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HTTP/1.1 200 OKdate: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 12:59:38 GMTx-built-with: Hyva Themesx-content-type-options: nosniffx-xss-protection: 1; modeblockvary: Accept-Encodingx-ua-compatible: IEedgecontent-type: text/html; charsetUTF-8x-storage: Memoryage: 38040x-magento-cache-debug: HITgrace: nonecache-control: max-age10accept-ranges: bytescontent-length: 333692x-lb-backend: bk_http_cachestrict-transport-security: max-age63072000; includeSubdomains; preloadx-lb-server: yam.magehost.prox-lb-frontend: fr_http_httpsx-frame-options: SAMEORIGINserver-timing: backend;descvarnish, varnish_cache;descHIT, client_recv;dur0, proxy_queues;dur0, backend_conn;dur0, backend_resp;dur0 !doctype html>html langnl>head > meta charsetutf-8/>meta nametitle contentshirts online kopen |>meta namedescription contentgewoon goede shirts ⭐ Calvin Klein, Alan Red, Björn Borg en meer ⭐ vandaag besteld, morgen in huis ⭐ klantbeoordeling: 9,4 uit 1.000+ reviews/>meta namerobots contentINDEX,FOLLOW/>meta namefullActionName contentcms_index_index/>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width, initial-scale1/>title>shirts online kopen |>link relstylesheet typetext/css mediaall href />script typetext/javascript src>/script>link relicon typeimage/x-icon href />link relshortcut icon typeimage/x-icon href /> script> var BASE_URL; var THEME_PATH; var COOKIE_CONFIG { expires: null, path: \u002F, domain:, secure: true, lifetime: 86400, cookie_restriction_enabled: false }; var CURRENT_STORE_CODE shirts_nl; var CURRENT_WEBSITE_ID 1; window.hyva window.hyva || {} window.cookie_consent_groups window.cookie_consent_groups || {} window.cookie_consent_groupsnecessary true; window.cookie_consent_config window.cookie_consent_config || {}; window.cookie_consent_confignecessary .concat( window.cookie_consent_confignecessary || , user_allowed_save_cookie, form_key, mage-messages, private_content_version, mage-cache-sessid, last_visited_store, section_data_ids );/script>script> use strict; (function( hyva, undefined ) { 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sessionCookieMarker ? lifetimeToExpires({lifetime: 24 * 60 * 60 * days, expires: null}, defaultCookieConfig) : lifetimeToExpires(window.COOKIE_CONFIG, defaultCookieConfig) || defaultCookieConfig.expires; path cookieConfig.path || defaultCookieConfig.path; domain !skipSetDomain && (cookieConfig.domain || defaultCookieConfig.domain); secure ||; samesite cookieConfig.samesite || defaultCookieConfig.samesite; document.cookie name + + encodeURIComponent(value) + (expires && days ! sessionCookieMarker ? ; expires + expires.toGMTString() : ) + (path ? ; path + path : ) + (domain ? ; domain + domain : ) + (secure ? ; secure : ) + (samesite ? ; samesite + samesite : lax); }, isWebsiteAllowedToSaveCookie() { const allowedCookies this.get(user_allowed_save_cookie); if (allowedCookies) { const allowedWebsites JSON.parse(unescape(allowedCookies)); return allowedWebsitesCURRENT_WEBSITE_ID 1; } return false; }, getGroupByCookieName(name) { const cookieConsentConfig window.cookie_consent_config || {}; 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(cookieConfig.cookie_restriction_enabled && ! internalCookie.isCookieAllowed(name)) { cookieTempStoragename {value, days, skipSetDomain}; return; } return internalCookie.set(name, value, days, skipSetDomain); } hyva.setSessionCookie (name, value, skipSetDomain) > { return hyva.setCookie(name, value, sessionCookieMarker, skipSetDomain) } hyva.getBrowserStorage () > { const browserStorage window.localStorage || window.sessionStorage; if (!browserStorage) { console.warn(Browser Storage is unavailable); return false; } try { browserStorage.setItem(storage_test, 1); browserStorage.removeItem(storage_test); } catch (error) { console.warn(Browser Storage is not accessible, error); return false; } return browserStorage; } hyva.postForm (postParams) > { const form document.createElement(form); let data; if (! postParams.skipUenc && ! data.uenc) { data.uenc btoa(window.location.href); } form.method POST; form.action postParams.action; Object.keys( > { const field document.createElement(input); 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formatStr function (str, nStart) { const args Array.from(arguments).slice(2); return str.replace(/(%+)(0-9+)/g, (m, p, n) > { const idx parseInt(n) - nStart; if (argsidx null || argsidx void 0) { return m; } return p.length % 2 ? p.slice(0, -1).replace(%%, %) + argsidx : p.replace(%%, %) + n; }) } hyva.str function (string) { const args Array.from(arguments); args.splice(1, 0, 1); return formatStr.apply(undefined, args); } hyva.strf function () { const args Array.from(arguments); args.splice(1, 0, 0); return formatStr.apply(undefined, args); } /** * Take a html string as `content` parameter and * extract an element from the DOM to replace in * the current page under the same selector, * defined by `targetSelector` */ hyva.replaceDomElement (targetSelector, content) > { // Parse the content and extract the DOM node using the `targetSelector` const parser new DOMParser(); const doc parser.parseFromString(content, text/html); const contentNode doc.querySelector(targetSelector); // Bail if content cant be found if (!contentNode) { return; } hyva.activateScripts(contentNode) // Replace the old DOM node with the new content document.querySelector(targetSelector).replaceWith(contentNode); // Reload customerSectionData and display cookie-messages if present window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(reload-customer-section-data)); hyva.initMessages(); } hyva.activateScripts (contentNode) > { // Extract all the script tags from the content. // Script tags wont execute when inserted into a dom-element directly, // therefore we need to inject them to the head of the document. const tmpScripts contentNode.getElementsByTagName(script); if (tmpScripts.length > 0) { // Push all script tags into an array // (to prevent dom manipulation while iterating over dom nodes) const scripts ; for (let i 0; i tmpScripts.length; i++) { scripts.push(tmpScriptsi); } // Iterate over all script tags and duplicate+inject each into the head for (let i 0; i scripts.length; i++) { let script document.createElement(script); script.innerHTML scriptsi.innerHTML; document.head.appendChild(script); // Remove the original (non-executing) node from the content scriptsi.parentNode.removeChild(scriptsi); } } return contentNode; } const replace {+: -, /: _, : ,}; hyva.getUenc () > btoa(window.location.href).replace(/+//g, match > replacematch); let currentTrap; const focusableElements (rootElement) > { const selector button, href, input, select, textarea, details, tabindex:not(tabindex-1; return Array.from(rootElement.querySelectorAll(selector)) .filter(el > { return ! none && !el.disabled && el.tabIndex ! -1 && (el.offsetWidth || el.offsetHeight || el.getClientRects().length) }) } const focusTrap (e) > { const isTabPressed e.key Tab || e.keyCode 9; if (!isTabPressed) return; const focusable focusableElements(currentTrap) const firstFocusableElement focusable0 const lastFocusableElement focusablefocusable.length - 1 e.shiftKey ? document.activeElement firstFocusableElement && 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classfont-bold width24 height24 roleimg> path stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround dM9 5l7 7-7 7/>title>chevron-right/title>/svg>/span> /button> div idpanel-1-1 classabsolute w-full top-0 left-0 bg-white transition duration-200 transform ease-in :classmobileMenu.activePanel ! 1-1 ? translate-x-full : -translate-x-full > div classw-full container flex flex-col text-secondary py-4 bg-white mb-2> button @clickmobileMenu.activePanel 1 classinline flex gap-1 items-center mb-2> span classtext-bold> svg xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width2 strokecurrentColor width12 height12 roleimg> path stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround dM15 19l-7-7 7-7/>title>chevron-left/title>/svg> /span> span classpt-1>dames/span> /button> a href titletype classmb-2 hover:no-underline> populaire merken /a> div classflex flex-col gap-2.5> a href classflex justify-between items-center bg-container-darker w-full text-secondary hover:text-secondary rounded-3xl h-60px hover:no-underline font-normal 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/div> a href titlejongens classflex justify-between items-center bg-gray-100 w-full text-secondary rounded-3xl h-60px font-normal hover:text-secondary hover:no-underline text-lg> span classml-8>jongens/span> /a> a href titlemerken classflex justify-between items-center bg-gray-100 w-full text-secondary rounded-3xl h-60px font-normal hover:text-secondary hover:no-underline text-lg> span classml-8>merken/span> /a> a href titleblog classflex justify-between items-center bg-gray-100 w-full text-secondary rounded-3xl h-60px font-normal hover:text-secondary hover:no-underline text-lg> span classml-8>blog/span> /a> a href titlecontact classflex justify-between items-center bg-gray-100 w-full text-secondary rounded-3xl h-60px font-normal hover:text-secondary hover:no-underline text-lg> span classml-8>contact/span> /a> /div> div classbg-white> div classbg-dotted mb-8 z-0>/div> div classcontainer flex flex-col items-center gap-4 justify-center pb-8 border-b border-container> p classtext-xs text-gray-500 text-sm> onze shops /p> a