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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 04:51:40 GMTServer: ApacheX-Powered-By: PHP/7.4.33Link:>; rel,>; relalternate; typeapplication/json,>; relshortlinkStrict-Transport-Security: max-age31536000X-XSS-Protection: 1X-Content-Type-Options: nosniffX-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGINReferrer-Policy: no-referrer-when-downgradeUpgrade: h2,h2cConnection: UpgradeTransfer-Encoding: chunkedContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8 !DOCTYPE html> html langen> head> meta http-equivX-UA-Compatible contentIEedge,chrome1 /> meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetutf-8/> meta nameviewport contentinitial-scale1, maximum-scale1 /> meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width /> title>Jaso Restaurant | Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City - Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco/title> meta namedescription contentRestaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City - Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp PolancoSteak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants PolancoRestaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco,Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco,> meta namedescription contentRestaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City - Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp PolancoSteak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants PolancoRestaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco,Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco,> !--Shortcut icon--> style typetext/css> .ww-header-wrapper .image-logo{height: 75px; margin: 10px 0px; } header > ul > li > a,#ww_header ul.level0 > li > a{line-height: 100px;height: 100px;} div.ww-stick-menu-wrapper ul.level-0 > li > a,div.ww-stick-menu-wrapper > ul > li > a { line-height: 120px; height: 120px; } #ww_stick_header ul.noo-nav > li > a{ line-height: 120px; height: 120px; } .ww-stick-header-wrapper .image-logo{height: 90px; margin: 12px 0px; } .boxed,.boxed #ww_footer{ background:#fff; max-width:1210px; margin:0 auto; } header ul.level-0 .noo-nav.level0 li.mega.mega-align-justify > div.dropdown-menu.mega-dropdown-menu > .mega-dropdown-inner { max-width:1210px; margin:0 auto; } .boxed .stripe-video-bg > video { width:1210px; left:auto; }/style>meta namerobots contentmax-image-preview:large />link relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleJaso Restaurant » Feed href />link relalternate typeapplication/rss+xml titleJaso Restaurant » Comments Feed href />script typetext/javascript>/* !CDATA */window._wpemojiSettings {baseUrl:https:\/\/\/images\/core\/emoji\/14.0.0\/72x72\/,ext:.png,svgUrl:https:\/\/\/images\/core\/emoji\/14.0.0\/svg\/,svgExt:.svg,source:{concatemoji:https:\/\/\/wp-includes\/js\/wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver6.4.5}};/*! 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classmenu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-home current-menu-item page_item page-item-7993 current_page_item menu-item-8159>a href aria-currentpage>Home – Full Width Feature/a>/li> /ul> /div> /div> /header> div classomg hidden-lg > br/> /div> section idww_main_body class> div classww-container> div idww_main_content> div classrow-fluid> div idpost-7993 classol-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12> p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>p> /p>p>Restaurant Polanco Restaurant Polanco opened its doors July 14, 2006. We feature an upscale contemporary cuisine that highlights our restaurant menu and offers delicious entrees. At our restaurant in Polanco, we offer fine steaks, seafood, champagne, and delicious wines. The atmosphere is exceptional, relaxed and sophisticated for visitors and clients that deserve a delicious steak, fine dining inside or on the terrace, wine and champagne. Come and dine at our restaurant and bar Polanco./p>p>The wine cellar at Restaurant Polanco restaurant Polanco contains more than 400 different wines of enormous character and potential, sourced through 9 different countries from around the world. In our cellar of wine and champagne, Restaurant Polanco´s Restaurant Polanco has one of the largest and wine cellars in Mexico City. And is also available for intimate special occasion or business dinners.Restaurants Polanco offers a lounge bar that is quite an experience. We feature exotic and classic cocktails, of more than 260 Brands at our restaurant and bar in Polanco. We provide the ideal atmosphere to enjoy a grand selection of whiskies and single malts when you visit restaurants Polanco./p>p>Restaurants Polanco | Wine and Champagne Bar Polanco/p>p>But what really characterizes our brand of restaurants is the extraordinary quality of our food on our menu featuring large delicious cuts of prime meats at restaurants Polanco. Our restaurant and bar are one of a kind at restaurants Polanco. Seafood, Mexican food, wine and champagne, fine dining and many more delicious items are at Restaurants Polanco. We offer different options with vegetarian and gluten, many are available, with our caviar and truffles./p>p>Best Restaurant Polanco | Restaurants Polanco/p>p>Restaurants Polanco was awarded best service 2013 and best décor by Zagat./p>p>Restaurant Polanco Restaurant and Bar, also known as restaurants Polanco offers the concept of the Modern American Cuisine as one of the best restaurants in Mexico />Restaurants Polanco offers delicious steaks, seafood, by American Cuisine as we prepare fine cuts of prime meat for our demanding clientele. Our team at restaurants Polanco offers Wagyu Beef and Kobe from the United States and Japan, also Short Ribs, Sirloin Filet, Lomo, Rib Eye and more. This process produces incredible flavor. All of our beef, meats are aged and never frozen. Restaurants Polanco offers the highest quality available./p>p>Restaurants Polanco | Restaurant Mexico City/p>p>Our large variety of fine cuts at our Restaurant Polanco Restaurant are the highest standard in the world. At restaurants Polanco, sll meats are sourced from grass fed and purveyors that share our excellence for quality. At restaurants Polanco, we add flavor to our steaks and meats for added tenderness and incomparable taste./p>p>There is an amazing Restaurant in Polanco called Restaurant Polanco…br />Restaurant Polanco, we have been awarded 2013 as the best restaurant in />Restaurants Polaanco has the best steaks, seafood, champagne and bar and is located at Newton 88 and />Our main dining room at Restaurants Polanco, is an explosion of />Restaurants Polanco | Restaurant Mexico City/p>p>When it comes to fine seafood and Mexican food, you have to go to Restaurants />t restaurants Polanco, you can have a delicious and romantic time at our champagne />In Polanco there are no establishments as good as restaurants />Business Dinners, Business lunches Polanco Restaurants, Polanco DF, Best Restaurants Mexico />Tasting Menus, Restaurants Events, Corporate Events, Restaurants Polanco, Special occasions />Restaurants Polanco | Best Restaurant in PolancoA great place in Mexico City, restaurants Polanco./p>p>Restaurant Polanco restaurant Polanco is one of the most recommended />Restaurants Polanco is a very friendly place, with excellent service. Try our wine and champagne, seafood and steak, and fine dining at restaurants Polanco. You can have Wine and Champagne at Restaurant Polanco Restaurant Polanco. In Polanco, we have the best Steak, Seafood, Wine and Champagne Bar, and fine dining in Mexico City… come to Restaurant Polanco, the Best Restaurant in Polanco./p>p>Restaurants Polanco | Best Restaurant in Polanco/p>p>Restaurant Polanco is the best choice for fine dining, wine and champagne, cocktails, caviar and truffles a relaxing atmosphere for business or personal at our restaurant Polanco. At restaurants Polanco, we offer fine dining for special occasions, wine and champagne, and the most popular steak and seafood cuisine in Polanco. Food critics don’t lie… Restaurant Polanco is one of the top rated restaurants in Polanco./p>p>Don’t miss your chance to enjoy our delicious steaks and seafood at Restaurants Polanco./p>p>Restaurants Polanco is within walking distance of the Hotel Marriott and Hyatt Polanco including all brand name shopping./p>p>Restaurants Polanco | Best Restaurant Mexico City, Some searches to locate Restaurant Polanco Restaurant Polanco online:/p>p>Malbec Terraza Wine and Champagne Polancobr />The Best Restaurant and Bar Polancobr />Elegant and Fine Dining Polancobr />Dinner and Champagne Polancobr />Restaurants Polanco, walking distance to the Marriott and />Restaurant Polancobr />Seafood Restaurant and Terrace Polancobr />Seafood Restaurant Polancobr />Mexican Food Polancobr />Restaurant Polanco Restaurant Polanco awarded best restaurant Polanco />Best Cocktails Polancobr />Vegetarian, many options on the menu at restaurants />Best Restaurant Polancobr />50 Best Restaurants Latin Americabr />50 Best Restaurants Mexico City featuring Restaurant Polanco Restaurant />Champagne Bar and Terraza Polancobr />Restaurant Events Polancobr />It is a pleasure to serve you wine, champagne, steak and seafood at restaurants Polanco./p>p>Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City, Polanco is a prestigious and bohemian neighborhood in Mexico’s capital. Known for its wealth and cultural diversity, Polanco offers a range of traditional restaurants alongside others with flavors from all over the world. Let’s check out some of the best, Yet another winner in The World’s 50 Best Restaurants Polanco earned a place at number 59 out of 100. Our steak and seafood restaurant Polanco will not disappoint either: the chefs aim to serve the best of the Mexican tradition, infused with universal cooking techniques and international flavors. Simple but sophisticated dishes are offered with carefully thought out presentation, to allow customers to truly enjoy every part of their meal as a sensory experience. Respect for nature is important to the chefs Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, too, who only use in-season ingredients to guarantee freshness, starting off as a small plantation of mulberries in the 1500s, this farmhouse come eatery was built a century later. In 1967 it was transformed into a marvelous restaurant, which has received numerous awards over the years, such as the Five Star Diamond Award in 2002. It is clear that Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, has never lowered its high standards, offering classic Mexican dishes as well as more creative dishes with Spanish and Mediterranean influences. It is the colonial Mexican décor which creates the atmosphere in the restaurant. It is brought alive by performances either from a solo pianist, a string quartet or a more traditional Mariachi band, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, El consumo de 3 tiempos del festejado es cortesía, no incluye bebidas, * Se requiere reservación previa y mencionar en qué medio se enteró de la promoción, * Presentar INE, * Tendrá que estar acompañado de mínimo 3 personas que consuman, * Quien cumple años puede hacer válida la promoción, cuantas veces quiera en el mes de su cumpleaños de lunes a domingo, con las condiciones mencionadas, Contamos con todo lo necesario para hacer que su boda, bautizo, primera comunión, graduación o cualquier fecha importante a celebrar sea la más especial, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Tenemos a su disposición 14 salones, un amplio jardín ubicado al centro de nuestros salones, estacionamiento gratuito y un inigualable ambiente colonial dentro de Polanco, CDMX. Gracias a nuestra experiencia en eventos como bazares, casinos, desfiles de moda, exhibiciones de autos, lanzamientos de marca, conferencias, entre otros, le garantizamos un evento exitoso, Salón en cortesía (aplican restricciones), Mantelería, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Centros de mesa, Servicio de valet parking, Restaurants Polanco is a restaurant where, aside from the food, the setting makes the evening. Winner of the Zagat Mexico City Award for Service and Décor in 2013, Restaurants Polanco boasts an architecturally exclusive setting, with a romantic but soft ambiance. The venue offers its own individual concept of modern North American cuisine, but still remembers the techniques of traditional gastronomy. You can enjoy Restaurants Polanco at its best on the al fresco terrace. One of Restaurants Polanco assets is its bakery, attached to the restaurant, which was opened after much demand for their outrageously tasty cakes and mouth-watering bread, Restaurants Polanco offer a experience gastronomic celestial in México, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, A very romantic and cozy place that offers an experience that stimulates the senses; taking the palate to frontiers never reached before, awakening new and surprising experiences in each of its visitors,The restaurant is almost self-explained in the name: She uses artistic imagination alongside her culinary skill, creating unforgettable dishes, presented in the most creative ways. For example her alegrias (sweets served after dessert), Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, come to the table in a wooden aero plane. What’s more, the décor is 100% Mexico, with its bright colors and hand decorated furniture, it has a dining room with capacity to accommodate 90 people, as well as a waiting bar with its own cocktails made from national liquors, in which small cold delicacies and shaved Mexican flavors are served. This charming bar has the characteristic of transforming into a private dining room that will have, in addition to its exclusive services, the use of the magical second floor on which it is located, with its bar and its own room. In this culinary experience, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, the festive character of invites us to taste wonderful ceviches, toasts, colorful stews, Mexican sodas, fresh waters crowned with flowers, decorative gelatins, spiced breads, served in a special mixture of porcelain and blue pewter, as blue as the cosmos full of luminous and delicious stars to the palate. Its wine list reflects the heyday of Mexican winemaking, in the decoration of red predominates, evocation of the primordial color of Mexico, present in its gastronomy through its marinades, red moles and dried chili peppers, and gold, by the concurrence del Sol in its essential ingredients, such as corn. The floral arrangements include nopales, as a nod to the national emblem and the identity that our great kitchen shares with it. The popsicle cart, with everything and bells, walks through its dining room to make us smile and remember the joy. offers a vivid experience through the flavors that we all know and that is why we love so much, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, which make us reflect that the homeland is also sweet, Its design was based on a global concept of contemporary Mexican cuisine, From the beginning each stage of its creation, in order to build a great stage for the national gastronomy that included architecture, lighting, cava, graphic design and image, setting, proposal and presentation of dishes, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | with the purpose of creating a total experience, The philosophy of Águila and Sol can be summed up as “love of one’s own”. His mission was to show the greatness of Mexico through its flavors, colors and textures. The operation of the restaurant was impeccable and a rigorous ethic in service was observed, with the total satisfaction of its distinguished customers, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, A classic concept was developed with an openness to modernity. The gastronomic intelligence in the menu of dishes and special drinks included a gastronomic language and a look at aesthetics. The development of eagles y sun was extraordinary. His concept was quickly distinguished from other restaurants and in five years he was awarded the most important awards and recognitions in the field, which gave him great national and international prestige, << See all recipes La Milagros con pistachio >> Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, This delight Liquid is a lyrical part of the second narrative of the “Roar of the Jaguar”, where the earth throbs and tells us about the edible jewels it offers us. The exuberance and delicacy define its flavor, the miraculous with pistachio, << See all the recipes Margarita, she loves me, she doesn’t love me… she loves me. >> The horchata is miraculous. Its elegant, deep and classic flavor makes it a drink touched by grace, by whoever prepares it and whoever drinks it. If it is made with pistachios, an exotic touch is added to this great classic, Margarita, she loves me, she doesn’t love me… she adores me, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, << See all recipes Extraordinary Jamaica with rose petals and spices >> This playful elixir of flavor sensual has its inspiration in the wonderful game “loves me, does not love me”, in this case with the petals of Margarita. And to finish between sips and sips with a smile and a wink to the palate, we add “he loves me”. Extraordinary Jamaica with rose petals and spices << See all recipes Green and red tomato salad with an architectural figure >> This fresh water adds the benefits of Jamaica, citrus and spices. Its rose petals caress the red liquid and the lips of those who taste it. Its magical power “refreshes love” Agua de Jamaica, Salad of green and red tomatoes with an architectural figure, << See all recipes Flowery salad >> Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, “This dish, as beautiful as the homeland, contains three colors: the green of the hope, the red related to power and the mystical white that comes from string cheese. The cheese crisp resembles an extended coral that is accompanied with grasshoppers to create an explosion of flavor. ” | Flowery salad, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | << See all recipes Wrinkle it and cabochons with peanut vinaigrette with mortar chili >> The flowery salad is made up of beautiful, tender lettuces and flowers, arranged with poetic grace to exalt the elegant power of lavender on the palate, Arugula and cabochons with peanut vinaigrette with mortar chili << See all recipes Nationalist guacamole with cottage cheese and pomegranate >> Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, This salad is built with the heart of the desert flower, which finds its match in the astringency of the arugula, and the bon, This friendly restaurant seeks to conserve true Veracruz-style traditions. Restaurants Polanco offers a menu of classic recipes from Veracruz, which has made Mexican cuisine famous across the globe. There is something for the whole family to enjoy at Restaurants Polanco – not only the delicious cooking, but also the live music of Veracruz, Mexico and Cuba, folkloric dancing, and even a children’s’ play area to keep the little ones entertained, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, A massive two-story restaurant, you can enjoy traditional Mexican food without needing to leave the stylish cosmopolitan area of the town. From the recipes of Mexican casserole, or casual, to the well-known caterpillars and the famous fiercely hot dishes, there is an abundance of exciting flavors to explore and enjoy here. Also praised for its excellent service and its traditional décor. The bar, with its delectable cocktails and traditional live music, also attract locals and tourists alike, We are proud of our roots, as well as the diversity of colors and flavors that characterizes our country. Our main objective is to continue enhancing Mexican gastronomy as we have done for more than 25 years, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, so we are dedicated to innovating and creating new experiences to delight our guests, Villa María is a space where Mexican traditions dance to the sound of mariachi. As they pass, they write stories in a family atmosphere accompanied by the characteristic seasoning of our country, which will make you travel through their regions and enjoy authentic Mexican folklore, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Live this experience in both restaurants: one in the heart of Polanco and the other in the most exclusive area of Santa Fe, HISTORY, For more than 25 years, Restaurants Polanco has been the quintessential Mexican food restaurant where birthdays, businesses, special events and, above all, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, the love for our gastronomy are celebrated. In either of the two restaurants: Polanco or Santa Fe you can taste Mexican traditions: typical dishes, desserts, snacks, drinks and live mariachi, in an environment that only in Mexico can you know, Villa María thanks in advance your preference for organize your next event at our facilities, For this reason we have prepared 15 different menus of the which you can choose one for your event, We hope it pleases you, Depending on the number of people in the event, You will be informed which areas of the restaurant can be assign, since we do not have private rooms, In case you require additional information, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, we are at your service on the phone: A versatile restaurant and oyster bar, with a spectacular view of the impressive private art museum of the Soumaya. The casual atmosphere welcomes anyone who is looking for a bite to eat, and is especially good for Bostonian cuisine; Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | its signature dish being their prime rib. An extensive drinks menu will certainly see that customers experience an explosion of flavors in each of their cocktails, prepared and served by friendly barmen who are generous with their drinks and mixers, For a little taste of Italy, choose Restaurants Polanco, a welcoming and charming restaurant in the heart of Polanco, With a varied menu, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, customers here are able to explore authentic Italian cuisine and not simply pizza and pasta – although these are also prepared in the traditional method, giving each dish its own touch of magic and individuality. However, it is the mussels with beans which truly excel at this restaurant, inviting tasters to explore the flavors of the Italian coast and its more rustic enclaves, The Polanco neighborhood is one of the most important in Mexico City in many respects, especially when it comes to gastronomy. Most of the best restaurants in the city are located here. And (almost) every month we can find a new establishment to be surprised, also read: The best spots in CDMX to enjoy a beer, It is such a great offer that we can filter it in a thousand ways, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, But for now we made a list of the coolest, which achieve a perfect combination between its architecture, decoration, atmosphere and exquisite food and drinks: The most recent Restaurants Polanco is in central Polanco and it is the coolest place to meet with friends for a drink or to go to dinner as a couple. The menu varies a bit from the other branches of the brand, but some dishes, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | such as mac & cheese and the French rib eye dip are our recommendation for your next visit, this restaurant originally from Miami came to Mexico City to offer a proposal of Japanese food with a Latin touch, delicious! Go with all the attitude to have a couple of drinks and order many dishes from the center to share, We love the to stones with ceviche, the grilled octopus and the tiradito de mezcal, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, If you like sushi then you must already know this place. It consists of a bar of less than 20 chairs, so you must reserve in advance. He is a cousin of the now famous Rokai (Cuauhtémoc) and Sushi Kyo (Juárez). Let the chef surprise you with the dishes they have available on the day. We assure that it will be a great experience, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | An intimate but sophisticated space. Sandra Fortes and Miguel Hidalgo are responsible for the experimental menu with Spanish influence mixed with the cuisine of Mexico, so be prepared to taste the highest quality in any of the dishes you order. If you prefer, you can order the eight or eleven course tasting menu to enjoy a more complete experience, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, We hope you enjoy the scallop on mushroom puree as much as we do, Another great option for those who love cuts. This steakhouse combines delicious food with an ideal atmosphere for those who like to start the night on the right foot. In addition to meat, you will also find options from the sea, such as tartares, lobster, ceviches and oysters, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | This restaurant / bar is one of the most popular in Polanco. Their menu includes rib eye tacos with foie gras, tuna tartare and mini burgers. What you can’t miss is its drinks menu, which you can even order by the jug to share. Do not hesitate to visit it with your friends or your partner for a good evening, located at 163 Emilio Castelar, is the space that houses Blanco Castelar, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, The Californian-style construction was designed by the architect Shafick Kaim between 1939 and 1940. The interior of the house has a classic but different style, attached staircase, Solomonic columns, iron lamps and ornamentation of New-Spanish influence is part of the decoration that it boasts home. Studio 240 was the office that gives it a modern but elegant architectural touch. The quality and freshness of the ingredients, as well as the technique of preparing the dishes are the pillars of our kitchen, we were formed in 2013 under the premise of introducing, in the gastronomic scene of Mexico City, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, an innovative proposal based on Japanese food. From the beginning -with the opening, its first restaurant-, the Edo Kobayashi spaces have been characterized by reproducing the perfect balance between flavor and nutrition, typical of Japanese culture, Restaurants Polanco was founded in 2013 with innovative creation based on Japanese food, introduced in the gastronomic scene of Mexico City. From the beginning – with the opening of its first restaurant, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | the spaces have been characterized by the perfect balance between flavor and nutrition in Japanese culture, Restaurants Polanco genuine and personal approach to Mexican cuisine, famed for reinvention and ongoing evolution, where tradition and contemporary gastronomy live side by side as expressed in culinary techniques -both ancient and modern. Using both imagination and delicacy, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Olvera recombines Mexico’s nearly infinite ingredients and flavors, demonstrating and extraordinary food culture’s potential in obsessive detail. – Private dining room – For parties from 9 to 14 people. – We charge 20% of gratuity at the end of the event. – We consider this space as the private room, the meal will be served as family style, that been said, the kitchen will choose the 4th and 6th courses according to you and your guest’s preferences and dietary restrictions. Your server will elaborate a bit more on this at the time of the event, Tasting, Menu subject to change without prior notice, Snack, Callus toast, water chile mayonnaise, yellow squash, Kampachi ceviche, peanut juice, yuzu, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Romanesco and cauliflowers, mussel encacahuatado, xnipec, Striped sea bass, purslane in green sauce, koshihikari, Mole mother Scraped honey, strawberries, yogurt, Well known for their famous steaks and giant lobsters, Restaurants Polanco is a great place where food and family come together. If it is a lobster party, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | a surprise party or a business dinner, the best place to celebrate special moments. Great food, fresh ingredients and a personalized service make a magic place, Appetizers, Shrimp Casino ^ 3 Pieces with Butter, Bacon, Tomato, Jalapeno Pepper, Garlic and White Wine, Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail ^ 4 Pieces with Atomic Horseradish, Super Colossal Grilled Shrimp (450 g), Jumbo Lump Crab Cake ^ Mango Sauce, Slater Special ^ Crab Cake and Bruno Shrimp, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Colossal Lump Crabmeat Cocktail (110 g) Jumbo Lump Crab Toast with Avocado (110 g) Crispy Calamari Fritti (300g), Cornmeal dusted and tossed with Lemon and Marinated Peppers, Sesame Seared Ahi Tuna * (200 g), Seaweed Salad, Pickled Ginger, Wasabi and Ponzu Sauce, Octopus or Tuna Carpaccio * (250 g), Prime Aged New York Steak Tartare * ^ (110 g), Soups & Salads, Dressings: Olive Oil & Vinegar, Blue Cheese, Russian, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Ranch or Garlic Vinaigrette, Onion Soup, Chicken, Avocado and Tortilla Soup, Lobster Bisque, Fresh Lobster Meat, Cream and Dry Sherry, Mixed Green Salad, Lettuce Mix, Cucumber, Carrot, Cherry Tomato and Garlic Vinaigrette. Available in Half Order, Iceberg Lettuce Wedge ^ Danish Blue Cheese, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Toasted Walnut, Bacon, Cherry Tomato, Chives and Fried Onion. Available in Half Order, Crispy Kale Salad, Toasted Pine Nut, Cranberry and Shaved Parmesan. Available in Half Order, Hearts of Palm Salad, Romaine Lettuce, Tomato and Balsamic Vinaigrette. Available in Half Order, Classic Caesar Salad, With Chicken 250 g. Available in Half Order, Burrata, Heirloom Tomatoes and White Truffle Vinaigrette, Lobster Cobb Salad ^ Butter-Poached Lobster 60 g Romaine Lettuce, Tomato, Green Beans, Avocado, Bacon, Egg, Danish blue Cheese and Garlic Vinaigrette, Classic Italian, Family recipes since 1926, Marinara linguine, Pomodoro Sauce and Lobster Bisque. Available with Shrimp 3 Pieces; Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, with Lobster 90 g, Linguine Fra Diavolo ^ Jumbo Shrimp, Littleneck Clams and Fresh Calamari in a Spicy Plum Tomato Sauce with Garlic, White Wine and Fresh Basil, Chicken Parmigiana (260 g), Tuscan Grilled Chicken (680 g), with Barbecue Sauce, Veal Milanese Parmigiana (280 g), Steaks & Chops USDA Prime Willows: Brandy Peppercorn, Hollandaise, Bearnaise and Chimichurri. Classic Oscar: Jumbo Lump Crabmeat 60 g, Asparagus and Hollandaise Sauce. Lobster Oscar: Lobster Meat 60 g, Asparagus and Hollandaise Sauce, Filet Mignon (260 g), Filet Mignon (400 g), Prime New York Strip (350g), Prime New York Strip ^ (520 g), Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Prime NY Kansas (600 g), Prime Rib ^ (500 g), Bone-In Rib-Eye Steak (680 g), Boneless Delmonico Rib-Eye Steak (520 g), Lamb Rib Chop (250 g), Double Cut with Mint Jelly, Kurobuta Pork Chop (520 g), Double cut, House Specialty Tender and Succulent Premium Lobsters from Nova Scotia, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Jumbo Nova Scotia Lobster (Per Pound) 3 pounds – 1,361 g, Create the Signature Palm Surf & Turf! Add a half lobster to any order from our Steak & Chops menu at half the whole lobster price, Seafood, The Palm is committed to the sustainability of our seafood for future generations. May be ordered broiled, blackened, sautéed or peppercorn crusted Red Snapper Milanese (280 g), Grilled Swordfish (280 g), with Cherry, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Tomato and Black Olive Relish Pan Seared Striped Bass (250g) with Spinach and Mango Salsa, Atlantic Salmon * (340 g) with Coleslaw, Tuna Steak * ^ (300 g) with Wasabi and Panko Crusted, Sesame, Cucumber Salad and Soy Dressing, Roasted Branzino (240 g) with Lemon, Oregano and Capers, Super Colossal Grilled Shrimp (360 g) with Pomodoro Risotto, King Crab ^ (800g, 400g) Vegetables & Potatoes, Served family-style for two or more Individual Portion, Vegetables of the Day, Grilled Vegetables, Leaf Spinach, Creamed Spinach ^ Creamed Sweet Corn, Wild mushrooms, House Mashed Potatoes, Baked Potato, Three Cheese Potatoes Au Gratin, Hash Brown Potatoes, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, French fries, Parmesan and Garlic or Parmesan and Truffle, Cottage Fries, Half & Half ^, Cottage Fries and Fried Onions, *Contains raw or undercooked products. The consumption of raw or undercooked meat, fish, egg and shellfish may be harmful to your health. ^ Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | ® Signature Items, This beautiful, upscale restaurant is one of the establishments that will surely meet and exceed the expectations of a discerning public seeking a truly exceptional dining experience. However what really characterizes Harry’s beyond its beauty and location, is the extraordinary high quality of its gastronomic offer. The kitchen specializes in the very reduced use of condiments, the purpose is to allow the natural flavors of the ingredients to be used flourish, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Prime Steakhouse & Raw Bar is the best place to enjoy that special occasion. From its beautiful architecture, sophisticated ambience and artistic cuisine to the extensive wine list and impeccable service will make it memorable, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | patty, 1pc. to choose. Meat | Five cheeses | Mushrooms | Spinach | Humita | Spicy meat, Cheeseboard, Le Délice de Bourgogne cheese 70 g, semi-cured Iberian cheese 3 months 70 g and French Morbier cheese 70 g. With sweet plum sauce, candied walnut and baguette crostinis, Red Camembert Cru Cheese 125 g, Baked, with onion in red wine, crunchy parsley bread, Beef Prime Carpaccio 120 g, Made at your table, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, With anchovy paste and Dijon mustard. Accompanied with baguette crostini’s, Beef Tartar 110 g, Made with Dijon mustard and cursed sauce, Tuna Tartar 110g, Served with a mix of lettuce, figs and baguette crostinis, Hamachi Tostadas, 3 pcs. Prepared with guacamole, radish and capers, Squid rings 350 g, Crunchy, served with garlic parsley dressing and Peruvian mayonnaise, Crab cake, Served with chile piquín mayonnaise and carrot and beet salad, Oysters, 6 pcs, From the east coast with spinach, onion, mozzarella cheese and Roquefort cheese dressing. Served with white truffle and beet oil Shrimp Roca Golden 150 g, Topped with Sriracha Mayonnaise Dressing, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, served with Arugula and Chives, Cauliflower Roca Golden, 100% vegan. Topped in tempura and garnished with vegan Sriracha mayo Betabel Ceviche 100% vegan. Prepared with chives, avocado and ponzu sauce, Charcoal Beet, Served with macha sauce, pecan nuts, honey and creamy jocoque with Greek yogurt, Roasted artichoke, Served with Creamy Balsamic Dressing and Parsley Garlic Dressing, Mini Burgers, 3 pcs. Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato and pickles. Accompanied with French fries, Iberian ham | five J’S 100 g, 100% Iberian acorn-fed Jabugo ham, Cinco Jotas black leg, 36 months of maturation. Served with crispy ciabatta and tomato sauce. Cut at your table, Salads, Caesar salad, Made on your table. Long-eared lettuce, with Parmesan cheese, brioche croutons and Caesar dressing, Iceberg salad, Iceberg lettuce, baked bacon, cherry tomatoes and bits of Roquefort cheese, Silk Road Salad, Endives, organic lettuce, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, figs, arugula, baby spinach, cherry tomatoes, goat cheese, beets and pecan nuts. With honey vinaigrette, Soups, Lobster Bisque 50g lobster tail, frisée lettuce, watercress and ginger dressing on crispy ciabatta, Prime Meat Juice Served with bone marrow and a shot of brandy, Onion soup, Gratin with baguette crostinis and Comte cheese. Accompanied with white onion tempura, Tacos, Prime Beef Steak Tacos, 6 pcs. With onion and cilantro, accompanied with creamy avocado, pico de gallo and black habanero sauce, By Short Rib 4 pcs. Accompanied by roasted tuetanero half bone served with pico de gallo, Caribbean Lobster Tacos, 3 pcs. Sautéed in hot sauces. Served with Mango, Red Cabbage and Cilantro Cubes, Crab 4 pcs. With guacamole, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Peruvian mayonnaise, pico de gallo and Sriracha mayonnaise, Smoked Fish 4 pcs. With Peruvian mayonnaise, beet sprouts, avocado mousse and jocoque, Raw bar Oysters 6 pcs to choose from. East Coast or Kumamoto. Prepared at your table with sauces of your choice, Chocolata Clam 6 pcs, Salmon Sashimi 100 g, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Served with cilantro and parsley pesto, beet sprouts and pecan, Hamachi Sashimi 100 g Fine cut with wasabi mayonnaise, beet sprouts and olive oil, Shrimp cocktail 2 pcs. Cocktail sauce, dill and Chinese parsley, Octopus Tiradito 150 g Cooked served with yuzu sauce, serrano pepper and chamoy. Accompanied with wonton chips, Hawaiian Tuna Poke 150 g Avocado, cucumber, soy sesame vinaigrette, frisée lettuce, watercress, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, carrot and beet sprouts. With wonton chips, Moro Crab Tongs 400 g Accompanied with habanero tartar, Alaskan King Crab 360 g Origin: Aleutian Islands Extracted from cold waters, less than 1% belong to this category. With habanero tartar sauce and clarified butter, Ocean platter East Coast Oysters (4 pcs), Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Alaskan King Crab (90 g), Moorish Crab Claws (200 g), Cooked Shrimp (160 g). Served with Ginger Watercress Dressing and Shaved Sauce, Exotic Products of the World, Roasted Octopus 260 g Grilled with baked potato and cherrys tomatoes, Salmon 280 g Origin: Norway Al Josper, seasoned with olive oil and white pepper. Accompanied with pecans and coriander and parsley pesto, Tuna 200 g Sealed, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, topped with panko and spices. Served with Couscous, Roasted Vegetables and Harissa Sauce, Whole fish with herbs 600 to 800 g of catch of the day topped with finely chopped herbs, Branzino with Polenta 200 g, Origin: Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Mediterranean Sea Found on the rocky coasts of the warm sandy areas, which makes it a fish with a mild flavor and delicate meat. Served over polenta with goat cheese, Chilean sea bass 280 g Al Josper, seasoned with olive oil and white pepper. Accompanied with pecans and coriander pesto with parsley, Lemon Fish 280 g Oven roasted sea bass fillet with lemon cream, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, served with chambray potatoes and parsley, Whole Fish with Salt 850 g Fish wrapped and baked in grape leaves and salt. Served with roasted vegetables, Lobster Risotto With mushrooms, asparagus, Grana Padano cheese and white truffle oil, Caribbean Lobster Tail 300 g Al Josper, served with pecans and coriander pesto with parsley, Charcoal shrimp 350 g Grilled and served with Parsley Cilantro Pesto, Crab Ravioli Mixed with ricotta cheese, tomato sauce and capers, Chef creations The Majestic Land and Sea, Prime filet 285 g and Caribbean lobster tail 150 g. Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Served with asparagus and bearnaise sauce, Organic Chicken 600 g Al Jasper, marinated with orange juice, shallot and spices. Served with Roasted Chambray Potato and Roasted Cherry Tomato, Rack of Lamb 360 g Origin: Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City |New Zealand Jasper baked with mustard and toasted pistachios. Served with cherry tomatoes, chambray onions, rosemary sauce and mint jelly, Beef Milanesa 180 g High Choice Beef Steak served with French Fries, Beef Medallions 210 g Sealed. With cherry tomatoes, shiitake mushrooms with oregano, baby arugula and blue cheese sauce, Veggie Burger 100% vegan. Made with 100% vegan Beyond Meat, cheddar cheese and bread. Accompanied with French fries, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Prime burger 250 g, USDA Prime meat, with cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato and pickles. Accompanied with French fries, Fettuccini with Artichoke Handmade tagliatelle pasta, prepared with provolone cream and artichoke buttons, Risotto al Fungi With Grana Padano cheese and wild mushrooms, Cuts Japan – Kobe, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Considered the best meat in the world, from black cattle (tajima-gyu) from the city of Himeji, located in Hyogo prefecture. It has a high grade of distinctive marbling with A5 quality certification, never frozen. Harry’s belongs to the Kobe Beef Marketing & Distribution Promotion Association, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Filet Mignon | New York | Rib Eye | Served in servings of 100. Accompanied with Sukiyaki Broth, Udon Noodles, Tofu, and Roasted Vegetables | Australia – Black Onyx Cuts never frozen, cooked in a Jasper charcoal oven. From 100% Black Angus cattle raised in Rangers Valley, Australia. With remarkable characteristics compared to other meat classifications worldwide. Its exceptional flavor, juiciness, aroma and texture are due to its unique marbling Rib Eye 400 g, New York 360 g, Filet Mignon 285 g, Porterhouse 1 kg, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Tomahawk 1.2 kg, USA – USDA Prime, Cuts never frozen, cooked in a Jasper charcoal oven. From cattle born and raised in the Corn Belt region of the American Midwest. Considered of the highest quality and known for its softness, juiciness and sublime texture, Petit Cut New York 300 g, Filet Mignon 300 g, New York 360 g, RIB EYE 400 g, Kansas City 560 g, Cowboy 550 g, Flank steak 400 g, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | To Share (2 People) Fillet 600 g, Porterhouse 1 kg, Cowboy Rib Eye with Bone 1 kg, Tomahawk 1 kg, Aged meat Cuts of 35 days of dry maturation at a perfectly controlled temperature, generating an intense flavor with a smooth texture, New York 750 g, National courts Steak 285 g, Accompanied with sauce, Rib Eye 400 g, Accompanied with sauce, Cooking terms, Red and Cold Center, Medium # 1, Red Red Center and Warm, Medium # 2, Pink Center ¾ Slightly Pink Center, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco,/p>p>Well cooked, Cooked Through accessories Sweet Potato Sticks, Potato Tower, Parmesan Cheese and Truffle Oil, Spinach with Cream, Mushrooms in White Wine, Brussels Sprouts with Bacon, Roasted Baby Vegetables, Grilled Asparagus, Macaroni with Six Cheeses, Potatoes, With five cheeses and truffle oil, Baked Potato 410 g, Natural Mashed Potato, Guacamole, Whole Roasted Corn, Sweet Corn with Cream and White Truffle Oil, Japón – Kobe, Considered the best meat in the world, coming from black cattle (tajima-gyu) from the city of Himeji, located in Hyogo prefecture, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, It has a high grade of distinctive marbling with A5 quality certification, never frozen. Harry’s is a member of the Kobe Beef Marketing & Distribution Promotion Association, Filet Mignon | New York | Rib Eye | Served in servings of 100. Accompanied with Sukiyaki Broth, Udon Noodles, Tofu and Roasted Vegetables, Australia – Black Onyx, Cuts never frozen, cooked in a Josper charcoal oven. From 100% Black Angus cattle raised in Rangers Valley, Australia. With remarkable characteristics compared to other meat classifications worldwide. Its exceptional flavor, juiciness, aroma and texture are due to its unique marbling, Rib Eye 400 g, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, New York 360 g, Filet Mignon 285 g, Porterhouse 1 kg, Tomahawk 1.2 kg, USA – USDA Prime, Cuts never frozen, cooked in a Josper charcoal oven. From cattle born and raised in the Corn Belt region of the American Midwest. Considered of the highest quality and known for its smoothness, juiciness and sublime texture, Petit Cut New York 300 g, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Filet Mignon 300 g, New York 360 g, RIB EYE 400 g, Kansas City 560 g, Cowboy 550 g, Arrachera 400 g, To Share (2 People), Steak 600 g, Porterhouse 1 kg, Cowboy Rib Eye with Bone 1 kg, Tomahawk 1 kg, Aged Meat, Cuts of 35 days of dry maturation at a perfectly controlled temperature, generating an intense flavor of soft texture, New York 750 g, National cuts, Steak 285 g, Accompanied with sauce, Rib Eye 400 g, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Accompanied with sauce, Cooking terms, Red, Red Center and Medium Cold # 1, Red Red Center and Medium Warm # 2 , Pink Center ¾ Light Pink Center, Well Cooked Thoroughly Cooked, Accessories, Sweet Potato Sticks, Potato Tower, Parmesan Cheese and Truffle Oil, Spinach with Cream, Mushrooms in White Wine, Brussels Sprouts with Bacon, Roasted Baby Vegetables, Grilled Asparagus, Macaroni with Six Cheeses, Harry’s Potatoes, With five cheeses and truffle oil, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Baked Potato 410 g, Natural Mashed Potato, Guacamole, Whole Roasted Corn, Sweet Corn with Cream and White Truffle Oil, Restaurants Polanco emerges as a new gastronomic proposal for Mexican food in a city with renowned restaurants that handle this specialty, so we had to give a very particular personality to the space that we were intervening in so that from the first visit it distinguished itself from the others, both architecturally and culinary. The gastronomic proposal that La Buena Barra offers is wide, ranging from classic royal flavors such as charcoal meats and piquine chili sauces, carefully touring the Republic with typical dishes of Mexican cuisine reinvented by our chefs, SOUPS AND CREAMS, Black Bean Cream, WITH FRESH CHEESE AND TORTILLA STRIPS, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Meat juice, Tlalpeño broth, Noodle soup, WITH RIB EYE CHICHARRÓN | Artichoke Cream **, THE PLANTS, Spinach and arugula salad WITH REGGIAN PARMESAN AND FRESH CILANTRO DRESSING The Avocado CLASSIC WITH MANCHEGO CHEESE, TOMATO AND OLIVES, The one with hearts, ARTICHOKE AND PALMITS WITH ARULLE AND LETTUCE, The Macadamias WITH GOAT CHEESE, FRUITS AND TAMARIND VINAIGRETTE, The green LETTUCE AURI, MINI ASPARAGUS, PUMPKIN PALMITS, CUCUMBER AND SPINACH, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Caesar salad* WITH PARMESAN CRUST, THE STRONG DISHES FROM THE EARTH, Rib Eye Rib **, Beef Steak Cab **, REDUCED IN RED WINE, Salt block fillet **, WITH PORTOBELLO AND GRATED POTATO, Rib Eye Available in: 500g, 800g, Rib Eye with Himalayan Salt, Available in: 500g, 800g. 30 min, Rib Eye in Salt Block, Available in: 500g, 800g, Bone in Rib Eye **, PRIME QUALITY 1200g, Porter House 1500g, Rib Eye Cap 600g. WITH PRIME QUALITY TRUFFLED FRENCH FRIES, ASK FOR AVAILABILITY, Fillet cane with mezcal in a block of salt **, WITH MORILLA BUTTER AND FOI GRAS, Tomahawk Double B 1.2 kg, Caña de ribeye with mezcal in a block of salt 600g. WITH MORELAS BUTTER AND FOI GRASS, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Outside Angus Skimmer, THICK OR OPEN CUT Piglet ** ASK FOR AVAILABILITY, Kid ASK FOR AVAILABILITY FROM SEA, Prawns** GARLIC MOJO Roasted salmon on cedar plank, Octopus CHARCOAL, GARLIC OR PLANTED Empress shrimp ENCHILPAYADOS WITH MASHED POTATOES AND TRUFFLE OIL Grilled Shrimp PERFECT TO ACCOMPANY A CUT, Ask about the catch of the day TO CHOOSE BLACKENNED, TRES CHILES, AL AJILLO, AL MOJO, SARANDEADO WITH CHICHARRÓN DE ALCAPARRA OR FLAMEADO AL MEZCAL, THE GARNISHES Mashed potatoes # 1 WITH TRUFFLE OIL, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Mashed potatoes # 2 CREMOSITO, Rustic Potatoes FRIES, Straw potato Galeana potato, Portobello Sauteed, Asparagus GRILLED, Wild mushrooms with garlic GRATINATES, Beetroot ROAST Elote Huasteca **, ROAST, Marrow bones Poison Beans Cauliflower GRILLED, Broccoli GRILLED, Artichoke GRILLED, Baby nopalitos with onions, THE TICKETS, Guacamole, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | TRADITIONAL OR MAMMOCKS, Guacamole with pressed greaves, Artichoke with Piquín, Rib Eye Greaves ** Roasted Vegetables Table, BETABEL, ARTICHOKE, CALABACITA, CARROT, PORTOBELLOS, CAULIFLOWER AND TOMATO, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Dry Noodle WITH JOCOQUE AL PIQUÍN, Barbachera **, RACING BARBECUE OUTSIDE ANGUS, Arab top or the Shepherd WE BRING THE TOP TO YOUR TABLE TO SHARE, Tuna Tartar Toasts *, WITH MANGO, PURPLE ONION AND AVOCADO, Ax Callus *, SPECIAL IN COLD SALT BLOCK ASK FOR AVAILABILITY, Dry Came Ax at Home OPTION: KIKAPU, ATROPELLADO, BOTANERO, Ribeye montaditos with marrow, Butter Escamole Casserole, Suckling pork rind THE CHEESES Flamed Cheese Natural, With Homemade Chorizo Charcoal Cheese WITH THE PROPERTY OF THE HOUSE THE CARPACCIOS Betabel Carpaccio Carpaccio of salmon* Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Rib Eye Shave * THIN SHEETS MARINATED WITH A SPICY SOY SAUCE Tuna shaving * WITH SOY SAUCE, CITRUS AND AVOCADO THE TACOS Those of Tuna to Shepherd, 4 PIECES Those of Fillet WITH MARSH BONE TO ONE SIDE (4 PIECES IN FLOUR) The Güero FILLED WITH ESCAMOLES, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | THE MEXICAN CAVIAR (1 PC) The Oaxacan WITH GUACAMOLE AND CHINICUILES (1 PC) The ones with Rib Eye, TRADITIONAL OR PUPPIES, Nude Crab Taco, MARINADITA (1 PC), Tacos Madreados, MINI TACOS FROM RIB EYE IN ITS JUICE ACCOMPANIED BY TORTILLA DE PORTOBELLO, Steak Volcanoes, Delmonico tacos, CARAMELIZED ONION, IRONED CHEESE AND JOCOQUE ON A FITTED TORTILLA ASK FOR AVAILABILITY, *Consumir carnes, aves, pescados, mariscos, huevos crudos o poco cocidos puede aumentar el riesgo de contraer enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos. **Especialidad de la casa, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, the best place to savor outstanding French cooking. Each season the menu includes new creations converting traditional recipes into incredible gastronomic delights, providing a personal experience that will long be remembered. Pride of the house is Pig’s Trotter in Béarnaise Sauce served with French Fries or stuffed with Peregrine Sauce and Vegetables, a dish that, for its unequaled flavor, has won the European Prize as the Pork Leg The variety of choices at Au Pied de Cochon is as extensive as is French cuisine itself; it is sufficient to sample only some of the specialties to discover the unique style and flavor of each dish. The Onion Soup, the Burgundy Snails served in their Shell with Butter and Parsley, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, the Seafood Platter, the appetizers, shellfish, crustaceans, fish and meats all make every meal a memorable event at any time, 24 hours a day, Our Selection of Natural Juices Orange, Grapefruit, Papaya, Tomato, Carrot, Coconut, Passion Fruit, Nopal with Celery Plate with Fresh Fruits of Season (With Cottage Cheese) Supreme Cup of Grapefruit Natural Yoghurt Cup Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | (With Fresh Fruits) Cereals Corn Flakes, All Bran, Raisin Bran, Bran Flakes or Special K (With your Selection of Banana or Strawberries) Oatmeal with Milk Swiss Müesli (Fresh Fruit, Oats, Honey, Nut and Cream) From Our Oven Sweet Bread Basket (4 pieces) Dietary Muffins (4 pieces) Bisquets (4 pieces), Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, To accompany Order of Ham, Bacon or Sausages Order of Smoked Salmon with Bagel and Cream Cheese From the Farm Two Natural Eggs Fried, Scrambled, Warm or Poche (With York Ham, Bacon or Sausage) Two huevos Rancheros with Beans and Panela Cheese Two Benedictine eggs, Spanish Tortilla with Chorizo (5 pieces) Galette Bretonne, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Salted Crepe with Ham, Cheese, Starred Egg and Mushrooms, Matin Gourmand, Croissant of Ham and Cheese, Egg “A la Coque” with Mouillette of Peasant Bread, Puff Pastry of Provencal Egg Scented with Truffle. Omelette Regular or 4 Claras, Croque Monsieur, Sandwich Roasted Ham, Cheese, Mornay Sauce and Campiña Bread Casserole of Fried Eggs Gratin with Ham and Tomato Sauce (2 pieces) Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Tres Quesos Omelette (Goat, Emmenthal and Manchego) (3 pieces) Ficelles Picardes, Crepes Stuffed with Spinach and Bacon, Gratin with Cream and Cheese Omelet of Smoked Salmon with Crouton of Cream Cheese and Chives (3 pieces) Mexican Corner Chilaquiles with Chicken, Greens or Reds Four muffins a la Mexicana or Chorizo, Enchiladas Potosinas de Pollo Mexican Antojo, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Green Tamale with Rajas and Chicken, Chorizo Wire with Mushrooms, Pinched Chilorio and Cilantro, Panela Cheese to the Plate with Roasted Nopales, Au Pied de Cochon breakfasts, Mexican breakfast, Fresh Juice, Fruit Plate, Two Mexican Scrambled Eggs with Machaca and Sweet Bread, Coffee, Tea, Milk or Chocolate, French Breakfast, Fresh Juice, Croissants, Toasted Baguetin with Butter and Jam, Coffee, Tea or Milk, American breakfast, Fresh Juice, Fruit Plate, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Two Fried Eggs, Scrambled, Warm or Poached with York Ham, Bacon or Sausages, Sweet or Toasted Bread, Butter and Marmalade, Coffee, Tea or Milk, Chapultepec Breakfast, Fresh Juice, Natural Yoghurt or Grapefruit Supremes, Omelette of Claras with Tomato and Asparagus, Low Calorie Muffins, Coffee, Tea or Milk, Hot Cakes, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Waffles and Crepes, Hot Cakes or Waffles With York Ham, Bacon or Sausages; With Almonds, Pine Nuts, Nuts or Red Fruits, Crepes stuffed with candied apple, raisins and walnut (2 pieces) Crepes Stuffed with Sautéed Banana, Chocolate Sauce and Chantilly Cream (2 pieces) Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, French Bread Made with Bread Brioche with Cinnamon Crepes Stuffed with Sautéed Red Fruits, Chantilly Cream (2 pieces) Croissant with Almond Cream, Drinks, American or Decaffeinated Coffee, Hot or cold chocolate, Whole or Skim Milk, Hot or Cold, Variety of Teas, Espresso, Cappuccino, Iced tea, Double Espresso, Porfirio’s menu is made up of traditional Mexican dishes that are transformed, reinvented with innovative techniques and bold flavors. In Porfirio’s kitchen, there is only room for the best quality ingredients, just what the most demanding palates expect, Porfirio’s hosts a select collection of Tequilas and Mezcals, around 100 labels that can be recommended by our tequiliers to create surprising and captivating pairings with the dishes of our menu, The Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, experience is completed with a sophisticated and elegant atmosphere. Porfirio’s interior has been meticulously cared for: large mirrors and the perfect combination of natural and artificial lighting will give the place a striking visual effect, highlighting the elegance and good taste, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Appetizers, Pescadillas, Fish octapus, Chicharron, Pork rind – crispy and meaty, Elote Para Preparar Corn ready to taste-mayonnaise, chili pownder, rim, lemon, fresh cheese, Guacamole Squashed in a stone molcajete, El Tamal Chicken tamale with green sauce, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Tripitas Ram crunchy “machitos”, Mini-Huaraches Con Carne Asada, Corned beef, red souce, lettuce, cheese and cream – order of 2 – Mini Tortas Ahogadas, Mini buns, pork “carnitas”, traditional red hot sauce – 3 pieces -, Esquites, Ready to taste – order of 3 -, Mini-Pepitos Croast beef, peppers, avocado and beans – order of 2 -, Chistorra Asada, Homemade, Taquitos Dorados De Jaiba, Deep fried crab, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | traditional recipe from veracruz, Mexico, Tacos Sudados Surtidos, Traditional “canasta ” steamed tacos – to share – 8 pieces -, Mollejas De Res Asadas, Roasted sweetbreads – tender and juicy, Tártara De Carne, Fillet and chef‘s dressing, Chicharrón De Pescado, Fish rind – crispy, Cazuela De Tuetanos, Bone marrow – green chile, onion, cilantro, lime, Pulpo a La Mexicana, Octopus, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, onion, cilantro, Carnitas De Atun Tuna – homemade tortillas, Carnitas Pulpo Spicy bits of cooked octopus, fresh cilantro onion, lime, avocado, Sopas, Sopa Manolo Cream of beans and noodles, Caldo Amarillo Chicken and pork broth, cornmeal, dumplings, roosted tomato, pork leg, Jugo De Carne, Natural beef broth and spices, Caldo De Pescado Fish broth, tomato base and vegetables (carrot, celery and potato), Sopa De Tortilla, Original récipe Sopa De Hongos Estilo Marquesa Fresh mushrooms, chicken broth, guajillo pepper, fresh epazote, Mole De Olla, Beef broth with chile pasilla and vegetables Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, (beans, squash, corn), Pozole Rojo, Rtraditional recipe chicken and pork, guarnished with lettuce, onion, horseradish, oregano, lemon, tortilla toast, Seafood Bar, Coctel De Camarón, Shrimp – traditional cocktail sauce, Degustación De Ceviches, Fish, shrimp and octopus, Camarón Para Pelar Domestic shrimp, Coctel De Ostion Fresh oysters, Ostiones Rasurados, Fresh oysters – 6 pieces – Almejas Chocolatas Rasuradas Fresh clams – 6 pieces – Quesos, Queso Cilantro, Breaded cheese with green sauce, Queso Maria Sabina, Hoja santa, goat cheese and morita sauce, Degustación De Quesos Fundidos, Three styles – epazote, chile chipotle and chile güero, Quesadillas and Sopes, Homemade tortillas – piece Mushroom, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Pork Rind – Chicharrón, Squash Blossom, Cheese Corn Smut – Huitlacoche, Chicken Sope, Steak Sope Mini Tlacoyos, Mini thick corncakes filled with pork rind, creamy requeson cheese beans, cream fresco cheese – order of 3 – Gorditas, With your choice of fillings: pork rinds, creamy requeson cheese, beans or potatoes. Onion, cabbage and lettuce – Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | order deof 3 – From the Garden, Ensalada Cesar The traditional recipe, Ensalada Chinampa Mixed greens, fresh cheese, slices of fig, peanut bar roasted pepper with fig and red wine vinaigrette, Ensalada Placera Long lettuce, chicharrón, grilled cheese, tomato, avocado, corn, radish and cilantro vinaigrette, Ensalada De Espinacas Spinach, goat cheese, green apple, bacon, corn, pink pine nuts and capulin vinaigrette, Ensalada Xochimilco Roman mixed greens, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, romaine lettuce, escarola lettuce, red wine sangria, radicchio cole, fresh mango, dried cranberries, cashew nuts, cotija cheese slices and mango-habanero dressing, Tacos Served with handmade tortillas, Arrachera, Shrimp Fish, Lechón Dried Steak – Cecina – Cochinita Pibil, Rib Eye Con Chicharron – Suadero – Round steak, fresh cilantro, onion – order of 3 – Guisado – Tinga (spicy shredded chicken), Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | pork rinds, poblano pepper strips with melted chesse and Mexican rice – order of 3 – Marlin Smoked marlin, jack cheese, chipotle mayonnaise – order of 3, Tacos De Atún Al Pastor, Fresh tuna marinated in achiote, pineapple cilantro, onion, hot pepper dressing – order of 3 – Flautas De Barbacoa, Extra large crisp-fried rolled corn tortillas, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, steamed lamb, sour cream, fresco cheese, lettuce – order of 3 – Tortas Served with house pickled peppers, Tortas – Cochinita, Piglet – Lechón, Lettuce, tomato, avocado and onion, Roasted Turkey – Beans, tomato, avocado and onion Baked Pork Leg, Beans, tomato, avocado and onion, Cuban Panela cheese, cream and red onion, breaded Steak Beans, tomato, avocado and onion, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Biscayne Cod Avocado, Chiles and Enchiladas, Chile Relleno De Picadillo, Poblano pepper, ground beef, almonds, tomatoes – chipotle sauce, Chile Relleno De Queso, Poblano pepper, panela cheese and mozzarella, tomato- chipotle sauce, Enchiladas Rojas, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Chicken, cream cheese and red onion, Enchiladas Verdes Chicken, cream cheese and red onion, Enmoladas, Homemade mole, Del Mar, Pescado Al Pastor, Fresh fish marinated in achiote and grilled, pineapple, cilantro, onion, Camarón Diabla, Shrimp – marinated and seasoned, Camarón Gigante Al Carbon, Seasoned with homemade spices, Pulpo a La Parrilla, Grilled octopus, Langostinos Gigantes Al Carbón, Giant prowns – seasoned with guajillo chile, garlic, lemon and onion, To Share Pescado Entero a La Talla, Whole fish – guajillo chile marinade and spices – 2 people – Chicken Tacos Dorados De Pollo Chicken breast, corn tortilla, lettuce, sour cream fresco cheese, Puntas De Pollo Al Chipotle, Chicken tips, mildly hot chipotle chile sauce Medio Pollo Rostizado Picante, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Roasted half chicken – juicy and spicy, Pollo Con Mole Chicken, homemade mole sauce, choice of white or dark meat, Beef Albóndigas Al Chipotle, Meatballs, chipotle sauce, Cecina De Yecapixtla, Dried steak, Milanesa De Filete “Oreja De Elefante”, breaded steak, French fries, Puntas De Filete Al Chipotle, Steak tips, mildly hot chipotle chile sauce, Filete Tampiquena Steak, mole enchiladas, avocado, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | beans, Sábana Invierno Steak, green sauce, refried beans, melted cheese, Cortes Angus All cuts are served with grilled onions and peppers, Arrachera 300 gr, Filete 300 gr, New York Steak 300 gr, Rib Eye 300 gr, Para Taquear, To share Chamorro Al Horno Pork shank – slow cooking Mixite De Cordero Tender lamb leg baked old- style in aromatic hoja santa and maguey cactus leaves Costilla De Res Horneada Beef rib – cooked for 8 hours | Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Lechon Piglet – 1 kg – Grilled To share Turf Steak, Cecina steak, sausage, grilled cheese, nopales and spring onions – 2 people, Surf and Turf, New york, prawns, shrimp, octopus and spring onions – 2 people – Sea Prawns, shrimp, fish, oysters, octopus and spring onions – 2 people, Restaurants Polanco is a brasserie in the heart of Polanco. The menu includes simple, un-pretentious dishes that have always been part of our lives and we will always enjoy. Restaurants Polanco is an inviting restaurant where everyone can feel comfortable and enjoy good food alone or with others. Enjoy a good bottle of wine, listen to live jazz, and savor dishes to share in a place for enjoying life’s good moments. Restaurants Polanco in the heart of Polanco. The menu is based on simple dishes, food that has always been in our lives and that for the same reason will never tire us, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, without pretensions. Restaurants Polanco was born from creating a warm place, where people can feel comfortable and come to enjoy a good atmosphere and good food alone or in company. Taste a good wine, enjoy live jazz and taste dishes to share, a place for people who are passionate about the good moments in life; a simple place in treatment but sophisticated in taste, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | a well-known restaurant and bar in Polanco. This high-end venue offers guests the option of indoor or outdoor seating. Inside the atmosphere is warm and inviting with contemporary lighting, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, large windows, comfortable seating, crisp linens and a sophisticated ambiance. Outside, customers are greeted with an ultra-modern atmosphere, complete with colorful lighting, sleek rails and an abundance of beautiful greenery, serves a wide array of traditional Japanese favorites. Menu items include Sirloin Teppanyaki, a multitude of sushi options and chocolate Tiramisu, EDAMAME SOY BEAN SHEAT WITH STEAM WITH SALT HIYAYAKKO, COLD TOFU CUBES, AGUEDASHI TOFU, FRUIT TOFU CUBES WITH SPECIAL SAUCE, GYU TATAKI FILLET OF RES SEALADO, TORI TSUKUNE YAKI BROTHERS OF CHICKEN KUSETI TOFU, FILM RESOURCE OF CHICKEN KUSETI CHREEN CHREEN CHREEN CHREEN GETUY RESTAURANT BBQ, MEAT CHREEN BREAKED BROILET (PZA.); Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, GYU | BEEF STEAK; TORI | CHICKEN; EBI | SHRIMP; KAISEN | SEAFOOD, TSUTSUMI AGUE FRIED EMPANADAS PZA.; GYU | BEEF STEAK; TORI | CHICKEN; EBI | SHRIMP; KAISEN | SEAFOOD, MUSHI GYOZA STEAM BREADED (4 PCS.); TORI | CHICKEN; EBI | SHRIMP | KUSHIAGUE AKAMI | TUNA BROOCH | KAKI FURAY | Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | OPENED OSTIONS, KAKI | NATURAL OSTION, MAGURO NO TARTARA | TUNA TARTAR, SALAD | SALADS, KAISOU | MARINE ALGA, HORENSO | SPINACH | TOMATO | COLD TOMATO | YASAI | VEGETABLES | DAIKON | NABO JAPONÊS, KINOKO | VARIETY OF FUNGI, MAGURO | TUNA | SUNOMONO | VINAIGRETTE, TAKO | OCTOPUS, EBI | SHRIMP, KANI | CRAB OF ALASKA, MORIAWASE | SPECIAL, YAKIMONO | ROAST, RIB UAI | RIB EYE TERIYAKI | Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, TERIYAKI SAUCE, SHOGA | GINGER NINNIKU | GARLIC TORI TERIYAKI CHICKEN BREAST WITH SALSA TERIYAKI | TERIYAKI ESMEDREGAL BURI WITH TERIYAKI SAUCE | SHAKE TERIYAKI SALMON WITH SALSA TERIYAKI | SHAKE SHIOYAKI | ROASTED SALMON WITH SALT | TAI SHIOYAKI | HUACHINANGO ROASTED TO SALT | HAMACHI KAMA SHIOYAKI | Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | CHEST OF YELLOW TAIL ROASTED TO SALT | SOFT SHELL CRAB OLIVE YAKI | SOFT ROASTED JAIBA WITH OLIVE OIL | GINDARA SAIKYO YAKI | COD BLACK ROASTED | EBI TERIYAKI SHRIMP WITH SAUCE TERIYAKI | RIB UAI ESPARRA MAKI | RIB EYE FILLER OF ASPARAGUS, AGEMONO | FRIED GYU FURAI | BREADED BEEF FILLET TORI KARAGUE | FRIED CHICKEN TORI KATSU | CHICKEN PEPPED WITH PARMESAN TAI SUGATAGE | WHOLE FRUITED HUACHINANGO EBI FURAI | Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, EMPANIZED SHRIMP (PZA.) SHIROMI SAKANA FURAI | WHITE FISH BREADED KAISEN