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Склад временного хранения. Складовка /> meta propertyog:type contentarticle /> meta propertyog:description contentSKLADOVKA is a network of modern urban warehouses for storing personal belongings and goods in individual boxes. What is boxing? This is a room from 2... /> meta namedescription contentSKLADOVKA is a network of modern urban warehouses for storing personal belongings and goods in individual boxes. What is boxing? This is a room from 2... /> title>▷ Хранение вещей в Москве и МО. Склад временного хранения. 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text-transform: none; letter-spacing: 5px; padding-left: 5px;>a network of city warehouses/span>/p>/div> /div> div classmoduletable_contacts> div classcustom_contacts > p>a href>Eng /a>a href>\ Рус/a>/p>p>a href# classcallme_viewform onclickyaCounter9902116.reachGoal(call_me_0); return true;>Request a call back/a>/p>p>+7 (495) 225-25-45/p>/div> /div> div classclear>/div>/div>/div>menu>nav>div classtopmenu> div classmoduletable_topmenu> ul classnav menu_topmenu>li classitem-110 deeper parent>a href# >Skladovka is.../a>ul classnav-child unstyled small>li classitem-141>a href/skladovka/about-us >About the Company/a>/li>li classitem-140>a href/skladovka/contacts >Contacts/a>/li>li classitem-138>a href/skladovka/jobs >Jobs/a>/li>li classitem-144>a href/skladovka/chasto-zadavaimiei-voprosy >FAQ/a>/li>/ul>/li>li classitem-451>a href/raschitatj-stoimosty-boksa >Price/a>/li>li classitem-115>a href/rasschitatj-razmer-boksa >Calculate box size /a>/li>li classitem-452>a href/varianty-oplaty >Payment methods/a>/li>li classitem-142>a href/gde-blyzhayshaya-skladovka >Our warehouses/a>/li>/ul> /div> /div>/nav>/menu>/header>main>div classmiddle>div classcontainer> div classmoduletable_slider> !-- BEGIN: Vinaora Nivo Slider >> -->div classvt_nivo_slider_slider> div idvtnivo90 classslider-wrapper theme-default theme-default90 nivocontrol-bottomright nivo-bullets02.png nivo-arrows02.png captionposition-topleft captionrounded-all styleheight: 420px; width: 715px;> div idvt_nivo_slider90 classnivoSlider> a href target_blank>img src/images/slider/slide_1.jpg altХранение вещей в Москве/>/a>a href target_blank>img src/images/slider/slide_2.jpg altХранение вещей в Москве/>/a>a href target_blank>img src/images/slider/slide_3.jpg altХранение вещей в Москве/>/a> /div> /div>/div>script typetext/javascript> jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery(window).load(function() { jQuery(#vt_nivo_slider90).nivoSlider({ effect: random, // Specify sets like: fold,fade,sliceDown slices: 15, // For slice animations boxCols: 8, // For box animations boxRows: 4, // For box animations animSpeed: 300, // Slide transition speed pauseTime: 12000, // How long each slide will show startSlide: 0, // Set starting Slide (0 index) directionNav: true, // Next & Prev navigation controlNav: true, // 1,2,3... navigation controlNavThumbs: false, // Use thumbnails for Control Nav pauseOnHover: false, // Stop animation while hovering manualAdvance: false, // Force manual transitions prevText: Prev, // Prev directionNav text nextText: Next, // Next directionNav text randomStart: false, // Start on a random slide beforeChange: function(){}, // Triggers before a slide transition afterChange: function(){}, // Triggers after a slide transition slideshowEnd: function(){}, // Triggers after all slides have been shown lastSlide: function(){}, // Triggers when last slide is shown afterLoad: function(){} // Triggers when slider has loaded }); });/script>!