href titlesokken> svg xmlns xmlns:xlink width200 height12 viewBox0 0 129 22 roleimg> defs> polygon idlogo-sokken-a points.19 .061 15.63 .061 15.63 16.44 .19 16.44/> /defs> g fillnone fill-ruleevenodd> path fill#EE7F75 dM102.225321,16.4052308 C101.495936,16.4052308 100.880178,16.6559341 100.377804,17.159033 C99.8756725,17.6614066 99.6240022,18.2771648 99.6240022,19.0065495 C99.6240022,19.734967 99.8756725,20.3507253 100.377804,20.8530989 C100.880178,21.3561978 101.495936,21.6069011 102.225321,21.6069011 C102.953738,21.6069011 103.569497,21.3561978 104.072837,20.8530989 C104.574969,20.3507253 104.825673,19.734967 104.825673,19.0065495 C104.825673,18.2771648 104.574969,17.6614066 104.072837,17.159033 C103.569497,16.6559341 102.953738,16.4052308 102.225321,16.4052308/> path fill#0D2D42 dM128.890602 2.23314505C128.890602 2.23241978 128.890602 2.23169451 128.890602 2.23072747 128.890602 2.2300022 128.890602 2.22927692 128.890602 2.22855165L128.890602.0000241758242 126.659899.0000241758242C125.427899.0000241758242 124.428954.998727473 124.428954 2.23072747 124.428954 2.23169451 124.429196 2.23241978 124.429196 2.23314505L124.429196 19.1944198C124.429196 19.1953868 124.428954 19.1961121 124.428954 19.1968374 124.428954 19.1975626 124.429196 19.1982879 124.429196 19.1992549L124.429196 21.4277824 126.834932 21.4277824 126.843393 21.4183538C127.989327 21.3247934 128.890602 20.3669473 128.890602 19.1968374 128.890602 19.1961121 128.890602 19.1953868 128.890602 19.1944198L128.890602 2.23314505zM116.363802 5.40107253C114.103363 5.40107253 112.782637 6.60454505 111.755407 7.92527033L111.755407 5.69456703 109.524703 5.69456703C109.524703 5.69456703 109.524462 5.69456703 109.524462 5.69456703 108.292462 5.69456703 107.293516 6.69327033 107.293516 7.92527033L107.293516 21.4277099 109.524462 21.4277099C110.756462 21.4277099 111.755407 20.4290066 111.755407 19.1967648L111.755407 12.6511604C111.755407 10.5377099 112.841385 9.45173187 114.543846 9.45173187 116.246308 9.45173187 117.244527 10.5377099 117.244527 12.6511604L117.244527 19.1921714C117.244527 19.1938637 117.244286 19.1953143 117.244286 19.1967648 117.244286 19.1984571 117.244527 19.1999077 117.244527 19.2016L117.244527 21.4277099 119.474989 21.4277099C120.706989 21.4277099 121.705934 20.4290066 121.705934 19.1967648L121.705934 11.2421934C121.705934 7.63201758 119.739231 5.40107253 116.363802 5.40107253M8.01331868 11.6756901C6.31085714 11.0884593 4.81389011 10.6774703 4.81389011 9.79698681L4.81389011 9.73823956C4.81389011 9.1219978 5.37162637 8.65226154 6.4576044 8.65226154 7.60232967 8.65226154 9.15804396 9.2099978 10.7137582 10.1197341L12.4162198 7.0378C10.7137582 5.89307473 8.5418022 5.21784396 6.5456044 5.21784396 3.37567033 5.21784396.792483516 7.00830549.792483516 10.2079758L.792483516 10.2667231C.792483516 13.3194044 3.28767033 14.3468769 5.48912088 14.9926132 7.22083516 15.5208549 8.7472967 15.8436022 8.7472967 16.8123275L8.7472967 16.8710747C8.7472967 17.5755582 8.16006593 18.0452945 6.86859341 18.0452945 5.40087912 18.0452945 3.61041758 17.3995582 1.90795604 16.1665912L0 19.1020198C2.0841978 20.7457341 4.54964835 21.4794703 6.7510989 21.4794703 10.156022 21.4794703 12.7684615 19.8945033 12.7684615 16.4015802L12.7684615 16.342833C12.7684615 13.4661516 10.2147692 12.4094264 8.01331868 11.6756901M26.7117956 13.4074286C26.7117956 15.7263736 25.1855758 17.6930769 22.6318835 17.6930769 20.1659495 17.6930769 18.4929824 15.6676264 18.4929824 13.3486813L18.4929824 13.2901758C18.4929824 10.9712308 20.0192022 9.00452747 22.5728945 9.00452747 25.0385868 9.00452747 26.7117956 11.0297363 26.7117956 13.3486813L26.7117956 13.4074286zM22.6318835 5.15936264C17.7297516 5.15936264 14.0900813 8.82852747 14.0900813 13.3486813L14.0900813 13.4074286C14.0900813 17.9278242 17.7004989 21.5382418 22.5728945 21.5382418 27.4750264 21.5382418 31.1146967 17.8690769 31.1146967 13.3486813L31.1146967 13.2901758C31.1146967 8.76953846 27.5042791 5.15936264 22.6318835 5.15936264L22.6318835 5.15936264zM91.6930747 5.40107253C89.4326352 5.40107253 88.1119099 6.60454505 87.0846791 7.92527033L87.0846791 5.69456703 84.8539758 5.69456703C84.8539758 5.69456703 84.8537341 5.69456703 84.8537341 5.69456703 83.6217341 5.69456703 82.622789 6.69327033 82.622789 7.92527033L82.622789 21.4277099 84.8537341 21.4277099C86.0857341 21.4277099 87.0846791 20.4290066 87.0846791 19.1967648L87.0846791 12.6511604C87.0846791 10.5377099 88.1706571 9.45173187 89.8731187 9.45173187 91.5755802 9.45173187 92.5738 10.5377099 92.5738 12.6511604L92.5738 19.1921714C92.5738 19.1938637 92.5735582 19.1953143 92.5735582 19.1967648 92.5735582 19.1984571 92.5738 19.1999077 92.5738 19.2016L92.5738 21.4277099 94.8042615 21.4277099C96.0362615 21.4277099 97.0352066 20.4290066 97.0352066 19.1967648L97.0352066 11.2421934C97.0352066 7.63201758 95.0685033 5.40107253 91.6930747 5.40107253/> g transformtranslate(64.791 5.34)> mask idlogo-sokken-b fill#fff> use xlink:href#logo-sokken-a/> /mask> path fill#0D2D42 dM4.56376703,6.98785275 C4.91600879,4.9624022 6.11948132,3.64167692 7.96869011,3.64167692 C9.84715165,3.64167692 11.0213714,4.9918967 11.2856132,6.98785275 L4.56376703,6.98785275 Z M7.96869011,0.0607538462 C3.38978901,0.0607538462 0.190118681,3.75917143 0.190118681,8.25007253 L0.190118681,8.30881978 C0.190118681,13.1227099 3.68304176,16.439633 8.40893187,16.439633 C11.2561187,16.439633 13.3695692,15.3239187 14.8372835,13.5042044 L12.2835912,11.2440066 C11.0506242,12.3889736 9.96464615,12.8584681 8.46743736,12.8584681 C6.47172308,12.8584681 5.06251429,11.8017429 4.62227253,9.77629231 L15.5710198,9.77629231 C15.6002725,9.36554505 15.6295253,8.95455604 15.6295253,8.60231429 C15.6295253,4.14066593 13.2225802,0.0607538462 7.96869011,0.0607538462 L7.96869011,0.0607538462 Z maskurl(#logo-sokken-b)/> /g> path fill#0D2D42 dM48.588378 20.7863495L42.8512132 11.9496022 48.0502242 6.55162418C48.1379824 6.46725055 48.1931033 6.34951429 48.1931033 6.21823956 48.1931033 5.9627011 47.9861582 5.75551429 47.730378 5.75551429 47.7282022 5.75551429 47.7260264 5.7559978 47.7236088 5.75623956L43.4971912 5.75623956 38.2720703 11.4798659 38.2720703.0616241758 36.041367.0616241758C34.8091253.0616241758 33.810422 1.06032747 33.810422 2.29232747L33.810422 21.4893824 36.041367 21.4893824C37.273367 21.4893824 38.2720703 20.4904374 38.2720703 19.2584374L38.2720703 16.7049868 39.8280264 15.0610308 43.937433 21.4893824 48.1979385 21.4893824 48.198422 21.4886571C48.4510593 21.4855143 48.6551033 21.2800198 48.6551033 21.0266571 48.6551033 20.9391407 48.6294769 20.8581516 48.5871692 20.7882835L48.588378 20.7863495zM64.9938747 20.7863495L59.2567099 11.9496022 64.4557209 6.55162418C64.5434791 6.46725055 64.5986 6.34951429 64.5986 6.21823956 64.5986 5.9627011 64.3916549 5.75551429 64.1358747 5.75551429 64.1336989 5.75551429 64.1315231 5.7559978 64.1291055 5.75623956L59.9026879 5.75623956 54.677567 11.4798659 54.677567.0616241758 52.4468637.0616241758C51.214622.0616241758 50.2159187 1.06032747 50.2159187 2.29232747L50.2159187 21.4893824 52.4468637 21.4893824C53.6788637 21.4893824 54.677567 20.4904374 54.677567 19.2584374L54.677567 16.7049868 56.2335231 15.0610308 60.3429297 21.4893824 64.6034352 21.4893824 64.6039187 21.4886571C64.856556 21.4855143 65.0606 21.2800198 65.0606 21.0266571 65.0606 20.9391407 65.0349736 20.8581516 64.9926659 20.7882835L64.9938747 20.7863495z/> /g>title>logo-sokken/title>/svg> /a> a href titlezwembroeken> svg xmlns xmlns:xlink width200 height12 viewBox0 0 229 22 roleimg> defs> polygon idlogo-zwembroeken-a points0 .112 13.678 .112 13.678 15.846 0 15.846/> polygon idlogo-zwembroeken-c points.161 .061 15.6 .061 15.6 16.44 .161 16.44/> polygon idlogo-zwembroeken-e points.212 .061 17.237 .061 17.237 16.44 .212 16.44/> polygon idlogo-zwembroeken-g points.214 .061 15.653 .061 15.653 16.44 .214 16.44/> polygon idlogo-zwembroeken-i points.225 .061 15.664 .061 15.664 16.44 .225 16.44/> /defs> g fillnone fill-ruleevenodd> path fill#EE7F75 dM199.798585,20.8206308 C199.296211,20.3182571 199.044782,19.7024989 199.044782,18.9740813 C199.044782,18.2446967 199.296211,17.6289385 199.798585,17.1265648 C200.300958,16.6234659 200.916716,16.3727626 201.646101,16.3727626 C202.374519,16.3727626 202.990277,16.6234659 203.493376,17.1265648 C203.995749,17.6289385 204.246453,18.2446967 204.246453,18.9740813 C204.246453,19.7024989 203.995749,20.3182571 203.493376,20.8206308 C202.990277,21.3237297 202.374519,21.574433 201.646101,21.574433 C200.916716,21.574433 200.300958,21.3237297 199.798585,20.8206308/> path fill#0D2D42 dM228.311262 2.23314505C228.311262 2.23241978 228.311262 2.23169451 228.311262 2.23072747 228.311262 2.2300022 228.311262 2.22927692 228.311262 2.22855165L228.311262.0000241758242 226.080558.0000241758242C224.848558.0000241758242 223.849613.998727473 223.849613 2.23072747 223.849613 2.23169451 223.849855 2.23241978 223.849855 2.23314505L223.849855 19.1944198C223.849855 19.1953868 223.849613 19.1961121 223.849613 19.1968374 223.849613 19.1975626 223.849855 19.1985297 223.849855 19.1992549L223.849855 21.4277824 226.255591 21.4277824 226.264053 21.4183538C227.409987 21.3247934 228.311262 20.3669473 228.311262 19.1968374 228.311262 19.1961121 228.311262 19.1953868 228.311262 19.1944198L228.311262 2.23314505zM215.784462 5.40107253C213.524022 5.40107253 212.203297 6.60454505 211.176066 7.92527033L211.176066 5.69456703 208.945363 5.69456703C208.945363 5.69456703 208.945121 5.69456703 208.945121 5.69456703 207.713121 