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data-transform_outx:left(R);s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn;s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn; data-mask_inx:0px;y:0px;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-mask_outx:inherit;y:inherit;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-start1000 data-splitinnone data-splitoutnone data-responsive_offseton stylez-index: 7; white-space: nowrap; font-weight:600;>45es Journées de la SFSPM - NANTES /div> !-- LAYER NR. 2 --> div classtp-caption tp-resizeme text-uppercase text-white bg-theme-colored-transparent pl-15 pr-15 idrs-2-layer-2 data-xleft data-hoffset30 data-ymiddle data-voffset-105 data-fontsize48 data-lineheight70 data-widthnone data-heightnone data-whitespacenowrap data-transform_idleo:1;s:500 data-transform_iny:100;scaleX:1;scaleY:1;opacity:0; data-transform_outx:left(R);s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn;s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn; data-mask_inx:0px;y:0px;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-mask_outx:inherit;y:inherit;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-start1000 data-splitinnone data-splitoutnone data-responsive_offseton stylez-index: 7; white-space: nowrap; font-weight:600;>Du 6 au 8 novembre 2024 /div> !-- LAYER NR. 3 --> div classtp-caption tp-resizeme idrs-2-layer-3 data-xleft data-hoffset30 data-ymiddle data-voffset-30 data-fontsize24 data-lineheight28 data-widthnone data-heightnone data-whitespacenowrap data-transform_idleo:1;s:500 data-transform_iny:100;scaleX:1;scaleY:1;opacity:0; data-transform_outx:left(R);s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn;s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn; data-mask_inx:0px;y:0px;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-mask_outx:inherit;y:inherit;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-start1400 data-splitinnone data-splitoutnone data-responsive_offseton stylez-index: 5; white-space: nowrap; letter-spacing:0px; font-weight:600; color: #fff;>Prévention et cancer du sein :br/>Mythe ou Réalité au XXI° siècle /div> !-- LAYER NR. 3 div classtp-caption tp-resizeme idrs-2-layer-3 data-xleft data-hoffset35 data-ymiddle data-voffset35,45,55 data-fontsize16,18,24 data-lineheight28 data-widthnone data-heightnone data-whitespacenowrap data-transform_idleo:1;s:500 data-transform_iny:100;scaleX:1;scaleY:1;opacity:0; data-transform_outx:left(R);s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn;s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn; data-mask_inx:0px;y:0px;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-mask_outx:inherit;y:inherit;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-start1400 data-splitinnone data-splitoutnone data-responsive_offseton stylez-index: 5; white-space: nowrap; letter-spacing:0px; font-weight:400; color: #000;>Organisées par Philippe Rouanet, Krishna B. Clough /div> --> !-- LAYER NR. 4 --> div classtp-caption idrs-2-layer-4 data-xleft data-hoffset35 data-ymiddle data-voffset110,120,140 data-widthnone data-heightnone data-whitespacenowrap data-transform_idleo:1; data-transform_iny:100%;z:0;rX:0deg;rY:0;rZ:0;sX:1;sY:1;skX:0;skY:0;opacity:0;s:2000;e:Power4.easeInOut; data-transform_outy:100%;s:1000;e:Power2.easeInOut;s:1000;e:Power2.easeInOut; data-mask_inx:0px;y:100%;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-mask_outx:inherit;y:inherit;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-start1400 data-splitinnone data-splitoutnone data-responsive_offseton stylez-index: 5; white-space: nowrap; letter-spacing:1px;>a classbtn btn-colored btn-lg btn-theme-colored pl-20 pr-20 href/congres/Nantes-2024>Plus dinfos/a> /div> /li> !-- SLIDE 3 --> li data-indexrs-3 data-transitionrandom data-slotamount7 data-easeindefault data-easeoutdefault data-masterspeed1000 data-thumb/temp/slider/webinars.jpg?id1 data-rotate0 data-fstransitionfade data-fsmasterspeed1500 data-fsslotamount7 data-saveperformanceoff data-titleIntro data-description> !