-- END: Vinaora Nivo Slider >> --> /div> div classmoduletable_bannerhome left> div classcustom_bannerhome left > div onclicklocation.href/skladovka/gde-blyzhayshaya-skladovka;> h5>Our warehouses/h5>span>10 warehouses in Moscow and Moscow region/span>/div>div onclicklocation.href/hranenie-dlya-biznesa/;> h5>Storage of Goods/h5> ul> li>Warehouses from 5m2/li> /ul>/div>div onclicklocation.href/hranenie-lichnyh-veshchey;> h5>Storage of personal things/h5>span>Your pantry in our warehouse/span>/div>div onclicklocation.href#;> h5>Storage conditions/h5> ul> li>24-hour access/li> li>Warm warehouse/li> li>Security/li> /ul>/div>/div> /div> div classmoduletable_bannerhomed right> div classcustom_bannerhomed right > div classcallme_viewform bok onclickyaCounter9902116.reachGoal(call_me_0); return true;>h5>Order a callback/h5>ul>li>Pick up a warehouse/li>li>Calc the size of the box and the price/li>li>Arranging for the move/li>/ul>/div>div classboxes (; return false>h5>Internet-shop of packing/h5>/div>div classdelivery onclicklocation.href/dostavka;>h5>Delivery/h5>/div>/div> /div> div classcontent_home>div idsystem-message-container> /div>!-- Start K2 Item Layout -->span idstartOfPageId1>/span>div idk2Container classitemView> !-- Plugins: BeforeDisplay --> !-- K2 Plugins: K2BeforeDisplay --> div classitemHeader> /div> !-- Plugins: AfterDisplayTitle --> !-- K2 Plugins: K2AfterDisplayTitle --> div classitemBody> !-- Plugins: BeforeDisplayContent --> !-- K2 Plugins: K2BeforeDisplayContent --> !-- Item text --> div classitemFullText> p styletext-align: justify;>strong>SKLADOVKA is a network of modern urban warehouses for storing personal belongings and goods in individual boxes./strong> What is boxing? This is a room from 2 to 22 sq.m in size, the ceiling height in the boxes is 2.4 m, so in fact, it is a full isolated room with a door, your personal key and a personal pin code and only you have access to. Storage boxes are located along the corridor principle in a warm guarded warehouse. a href#text1 classreadmore>Read more →/a>/p>div idtext1 classreadmore_text>p styletext-align: justify;>Skladovka is the No. 1 company in Russia on the market of individual storage services. 7 warehouses in Moscow are ready to store furniture, seasonal clothes, sports and tourist equipment, bicycles, books, childrens things and toys - everything that you do not use constantly, as well as goods, archives, office equipment and furniture of legal entities. Skladovka is entrusted with the belongings of more than 21,000 tenants who live or do business in Moscow and the Moscow region./p>p styletext-align: justify;>Storage conditions in Skladovka provide complete security of the property: round-the-clock security, automated access to the warehouse. This is an economical and convenient way of storing both personal belongings and business property in comfortable conditions - we have a clean house, dry and warm, and a constant temperature is maintained in the room. You choose the size of the box exactly under your storage volume, we will help you calculate the size of the box so as not to overpay. Access to your things is round-the-clock without weekends and holidays/p>/div>p styletext-align: justify;>strong>If you are an individual then you need a storage room to store things outside your flat./strong> It is very convenient: you can take things out here before repair - furniture, household appliances; here seasonal things will wait for their time: fur coats, wheels, clothes and shoes, sports equipment; here you can store everything that we do not use every day - books, bicycles, childrens things, tools. a href#text2 classreadmore>Read more →/a>/p>div idtext2 classreadmore_text>p styletext-align: justify;>Keep in the Warehouse things at the best price in Moscow for individual storage of this class. Rent a cell of 1 cubic meter or a family box of 3 or 4 sq.m. Your pantry in Skladovka will reliably and carefully store everything that hinders and constantly eats the living space of the apartment, a corridor or a balcony. Free space for life. You can use things immediately as soon as you need them, because access to things is around the clock and seven days a week./p>p styletext-align: justify;>To get a service is