KOROKKE | SEAFOOD CROQUETTE (PZA.) EBI IKA KARAGE | SHRIMP AND SQUID FRY EBI BASS DRUM | PUMP SHRIMP KANI TSUMEAGUE | CRAB CROQUETTES TEMPURA | CAPED YASAI | VEGETABLES MORIAWASE | MIXED EBI | SHRIMP SOFT SHELL CRAB | Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | SOFT JAIBA ALASKA KANI | ALASKA CANGEREJO YASAI ITAME | FRIED VEGETABLES RIB UAI | RIB EYE GYU HIRE TORI | CHICKEN BREAST EBI | SHRIMP YASAI | VEGETABLES MUSHIMONO | STEAMED SHAKE KURIIMU MISO SALMON SAUCE CREAMY MISO CHAWANMUSHI HOT EGG WITH VEGETABLES | GOHAN MONO | RICE GOHAN STEAMED RICE | Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, NABE MONO | IN CAZUELA NIKU TOFU LAMINÁS DE RIB EYE WITH TOFU AND VEGETABLES, SHABU SHABU RIB UAI SHABU SHABU RIB EYE, KAREE | CURRY GYU HIRE | RESILIENCE FILLET CURRY TORI | CHICKEN BREAST CURRY, EBI | SHRIMP CURRY | GYU HIRE KATSU | CURRY OF MILANESA DE BEEF CHIKIN KATSU | MILANSA CURRY OF CHICKEN BREAST DONBURI | Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | BOWL RIB UAI TERIYAKI | RIB BOWL EYE TERIYAKI | TERIYAKI BOWL OF CHICKEN BREAST TERIYAKI SHAKE TERIYAKI BOWL OF SALMON TERIYAKI, GYU KATSU DON, EMBROIDERED EYE RIB BOWL | TENDON TEMPERATURE BOWL OF SHRIMP, SQUID AND VEGETABLES, YAKIMESHI | FRIED RICE EBI | FRIED RICE WITH SHRIMP, GYU HIRE | FRIED RICE WITH BEEF FILTE | FRIED RICE WITH CHICKEN BREAST, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, MIXED | MIXED FRIED RICE, ONIGUIRI | PRESSED RICE UME PRESSED STEAM RICE WITH CHAMOY, SHAKE STEAM RICE PRESSED WITH SALMON, YAKI ONIGUIRI, STEAM RICE PRESADO Y ASADO, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | MISO YAKI ONIGUIRI | STEAM RICE PRESERVED AND ROASTED WITH MISO SAUCE, OSHOSUKE | RICE WITH FISH FUND, UME | CHAMOY SHAKE | SALMON HAMACHI | FISH OF YELLOW TAIL MENRUI | PASTA MORI SOBA COLD BLACK WHEAT PASTA WITH COLD SAUCE, WANMONO | SOUP MISOSHIRU | MISCO SOUP WITH TOFU AND WAKAME MISOSHIRU KINOKO | Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, MISCO SOUP WITH FUNGI MISOSHIRU ASARI | MISO SOUP WITH WHITE CLOTH AKADASHI | RED MISO SOUP WITH NAMEKO OSUIMONO | CLEAR SEAFOOD SOUP AND VEGETABLES NEGI MA | BULL SOUP SASHIMI | RAW FISH BIG COMBINATION OF CHEF’S SUGGESTION Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | COMBINATION OF 7 FISH MEDIUM COMBINATION OF SUGGESTION OF THE CHEF COMBINATION OF 5 FISH BOY | COMBINATION OF CHEF’S SUGGESTION COMBINATION OF 3 FISH | TORO | BULL | AMACHI | FISH OF YELLOW TAIL, MAGURO | TUNA, MAGURI TATAKI | SEALED TUNA, SHAKE | SALMON, TAI | HUCHINANGO, SUZUKI | BASS, SABA | MACARELA, IWASHI | SARDINE, TAKO | OCTOPUS, IKA | Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, SQUID, AWABI | ABALONE, HUME MADAI | JAPANESE HUACHINANGO, KAMPACHI | FISH YELLOW TAIL FISH, OTATEGAI | CALLO CARPACCIO, SUSHI MORIWASE | SUSHI COMBINATION, TOKUJYOU SUSHI | SPECIAL COMBINATION, JYOU SUSHI | COMBINATION, KOBACHI | SNACK, SPICY HAMACHI | Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | MARINE YELLOW TAIL, SPICY MAGURO | MARINE TUNA, SPICY SHAKE | MARINE SALMON, SPICY EBI | MARINATED SHRIMP, SPICY KANIKAMA | MARINATED KANIKAMA, SUSHI CAKE | SUSHI CAKE, HAMACHI | YELLOW TAIL FISH, MAGURO | TUNA SHAKE | SALMON, EBI | SHRIMP KANIKAMA | KANIKAMA YASAI | VEGETABLES NIGUIRI FISH, SEAFOOD AND VEGETABLES ON PORTION OF COMPRESSED ARRON, TORO | Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, BULL MAGURO TATAKI | SEALED TUNA, MAGURO | TUNA, HAMACHI | YELLOW TAIL FISH, TAI | HUACHINANGO, SUZUKI | BASS, SHAKE | SALMON, BOTAN EBI | FRESH SHRIMP, EBI | SHRIMP UNI | HEDGEHEAD EGG, IKURA | SALMON EGG, MASAGO | PEAK CAPELIN EGG, UNAGUI | EEL, TAKO | OCTOPUS, IKA | SQUID, MIRUGAI | GIANT CLOTH, AWABI | ABALONE, HOKKIGAI | HOKKI CLAM, KOHADA | JAPANESE SARDINE, SABA | MACARELA IWASHI | SARDINE TAMAGO | SWEET EGG, TEMPICO | Located inside the modern grounds of the InterContinental Presidente hotel, Restaurants Polanco in the heart of Polanco, The menu is based on simple dishes, food that has always been in our lives and that for the same reason will never tire us, without pretensions. Restaurants Polanco was born from creating a warm place, where people can feel comfortable and come to enjoy a good atmosphere and good food alone or in company, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Taste a good wine, enjoy live jazz and taste dishes to share, a place for people who are passionate about the good moments in life; a simple place in treatment but sophisticated in taste serves traditional Mexican cuisine in spacious, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | lodge-style surrounds done up with wood accents. Restaurants Polanco in the heart of Polanco. The menu is based on simple dishes, food that has always been in our lives and that for the same reason will never tire us, without pretensions. Restaurants Polanco was born from creating a warm place, where people can feel comfortable and come to enjoy a good atmosphere and good food alone or in company, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Taste a good wine, enjoy live jazz and taste dishes to share, a place for people who are passionate about the good moments in life; a simple place in treatment but sophisticated in taste menu features a nice spread of seafood dishes, soup, meats and salads. Visit for dinner and indulge in some barbecued fish or some sizzling wild boar ribs, served with mashed potatoes, Restaurants Polanco provides an ideal backdrop for everything from business meetings to romantic dates. The location within the hotel makes it a regular pick for guests. Restaurants Polanco also offers a nice selection of dessert and cocktails, Order of Guacamole, Recipe “Traditional” with Jalapeño Chili, Onion and Tomato, Order of Chapulines (100 g) Chapulines served with Guacamole and Quesadillo, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Tacos Baja (3 pcs) Fish in Tempura, White Cabbage, Mexican Sauce, Cream and Mayonnaise in Black Bean Tortilla, Tacos Chino Poblano (5 pcs) Lacquered duck accompanied by Black Mole in Corn Tortilla, Soup with Red Deer (4 pcs) Roasted Deer with Green and Red Sauce, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Seat and Quesillo in Soup de Maíz, Governor Tacos (3 Pcs) Shrimp with Cheese, Tomato Sauce, Onion and Serrano Chili in Bayo Bean Tortilla, Fried Banana Spheres (5 pcs), Stuffed with Red Wine Spheres with Crunchy Ripe Cheese, Octopus Salpicon with Pineapple, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Wrapped in Cucumber Roll and Apple Puree, Escamoles Toasts (2 Pieces) Sautéed Escamoles with Garlic, Epazote and Onion, Creamy Avocado and Pumpkin Flower on Corn Tostada, Shrimp Ceviche with Watermelon, Marinated in Chile Chili huacle, Garlic Oil and Parsley, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | with Nuts and Dehydrated Corn, Octopus Tricolor Toast (2 pieces) Sautéed Octopus, White Beans and Mexican Sauce in Corn Tostada, Agua chile de Tuna Marinated al Limón and Serrano Chile with Cilantro Air, Tuna Tiradito with Gusanito Salt, Fresh tuna in Chili huacle Chile crust and Maguey Worm, with Citrine Vinaigrette, Mango and Gherkin spheres, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, FISH AND SEAFOOD, Fish with Chichilo (200 g) Fish with Smoked Mole, Banana Puree, Chayote Cambray and Green Beans, Fish with the barbecue (200 g ) Cooked in Adobo Chiles and Leaves of Avocado, Bean Paste, Creamy Avocado, Watercress and Radishes, Chintextle fish, Filet of Huachinango with Mayonnaise of Chintextle, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | salad of Quelites, Watercress, Betabel and Onion in Red Wine Vinaigrette, Seafood Cake to the Shepherd , Callo, Octopus and Shrimp to the Shepherd with Pineapple in Pan Virote, Fish in Mole Verde (200 g) Grilled Red Snapper Filet with Mole of Green Herbs, Roasted Elote Risotto, Toc trout Whole Salmon Trout in Garlic Butter, Mushroom Sauce and Castilian Nut, accompanied by Garlic Potatoes and Quince Ate, Roasted Fish (By Kilo) Whole roasted in Garlic Oil with Veracruz Sauce and Rice, SOUPS, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Chapulín Noodle Soup, Noodle Soup with Tomato and Liquid Cheese Spheres. Bean cream, Ground beans with Rabbit Herb, Quesillo, Avocado and Tortilla Powder, Caldo Tlalpeño, Chicken Broth with Chipotle, Chile Pasilla Mixe, Holy Leaf and Cilantro, Vegetables, Rice and Quesillo, SALADS Mix of Tomatoes Colored Tomatoes with Chinese Melon, Valencian and Watermelon, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Goat Cheese, Nuts, Green Tomato Vinaigrette and Habanero Ash, Salad of Textures – “Querétaro”, Sangria and Italian Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato, Onion, Apple, Goat Cheese, Praline Almonds and Honey Vinaigrette, MEATS Beef Fillet with Lentil Potaje (200 g) Beef Fillet with Lentil Potaje, Fried Bacon and Chorizo, Mashed Banana Puree and Marrow Sauce, Cochinita Pibil Cake Cochinita Pibil in Pan Virote and Frijoles de la Olla, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Short Rib with Pulque (200 g) short Rib on the coals in Pulque with Tomato, Carrot and Roasted Onion and Cauliflower Puree, Arrachera Poblana (200 g) Arrachera a la embers, Confit Mushrooms, Pumpkin, Roasted Onion and Poblano Chili Puree, Rib Eye with Figs (250 g) Rib Eye grilled in Fig Sauce and Potato Puree, Piglet Tacos (3 Pieces) Lechón confit with Creamy Avocado, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Roasted Onion and Chicharrón Powder in Corn Tortilla, Chicken BreaRobalo Filet Sheltered in Holy Leaf, In bean sauce with cheese from Ocosingo Sea bass with fresh tomato served over a bed of rosemary potatoes with white wine and olive oil dressing Salmon Fillet with Peppermint Pesto Grilled with pine nuts and cambray potatoes with thyme Fresh salmon fillet, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, grilled with pine nuts and baby potatoes Tamarind fish Fillet of red snapper wrapped with mushroom accompanied with wild rice Fillet of red snapper wrapped with mushroom accompanied with wild rice Fresh Tuna Arriero Style Doradito, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | seasoned in a casserole and accompanied by tortillas al comal Fresh tuna seasoned with jalapeño and olive oil Served in a clay dish Octopus and Shrimp with Garlic Copeteados de crusty chili guajillo Baby squid and garlic shrimp. Topped with crispy guajillo chile Grilled Shrimp Skewer Con arroz y piña rostizada al pastor Spicy shrimp skewer with habanero chile, lemon and coriander with mashed potatoes. (Very spicy) Red Snapper and Shrimp Carnitas Marinated with Maya sauce, served in casserole with mushrooms Red snapper marinated in Maya sauce, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, served in casserole with mushrooms Oil Shrimp En mole huitlacoche with chile de arbol accompanied with basmati rice Shrimps with mole and black Mexican corn truffle Meats / Beef Hidalgo Style Pork Chamorro Caramelized with piloncillo and guajillo chili, Santander beans and roasted nopales Pork shank caramelized in a piloncillo sauce Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Yucatan Style Cochinita Pibil Casserole Served on a banana leaf with flour tortillas Pork belly served over a banana leaf with flour tortillas Tabasco Fantasy Roast beef on banana leaf, chilaca stuffed with cheese, plantain and beans Strip of beef served over a banana leaf and accompanied by cheese, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, fried plantain banana and beans Medallions with Tequila Tender and juicy beef fillets with creamy tequila cilantro sauce Center cut fillet with creamy tequila and coriander sauce The Sheet of Doña Prudence Flattened beef steak, topped with beans, cilantro and cheese cubes Beef flattened fillet steak, bathed with beans, coriander and cheese cubes Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Cecina from Tianguis de Yecapixtla, Served with a tower of corn bathed with mole, cream, Chiapas cheese and charro beans Flat beef steak, tortilla tower with “mole”, beans, sour cream and cheese Tongue Medallions in Green Sauce, With rice of the day and sauteed chards Beef tongue with rice and sauteed chards Beef Fillet in “Caviar Azteca” Sauce Bathed in mole de huitlacoche. Roasted corn and purslane Beef fillet served with corn huitlacoche sauce Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Arrachera Angus Up Juárez! Served with tender nopales, onions, toreado chiles, guacamole and molcajete sauce Marinated beef flank steak, cactus, onion, avocado, guacamole and molcajete sauce Steak Heart with Sesame Sauce and served with doraditas papas cambray Beef steak served with sauce and baby potatoes Zaachila’s Magic Steak Heart Covered in a delicate pumpkin blossom sauce with poblano gratin potato Fillet Mignon with squash blossom sauce, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | potatoes au gratin and a touch of chipotle pepper Skipper’s Favorite Dish Prepare your prime rib tacos (imported) with molcajeteada sauce Chunks of choice prime rib. Ready for you to prepare your own tacos Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Cut of my Dear Sonora! Grilled T Bone steak topped with chipotle butter and served with cuaresmeño potatoes View full menu Sabores únicos y los mejores cortes de carne te esperan en #SonoraGrill. Visítanos y disfruta de una atmósfera moderna y acogedora con nuestro DJ residente, mixología exclusiva y nuestro vino de casa. Un steakhouse mexicano con mucho estilo. Shrimp Aguachile Green chili, coriander, cucumber, onion and lemon 180 G Shrimp Casserole with Garlic Touch of mezcal, papa cambray al josper and Chile guajillo, 180 G Tongue Casserole In gravy sauce, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, with coriander and chambray onion 250 G Asparagus with Rib Eye With teriyaky sauce 160 G, Chicharrón de Rib Eye and Centro de Lomo With guacamole, cambray onions and toreado chiles, 200 G Natural Processed Cheese With Chilorio Or Garlic Mushrooms (200 G) Provolone cheese With habanero ash and mango pico de gallo 250 G, Stuffed potato Cheese, bacon, cream, white wine and flank steak 200 G Lorenzas Tostadas with beans, melted cheese, red cabbage and flank steak or rib eye, 2 Pc / 200 G Rib Eye Sopes With fresh cheese and Serrano Chile 4 PC / 160 G shrimp Popcorn, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, With marinated onion mayonnaise, 150 g Rib Empanadas Baked with chimichurri, 4 PC / 180 G Roasted Octopus Tostadas, With beans, avocado and soy mayonnaise 90 G, Milk Tripitas, Garlic with pico de gallo 150 g, Homemade Noodle, Dry noodle with avocado, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | cream and fresh cheese 160 G, Cecina Carpaccio Tomatillo tatemado vinaigrette, cotija cheese, avocado and criollo coriander, 100 G Specialties Grilled Octopus With Japanese peanut pipián and rustic potato 250 G, Sanchez Burger, Meat au gratin with provolone cheese, poisoned onions and tatemada tortilla mayonnaise 220 g Mizrahi Burger Avocado, chipotle, cheese with beans and caramelized toreado peppers 220 g Half Chicken Josper Pitted and marinated in citrus 450 G Combination, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Soup to Choose 2 Quesadillas with Chilorio Cut to Choose Arrachera (300 g) 0 picaña (300 g) Garnish to Choose Glass of Wine (150 Ml) OR Beer (355 Ml) Soups, Meat in your juice In green sauce with black beans, chambray onion and bacon, 300 ml Meat juice, With onion, coriander and green chili, 300 ml Aztec soup Julienne of tortilla, tomato sauce, avocado, panela, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | pasilla and chicharron, 300 ml Lentil soup With plantain, bacon, tomato and onion, 300 ml Green and Fresh Caesar salad 150 g Tomato Tower With goat cheese, avocado, basil pesto and bacon, 200 G Mandarin Salad Mix of lettuce, blueberries, mandarin orange wedges, goat cheese, caramelized walnut, balsamic vinaigrette and honey, 200 G Artisan Pasta Chef’s Pasta (450 G) With bacon and mushrooms in alfredo sauce, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Half Complete, Spaghetti Carbonara (450 G), Half Complete Lasagna Gratin (450 G) With roasted tomato sauce, Complete Spaghetti with Roasted Octopus (450 G) In garlic tomato sauce, Complete Tacos al josper, Sonotex Arrachera with onion, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | cilantro and chiltepin 4 pcs / 200 G Skirt steak With avocado, 4 pcs / 200 G Lomo Center Crusted with cheese, avocado and roasted onions, 4 pcs / 200 G Rib Eye With avocado, 4 pcs / 200 G Rib Eye with Marrow With cheese crust, beans, avocado and marrow baked al josper, 4 pcs / 200 G Candy Arrachera or rib eye with cheese crust, 4 pcs / 200 G Baked Beef Rib, 4 pcs / 200 G Soft Shell Blue Crab Garlic with serrano ham chips and guacamole, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, 4 PC / 160 G Tongue tacos Smoked, sautéed with red onion and serrano chili, 4 pcs / 200 G, Responsible Fishing, Sustainable, selective and fair trade, supporting communities in their development, respecting closed times and seasons, arriving fresh from the state of Veracruz. Try one of the 200 species that we bring for you! Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Enchi payada Fishing With guajillo chili cooked in josper, caramelised onion and chilpaya chili dressing. According to size, 100 G, Fishing Zarandeada, With chipotle adobo and roasted chard on the grill. According to size 100 G Cured Fish with Garlic With roasted vegetables, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, refried beans and garlic, 180 G Ceviche a la Mexicana Traditional chilpaya ceviche and mayonnaise, 180 G Extra Side dishes Garlic mushrooms, 180 G Creamed spinach, 160 G Asparagus on the Grill, 180 G Sliced Fresh Tomato 250 G Grilled Vegetables, 450 G Onion al Josper, 450 G French Truffle Potatoes, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | 200 G Potato Cambray with Garlic 180 G Skiing 180 G Truffled Potato Pie, 220 g Guacamole 220 g, Located in the heart of the Roma District in an ancient house, opened its doors in November of 2012, bringing the homely touch of italian cuisine to Mexico, We brought the authentic flavor of an italian family reunion, with recipes from the nonna, directly to your table, With our food our food, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, its preparation and tasting we create an important way of spending time with our loved ones, creating memories and great experiences, We create every dish with care in our own stone oven, respecting the original italian recipes and ingredients, but promoting the consumption of top quality mexican products, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | In our menu you will find: fresh pastas, pizza, sandwiches and freshly baked bread, which you are able to see though our glasses towards the oven, Last but no least we have a vast collection of more than 50 wines in our cellar, Share with The Gang Shrimp Arancini ^ Spheres of creamy risotto and shrimp accompanied by 3 sauces: chipotle mayonnaise, rabbit and guacamole, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, 315g Fried Mixed Squid and Italian squash battered and fried, served with arrabbiata sauce, 480g Goat Cheese Al Forno Served over marinara sauce, accompanied by black olives and crispy bread, 225g. Mozzarella With Dehydrated Tomatoes Served hot with reduction of balsamic and basil leaves, Del huerto de la Nonna, 280g. Cheeseboard Goat cheese, parmesan, camembert, gorgonzola and provolone, Ideal to pair with the wine of Casa Nostra, 340g. Restaurants Polanco Fine slices of beef (80g) with the traditional tuna and capers room, 285g French fries Served with Parmesan cheese and parsley, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | The result of a family tradition of restaurateurs of Neapolitan origin, Restaurants Polanco celebrates every day the essential flavors of Italian cuisine through a fine selection of the best ingredients and a craft preparation, Restaurants Polanco Prime Steakhouse & Raw Bar is the best place to enjoy that special occasion, The beautiful setting, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, sophisticated atmosphere and artful cuisine, combined with the extensive wine list and impeccable service, will make your diner in Polanco memorable. Restaurants Polanco Prime Steakhouse & Raw Bar has extraordinary staff who are professionally trained, talented and enthusiastic, We guarantee your complete satisfaction, Our Restaurant in Polanco, we serve American Cuisine from New York with wine or champagne, At Restaurants Polanco, we bring you a great environment with plenty of delicious options. Restaurants Polanco has a large wine selection for all your taste, at restaurants Polanco, we offer a beautiful terrace, bar with wine and champagne, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, The best options for private family events are at restaurants Polanco, the number one option for international events are at restaurant Polanco, The best selections for cocktail dining are at restaurants Polanco at Newton and Masaryk, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City, Try our Single Malts Glenmorangie Whiskey only at restaurants Polanco near Campos Eliseos, We offer international and corporate events at restaurant Polanco, Bring your office anniversaries and birthday parties for fun and excitement at restaurants Polanco, We also have an incredible bakery at restaurants Polanco, We are the number 1 ranked restaurant in Polanco since 2013, At restaurants Polanco, we offer catering events for corporations all over Distrito Federal, Mexico City, At restaurant Polanco, we offer Malbec Terrazas Wine from Argentina, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Polanco has been in operations since 2006, American Express and Palacio de Hierro are 2 clients of restaurants Polanco since 2006, Restaurants Polanco offers Moet Hennessy Champagne, please inquire for special offers, Please join us weekly at restaurants Polanco for private events cocktails and wine, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, We share our dining room to all our returning guests with special offers at restaurants Polanco, You will not find a better restaurant in Polanco however; we offer a great catering service at Tangara Catering, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City, At our restaurant Polanco, we offer American Cuisine from New York, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | The owners of restaurant Polanco went to the Culinary School of New York, The vegetables and fruits at restaurants Polanco are delivered daily, Our pastries are made at our very own bakery at restaurants Polanco, Many of the dishes at restaurants Polanco are originated from the restaurants in New York, Delicious dishes full of rich and zesty flavor are at restaurants, one of the best restaurants in Mexico City, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City, The best selections for wine and champagne or a delicious coffee with your dessert, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, only at restaurants Polanco at Newton and Masaryk, One of the best restaurants in Mexico City is Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Polanco is located at Newton 88 near Masaryk, Restaurants Polanco is located near the hotel zone in Polanco, Delicious dishes of seafood and variety of meats are at restaurants Polanco, We know that the international visitors will love our American Cuisine at restaurants Polanco, Fine dining with wine and champagne at restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Polanco invites you weekly to our events of wine tasting and single malts. Our team at restaurants Polanco invites you to a very friendly place with excellent service. Try our wine and champagne with our famous seafood at restaurants Polanco. You can enjoy a glass of wine with your steak outside on our terrace at restaurants Polanco. If you are in Polanco, enjoy our restaurant in Mexico City. You can have Wine and Champagne at Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | At restaurants Polanco, we have the best Steak, Seafood, Wine and Champagne Bar, and fine dining in Mexico City, we offer cake and delicious pastries baked daily at Tangara Catering, the Best Restaurant in Polanco. We are Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, and are the best choice for fine dining, wine and champagne. Our cocktails, caviar and truffles invite a relaxing atmosphere for business or personal time at our restaurant Polanco, We offer fine dining for special occasions, wine and champagne, and the most popular steak and seafood cuisine at restaurants Polanco. Food critics don’t lie… Restaurants Polanco is one of the top-rated restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City, Don’t miss your chance to enjoy our Steak and Seafood Restaurant Polanco, Some searches to locate Restaurants Polanco online: Wine and Champagne Polanco, one of the best options you can have, You can have a whiskey or glass of wine at Restaurant and Bar Polanco, Fine dining Polanco is the place to be at restaurants Mexico City, Dinner with Champagne Polanco, a great choice with your seafood at our restaurant Mexico City, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, At restaurants Polanco, we provide booking for private family events, corporate local and international events. Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Our restaurant in Polanco offers corporate catering, corporate cocktail, international gatherings, events and catering for families. Please find our restaurant in Polanco at Newton 88. In Mexico City there is a fine Seafood place, and Steak House, called the Best Restaurants Polanco, the best events are at Restaurants Polanco. We have the list of The Best Restaurants in Polanco. Taste our whiskey and wine tasting at restaurants Polanco, At Restaurants Polanco, we are located in the most important city in Mexico, Restaurant Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Restaurant Polanco gives you the added value and savoring taste of your culinary experience, The best restaurant Polanco, we have an amazing wine selection, wines by glass, wine pairings, and many options, Our Restaurant in Polanco, we serve the most delicious and freshest seafood, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, We have the most delicious Restaurant in Polanco, restaurants Polanco are the best alternative for service, taste and comfort, all in one, There is also a fantastic Seafood selection in our Restaurant in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco | Best Restaurant Polanco with wine and champagne, Restaurants Polanco | Seafood restaurants Polanco | The best chefs are at restaurants Polanco, over 25 years combined experience, Restaurants Polanco is 7 minutes walking distance from the Marriott Polanco and Hyatt, Restaurants Polanco is next to Masaryk, the most popular avenue in Mexico City, We have the best wine selection at restaurants Polanco, 400 reasons to enjoy our wines at restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Polanco at Newton 88 and Masaryk, the Best Restaurants in Polanco offers you private events by Reservations Online, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, executive lunches and fine dining. Restaurant Polanco has it all, steaks and seafood, lounge, bar and terrace. where you have the best of both. Relax and enjoy amazing Mexican Food at our Restaurant and Bar in Polanco. Have some wine or a cocktail at our champagne and bar at restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Polanco | Best Restaurant Polanco | Restaurants Polanco is a restaurant where, aside from the food, the setting makes the evening. Winner of the Zagat Mexico City Award for Service and Décor in 2013, Restaurants Polanco boasts an architecturally exclusive setting, with a romantic but soft ambiance. The venue offers its own individual concept of modern North American cuisine, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, but still remembers the techniques of traditional gastronomy. You can enjoy Restaurants Polanco at its best on the al fresco terrace. One of most attractive services provided by Restaurants Polanco is its bakery, attached to the restaurant, which was opened after much demand for their outrageously tasty cakes and mouth-watering bread, The restaurant Restaurants Polanco is almost self-explained in the name: Sweet Homeland. Chef Martha Ortiz Chapa endlessly creates modern dishes but is heavily influenced by regional cooking techniques and artisan craft. She uses artistic imagination alongside her culinary skill, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | creating unforgettable dishes, presented in the most creative ways. For example, her alegrias (sweets served after dessert), come to the table in a wooden aero plane. What’s more, the décor is 100% Mexico, with its bright colors and hand decorated furniture, this friendly restaurant seeks to conserve true Veracruz-style tradition, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, offers a menu of classic recipes from Veracruz, which has made Mexican cuisine famous across the globe. There is something for the whole family to enjoy at Restaurants Polanco – not only the delicious cooking, but also the live music of Veracruz, Mexico and Cuba, folkloric dancing, and even a childrens’ play area to keep the little ones entertained, At Villa María, a massive two-storey restaurant, you can enjoy traditional Mexican food without needing to leave the stylish cosmopolitan area of the town. From the recipes of Mexican casserole, or cazuela, to the well-known caterpillars and the famous fiercely hot dishes, there is an abundance of exciting flavors to explore and enjoy here. Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, is also praised for its excellent service and its traditional décor. The bar, with its delectable cocktails and traditional live music, also attract locals and tourists alike, a versatile restaurant and oyster bar, with a spectacular view of the impressive private art museum of the Polanco. The casual atmosphere at Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | welcomes anyone who is looking for a bite to eat, and is especially good for Bostonian cuisine; its signature dish being their prime rib. An extensive drinks menu will certainly see that customers experience an explosion of flavors in each of their cocktails, prepared and served by friendly barmen who are generous with their drinks and mixers, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, For a little taste of Italy, choose Restaurants Polanco, a welcoming and charming restaurant in the heart of Polanco. With a varied menu, customers here are able to explore authentic Italian cuisine and not simply pizza and pasta – although these are also prepared in the traditional method, giving each dish its own touch of magic and individuality. However, it is the mussels with beans which truly excel at this restaurant, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | inviting tasters to explore the flavors of the Italian coast and its more rustic enclaves, It’s easy to dismiss Polanco — the Beverly Hills of Mexico City — as a skippable part of town overrun by politicos, their cronies, very wealthy locals, and very wealthy tourists. Still, it’s likely you’ll end up here for one reason or another: The city’s fanciest hotels stand in this area, and so are some of its most highly-rated restaurants, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Unfortunately, they share space with American-import chain restaurants, tourist-trap quasi-European wine bars, and Starbucks. Steer clear of those options and consider these far better picks, This beautiful, upscale restaurant is one of the establishments that will surely meet and exceed the expectations of a discerning public seeking a truly exceptional dining experience. However, what really characterizes Restaurants Polanco beyond its beauty and location, is the extraordinarily high quality of its gastronomic offer, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | The kitchen specializes in the very reduced use of condiments, the purpose is to allow the natural flavors of the ingredients to be used flourish. Restaurants Polanco Prime Steakhouse & Raw Bar is the best place to enjoy that special occasion. From its beautiful architecture, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, sophisticated ambience and artistic cuisine to the extensive wine list and impeccable service will make it memorable, Well known for their famous steaks and giant lobsters, the Restaurants Polanco is a great place where food and family come together. If it is a lobster party, a surprise party or a business dinner, the Restaurants Polanco is the best place to celebrate special moments. Great food, fresh ingredients and a personalized service make the Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | a magic place, The Melting Pot in Pedregal serves numerous fondue dishes. Its modern setting is inviting and ideal for date night with that special someone or dining out with friends and family. Restaurants Polanco offers starters like fresh salads with house-made dressings. Guests can try a variety of cheese fondues that come with bread and seasonal vegetables. Chicken dumplings, Memphis BBQ pork medallions or portobello-stuffed ravioli make for delicious entre choices, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, This restaurant also offers a four-course menu option and chocolate desserts, features a terrace on the second floor. It hosts private events and cooking classes for children, A sophisticated, relaxed space, of French essence and free spirit, located in the heart of Polanco in front of the water mirror, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | recommended for cosmopolitan men and women in search of quality time to share business lunches and dinners, meetings with friends, family and special occasions, who are looking for a casual, fresh, cozy atmosphere with great vintage style, Grill in Mexico City is known for its casual setting and welcoming service with a focus on barbecue, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Grill has appetizers like quesadillas, chalupas and ribeye tacos, a number of soup options, oysters Rockefeller, barbecued pork and chicken as well as beef tartare. There are also many seafood selections like shrimp, salmon and tuna. The desserts at Grill include crepes Suzette, fondant of chocolate, brownie, flan, bananas flambee and apple strudel. There is karaoke with music ranging from the 70s to today. You can choose to sit outside near the fountain, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, is a restaurant based on high quality cuisine and true home-style Italian cooking. This intimate restaurant with a capacity of 50 guests, distributed through its pure Italian style interior and terrace and with a VIP space for wine tasting, opens its doors at the end of the Fall. Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | The décor achieves a fusion of colors and finishes recreating a typical casual elegant Italian dining room where we invite you to join your friends, Restaurants Polanco es un restaurante basado en una cocina de alta calidad y de verdadera comida casera italiana. Este restaurante íntimo que dispone de una capacidad para 50 comensales, distribuidos en su planta interior y terraza al más puro estilo italiano y con un espacio VIP para cata de vinos, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, abre sus puertas a finales de este otoño. La decoración del lugar logra la fusión entre colores y acabados recreando a su vez un típico comedor italiano de elegancia casual en donde se invita a recibir a los amigos, The best place to savor outstanding French cooking. Each season the menu includes new creations converting traditional recipes into incredible gastronomic delights, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | providing a personal experience that will long be remembered. Pride of the house is Pig’s Trotter in Béarnaise Sauce served with French Fries or stuffed with Peregrine Sauce and Vegetables, a dish that, for its unequaled flavor, has won the European Prize as the Pork Leg The variety of choices at Au Restaurants Polanco is as extensive as is French cuisine itself; it is sufficient to sample only some of the specialties to discover the unique style and flavor of each dish, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, The Onion Soup, the Burgundy Snails served in their Shell with Butter and Parsley, the Seafood Platter, the appetizers, shellfish, crustaceans, fish and meats all make every meal a memorable event at any time, 24 hours a day, Over the past half century Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | has developed an international reputation for quality food and exceptional service. Serving only “Certified Angus Beef” , naturally aged, cut and trimmed on premise. Fresh Atlantic salmon, scallops, chicken and ribs are also available, The extensive wine list is a recipient of Wine Spectator Magazine “Award of Excellence” since 1994, Restaurants Polanco has two levels, the main floor emulates the classic New York steakhouse, often affectionately referred to as “old school”, has been an ideal location for numerous movie and television productions, such as “Suits” , “Suicide Squad” and more recently, feature film “Molly’s Game”, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, The second level space, created by II BY IV DESIGN, is elegant, more contemporary in style and features a private dining room and a glass enclosed wine cellar, Group Functions, We are pleased to offer a private setting for about 24 guests adjacent to our wine cellar and overlooking historic York St. Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | buildings such as the Royal York Hotel and Union Station, Bardi’s boardroom, with a floor to ceiling marble fireplace presents a perfect setting for corporate and private functions for up to 16, Please scroll down to view our group menus Total Seating Capacity: 10 Downstairs: 60 Upstairs: 50 Private Dining Capacity: 46 2nd Floor Boardroom: 16 2nd Floor Semi-private dining: 30, Some of the biggest names in sports will trade in their helmets and uniforms for plates and aprons at Morton’s locations across the country! We’re partnering with your favorite athletes and sports celebrities to help raise funds for their preferred charities, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, During the “Celebrity Server® Events at guests will enjoy hors d’oeuvres, four courses of signature steakhouse cuisine, chilled cocktails and fine wine as they rub elbows with the best and biggest names in sports! Over the past three years, this event series donated nearly $3 million to worthwhile organizations, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | is partnering with ESPN to broadcast ‘Lunch with a Legend’ and ‘Dinner with a Legend’ events from our intimate private dining rooms. We feature the biggest names in sports and grant guests’ access to legendary food, drinks and icons! Your questions… Their answers, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, I was not looking forward to this event. My son is an avid Redskin fan and this was for him. I thought this would be a cattle call, get in, eat, and get out. As it turned out it was a classy well done event. This is Morton’s and I should have known better. Thank you for an enjoyable time and I am not even a Redskin fan, The real reason for this response is for Kate Scafidi. Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | My son recently had back surgery at Johns Hopkins he was on the table for 12 hours and is lucky to be alive. I had called ahead of time to make sure we had a seat in an area where my son could get up and move around without bothering other people. Not only did Kate take care of my son’s needs but she made sure that Mrs. Manley sat next to my son. My son has been a fan since he was 5 years old, he is now 33, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, He was like the child let loose in the proverbial candy store. I’m sure there were other die hard fans there, who were just as deserving, but that the extra effort was made in behalf of my son was really above and beyond the call of duty, I have been eating at Morton’s for most of my adult life, special occasions, my wedding dinner, business, and just to eat out, I have never been disappointed. But this time was really special. Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | My sincere thanks to all who had a part in luncheon, especially Kate and her extra effort, Your Holiday Celebration. Done to Perfection, private dining rooms are the perfect venue for your Christmas, Hanukkah or other holiday celebration. Our dedicated Event Planning Professional will help create the perfect luncheon, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, reception or dinner party for you, your guests and your budget, Holidays Done to Perfection! Select locations will be open for lunch this December. Please contact your local Morton’s for more details, Prime Platters* Restaurants Polanco Prime Platters will make the host a hero for in-home holiday celebrations or office parties. Picture a beautiful display of colossal shrimp cocktail, miniature prime cheeseburgers, lobster cocktail, steak sandwiches…ready to serve and savor, Enjoying Restaurants Polanco during your home or office festivity is seamless; simply place your order with a participating location and stop by the restaurant to pick up your prepared selections. We’ll provide our signature specialties in a trayed presentation, along with serving instructions, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Prime Platters Menu ‘Tis the season to enjoy Prime Platters! Call your participating location and place your order today! * Prime Platters are available at select locations, Prime To Go, For those nights during the hectic holiday season when you don’t have the time to go out to eat out or the energy to cook your dinner, enjoy the experience in the comfort of your home or office with Prime To Go! Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Choose from a wide variety of options that includes most all of signature appetizers, salads, sides, entrees and desserts, placing your Morton’s Prime To Go order is as easy as 1, 2, 3…and it’s available at all locations! Phone in your order to your earnest location… Pick up your ready-to-enjoy cuisine… Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Sit back and savor your meal, Call your preferred and place your order today! The Experience Our History & Culture Our Steaks Our Seafood Our Awards Testimonials FAQs, how it all began… actually exists today because of…hamburgers! Years ago, before really knew one another, they both worked at the Playboy Club in Montreal. The club was changing the menu, and Klaus cooked a hamburger that was sent out for Arnie to try. Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | Arnie burst into the kitchen, demanding to know “Who cooked that hamburger?” he wasn’t sure if Arnie was going to be pleased or not but was relieved to hear him say that it was the best he’d ever tasted. From that day forward, they called it the “Million-Dollar Hamburger”! More than 3 decades later… we have grown to over 65 restaurants, but the vision is the same today as it was when we opened our first restaurant in Chicago in 1978. Quality. Consistency, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Genuine Hospitality, Driven by the desire to provide genuine hospitality–for our guests and our employees–we offer a setting where people truly care about one another, and show it in everything they do. The high level of respect and enthusiasm that runs through our entire organization is evident in many ways, including the longevity of our staff and managers, some of whom have been with us for decades, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | achievements are not limited to its four walls of the restaurants. Our culture is one that’s also committed to community service, both locally and nationally, finding a good steakhouse should be easy but given the new and often short-lived choices on the market, it is important to know where quality culinary trends are born, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Nowadays the world of indulgence offers steak connoisseurs a vast selection. Dry aged beef or aged cuts are a growing trend among discriminating steakhouse clients. Why is that? Where did it start? Why is it impossible to stop eating a properly aged cut of meat? Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | the process became popular approximately 50 years ago when butchers discovered that leaving slabs of meat hanging for several days gave them more tenderness and flavor. However, as much as it improves its flavor and texture aging also makes it more expensive. Hanging for several days causes meat to lose its moisture and weight thereby reducing profits. This situation made the aging of meat somewhat unpopular with businesses, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, In the past few years aged cuts have become popular again, and some restaurants around the world have readopted the technique to satisfy their clientele of steak connoisseurs who demand a high degree of flavor and taste in their cuts, In order to achieve this quality, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | the meat must be put through a process in controlled moisture and temperature conditions for a period of 21 to 28 days. The evaporation of moisture and the effect of endogenous enzymes break down the conjunctive muscle tissue and produce a tenderizing effect. Obtaining this result is somewhat costly since the meat must be stored at temperatures close to 3°C before it can be sold, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Additionally, because a high proportion of evenly distributed fat (marbling) is required only very high-quality pieces of meat are used, In Mexico only Restaurants Polanco ages meats in its own facilities with meticulous care under chef supervision. They choose only USDA quality cuts using a slow meticulous process, the process is carried out using a careful and unhurried method that produces such tender steaks and intense flavor they become an eating experience not just a meal, Restaurants Polanco is the dry aged steakhouse, WINES & BAR, Restaurants Polanco has one of the largest wine cellars in Mexico, offering exquisite vintages that are sure to charm even the most demanding critic, Restaurants Polanco has a wine cellar that contains 400 different wines of enormous character and potential, sourced from 12 different countries and around the world, It is one of the largest and finest of its kind in Mexico, It is stocked for wine lovers and collectors who are passionate about discovering new vintages from around the world, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | We carry labels such as Chateau Petrus, considered one of the finest and most expensive wines anywhere; Pignus, one of the finest Spanish wines of which only 6000 bottles a year are made; and Opus One, a unique blend of Bordeaux; among many others, Restaurants Polanco also features an excellent selection of distinguished Mexican wines that are winning accolades on the international market, Restaurants Polanco, is one of the most visited restaurants in Polanco, Also our lounge bar is quite an experience, featuring exotic and classic cocktails, more than 260 liqueurs and the right atmosphere for a pleasant evening, And of course you can try the extraordinary quality of our food menu, Restaurants Polanco is the first steak house in Polanco with its own aging rooms on par with the most famous steak restaurants in the world, to prepare fine cuts of meat for our demanding clientele, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, We use innovative aging techniques to produce incredible flavor, The best labels in the world and the best spirits combine in an electrifying atmosphere with a live DJ providing fresh, sophisticated and exclusive entertainment, Martinis are favorites, Restaurants Polanco has an original variety of mixes that will seduce anyone with their exotic flavors and palate tingling body; impossible to forget, LIFESTYLE, Restaurants Polanco is rated within the best restaurants in the world, of course the best restaurants in Polanco, We gave special attention to everything we do, using new methods and respected culinary traditions, and employing only the highest quality ingredients, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | There is no better steak house in Polanco, Browsing our menu of fine pride-of-the-house cuts and varied selection of side dishes is a delightful experience in itself, Small details are paramount for us, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, We serve wine in hand blown crystal glasses designed especially to enhance its body, aroma and flavor. Add to this I highly personalized service that makes our guests feel completely at home and perfectly understood, We have elegant and comfortable lounge, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | contemporary background music, exotic or classic cocktails, combined with attentive service, is the perfect setting for a pleasant evening or the prelude to an un forgettable experience, You can choose from the terrace, with its splendid view or the comfort of the indoor area. Our lounge bars themselves make for an enjoyable evening, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, We travelled for almost two years around the world to study the newer and most respected culinary trends to be able to choose the unique ingredients to create our menu. Our meat is the most precious and special, Restaurants Polanco | Restaurants Mexico City | our dishes are hard to find at any other place, Our wines are served in the most exclusive glasses to taste every unique note of our distinguished wine selection. Our service will make you experience that unique pampering feeling. At Restaurants Polanco, unique pleasures happen every day, Restaurants Polanco unique pleasures, Restaurants Polanco is truly nothing if not versatile. We can offer unique experiences from exquisite cuts of meat all the way to a vibrant party venue for friends sharing delicious cocktails. Our in-house mixologist is a creative genius whose concoctions and surprising creations captivate guest’s night after night. Restaurants Polanco Is the best place for Wine and Champagne Polanco, GROUPS AND EVENTS, Restaurants Polanco Prime Steakhouse and Raw Bar offers excellent options for your private events and special group dinners, All three locations, Restaurants Cancun, Restaurants Acapulco and Restaurants Polanco have special facilities that can accommodate private groups of up to 200 people, Restaurants Polanco is rated one of the best restaurants in Mexico and probably the best steakhouse in Polanco. Impeccable service and attention to detail guarantee your satisfaction, Restaurants Polanco, The Best Restaurants Mexico City – Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants in Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants wine y champagne Polanco, Restaurants music y terrace Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Steak y Shrimp Polanco Steak Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Best Restaurants Mexico City, Steak and Seafood Mexico City, Mexican Food Polanco, Our facilities are ideal for meetings or private celebrations in an exclusive atmosphere. For special occasions group menus are available that can be discussed with the manager, or we can prepare custom offerings to suit your taste and needs. The owners of restaurants Polanco went to the Culinary School of New York and graduated 14 years ago, The coolest restaurants in Polanco, The Polanco neighborhood is one of the most important in Mexico City in many ways, especially if we talk about gastronomy. Most of the best restaurants in the city are located here. And (almost) every month we can find a new establishment to be surprised, also read: The best spots in CDMX to enjoy a beer, It is such a great offer that we can filter it in a thousand ways, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, But for now, we made a list of the coolest, which achieve a perfect combination between its architecture, decoration, atmosphere and exquisite food and drinks: The most recent, ‘Blanco’ is in Polanco and is the coolest to meet with friends to have a drink or go to dinner as a couple. Restaurants Polanco menu varies a bit from the other branches of the brand, but some dishes, such as mac & cheese and rib eye french dip are our recommendation for your next visit, Casa Domit, located at Emilio Castelar 163, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, TRY OUR COCKTAIL BAR, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, it is available for special lunches or dinners, meetings or private events, only prior reservation is required, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, is the space that houses Blanco Castelar, The Californian-style construction was designed by the architect Shafick Kaim between 1939 and 1940, The interior of the house has a classic but different style, attached staircase, Restaurants Polanco offers columns, iron lamps and ornamentation of New-Spanish influence, this is part of the decoration that it boasts to all our guests, Studio 240 was the office that gives it a modern but elegant architectural touch, the quality and freshness of the ingredients, as well as the technique of preparing the dishes are the pillars of our kitchen, This restaurant origins are from Miami, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, upon their arrival in the City of Mexico, we offer a proposal of Japanese food with a Latin touch, delicious! Go with all the attitude to have a couple of drinks and order many dishes from Restaurants Polanco the center to share, we love ceviche, grilled octopus and tiradito de mezcal. If you like sushi then you should already know this place. It consists of a bar of less than 20 chairs, so you must reserve in advance. Let the chef surprise you with the dishes they have available on the day of your arrival, we assure that it will be a great experience, an intimate but sophisticated space, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, We recommend you try the “Lost” cocktail, “Gin TT”, “Walking Death” or the carajillos at Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Sandra Fortes and Miguel Hidalgo are responsible for the experimental menu with Spanish influence mixed with the cuisine of Mexico, so get ready to taste the highest quality in any of the dishes you order. If you prefer, you can order the eight or eleven course tasting menu to enjoy a more complete experience. We hope you enjoy scallops on mushroom puree as much as we do. Restaurants Polanco offers a different menu for Mexican food when it is reinterpreted in our original dishes. And that is precisely Native’s proposal, get ready to live a different experience and discover flavors that you had not tried before, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, The cocktail menu is a must too! THE COMRADE IS AN INTERNATIONAL FOOD BAR / RESTAURANT WITH NEW AND INNOVATIVE CONCEPTS, IDEAL FOR EATING AND DINING WITH ONE OF THE BEST MIXOLOGIES OF MEXICO, Our, HISTORY: The food shortage that spread in France around 1780, had the people angry and hungry; which sparked the French Revolution, many crops were lost at that time, which raised the price of bread; During this time, bread was the source of food for the less privileged class of the country. When Marie Antoinette heard that the people could no longer buy bread, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Solomonic columns, iron lamps and ornamentation of New-Spanish influence, this is part of the decoration that it boasts to all our guests, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, she said one of the most controversial phrases of her time (supposedly): “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”, – “Let them eat cake”, throne to Louis XVI and abolish noble titles, the revolution sought new titles for citizens to refer to one another. One of the most used in those days was “comrade”, which means “ally or friend”. The fist that accompanies our logo, symbolizes the strength of the friendship with which The Comrade was created, Our: TERRACE: SMOKING AREA WHERE YOU CAN ENJOY A SUNNY DAY IN AN AREA WITH A SPECTACULAR HEIGHT, Our: LOUNGE : IT IS THE IDEAL PLACE TO HAVE A DRINK UNDER THE STARS WITH EXCELLENT SERVICE AND THE BEST ATMOSPHERE, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, It’s beautiful fountains and its family atmosphere during the day, become the perfect place to walk and go for drinks during the night at Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, our: BAR: SOPHISTICATED WITH SPACE TO ENJOY AND SPEND TIME WITH FRIENDS IN A RELAXED AND COMFORTABLE ENVIRONMENT. SO, TRY OUR COCKTAIL BAR, our: LIVING ROOM: IT IS THE MOST ENJOYABLE, PLEASANT, QUIET PLACE TO SPEND ANY DAY OR AFTERNOON WITH FRIENDS, BUSINESS OR FAMILY, A true paradise for lovers of Mexican food. This place offers sophisticated versions of the dishes we already know with foams, unique presentations and interesting combinations of flavors, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, which we would never have thought would pair perfectly, RESTAURANTS Emilio Castelar, is a place where the word Mexico makes sense, it is a restaurant where you can learn about the richness and tradition of Mexican cuisine through the different smells, textures and flavors of the dishes that our Chef Josefina López Méndez and her team prepare, Its architectural design and gastronomic dishes offer a very pleasant experience, Our menu is the result of several years of culinary research, based on the enormous cultural wealth and traditions inherited from generation to generation, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, 7 splendid restaurants in Lincoln Park (perfect for a delicious meal and a stroll), 7 SPLENDID RESTAURANTS IN LINCOLN PARK at Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, throughout the national territory, Go to menu, Our Chef: Josefina is the Executive Chef, who together with her team maintains the varied menu of this great gastronomic space with creativity and dedication, proposing original dishes made with Mexican ingredients, Terrace and Chef’s Table: The Terrace is an area with a space for smokers, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, it can receive more than 100 guests, it can be used for any service purpose, the Chef’s Table is a space designed to receive up to 10 guests, Restaurants Polanco is available for special lunches or dinners, meetings or private events, only prior reservation is required, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, consists with different amenities that offers an activity program for children from 3 to 12 years old where they can play, draw, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, is one of those restaurants that we would classify as “ideal for a romantic dinner”, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, watch children’s movies and do crafts, among others; all under the supervision of qualified personnel to care for and entertain the little ones in the house, since their safety is our priority. In addition, we have a children’s buffet within the restaurant, ELEGANT PRIVATE ROOMS: For business breakfasts, lunches and dinners, Restaurants Polanco offers Birthdays, Civil Weddings, Wedding Anniversary, First Communions or any type of family gathering, Restaurants Emilio Castelar is located in a stately Porfirian mansion, Les Mustaches has offered the most exquisite dishes of French and international cuisine for more than 45 years, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, taste and stimulation all in one. What are you waiting for? 7 splendid restaurants in Lincoln Park Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, being decorated with the Five Star Diamond Award granted by The American Academy of Hospitality Sciences, an international organization that rewards the most select of the gastronomic guild in the world for its excellent food, service, quality, attitude and hospitality. We are the only restaurant to receive it for the 15th consecutive year, the gastronomy of Chef Rafael Bautista has conquered the most demanding palates of businessmen, professionals, ambassadors, gourmet clubs, politicians, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, artists and families who have tasted our most delicious dishes such as Onion Soup, Provencal Snails, Restaurants Polanco offers Veronique Fish, Kiev Chicken , the sweet or salty Duck, the Wellington Fillet and as a dessert the soufflé in its different flavors are some of the culinary delights that Restaurants Emilio Castelar offers, The Sommelier will advise you for the pairing with a good wine, we offer Mexican, French, Spanish, Chilean, Argentine and champagnes, For your comfort, we offer Elegant Private Banquet Rooms, Banquet reservations, piano music at lunch from 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm, Valet Parking service with private parking at no cost, Lunch hours: Monday to Sunday from 1:00 p.m. m. at 6:00 p.m. at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Try our Coffee, We are #coffeelovers. We love it, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, For business breakfasts, lunches and dinners, Birthdays, Civil Weddings, try Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, whether you are a visitor or a resident of the Mexico City, you should not miss the experience offered by Restaurants Emilio Castelar. We are a restaurant qualified as an icon of gastronomy in Mexico by the most recognized gastronomic feats. At Boycott Café, we are attentive to the health situation of COVID-19, however, for our part we are taking useful and precautionary measures to ensure that all of you can enjoy our menu and our facilities. Restaurants Polanco offers home delivery in the Rappi and Uber Eats applications, WORKING HARD FOR YOU! EXPRESSO Y EXPRESSO DOBLE.jpg, Let’s Start, 1. Try our Coffee, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, We are #coffeelovers. We love it, and we are very happy sharing it with you. Our coffee, from Veracruz, is the essence of Boycott Cafe. The flavors and aroma are the that we and our customers are waiting to experience and this keeps we want the best options for dining. Expresso, Latte, in very creative ways … Try them! Capture% 20of% 20Screen% 202020-03-17% 20a, Capture% 20of% 20Screen% 202020-03-17% 20ª, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, lunches and dinners, Birthdays, Civil Weddings, Wedding Anniversary, First Communions or any type of family gathering,Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, DIDI FOOD copia.png, CAFÉ_BRUJO.jpg, And Don’t Forget, 3. DRINK COLDBREW, But, please, don’t forget to try our cold brew. The classic, in a frappe, with Licor 43 … We infuse the coffee in cold for 18 hours to be your perfect weapon to face the day. Energy, taste and stimulation all in one. What are you waiting for? 7 splendid restaurants in Lincoln Park (perfect for a delicious meal and a stroll), 7 SPLENDID RESTAURANTS IN LINCOLN PARK (Perfect for a delicious and an evening walk in the park) Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco at Lincoln Park is one of the most spectacular corners of Polanco. It’s beautiful fountains and its family atmosphere during the day, become the perfect place to walk and go for drinks during the night. As you walk around, you will most likely be in awe of the extraordinary locals that face the greenbelt. If you want to know what are the best restaurant options in Lincoln Park to eat delicious and then tour the area, then we can share our favorite options 7 hotels with spectacular pools in CDMX, Eat, enjoy and share! Restaurants Polanco is one of those restaurants that we would classify as “ideal for a romantic dinner”, although it is a versatile place that can be perfectly suited to carry out a business lunch, pre-meeting with friends or family celebration on weekends, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, We have experienced our customers returning several times, because these opportunities are not every day. We recommend you try the “Lost” cocktail, “Gin TT”, “Walking Death” or the carajillos, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, try to eat several dishes, you cannot leave without enjoying the pork belly bath, shrimp pork rind tacos, shaken octopus or the splendid Braised Short Rib. For dessert, a “Borachio de Elote” or the Cheesecake with goat cheese ice cream. These are the best options, IVOIRE: Probably the king of cozy environments in Polanco is Restaurants Polanco, because when you visit our restaurant, you will feel that you are visiting your family’s house, comfortable armchairs with cushions and French-style comfort food will make you want to stay for a much longer time, yes the experience is cozy. It is a great alternative for a totally ‘hygge’ breakfast or dinner loaded with comfort at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco so how does it sound to sit down to start the day on one of the most beautiful terraces in CDMX? Better, impossible. The new restaurant of cuts located just in front of one of the corners of Lincoln Park. Our facilities are beautiful, what we like about our restaurant is that we have mastered the art of leaving your delicious cut of steak on the coals just in the term that you like. Its seasoning is splendid and you can complete the experience with a good glass of wine, Brunch Buffet: Discover the most amazing brunch which promises to surprise you each week with a magnificent variety of dishes under the cupola of our central lobby: “paellas”, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, a healthy corner, selection of meats, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, seafood, sushi and ceviche’s prepared in the moment, a healthy corner, selection of meats, Restaurants Polanco offers fishes and artisan pastries and confectionery, Events, Para una experience gastronomical con el involutories and more cosmopolitan. Una zona de cocina en directo con dos robatas y otra donde tomar cócteles. El espacio más íntimo y reservado se encuentra en la primera planta, AU PIED DE COCHON RESTAURANT, all roads lead to restaurants Polanco. It all began in a market named “Les Halles” Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco while trying to feed the workers on site. They changed around but never its essence. Today it is visited by thousands, and has never closed its doors since it opened. In Mexico, restaurants Polanco has hosted celebrities, which have given the prestige and the great atmosphere that exists today, GROUPS SERVICE: Our commitments are always and at all times provide an excellent service, so we are happy to work with and for you, coordinating all the details of your event. Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, SALMON CARPACCIO (120g), TUNA TOSTAS (3 pieces), Fresh tuna (120g) with chipotle mayonnaise, pore and fried sweet potato and avocado CEVICHE (140g) at Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, if you need more information, with some wine suggestions or to organize your event to the letter please do not hesitate to contact us, With fame approved in big cities like Paris, it arrives to Mexico over 12 years ago restaurants Polanco, a culinary concept that has proved a success. restaurants Polanco is a traditional French bistro that is located across the street from Coquillière in Paris, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, later it was opened after World War II, In Mexico, it is in Polanco and Santa Fe within the prestigious hotels President Intercontinental and are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, Restaurants Polanco, are put at the disposal of its friendly clientele, semi-private rooms, private rooms and a wonderful terrace, to meet all kinds of social, family and business events, Book with us and provide us the honor to serve you as you deserve, DOWNLOAD EVENTS KIT, BOOK YOUR EVENT Company, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, CATERING TRADE, Now, you can enjoy our delicious dishes of the restaurants Polanco at home, We care about covering the smallest detail and provide service of the highest quality and presentation with the finest French cuisine and make your event unforgettable. Our team will plan and organize your event up to 50 people for breakfast, lunch or dinner and up to 200 people for cocktails, within the metropolitan area, Feel free to contact us, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Sandoval, who was once a professional tennis player and had toured the world participating in prestigious matches, had such a passion for food that he decided to enroll in the Culinary Institute of America, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, knowing that your event will be a success with a personalized management from the team of restaurants Polanco, For more information about the different areas, menus, wine suggestions or your event on demand, please feel free to contact us, Our commitment is always and at all times provides an excellent service, so we are happy to work with and for you, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, coordinating all the details of your event, VEINTE, We have learned some and forgotten some throughout these past two decades, The beginning years were marked by an outward search of self, in books, magazines, online. We thought that looking outside we would understand ourselves. We then turned our gaze towards the produce: corn, foraged greens, chiles, beans. These ingredients led us to markets, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Restaurants Polanco assisted These markets that led us to farmers and producers. They led us to our roots, VEINTE is a tribute to our farmers and producers. This book is about their stories and their knowledge. A knowledge that echoes vibrantly in every wall of our kitchen, Publication date: November 2020. T A S T I N G M E N U, Snacks, Scallop tostada, chile de agua mayonnaise, summer squash Kampachi ceviche, cacahuazintle, yuzu Romanesco broccoli, cauliflowers, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Grilled octopus taco, salsa verde, shiso, Plantain tamal, minilla Rock of taco, hoja santa, kimchi Mole madre, Matcha nicoatole, Restaurants Polanco offers blueberries, mussel encacahuatado, xnipec Striped bass, purslane, salsa verde, koshihikari Mole madre Honey granite, strawberries, yogurt, O M A K A S E, snacks, Tostada campechana, daikon radish, nori Kampachi taco, avocado, seaweed Cauliflower sope, mussel encacahuatado, xnipec, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Grilled octopus taco, salsa verde, shiso, Plantain tamal, minilla Rock of taco, hoja santa, kimchi Mole madre, Matcha nicoatole, blueberries, sour soup, ABOUT TORO LATIN KITCHEN & BAR, Toro Latin Kitchen & Bar comes from acclaimed chef and restaurateur Richard Sandoval, recognized as the “Father of Modern Mexican Cuisine,” who has an international collection of 40 Latin American-inspired restaurants worldwide. With locations in Dubai, Qatar, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Grilled octopus taco, salsa verde, shiso, Plantain tamale, minilla Rock of taco, hoja santa, kimchi Mole madre, Matcha nicoatole, blueberries, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Washington and Cabo San Lucas, Toro Latin Kitchen & Bar brings experiences that exalt the senses to Mexico City, At Toro, Chef Sandoval and Executive Chef César Cervantes masterfully blend Pan Latin cuisine with South American, Japanese and Chinese influences. The name Toro, meaning “bull” in Spanish and “tuna belly” in Japanese, sets the stage for specialties seasoned with Pan Latin flair, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Located in beautiful Lincoln Park Polanco in Mexico City, Toro offers the choice of private dining amidst a vast collection of wines or a semi-private experience in the modern yet rustic restaurant or its extensive garden area – where most of the fresh ingredients are sourced. The garden offers unrivaled green views that isolate diners in a quiet, chic and relaxed environment, Guests can enjoy Toro’s ceviche bar, small plates for sharing, grilled entrees. The restaurant’s beverage program includes a vast selection of Latin wines as well as hand-muddled Latin cocktails, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, SALMON TO THE CEDRO 250g, Grilled with mashed potatoes and asparagus, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, The restaurant serves lunch and dinner daily and is an incredible experience for those wishing to experience sustainably produced and elevated Mexican cuisine in a lively yet casually sophisticated setting, ABOUT RICHARD SANDOVAL HOSPITALITY, Richard Sandoval Hospitality is a leading restaurant group founded by Mexican-born chef/restaurateur Richard Sandoval and based in Denver, Colorado, Known for offering guests an unparalleled culinary experience, this internationally recognized contemporary Latin restaurant group successfully owns and operates over 45 restaurant concepts around the globe. Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, our restaurant locations include California, Colorado, Arizona, Texas, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, Washington D.C. & New York – as well as internationally in Mexico, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Serbia and Tokyo, Chef Sandoval’s “made from scratch” approach and passion for introducing Latin cuisine to the world continues to inspire him to combine authentic Latin ingredients with international flavors and inventive techniques to create one-of-a-kind concepts and cuisines that include modern and coastal Mexican, Latin-Asian, Peruvian and Pan-Latin, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, ABOUT CHEF RICHARD SANDOVAL, maya-WEB-50.jpg, Growing up in Mexico City, Richard Sandoval would join his grandmother in the kitchen and gather around her large table with family to enjoy lively Mexican feasts prepared from scratch, From his grandmother, he learned to respect fresh, authentic, ingredients and create the vibrant flavors that turned family dinners into celebrated events. Meanwhile, his restaurateur father imparted lessons in service and restaurant management, Sandoval, who was once a professional tennis player and had toured the world participating in prestigious matches, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, had such a passion for food that he decided to enroll in the Culinary Institute of America. In 1997, he opened Maya, his flagship modern Mexican restaurant in New York, During the past 18 years, Sandoval’s career as a Chef-Restaurateur has evolved to include serving as a culinary consultant, television personality, cookbook author and brand ambassador, With the broad range of restaurants in his portfolio, Chef Sandoval combines authentic Latin ingredients with international flavors and inventive techniques to create new and unexpected concepts and cuisines such as modern and coastal Mexican, Latin-Asian, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Peruvian and Pan-Latin, Sandoval has developed menus for American Airlines First Class cabin, as well as many of the world’s leading hotels. He is equally passionate about tequila and has curated one of the largest collections in North America and the Middle East and aspires to educate diners on their quality and diversity, When not cooking, Sandoval is passionate about training the chefs of the future. He supports their growth on the Board of Trustees at his alma mater, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, the Culinary Institute of America and has recently received an honorary doctorate from Johnson and Wales. For his work, he has been awarded Mexico’s National Toque d’Oro 2003, Bon Appétit Restaurateur of the Year 2006 and Cordon d’Or Restaurateur of the Year 2012, Restaurants Polanco Semi-Finalist for Outstanding Restaurateur and various other awards for his restaurants around the globe, PRIVATE EVENTS, for an experience unlike any other, book your next private event with Richard Sandoval Hospitality! Our talented Events Team will do all the work for you, and can customize a celebration for all tastes, styles, and budgets, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Browse our restaurant locations below, pick your city & start planning your event today! COLORADO, Tamayo.png, Subscribe to our newsletter for more of Chef Sandoval’s recipes, tips and the latest from our restaurants: PIE (1 piece), Meat (55g), spinach with cheese or cheese with corn, PROVOLETE CHEESE (160g), SALMON CARPACCIO (120g), TUNA TOSTAS (3 pieces), Fresh tuna (120g) with chipotle mayonnaise, pore and fried sweet potato and avocado CEVICHE (140g), try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Robalo ceviche with apple chili, purple onion, jicama and avocado, CARBON marrow, Accompanied with guacamole, bread and tortillas. (6 half rods), Restaurants Polanco offers SOUPS, LOMA CUTE MEAT JUICE (210ml), CHICKEN SOUP, With shredded chicken (25g) and white rice, SEED SOUP (210ml), DRY FIDEO, Baked with a touch of our traditional morita sauce, accompanied with avocado, pork rinds, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, ORDER OF MACHITES 300g, TRUFFED ELOTES 250g, Corn grains sautéed with cream and truffle oil, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, cream and fresh cheese, SALADS, LETTUCE TRUNKS, Lettuce, lettuce heart, purple cabbage and white onion with house vinaigrette, COUNTRY, Mixed lettuce, spinach, tomato, hazelnut, bacon and gorgonzola cheese with Italian vinaigrette, ROMANA, Half romaine lettuce, tomato, hard boiled egg, bacon, gorgonzola cheese and blue cheese dressing with parmesan slices, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Seafood Polanco, CEASE, Green lettuce, Caesar dressing and Parmesan cheese, ARÚGULA, With balsamic vinaigrette, figs, goat cheese with chives and caramelized nut, GREEK, Tomato, cucumber, Restaurants Polanco offers Kalamata olive, purple onion and feta cheese, GRILLED VEGETABLES, Pumpkin, sweet potato, beet, purple onion, yellow corn, mushrooms and portobello, accompanied by yellow lemon vinaigrette and blue cheese dressing, SELECTION OF NATIONAL CUTS MIGNÓN FILETE 320g, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LOIN MEDALLIONS 200g, To mustard, sherry or lemon, LOIN 250g, LOIN 500g, ARGENTINE CHORIZO 200g, 2 pieces, SHEET OF RES 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers ANGUS QUALITY IMPORTED CUTS, 500g GRILLED ROAST, SPRAYER 300g, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, PICAÑA A LAS BRASAS 400g, PICAÑA A LAS BRASAS 800g, For 2 persons, RIB EYE SPRAYER 300g, RIB EYE DROP 420g, RIB EYE COWBOY 550g, BIFE COVER 300g, EYE OF BIFE 400g, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), GRILLED LOMA LINDA 1kg, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Roast Strip, Arrachera, Chistorra), KOSHER CUTS All our cuts include a free side dish option (Restaurants Polanco offers mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), BIFE KOSHER COVER 300g, RIB EYE KOSHER 400g, EYE OF BIFE KOSHER 400g, Restaurants Polanco offers RIB EYE KOSHER SPRAYER 300g, KOSHER LOIN 250g, KOSHER LOIN 500g, KOSHER LOMO MEDALLIONS 200g, To mustard or lemon, CHICKEN, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, HALF GRILLED CHICKEN 500g, GRILLED CHICKEN BREAST 360g, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, PASTA GNOCCHIS Four cheeses, pomodoro or arrabiata, FETUCCINI Four cheeses, pomodoro or arrabiata, FISH AND SEAFOOD FISH LOIN TO TASTE 250g, (Fishing of the day) Grilled, Veracruz, white wine, garlic mojo or garlic, SALMON TO THE CEDRO 250g, Grilled with mashed potatoes and asparagus, Restaurants Polanco offers SHRIMPS TO TASTE 160g, Grilled, garlic mojo or garlic, OCTOPUS A LAS GRASAS 250g, Accompanied by guacamole and chipotle dressing, ACCESSORIES AVOCADO ORDER 140g OR GUACAMOLE 200g, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, CREAM SPINACAS 250g, ASPARAGUS TO THE BOTTLES 150g, MOLCAJETE WITH TREE, SERRANO OR MORITA SAUCE, Accompanied with panela cheese, avocado and chambray onions, RICH EYE CHICHARRÓN MOLCAJETE 180g, Crispy rib eye, accompanied by guacamole, cuares meño pepper, purple onion and cambray onion, PANELA CHEESE BASTONES 190g, BORNS AND TREATED CHILES FRENCH POTATOES 200g, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, With Parmesan cheese and parsley, SOUFFLÉ POTATOES 120g, PURÉ DE PAPA 250g, POPE TO THE NATURAL OVEN POPE TO THE SPECIAL OVEN, With sour cream, ham (15g), bacon (15g) and Parmesan cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHISTORRA ORDER 220g, BACON ORDER 300g, HALF ORDER OF BACON 150g, ORDER OF MACHITES 300g, TRUFFED ELOTES 250g, Corn grains sauteed with cream and truffle oil, au gratin with Parmesan cheese, WHITE RICE ORDER 150g, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, PALMITS ORDER 220g, STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Restaurants Carolo, named after a variation of the Italian form of “Carlos”, was the first company of the group, created in November, 2007. It represented an innovation for the creative needs of Carlos Gómez Sendero’s and his love for bakery, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, The first restaurant of the group- Restaurants Polanco, -was created for Carlos to have a place to work. And that’s when the story began. From that moment on, Restaurants Polanco, has opened several restaurants, FRUITS TORREJA SUPREME A DISH OF FRUIT MIXED PLATE OF SEASONAL FRUITS RED FRUIT PLATE, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, CAROLO PANCAKES Red fruit sauce, honey maple and bacon, PANQUÉS Green tea, banana or lemon, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Carol granola, natural yogurt and cottage cheese, FAIT OF SUPER FOODS, chia, blueberry, toasted almond and Greek yogurt, ACAI BOWL, berries, acai, grated coconut and banana, EGGS TO THE MEXICAN RANCHERS SCRAMBLED EGGS, with chilaquiles, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, MACHACA NORTEÑA, Scrambled eggs with machaca and Pico de Gallo, EGGS MARIANITA, Poche, bathed in Marianita sauce with chipotle stuffed with cheese and jocoque, BENEDICTINE EGGS Poche on English muffin, bathed in hollandaise sauce (smoked salmon or turkey breast), OMELETTE CAROLO stuffed with pumpkin flower, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, manchego cheese and poblano sauce, OMELETTE OF FUNGI spinach and goat cheese, OMELETTE DE SALMÓN AHUMADO cream cheese and capers, Restaurants Polanco offers OMELETTE CAPRESSE tomato, basil and mozzarella cheese, EGGS IN CAZUELA with tomato sauce, starry eggs, arugula and baguette with saffron aioli, EGG REVOLT WITH CHILORIO TO MEXICAN BEANS AND BEANS, POCHADOS EGGS on avocado and toast with tomato salad and parmesan cheese, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), GRILLED LOMA LINDA 1kg, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Roast Strip, Arrachera, Chistorra), KOSHER CUTS All our cuts include a free side dish option (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, CAROLO SUGGESTIONS SWISS ENCHILADAS with chicken, gratin with Manchego cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES WITH CHICKEN ranchero cheese, sour cream and onion, CAROLO ENFRIJOLADAS stuffed egg with chorizo, au gratin, HONGO PORTOBELLO with spinach, poached egg and Gruyere cheese on Marianita sauce, CROQUE MADAME bread seven seeds, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, turkey ham, gruyere cheese, bechamel and fried egg, EGGS CHAPULTEPEC starred with turkey ham, manchego, green sauce and avocado, VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS cheese, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco offers GRILLED LOMA LINDA 1kg, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Roast Strip, Arrachera, Chistorra), KOSHER CUTS (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, rajas, nopales, mushrooms and pumpkin flower, NATURAL MOLLETES Ciabatta bread with refried beans and mix of house cheeses, MIXED MOLLETES chorizo, bacon, ham and egg, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, ENGLISH MUFFIN DE SALMÓN cream cheese, roasted tomatoes, avocado and honey dressing with mustard, HUARACHE DE RIB EYE with egg, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, panela cheese, rajas, nopales, mushrooms and pumpkin flower, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, CAROLO PANCAKES Red fruit sauce, honey maple and bacon, PANQUÉS Green tea, banana or lemon, SWEET BREAD JUICES OF THE HOUSE ZERO PERCENT cactus, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, CAROLO PANCAKES Red fruit sauce, honey maple and bacon, PANQUÉS Green tea, banana or lemon, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, celery and citrus, PUNTA MITA cucumber, pineapple, mint and honey, MULTIENZIMAS apple, celery, spinach, lemon juice and ginger, ANTIOXIDANT blue wench, raspberry, strawberry and orange, DRINKS JUICES orange, grapefruit, carrot or combined, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), GRILLED LOMA LINDA 1kg, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Roast Strip, Arrachera, Chistorra), KOSHER CUTS (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, SMOOTHIES strawberry, strawberries, blackberry, mango-chamoy or banana, FRAPPÉS mocha, chai latte, vanilla, Frappuccino or green tea, MILK SHAKE strawberry, vanilla or chocolate, CAFÉ DE CHIAPAS special toasting mixture, CHOCOLATE hot or cold, TEAS variety to choose from our deli, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, Discover classic Italian cuisine in the heart of Mexico City at Quattro Gastronomical Italian. This stately eatery, located inside the JW Marriott hotel, is a local favorite, showcasing Northern Italian fare in an elegant dining room, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco offers GRILLED LOMA LINDA 1kg, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, complete with a full bar and an extensive wine selection. Quattro Gastronomical Italian creates each dish with care, incorporating ingredients imported from Italy to ensure authentic flavors in every bite, Quattro Gastronomica Italiana also feature a diverse menu, including appetizers, fresh soups, pastas, salads, risotto dishes, fresh seafood, steaks, veal specialties and more, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco with STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, Pastas and desserts are made from scratch in-house daily, Restaurants Polanco, Italian Gastronomy, authentic Italian Cuisine, Welcome to the best of Italy, where tradition is a lifestyle that is savored and celebrated with good friends, lots of joy, and exceptional cuisine, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, panela cheese, rajas, Our commitment at Quattro is to ensure that every time you relive the splendor and magnificence of Italian gastronomy, Quattro Gastronomic Italian serves authentic recipes from northern Italy, featuring impeccable quality sourced ingredients, legendary recipes, and the most attentive service. The classic Italian menu focuses primarily on expertly prepared homemade pastas, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco with STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, Mediterranean seafood, and premium meats, The best taste, The best cooking recipes: Specialties, the regions of Italy are diverse and rich in cuisine and winemaking. At Restaurants Polanco, in addition to our basic menu, we also offer special regional menus. The regions change monthly, ranging from north to south or seasonally, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), GRILLED LOMA LINDA 1kg, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), depending on what fresh ingredients are currently in Italy. Starting in November, we will offer a menu from Restaurants Polanco, the home of our chefs and our kitchen, in which we will present the Alba Tartufo Blanco, Every day the chefs offer specialties such as Risotto, Fish and Angus Prime Cuts of the day, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Your Quattro hosts will explain these dishes to you at your table. Our Wine Director can help you pair your dishes of your choice, Mexico City is filled with mouthwatering food, tasty drinks, and amazing dining experiences that you absolutely cannot miss. From upscale restaurants to street food, unique eateries to the best bars, here are the best restaurants in Mexico City, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, panela cheese, rajas, Sure you could plan your trip to Mexico City all by yourself, but why risk missing out on all the delicious gems? When you have a Mexico City local plan your trip, you’ll get to experience the *real* Mexico City, restaurants and all. After all, no one knows Mexico City better than a local, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco with STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, Learn more, “Linelly helped us beyond anything we could’ve planned ourselves. Everything she suggested for us was spot-on, and I feel we got the best experience by following a Restaurants Polanco, local’s guidance.” —Kate, Recent Traveler, Kate, Recent Traveler, Mexico City’s Best Upscale Restaurants, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, panela cheese, rajas, Pujol, Pujol, one of the best restaurants in the WORLD, is definitely one of the best restaurants in Mexico City, Pujol | City Foodsters/Flickr, Restaurants Polanco, was voted the thirteenth-best restaurant in the world in 2018, and is widely known as one of the best places to eat in Mexico City. Pujol takes traditional Mexico street food to a whole new level, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, The restaurant is famous for its unusual ingredients and meals, like smoked baby corn inside a gourd filled with ants, coffee, and chili mayo. If you’re in Polanco, one of the best neighborhoods in Mexico City, you can’t miss a meal from Pujol, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco with STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, Restaurants Polanco, what kind of traveler are you? Let’s face it. People want different things when they travel. Rather than spending hours sifting through blogs and top 10 lists written by people who may have totally different interests than you, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, panela cheese, rajas, why not start by sharing a little about what’s important to you when exploring a new destination? Enter your travel preferences below and we’ll connect you with a like‑minded local in Mexico City to help you plan your trip based on your specific interests, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco with STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, Restaurants Polanco offers For 2 persons, Food, (Select all that apply), Markets, Street Food, Bakeries, Coffee, Fine Dining, Budget Eats, Culture, (Select all that apply), Music, Arts, Museums, History, Theatre, Activities, (Select all that apply), Outdoors, Dancing, Nightlife, Beaches, Sports, Walking, Family, FIND A LOCAL, Restaurants Polanco, Although it’s located a bit away from Mexico City’s main tourist attractions, it’s worth venturing to Claveria to eat lunch at Restaurants Polanco. At 60 years old, Restaurants Polanco is still loved by many and considered the best restaurant in Mexico City by Eater. Visit the mezcal cart and enjoy the local ingredients and age-old meals at Restaurants Polanco, Quintonil Restaurant, World-renowned Quintonil is definitely one of the best restaurants in Mexico City, Quintonil | T.Tseng/Flickr, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), GRILLED LOMA LINDA 1kg, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Owned by the same chef as Pujol, Quintonil emphasizes fresh, seasonal ingredients along with local herbs and grains from its own urban orchards. Quintonil is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and focuses on emitting low food/product waste. Quintonil has a great location next the Museum of Contemporary Art and the National Museum of Anthropology, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, (two of Mexico City’s best museums and great places to work up an appetite), Mexico City’s Best Bars, Salon Rios, If you want to experience Mexico City’s amazing nightlife, spend a Thursday night at Salon Rios, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), GRILLED LOMA LINDA 1kg, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), This old cantina-style bar is equipped with traditional Mexico mezcal, beer, and cocktails. Salon Rios is a great place to visit in Mexico City if you want to embrace traditional music and culture. Climb the stairs to the hidden tropical dance hall, Babalu, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco with STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, and salsa dance to live music until the sun comes up, King Cole Bar, King Cole Bar is one of Mexico City best restaurants AND it has an amazing view of the city’s iconic fountain/statue | Diana the Huntress fountain | Lin Mei/Flickr | Travelers love King Cole’s elegant but welcoming atmosphere and signature, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), GRILLED LOMA LINDA 1kg, Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), locally-inspired drinks. King Cole’s signature drink is the Sangria Maria cocktail, which features mezcal and a puree of pasilla chiles. If you’re a sucker for scenic sights, King Cole has one of the best views of Mexico City—it overlooks Reforma’s Diana the Huntress fountain, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Jules Basement has a speakeasy vibe and great cocktails, making it one of Mexico City’s best restaurants, Jules Basement | Ash Edmonds/Un splash, Jules Basement is a classic speakeasy that you can’t pass up. Located in Polanco, one of the best places to stay in Mexico City, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, Jules Basement’s low-lit bar is located in the back of an unassuming restaurant. The speakeasy experience is complete with a sliding refrigerator door entryway that’ll make you feel like you’ve been transported to a different era, Mexico City’s Best Unique Eateries, Work with a local to plan your trip, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), GRILLED LOMA LINDA 1kg, Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), See a side most people miss, GET STARTED, restaurants Polanco, If you’re not afraid of eating insects and moist ant larvae, you have to visit Restaurant Arroyo. Restaurant Arroyo is the world’s largest Mexican restaurant and seats 2,200 people, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco with STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, It’s explosive, colorful decorations and waitresses in traditional Mexican dresses make restaurants Polanco a fan favorite and must-do in Mexico City, restaurants Polanco is perfect for the literary inclined—the combo of books and brunch make it one of Mexico City’s best restaurants, restaurants Polanco | Nan Palmero/Flickr, If you’re a book lover vacationing in Mexico City, you need to stop at restaurants Polanco, a bookstore and breakfast spot in Roma, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, Its central location is situated close to many of Mexico City’s main attractions, so if you’re spending a day playing the tourist, pop your head in and munch on a torta while scrolling through the cafe’s wide variety of Spanish and English books, restaurants Polanco, La Gruta | Joan banjo/Wikimedia Commons, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, If you’re looking for something to do in Mexico City that’s away from the hustle and bustle of downtown, make a trip to Teotihuacan and dine underground at La Gruta. Located in a natural cave and dating back to 1906, La Gruta offers a mix of beautiful scenery and amazing Mexican food. La Gruta is a must-see spot in Mexico City and absolutely worth the one-hour trip outside of the city center, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, Pro tip: La Gruta is near the Pyramids of Teotihuacan, so it takes some advance planning to get there. Chat with a local about the best/easiest options, Mexico City’s Best Street Food Treasures | Cochinita Pibil try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco with STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, with its delicious braised meats, Cohenite Pibil is one of Mexico City’s best restaurants, Cohenite Pibil at El Turix | T.Tseng/Flickr, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, Cochinita Pibil at El Turix is one of the best places to visit in Mexico City for amazing roasted, braised meat. Located in Polanco, Cochinita Pibil has a classic no-frills look, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, that will remind you of a different era. Cochinita Pibil is notorious for its meltingly tender meat that you can’t pass up while traveling through Mexico City, Churrera El Moro, For those with a sweet tooth, restaurants Polanco is one of the best restaurants in Mexico City, Churrera El Moro | MI Castle/Flickr | If you’re traveling with a sweet tooth, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, add a trip to churrera El Moro to your Mexico City itinerary. One of the best things to see in Mexico City: churrera El Moro’s 80-year-old bakers making mouth-watering sweets from the window of the classic churro shop, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Watch the churro makers pipe wet dough into smoking hot oil while sipping on a delicious hot chocolate. Dipping a fresh churro into rich chocolate sauce tastes better when you’ve watched it bake from scratch, K-Guam, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), GRILLED LOMA LINDA 1kg, Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), for great street food at Mexico City’s low prices, visit K-Guam’s street strand just outside of Mercado