-- MAIN IMAGE --> img src/temp/slider/webinars.jpg?id1 alt data-bgpositioncenter center data-bgfitcontain data-bgrepeatno-repeat classrev-slidebg data-bgparallax6 data-no-retina> !-- LAYERS --> !-- LAYER NR. 1 --> div classtp-caption tp-resizeme text-uppercase text-white bg-dark-transparent-5 pl-15 pr-15 idrs-2-layer-1 data-xleft data-hoffset30 data-ymiddle data-voffset-170 data-fontsize30 data-lineheight50 data-widthnone data-heightnone data-whitespacenowrap data-transform_idleo:1;s:500 data-transform_iny:100;scaleX:1;scaleY:1;opacity:0; data-transform_outx:left(R);s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn;s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn; data-mask_inx:0px;y:0px;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-mask_outx:inherit;y:inherit;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-start1000 data-splitinnone data-splitoutnone data-responsive_offseton stylez-index: 7; white-space: nowrap; font-weight:600;>LES 60 minutes de la SFSPM /div> !-- LAYER NR. 2 --> div classtp-caption tp-resizeme text-uppercase text-white bg-theme-colored-transparent pl-15 pr-15 idrs-2-layer-2 data-xleft data-hoffset30 data-ymiddle data-voffset-105 data-fontsize48 data-lineheight70 data-widthnone data-heightnone data-whitespacenowrap data-transform_idleo:1;s:500 data-transform_iny:100;scaleX:1;scaleY:1;opacity:0; data-transform_outx:left(R);s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn;s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn; data-mask_inx:0px;y:0px;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-mask_outx:inherit;y:inherit;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-start1000 data-splitinnone data-splitoutnone data-responsive_offseton stylez-index: 7; white-space: nowrap; font-weight:600;>2 Décembre 2024 - 19h-20h /div> !-- LAYER NR. 3 --> div classtp-caption tp-resizeme idrs-2-layer-3 data-xleft data-hoffset30 data-ymiddle data-voffset-30 data-fontsize24 data-lineheight28 data-widthnone data-heightnone data-whitespacenowrap data-transform_idleo:1;s:500 data-transform_iny:100;scaleX:1;scaleY:1;opacity:0; data-transform_outx:left(R);s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn;s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn; data-mask_inx:0px;y:0px;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-mask_outx:inherit;y:inherit;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-start1400 data-splitinnone data-splitoutnone data-responsive_offseton stylez-index: 5; white-space: nowrap; letter-spacing:0px; font-weight:600; color: #000;>L’immanquable des communications libres du congrès de la SFSPM 2024 /div> !-- LAYER NR. 3 --> div classtp-caption tp-resizeme idrs-2-layer-3 data-xleft data-hoffset35 data-ymiddle data-voffset35,45,55 data-fontsize16,18,24 data-lineheight28 data-widthnone data-heightnone data-whitespacenowrap data-transform_idleo:1;s:500 data-transform_iny:100;scaleX:1;scaleY:1;opacity:0; data-transform_outx:left(R);s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn;s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn; data-mask_inx:0px;y:0px;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-mask_outx:inherit;y:inherit;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-start1400 data-splitinnone data-splitoutnone data-responsive_offseton stylez-index: 5; white-space: nowrap; letter-spacing:0px; font-weight:400; color: #000;>Inscription à partir du 12 Novembre /div> !-- LAYER NR. 4 --> div classtp-caption idrs-2-layer-4 data-xleft data-hoffset35 data-ymiddle data-voffset110,120,140 data-widthnone data-heightnone data-whitespacenowrap data-transform_idleo:1; data-transform_iny:100%;z:0;rX:0deg;rY:0;rZ:0;sX:1;sY:1;skX:0;skY:0;opacity:0;s:2000;e:Power4.easeInOut; data-transform_outy:100%;s:1000;e:Power2.easeInOut;s:1000;e:Power2.easeInOut; data-mask_inx:0px;y:100%;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-mask_outx:inherit;y:inherit;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-start1400 data-splitinnone data-splitoutnone data-responsive_offseton stylez-index: 5; white-space: nowrap; letter-spacing:1px;>a classbtn btn-colored btn-lg btn-theme-colored pl-20 pr-20 href/webinars>Plus dinfos/a> /div> /li> /ul> /div>!