easy, just make a call to the call center. We will calculate your box size to fit your storage capacity, not to overpay for the extra meters, pick up the warehouse closest to the house, organize the turnkey move. Just imagine your home without unnecessary things and think they no longer need to worry about when you were storing things in the general corridor, or if they get damped on the balcony because now your possessions are safely stored in Skladovka./p>/div>p styletext-align: justify;>strong>If you are a legal entity renting a warehouse in Skladovka is a real tool to minimize the costs of storing business assets on timely or on a permanent basis./strong> Warehouses from 5 to 50 square meters will allow you to safely store goods, equipment, archives, goods in excellent conditions similar to the warehouses of responsible storagea href#text3 classreadmore>Read more →/a>/p>div idtext3 classreadmore_text>p styletext-align: justify;>You can place both goods and a mini-office in one area to start a business with minimal storage costs. Skladovka allows you to rent a site for an online store or goods delivery point at a good price (an average of 1000 rubles per m2 / per month)./p>p styletext-align: justify;>These warehouses are the owner`s. It is warm, clean as in the office, dry and kept at a constant temperature. Access to boxing 24 hours, 7 days a week, you use it absolutely freely without participation of administration, without registration of admissions for the car and your clients. For your convenience there are free options: loading equipment, tea, coffee, Wi-Fi, a client area, clean toilets. Here you will get maximum comfort for doing business at the best price./p>/div>script typetext/javascript>// !CDATA$(a.readmore).click(function() { var href_if this.getAttribute(href); $(.readmore).each(function() { this.textContent Подробнее →; }); $(.readmore_text).each(function(e) { if (this.getAttribute(id) ! href_if.slice(1)) { this.removeClass(move); $(this).animate({ height: hide }, 500); } }); if ($(href_if).css(display) none) { $(href_if).animate({ height: show }, 500); } else { $(href_if).animate({ height: hide }, 500); } var r document.querySelector(href_if).classList.toggle(move); this.textContent r ? 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In the storage center you can place and store furniture, clothes, documents, childrens things, seasonal sports equipment, tires and much more./p>/div> /div> div classmoduletable_footermenu col1> ul classnav menu_footermenu col1>li classitem-131>a href/skladovka/about-us >About the Company/a>/li>li classitem-132>a href/hranenie-dlya-biznesa >WAREHOUSE RENT/a>/li>li classitem-133>a href/hranenie-lichnyh-veshchey >STORAGE OF PERSONAL THINGS/a>/li>/ul> /div> div classmoduletable_footermenu col2> ul classnav menu_footermenu col2>li classitem-134>a href/raschitatj-stoimosty-boksa >Price/a>/li>/ul> /div> div classmoduletable_footermenu col3> ul classnav menu_footermenu col3>li classitem-136>a href/skladovka/gde-blyzhayshaya-skladovka >Our warehouses/a>/li>li classitem-137>a href/skladovka/contacts >Contacts/a>/li>/ul> /div> div classmoduletable_social> div classcustom_social > menu stylewidth: 952px;>p>a href target_blank relnofollow>img titleСкладовка Вконтакте VK25325291 altСкладовка Вконтакте VK25325291 src/images/social/vk.png />/a>a href target_blank relnofollow>img titleСкладовка в Инстаграме altinstagram src/images/social/instagram.png />/a>a href target_blank relnofollow>img titleСкладовка в Youtube altСкладовка в Youtube src/images/social/youtube.png />/a>span stylefloat: right;> a href/varianty-oplaty>img titleОплата MasterCard и Visa altMasterCard and Visa src/images/mastercard_visa.png />/a> a href#>img title alt src/images/prava.png />/a> a href#>img titleАКИХ alt src/images/akih.png />/a> /span>/p>p styletext-align: left;>span stylefont-size: 14px;>© 2023. 