a>br /> JL Bruce, RJ Hubner, EM Cole, CI McDowell and JA Webster/p> p>a h
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