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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 04:16:30 GMTServer: ApacheLast-Modified: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 02:28:02 GMTETag: 4555-501bb66fe3080Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 17749Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-AgentContent-Type: text/html html>head>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1252>title>(: See Buy Smile :)/title>meta namedescription content(: See Buy Smile :)>meta nameWebmaster contentALtheTurk>meta namekeywords contentSee Buy Smile, Online marketplace, an alternative to ebay, I am looking for, I want, buyer, classified, e-commerce, reverse auction, reverse commerce, want, want ad, what I want,online classifieds, classified, classifieds, advertisement, buy, sell, trade, swap, ad, ads, seller, selling, buyer, sale, for sale, deal, price, bargain, auctions, diesel, jane norman, river island, burton, tommy hilfiger, george, per una, silent angels, cardigan, coat, poncho, dress, dresses, fcuk, french connection, a-wear, cotton club, dorothy perkins, floyd, internacionale, peacocks, monsoon, c&a, m&s, marks & spencer, signature, robelli, london, see buy smile, seebuysmile, i love this shop, ilovethisshop, iluvthisshop, iphone theme, cake, cookie, website, webmastering, logo for your company, banner for your company, banner, logo, ralph lauren, polo, us polo, tee, online shopping, cheap, good quality, quality>script languageJavaScript1.1>!--/*JavaScript Image slideshow:By SeeBuySmile ( here!*/var slideimagesnew Array()var slidelinksnew Array()function slideshowimages(){for (i0;islideshowimages.arguments.length;i++){slideimagesinew Image()slideimagesi.srcslideshowimages.argumentsi}}function slideshowlinks(){for (i0;islideshowlinks.arguments.length;i++)slidelinksislideshowlinks.argumentsi}function gotoshow(){if (!window.winslide||winslide.closed)}//-->/script>/head>body topmargin0 leftmargin0 rightmargin0 bottommargin0 bgcolor#000000>div aligncenter> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width955 height611> !-- MSTableTypelayout --> tr> td aligncenter backgroundhdrtable1.jpg colspan6 height93 valigntop> !-- MSCellTypeContentBody --> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 alignright> object classidclsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000 codebase,0,0,0 width193 height24 idCoffeeCup alignmiddle>param namemovie valuesiyahtemasearch.swf/>param namequality valuehigh />param namescale valuenoscale />param namesalign valuelt />param namebgcolor value#ffffff />embed srcsiyahtemasearch.swf qualityhigh bgcolor#ffffff width193 height24 nameCoffeeCup scalenoscale salignlt alignmiddle typeapplication/x-shockwave-flash pluginspage />/object>/td> /tr> tr> td aligncenter colspan5> !-- MSCellTypeContentBody --> b>font color#FFFFFF faceTahoma size2>a hrefindex.htm> font color#FFFFFF>Homepage/font>/a> | a href> font color#FFFFFF>Shop Home/font>/a> | a href> font color#FFFFFF>Categories/font>/a> | a hrefreviews.htm> font color#FFFFFF>Reviews/font>/a> | a hrefaboutus.htm> font color#FFFFFF>About/font>/a> | a hrefsizeguide.htm> font color#FFFFFF>Size Guide/font>/a> | a hreffaq.htm> font color#FFFFFF>F.A.Q./font>/a> | a hrefcontactus.htm> font color#FFFFFF>Contact/font>/a>/font>/b>/td> td height53> !-- MSCellTypeContentBody --> p alignright stylemargin: 0 15px>img border0 srcFresco%20view%20cart%20link.png width16 height16>font faceTahoma stylefont-size: 11pt color#FFFFFF> /font>font faceTahoma color#FFFFFF size2>b>a href>font color#FFFFFF>View Cart/font>/a>/b>/font>/p> /td> /tr> tr> td backgroundbuyukorta2.jpg colspan3> !-- MSCellTypeContentBody --> p aligncenter> img srcg1.gif nameslide border0 width683 height350>script>!--//configure the paths of the images, plus corresponding target linksslideshowimages(g1.gif,g2.gif,g12.gif,g4.gif,g11.gif,g6.gif,g10.gif,g8.gif,g9.gif,g7.gif,g5.gif,g3.gif)slideshowspeed2000var whichlink0var whichimage0function slideit(){if (!document.images)returndocument.images.slide.srcslideimageswhichimage.srcwhichlinkwhichimageif (whichimageslideimages.length-1)whichimage++elsewhichimage0setTimeout(slideit(),slideshowspeed)}slideit()//-->/script> td> /td> td valigntop colspan2 height360 backgroundbuyukorta2.jpg> !