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Склад временного хранения. Складовка /> meta propertyog:type contentarticle /> meta propertyog:description contentSKLADOVKA is a network of modern urban warehouses for storing personal belongings and goods in individual boxes. What is boxing? This is a room from 2... /> meta namedescription contentSKLADOVKA is a network of modern urban warehouses for storing personal belongings and goods in individual boxes. What is boxing? This is a room from 2... /> title>▷ Хранение вещей в Москве и МО. Склад временного хранения. 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text-transform: none; letter-spacing: 5px; padding-left: 5px;>a network of city warehouses/span>/p>/div> /div> div classmoduletable_contacts> div classcustom_contacts > p>a href>Eng /a>a href>\ Рус/a>/p>p>a href# classcallme_viewform onclickyaCounter9902116.reachGoal(call_me_0); return true;>Request a call back/a>/p>p>+7 (495) 225-25-45/p>/div> /div> div classclear>/div>/div>/div>menu>nav>div classtopmenu> div classmoduletable_topmenu> ul classnav menu_topmenu>li classitem-110 deeper parent>a href# >Skladovka is.../a>ul classnav-child unstyled small>li classitem-141>a href/skladovka/about-us >About the Company/a>/li>li classitem-140>a href/skladovka/contacts >Contacts/a>/li>li classitem-138>a href/skladovka/jobs >Jobs/a>/li>li classitem-144>a href/skladovka/chasto-zadavaimiei-voprosy >FAQ/a>/li>/ul>/li>li classitem-451>a href/raschitatj-stoimosty-boksa >Price/a>/li>li classitem-115>a href/rasschitatj-razmer-boksa >Calculate box size /a>/li>li classitem-452>a href/varianty-oplaty >Payment methods/a>/li>li classitem-142>a href/gde-blyzhayshaya-skladovka >Our warehouses/a>/li>/ul> /div> /div>/nav>/menu>/header>main>div classmiddle>div classcontainer> div classmoduletable_slider> !-- BEGIN: Vinaora Nivo Slider >> -->div classvt_nivo_slider_slider> div idvtnivo90 classslider-wrapper theme-default theme-default90 nivocontrol-bottomright nivo-bullets02.png nivo-arrows02.png captionposition-topleft captionrounded-all styleheight: 420px; width: 715px;> div idvt_nivo_slider90 classnivoSlider> a href target_blank>img src/images/slider/slide_1.jpg altХранение вещей в Москве/>/a>a href target_blank>img src/images/slider/slide_2.jpg altХранение вещей в Москве/>/a>a href target_blank>img src/images/slider/slide_3.jpg altХранение вещей в Москве/>/a> /div> /div>/div>script typetext/javascript> jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery(window).load(function() { jQuery(#vt_nivo_slider90).nivoSlider({ effect: random, // Specify sets like: fold,fade,sliceDown slices: 15, // For slice animations boxCols: 8, // For box animations boxRows: 4, // For box animations animSpeed: 300, // Slide transition speed pauseTime: 12000, // How long each slide will show startSlide: 0, // Set starting Slide (0 index) directionNav: true, // Next & Prev navigation controlNav: true, // 1,2,3... navigation controlNavThumbs: false, // Use thumbnails for Control Nav pauseOnHover: false, // Stop animation while hovering manualAdvance: false, // Force manual transitions prevText: Prev, // Prev directionNav text nextText: Next, // Next directionNav text randomStart: false, // Start on a random slide beforeChange: function(){}, // Triggers before a slide transition afterChange: function(){}, // Triggers after a slide transition slideshowEnd: function(){}, // Triggers after all slides have been shown lastSlide: function(){}, // Triggers when last slide is shown afterLoad: function(){} // Triggers when slider has loaded }); });/script>!