San Juan. The seafood tostadas are to die for and it’s hard to eat just one, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco with STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, K-Guam is located just west of the city center, so if you’re in the area definitely stop by and try the widely talked about fresh octopus, Ready to try out the best food Mexico City has to offer? Not only can a local trip planner suggest the best, most authentic restaurants in Mexico City, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, but they can also design an itinerary customized to your interests—all the best things to do, see, and, yes, EAT. Instead of tired tourist traps, you’ll experience Mexico City like the locals do. Questions? Send us a message! Connect With a Local to Plan Your Trip, 25 Places You Have To Visit In Mexico City 2020, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Money In Mexico City: Tipping, ATMs, and More, 15 Mexico City Travel Tips To Know Before Visiting, Where to Stay in Mexico City, 3 Unique Itineraries For 3 Days In Mexico City, Our 9 Favorite Mexico City Tours, Contact Us, undefined, Still have questions about travel to Mexico City? Why not ask someone who lives there? Via Hero connects you with a local to help plan your trip, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), GRILLED LOMA LINDA 1kg, Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), They’ll create a guidebook based on your personal travel style, you’ll see a unique side of a destination and travel independently—all while saving time and money in the planning process. Find a local today, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco with STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, looking for more info? Is It Safe to Travel to Mexico Right Now? Is it safe to travel to Mexico right now? Yes! Like any large country, Mexico has safe areas and not-so-safe areas. Learn more about the specifics here. Via Hero Travel, Read More, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), GRILLED LOMA LINDA 1kg, Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Is Mexico City Safe for Travel? Is Mexico City safe for travel? Yes—but there are things you should know. Check out this guide on how to stay safe in Mexico City, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Can I Travel to Mexico Right Now? “When can I travel to Mexico?” We’re eager to get back to Mexico, too. This guide includes information on the situation in Mexico and how to start planning your Mexico trip, A gourmet weekend in Mexico City? Great idea. Mexico’s capital ranks among the best cities in the world for luxury dining, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, on par in many respects with New York, Singapore, London or Tokyo. And in case you haven’t noticed, Mexican food isn’t what it used to be, Chef Enrique Olvera has become almost as famous as Thomas Keller or René Redzepi. And his former protégé Jorge Vallejo is already nipping at his heels, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco with STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, indeed, the latter temporarily overtook his mentor in the World’s 50 Best Restaurants rankings. Regarding that list, only two cities worldwide claim two spots among the Top 20: Mexico City and Lima. (San Francisco has only one restaurant on that list — Saison — while L.A. has none, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), GRILLED LOMA LINDA 1kg, Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), so take it all with a grain of salt.) Still. the dining scene here is seriously great, with a strong roster of rising stars soon to challenge the likes of Olvera and Vallejo, many of the city’s most exclusive restaurants are concentrated in the neighborhood of Polanco, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco with STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, which is tantamount to L.A.’s Beverly Hills or San Francisco’s Nob Hill. The adjacent neighborhoods of Condesa, Roma, Juárez and Cuauhtémoc are also rich with possibilities, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), GRILLED LOMA LINDA 1kg, Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), as this general area of the city is where much of Mexico’s urban wealth is deposited and also where most of Mexico’s finest hotels are found, Lunch in Polanco is even more popular than dinner, especially among the wealthy residents who live in the neighborhood’s impeccably restored mid-century modern townhouses and for whom a leisurely lunch is an indicator of social status, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco with STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, many hold standing reservations throughout the year, I’m told. And while some restaurants open for lunch as early as 1pm, lunchtime in this city doesn’t really begin in earnest until 2 or even 3 o’clock — and almost certainly involves sipping a luxury tequila. As such, most locals don’t eat dinner until 8 or even 11, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, only a tourist would dare to dine at 7 or — gasp! — earlier, these are my favorite luxury restaurants right now in Mexico’s capital. (See also: Part 2 of this story, 6 more incredible restaurants) Pujol, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco with STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, Enrique Olvera moved his groundbreaking Pujol to a new location in Polanco in the spring of 2017, not far from the original. The new version is more casual than the old, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), GRILLED LOMA LINDA 1kg, Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), whose design was a case study in mid-century modern luxuriousness. Version 2.0 is an indoor/outdoor experience that encourages co-mingling of guests, whereas the old townhouse was an oasis of intimacy and privacy, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHICKEN SHEET 200g, Cover with refried beans, gratin with gouda cheese, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco with STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, I feared that the casualization of Pujol might diminish this restaurant’s extraordinarily high level of professionalism, but it didn’t. Service and hospitality here are still absolutely superb in every detail, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, everyone enjoys their savory courses in indoors then (weather permitting) migrates to the outdoor living room for dessert and after-dinner drinks under a canopy of trees. The kitchen extends into the garden, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, where the chefs use a pit in the ground to roast goats and tamales and whatnot, The biggest change to the menu, other than the introduction of more rustic, indigenous cooking techniques is the introduction of a new taco bar. When making a reservation, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad),you get to choose between the dining room (and regular degustation menu) or the new taco bar, a long counter that runs the length of the restaurant and features an eight-course omakase-style menu of nothing but tacos, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, each course is paired with a different beverage, which includes locally brewed beer, Mexican wines and mezcal. Tennyson 133, Polanco, Zanaya, The Four Seasons hotel recently emerged from a major refurbishment, a long-overdue upgrade that included the development of a new coastal Mexican restaurant called Zanaya, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, where the indoor/outdoor dining room opens onto the hotel’s lushly landscaped interior courtyard. This has quickly become one of the city’s most important power lunches, both leisure and business alike, the young chef in charge is Tonatiuh Cuevas, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, who grew up in Nayarit on Mexico’s Pacific Coast near Puerto Vallarta. He’s tapped into that semi-rustic coastal heritage and installed a wood-fire pit. Using a wire cage (zarandero) over the coals, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), he cooks guajillo-glazed Pacific snapper and dogfish to make fish tacos. These tacos are served family style with several salsas (including a serrano agua chile that’ll melt your tongue), try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS, grilled onions and handmade corn tortillas, there are other things to get excited about here, including spectacular ceviche’s and grilled tuna coated in the ashes of charred chilies. As good as everything else truly is, the real draw here is the zaran deado-style fish, Visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, after you’ve had these tacos, only then should you begin to explore further. This might very well be the best thing you eat in Mexico City. Paseo de la Reforma 500, Colonia Juarez, Mexico City, UPDATE: Since this article was originally published, chef Cuevas has been promoted to executive chef of the new Four Seasons Los Cabos, try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, I have reached out to the Four Seasons Mexico City, which has hired a new executive chef, to see how this affects Zanaya, but so far, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, I haven’t received a response, Quintonil, As previously stated, chef Jorge Vallejo is a former protégé of Enrique Olvera at Pujol. And while Quintonil temporarily leapfrogged ahead of Pujol on the World’s 50 Best list, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, Pujol has once again pulled ahead. Nevertheless, Quintonil has grown tremendously in the few short years that it’s been open. The evolution from 2013 to now is remarkable, not just in culinary refinement but even more noticeably in service and hospitality, Vallejo named the restaurant after his favorite wild green, a type of flowering amaranth indigenous to Mexico that chefs across the country are rediscovering, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, Quintonil is a quietly casual, unassuming restaurant that occupies a single-story flat on a quaint residential street a few blocks away from Pujol, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious entrees and desserts with special moments, The restaurant barely accommodates 30 diners inside, with room for another 20 on the backyard patio, which is boxed in on all sides by two stories of cracked concrete, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, the spirit of legendary Mexican mid-century designer Luis Barragan lives in the walls here, Meals here begin with handmade tortillas, pressed from heirloom corn that’s grown on the outskirts of the city. Mexican sardines are smoked and bathed in agua chile, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, Jerusalem artichokes get transformed into tamales and painted with brushstrokes of burnt yogurt, You might encounter a ceviche of scallops splashed with prickly-pear broth and powdered sea urchin roe, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, or a salad of wild greens made of nine different quelites (wild herbs) grown specifically for Quintonil. Newton 55, Polanco, The flagship dining room of The St. Regis hotel overlooks the golden statue of “Diana the Huntress” on the famed Paseo de la Reforma boulevard, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious entrees and desserts with special moments, this is where Quintonil’s Jorge Vallejo first rose to acclaim after leaving Pujol. The menu in those days (and until recently) hewed mostly French. But no more. In late 2017, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, the restaurant emerged from a stunning makeover that saw the installation of a breathtaking glass-walled wine vault that hugs one entire wall of the dining room. More importantly, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious entres and desserts with special moments, the redux comes with a new menu focused not on French cuisine but Mexican, the chef in charge of Diana now is Fernando A. Sanchez Ortiz, a young chef who, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, with his new menu focused on contemporary Mexican flavors and techniques, is destined to become one of Mexico’s next great culinary stars, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, It might sound hyperbolic to say the kale salad is extraordinary. It is, after all, just a kale salad. But it’s so much more than that. Ortiz dresses it with a chili adobo, which delivers just a hint of heat, along with shaved cotija cheese. Trust me, it’s the best kale salad you will ever eat, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, better still, the chef takes the flavors of suadero tacos (essentially braised beef belly) and stuffs it instead into a freeform ravioli, which he serves in a spicy beef jus, topped with a cloud of lime foam. He transforms beef cheeks into barbacoa, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious entrees and desserts with special moments, which he cooks in agave leaves, an ancient technique that imbues the meat with a subtle sweetness, you’ll want to pair every single dish with a wine from Mexico. That new cellar? It showcases one of the best wine collections in town, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, Paseo de la Reforma, Spain’s legendary Michelin-starred restaurants continue to provide much of the training to the young chefs in Mexico who are now powering the capital’s culinary revolution, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, Chef Oswaldo Oliva worked for seven years at Mugaritz in San Sebastian, and at El Celler de Can Roca in Catalonia before that. He left Mugaritz in 2015 at the height of his fame to return home to Mexico City to open Lorea. The restaurant occupies a multi-story townhouse in Roma Norte, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, the dining room and kitchen are on the second level, there are essentially two options at Lorea: an elaborate nine-course tasting menu, or an even more decadent experience that goes on until you scream, “Uncle!” No two tables receive exactly the same menu, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, Most guests will be invited to enjoy one of their courses in the kitchen while standing and chatting with the chef, The most memorable bites from my nine-course tasting (more than ample) we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious entres and desserts with special moments, include warm “mochi” made with fresh mint and pistacchio, peanut tofu in a shrimp consommé, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, roasted purslane with duck jus, glazed pork jowl on toast and a portobello-sized clump of huitlacoche still attached to a cob of corn, Opt for the beverage pairing, and every dish will come with something unusual to drink, ranging from hot herbal tea to a fizzy local beer, old sherry, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, and fantastic Mexican wine. Sinaloa 141, Roma Norte, Noso, Here’s another Mexico-Spain-Mexico story. Mexican nationals Sandra Fortes and Miguel Hidalgo met while cooking at the famous El Bulli in Spain, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, They fell in love, married and returned to Mexico and briefly operated a restaurant in Jalapa (Veracruz) called El Molino del Quijote. They eventually moved to CDMX and opened Noso, but their timing wasn’t particularly great, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, the restaurant opened a few days before 2017’s horrific earthquake, which immediately dampened the buzz of their highly anticipated debut, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, which should have been one of Mexico’s most talked about openings that year. Instead, it’s been a slow but still increasing crescendo, Noso is a gorgeous restaurant. Designed by Faci Leboreiro, an elite architecture firm based in Polanco, the center of the restaurant appears to be carved from a single, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, massive boulder of granite that leads into a serene, minimalist dining room absent any decor other than large windows framing Polanco’s bustling Avenida President Masaryk, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, Fortes and Hidalgo cook contemporary Mexican food with modernist Spanish influences. Their technique is exquisite. They are champions of subtly, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, they never hit you in the face with big flavors. Every bite of what they serve is delicious, whether it’s a beautiful glazed cylinder of foie gras or seared Baja scallop hiding beneath the veil of a mushroom tuile, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, It seems to me these young chefs are still cooking the food they learned in Spain and haven’t yet fully realized the potential that surrounds them in Mexico City. That might sound like I don’t recommend this place, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, but I do. It is a gorgeous experience from start to finish, even if their cooking doesn’t feel as deeply personal as what I’ve sampled at the other restaurants on this list. But just like Quintonil, I suspect this restaurant is going to grow and evolve very fast, so watch this space, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, Avenida Presidente Masaryk, Raiz, Israel Montero, a young chef from Venezuela came of age in France in the legendary kitchens of Alain Ducasse and Paul Bocuse. Alfredo Chávez, a chef from Michoacan, also trained with Bocuse, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, plus Guy Savoy in Paris and Alfred Portale in New York at Gotham Bar & Grill, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, the two chefs opened a restaurant together several years ago called Kaah Siis, which took Mexican flavors and applied them to their classical French training. They soon realized that their customers were much more interested in their Mexican inspiration than their European techniques, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, so they eventually closed, remodeled and reopened the restaurant in 2017 as Raiz. The menu is now pure Mexican, but still very much a bridge between old and new, The dining room is more serene, more romantic than before, although the crowd is as fashionable and beautiful, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, and almost assuredly fashionably late for dinner, as ever before, Their cooking dives deep into the vast ethos of Mexican cuisine, albeit with a contemporary worldview. Almost everything on the menu comes from the farms just outside the city or else from Puebla, Michoacán, Tlaxcala, Hidalgo and Morelos, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, a lot of what you’ll see on the menu will sound familiar: tacos, tostadas, moles, aguachiles… and some of it will be exactly what you expect, as is the case with things like carne asada tacos made from prime ribeye, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, still other dishes like pork belly with burnt chipotle mole or smoked cod tostadas will catch you off guard and provide a wonderful sense of discovery. And if you want to eat like there’s no tomorrow, there’s also an elaborate eight-course tasting menu, GETTING AROUND CDMX, UBER, BIRD, AIRPORT, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, traffic can be insane during business hours, and Uber is the easiest way to get around. It’s a lot cheaper here than in the U.S. For example: Polanco to Roma costs about $10 in a luxury SUV; the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, a lot less if you go with UberX, Mexico’s City’s culinary awakening shook the globe several years ago when chefs Enrique Olvera at Pujol and Jorge Vallejo at Quintonil surged into the upper ranks of the World’s 50 Best Restaurants by mining their country’s rich cultural heritage and redefining what it means to be a cook in Mexico, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, their movement caught fire and remains inextinguishable. Proud, inspired and emboldened, Mexico’s capital today easily competes with the hottest restaurant scenes in all of the Americas, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, And with a strong U.S. dollar, dining out in Mexico City is an incredible bargain, flying into to Mexico City for several days of nonstop eating has become an annual (sometimes semi-annual) the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, pilgrimage for me in recent years. And while I’ve previously written about Pujol, Quintonil, Lorea and other top restaurants (see Where to Eat in Mexico City, part 1), we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, those marquee names barely scratch the surface, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, just as Quintonil’s Vallejo was once a protégé of the legendary Olvera at Pujol, a growing roster of disciples of both of those chefs (and other incubators like Biko) have become rising stars in their own right, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, Names to watch: Edgar Núñez, Rodrigo Estrada, Marco Cruz and Sofía Antillón, among others. These are the chefs and restaurants I’m obsessing over right now, Huset, labels its food “cocina de campo,” or country cooking. Just about everything, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, I believe, is cooked over a wood-burning fire. And most of what they procure comes from local farms and producers, and sometimes even their own garden. The Chilango chef/owner, Maycoll Calderón, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, burnished his résumé in the prestigious kitchens of Arzak, El Bulli and Jean Georges. He’s dialed it back here, preferring a more rustic style of simpler times. Although intensely local, the cooking appears to draw inspiration from France and Italy, with hand-crafted pizzas being extremely popular, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, I skip the pizzas, though and opt for things that sounded a bit more Mexican, like a mixed agua chile with shrimp and sea bass in a zesty mezcal bath, Because Mexico gave tomatoes to the world, and this was the height of summer, a tomato salad seems in order, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, and it is everything and more. Absolutely perfect tomatoes need very little fussing, and that’s how they’re handled here, also very good: wood-grilled ribeye with jalapeño pesto and roasted plantain in black mole, Most customers pull strings to sit outside in the courtyard, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, a lovely tree-covered patio in the heart of bustling Roma Norte, but given the choice I immediately gravitate indoors. The interior design is gorgeous, a thoughtful balance of romantic hacienda glamour and urban sophistication. Colima 256, Roma Norte, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, Comedor Jacinta, Chef Edgar Núñez is most famous for his restaurant Sud 777 in Mexico City’s far south side neighborhood of Pedregal, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, I’ll trek to the city’s southern fringe someday, perhaps on my next visit. But for now I’m obsessed with Núñez’s other, much more casual offering in Polanco: Comedor Jacinta. The restaurant occupies a prime curve on Virgilio Street, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, one of the hottest destinations in Polanco, which most days becomes a pedestrian-only promenade that forms a circle with Avenida Emilio Castelar. Day and night, this is one of the best spots in the city for people-watching, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, The kitchen is said to be inspired by the dishes of his youth in Mexico, which suggests Núñez grew up eating extraordinary tuna tostadas and zarandeado-style grilled red snapper and somewhere along the way discovered lava-hot molcajetes overflowing with chiles and carne asada, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, maybe it’s because I ordered so much food, or maybe they treat everyone like this, but the complimentary tequila and sangrita at the end of the meal was a heartwarming gesture. Virgilio 40, Polanco, La Buena Barra, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, Perched on the second floor of a three-story building at the corner of Avenida Presidente Masaryk (Mexico’s Rodeo Drive) and Calle Aristoteles (a block from Pujol), La Buena Barra commands a scene, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, the hostess looks me over from head to toe, judging whether I look the part, and then she shakes her head and says, “Sorry, I don’t see your reservation.” But I’m one step ahead of her, having already glanced at the computer and spotted my name. “Nope,” I say, “I’m right there. And I’m right on time.” Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, at which point she sighs, acquiesces and gives me one of the best tables on the patio. Once inside, everyone is treated like a VIP, and there’s always a friendly waiter within arm’s reach, most customers are dressed to kill, even for 5 o’clock happy hour, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, roving bartenders push cocktail carts through the standing-room-only crowd. One cart is focused exclusively on fancy gin and tonics. Others pour only mezcal or champagne, Although this is essentially a bar (the name, after all, translates to “the good bar”), it’s probably more appropriate to think of it as a serious steakhouse with a killer bar menu, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, One of my favorite things here is the tabletop trompo, a miniature rotisserie fueled by hot charcoal that they bring to the table loaded with either pork al pastor or Brazilian-style steak picanha (garlic-rubbed sirloin cap), we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, you carve the meat and make your own tacos at the table. It’s absolutely brilliant. Aristóteles 124, Polanco, Agua y Sal, Chef/owner Rodrigo Estrada makes ceviche. All kinds of ceviche inspired by the entire coast of Latin America, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, funny, although from Mexico, he first fell in love with Peruvian ceviche in San Francisco — and it stuck, so that’s a big part of the mix here, Agua y Sal is deservedly one of the busiest restaurants in Polanco, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, situated in the shadow of the recently (beautifully) revamped Hyatt Regency across the street. All the old ladies who lunch are here, many apparently with weekly reservations, all sipping tequila and sangrita as their drivers wait around the corner, The menu lists dozens of different ceviches, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, categorized by spice and sweetness. There’s even a designation for vegan ceviches, including a phenomenal composition of cherry tomatoes. The shrimp aguachile is probably my favorite of all, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, though, the exemplar of its genre. Campos Elíseos 199-A, Polanco, Chefs Marco Cruz and Sofía Antillón garnered wide acclaim for their restaurants Nómada and B’ui Cocina de Campo in San Miguel de Allende, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, Tres Tonalá marks their foray into the lion’s den of Mexico City, you might also notice the restaurant’s name spelled Tres Tonalá or even 3 Tonalá. The former is how it appears in their logo, but Google Maps and other internet searches have trouble finding that spelling, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, The name is a confusing reference to their address, which is on a triangular corner of Calle Tonalá but not No. 3. They’ve converted a lovely old French architectural building overlooking a charming tree-shaded dog park in a quiet residential corner of the neighborhood where street musicians constantly stroll past, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, stopping to play a song or two before moving along, Although open for only a few months, they have already assembled one of the best wine lists in the city, at least as far as Mexican terroir is concerned, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, they make an extraordinary ceviche of shrimp, octopus and corn. Although they call it ceviche, it’s really more of a cold corn soup — and it is absolutely extraordinary, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, In San Miguel, the chefs had abundant access to local farms, and that connection is evident in a plate of grilled vegetables, which is as pretty as it is delicious, Beef short rib is meltingly tender, braised in some sort of dark mole and topped with roasted huitlacoche and hoja santa, plus chile mije pesto, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, Pork en chile verde is equally high-brow. Tonalá 171, Roma Norte, Guzina Oaxaca, The first time I discovered chef Alejandro Ruíz’s food was in Oaxaca City, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, where he has operated Casa Oaxaca for more than 20 years. He branched into Mexico City in 2014 with Guzina Oaxaca, The tiny restaurant accommodates no more than maybe 50 diners at a time, and yet the bar offers one of the finest collections of Oaxacan mezcal in the city, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, two cooks are stationed in the front window, making tortillas by hand and cooking quesadillas, tacos and tlayudas on a four-foot-wide comal, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, the aromas of mole and chiles sizzling on the grill lures passersby from the sidewalk on Polanco’s bustling Masaryk, The tamales (they call them tamalizas here) are superb. Blue-corn quesadillas are stuffed with Oaxacan string cheese and crumbled chorizo, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, and the mole negro is everything you would expect from Oaxaca’s most famous chef. Avenida Presidente Masaryk, Fine dining in Polanco, TOP EXPERIENCES | Exclusive, Gastronomy, Trendsetters, with all the senses Take 3 hours, Imagine, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, Traditional Mexican cuisine, which is recognized as Intangible World Cultural Heritage, is being brought into the culinary forefront by a new wave of chefs. Their techniques blend science fiction with ancient concoctions in the kitchens, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, the same old ingredients in never before seen combinations. Mexican cuisine is also opening up to other cuisines of the world, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, to other ingredients, and to other ways of dining. A feast for the senses. A universal, contemporary and appealing cuisine, if you’d like to indulge on a memorable meal, go to one of the temples of Mexican cuisine, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, Three of the six restaurants on the list of the 50 best restaurants in Latin America are in Polanco: Pujol, Enrique Olvera’s flagship restaurant; Biko, by Bruno Oteiza and Mikel Alonso; and Quintonil, by Jorge Vallejo and Alejandra Flores, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, each restaurant has its own distinctive style, and in all three you’ll find a welcoming ambiance, attentive service, and exquisite dishes prepared with knowledge, curiosity, precision and inspiration. A true delight! Here you will find all the gourmet restaurants in Polanco. We recommend that you book well in advance, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, if you’re looking for something less formal, we recommend the Polanquito area, between Emilio Castelar Street and Presidente Masaryk Avenue, This restaurant has been serving Hidalgo-style barbacoa to grateful Mexico City residents for over 15 years. On weekends only, fresh lamb from owner Moisés Rodríguez’s Hidalgo farm is roasted for 12 hours over mesquite and oak in an underground pit, then served in charred agave leaves, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, An order of barbacoa comes with everything you need to make tacos you’ll remember for days; be sure to order the consommé, flavored with meat drippings, chili, and lime, and wash it all down with a glass of pulque (the freshly fermented sap from the heart of one type of agave plant), the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, Though this is barbacoa heaven, the mixiotes (pit-barbecued meats) another Hidalguense specialty, are fantastic as well, fine dining in Mexico City, anatol & dulce patria, restaurants Polanco, sample menus and reviews dining reservations, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, experience two upscale Mexico City restaurants with very different and complementary concepts. Las Alcobas, a Luxury Collection Hotel offers an approach to fine dining in Mexico City with