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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 10:49:52 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2Connection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Fri, 01 Dec 2017 00:36:49 GMTETag: 1b80-55f3c90769b05Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 7040Cache-Control: max-age600Expires: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 10:59:52 GMTVary: Accept-Encoding,User-AgentContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html> head> meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1> title>Sandy Flat/title> link relstylesheet href./2col_leftNav.css typetext/css> /head> body> div classwrapper> div idmasthead> h1 idsiteName>SandyFlat.Net/h1> div idglobalNav> a href./index.htm>Digerati/a> | a href./utilities/index.htm>Utilities/a> | a href./maximo/index.htm>Hacking Maximo /a> | a href./tesla/index.htm>Nikola Tesla /a> | a href./motorcycling/index.htm>Motorcycling/a> | a href./randomness/index.htm>Randomness/a> /div> /div>!-- end masthead --> div idcontent> div idbreadCrumb> !-- a href./index.htm>Main/a> / --> a href./index.htm>Digerati/a> / /div> h2 idpageName>Digerati/h2> div classfeature>!-- a href./digerati/racks.jpg target_blank>img src./digerati/racks_250high.jpg altRacks of Silicon width187 height250 border0>/a> --> a href./digerati/racks2.jpg target_blank>img src./digerati/racks2_small.jpg altRacks of Silicon width85 height250 border0>/a> a href./digerati/20081217_021.jpg target_blank>img src./digerati/20081217_021_small.jpg altF50, ALR and Suns width333 height250 border0>/a> h3>Old Iron/h3> p> Or maybe the term should be "old silicon"? Either way, Ive a fascination with vintage computers. br>br> Besides a few branded "dinosaurs", Ive a collection of beige-box machines, built around Intels venerable a href./digerati/pentiumpro/index.htm>Pentium Pro/a> processor. br>br>During the colder months, most of those machines run Seti@Home and keep my garage nice and toasty. br>br> The links at left will take you to pages featuring some of my vintage systems. /p> /div> div classfeature> img src./digerati/tommy1_small.jpg width281 height200 altPlayland> h3>Dorm Room Super Computing/h3> p> This was Tommys senior dorm room. He paid extra to have the whole room to himself so hed have enough room for his computers. br>br> To get more systems into a smaller space, he mounted bare motherboards directly to a shelf framework and cabled them to bare power supplies and drives, above and below. br>br> At the time, he was contributing processor cycles to the a href>> project. br>br> How many systems can you count? /p> /div> div classfeature> img src./digerati/arecibo_space_telescope.jpg width320 height261 altArecibo Space Telescope in Puerto Rico> h3>Seti@Home/h3> p> The a href>Arceibo Space Telescope/a> in Puerto Rico scans the sky for signals. The collected data is divided up into work packets and distributed to volunteers computers for analysis. This distributed analysis project is called a href>Seti@home/a>. br>br> Ive had computers running Seti since May 1999 and have contributed over 34 computer-years of processor time using the command-line, classic version. /p> /div> div classfeature>/div>!--IE6 footer spacing fix --> /div>!--end content --> div idnavBar> div classrelatedLinks> h3>Vintage Hardware/h3> ul> li>a href./digerati/ast486/index.htm>AST Premmia Se 466d/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/c64/index.htm>Commodore C-64/a>/li> li>Compaq Portable (future)/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/dgaviion/index.htm>Data General Aviion/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/decpdp1135/index.htm>DEC PDP-11/35/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/decvaxserver/index.htm>DEC VAXServer 4000/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/gatewayalr9000/index.htm>Gateway ALR 9000/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/hp9000/index.htm>HP 9000/835 /a>/li> li>a href./digerati/ibmsystem36/index.htm>IBM System/36 /a>/li> li>a href./digerati/ibmrs6000/index.htm>IBM RS/6000/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/ibm9595/index.htm>IBM 9595/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/ibmps1/index.htm>IBM PS/1/a>/li> li>Kaypro (future)/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/microchannel/index.htm>IBM Microchannel/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/sunsparc/index.htm>Sun Sparc Station 1/2/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/pentiumpro/index.htm>Pentium Pro CPUs/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classrelatedLinks> h3>Related Links/h3> ul> li>a href TARGET_blank>Arceibo/a>/li> li>a href TARGET_blank>Seti@Home/a>/li> li>a href TARGET_blank>Computer Museum/a>/li> li>a href TARGET_blank>Vintage Comp Festival/a>/li> li>a href TARGET_blank>Distributed.Net/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div>!--end navbar --> div classpush>/div> /div> div classfooter> div idsiteInfo> img src./pyramid_tiny.gif width43 height25> a href./about.htm>About Us/a> | a href./site_map.htm>Site Map/a> | a href./privacy_policy.htm>Privacy Policy/a> | a href./contact_us.htm>Contact Us/a> | ©2007 Jim Wolfe /div> /div> /body>/html>