5.69456703 206.714176 6.69327033 206.714176 7.92527033L206.714176 21.4277099 208.945121 21.4277099C210.177121 21.4277099 211.176066 20.4290066 211.176066 19.1967648L211.176066 12.6511604C211.176066 10.5377099 212.262044 9.45173187 213.964505 9.45173187 215.666967 9.45173187 216.665187 10.5377099 216.665187 12.6511604L216.665187 19.1921714C216.665187 19.1938637 216.664945 19.1953143 216.664945 19.1967648 216.664945 19.1984571 216.665187 19.1999077 216.665187 19.2016L216.665187 21.4277099 218.895648 21.4277099C220.127648 21.4277099 221.126593 20.4290066 221.126593 19.1967648L221.126593 11.2421934C221.126593 7.63201758 219.15989 5.40107253 215.784462 5.40107253/> g transformtranslate(0 5.582)> mask idlogo-zwembroeken-b fill#fff> use xlink:href#logo-zwembroeken-a/> /mask> polygon fill#0D2D42 points.264 3.723 8.131 3.723 0 12.705 0 15.846 13.678 15.846 13.678 12.235 5.518 12.235 13.678 3.253 13.678 .112 .264 .112 maskurl(#logo-zwembroeken-b)/> /g> g transformtranslate(39.165 5.34)> mask idlogo-zwembroeken-d fill#fff> use xlink:href#logo-zwembroeken-c/> /mask> path fill#0D2D42 dM4.53449011,6.98785275 C4.88673187,4.96264396 6.0902044,3.64167692 7.93917143,3.64167692 C9.81787473,3.64167692 10.9918527,4.9918967 11.2560945,6.98785275 L4.53449011,6.98785275 Z M7.93917143,0.0607538462 C3.36051209,0.0607538462 0.160841758,3.75917143 0.160841758,8.25007253 L0.160841758,8.30881978 C0.160841758,13.1227099 3.65376484,16.439633 8.37965495,16.439633 C11.2268418,16.439633 13.3402923,15.3239187 14.8080066,13.5042044 L12.2540725,11.2440066 C11.021589,12.3889736 9.93536923,12.8584681 8.4384022,12.8584681 C6.4422044,12.8584681 5.03347912,11.8017429 4.59323736,9.77629231 L15.5417429,9.77629231 C15.5712374,9.36554505 15.6004901,8.95455604 15.6004901,8.60231429 C15.6004901,4.14066593 13.1935451,0.0607538462 7.93917143,0.0607538462 L7.93917143,0.0607538462 Z maskurl(#logo-zwembroeken-d)/> /g> g transformtranslate(113.385 5.34)> mask idlogo-zwembroeken-f fill#fff> use xlink:href#logo-zwembroeken-e/> /mask> path fill#0D2D42 dM12.8337363,8.3087956 C12.8337363,10.6277407 11.3075165,12.594444 8.75358242,12.594444 C6.28813187,12.594444 4.61492308,10.5689934 4.61492308,8.25004835 L4.61492308,8.19154286 C4.61492308,5.8725978 6.14114286,3.90589451 8.69507692,3.90589451 C11.1605275,3.90589451 12.8337363,5.9311033 12.8337363,8.25004835 L12.8337363,8.3087956 Z M8.75358242,0.0607296703 C3.85169231,0.0607296703 0.212021978,3.72989451 0.212021978,8.25004835 L0.212021978,8.3087956 C0.212021978,12.8291912 3.82243956,16.4396088 8.69507692,16.4396088 C13.5967253,16.4396088 17.2366374,12.770444 17.2366374,8.25004835 L17.2366374,8.19154286 C17.2366374,3.67090549 13.6262198,0.0607296703 8.75358242,0.0607296703 L8.75358242,0.0607296703 Z maskurl(#logo-zwembroeken-f)/> /g> g transformtranslate(131.758 5.34)> mask idlogo-zwembroeken-h fill#fff> use xlink:href#logo-zwembroeken-g/> /mask> path fill#0D2D42 dM4.58726593,6.98785275 C4.93950769,4.96264396 6.14298022,3.64167692 7.99218901,3.64167692 C9.87065055,3.64167692 11.0448703,4.9918967 11.3091121,6.98785275 L4.58726593,6.98785275 Z M7.99218901,0.0607538462 C3.41328791,0.0607538462 0.213617582,3.75917143 0.213617582,8.25007253 L0.213617582,8.30881978 C0.213617582,13.1227099 3.70654066,16.439633 8.43243077,16.439633 C11.2796176,16.439633 13.3930681,15.3239187 14.8607824,13.5042044 L12.3070901,11.2440066 C11.0741231,12.3889736 9.98814505,12.8584681 8.49093626,12.8584681 C6.49522198,12.8584681 5.08601319,11.8017429 4.64577143,9.77629231 L15.5945187,9.77629231 C15.6237714,9.36554505 15.6530242,8.95455604 15.6530242,8.60231429 C15.6530242,4.14066593 13.2460791,0.0607538462 7.99218901,0.0607538462 L7.99218901,0.0607538462 Z maskurl(#logo-zwembroeken-h)/> /g> g transformtranslate(164.154 5.34)> mask idlogo-zwembroeken-j fill#fff> use xlink:href#logo-zwembroeken-i/> /mask> path fill#0D2D42 dM4.5986044,6.98785275 C4.95084615,4.96264396 6.15431868,3.64167692 8.00352747,3.64167692 C9.88198901,3.64167692 11.0562088,4.9918967 11.3204505,6.98785275 L4.5986044,6.98785275 Z M8.00352747,0.0607538462 C3.42462637,0.0607538462 0.224956044,3.75917143 0.224956044,8.25007253 L0.224956044,8.30881978 C0.224956044,13.1227099 3.71787912,16.439633 8.44376923,16.439633 C11.290956,16.439633 13.4044066,15.3239187 14.8721209,13.5042044 L12.3184286,11.2440066 C11.0854615,12.3889736 9.99948352,12.8584681 8.50227473,12.8584681 C6.50656044,12.8584681 5.09735165,11.8017429 4.65710989,9.77629231 L15.6058571,9.77629231 C15.6351099,9.36554505 15.6643626,8.95455604 15.6643626,8.60231429 C15.6643626,4.14066593 13.2574176,0.0607538462 8.00352747,0.0607538462 L8.00352747,0.0607538462 Z maskurl(#logo-zwembroeken-j)/> /g> path fill#0D2D42 dM191.090525 5.40107253C188.830086 5.40107253 187.50936 6.60454505 186.48213 7.92527033L186.48213 5.69456703 184.251426 5.69456703C184.251426 5.69456703 184.251185 5.69456703 184.251185 5.69456703 183.019185 5.69456703 182.02024 6.69327033 182.02024 7.92527033L182.02024 21.4277099 184.251185 21.4277099C185.483185 21.4277099 186.48213 20.4290066 186.48213 19.1967648L186.48213 12.6511604C186.48213 10.5377099 187.568108 9.45173187 189.270569 9.45173187 190.973031 9.45173187 191.971251 10.5377099 191.971251 12.6511604L191.971251 19.1921714C191.971251 19.1938637 191.971009 19.1953143 191.971009 19.1967648 191.971009 19.1984571 191.971251 19.1999077 191.971251 19.2016L191.971251 21.4277099 194.201712 21.4277099C195.433712 21.4277099 196.432657 20.4290066 196.432657 19.1967648L196.432657 11.2421934C196.432657 7.63201758 194.465954 5.40107253 191.090525 5.40107253M96.0369385 13.6226659C96.0369385 16.2595231 94.2791143 17.9588418 92.1987846 17.9588418 90.1186967 17.9588418 88.390367 16.2302703 88.390367 13.6226659L88.390367 13.5639187C88.390367 10.956556 90.1186967 9.22798462 92.1987846 9.22798462 94.2791143 9.22798462 96.0369385 10.956556 96.0369385 13.5639187L96.0369385 13.6226659zM93.3415758 5.44833626C91.0269824 5.44833626 89.5326747 6.53262198 88.4486308 7.99743516L88.4486308.057610989 86.2179275.057610989 86.2094659.0660725275C84.9893121.0706659341 84.0014879 1.05994066 83.9993121 2.28081978L83.995444 2.28444615 83.995444 21.4452374 86.2167187 21.4452374C86.2172022 21.4452374 86.217444 21.4452374 86.2179275 21.4452374 87.4392901 21.4452374 88.4295319 20.458622 88.4363011 19.2387099L88.4486308 19.2263802 88.4486308 19.394644C89.503422 20.6544462 90.9682352 21.7382484 93.3415758 21.7382484 97.0624769 21.7382484 100.490367 18.8668857 100.490367 13.6226659L100.490367 13.5639187C100.490367 8.3196989 97.0037297 5.44833626 93.3415758 5.44833626L93.3415758 5.44833626zM75.6648901 5.43354066C73.5221868 5.43354066 71.8784725 6.31402418 70.499 7.92848571 69.6767802 6.34351868 68.1213077 5.43354066 66.0666044 5.43354066 63.8064066 5.43354066 62.4561868 6.63701319 61.4287143 7.95773846L61.4287143 5.72703516 59.1975275 5.72703516C57.9657692 5.72703516 56.9670659 6.7254967 56.9670659 7.9574967L56.9670659 19.1968374C56.9670659 19.1985297 56.9673077 21.4277824 56.9673077 21.4277824L59.198011 21.4277824C60.430011 21.4277824 61.4287143 20.4288374 61.4287143 19.1968374L61.4287143 17.4307934 61.4287143 12.6836286C61.4287143 10.5704198 62.4561868 9.4842 64.1291538 9.4842 65.8023626 9.4842 66.7418352 10.5704198 66.7418352 12.6836286 66.7418352 12.6836286 66.7415934 19.1953868 66.7415934 19.1968374 66.7415934 19.1985297 66.7418352 21.4277824 66.7418352 21.4277824L68.9725385 21.4277824C70.2045385 21.4277824 71.2032418 20.4288374 71.2032418 19.1968374L71.2032418 17.4307934 71.2032418 17.4307934 71.2032418 12.6836286C71.2032418 10.5704198 72.2307143 9.4842 73.9039231 9.4842 75.5768901 9.4842 76.5161209 10.5704198 76.5161209 12.6836286L76.5163626 19.192244C76.5163626 19.1936945 76.5161209 19.1953868 76.5161209 19.1968374 76.5161209 19.1985297 76.5163626 21.4277824 76.5163626 21.4277824L78.7470659 21.4277824C79.9790659 21.4277824 80.978011 20.4288374 80.978011 19.1968374L80.978011 17.4307934 80.978011 11.2159143C80.978011 7.4294967 78.9818132 5.43354066 75.6648901 5.43354066M164.391325 20.7247495L158.65416 11.8880022 163.853171 6.49002418C163.94093 6.40565055 163.996051 6.28791429 163.996051 6.15663956 163.996051 5.9011011 163.789105 5.69391429 163.533325 5.69391429 163.531149 5.69391429 163.528974 5.6943978 163.526556 5.69463956L159.300138 5.69463956 154.075018 11.4182659 154.075018.0000241758242 151.844314.0000241758242C150.612073.0000241758242 149.613369.998727473 149.613369 2.23072747L149.613369 21.4277824 151.844314 21.4277824C153.076314 21.4277824 154.075018 20.4288374 154.075018 19.1968374L154.075018 16.6433868 155.630974 14.9994308 159.74038 21.4277824 164.000886 21.4277824 164.001369 21.4270571C164.254007 21.4239143 164.458051 21.2184198 164.458051 20.9650571 164.458051 20.8775407 164.432424 20.7965516 164.390116 20.7266835L164.391325 20.7247495z/> polygon fill#0D2D42 points32.221 15.146 29.227 5.518 25.382 5.518 22.417 15.117 19.893 5.577 15.373 5.577 20.216 21.428 24.208 21.428 27.29 11.771 30.313 21.428 34.335 21.428 39.237 5.577 34.804 5.577/> path fill#0D2D42 dM107.139976,8.86452527 L107.139976,5.69459121 L104.891382,5.69531648 C103.667602,5.70498681 102.678327,6.69933846 102.678327,7.92529451 L102.678327,21.4277341 L104.909031,21.4277341 C106.141273,21.4277341 107.139976,20.428789 107.139976,19.196789 L107.139976,15.6158659 C107.139976,11.8587011 108.959932,10.0682396 111.924613,10.0682396 L112.15936,10.0682396 L112.15936,5.4010967 C109.517668,5.28336044 108.049954,6.69256923 