sophistication, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, opening a world of opportunity for guests to experience the perfect balance between the known and unknown. The sensory details, the freshness of the ingredients, and the polished service all combine at Anatol and Dulce Patria for a sensational outing to some of the best opportunities for dining at Mexico City’s Polanco neighborhood restaurants, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, Anatol Restaurant is a seasonal, consciously-sourced, ingredient-driven restaurant. The menu consists of composed small plates, presented in a social and casual environment. Renowned Chef Justin Ermini has assembled a menu that is ideal for those seeking a laid back dining experience with a touch of Italian influence. Anatol’s contemporary and fresh environment amplifies the passion its food inspires, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, Dulce Patria, directed by talented Chef Martha Ortiz, is a 90 seat, high energy venue that has redefined the Mexican dining experience. The menu is comprised of traditional plates reinterpreted in a modern context, set in a lively, stylish and urban environment. The restaurant boasts two terraces that give the inside of the restaurant a serene, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, spacious and open-air feel, Best Restaurants in Mexico City, Dining in Mexico City is sophisticated, with cuisine that spans the globe. From high chic to the standard Mexican comida corrida (blue-plate special), Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, the capital offers something for every taste and budget. The Polanco area, in particular, has become a place of exquisite dining options, with new restaurants rediscovering and modernizing classic Mexican dishes. The Centro Histórico led a resurgence of popular restaurants and bars open for late-night dining and nightlife, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, which has spread to the Condesa and Roma neighborhoods — which you can easily stroll to find a number of small restaurants and a myriad of cuisines. San Angel houses some of Mexico City’s finest traditional restaurants. Cantinas, until not so very long ago the privilege of men only, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, offer some of the best food and colorful local atmosphere, everybody eats out in Mexico City, regardless of social class, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, consequently, you can find restaurants of every type, size, and price range scattered across the city. Mexicans take their food and dining seriously, so if you see a full house, that’s generally recommendation enough. But those same places may be entirely empty if you arrive early — here, remember, feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, lunch is generally eaten at 3pm, with dinner not seriously considered before 9pm, What is it? A high-end reference point for contemporary Mexican food for almost 20 years. Chef Enrique Olvera’s signature restaurant is currently 12th on the list of the World’s 50 Best Restaurants, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, after opening in 2000, it moved from Petrarca Street over to Tennyson in Polanco in 2017. This place gets high marks for its ever-changing menu, Why to go? Mexico’s best restaurant plays with seasonings, textures, and heritage in Mexican cuisine with the help of an on-site organic garden, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, one of Pujol’s strong suits is the availability and freshness of its products, What should you try? The Mole Madre with hoja santa (a slightly peppery endemic Mexican herb) we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, tortillas is the one and only permanent staple on the menu; Oaxacan black mole made with nuts, dried fruit, and herbs. There’s also the omakase taco bar, an eight-to-10 course tasting with cocktail pairings, Restaurants Bistros Roma, what is it? we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, this restaurant’s cupboards devote two-thirds of their space to ingredients sourced from local farms, including crops from Xochimilco. Chef Eduardo Garcia, together with his wife and business partner Gabriela Lopez, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, opened this restaurant in 2012 with the concept of serving dishes rooted in sustainable farming and fair trade, Why to go? Eduardo Garcia has an impressive resume, featuring spots like Le Bernardin (a 3-Michelin star New York restaurant)) and Pujol (Mexico City), Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, This spot follows a firm philosophy of supporting domestic products and serving up sophisticated dishes without falling into ostentatious presentations. Pair these menu items with anything from a craft beer to featured wines, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, what should you try? The menu changes daily, but it never ceases to impress with things like carrot and asparagus purée, chicatana ants, or chile serrano, Sud 777 Disenia, what is it? An eatery that represents a multi-concept restaurant and kitchen of a typical house in the Pedregal neighborhood; Sud 777 is Edgar Núñez’s brainchild, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, its farm-fresh ingredients come alive in a backdrop of waterfalls and mirrors, Why to go? They’re currently holding down number 14 on the list of the 25 Best Restaurants in Latin America, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, walking inside, you’ll notice a luxurious wood motif, stone, and upmarket facades — all a result of a collab between Sergio Berger (Niz-Chauvet architects) and designer Adan Carabes, What should you try? The centerpiece is the tasting menu: rotating, cutting-edge, and traditional all at once, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, check out the pepper stuffed with dark chocolate and crunchy cacao, sure to command your attention, What is it? Quintonil shines as a deep expression of Mexican cooking and herbal notes, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, brimming with completely different flavors (in a good way). This year, headed up by Jorge Vallejo and Alejandra Flores comes in at 24 on The World’s 50 Best, a list they’ve been on since 2015, Why to go? The offerings are centered on products culled from the earth, where their flavors can take center stage, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, all the flavors are balanced and executed with a deft hand, taking contemporary Mexican cuisine to its maximum potential. All of this and more coming out of a humble kitchen in Polanco, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, what should you try? Adobos with grasshopper and beans, artichoke tamales, chile and caramelized onion infusions that bring national heritage to center stage. The nixtamalized tomato braised in meat broth and vegetable reduction is not to be missed, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, Restaurants Fusion Roma, What is it? Step inside this Porfiriato-era house to find an Italian kitchen with Mexican touches and no clichés. They make use of products — above all, seafood — featured in recipes straight out of an Italian grandma’s cookbook, with the creative touch of chef Elena Reygadas, why to go? Seasonal ingredients at the peak of their powers, a really upbeat environment in the afternoon, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, and romantic in the evening. And as if that wasn’t enough, both of their bakery locations have boomed, bringing artisanal sweet and savory delights to the Roma and Juárez neighborhoods, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, what should you try? The green mole with quelites is heavy on the herbs, with wild touches that don’t detract from its creaminess; try the homemade white cacao and hoja santa for an experimental dessert feature that aims to please, Restaurants Mediterranean Polanco, What is it? A place named in honor of the roman fermented fish sauce, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, Garum, from Vicente Torres (Top Millesime Chef of 2011), specializes in Mediterranean food made with local products that make for a shifting, albeit always innovative menu. In an interview with the chef, he told us about how Garum came up as “an opportunity to put together a project with a lot of freedom in it.”, Why to go? the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, rather than only being a chef-driven menu, this place is also about the details and respect for the ingredients. It’s a top spot for flavor purists and those trying to get into the food’s origin story, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, the menu stands as a uniquely perfect balance between local ingredients and Mediterranean influences, what should you try? The chocolate mussels with beer, sangrita shaved ice with salt fragrance is their iteration of a michelada and also a fantastic cold appetizer, 5 out of 5 stars Restaurants Mexican Condesa, what is it? A Baja California kitchen with an urban touch, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, top-notch ingredients purchased that were day picked by the most discerning of palates, and used generously by the deftest of hands (those of chef Jair Téllez), Why to go? Meretoro confronts and conquers the challenges of sourcing the best ingredients for their regionally-focused kitchen every single day, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, The menu gets printed daily, shifting with the seasons and the chef’s inspiration, what should you try? Check out the pork jowl with egg, a menu fixture that the waitstaff will pair wine with perfectly, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, get ready for a trip through a take on Mexican cuisine whose profile continues to grow on the international stage, what is it? A trip brimming with flavor and creativity, names of dishes that pique curiosity like riveting stories unto themselves. Chef Gaby Ruiz opened this restaurant en Lomas Virreyes behind the concept of innovative food influenced by the state of Tabasco, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, why to go? Here the food is like a concert. Get ready for the menu’s prelude, interlude, climax, and outro. Mexican ingredients prepared innovatively and with looks that match flavors, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, Look for the plantains featured in a half-moon presentation as a prime example, what should you try? A surprising dynamic duo is the jicama and pesto paired with green grapes and pistachios, or try the fish wrapped in hoja santa, Restaurants Breakfast Clavería, what is it? In the Claveria neighborhood here’s a spot that’s been around for over six decades dedicated to traditional Mexican fare, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, Chef Gerardo Vázquez Lugo serves up a menu of time-tested dishes with only the best ingredients, why to go? Nico’s keeps classic recipes alive and in all their glory. The careful and sophisticated presentation of the dishes is evidence that traditional food is part of haute cuisine, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, and that both are only made better by the slow food movement, what should you try? For years, the menu has featured classics like crunchy beef cecina (salted beef steak), dry cream soup (18th-century recipe), we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, and Nicolasa filet served in chile ancho, paired with tequila caramelized apples and hibiscus salsa, what is it? A culinary relationship between the countryside and its bounty, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, with sustainable cooking cred in Mexico City at a reasonable price. Chef Eduardo Garcia is the kind of guy who is exacting in his ingredient sourcing, as well as someone who nurtures the importance of agriculture in the restaurant industry, why to go? Eduardo has experience in fine dining, having also worked at Bernardin, a New York restaurant boasting three Michelin stars, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, His original design was crafted with communal dining in mind. Check out the 30-person long table in the front that lends itself to sharing plates and experiences, what should you try? The pork in green sauce, salmon biscuit or eggs with lard, gruyere, and green onion pair well with a mimosa or house-made soda, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, For vegetarians, the squash blossoms stuffed with comté cheese is the move, Restaurants Polanco, what is it? Dulce Patria has an ethos of reinterpretation of the flavors Mexican grandmas have been bringing to the table for years, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, all under the direction of chef Martha Ortiz, why to go? This place is a veritable parade of mole breads and flowers, feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, spanning from chipotle to violet. Treat yourself to the shellfish pozole, zaranda-style fish, and plantain stuffed enchiladas – dishes all aimed to please any palate. The smiling faces across the room let you know that everyone, yourself included, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, is thinking about mom’s cooking, What should you try? Order the Dulce Patria Mole, sporting the same red hue as the restaurant’s floor. Captivating aromas and presentations of traditional pink mole rule the day, featuring organic chicken breast and “love colored” rice (a must-try), Restaurants Dinner Polanco, what is it? Unlike other Italian places that focus on putting out food that nonna would make, and still others that skew fusion offerings, Belfiore offers up a menu that you’d find in actual Italy, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, the dishes shine in the simplicity of their ingredients, Why to go? The food is as comforting as the humble surroundings, complete with low ceilings and white walls. Incredible pasta, pizza, salads, and desserts are this menu’s staples. Pro tip: when you spot the pasta that catches your eye, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, look no further – just order. < What should you try? Fusilli with eggplant, ricotta cheese and tomato (unctuous, fruity, and simple); risotto with artichoke hearts and parmesan (with all the blunt force of pure Italian flavors), and baked penne with artichoke and truffle oil (prepare for tears of joy), Panna cotta de té rojo de Rokai, what is it? Rokai brings two kinds of Japanese food to the table: hot and cold, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, the latter is represented by their variety of fish offerings that change daily. On the other hand, the hot stuff comes by way of multiple soups and ramen, both portioned to leave you thoroughly full, why to go? This spot is the natural result of putting quality above all else, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, not to mention the experience of the two big Japanese cuisine genres. The nigiri has traditional “Nikiri” (sweet soy sauce) on it, made in-house with soy and other ingredients, What should you try? Those looking for a real Japanese experience should ask for the omakase at the sushi bar. Ask about cocktails like the genmaicha shiso, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Arango Cocina de Raíces en la Tabacalera, Foto: Michelle Burgos, What is it? Arrango is big on Mexican pride, displayed in their dishes and revolution-era decor. They’re named in honor of Doroteo Arrango, better known as Pancho Villa, an important figure in Mexican history, why to go? The menu is crafted by chef Alejandro Cuatepotzo, a Puebla native focused on the magical flavors of Mexico. In 2015 he was recognized as the “Rising Star Mexican Chef,” we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, at the Cancun Wine and Food Festival, among the most important festivals in Latin America. His floor-to-ceiling glass design with breathtaking views of the Revolution Monument elevates the whole experience, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, what to try? The sweet potato pinto with beef tongue barbacoa and the surf and turf tartar (mixing raw shrimp and ribeye) are all a must-try. Suadero made bourguignon style is also to die for, Emília, fine dining del chef Lucho Martinez en la Juárez, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, Foto: Alejandra Carbajal, What is it? Emilia, Lucho Martinez’s fine dining restaurant that’s only open for dinner. This spot is fully immersed in fine dining, stemming from Lucho’s experience at Quintonil, Maximo Bistrot, and Mia Domenicca. The space, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, discreetly located in the Cuauhtémoc neighborhood, is centered on the utmost top ingredients, particularly as they relate to seasonal availability, why to go? The menu is printed daily and ingredients rotate often (and that’s a good thing). There’s heavy influence here coming from Japanese cuisine, but folding in choice Mexican ingredients to bring something really special to the table, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, what should you try? The menu changes every day, but we’re pretty sure their dessert has held court for a minute. The Melissa ice cream with mandarin slices and powder is a show-stopper, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, Belmondo, Ariette Armella, Restaurants Eclectic Roma, what is it? If there were spots dedicated to expert sandwich tasters, Belmondo would be at the top of that rotation. Miwi, aka Adriana Lima (Pizza Felix and Felix Bar) the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, is a chef and founding partner of this humble sanctuary, where there’s a chance you might find Thom Yorke grabbing a bite, why to go? It’s a carnival of aromas that will transport you to the country, peppered with hints of oregano and rosemary. Artisanal loaves, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, toasted baguettes, ciabatta, and caraway seed come fresh out of the oven with a crunch to fall in love with, what should you try? The crispy chicken sandwich, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, if you happen to like fried food; or grab a bacon, egg, and cheese for the perfect breakfast treat, read more, ADVERTISING, Niddo, comida para el alma de Karen Drijanski, Foto: Michelle Burgos, what is it? A feast of country vibe food that’s generous with the seasoning. Chef Karen Drijanski (Minaggu and Nativa Cocina) and her son Eduardo Plaschinki grabbed a corner in the Juárez neighborhood to run a soul food kitchen doing breakfast, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, brunch, and dinner, why to go? The dishes, while featuring basic ingredients, boast textures and aromas that take you on a chef’s tour of Mexico and Europe, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, there’s bread with mother yeast, organic garden beds run by chef Karen, and an open kitchen to watch all the action, what should you try? For savory: Gouda and cheddar grilled cheese, at a maximum cheesiness that melts in your mouth. For sweet: Babka french toast, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, house bread with chocolate paired with a fresh strawberry and cream compote, Restaurants Seafood Roma, what is it? Get transported from the Roma neighborhood to coastal paradise. Chef Tomás Bermúdez works with shellfish — particularly oysters — a lesser-known entity around these parts that has become popular thanks to the food quality and relaxed ambiance at this spot, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, why to go? The concept is very practical: oysters, mussels, scallops, more shellfish, and some swimming fish. The service is warm and attentive, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, reminding you that the city is also a place to get ahold of some of the ocean’s rich bounty, what should you try? If you’re into the classics, get a dozen oysters off the grill with butter, olive oil, garlic, and parsley, read more, what is it? A little sanctuary in Condesa that pays tribute to Tuscan charcuterie, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, They’ve got a bar that runs the length of the entire place and is always full thanks to the unique offering of cured meats, like house-made salami and ramonetti with quince, both creations from chef Elena Reygadas, why to go? This airy space only adds to the incredible culinary experience. The textures, aromas, and flavors coming straight out of western Europe’s famous boot, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, along with little Mediterranean touches. Their daily offerings are shaped by the available seasonal ingredients, what should you try? Green chilaquiles with burrata, the creaminess of this soft cheese is nothing but magic with the crunchy chips. If you’re at the bar, ask about the parma ham and get ready for salty cured meat heaven, Gavilán coctel de Amaya, what is it? “Delicious food and weird wine.” the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, at Amaya, chef Jair Telléz wields a kitchen that knows no creative bounds and uses ingredients to their full potential. Rather than be judged at first blush, these offerings are big on fresh ingredients, good techniques, and exacting seasonings, why to go? The chef has his own line of natural wines, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, Bichi, among the first wines in Mexico to be sulfite-free. The menu is subject to change, depending of course on the availability and freshness of ingredients, what should you try? The magra beef tartar is ground especially fine, and full of nice chunks of sardine. Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, This delectable offering gets finished with house-made caper mayonnaise, Azul Histórico, Página oficial Azul Histórico, Restaurants Mexican Cuauhtémoc, what is it? Mexican cuisine enjoyed in the heart of the city’s historic center. Situated in the patio of a massive house and at the helm of chef Ricardo Muñóz Zurita (Chef of the Year, 2008), we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, why to go? Azul is not a white tablecloth restaurant. Better yet, there are no tablecloths. The naked wooden tables are adorned only with names of streets in the neighborhood. The perfect vehicle for authoritatively classic cuisine, what should you try? They have a fixed menu with classics like cochinita pibil panuchos, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, otherwise, there’s a festival held every month with different ingredients new initiates in the door, read more, Esquites Masala y Maíz, Foto: Una Pérez Ruiz, what is it? Norma Listman and Saqib Keval are the chefs in charge of the impressive kitchen at Masala y Maiz, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, their offerings are distinct in that they expertly combine Mexican, Indian, and African features. This cultural hodgepodge of flavors, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, aromas, and textures is something wholly unique, why to go? This is a story told through the complex culinary migration between India and Mexico. To boot, their food techniques are on the cutting edge, what should you try? The tamales are classic whether savory or sweet. If you’re looking for something more substantive, get the goat chorizo gordita or the peel-and-eat shrimp, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, one of their specialties is esquites Makai Paka with hominy corn, coconut milk, and Kenyan masala, Restaurants Mexican Roma, what is it? It’s the nighttime haunt and “hipster taqueria” of choice. Paramo is only open at night, is a great hangout spot, and designed for eating and drinking well for a reasonable price, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, The menu has a basis in family recipes from seven different households, executed with only the choicest ingredients, why to go? They’ve got a house beer, Flor de Cueino, that needs to be on your radar. A new dish gets added to the menu every three months. They were featured on the Netflix series Somebody Feed Phil and they’re on Mario Beteta’s list, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, For you music lovers, this is Interpol’s favorite restaurant, What should you try? The Muñeca Taco that’s packed with pork leg, or the suadero burrito will hook you with their seasoned perfection. Ceviche is another classic, lest we forget the micheladas, what is it? Another Mexican cuisine success story, feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, coming out of the well-heeled Santa Fe neighborhood. These offerings are curated by chef Lula Martín del campo, taking inspiration from three key ingredients: beans, peppers, and corn, why to go? Cascabel clocks in as a breath of fresh air and a homage to the cascabel chile, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, named for its round shape and the sound the seeds make when shaken. Blue corn tortillas and bold protein like cecina and birria pull you into a dining experience that might’ve seemed dull at a glance, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, what should you try? Cabrería, a Sonoran classic with Cascabel chile, well-seasoned and smoky to go with your guacamole and blue corn tortilla chips, Kitchen Bar Lomas de Chapultepec, what is it? You’re not sure whether this place is the treehouse of an eclectic Tarzan, a nest, a Miami beach club, or a fancy cage, the guys in charge of Hotel Casa Awolly, Irak Roaro (chef) and Ramón Tovar (mixologist), opened this tropical-feeling space for meat dishes in all their iterations as well as craft cocktails, why to go? This food kills various birds with one stone featuring offerings designed to share, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, should you plan on attending in a big group. Some of these plates will have you doing double-takes. Did somebody say poutine with suadero and poached egg? What should you try? Centenario ceviche with mackerel, scallops, cucumber, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, and red onion in traditional tiger’s milk (okay, there’s ginger, too). This dish plays with soft and crunchy thanks to the sweet potato chips, Fancy a cocktail at some of the best bars in Mexico City? The 10 best bars in Mexico City, Bars, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, Mexico City is full of nightlife surprises at every turn. Some of the best mixologists in the world can be found in Mexico City, in charge of the most iconic bars. Since 2016, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mica Rousseau has been recognized in the World Class as the best bartender in America for his Fifty Mils creations, while Limantour ranked 14th in the world on The World’s 50 Best Bars in 2017. Another highlight of the bars in Mexico City is the setting, such as the secret entrance to the 1920s world of USA prohibition found at the Hanky Panky Cocktail Bar, where you can also try the improved recipe of Ada “Coley” Coleman’s hanky panky drink from the Savoy Hotel in London, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, discover using your senses the most seductive mixology formulas. You will experience the magic if you sit at the bar; it doesn’t matter if you don’t know what to order, the bartender will have a special combination of unmissable cocktails in these top nightlife bars of the city, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, read more Cuisine as a philosophic expression. Food preparation as a subtle methodology. The restaurant as a place for introspection and the chef as a creator. When Enrique Olvera opened Pujol in 2000, Mexican gastronomy turned its eyes toward itself, to question its traditional processes. It cost us to become critical consciousness, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, influenced by the most vanguard trends of the time, Olver deconstructed recipes of popular cuisine, leaving his daily plates unrecognizable. In just a few years, he went from being an eccentric chef to a public figure, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, indispensable in Mexico City’s gourmet scene. Magazine covers and new restaurant projects granted him the luck of ubiquity, For a while, toward the end of the decade he left his original restaurant a bit unattended; the creation lab of his plates. Never the less, when he returned to put his hands and mind in the kitchen, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, Pujol recuperated its original prestige, its masterfulness and the origins of its strength. In the chef’s own words, the concept changed from reimagining the delights of Mexican street food, to a personal creative search, which amplified his field of experience, all that work indeed offered a rich harvest. In 2011, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Pujol was considered one of the 50 best restaurants in the world on the list of The 50 Best Restaurants, The plates that we could recommend for this review will probably not end up on the menu again, being that the offerings are permanent flux according to the season, and the daily availability of the produce each day, and of course depending on Olveras’ creative whims, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, we had the feeling that the daily menu was in line with whatever was available that day in the market. We imagined that much of what they prepare in the kitchen lies far from conventional cooking techniques and much closer to chemistry processes, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, or even alchemy. The ingredients are native, pre-Hispanic, very traditional and in some cases organic, I sampled a liquified taco placero (which tastes exactly like a taco placero, but you drink it), a deconstructed taco al pastor (which is delicious and healthier than the street snack) we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, and some lamb ribs that were so good I actually cried. It’s a living and transformational cuisine and it doesn’t stop, In 2017, Pujol deciced to change its location, from Petrarca a Tennsyon, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, still in Polanco. The new house has great windows, allowing you to see the organic garden that emits aromas of the plants that will season the dishes. The tasting menu features national items: cacahuazintle, almeja chiluda, hongos, cordero, tamales and pinole. Our meal was accompanied by sal de gusano, los quintoniles, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, habanero pepper and moles, The change of direction was accompanied by another surprised, including a new way of service, an omakase style taco bar. This Japanese word means “chef’s choice, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, Pujol’s chefs combine the most Mexican of ingredients, as well as foreign, to serve in taco form, meaning that every day the omakase taco bar has something new to offer, Mexico’s best restaurant doesn’t go out of style, nor does it change by season. It remains a constant testimony to the new Mexican cuisine, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, or the contemporary Mexican cuisine, two terms that for more than 17 years have taken on new meaning thanks to Pujol, foto: cortesía Máximo Bistrot Local, 2. Máximo Bistrot Local, Restaurants Bistros Roma, What is it? This restaurant’s cupboards devote two-thirds of their space to ingredients sourced from local farms, including crops from Xochimilco. Chef Eduardo Garcia, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, together with his wife and business partner Gabriela Lopez, opened this restaurant in 2012 with the concept of serving dishes rooted in sustainable farming and fair trade, why to go? Eduardo Garcia has an impressive resume, featuring spots like Le Bernardin (a 3-Michelin star New York restaurant)) we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, and Pujol (Mexico City). This spot follows a firm philosophy of supporting domestic products and serving up sophisticated dishes without falling into ostentatious presentations, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, Pair these menu items with “It’s the only thing I really know how to do,” Maximo’s Head Chef Eduardo Garcia humbly explains, Garcia was born in Guanajuato and emigrated to Atlanta with his family as a child where the only connection to Mexico he had left was his mom’s cooking, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, Later, to make a living, he started washing dishes at a restaurant where he learned to cook and although he never formally studied culinary arts, he ended up cooking at Le Bernadin, one of the best restaurants in New York City which specializes in Eurocentric classical cuisine, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, then, he met