-- end .rev_slider --> /div> !-- end .rev_slider_wrapper --> script> $(document).ready(function(e) { var revapi $(.rev_slider).revolution({ sliderType:standard, sliderLayout: auto, dottedOverlay: none, delay: 5000, navigation: { keyboardNavigation: off, keyboard_direction: horizontal, mouseScrollNavigation: off, onHoverStop: off, touch: { touchenabled: on, swipe_threshold: 75, swipe_min_touches: 1, swipe_direction: horizontal, drag_block_vertical: false }, arrows: { style: zeus, enable: true, hide_onmobile: true, hide_under:600, hide_onleave: true, hide_delay: 200, hide_delay_mobile: 1200, tmp:, left: { h_align: left, v_align: center, h_offset: 30, v_offset: 0 }, right: { h_align: right, v_align: center, h_offset: 30, v_offset: 0 } }, bullets: { enable: true, hide_onmobile: true, hide_under: 600, style: hebe, hide_onleave: false, direction: horizontal, h_align: center, v_align: bottom, h_offset: 0, v_offset: 30, space: 5, tmp: span classtp-bullet-image>/span>span classtp-bullet-imageoverlay>/span>span classtp-bullet-title>/span> } }, responsiveLevels: 1240, 1024, 778, visibilityLevels: 1240, 1024, 778, gridwidth: 1170, 1024, 778, 480, gridheight: 600, 668, 860, 620, lazyType: none, parallax: { origo: slidercenter, speed: 1000, levels: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 100, 55, type: scroll }, shadow: 0, spinner: off, stopLoop: on, stopAfterLoops: 0, stopAtSlide: -1, shuffle: off, autoHeight: off, fullScreenAutoWidth: off, fullScreenAlignForce: off, fullScreenOffsetContainer: , fullScreenOffset: 0, hideThumbsOnMobile: off, hideSliderAtLimit: 0, hideCaptionAtLimit: 0, hideAllCaptionAtLilmit: 0, debugMode: false, fallbacks: { simplifyAll: off, nextSlideOnWindowFocus: off, disableFocusListener: false, } }); 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Reconnue comme expert auprès des Institutions, elle s’engage dans la formation des professionnels et participe à l’information du grand public./i> /p> /div> /div> /div> section> !-- Section: blog --> section idblog> div classcontainer> div classsection-title> div classrow> div classcol-md-6> h2 classmt-0 text-uppercase font-28>span classtext-theme-colored font-weight-400>Actualités/span> /h2> /div> /div> /div> div classsection-content> div classrow> div classrow mb-20 > div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 wow fadeInLeft data-wow-duration1s data-wow-delay0.3s stylevisibility: visible; animation-duration: 1s; animation-delay: 0.3s; margin-bottom: 20px;> article classpost clearfix mb-sm-30 bg-lighter > div classentry-header> /div> div classentry-content p-20 pr-10> div classentry-meta media mt-0 no-bg no-border> div classentry-date media-left text-center flip bg-theme-colored pt-5 pr-15 pb-5 pl-15> ul> li classfont-16 text-white font-weight-600 border-bottom>04/li> li classfont-12 text-white text-uppercase>JUIL/li> /ul> /div> div classmedia-body pl-15> div classevent-content pull-left flip> h4 classentry-title text-white text-uppercase m-0 mt-5>a href>Avis de la SFSPM - les 20 ans du Dépistage Organisé/a>/h4> /div> /div> /div> p classmt-10>Avis de la SFSPM - juin 2024Dépistage Organisé du Cancer du Sein : constats et perspectives, 20 après le déploiement national./p> a href classbtn-read-more>Voir plus/a> div classclearfix>/div> /div> /article> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 wow fadeInLeft data-wow-duration1s data-wow-delay0.3s stylevisibility: visible; 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data-transform_outx:left(R);s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn;s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn; data-mask_inx:0px;y:0px;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-mask_outx:inherit;y:inherit;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-start1400 data-splitinnone data-splitoutnone data-responsive_offseton stylez-index: 5; white-space: nowrap; letter-spacing:0px; font-weight:600; color: #fff;>Prévention et cancer du sein :br/>Mythe ou Réalité au XXI° siècle /div> !