107.139976,8.86452527/> /g>title>logo-zwembroeken/title>/svg> /a> a href titleshirts> svg xmlns xmlns:xlink width200 height12 viewBox0 0 106 22 roleimg> defs> polygon idlogo-shirts-a points0 .176 12.63 .176 12.63 16.261 0 16.261/> polygon idlogo-shirts-c points.08 .176 12.71 .176 12.71 16.261 .08 16.261/> /defs> g fillnone fill-ruleevenodd> path fill#EE7F75 dM77.0125065,21.0807587 C76.5155935,20.5838457 76.2668978,19.9747804 76.2668978,19.2542804 C76.2668978,18.5328239 76.5155935,17.9237587 77.0125065,17.4268457 C77.5094196,16.9292152 78.1184848,16.681237 78.8399413,16.681237 C79.5604413,16.681237 80.1695065,16.9292152 80.667137,17.4268457 C81.16405,17.9237587 81.4120283,18.5328239 81.4120283,19.2542804 C81.4120283,19.9747804 81.16405,20.5838457 80.667137,21.0807587 C80.1695065,21.5783891 79.5604413,21.8263674 78.8399413,21.8263674 C78.1184848,21.8263674 77.5094196,21.5783891 77.0125065,21.0807587/> path fill#0D2D42 dM105.215263 2.60676087C105.215263 2.60604348 105.215263 2.60532609 105.215263 2.60436957 105.215263 2.60365217 105.215263 2.60293478 105.215263 2.60221739L105.215263.397913043 103.008807.397913043C101.790198.397913043 100.802111 1.38576087 100.802111 2.60436957 100.802111 2.60532609 100.80235 2.60604348 100.80235 2.60676087L100.80235 19.3836739C100.80235 19.3846304 100.802111 19.3853478 100.802111 19.3860652 100.802111 19.3867826 100.80235 19.3875 100.80235 19.3884565L100.80235 21.5927609 103.181937 21.5927609 103.190307 21.5834348C104.323785 21.4908913 105.215263 20.5434565 105.215263 19.3860652 105.215263 19.3853478 105.215263 19.3846304 105.215263 19.3836739L105.215263 2.60676087zM92.8246239 5.74025435C90.5887543 5.74025435 89.2823848 6.93064565 88.2663196 8.23701522L88.2663196 6.0305587 86.059863 6.0305587C86.059863 6.0305587 86.0596239 6.0305587 86.0596239 6.0305587 84.8410152 6.0305587 83.8529283 7.01840652 83.8529283 8.23701522L83.8529283 21.5926891 86.0596239 21.5926891C87.2782326 21.5926891 88.2663196 20.6048413 88.2663196 19.3859935L88.2663196 12.911537C88.2663196 10.8210587 89.3404935 9.74688478 91.02445 9.74688478 92.7084065 9.74688478 93.6957761 10.8210587 93.6957761 12.911537L93.6957761 19.38145C93.6957761 19.3831239 93.695537 19.3845587 93.695537 19.3859935 93.695537 19.3876674 93.6957761 19.3891022 93.6957761 19.3907761L93.6957761 21.5926891 95.9019935 21.5926891C97.1206022 21.5926891 98.1086891 20.6048413 98.1086891 19.3859935L98.1086891 11.5178848C98.1086891 7.94695 96.163363 5.74025435 92.8246239 5.74025435M34.1410587 0C33.5205152 0 32.9965804.213304348 32.5692543.641347826 32.1419283 1.06867391 31.9279065 1.5926087 31.9279065 2.21315217 31.9279065 2.83297826 32.1419283 3.35667391 32.5692543 3.78423913 32.9965804 4.21228261 33.5205152 4.42558696 34.1410587 4.42558696 34.7608848 4.42558696 35.2848196 4.21228261 35.712863 3.78423913 36.1401891 3.35667391 36.3534935 2.83297826 36.3534935 2.21315217 36.3534935 1.5926087 36.1401891 1.06867391 35.712863.641347826 35.2848196.213304348 34.7608848 0 34.1410587 0/> g transformtranslate(0 5.622)> mask idlogo-shirts-b fill#fff> use xlink:href#logo-shirts-a/> /mask> path fill#0D2D42 dM7.92621739,6.5637 C6.24226087,5.98285217 4.76156522,5.57633043 4.76156522,4.70541739 L4.76156522,4.6473087 C4.76156522,4.03752609 5.31323913,3.57313478 6.38741304,3.57313478 C7.51969565,3.57313478 9.0585,4.12456957 10.5973043,5.02465652 L12.2812609,1.97622174 C10.5973043,0.84393913 8.44895652,0.176047826 6.47445652,0.176047826 C3.33897826,0.176047826 0.783869565,1.94704783 0.783869565,5.11193913 L0.783869565,5.1698087 C0.783869565,8.18954783 3.25193478,9.20585217 5.42945652,9.84456957 C7.14234783,10.3670696 8.65221739,10.6863087 8.65221739,11.6445043 L8.65221739,11.702613 C8.65221739,12.3994391 8.07136957,12.8640696 6.79393478,12.8640696 C5.34217391,12.8640696 3.57117391,12.2253522 1.88721739,11.005787 L0,13.9093087 C2.06154348,15.5351565 4.50019565,16.2609174 6.67771739,16.2609174 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1.96742174,11.005787 L0.0802043478,13.9093087 C2.14174783,15.5351565 4.5804,16.2609174 6.75792174,16.2609174 C10.1258348,16.2609174 12.7098783,14.6931783 12.7098783,11.2382217 L12.7098783,11.180113 C12.7098783,8.3347 10.1839435,7.28946087 8.00642174,6.5637 maskurl(#logo-shirts-d)/> /g> path fill#0D2D42 dM56.9490087 2.0527913L54.7425522 2.0527913C53.5239435 2.0527913 52.5360957 3.04063913 52.5360957 4.25924783L52.5360957 6.03048696 50.677813 6.03048696 50.677813 9.80492174 52.5360957 9.80492174 52.5360957 17.1794652C52.5360957 20.779813 54.3649652 21.853987 57.0652261 21.853987 58.5459217 21.853987 59.6203348 21.5055739 60.5493565 20.9541391L60.5493565 17.4119C59.9106391 17.760313 59.1848783 17.9635739 58.3715957 17.9635739 57.3844652 17.9635739 56.9490087 17.4697696 56.9490087 16.4537043L56.9490087 9.80492174 60.6074652 9.80492174 60.6074652 6.03048696 56.9490087 6.03048696 56.9490087 2.0527913zM26.8668543 6.67702391C26.8446152 6.66100217 26.8250065 6.64235 26.8025283 6.62680652 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no-underline hover:no-underline > span classpb-4 font-bold> ten Cate /span>/a> a href titleTommy Hilfiger classmain-menu flex flex-col text-sm no-underline hover:no-underline > span classpb-4 font-bold> Tommy Hilfiger /span>/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> div classmr-2 level-0 @mouseenterhoverPanelActiveId 182 @clickhoverPanelActiveId 182 @mouseleavehoverPanelActiveId null > span classlevel-0-item :classhoverPanelActiveId 182 ? underline-primary : > a href titlenieuw classmain-menu block py-3 no-underline hover:no-underline hover:text-white :classhoverPanelActiveId 182 ? underline-primary : > span classpb-4 font-bold> nieuw /span>/a> /span> !-- Submenu --> div classabsolute top-full left-0 w-full bg-container-darker text-secondary text-sm font-medium shadow-bottom hidden :class{ block : hoverPanelActiveId 182, hidden : hoverPanelActiveId ! 182 }> /div> /div> div classmr-2 level-0 @mouseenterhoverPanelActiveId 183 @clickhoverPanelActiveId 183 @mouseleavehoverPanelActiveId null > span 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Could\u0020not\u0020remove\u0020item\u0020from\u0020quote. }); this.isLoading false; } }).then(result > { window.dispatchMessages && window.dispatchMessages({ type: result.success ? success : error, text: result.success ? 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Of je nu fan bent van basic T-shirts van merken als span styletext-decoration: underline;>a href/alan-red>Alan Red/a>/span> en span styletext-decoration: underline;>a href/schiesser>Schiesser/a>/span>, gaat voor casual shirts van span styletext-decoration: underline;>a href/calvin-klein>Calvin Klein/a>/span> en span styletext-decoration: underline;>a href/superdry>Superdry/a>/span> of een sportshirt zoekt van span styletext-decoration: underline;>a href/bjorn-borg>Björn Borg/a>/span>: wij hebben voor iedere man wat wils. Onze digitale schappen zijn altijd up to date met de nieuwste collecties./p>p classcmsp38-mx-2 cmsp38-mb-4>T-shirts met korte mouwen, lange mouwen of zelfs zonder mouwen? Geen probleem, heeft het! Bekijk onze nieuwe collectie of span styletext-decoration: underline;>a href/sale>sale/a>/span>. Wij betalen de verzendkosten vanaf 49,95 en bestel je op zondag t/m vrijdag voor 22:00 uur? 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Snelle levering. Efficiënt bij ruiling.Alleen Alen Red vind ik tamelijk rommelig. Het valt mij op dat maatvoering van de shirts bij elke bestelling weer anders zijn.Bij het bestellen is erg lastig te zien welke halsvorm het is. Witte shirts op een witte achtergrond maakt het er niet duidelijker op. /div> div classtext-sm text-gray-400> Aart /div> /div> div> div classflex justify-between h-7> div classw-28 h-7 flex> div classbg-kiyoh-reviews-empty bg-cover h-18px w-98px relative> div classbg-kiyoh-reviews-full bg-cover h-18px absolute stylewidth: 100%> /div> /div> /div> div classtext-xs text-gray-400 leading-7 overflow-hidden> 18-11-2024 /div> /div> div classh-7 leading-7 overflow-hidden font-bold> Uitstekend! bestelling makkelijk en zeer snel bezorgd. /div> div classh-16 overflow-hidden text-sm leading-5 pt-px> Het aantal sterren zegt genoeg /div> div classtext-sm text-gray-400> Ron /div> /div> div> div classflex justify-between h-7> div classw-28 h-7 flex> div classbg-kiyoh-reviews-empty bg-cover h-18px w-98px relative> div classbg-kiyoh-reviews-full bg-cover h-18px absolute stylewidth: 100%> /div> /div> /div> div classtext-xs text-gray-400 leading-7 overflow-hidden> 18-11-2024 /div> /div> div classh-7 leading-7 overflow-hidden font-bold> Prima bedrijf /div> div classh-16 overflow-hidden text-sm leading-5 pt-px> Leuk assortiment tegen prima prijzen en correcte levering /div> div classtext-sm text-gray-400> Fokke /div> /div> div> div classflex justify-between h-7> div classw-28 h-7 flex> div classbg-kiyoh-reviews-empty bg-cover h-18px w-98px relative> div classbg-kiyoh-reviews-full bg-cover h-18px absolute stylewidth: 100%> /div> /div> /div> div classtext-xs text-gray-400 leading-7 overflow-hidden> 08-11-2024 /div> /div> div classh-7 leading-7 overflow-hidden font-bold> Juiste maat en snelle bezorging /div> div classh-16 overflow-hidden text-sm leading-5 pt-px> Maat komt goed overeen en wordt snel bezorgd. /div> div classtext-sm text-gray-400> Ad /div> /div> div> div classflex justify-between h-7> div classw-28 h-7 flex> div classbg-kiyoh-reviews-empty bg-cover h-18px w-98px relative> div