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HTTP/1.1 200 OKkeep-alive: timeout5, max100content-type: text/htmllast-modified: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 13:20:56 GMTaccept-ranges: bytescontent-length: 2598date: Sun, 27 Oct 2024 17:44:31 GMTserver: LiteSpe html>head>LINK RELSHORTCUT ICON HREF>title>Tavo - uno idioma simple/title>/head>body>h1>Tavo - uno idioma simple/h1>hr/>h2>Introduction to Tavo/h2>p>Tavo is a simple language intended to allow people to communicate who do not know each others native language. This goal is similar to that of a href>Esperanto/a>, but Tavo is much simpler to learn and use./p>p>Tavo was originally based on a href>Glosa/a>,but later shifted to a vocabulary based ona href>Lingua Franca Nova/a>.Now, Tavo is probably going to become a variant of Spanish.See the a hrefnuevo.html>New Rules/a>./p>p>The main goals of Tavo are:/p>ul> li> strong>Easy to read/strong>. Ease of reading is more important than ease of writing. /li> li> strong>Easy to learn/strong>. Ease of learning is more important than ease of use. /li> li> strong>Minimal memorization/strong>. Small vocabulary. Leverage knowlege of existing languages. /li> li> strong>Simple rules/strong>. Few rules. Few (if any) exceptions. /li> li> strong>Few surprises/strong>. Few variations. Boring is good. /li> li> strong>Cultural neutrality/strong>. Meanings are not based on metaphors. No special treatment of regional plants, animals, money, or sports. /li> li> strong>Obvious structure/strong>. Readers can understand sentence structure without knowing specific word definitions. /li>/ul>hr/>h2>More about Tavo/h2>ul>li>a hrefnuevo.html>This page/a> has the latest rules, with examples./li>li> The a hrefviajar.html>Tavo per viajar/a> page has many examples of how Tavo is used in everyday situations./li>li>em>This older material gives a sense of the size and nature of the vocabulary,but the actual words will become Spanish words:a href>Tavo as of 2002-06/a>./em>/li>li>em>This page
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKkeep-alive: timeout5, max100content-type: text/htmllast-modified: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 13:20:56 GMTaccept-ranges: bytescontent-length: 2598date: Sun, 27 Oct 2024 17:44:31 GMTserver: LiteSpe html>head>LINK RELSHORTCUT ICON HREF>title>Tavo - uno idioma simple/title>/head>body>h1>Tavo - uno idioma simple/h1>hr/>h2>Introduction to Tavo/h2>p>Tavo is a simple language intended to allow people to communicate who do not know each others native language. This goal is similar to that of a href>Esperanto/a>, but Tavo is much simpler to learn and use./p>p>Tavo was originally based on a href>Glosa/a>,but later shifted to a vocabulary based ona href>Lingua Franca Nova/a>.Now, Tavo is probably going to become a variant of Spanish.See the a hrefnuevo.html>New Rules/a>./p>p>The main goals of Tavo are:/p>ul> li> strong>Easy to read/strong>. Ease of reading is more important than ease of writing. /li> li> strong>Easy to learn/strong>. Ease of learning is more important than ease of use. /li> li> strong>Minimal memorization/strong>. Small vocabulary. Leverage knowlege of existing languages. /li> li> strong>Simple rules/strong>. Few rules. Few (if any) exceptions. /li> li> strong>Few surprises/strong>. Few variations. Boring is good. /li> li> strong>Cultural neutrality/strong>. Meanings are not based on metaphors. No special treatment of regional plants, animals, money, or sports. /li> li> strong>Obvious structure/strong>. Readers can understand sentence structure without knowing specific word definitions. /li>/ul>hr/>h2>More about Tavo/h2>ul>li>a hrefnuevo.html>This page/a> has the latest rules, with examples./li>li> The a hrefviajar.html>Tavo per viajar/a> page has many examples of how Tavo is used in everyday situations./li>li>em>This older material gives a sense of the size and nature of the vocabulary,but the actual words will become Spanish words:a href>Tavo as of 2002-06/a>./em>/li>li>em>This page
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