-- MSCellTypeContentBody --> p aligncenter stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0>b>font faceTahoma color#FFFFFF>img border0 srcicon_specials_off.jpg width90 height74 alignleft hspace10 vspace10>/font>/b>/p> p aligncenter stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> /p> p aligncenter stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0>b> font faceTahoma color#FFFFFF>Web Specials:/font>/b>/p> p aligncenter stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> /p> p aligncenter stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> /p> p aligncenter stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> /p> p aligncenter stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> a href> img border0 srcsp1.jpg width43 height110>/a> a href> img border0 srcsp2.jpg width81 height110>/a> a href> img border0 srcwprd1.jpg width74 height110>/a>/p> p aligncenter stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> /p> p aligncenter stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> a href> img border0 srcwprd2.jpg width75 height110>/a> a href> img border0 srcwprd4.jpg width70 height110>/a> a href> img border0 srcwprd6.jpg width80 height110>/a>/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop colspan6 height19> !-- MSCellTypeContentBody --> /td> /tr> tr> td valigntop colspan2 height23 backgroundbuyukorta2.jpg> !-- MSCellTypeContentBody --> table cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0 width100% height100%> !-- MSCellFormattingTableID2 --> tr> td valigntop backgroundbuyukorta2.jpg width100%> !-- MSCellFormattingTypecontent --> p stylemargin: 0 10px aligncenter>u>b> font faceTahoma color#C3B02E>CATEGORIES:/font>/b>/u>/td> td bgcolor#000000 height100% width5> img alt width5 height1 srcimages/MsSpacer.gif>/td> /tr> /table> /td> td valigntop colspan4 height333 backgroundbuyukorta2.jpg rowspan2> !-- MSCellTypeContentBody --> table cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0 width100% height100%> !-- MSCellFormattingTableID3 --> tr> td bgcolor#000000 width5> img alt width5 height1 srcimages/MsSpacer.gif>/td> td valigntop backgroundbuyukorta2.jpg height100% width100%> !-- MSCellFormattingTypecontent --> p stylemargin: 0 10px aligncenter>u>b> font faceTahoma color#C3B02E>INFORMATION:/font>/b>/u>/p> p stylemargin: 0 10px aligncenter> /p> p stylemargin: 0 10px alignjustify> font faceTahoma color#FFFFFF size2>Please note that its very important to add our e-mail address to your safe list so that you can receive mails from us about your orders or about your questions./font>/p> p stylemargin: 0 10px alignjustify> /p> p stylemargin: 0 10px alignjustify> font faceTahoma size2 color#FFFFFF>b>Update/b>: Mens clothing has factory fault and therefore most items are out of stock./font>/p> p stylemargin: 0 10px aligncenter> /p> p stylemargin: 0 10px aligncenter>u> font faceTahoma color#C3B02E>b>Planned vacations:/b>/font>/u>/p> p stylemargin: 0 10px> font faceTahoma stylefont-size: 11pt color#FFFFFF>br> /font>font faceTahoma size2 color#FFFFFF>08-09-2013 / 27-09-2013br> br> On vacation periods, our deliveries can take slightly longer than usual. But dont worry, we always have someone who is looking after our customers!/font>/p> p stylemargin: 0 10px aligncenter>b> font faceTahoma color#C3B02E>Please Have a Look at:/font>/b>/p> p stylemargin: 0 10px aligncenter> font faceTahoma size2 color#FFFFFF>a hrefdelivery.htm> font color#FFFFFF>Delivery Details/font>/a>br> a hrefsizeguide.htm>font color#FFFFFF>Size Guide/font>/a>/font>/p> p stylemargin: 0 10px aligncenter> font faceTahoma size2 color#FFFFFF>a hrefcommercials.htm> font color#FFFFFF>Our Commercials/font>/a>/font>/p> p stylemargin: 0 10px aligncenter> font faceTahoma size2 color#FFFFFF>a hrefprivacy.htm> font color#FFFFFF>Privacy Notice/font>/a>/font>/p> /td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td valigntop height62 backgroundbuyukorta2.jpg width155> !