classbg-kiyoh-reviews-full bg-cover h-18px absolute stylewidth: 90%> /div> /div> /div> div classtext-xs text-gray-400 leading-7 overflow-hidden> 28-10-2024 /div> /div> div classh-7 leading-7 overflow-hidden font-bold> perfecte shirts /div> div classh-16 overflow-hidden text-sm leading-5 pt-px> snelle levering /div> div classtext-sm text-gray-400> Herm Post /div> /div> /div> div classcontainer pb-6> div classhidden sm:block text-sm text-gray-400 pt-2> onze reviews met 3, 4 en 5 sterren /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>div classflex flex-wrap h-52 gap-x-10 bg-navy justify-center text-white>div classh-px w-full justify-start>div classhidden absolute -mt-168px -ml-76px>/div>/div>div classcontainer flex w-full mx-2 lg:justify-center lg:w-auto lg:max-w-none lg:m-0 xl:mr-20> svg xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width2 strokecurrentColor classmb-auto width40 height40 roleimg> path dM9 17a2 2 0 11-4 0 2 2 0 014 0zM19 17a2 2 0 11-4 0 2 2 0 014 0z/> path stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround dM13 16V6a1 1 0 00-1-1H4a1 1 0 00-1 1v10a1 1 0 001 1h1m8-1a1 1 0 01-1 1H9m4-1V8a1 1 0 011-1h2.586a1 1 0 01.707.293l3.414 3.414a1 1 0 01.293.707V16a1 1 0 01-1 1h-1m-6-1a1 1 0 001 1h1M5 17a2 2 0 104 0m-4 0a2 2 0 114 0m6 0a2 2 0 104 0m-4 0a2 2 0 114 0/>title>truck/title>/svg> span classmb-auto leading-10 ml-2 font-medium>gratis verzending vanaf 49,95/span>/div>div x-datafooterUsp() x-initgetMessage() x-deferintersect classcontainer flex w-full mx-2 lg:justify-center lg:w-auto lg:max-w-none lg:m-0 xl:mr-20> svg xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width2 strokecurrentColor classmb-auto width40 height40 roleimg> path stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround dM12 8v4l3 3m6-3a9 9 0 11-18 0 9 9 0 0118 0z/>title>clock/title>/svg> span classmb-auto leading-10 ml-2 font-medium blur-sm x-textdeliveryDateMessage ? 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dM287.1,288.6c-1.9,9.5-7.8,14.3-17.8,14.3c-11.6,0-19.7-8.2-19.7-21c0-12.7,7.9-21,19.7-21c12.3,0,19,7.5,19.1,21.7 h-30.7c0,0.2,0,0.4,0,0.6c0,9.9,4.3,15.1,12.2,15.1c6.4,0,10.6-3.3,12.4-9.6H287.1z M269.1,265.1c-6.7,0-10.8,4.6-11.3,13.2 h22.3C279.9,269.3,276.5,265.1,269.1,265.1z/> path dM385,297.4c-4.5,0-5.4-0.9-5.4-4.7v-30.3h-15.7v4h3.2c4.5,0,5.3,1,5.3,4.8v13.5c0,8.3-5.1,13.5-12.5,13.5 c-6.3,0-8.3-3.8-8.3-12.3v-23.4h-13.8h-0.4h-13.9v6.7c-3.4-5.4-8-7.9-14.1-7.9c-10.4,0-17.7,8.1-17.7,20.8 c0,12.7,7.4,21,17.9,21c6.1,0,10.5-2.6,13.9-8v15.6c0,3.8-0.9,4.8-5.4,4.8h-2.7v4h22.4v-4h-1.9c-4.5,0-5.4-1-5.4-4.8v-39.3 c0-3.8,0.9-4.8,5.4-4.8h1.5h0.4h1.4c4.5,0,5.4,1,5.4,4.8v13.6c0,5.6,0.2,9.9,2.4,12.9c2.4,3.3,6,4.9,11,4.9 c6.2,0,11.2-2.7,14.4-7.9v6.8h14.8v-4.1L385,297.4L385,297.4z M310.9,298c-7,0-11.2-5.7-11.2-16.1c0-10.3,4.2-16,11.2-16 c7.6,0,12.6,6.1,12.6,16.2C323.5,291.9,318.5,298,310.9,298z/> path dM425.2,288.6c-1.9,9.5-7.8,14.3-17.8,14.3c-11.6,0-19.7-8.2-19.7-21c0-12.7,7.9-21,19.7-21c12.3,0,19,7.5,19,21.7h-30.7 c0,0.2,0,0.4,0,0.6c0,9.9,4.3,15.1,12.2,15.1c6.4,0,10.6-3.3,12.4-9.6H425.2z M407.3,265.1c-6.7,0-10.8,4.6-11.3,13.2h22.3 C418.1,269.3,414.6,265.1,407.3,265.1z/> /g> /g> path dM-108.6,231.5c-9.8,0-15.2,5.1-15.2,14.8v16.1h-6.2v6.7h2.2c3.3,0.2,4.1,1.4,4.1,4.8h0v16.2c0,3.7-0.6,5.6-4.4,5.6h-3.1 v5.8h28.1v-5.8h-4.4c-3.9,0-4.2-2-4.2-5.6v-17.7c0.2-2.3,1.2-3.1,4-3.3h3.4v-6.7h-7.4v-17.9c0-5.6,0.8-8.3,5-8.3 c1.2,0,2.2,0.3,3.4,1c-2.4,0.9-3.6,2.4-3.6,4.5c0,2.6,2.2,4.9,5.5,4.9c3.6,0,6-2.3,6-6C-95.8,235.4-100.7,231.5-108.6,231.5z/> /g> g> path classst0 dM432.2,251.1c0-9,7.3-16.2,16.3-16.2c8.9,0,16.3,7.3,16.3,16.2c0,9-7.3,16.3-16.3,16.3 C439.5,267.3,432.2,260,432.2,251.1 M428.4,251.1c0,11.1,9,20.1,20.1,20.1c11.1,0,20.1-9,20.1-20.1c0-11.1-9-20.1-20.1-20.1 C437.4,231,428.4,240,428.4,251.1/> polygon classst0 points439.7,245.4 439.7,256.5 442.6,256.5 442.6,252.2 445.7,252.2 445.7,249.8 442.6,249.8 442.6,248 447.7,248 447.7,245.4 /> path classst0 dM453.5,254.3c-1.4,0-2.6-1.5-2.6-3.3c0-1.8,1.2-3.3,2.6-3.3c1,0,1.9,0.8,2.3,2l2.7-0.8 c-0.8-2.2-2.7-3.7-5-3.7c-3,0-5.3,2.6-5.3,5.8c0,3.2,2.4,5.8,5.3,5.8c2.3,0,4.2-1.5,5-3.7l-2.7-0.8 C455.3,253.4,454.5,254.3,453.5,254.3/> /g>/g>title>fashioncheque/title>/svg> /li> li classpx-4> svg xmlns width40 height40 viewBox0 0 33 24 fillnone roleimg>mask idmask0_296_12928 stylemask-type:alpha maskUnitsuserSpaceOnUse x0 y0 width33 height24>path dM26.9352 0H6.13516C4.64994 0 3.22556 0.589998 2.17536 1.6402C1.12515 2.69041 0.535156 4.11479 0.535156 5.6L0.535156 18.4C0.535156 19.8852 1.12515 21.3096 2.17536 22.3598C3.22556 23.41 4.64994 24 6.13516 24H26.9352C28.4204 24 29.8448 23.41 30.895 22.3598C31.9452 21.3096 32.5352 19.8852 32.5352 18.4V5.6C32.5352 4.11479 31.9452 2.69041 30.895 1.6402C29.8448 0.589998 28.4204 0 26.9352 0Z fillwhite/>/mask>g maskurl(#mask0_296_12928)>path dM34.0355 -0.634003H-1.56445V24.066H34.0355V-0.634003Z 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Make sure they are included before this script); } function loadSectionData () { const browserStorage hyva.getBrowserStorage(); if (!browserStorage) { typeof window.dispatchMessages ! undefined && window.dispatchMessages( { type: warning, text: Please enable LocalStorage in your browser. } ); return; } try { let isInvalid false; if (hyva.getCookie(last_visited_store_key) ! 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Otherwise, not all sections are loaded in Luma Checkout hyva.setCookie( section_data_ids_key, JSON.stringify( Object.keys(data).reduce((sectionDataIds, sectionKey) > { sectionDataIdssectionKey datasectionKeydata_id; return sectionDataIds; }, {}) ), false, true ); } catch (error) { console.warn(Couldnt store privateContent, error); } } } ); } }/script>script> (() > { document.addEventListener(submit, event >, hyva.getUenc())); })()/script>script> (events > { const dispatchUserInteractionEvent () > { events.forEach(type > window.removeEventListener(type, dispatchUserInteractionEvent)) window.dispatchEvent(new Event(init-external-scripts)) }; events.forEach(type > window.addEventListener(type, dispatchUserInteractionEvent, {once: true, passive: true})) })(touchstart, mouseover, wheel, scroll, keydown)/script>script> use strict; const grecaptchaV2LoadCallbacks ; function executeRecaptchaLoadCallbacks () { while (window.grecaptcha && grecaptchaV2LoadCallbacks.length > 0) { const callback grecaptchaV2LoadCallbacks.pop(); typeof callback string ? 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productIndexIds.filter((productIndex) > { return this.optionConfig.indexproductIndexattribute this.selectedValuesattribute }) : ; productIndexIds productsWithAttributeMatch.length ? productsWithAttributeMatch : productIndexIds }) return productIndexIds0; }, calculateSimpleIndexForFullSelection(selectedValues) { const productIndexes this.optionConfig.index; return Object.keys(productIndexes).find(productIndex > { const productCandidateOptions productIndexesproductIndex; for (const productOption in productCandidateOptions) { if ( ! selectedValuesproductOption || selectedValuesproductOption ! productCandidateOptionsproductOption ) { return false; } } return productIndex; }); }, productIndex: 0, findAllowedAttributeOptions() { this.allowedAttributeOptions this.calculateAllowedAttributeOptions(this.selectedValues); }, calculateAllowedAttributeOptions(selectedValues) { const allAttributes this.optionConfig.attributes; const allAttributesSorted Object.values(allAttributes).sort((a,b) > { return a.position - b.position }); const newAllowedAttributeOptions ; allAttributesSorted.forEach(attribute > { const selectionWithoutAttr Object.assign({}, this.removeAttrFromSelection(selectedValues,; const availableIndexes this.calculateAvailableProductIndexes(selectionWithoutAttr); > { return !!option.products.find(product > { return availableIndexes.includes(product); }) }); }); return newAllowedAttributeOptions; }, calculateAvailableProductIndexes(selectedOptions) { if (Object.keys(selectedOptions).length 0) { if (Object.values(this.optionConfig.salable || {}).length) { return .concat.apply(, .concat.apply(, Object.values(this.optionConfig.salable).map(Object.values))).filter((x, i, a) > a.indexOf(x) i) } return Object.keys(this.optionConfig.index); } const selectedIds Object.keys(selectedOptions); if (Object.values(this.optionConfig.salable || {}).length) { const selectedOptionIndexes > { const optionValue selectedOptionsattrId; return this.optionConfig.salableattrId && this.optionConfig.salableattrIdoptionValue || }) return selectedOptionIndexes.reduce((acc, optionIndexes) > { return acc.filter(index > optionIndexes.includes(index)); }); } else { const productIndexes this.optionConfig.index; return Object.keys(productIndexes).filter(index > { for (const attrId of selectedIds) { if (productIndexesindexattrId ! `${selectedOptionsattrId}`) return false } return true }); } }, findAttributeByOptionId(optionId) { for (const attributeId in this.optionConfig.attributes) { const attributeOptions this.optionConfig.attributesattributeId.options || ; if (attributeOptions.find(option > optionId)) { return attributeId; } } }, getAllowedAttributeOptions(attributeId) { return this.allowedAttributeOptionsattributeId || }, getProductIdsForOption(option) { const attributeId this.findAttributeByOptionId(; const allOptions this.optionConfig.attributesattributeId; const opt (allOptions && allOptions.options || ).find(o >; return opt && opt.products ? opt.products : ; }, findProductIdsForPartialSelection(optionSelection) { const