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HTTP/1.1 301 Moved PermanentlyDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 15:44:20 GMTServer: ApacheLocation: 232Content-Type: text/html; charsetiso-8859-1 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN>html>head>title>301 Moved Permanently/title>/head>body>h1>Moved Permanently/h1>p>The document has moved a href>here/a>./p>/body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 15:44:20 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2Connection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Tue, 01 Aug 2017 16:59:12 GMTETag: 2e1d-555b411175347Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 11805Cache-Control: max-age600Expires: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 15:54:20 GMTVary: Accept-Encoding,User-AgentContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN>html xmlns>head>title>Shawn Dryden/title>meta namedescription contentPersonal site of web/graphic designer Shawn Dryden />meta namekeywords contentShawn Dryden, design, web design, graphic design />meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8 />link relstylesheet typetext/css hrefbase.css />!--if lt IE 7>link relstylesheet hrefie.css typetext/css mediascreen />!endif-->script typetext/javascript srcjs/effects.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcjs/prototype.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcjs/scriptaculous.js>/script>script typetext/javascript srcjs/lightbox.js>/script>link relstylesheet hrefcss/lightbox.css typetext/css mediascreen />meta namep:domain_verify contentd736b43fa638896be7adb6da5f1ab5d1 />/head>body>div idcontainer> div idheader> div idlogo> h1>a href#>Shawn Dryden :: Graphic Design/a>/h1> /div> div idnava> ul> li>a>Contact/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> div idcontent> div idwelcome> img srcimages/welcome.gif altWelcome to the showcase of my work and services width773 height84 /> /div> div classwork> div classworkdescription> p>strong>Project:/strong> New Horizons RV website/p> p> strong>Client:/strong> New Horizons RV/p> p> strong>Description:/strong> Designed layout and built website using XHTML, CSS, Flash, and Javascript. CMS built on Textpattern and the content is maintained by the client. New Horizons sells custom made RVs. Site gives information on the RVs and company./p> p>strong>Website:/strong> a href>>/p> /div> div classtaste>a rellightbox1 hrefwork/newhorizonsrv.gif>img srctaste/newhorizonsrv.gif altNew Horizons RV width515 height170 />/a>/div> /div> div classwork> div classworkdescription> p>strong>Project:/strong> Dr. Flea website/p> p> strong>Client:/strong> Dr. Michael Dryden/p> p> strong>Description:/strong> Designed layout and built using XHTML, CSS, and Javascript. Personal site for Dr. Michael Dryden, also known as Dr. Flea. /p> p>strong>Website:/strong> a href>>/p> /div> div classtaste>a rellightbox1 hrefwork/drflea.gif>img srctaste/drflea.gif altDr. Flea width515 height170 />/a>/div> /div> div classwork> div classworkdescription> p>strong>Project:/strong> Bates Dance Studios website/p> p> strong>Client:/strong> Bates Dance Studios/p> p> strong>Description:/strong> Designed layout and built using XHTML and CSS. CMS handled by MEI. Site is made up of several studio sites which all share the same design structure. /p> p>strong>Website:/strong> a href>>/p> /div> div classtaste>a rellightbox1 hrefwork/bdshome.gif>img srctaste/bdshome.gif altBates Dance Studios width515 height170 />/a>/div> /div> div classwork> div classworkdescription> p>strong>Project:/strong> Golfers Dream Gift website/p> p> strong>Client:/strong> MEI/p> p> strong>Description:/strong> Designed layout and built site using XHTML and CSS. CMS handled by MEI. Site sells gift certificates to participating golf courses./p> p>strong>Website:/strong> Not live/p> /div> div classtaste>a rellightbox1 hrefwork/golfersdreamgift.gif>img srctaste/golfersdreamgift.gif altGolfers Dream Gift width515 height170 />/a>/div> /div> div classwork> div classworkdescription> p>strong>Project:/strong> Consider Admissions Representatives selector/p> p> strong>Client:/strong> K-State/p> p> strong>Description:/strong> Designed layout and built application in Flash for students to determine which Admissions rep is assigned to their school./p> p>strong>Website:/strong> a href>>/p> /div> div classtaste>a rellightbox1 hrefwork/adreps.gif>img srctaste/adreps.gif altAdmissions representatives selection width515 height170 />/a>/div> /div> div classwork> div classworkdescription> p>strong>Project:/strong> Consider Interactive map/p> p> strong>Client:/strong> K-State/p> p> strong>Description:/strong> Designed layout and built application in Flash for an in-depth look at the K-State campus. Includes 360 degree panoramas and also video tours./p> p>strong>Website:/strong> a href>>/p> /div> div classtaste>a rellightbox1 hrefwork/interactivemap.gif>img srctaste/interactivemap.gif altInteractive map width515 height170 />/a>/div> /div> div classwork> div classworkdescription> p>strong>Project:/strong> Consider Videos/p> p> strong>Client:/strong> K-State/p> p> strong>Description:/strong> Co-designed layout and built with XHTML, CSS, Flash, and