Port 443
HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 10:49:52 GMTServer: ApacheUpgrade: h2Connection: UpgradeLast-Modified: Fri, 01 Dec 2017 00:36:49 GMTETag: 1b80-55f3c90769b05Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 7040Cache-Control: max-age600Expires: Sun, 29 Dec 2024 10:59:52 GMTVary: Accept-Encoding,User-AgentContent-Type: text/html !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN>html> head> meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetiso-8859-1> title>Sandy Flat/title> link relstylesheet href./2col_leftNav.css typetext/css> /head> body> div classwrapper> div idmasthead> h1 idsiteName>SandyFlat.Net/h1> div idglobalNav> a href./index.htm>Digerati/a> | a href./utilities/index.htm>Utilities/a> | a href./maximo/index.htm>Hacking Maximo /a> | a href./tesla/index.htm>Nikola Tesla /a> | a href./motorcycling/index.htm>Motorcycling/a> | a href./randomness/index.htm>Randomness/a> /div> /div>!-- end masthead --> div idcontent> div idbreadCrumb> !-- a href./index.htm>Main/a> / --> a href./index.htm>Digerati/a> / /div> h2 idpageName>Digerati/h2> div classfeature>!-- a href./digerati/racks.jpg target_blank>img src./digerati/racks_250high.jpg altRacks of Silicon width187 height250 border0>/a> --> a href./digerati/racks2.jpg target_blank>img src./digerati/racks2_small.jpg altRacks of Silicon width85 height250 border0>/a> a href./digerati/20081217_021.jpg target_blank>img src./digerati/20081217_021_small.jpg altF50, ALR and Suns width333 height250 border0>/a> h3>Old Iron/h3> p> Or maybe the term should be "old silicon"? Either way, Ive a fascination with vintage computers. br>br> Besides a few branded "dinosaurs", Ive a collection of beige-box machines, built around Intels venerable a href./digerati/pentiumpro/index.htm>Pentium Pro/a> processor. br>br>During the colder months, most of those machines run Seti@Home and keep my garage nice and toasty. br>br> The links at left will take you to pages featuring some of my vintage systems. /p> /div> div classfeature> img src./digerati/tommy1_small.jpg width281 height200 altPlayland> h3>Dorm Room Super Computing/h3> p> This was Tommys senior dorm room. He paid extra to have the whole room to himself so hed have enough room for his computers. br>br> To get more systems into a smaller space, he mounted bare motherboards directly to a shelf framework and cabled them to bare power supplies and drives, above and below. br>br> At the time, he was contributing processor cycles to the a href>> project. br>br> How many systems can you count? /p> /div> div classfeature> img src./digerati/arecibo_space_telescope.jpg width320 height261 altArecibo Space Telescope in Puerto Rico> h3>Seti@Home/h3> p> The a href>Arceibo Space Telescope/a> in Puerto Rico scans the sky for signals. The collected data is divided up into work packets and distributed to volunteers computers for analysis. This distributed analysis project is called a href>Seti@home/a>. br>br> Ive had computers running Seti since May 1999 and have contributed over 34 computer-years of processor time using the command-line, classic version. /p> /div> div classfeature>/div>!--IE6 footer spacing fix --> /div>!--end content --> div idnavBar> div classrelatedLinks> h3>Vintage Hardware/h3> ul> li>a href./digerati/ast486/index.htm>AST Premmia Se 466d/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/c64/index.htm>Commodore C-64/a>/li> li>Compaq Portable (future)/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/dgaviion/index.htm>Data General Aviion/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/decpdp1135/index.htm>DEC PDP-11/35/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/decvaxserver/index.htm>DEC VAXServer 4000/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/gatewayalr9000/index.htm>Gateway ALR 9000/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/hp9000/index.htm>HP 9000/835 /a>/li> li>a href./digerati/ibmsystem36/index.htm>IBM System/36 /a>/li> li>a href./digerati/ibmrs6000/index.htm>IBM RS/6000/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/ibm9595/index.htm>IBM 9595/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/ibmps1/index.htm>IBM PS/1/a>/li> li>Kaypro (future)/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/microchannel/index.htm>IBM Microchannel/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/sunsparc/index.htm>Sun Sparc Station 1/2/a>/li> li>a href./digerati/pentiumpro/index.htm>Pentium Pro CPUs/a>/li> /ul> /div> div classrelatedLinks> h3>Related Links/h3> ul> li>a href TARGET_blank>Arceibo/a>/li> li>a href TARGET_blank>Seti@Home/a>/li> li>a href TARGET_blank>Computer Museum/a>/li> li>a href TARGET_blank>Vintage Comp Festival/a>/li> li>a href TARGET_blank>Distributed.Net/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div>!--end navbar --> div classpush>/div> /div> div classfooter> div idsiteInfo> img src./pyramid_tiny.gif width43 height25> a href./about.htm>About Us/a> | a href./site_map.htm>Site Map/a> | a href./privacy_policy.htm>Privacy Policy/a> | a href./contact_us.htm>Contact Us/a> | ©2007 Jim Wolfe /div> /div> /body>/html>
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