candidateProducts Object.values(optionSelection).reduce((candidates, optionId) > { const newCandidates this.getProductIdsForOption({id: optionId}); return candidates null ? newCandidates : candidates.filter(productId > newCandidates.includes(productId)); }, null); return candidateProducts || ; }, findCheapestProductForPartialSelection(optionSelection) { const candidateProducts this.findProductIdsForPartialSelection(optionSelection); return candidateProducts.reduce((cheapest, simpleIdx) > { // in the first iteration we start with simpleIdx as the currently cheapest product if (! this.optionConfig.optionPricescheapest) return simpleIdx; const knownCheapestPrice this.optionConfig.optionPricescheapest.finalPrice.amount; return knownCheapestPrice > this.optionConfig.optionPricessimpleIdx.finalPrice.amount ? simpleIdx : cheapest; }, 0) }, findProductIdToUseForOptionPrice(option) { // try to find a product for a complete selection const attributeId this.findAttributeByOptionId(; const optionSelection Object.assign({}, this.selectedValues, {attributeId:}); const matchingSimpleIndex this.calculateSimpleIndexForFullSelection(optionSelection); // if there is no complete selection, use the cheapest product for the option return matchingSimpleIndex || this.findCheapestProductForPartialSelection(optionSelection); }, getAttributeOptionLabel(option) { const optionProduct this.findProductIdToUseForOptionPrice(option); if ((! optionProduct) || (optionProduct this.productIndex)) { return option.label; } const currentPrice this.getOptionPriceAdjustmentBasePrice(); if (this.optionConfig.optionPricesoptionProduct) { const optionPrice this.optionConfig.optionPricesoptionProduct.finalPrice.amount; if (optionPrice ! currentPrice){ return option.label + + hyva.formatPrice(optionPrice - currentPrice, true); } } return option.label; }, getOptionPriceAdjustmentBasePrice() { if (this.optionConfig.optionPricesthis.productIndex) { return this.optionConfig.optionPricesthis.productIndex.finalPrice.amount } const cheapestForSelection this.findCheapestProductForPartialSelection(this.selectedValues); return this.optionConfig.optionPricescheapestForSelection ? this.optionConfig.optionPricescheapestForSelection.finalPrice.amount : this.optionConfig.prices.finalPrice.amount; // default price if no option selection }, clearOptionIfActive(optionId, value) { if (this.selectedValuesoptionId value) { this.blurLabel() this.changeOption(optionId, ) } }, removeAttrFromSelection(selectedValues, attributeId) { attributeId parseInt(attributeId); return selectedValues.reduce((newSelection, val, attr) > { if (attr ! attributeId) { newSelectionattr val; } return newSelection; }, ); }, changeOption(attributeId, value) { if (value ) { this.selectedValues this.removeAttrFromSelection(this.selectedValues, attributeId) } else if (value && this.getAllowedAttributeOptions(attributeId).find(option > value)) { this.selectedValuesattributeId value; } this.findSimpleIndex(); this.findAllowedAttributeOptions(); this.updatePrices(); this.updateGallery(); window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( configurable-selection-changed, { detail: { productId: this.productId, optionId: attributeId, value: value, productIndex: this.productIndex, selectedValues: this.selectedValues, candidates: this.findProductIdsForPartialSelection(this.selectedValues), } } ) ); }, calculateIsMinimalPrice() { return ( this.selectedValues.filter(value > !!value).length Object.keys(this.optionConfig.attributes).length ); }, updatePrices() { const value this.productIndex ? this.optionConfig.optionPricesthis.productIndex : this.optionConfig.prices; window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( update-prices- + this.productId, { detail: Object.assign( value, { isMinimalPrice: this.calculateIsMinimalPrice() } ) } ) ); }, updateGallery () { if (this.productIndex) { const images this.optionConfig.imagesthis.productIndex; images && window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent( update-gallery, { detail: this.sortImagesByPosition(images) } )); } else { window.dispatchEvent(new Event(reset-gallery)); } }, sortImagesByPosition(images) { return images.sort((x, y) > { return x.position y.position ? 0 : (parseInt(x.position) > parseInt(y.position) ? 1 : -1) }); }, onGetCartData(data) { }, preselectCartItems(data) { // pre-select options based on cart data for current (quote) itemId const cart data && data.cart; if (cart && cart.items) { const cartItem cart.items.find((item) > { return ( item.item_id this.itemId && item.product_id this.productId ) }); if (cartItem && cartItem.options && cartItem.options.length) { > { this.changeOption(option.option_id, option.option_value); }) } } }, preselectQuerystringItems() { // pre-select option like ?size167 const urlQueryParams new URLSearchParams(,)); this.preselectItemsBasedOnLocation(attribute > urlQueryParams.get(attribute.code)); }, preselectLocationHashItems() { // pre-select option like #144167 const urlHashParams new URLSearchParams(window.location.hash.replace(#,)); this.preselectItemsBasedOnLocation(attribute > urlHashParams.get(; }, preselectItemsBasedOnLocation(getLocationValue) { Object.values(this.optionConfig.attributes).map(attribute > { this.changeOption(, getLocationValue(attribute)) }); } } }/script>script> function initSwatchOptions(swatchConfig) { return { swatchConfig, getAttributeSwatchData(attributeId) { const swatchConfig Object.assign({}, this.swatchConfigattributeId); swatchConfigdetails JSON.parse(swatchConfigadditional_data); return swatchConfig; }, getAllAttributeOptions(attributeId) { return ( this.optionConfig.attributesattributeId && this.optionConfig.attributesattributeId.options ) || }, optionIsActive(attributeId, optionId) { // return true if a product with this option is in stock return !!this.getAllowedAttributeOptions(attributeId).find( option > optionId ) }, optionIsEnabled(attributeId, optionId) { // return true if a product with this option is enabled for (const productId in this.optionConfig.index) { if (this.optionConfig.indexproductIdattributeId optionId) { return true; } } return false; }, mapSwatchTypeNumberToTypeCode(typeNumber) { switch ( + typeNumber) { case 1: return color case 2: return image case 3: return empty case 0: default: return text } }, getTypeOfFirstOption(attributeId) { for (const optionId in this.swatchConfigattributeId) { const option this.swatchConfigattributeIdoptionId; if (typeof option.type ! undefined) { return this.mapSwatchTypeNumberToTypeCode(option.type); } } }, getVisualSwatchType(attributeId, targetOptionId) { // If a type configuration is present for the given option id, use it const config this.swatchConfigattributeId; if (configtargetOptionId && typeof configtargetOptionId.type ! undefined) { return this.mapSwatchTypeNumberToTypeCode(configtargetOptionId.type); } // Otherwise - if no config is present for the target option - use the type of the first option // with a type property from the attribute, thus assuming its the same type as the target option. // (This edge case condition can occur on single swatch products if some options are not salable) return this.getTypeOfFirstOption(attributeId); }, getSwatchType(attributeId, optionId) { // Deserialize the attribute details the first time they are used if (this.swatchConfigattributeId && ! this.swatchConfigattributeId.details) { this.swatchConfigattributeId this.getAttributeSwatchData(attributeId); } const type this.swatchConfigattributeId && this.swatchConfigattributeId.details && this.swatchConfigattributeId.details.swatch_input_type || empty; return type visual ? this.getVisualSwatchType(attributeId, optionId) : type; }, isTextSwatch(attributeId, optionId) { return this.getSwatchType(attributeId, optionId) text; }, isVisualSwatch(attributeId, optionId) { const type this.getSwatchType(attributeId, optionId); return image, color.includes(type); }, getSwatchBackgroundStyle(attributeId, optionId) { const config this.getSwatchConfig(attributeId, optionId); const type this.getSwatchType(attributeId, optionId); if (type color) { return background-color: + config.value; } else if (type image) { return background: #ffffff url( + config.value + ) no-repeat center; } else { return ; } }, getSwatchText(attributeId, optionId) { const config this.getSwatchConfig(attributeId, optionId); return config.label || config.value || this.getOptionLabelFromOptionConfig(attributeId, optionId); }, getOptionLabelFromOptionConfig(attributeId, optionId) { // Fallback if no value is present in swatchConfig data // Reference issue const option this.getAllAttributeOptions(attributeId).filter(option > optionId); return option && option0 && option0.label ||; }, getSwatchConfig(attributeId, optionId) { return this.swatchConfigattributeId && this.swatchConfigattributeIdoptionId ? this.swatchConfigattributeIdoptionId : false; }, activeTooltipItem: false, tooltipPositionElement: false, isTooltipVisible() { return this.activeTooltipItem && this.getSwatchConfig( this.activeTooltipItem.attribute, this.activeTooltipItem.item ); }, isFirstItemCol() { return this.activeTooltipItem.index 0; }, getTooltipImageStyle(attributeId, optionId) { const config this.getSwatchConfig(attributeId, optionId); const type this.getSwatchType(attributeId, optionId); if (type color) { return background-color: + config.value + ; width: 110px; height: 90px;; } else if (type image) { return background: #ffffff url( + config.thumb + ) center center no-repeat; width: 110px; height: 90px;; } else { return display:none; } }, getTooltipPosition() { return this.tooltipPositionElement ? `top: ${this.tooltipPositionElement.offsetTop}px;` + `left: ${ this.tooltipPositionElement.offsetLeft - ( this.tooltipPositionElement.closest(.snap) && this.tooltipPositionElement.closest(.snap).scrollLeft || 0 ) }px;` : }, getTooltipLabel() { return this.getSwatchConfig(this.activeTooltipItem.attribute, this.activeTooltipItem.item).label }, focusedLabel: false, focusLabel(optionId) { this.focusedLabel optionId; }, blurLabel() { this.focusedLabel false; }, showSwatches: false, initShowSwatchesIntersect() { if (IntersectionObserver in window && !window.scrollY) { let io new IntersectionObserver( entries > { > { if (entry.isIntersecting) { this.showSwatches true; io.unobserve(this.