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HTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: AliyunOSSDate: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 03:58:52 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Content-Length: 4832Connection: keep-aliveVary: Accept-Encodingx-oss-request-id: 67833DFC57675832398CAE7FAccept-Ranges: bytesETag: 9738DBB414B27E21AF834801E070D8F0Last-Modified: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 05:54:04 GMTx-oss-object-type: Normalx-oss-hash-crc64ecma: 3883869843949967578x-oss-storage-class: StandardContent-MD5: lzjbtBSyfiGvg0gB4HDY8Ax-oss-server-time: 44 !doctype html>html langen>head>title>Shop Tài Mạnh-Purchasing agent-provider,Convenient、Fast and Cheap~/title>meta charsetUTF-8>link relstylesheet href>link relicon href/tmfavicon.ico>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width,initial-scale1>meta namefacebook-domain-verification content9whywdkn0b4h3sev79k8lg551w9tmi/>meta namezalo-platform-site-verification contentMDQI0eBc4mTwsCOkeUbE2NgN_IkMuIzpD3Gq/>meta nametitle contentShop Tài Mạnh-Purchasing agent-provider,Convenient、Fast and Cheap~/>meta namedescription contentA platform Crafted for global shopping,Professional and trustworthy/>meta propertyog:type contentwebsite/>meta propertyog:url content>meta propertyog:title contentShop Tài Mạnh-A platform for purchasing from China~/>meta propertyog:description contentEasy to shopping from china~/>meta propertyog:image content>meta propertytwitter:card contentsummary_large_image/>meta propertytwitter:url content>meta propertytwitter:title contentShop Tài Mạnh-A platform for purchasing from China~/>meta propertytwitter:description contentEasy to shopping from china~/>meta propertytwitter:image content>script typemodule crossorigin src/assets/index-78c370e0.js>/script>link relstylesheet href/assets/index-ba184725.css>/head>body>script>const hostname window.location.hostname if (/seaflows\.com$/.test(hostname)) { !(function (c, b, d, a) { ca || (ca {}); ca { pid: f709s311he@1220dcb0a814fe2, endpoint: }; with (b) with (body) with (insertBefore(createElement(script), firstChild)) setAttribute(crossorigin, , src d) })(window, document,, __rum); } const isMobile () > { var userAgentInfo navigator.userAgent var Agents Android, iPhone, SymbianOS, Windows Phone, iPad, iPod, var flag false for (var v 0; v Agents.length; v++) { if (userAgentInfo.indexOf(Agentsv) > 0) { flag true break } } return flag } // 完整的query const getQueryStr (url) > { const _index url.indexOf(?) return !~_index ? : url.substr(url.indexOf(?) + 1) } const getQuery (url) > { // str为?之后的参数部分字符串 const str url.substr(url.indexOf(?) + 1) // arr每个元素都是完整的参数键值 const arr str.split(&) // result为存储参数键值的集合 const result {} for (let i 0; i arr.length; i++) { // item的两个元素分别为参数名和参数值 const item arri.split() resultitem0 item1 } return result } const transferQueryStr (obj, excludes) > { let arr Object.keys(obj).forEach(o > { if (!excludes.includes(o) && objo) { arr.push(`${o}${objo}`) } }) return arr.join(&) } const hash window.location.hash const isInvite hash.indexOf(#/download) ! -1 const isArticle /^#\/article\//.test(hash) const queryMap getQuery(window.location.href) if (queryMap?.shareType productDetail) { // 商品详情 if (isMobile()) { const _str queryMap?.productLink const _queryObj _str ? Object.assign({}, queryMap, { str: _str }) : queryMap const _query transferQueryStr(_queryObj, productLink) window.location.href `${_query}` } else { const _str queryMap?.str const _queryObj _str ? Object.assign({}, queryMap, { productLink: _str }) : queryMap const _query transferQueryStr(_queryObj, str) window.location.href `${window.location.origin}/#/productDetails?${_query}` } } else if (isMobile() && !isInvite && !isArticle && !/(\.apk)$/.test(window.location.href)) { // 手机端:非邀请、非文章、非apk let url const query getQueryStr(window.location.href) if (query) { url url + `?${query}` } window.location.href url }/script>div idapp>/div>script src async>/script>script src>/script>/body>/html>
Port 443
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