-- LAYER NR. 3 div classtp-caption tp-resizeme idrs-2-layer-3 data-xleft data-hoffset35 data-ymiddle data-voffset35,45,55 data-fontsize16,18,24 data-lineheight28 data-widthnone data-heightnone data-whitespacenowrap data-transform_idleo:1;s:500 data-transform_iny:100;scaleX:1;scaleY:1;opacity:0; data-transform_outx:left(R);s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn;s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn; data-mask_inx:0px;y:0px;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-mask_outx:inherit;y:inherit;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-start1400 data-splitinnone data-splitoutnone data-responsive_offseton stylez-index: 5; white-space: nowrap; letter-spacing:0px; font-weight:400; color: #000;>Organisées par Philippe Rouanet, Krishna B. Clough /div> --> !-- LAYER NR. 4 --> div classtp-caption idrs-2-layer-4 data-xleft data-hoffset35 data-ymiddle data-voffset110,120,140 data-widthnone data-heightnone data-whitespacenowrap data-transform_idleo:1; data-transform_iny:100%;z:0;rX:0deg;rY:0;rZ:0;sX:1;sY:1;skX:0;skY:0;opacity:0;s:2000;e:Power4.easeInOut; data-transform_outy:100%;s:1000;e:Power2.easeInOut;s:1000;e:Power2.easeInOut; data-mask_inx:0px;y:100%;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-mask_outx:inherit;y:inherit;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-start1400 data-splitinnone data-splitoutnone data-responsive_offseton stylez-index: 5; white-space: nowrap; letter-spacing:1px;>a classbtn btn-colored btn-lg btn-theme-colored pl-20 pr-20 href/congres/Nantes-2024>Plus dinfos/a> /div> /li> !-- SLIDE 3 --> li data-indexrs-3 data-transitionrandom data-slotamount7 data-easeindefault data-easeoutdefault data-masterspeed1000 data-thumb/temp/slider/webinars.jpg?id1 data-rotate0 data-fstransitionfade data-fsmasterspeed1500 data-fsslotamount7 data-saveperformanceoff data-titleIntro data-description> !-- MAIN IMAGE --> img src/temp/slider/webinars.jpg?id1 alt data-bgpositioncenter center data-bgfitcontain data-bgrepeatno-repeat classrev-slidebg data-bgparallax6 data-no-retina> !-- LAYERS --> !-- LAYER NR. 1 --> div classtp-caption tp-resizeme text-uppercase text-white bg-dark-transparent-5 pl-15 pr-15 idrs-2-layer-1 data-xleft data-hoffset30 data-ymiddle data-voffset-170 data-fontsize30 data-lineheight50 data-widthnone data-heightnone data-whitespacenowrap data-transform_idleo:1;s:500 data-transform_iny:100;scaleX:1;scaleY:1;opacity:0; data-transform_outx:left(R);s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn;s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn; data-mask_inx:0px;y:0px;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-mask_outx:inherit;y:inherit;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-start1000 data-splitinnone data-splitoutnone data-responsive_offseton stylez-index: 7; white-space: nowrap; font-weight:600;>LES 60 minutes de la SFSPM /div> !-- LAYER NR. 2 --> div classtp-caption tp-resizeme text-uppercase text-white bg-theme-colored-transparent pl-15 pr-15 idrs-2-layer-2 data-xleft data-hoffset30 data-ymiddle data-voffset-105 data-fontsize48 data-lineheight70 data-widthnone data-heightnone data-whitespacenowrap data-transform_idleo:1;s:500 data-transform_iny:100;scaleX:1;scaleY:1;opacity:0; data-transform_outx:left(R);s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn;s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn; data-mask_inx:0px;y:0px;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-mask_outx:inherit;y:inherit;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-start1000 data-splitinnone data-splitoutnone data-responsive_offseton stylez-index: 7; white-space: nowrap; font-weight:600;>2 Décembre 2024 - 19h-20h /div> !