$root); } }) } ); io.observe(this.$root); } else { this.showSwatches true } } } }/script>script> use strict; (function () { const modals ; const excludedFromFocusTrapping new Set(); function trapFocusInNextModalWithOverlay() { for (let idx modals.length -1; idx > 0; idx--) { const nextOnStack modalsidx; const nextDialogElement nextOnStack.instance.$; if (! isOverlayDisabled(nextDialogElement)) { hyva.trapFocus(nextDialogElement); break; } } } function focusables(dialogElement) { const selector button, href, input, textarea, select, details, tabindex:not(tabindex-1); return Array.from(dialogElement.querySelectorAll(selector)) .filter(el > !el.hasAttribute(disabled)); } function firstVisible(elements) { const a Array.from(elements); for (let i 0; i a.length; i++) { if (ai.offsetWidth || ai.offsetHeight || ai.getClientRects().length) return ai; } return null; } function isInViewport(element) { const rect element && element.getBoundingClientRect(); return rect && > 0 && rect.left > 0 && rect.right window.innerWidth && rect.bottom window.innerHeight; } function setFocusAfterTransition(dialogElement, duration) { const nested Array.from(dialogElement.querySelectorAll(roledialog)); const candidates Array.from(dialogElement.querySelectorAll(x-focus-first)); next: for (let candidate of candidates) { for (let child of nested) { if (child.contains(candidate)) continue next; } setTimeout(() > candidate.focus(), 50); break; } window.setTimeout(() > { const focusElement firstVisible(dialogElement.querySelectorAll(x-focus-first)) || focusables(dialogElement)0 || null; focusElement && isInViewport(focusElement) && focusElement.focus(); }, Math.max(1, duration)); } function determineTrigger($refs, dialog, trigger) { if (typeof trigger undefined && typeof dialog object && instanceof HTMLElement) { return; } if (typeof dialog string && typeof trigger object && instanceof HTMLElement) { return; } if (typeof trigger string) { try { return $refstrigger || document.querySelector(trigger) } catch (e) {} } if (trigger instanceof Element) { return trigger; } return null; } function isOverlayDisabled(dialog) { return dialog && dialog.hasAttribute(x-no-overlay) } function areRemainingModalsWithoutOverlay(modals) { const overflowDisabled > modal.instance.$; return overflowDisabled.length modals.length; } window.hyva.modal function(options) { const config Object.assign({ dialog: dialog, duration: 300, transitionEnter: transition ease-out duration-300, transitionEnterStart: opacity-0, transitionEnterEnd: opacity-100, transitionLeave: transition ease-in duration-300, transitionLeaveStart: opacity-100, transitionLeaveEnd: opacity-0, }, options); let lastHide 0; return { opened: {}, show(dialog, trigger) { const focusTargetAfterHide determineTrigger(this.$refs, dialog, trigger); const name typeof dialog string ? dialog : config.dialog; const dialogElement this.$refsname; if (! dialogElement) { return; } const useOverlay ! dialogElement.hasAttribute(x-no-overlay); dialogElement.scrollTop 0; if (this.openedname) { return; } if (focusTargetAfterHide) { focusTargetAfterHide.setAttribute(aria-expanded, true); } this.openedname true; useOverlay && this.$nextTick(() > hyva.trapFocus(dialogElement)); setFocusAfterTransition(dialogElement, config.duration); const frame {name, instance: this, focusTarget: focusTargetAfterHide, time:}; modals.push(frame); if (useOverlay) { document.body.classList.add(overflow-hidden); } return new Promise(resolve > frame.resolve resolve); }, cancel() { this.hide(false); }, ok() { this.hide(true); }, hide(value) { if ( - lastHide config.duration) { return; } lastHide; const modal modals.pop() || {}; const name; this.openedname false; hyva.releaseFocus(modal.instance.$ trapFocusInNextModalWithOverlay(); const nextFocusAfterHide modal.focusTarget; nextFocusAfterHide && setTimeout(() > { nextFocusAfterHide.setAttribute(aria-expanded, false); nextFocusAfterHide.focus() }, config.duration); if (modals.length 0 || areRemainingModalsWithoutOverlay(modals)) { document.body.classList.remove(overflow-hidden); } modal.resolve(value); }, overlay(dialog) { const name typeof dialog string ? dialog : config.dialog; return { x-show() { return this.openedname }, x-transition:enter: config.transitionEnter, x-transition:enter-start: config.transitionEnterStart, x-transition:enter-end: config.transitionEnterEnd, x-transition:leave: config.transitionLeave, x-transition:leave-start: config.transitionLeaveStart, x-transition:leave-end: config.transitionLeaveEnd, @hyva-modal-show.window(event) { event.detail && event.detail.dialog name &&, event.detail.focusAfterHide) } }; } }; } window.hyva.modal.peek () > modals.length > 0 && modalsmodals.length -1 window.hyva.modal.pop function () { if (modals.length > 0) { const modal modalsmodals.length -1; modal.instance.hide(); } } window.hyva.modal.excludeSelectorsFromFocusTrap function (selectors) { typeof selectors string || selectors instanceof String ? excludedFromFocusTrapping.add(selectors) : > excludedFromFocusTrapping.add(selector)); } window.hyva.modal.eventListeners { keydown: event > { if (event.key Escape) { window.hyva.modal.pop(); } }, click: event > { if (modals.length > 0) { const modal modalsmodals.length -1; const dialog modal.instance.$; if (modal.time + 50 && // if last click processing is more than 50ms ago ! isOverlayDisabled(dialog) && // if dialog has overlay ! dialog.contains( { // if click is outside of dialog modal.instance.hide(); } } } }; document.addEventListener(keydown, window.hyva.modal.eventListeners.keydown); document.addEventListener(click,; })();/script>style>.is-loading > :not(.loader) { visibility: hidden;}/style>script> window.setAjaxCart (selectors .product_addtocart_form, #product_addtocart_form, recursive true) > { const addToCartForms document.querySelectorAll(selectors); const delay 1000; addToCartForms.forEach(form > { form.addEventListener(submit, e > { e.preventDefault(); const formData new FormData(form), data new URLSearchParams(formData), formDataObj Object.fromEntries(formData), button e.submitter ? e.submitter : form.querySelector(button) ? form.querySelector(button) : document.getElementById(product-addtocart-button), loader document.createElement(div); formDataObj.isQuotation form.getAttribute(is-quotation) true; loader.className absolute inset-0 flex justify-center items-center loader; loader.innerHTML ` svg xmlns viewBox0 0 100 100 xml:spacepreserve width32 height32> path fillcurrentText dM73 50c0-12.7-10.3-23-23-23S27 37.3 27 50m3.9 0c0-10.5 8.5-19.1 19.1-19.1S69.1 39.5 69.1 50> animateTransform attributeNametransform attributeTypeXML typerotate dur1s from0 50 50 to360 50 50 repeatCountindefinite/> /path> /svg> `; button.prepend(loader); button.classList.add(is-loading); if (!button.classList.contains(absolute)) { button.classList.add(relative); }; button.disabled true; fetch(e.currentTarget.action, { method: POST, body: data, headers: { Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charsetUTF-8, X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest } }) .then(res > { if (!res.ok) { return form.submit(); } if (res.redirected) { return ; } return res.json(); }) .then(data > { if (data.backUrl) { return window.location data.backUrl; } if (recursive) { window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent( product-addtocart-success, {detail: formDataObj} )); } if (! { window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(reload-customer-section-data)); } }) .catch(err > { window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(product-addtocart-error)); setMessage({ text:There was a problem adding your item to the cart., type: error }); }) .finally(() > { try { window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(product-addtocart-done)); var messages hyva.getCookie(mage-messages); messages messages ? JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(messages).replace(/\+/g, )) : ; document.cookie mage-messages; Path/; ExpiresThu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;; } catch (error) { console.warn(Error parsing Cookie Messages:, error); return; } setTimeout(() > { loader.remove(); button.classList.remove(relative, is-loading); button.disabled false; messages.forEach(message > { setMessage(message); }); }, delay); }); }); }); } /** * Set Message */ function setMessage(message) { typeof window.dispatchMessages ! undefined && window.dispatchMessages( message, 5000 ); } /** Init on pageload */ window.setAjaxCart();/script>script> use strict; (() > { let initialized false; let