Javascript. Site showcases future student targeted videos./p> p>strong>Website:/strong> a href>>/p> /div> div classtaste>a rellightbox1 hrefwork/videos.gif>img srctaste/videos.gif altVideos width515 height170 />/a>/div> /div> div classwork> div classworkdescription> p>strong>Project:/strong> Consider Tips/p> p> strong>Client:/strong> K-State/p> p> strong>Description:/strong> Designed layout and built with XHTML, CSS, and Flash. Updated with Contribute. Site contains fun, creative, and informative tips for future students./p> p>strong>Website:/strong> a href>>/p> /div> div classtaste>a rellightbox1 hrefwork/tips.gif>img srctaste/tips.gif altTips width515 height170 />/a>/div> /div> div classwork> div classworkdescription> p>strong>Project:/strong> Consider Traditions/p> p> strong>Client:/strong> K-State/p> p> strong>Description:/strong> Co-designed layout and built using XHTML and CSS. Updated with Contribute. Site contains information on various K-State traditions. /p> p>strong>Website:/strong> a href>>/p> /div> div classtaste>a rellightbox1 hrefwork/traditions.gif>img srctaste/traditions.gif altTraditions width515 height170 />/a>/div> /div> div classwork> div classworkdescription> p>strong>Project:/strong> Thunderdome sports/p> p> strong>Client:/strong> Hilton Developments/p> p> strong>Description:/strong> Designed layout and built using XHTML, CSS, and Javascript. CMS handled by MEI. Site contains information, rules, faqs, and photos about a local dodgeball club./p> p>strong>Website:/strong> a href>>/p> /div> div classtaste>a rellightbox1 hrefwork/thunderdome.gif>img srctaste/thunderdome.gif altThunderdome dodgeball width515 height170 />/a>/div> /div> div classwork> div classworkdescription> p>strong>Project:/strong> Logos/p> p> strong>Client:/strong> Various/p> p> strong>Description:/strong> Various logos for real and imaginary clients./p> /div> div classtaste>a rellightbox1 hrefwork/logos.gif>img srctaste/logos.gif altLogos width515 height170 />/a>/div> /div> div classwork> div classworkdescription> p>strong>Project:/strong> Academic majors fair poster/p> p> strong>Client:/strong> K-State ACIC/p> p> strong>Description:/strong> 2 color poster advertising the majors fair at K-State. /p> /div> div classtaste>a rellightbox1 hrefwork/majorsposter.gif>img srctaste/majorsposter.gif altAcademic Majors Fair poster width515 height170 />/a>/div> /div> div classwork> div classworkdescription> p>strong>Project:/strong> WestBridge Mortgage and MW Mortgage identity system/p> p> strong>Client:/strong> WestBridge Mortgage and MW Mortgage/p> p> strong>Description:/strong> Business card, letterhead, and envelope. Redesigned system for both as they were joining forces./p> /div> div classtaste>a rellightbox1 hrefwork/letterhead.gif>img srctaste/letterhead.gif altLetterhead width515 height170 />/a>/div> /div> div classwork> div classworkdescription> p>strong>Project:/strong> Flea information handout/p> p> strong>Client:/strong> Fort Dodge Animal Health/p> p> strong>Description:/strong> Two sided informative handout distributed to vet clinics across the country./p> /div> div classtaste>a rellightbox1 hrefwork/fleapamphlet.gif>img srctaste/fleapamphlet.gif altFlea info pamphlet width515 height170 />/a>/div> /div> div classwork> div classworkdescription> p>strong>Project:/strong> Tick information Guide/p> p> strong>Client:/strong> Bayer/p> p> strong>Description:/strong> Information sheets describing the native ticks of the United States and distributed to vet clinics across the country./p> /div> div classtaste>a rellightbox1 hrefwork/ticks.gif>img srctaste/ticks.gif altTick quide width515 height170 />/a>/div> /div> div classwork> div classworkdescription> p>strong>Project:/strong> A Christmas Wish poster/p> p> strong>Client:/strong> Bates Dance Studio/p> p> strong>Description:/strong> Promotional poster for the original Christmas show A Christmas Wish./p> /div> div classtaste>a rellightbox1 hrefwork/christmasposter.gif>img srctaste/christmasposter.gif altChristmas poster width515 height170 />/a>/div> /div> div classwork> div classworkdescription> p>strong>Project:/strong> Royal Dozen identity system/p> p> strong>Client:/strong> Self/p> p> strong>Description:/strong> Business card, letterhead, envelope, and handout for imaginary design studio./p> /div> div classtaste>a rellightbox1 hrefwork/rdidentity.gif>img srctaste/rdidentity.gif altRoyal Dozen identity width515 height170 />/a>/div> /div> div classwork> div classworkdescription> p>strong>Project:/strong> Royal Dozen posters/p> p> strong>Client:/strong> Self/p> p> strong>Description:/strong> Promotional posters for imaginary design studio./p> /div> div classtaste>a rellightbox1 hrefwork/rdposters.gif>img srctaste/rdposters.gif altRoyal Dozen posters width515 height170 />/a>/div> /div> /div>/div>script typetext/javascript>var gaJsHost ((https: document.location.protocol) ? https://ssl. : http://www.);document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src + gaJsHost + typetext/javascript%3E%3C/script%3E));/script>script typetext/javascript>var pageTracker _gat._getTracker(UA-1887201-3);pageTracker._initData();pageTracker._trackPageview();/script>/body>/html>
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