-- END: Vinaora Nivo Slider >> --> /div> div classmoduletable_bannerhome left> div classcustom_bannerhome left > div onclicklocation.href/skladovka/gde-blyzhayshaya-skladovka;> h5>Our warehouses/h5>span>10 warehouses in Moscow and Moscow region/span>/div>div onclicklocation.href/hranenie-dlya-biznesa/;> h5>Storage of Goods/h5> ul> li>Warehouses from 5m2/li> /ul>/div>div onclicklocation.href/hranenie-lichnyh-veshchey;> h5>Storage of personal things/h5>span>Your pantry in our warehouse/span>/div>div onclicklocation.href#;> h5>Storage conditions/h5> ul> li>24-hour access/li> li>Warm warehouse/li> li>Security/li> /ul>/div>/div> /div> div classmoduletable_bannerhomed right> div classcustom_bannerhomed right > div classcallme_viewform bok onclickyaCounter9902116.reachGoal(call_me_0); return true;>h5>Order a callback/h5>ul>li>Pick up a warehouse/li>li>Calc the size of the box and the price/li>li>Arranging for the move/li>/ul>/div>div classboxes (; return false>h5>Internet-shop of packing/h5>/div>div classdelivery onclicklocation.href/dostavka;>h5>Delivery/h5>/div>/div> /div> div classcontent_home>div idsystem-message-container> /div>!-- Start K2 Item Layout -->span idstartOfPageId1>/span>div idk2Container classitemView> !-- Plugins: BeforeDisplay --> !-- K2 Plugins: K2BeforeDisplay --> div classitemHeader> /div> !-- Plugins: AfterDisplayTitle --> !-- K2 Plugins: K2AfterDisplayTitle --> div classitemBody> !-- Plugins: BeforeDisplayContent --> !-- K2 Plugins: K2BeforeDisplayContent --> !-- Item text --> div classitemFullText> p styletext-align: justify;>strong>SKLADOVKA is a network of modern urban warehouses for storing personal belongings and goods in individual boxes./strong> What is boxing? This is a room from 2 to 22 sq.m in size, the ceiling height in the boxes is 2.4 m, so in fact, it is a full isolated room with a door, your personal key and a personal pin code and only you have access to. Storage boxes are located along the corridor principle in a warm guarded warehouse. a href#text1 classreadmore>Read more →/a>/p>div idtext1 classreadmore_text>p styletext-align: justify;>Skladovka is the No. 1 company in Russia on the market of individual storage services. 7 warehouses in Moscow are ready to store furniture, seasonal clothes, sports and tourist equipment, bicycles, books, childrens things and toys - everything that you do not use constantly, as well as goods, archives, office equipment and furniture of legal entities. Skladovka is entrusted with the belongings of more than 21,000 tenants who live or do business in Moscow and the Moscow region./p>p styletext-align: justify;>Storage conditions in Skladovka provide complete security of the property: round-the-clock security, automated access to the warehouse. This is an economical and convenient way of storing both personal belongings and business property in comfortable conditions - we have a clean house, dry and warm, and a constant temperature is maintained in the room. You choose the size of the box exactly under your storage volume, we will help you calculate the size of the box so as not to overpay. Access to your things is round-the-clock without weekends and holidays/p>/div>p styletext-align: justify;>strong>If you are an individual then you need a storage room to store things outside your flat./strong> It is very convenient: you can take things out here before repair - furniture, household appliances; here seasonal things will wait for their time: fur coats, wheels, clothes and shoes, sports equipment; here you can store everything that we do not use every day - books, bicycles, childrens things, tools. a href#text2 classreadmore>Read more →/a>/p>div idtext2 classreadmore_text>p styletext-align: justify;>Keep in the Warehouse things at the best price in Moscow for individual storage of this class. Rent a cell of 1 cubic meter or a family box of 3 or 4 sq.m. Your pantry in Skladovka will reliably and carefully store everything that hinders and constantly eats the living space of the apartment, a corridor or a balcony. Free space for life. You can use things immediately as soon as you need them, because access to things is around the clock and seven days a week./p>p styletext-align: justify;>To get a service is easy, just make a call to