cartItems {}; function updateCartItemsFromEvent(cartData) { if (!cartData || !cartData.items) return; const newCartItems cartData.items.reduce((acc, item) > { accitem.product_id { quantity: item.qty, productDetails: item }; return acc; }, {}); if (!initialized) { initialized true; cartItems newCartItems; return; } checkCartItemsChanges(newCartItems); cartItems newCartItems; } function checkCartItemsChanges(newCartItems) { for (const productId in newCartItems) { const oldCartItem cartItemsproductId; const newCartItem newCartItemsproductId; const newQty newCartItem.quantity; const oldQty oldCartItem ? oldCartItem.quantity : 0; if (!oldCartItem) { // New cart item added newDatalayer(add_to_cart, newCartItem, newQty); } else if (newQty ! oldQty) { // Quantity changed if (newQty > oldQty) { // Quantity increased newDatalayer(add_to_cart, newCartItem, newQty - oldQty); } else { // Quantity decreased newDatalayer(remove_from_cart, oldCartItem, oldQty - newQty); } } } for (const productId in cartItems) { if (!newCartItemsproductId) { // Cart item deleted newDatalayer(remove_from_cart, cartItemsproductId, cartItemsproductId.quantity); } } } function newDatalayer(type, itemDetails, quantity) { const price itemDetails.productDetails.product_price_value?.incl_tax ?? itemDetails.productDetails.product_price_value; const itemData { item_name: itemDetails.productDetails.product_name, item_id: itemDetails.productDetails.product_sku, price: price, item_brand: itemDetails.productDetails.brand ?? , quantity: quantity }; window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; window.dataLayer.push({ event: type, ecommerce: { items: itemData } }); } window.addEventListener(private-content-loaded, (event) > { const cartData &&; updateCartItemsFromEvent(cartData); }); })();/script>script> use_strict; (() > { function sendProductImpressionsEvent() { const productDivs document.querySelectorAll(divdata-product); if (!productDivs) { return; } let productItems let count 1; productDivs.forEach((productDiv) > { const productData productDiv.dataset; productItems.push({ item_name: productData.item_name, item_id: productData.item_id, price: productData.price, item_brand: productData.item_brand, item_category: productData.item_category, item_list_name: productData.item_list_name, item_list_id: productData.item_list_id, position: count, quantity: 1 }); count++; }); // Check if there is a first item if (productItems.length 0) { return; } const firstItem productItems0; window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; window.dataLayer.push({ event: view_item_list, item_list_id: firstItem.item_list_id, item_list_name: firstItem.item_list_name, ecommerce: { items: productItems } }); 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} const items > { let itemData { item_id: item.product_sku, item_name: item.product_name, price: item.product_price_value?.incl_tax ?? item.product_price_value, item_brand: item.brand ?? , quantity: item.qty, coupon: }; if ( {; } if (item.category_names.length > 0) { itemData.item_category item.category_names.shift(); let i 2; item.category_names.forEach((categoryName) > { itemDataitem_category + i categoryName; i++; if (i > 5) { return; } }); } return itemData; }); window.dataLayer window.dataLayer || ; window.dataLayer.push({ event: view_cart, ecommerce: { currency: EUR, value: cart.subtotalAmount, items: items } }); } window.addEventListener(toggle-cart, (event) > { sendViewCartEvent(); }); })();/script>div x-datainitAddToCartPopupModal()> div x-cloak x-bindoverlay(add-to-cart-modal) classfixed flex flex-col justify-end md:justify-center inset-0 bg-black bg-opacity-50 z-50> div x-refadd-to-cart-modal roledialog aria-labelledbyadd-to-cart-modal-label classmax-h-screen overflow-auto bg-white shadow-lg rounded-t-lg md:rounded-none add-to-cart-modal md:max-w-addtocart-popup md:mx-auto max-h-90vh p-4 relative text-base> button @click.preventhide(add-to-cart-modal) typebutton classabsolute right-0 top-0 bg-white> svg xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width2 strokecurrentColor classw-9 h-9 p-1.5 width36 height36 roleimg> path stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround dM6 18L18 6M6 6l12 12/>title>x/title>/svg> /button> div classaddtocart-modal-content flex flex-col gap-4> div classaddtocart-modal-text flex flex-col gap-2.5 pb-2 border-b border-#ddd> div data-content-typehtml data-appearancedefault data-elementmain data-decodedtrue>p>strong>span stylecolor: rgb(22 163 74)>5% combi-korting/span> ontvangen?/strong>/p>/div> div classtext-left> Shop ook bij a classunderline href>>, a classunderline href>>, a classunderline href>>, Je winkelmand verhuist gewoon mee! /div> /div> template x-ifproduct> div classproduct-info-wrapper flex gap-5 p-4 bg-#ecf6f6 rounded-lg> div classproduct-item-photo w-78px shrink-0> img :srcproductImageUrl> /div> div classproduct-item-details flex flex-col gap-1> div classfont-semibold relative pl-7 text-lg> svg xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width2 strokecurrentColor classabsolute -left-1 top-0 text-#75C1BF width24 height24 roleimg> path stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround dM5 13l4 4L19 7/>title>check/title>/svg> gelukt /div> div classproduct-item-name> template x-ifproductInfo> span classfont-semibold x-htmlproductInfo>/span> /template> is aan je winkelmand toegevoegd /div> /div> /div> /template> div classaddtocart-popup-actions flex flex-col gap-2 md:flex-row md:gap-4> a href# @click.preventhide(add-to-cart-modal) classbtn border-navy border-2 bg-white text-navy hover:bg-navy hover:text-white w-full text-base justify-center py-4 hover:no-underline focus:ring-0 focus:border-navy> verder winkelen /a> a href classbtn btn-primary w-full text-base justify-center py-18px no-underline hover:no-underline focus:ring-0> bekijk winkelmand /a> /div> div classaddtocart-modal-text border-t border-#ddd p-4 pb-0 -mx-4 flex flex-col gap-2.5> div classflex flex-col gap-2 mt-2> a href classblock pl-4 pr-10 py-3 relative border border-#ddd hover:bg-#efefef> img classh-4 w-auto src height16 widthauto altBoxers/> svg xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width2 strokecurrentColor classabsolute right-3 top-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 text-navy width20 height20 roleimg> path stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround dM14 5l7 7m0 0l-7 7m7-7H3/>title>arrow-right/title>/svg> /a> a href classblock pl-4 pr-10 py-3 relative border border-#ddd hover:bg-#efefef> img classh-4 w-auto src height16 widthauto altSokken/> svg xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width2 strokecurrentColor classabsolute right-3 top-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 text-navy width20 height20 roleimg> path stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround dM14 5l7 7m0 0l-7 7m7-7H3/>title>arrow-right/title>/svg> /a> a href classblock pl-4 pr-10 py-3 relative border border-#ddd hover:bg-#efefef> img classh-4 w-auto src height16 widthauto altZwembroeken/> svg xmlns fillnone viewBox0 0 24 24 stroke-width2 strokecurrentColor classabsolute right-3 top-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 text-navy width20 height20 roleimg> path stroke-linecapround stroke-linejoinround dM14 5l7 7m0 0l-7 7m7-7H3/>title>arrow-right/title>/svg> /a> /div> /div> template x-ifrecomendedItems> div x-htmlrecomendedItems>/div> /template>/div> /div> /div>/div>script> function initAddToCartPopupModal() { return Object.assign( hyva.modal(), { addToCartModalTitle: Het\u0020product\u0020is\u0020toegevoegd\u0020aan\u0020uw\u0020winkelwagen, product: null, productInfo: null, productImageUrl: null, recomendedItems: null, init() { var self this; 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All cookies : Functional cookies; if (this.allowedAllCookies ! true && this.allowSelectedCookies true) { allowedCookies ; for (var cookie_type in this.customizableCookies) { if (!this.customizableCookies.hasOwnProperty(cookie_type)) { continue; } if (this.customizableCookiescookie_type) { allowedCookies + cookie_type + ,; } } allowedCookies allowedCookies.slice(0, -1); } fetch(/cookie-registration/index/index? + new URLSearchParams({ form_key: hyva.getFormKey(), allowedCookies: allowedCookies, }), { method: POST, cache: no-cache, mode: same-origin, headers: {Content-Type: application/json} }) .then(function (result) { if (this.debugEnabled) { if (result.errors) { // non-critical failure only console logged console.warn(result.errors); } else { console.log(Cookies accepted); } } }); } } } /script>script typeapplication/json iddefault-section-data> {messages:,customer:,compare-products:,last-ordered-items:,cart:,directory-data:{BE:{name:Belgi\u00eb,regions:{609:{code:VAN,name:Antwerpen},610:{code:WBR,name:Brabant wallon},611:{code:BRU,name:Brussels-Capital Region},612:{code:WHT,name:Hainaut},614:{code:WLG,name:Li\u00e8ge},613:{code:VLI,name:Limburg},615:{code:WLX,name:Luxembourg},616:{code:WNA,name:Namur},617:{code:VOV,name:Oost-Vlaanderen},618:{code:VBR,name:Vlaams-Brabant},619:{code:VWV,name:West-Vlaanderen}}},NL:{name:Nederland},data_id:1735909178},instant-purchase:,loggedAsCustomer:,captcha:,persistent:,review:,wishlist:{items:},belco-config:,recently_viewed_product:,recently_compared_product:,product_data_storage:,paypal-billing-agreement:}/script>/div>/body>/html>
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