-- MSCellTypeContentBody --> p stylemargin: 0 10px> /p> p stylemargin: 0 10px> font size2 faceTahoma color#FFFFFF>b> a href> font color#FFFFFF>Art & Photography/font>/a>:/b>br> a href> font color#FFFFFF>span styletext-decoration: none>Banners/span>/font>/a>br> a href> font color#FFFFFF>span styletext-decoration: none>Logos/span>/font>/a>br> font color#FFFFFF> a href> font color#FFFFFF>span styletext-decoration: none>Photos/span>/font>/a>/font>br> br> b> a href> font color#FFFFFF>Food / Drink/font>/a>:/b>br> a href> font color#FFFFFF>span styletext-decoration: none>Cakes/span>/font>/a>br> a href> font color#FFFFFF>span styletext-decoration: none>Cookies/span>/font>/a>br> br> b> a href> font color#FFFFFF>Gadgets/font>/a>:/b>br> a href> font color#FFFFFF>span styletext-decoration: none>iPhone Themes/span>/font>/a>br> br> b> a href> font color#FFFFFF>Kids/font>/a>:/b>br> a href> font color#FFFFFF>span styletext-decoration: none>Clothing/span>/font>/a>/font>/td> td valigntop height310 backgroundbuyukorta2.jpg width164> !-- MSCellTypeContentBody --> table cellpadding0 cellspacing0 border0 width100% height100%> !-- MSCellFormattingTableID1 --> tr> td valigntop backgroundbuyukorta2.jpg width100%> !-- MSCellFormattingTypecontent --> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> /p> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> font size2 faceTahoma color#FFFFFF>b> a href> font color#FFFFFF>Mens Clothing/font>/a>:/b>br> a href> span styletext-decoration: none>font color#FFFFFF>Clothing Accessories/font>/span>/a>br> a href> span styletext-decoration: none>font color#FFFFFF>Casual Shirts/font>/span>/a>br> span styletext-decoration: none> a href>font color#FFFFFF> span styletext-decoration: none>Formal Shirts/span>/font>/a>/span>br> a href> font color#FFFFFF>span styletext-decoration: none>Polo & T-Shirts/span>/font>/a>br> font color#FFFFFF> a href> font color#FFFFFF>span styletext-decoration: none>Shoes/span>/font>/a>/font>br> a href> font color#FFFFFF>span styletext-decoration: none>Suits/span>/font>/a>br> a href> font color#FFFFFF>span styletext-decoration: none>Sweaters / Hoodies/span>/font>/a>br> br> b> a href> font color#FFFFFF>Womens Clothing/font>/a>:/b>br> a href> font color#FFFFFF>span styletext-decoration: none>Cardigans/span>/font>/a>br> u> a href> span styletext-decoration: none>font color#FFFFFF>Coats/font>/span>/a>/u>br> u> a href> span styletext-decoration: none>font color#FFFFFF>Dresses / Tunics/font>/span>/a>/u>br> u> a href> span styletext-decoration: none>font color#FFFFFF>T-Shirts / Tops/font>/span>/a>/u>br> br> b> a href> font color#FFFFFF>Websites/font>/a>:/b>br> a href> span styletext-decoration: none>font color#FFFFFF>Websites on Sale/font>/span>/a>/font>/p> p stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> /td> td bgcolor#000000 height100% width5> img alt width5 height1 srcimages/MsSpacer.gif>/td> /tr> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td width155 valigntop> p aligncenter stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> /p> p aligncenter stylemargin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0> font color#FFFFFF size2 faceTahoma>SeeBuySmile ? 2013/font>/td> td width164> /td> td width384 valigntop> p aligncenter> a target_blank href> img border0 srcfb1.gif width32 height50>/a> a target_blank href> img border0 srctw1.gif width33 height50>/a> a target_blank href> img border0 srcggl1.gif width33 height50>/a> a target_blank href> img border0 srcytb.gif width33 height50>/a>/td> td width16>/td> td width40>/td> td height1 width196> p alignright> font color#FFFFFF faceTahoma stylefont-size: 7pt> Webmaster: ALtheTurk/font>/td> /tr> /table>/div>script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){iGoogleAnalyticsObjectr;irir||function(){ (ir.qir.q||).push(arguments)},ir.l1*new Date();as.createElement(o), ms.getElementsByTagName(o)0;a.async1;a.srcg;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,script,//,ga); ga(create, UA-54290797-1, auto); ga(send, pageview);/script>/body>/html>
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