the call center. We will calculate your box size to fit your storage capacity, not to overpay for the extra meters, pick up the warehouse closest to the house, organize the turnkey move. Just imagine your home without unnecessary things and think they no longer need to worry about when you were storing things in the general corridor, or if they get damped on the balcony because now your possessions are safely stored in Skladovka./p>/div>p styletext-align: justify;>strong>If you are a legal entity renting a warehouse in Skladovka is a real tool to minimize the costs of storing business assets on timely or on a permanent basis./strong> Warehouses from 5 to 50 square meters will allow you to safely store goods, equipment, archives, goods in excellent conditions similar to the warehouses of responsible storagea href#text3 classreadmore>Read more →/a>/p>div idtext3 classreadmore_text>p styletext-align: justify;>You can place both goods and a mini-office in one area to start a business with minimal storage costs. Skladovka allows you to rent a site for an online store or goods delivery point at a good price (an average of 1000 rubles per m2 / per month)./p>p styletext-align: justify;>These warehouses are the owner`s. It is warm, clean as in the office, dry and kept at a constant temperature. Access to boxing 24 hours, 7 days a week, you use it absolutely freely without participation of administration, without registration of admissions for the car and your clients. For your convenience there are free options: loading equipment, tea, coffee, Wi-Fi, a client area, clean toilets. Here you will get maximum comfort for doing business at the best price./p>/div>script typetext/javascript>// !CDATA$(a.readmore).click(function() { var href_if this.getAttribute(href); $(.readmore).each(function() { this.textContent Подробнее →; }); $(.readmore_text).each(function(e) { if (this.getAttribute(id) ! href_if.slice(1)) { this.removeClass(move); $(this).animate({ height: hide }, 500); } }); if ($(href_if).css(display) none) { $(href_if).animate({ height: show }, 500); } else { $(href_if).animate({ height: hide }, 500); } var r document.querySelector(href_if).classList.toggle(move); this.textContent r ? 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In the storage center you can place and store furniture, clothes, documents, childrens things, seasonal sports equipment, tires and much more./p>/div> /div> div classmoduletable_footermenu col1> ul classnav menu_footermenu col1>li classitem-131>a href/skladovka/about-us >About the Company/a>/li>li classitem-132>a href/hranenie-dlya-biznesa >WAREHOUSE RENT/a>/li>li classitem-133>a href/hranenie-lichnyh-veshchey >STORAGE OF PERSONAL THINGS/a>/li>/ul> /div> div classmoduletable_footermenu col2> ul classnav menu_footermenu col2>li classitem-134>a href/raschitatj-stoimosty-boksa >Price/a>/li>/ul> /div> div classmoduletable_footermenu col3> ul classnav menu_footermenu col3>li classitem-136>a href/skladovka/gde-blyzhayshaya-skladovka >Our warehouses/a>/li>li classitem-137>a href/skladovka/contacts >Contacts/a>/li>/ul> /div> div classmoduletable_social> div classcustom_social > menu stylewidth: 952px;>p>a href target_blank relnofollow>img titleСкладовка Вконтакте VK25325291 altСкладовка Вконтакте VK25325291 src/images/social/vk.png />/a>a href target_blank relnofollow>img titleСкладовка в Инстаграме altinstagram src/images/social/instagram.png />/a>a href target_blank relnofollow>img titleСкладовка в Youtube altСкладовка в Youtube src/images/social/youtube.png />/a>span stylefloat: right;> a href/varianty-oplaty>img titleОплата MasterCard и Visa altMasterCard and Visa src/images/mastercard_visa.png />/a> a href#>img title alt src/images/prava.png />/a> a href#>img titleАКИХ alt src/images/akih.png />/a> /span>/p>p styletext-align: left;>span stylefont-size: 14px;>© 2023. 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