-- LAYER NR. 3 --> div classtp-caption tp-resizeme idrs-2-layer-3 data-xleft data-hoffset30 data-ymiddle data-voffset-30 data-fontsize24 data-lineheight28 data-widthnone data-heightnone data-whitespacenowrap data-transform_idleo:1;s:500 data-transform_iny:100;scaleX:1;scaleY:1;opacity:0; data-transform_outx:left(R);s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn;s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn; data-mask_inx:0px;y:0px;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-mask_outx:inherit;y:inherit;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-start1400 data-splitinnone data-splitoutnone data-responsive_offseton stylez-index: 5; white-space: nowrap; letter-spacing:0px; font-weight:600; color: #000;>L’immanquable des communications libres du congrès de la SFSPM 2024 /div> !-- LAYER NR. 3 --> div classtp-caption tp-resizeme idrs-2-layer-3 data-xleft data-hoffset35 data-ymiddle data-voffset35,45,55 data-fontsize16,18,24 data-lineheight28 data-widthnone data-heightnone data-whitespacenowrap data-transform_idleo:1;s:500 data-transform_iny:100;scaleX:1;scaleY:1;opacity:0; data-transform_outx:left(R);s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn;s:1000;e:Power3.easeIn; data-mask_inx:0px;y:0px;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-mask_outx:inherit;y:inherit;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-start1400 data-splitinnone data-splitoutnone data-responsive_offseton stylez-index: 5; white-space: nowrap; letter-spacing:0px; font-weight:400; color: #000;>Inscription à partir du 12 Novembre /div> !-- LAYER NR. 4 --> div classtp-caption idrs-2-layer-4 data-xleft data-hoffset35 data-ymiddle data-voffset110,120,140 data-widthnone data-heightnone data-whitespacenowrap data-transform_idleo:1; data-transform_iny:100%;z:0;rX:0deg;rY:0;rZ:0;sX:1;sY:1;skX:0;skY:0;opacity:0;s:2000;e:Power4.easeInOut; data-transform_outy:100%;s:1000;e:Power2.easeInOut;s:1000;e:Power2.easeInOut; data-mask_inx:0px;y:100%;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-mask_outx:inherit;y:inherit;s:inherit;e:inherit; data-start1400 data-splitinnone data-splitoutnone data-responsive_offseton stylez-index: 5; white-space: nowrap; letter-spacing:1px;>a classbtn btn-colored btn-lg btn-theme-colored pl-20 pr-20 href/webinars>Plus dinfos/a> /div> /li> /ul> /div>!-- end .rev_slider --> /div> !-- end .rev_slider_wrapper --> script> $(document).ready(function(e) { var revapi $(.rev_slider).revolution({ sliderType:standard, sliderLayout: auto, dottedOverlay: none, delay: 5000, navigation: { keyboardNavigation: off, keyboard_direction: horizontal, mouseScrollNavigation: off, onHoverStop: off, touch: { touchenabled: on, swipe_threshold: 75, swipe_min_touches: 1, swipe_direction: horizontal, drag_block_vertical: false }, arrows: { style: zeus, enable: true, hide_onmobile: true, hide_under:600, hide_onleave: true, hide_delay: 200, hide_delay_mobile: 1200, tmp:, left: { h_align: left, v_align: center, h_offset: 30, v_offset: 0 }, right: { h_align: right, v_align: center, h_offset: 30, v_offset: 0 } }, bullets: { enable: true, hide_onmobile: true, hide_under: 600, style: hebe, hide_onleave: false, direction: horizontal, h_align: center, v_align: bottom, h_offset: 0, v_offset: 30, space: 5, tmp: span classtp-bullet-image>/span>span classtp-bullet-imageoverlay>/span>span classtp-bullet-title>/span> } }, responsiveLevels: 1240, 1024, 778, visibilityLevels: 1240, 1024, 778, gridwidth: 1170, 1024, 778, 480, gridheight: 600, 668, 860, 620, lazyType: none, parallax: { origo: slidercenter, speed: 1000, levels: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 100, 55, type: scroll }, shadow: 0, spinner: off, stopLoop: on, stopAfterLoops: 0, stopAtSlide: -1, shuffle: off, autoHeight: off, fullScreenAutoWidth: off, fullScreenAlignForce: off, fullScreenOffsetContainer: , fullScreenOffset: 0, hideThumbsOnMobile: off, hideSliderAtLimit: 0, hideCaptionAtLimit: 0, hideAllCaptionAtLilmit: 0, debugMode: false, fallbacks: { simplifyAll: off, nextSlideOnWindowFocus: off, disableFocusListener: false, } }); 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autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe> /div> div classcol-md-6> h4>Reconnaissance et prise en charge des troubles cognitifs des patientes/h4> iframe width560 height315 src titleYouTube video player frameborder0 allowaccelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>/iframe> /div> /div> /div> /div> !-- Section: About --> section> div classcontainer> div classsection-content> div classrow> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3 pb-sm-20> div classimage-box-thum> img classimg-fullwidth alt src/temp/news/nantes2024.jpg> /div> div classimage-box-details pt-20 pb-sm-20> h4 classtitle mt-0 line-bottom>Congrès SFSPM 2024/h4> p classdesc mb-10>45es Journées de la SFSPM – Nantesbr>6 au 8 novembre 2024/p> a href/congres/Nantes-2024 classbtn-read-more>Voir le détail/a> /div> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3 pb-sm-20> div classimage-box-thum> img classimg-fullwidth alt src/temp/other/eposter.jpg> /div> div classimage-box-details pt-20 pb-sm-20> h4 classtitle mt-0 line-bottom>Appel à communication/h4> p classdesc mb-10> /p> a href classbtn-read-more>Soumettre/a> /div> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3 pb-sm-20> div classimage-box-thum> img classimg-fullwidth alt src/temp/other/webinars.png> /div> div classimage-box-details pt-20 pb-sm-20> h4 classtitle mt-0 line-bottom>Webinars/h4> p classdesc mb-10>Tous les replays des 60 minutes de la SFSPM/p> a href/webinars classbtn-read-more>Voir le détail/a> /div> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3> div classimage-box-thum> img classimg-fullwidth alt src/temp/other/agenda.jpg> /div> div classimage-box-details pt-20> h4 classtitle mt-0 line-bottom>Agenda/h4> p classdesc mb-10>Manifestations et enseignements pouvant intéresser les spécialistes en pathologie mammaire./p> a href classbtn-read-more>Voir plus/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> div classsection-title text-center> div classrow> div classcol-md-8 col-md-offset-2> p classfont-20> i>La Société Française de Sénologie et de Pathologie Mammaire est une société savante multidisciplinaire spécialisée dans tous les aspects de la pathologie mammaire et en particulier le cancer du sein. Reconnue comme expert auprès des Institutions, elle s’engage dans la formation des professionnels et participe à l’information du grand public./i> /p> /div> /div> /div> section> !-- Section: blog --> section idblog> div classcontainer> div classsection-title> div classrow> div classcol-md-6> h2 classmt-0 text-uppercase font-28>span classtext-theme-colored font-weight-400>Actualités/span> /h2> /div> /div> /div> div classsection-content> div classrow> div classrow mb-20 > div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 wow fadeInLeft data-wow-duration1s data-wow-delay0.3s stylevisibility: visible; animation-duration: 1s; animation-delay: 0.3s; margin-bottom: 20px;> article classpost clearfix mb-sm-30 bg-lighter > div classentry-header> /div> div classentry-content p-20 pr-10> div classentry-meta media mt-0 no-bg no-border> div classentry-date media-left text-center flip bg-theme-colored pt-5 pr-15 pb-5 pl-15> ul> li classfont-16 text-white font-weight-600 border-bottom>04/li> li classfont-12 text-white text-uppercase>JUIL/li> /ul> /div> div classmedia-body pl-15> div classevent-content pull-left flip> h4 classentry-title text-white text-uppercase m-0 mt-5>a href>Avis de la SFSPM - les 20 ans du Dépistage Organisé/a>/h4> /div> /div> /div> p classmt-10>Avis de la SFSPM - juin 2024Dépistage Organisé du Cancer du Sein : constats et perspectives, 20 après le déploiement national./p> a href classbtn-read-more>Voir plus/a> div classclearfix>/div> /div> /article> /div> div classcol-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 wow fadeInLeft data-wow-duration1s data-wow-delay0.3s stylevisibility: visible; 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