Chef Enrique Olvera in Vancouver and when Olvera found out that Garcia had worked at one of his favorite spots, he offered him a job at Pujol and the rest is, as they say, history, Over the three and a half years he spent working with Olvera, Eduardo realized that Mexico was in dire need of sustainable and environmentally conscious restaurants, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, So, he opened Maximo and to this day – years after he opened – it’s still nearly impossible to get a table without a reservation, perched on a non-descript corner in the Roma neighborhood, Maximo still stays true to the Mexican-sourced farm-to-table concept, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, Everything here is local, from the napkins hand-sewn by artisans from Oaxaca to the daily-rotating menu which is crafted by local seasonal ingredients. Even the table bread is perfect; crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside and it’s made daily and served with a smattering of butters, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, from bean and sheep’s cheese, eggplant ash and goat cheese or truffle oil, The dishes are sophisticated without being pretentious and pair equally with a craft brew or a fine wine and although it changes daily, the menu is always on point. Some of the standouts are the mussels with coconut and saffron, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, the duck with mashed potato and liver, and the red snapper with lentils and, of course, the risottos, Dessert is another ace, especially the warm apple tart with house-made whipped cream. The best part is that menu changes daily, sometimes between lunch and dinner, so you’ll always find a new palate partner to dance with, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, Sud 777, What is it? An eatery that represents a multi-concept restaurant and kitchen of a typical house in the Pedregal neighborhood; Sud 777 is Edgar Núñez’s brainchild. Its farm-fresh ingredients come alive in a backdrop of waterfalls and mirrors, why to go? They’re currently holding down number 14 on the list of the 25 Best Restaurants in Latin America. Walking inside, you’ll notice a luxurious wood motif, stone, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, and upmarket facades — all a result of a collab between Sergio Berger (Niz-Chauvet architects) and designer Adan Carabes, what should you try? The centerpiece is the tasting menu: rotating, cutting-edge, and traditional all at once. Check out the pepper stuffed with dark chocolate and crunchy cacao, sure to command your attention, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, if you like the idea of dining at a French mansion with high ceilings where the smell of melted butter permeates throughout, then this is the place for you, Grab a seat on the patio (don’t chance it, make a reservation) and marvel at the subtle floral motifs and white walls surrounding you. It’s a rural oasis with the vintage furniture and vine-details on the walls, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, the menu is unmistakably Italian but, with a distinct Mexican influence. Don’t worry, there are no clichés here. The kitchen knows how to make the best of their ingredients – particularly the lesser-known seafood – in a way that would make an Italian grandmother proud without losing the categorically creative tell that is unique to Chef Elena Reygadas, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, Reygadas studied in London for five years where she honed her craft at the Locanda Locatelli restaurant. When you’re here, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, it’ll be no surprise to spot her buzzing around and talking to her guests, Since the menu is seasonal, it’ll change often depending on the available ingredients. When we went, we loved the burrata or the tempura pumpkin flowers stuffed with ricotta cheese as a starter, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, For the main dish, it’s all about the risottos (hands-down the best in the city) paired with one of the many vino offerings, Although the menu is constantly changing, Rosetta is always full because everyone can rest easy knowing that whatever they order, it’ll be simple and delicious. The vibe here is friendly in the evening and full-on romantic at night, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, it might go without saying but, don’t forget to make a reservation, Just in case you can’t get enough, there are now two sister bakeries – in the Roma and Juarez neighborhoods – that specialized in sweet and savory breads, coffee and sandwiches… and one more thing: don’t skip dessert, the rhubarb crumble with ginger ice cream is to die for, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Finally! This Vicente Torres – of Oli, Mercado Roma fame – Mediterranean masterpiece is open. Named after the legendary Roman fish sauce, it’s nothing short of an absolute must-visit but, don’t take our word for it. This spot fuses glam and attention to detail in every single dish and delivers on their promise to make your dinner unforgettable, the foie gras was brought over from OCA, the Valencian chef’s first restaurant, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, with its sweet wine and edible flowers. The rest of the menu is totally new and balances local products and Mediterranean flavor and while some of the dishes are steady staples, others are borderline audacious. Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, The culinary evolution from the OCA days is evident, A couple of examples, both with cantina-esque flair, are the beef tartar with egg yolk foam and mustard ice cream – which runs the risk of being overly sweet because of the caramelized onions but, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, it’s balanced by the cold spicy mustard – and the drunken chocolate clam with sangrita snow cone and sea salt – basically, a michelada turned cold appetizer, The next course has the delectable mushrooms with pickled beef, egg yolk, and potatoes; a monochromatic brown and beige slap in the mouth of deep and fleshy flavors tempered by the yolk and roasted potato, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, We also loved the fire-grilled totoaba served with roasted onions and Japanese Pil Pil. This one is farmed fish perfection, tender flesh and crispy skin, perfectly paired with the scorched onion, Four courses and dessert (apple crumble, anyone?) is all you need to make a perfect date night outing and the wine list is a perfect backup singer to the delicious morsels or if you prefer a front man, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, try the whisky sour, If you’re part of a group outing, check out the private rooms on the second floor complete with kitchen views where you can scope out Chef Torres and kitchen manager Adrián López Bassi, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, these is the same duo that was at the helm when La Sucursal got its Michelin Star and it’s a delight watching them work together again, This simple and sophisticated spot lets the grub speak for itself, The menu has four Baja California themed courses with a hint of urban flair and is creatively curated by one of the best Mexican chefs in the game, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, Jair Téllez, A space that’s warm and friendly – with natural exposed wooden touches – helps diners focus on the food and drinks while avoiding distractions. The wine menu has a heavy Baja California presence and there are plenty of craft brews on deck, The dishes are carefully crafted so as to remain true to the daily-picked ingredients. Chef Téllez’s high standards are evident in the generously portioned organic, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, hormone-free, and, preferably, local elements he incorporates into each dish. It’s also for this reason that the menu is printed daily and there may be last-minute changes to the menu if a particular ingredient isn’t up to snuff, pick whatever dish you want confidently, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, disappointment is never on the menu here. Some of our favorites are the marrow risotto and the pork jowl. The fourth course has truly heavenly desserts, like the tapioca almond cake, sweet plantains and banana ice cream. Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, If it’s a hot day, we suggest the hibiscus and Mezcal snow cone served with mandarin sorbet and traditional spicy worm salt, Mexico City always surprises with hidden gems and this spot in the little-known Clavería neighborhood that has been open since 1957 is no exception, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, Our first impression is that this place caters to its loyal clientele and has held on to its neighborhood restaurant spirit since the beginning. The decor in here is almost like a time capsule. But, make no mistake, there is a definite dichotomy between the retro décor and the modern dishes on the menu and that’s what this place is all about: making delicious food with none of the pageantry, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Chef Gerardo Vázquez Lugo offers a menu that includes nineteenth-century recipes, such as Sopa seca de nata (a dry cream-based soup), the star of the show, and the quality is determined by the raw ingredients, as they follow the principles of the slow food movement, The gorditas trio consists of one of cottage cheese, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, one of quelites (leafy greens) and one made simply from beans: golden, thin and flat, with the beans in the dough. Accompanied with house salsas: green, red and chipotle chilies; the latter has a slight note of cinnamon and brown sugar. This is an entirely different take on the gorditas that we know, For the next course, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, I recommend the rock shrimp and cactus soup. The julienned cactus is an intense green color and are served along with the tender rock shrimp dry, at first. Then, the server will ladle the thick broth over the dry ingredients to make the soup. The shrimp, the tomato and the green chili are seasoned impeccably and truly warm the belly, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, The whole thing is comforting and there is no doubting the skill in the kitchen after tasting this gem, For the main course, I tried the wagyu mixiote (a traditional pit-barbecued meat dish) with mushrooms. Personally, I loved the idea that the still-wrapped bundle of deliciousness makes you dig for the treasures and once you reach the filling, it’s so satisfying. The marinade has a red and yellow chilhuacle chile base, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, and the meat is absolutely melt-in-your-mouth. The sides are almost as delicious; chopped baby cactus bits, stewed beans, and grilled chambray onions all served with handmade tortillas. Honestly, this Nico’s specialty is flawless, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, one of the highlights here is breakfast. I recommend the fresh baked sweet bread with atole (a traditional hot corn- and masa-based beverage), along with the famous Azcapotzalco eggs served with red salsa and beans. I also loved the scrambled eggs with their house güero chili salsa. Again, the quality of the ingredients is evident in every bite: the milk, cream, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, and eggs are all farm fresh, Restaurants Polanco is simple: traditional and tasty. It’s a recipe that’s made the foremost authority in Mexican food, Aristoteles, in his book Poética, defines catharsis as a resource to emotionally purify the public after a tragedy, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, after experimenting fear or tension through drama, the outcome allows the spectator to leave in a relaxed manner from its problems. I have the theory that gastronomy —the art of preparing great food, can have this same effect; there are some dishes that, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, bite after bite, can sublime and vanish any concern…at least until dessert is over. This, obviously, is no easy task. However, Belfiore, in Polanco, achieves this experience, Opposite to other Italian places focused in offering the Nona’s homemade cooking, Belfiore targets a menu that would perfectly fit the “boot” of Europe, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, the greatness of the dishes lie on the ingredients’ simplicity. Highlighting just one is a challenge, Protagonists on the tables are pastas, great examples of culinary magnificence, perfectly al dente and plenty of it on the plate. Three suggestions: the fusilli with eggplant, ricotta cheese and tomato; we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, risotto with artichoke hearts and parmesan; and penne with artichoke and truffle oil, The other topnotch is pizza. Our favorite was arrabbiata with Italian sausage, with a slight touch of spice, mozzarella cheese and olives, The place breaks —thankfully— with the style of the area. Ceilings are low and create a more intimate atmosphere, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, but the extreme closeness between tables vanishes the effect. Because of it, we suggest you make a reservation for a small group of friends. The restaurant’s major challenge, for now, is to improve their service, While we wait for it, the biggest culinary tragedy in Belfiore happens when the plate goes empty, I’ll try to be objective in this review, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, but be warned that there is an element that prevents me from doing it: the day I visited it, I was only three tables away from Thom Yorke…yes, Radiohead’s singer, with the guitarist Colin Greenwood on one side and many others. Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, You know, casual. Chewing their food. Drinking from their glasses. And this is not the worst part: they told me it was their second visit. Since I’m not a big fan, I just had a small attack and didn’t choke with the exquisite artichoke cream I was eating when I saw them, There are places — the one I’m writing of—that, inexplicably, have instant success. This one was only two weeks open the day I placed my visit. T-w-o weeks! By this time, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, Clark from Saint Vincent already came to dine, and now Radiohead. And no, we’re not talking about a fancy restaurant in London or New York. This is the corner of Mérida and Tabasco streets in la Roma, same place that once was an old and abandoned laundry, right in front of a restaurant that sold tortas poblanas, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, when a restaurant opens, the normal thing is that flies come first and then a few clients. If the place is good, then the word of mouth will spread and may luckily become famous after several weeks or even months. Or not. Something weird happened here. As soon as they opened, tables were full and remained like that ever since. Now they have international celebrities, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, Maybe the story behind the owners would give us a clue: they are also responsible of Félix, the cute and nice little bar just a block away. The owners, from Monterrey, are always aware of their business. This explains the reason why drinks occupy two from the four pages of the menu (one for wine and the other for mezcal, beer, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, whiskey, coffee and sodas). Maybe this will also explain the successful PR formula that supports them and never makes them seem ostentatious. And even if the place gets crowded everyday —with celebrities— and tables are for ever occupied, and no matter how antisocial you are, you already know the existence of this restrained place: no luminous sign, nor an impressive decoration. Not even tables along the street, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, Faint candlelight illuminate tables at night. And yet, everyone knows about this place. And the menu? Sandwiches, salads, and soups, nothing more. Nothing about signature cuisine nor complex dishes. Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese,/p>p>That day, apart from my soup, I ordered the London broil (meat filled sandwich) with avocado, aioli and sprouts of onion; would I order it again? No doubt about it. And for dessert, lemon pie (I’ve had better), espresso (indeed, great coffee) all in pretty affordable prices, Seriously, places like this should open in every corner of the city, this seafood joint straight out of Guadalajara is out of this world, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, from the outside you might not understand that it’s a totally new concept. But, once inside, you get views into the kitchen and the bar. Is this seafood market? First things first: a Clamato La Docena, made with Union Light an exclusive La Docena brew by Cervecería Minerva. We paired this frosty, refreshing liter with oysters because, well, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, that’s why we’re here. And because the clean profile is a perfect complement to the salty oysters, Then, we had the obligatory shrimp aguachile (cured-shrimp cocktail) and we don’t even know where to begin, the carrot juice, orange, ginger and habanero are an absolute home run. It’s fresh and citrusy, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, and it’s the only aguachile we’ve had that has ginger and carrot. The presentation is great, too. The shrimp is presented in a tower, so you can bathe them in the acidic deliciousness as long as you want, But, back to the oysters – it is an oyster bar, after all. Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, this time, we had them cooked since our server recommended, we try it. The order is either a half dozen or a full and they’re bathe in butter, olive oil, garlic and parsley and then, grilled. You really don’t need to add anything to them but, who can resist a squeeze of lemon? Next up was the soup: an oyster chowder. We were excited about it but, it fell a bit flat because the bacon overpowered most of the oyster flavor and the potato was undercooked, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, we quickly got over this misstep when the Louisiana Creole classic Po’ Boy showed up. We got the shrimp variety and it did not disappoint. It was massive and served on a perfectly crunchy baguette with tartar sauce, house mayo and ketchup, and it was teaming with spicy shrimp. These things are addictive to say the least and some of the veggies are organic and grown locally, they’re so good we don’t like sharing them, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, if we didn’t sell you with the seafood, then we’ll do it with dessert. The only offering is the dulce de leche volcano with house-made banana ice cream. When you cut into it, it’s almost like the scrumptious oozing is in slow-motion, Finally, if you’re a drinker, this is also your spot. We recommend a Hendricks and cucumber or a salmoncito. Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, Better yet, try the pingüino: a lemon soda, vodka and white or red wine concoction served in a liter or half-liter jar – this one can go straight to your head so, watch out! This spot is a welcome addition to our capital city. It’s a place that delivers on its promise to offer phenomenal service and a high-quality meal, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, who better to lead the way for this project than Ricardo Muñoz Zurita, aka the Anthopologist of Mexican Cuisine? Known for his investigation and restoration of traditional Mexican cuisines, Muñoz Zurita is the best man for the job, Azul Histórico is a subset of the now-classic Azul y Oro in the Cuidad Universitaria area of Mexico City. Nestled in Francisco Sergio Iturbe’s former mansions, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, a twentieth century Mexican art relic, the restaurant itself is cozied up in the shade on the main patio. The art on the walls is iconic, too. With pieces like “Las Comadres” by sculptor Mardonio Magaña and “El Holocausto”, a mural by Manuel Rodríguez Lozano, Azul isn’t exactly white tablecloth. In fact, there are no tablecloths. The bare tables are etched with area street names and are the setting for craft Mexican food, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, among our faves are the duck -stuffed donuts drenched in mole, the cochinita pibil panuchos (stuffed tortillas), the black chili mole served with venison, and the chocolate cake topped with gorgonzola ice cream. Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, the best part? In addition to the traditional offerings, there’s an homage paid to a specific regional cuisine or ingredient every month, Speakeasies are our kind of thing. So, imagine how excited we were to discover that restaurants were joining the movement, When we arrived, we thought we’d be greeted by a sign or a crowd or something that would give away this new spot’s location, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, but there was nothing. In fact, we were about to leave when a server popped out and guided us through a door that’s kept ajar just to the right of El Parnita. Up the dimly lit stairs to what would’ve been the second story of a cozy, warmly-lit house at some point is Paramo, feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, we went straight through to the covered patio surrounded by brick walls, hanging plants, and wooden shelves with lit votive candles to assist the multicolored rope lighting hanging across the ceiling. There’s a fancy bar area and this place is only open at night. However, we were disappointed to learn that there are no house cocktails, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, there’s only one starter so we went with that: The Cobia pellizcadas (corn masa cakes). These Campeche-native delights consist of Mezcal-sautéed Cobia mixed with pancetta, beans, and corn served on three crispy corn cakes – douse them in the charred green, the adobo red, or onion and oil salsas – this dish is spot-on, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, we heeded our server’s recommendation and tried the pork knuckle tacos. These suckling pig confit morsels were delightfully carnitas-esque and toasty. Then, we had the ema laura; a shrimp, manchego, butter and peppers mix, and the Xochimilco suadero confit – which had some hard bits and had to be saved by the delicious hibiscus and Oaxaca cheese follow-up. The hibiscus taco was exquisitely simple, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, served with a sweet-and-sour mango salsa on a handmade tortilla, Tacos, drinks, old-school tunes, and table games at a nocturnal restaurant sounds like a party to us. Paramo has been unveiled as the semi-hidden spot that we need to visit even on Sundays, feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, CONCEPT is a space which exudes freedom, a tribute to Latin American cuisine. Our eclectic menu includes gastronomic traditions from countries like Peru, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil and of course, Mexico featuring authentic and daring flavors, We are passionate about using high-quality products and fresh ingredients which are brought in daily from their source countries, Cortes calidad Prime – Premium steaks; Kobe Beef, Wagyu Beef and Black Market Steaks, as well as a wide selection of Argentinian cuts in USDA prime quality; all charcoal grilled, Products gourmet – Exotic and exclusive gourmet products such as Ora King salmon, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, OUR BAKERY WAFFLES BELGAS chocolate sauce, honey maple, whipped cream, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco STEAMED VEGETABLES REFRIED BEANS along with many other dishes and desserts, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, GRILLED LOMA LINDA 500g, For 1 person (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad), Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, Super colossal octopus, Nigerian Tiger shrimp, Giant crab claws or Alaskan King Crab cluster, Pescado Don Ricardo – Wide assortment of ceviche and tiradito, as well as fish and seafood prepared in many different recipes from Peruvian and Mexican gastronomy, Mixologia ‘GIN’ – Carajillo – Carta de Vinos – Beautifully presented artisan cocktails are also part of the experience, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, made using our signature infusions and natural ingredients as well as spectacular presentations that make you admire them before tasting them, Our wine list, comprising over 300 bottles from different parts of the world, carefully selected to pair with all the different menu items, A mix of contemporary beats and Latin influences by our resident DJ, compliment the festive and sophisticated atmosphere that represents Percussions, we have one of the best menus and delicious desserts with music and wine, so please visit us at Restaurants Polanco, (Rib eye, Loin, Top Sirloin, Arrachera, Chistorra), Restaurants Polanco, For 2 people (Rib eye, Loin, (mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, steamed vegetables, onions or house salad) along with many delicious salads and desserts with special moments, Sparklers and different shows liven up each location, creating an energy-charged atmosphere, awakening that Latin passion for living and enjoying life, Bengala CDMX Interior Rosa Negra Brindis Cancún Terrazas Cancun Events Tulum Interior Concept, Previous Next, LOCATIONS, has currently 3 locations. They all share the same quality, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, but each one with a unique personality and atmosphere. With a decoration adapted to each destination, they were all designed with a unique style by architect Jorge Borja, UNESCO´s Versailles Architecture award winner, We coordinate groups, conventions, congresses in Cancun with incredible views of the lagoon, feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, Tulum in the most trendy area, Mexico City on the most chic avenue in Latin America, making every experience unforgettable, SPECIAL MENU, FOR GROUPS & EVENTS, MENU #1 MENU #2, GOURMET MENU MIXOLOGY KIT, We have several menu options designed by our Chef especially for group dinners, but we can gladly adjust it to your preferences and needs, *Applies for groups from 15 people, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, in any of our branches in Cancun, Tulum or CDMX, you can find a cozy space that will allow your guests to enjoy a great night. We invite you to know our virtual tours, Restaurant CDMX, Comedor Jacinta is a neighborhood restaurant where our chef Edgar Núñez recreates those dishes that come from his childhood which tasted like a mother’s, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Restaurants Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Restaurants Polanco offers CHILAQUILES with chicken breast on the plate, chocolate sauce, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Seafood Polanco, we heeded our server’s recommendation and tried the pork knuckle tacos, grandmother and aunt’s kitchen. It comes from the memory of the past but also from the present of the chef, where the recipes that have been transmitted for generations are taken to good use and recreated with the best local product, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, Comedor Jacinta is also that space that invites you to relax after a long day of work, and offers you an ideal environment for a couple of cocktails and long chats. Our recipes apply classic techniques to familiar flavors with the goal of creating food that we love to eat on a daily basis. In the words of our chef: ‘It’s a Mexican place, cool and with style.’ | QUIENES SOMOS, Feel free to call our reservations office and reserve your table at Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA OF TOP SIRLOIN 400g, PICAÑA DE RIB EYE 400g, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco with delicious prime, LIGHT VEGETARIAN MIXED QUESADILLAS with cactus tortilla, Restaurants Polanco offers panela cheese, rajas, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, CHEESE PANELA ASADO with nopales, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, we are a restaurant group with more than 20 years of experience, inspired by nostalgia for the best Argentine cuisine, we develop this high-level concept due to the distinguished design, architecture, quality of food, careful service and excellent locations. for having the most select meats, fish and seafood carefully prepared, in a cosmopolitan atmosphere, with an informal and elegant atmosphere, ABOUT US, we offer music, wine, and terrace with a beautiful atmosphere, so try our Restaurants Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, SWISS ENCHILADAS stuffed with cactus and panela cheese, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Food Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, but each one with a unique personality and atmosphere. With a decoration adapted to each destination, they were all designed with a unique style by architect Jorge Borja, UNESCO´s Versailles Architecture award winner, We are a restauranteur group with over 20 years of experience with a high–end concept inspired by the nostalgia of the best Argentine cuisine, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, with Restaurants Polanco offers BIFE DE CHORIZO 800g, For 2 persons, the next time you have a business party, feel free to have a glass a wine and try our seafood at Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, We have developed this concept to the highest standards because of the architectural designs, excellent food quality, first class service and excellent locations, We stand out by serving the finest selection of meat, fish and seafood, carefully prepared in a casual but elegant cosmopolitan atmosphere, Welcome to Capri, a restaurant with tradition since 1950. We offer grilled steaks, homemade pasta, wood stone pizzas and a variety of dishes from diverse regions of Italy. Selection of red wines and ports, Carpaccio Misto: Sheets of smoked salmon, tuna and beef fillet with vinaigrette, Fritto Mesto, Shrimp and fried squid with tartar sauce Prosciutto E Parmigiana, Sheets of prosciutto and Italian parmesan Asparagus Gratinati, Asparagus au gratin with mozzarella cheese Melanzane With Formaggio Di Capra, Eggplant rolls stuffed with ricotta and goat cheese, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Soups Zuppa Di Frutti Di Mare, Shrimp, clams, mussels, squids, celery, carrots, tomato sauce and tree chili, Zuppa Di Cipolla, Onion, sliced, with crouton and mozzarella cheese au gratin, Salads Argent, Lettuce, spinach, watercress, mushrooms, alfalfa and soybean germ, golden bacon and walnut with French dressing, Tricolore, Mozzarella, tomato, avocado, lettuce with mustard dressing and sage Mista, Mix of lettuce, mushrooms, red pepper, black olives, avocado, tomato; with a vinaigrette dressing; Breaded mozzarella, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, stuffed with anchovies and arrabiata sauce, Risottos, Risotto Marinara Allo Zafferano, Italian saffron rice with clam, squid mussel and shrimp Risotto Funghi, Italian rice with mushrooms in cream sauce, Imported courts Della Griglia, Skirt steak 10oz (Bistecca di fianco) Imported Rib Eye, 10oz (Costata di Manzo) Meats and birds Ssobuco Capri, Beef Chamorro bathed in its juice accompanied by butter fettuccine Medaglioni Di Manzo, Steak medallions with Sicilian or mustard sauce or grilled Milanese Vienna, Breaded Pork Breaded Petto Di Pollo Porto Fino, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Chicken breast, stuffed with ham and mozzarella with pink sauce Fish and Seafood Tone Capri, Tuna fish market with sesame or pepper or mustard crust or donkey Filet to Di Salmon, Salmon fillet, with white or Florentine or griglia wine sauce Pasta Made In Casaravioli Gamberoni Ravioli Gamberoni, stuffed with shrimp, rosé sauce and a touch of caviar Lasagna Capri Or Vegetarian, With Bolognese sauce and mozzarella cheese or pomodoro sauce, spinach and mushrooms Gnocchi Gorgonzola O Pomodoro, Potato pasta with sauce to choose from Cannelloni Etrusca, Stuffed with spinach, ricotta cheese, dipped in tomato sauce, with gratin mozzarella cheese Pasta Imported From Italy Linguini Mare Monti, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, with shrimp, mushrooms, white wine, garlic and a touch of tree chili Spaghetti Carciofi, White wine sauce, with mushrooms, artichoke heart and basil Linguini Alle Vongole, White wine sauce, clams, with a touch of tree chili, Porfirio’s menu is made up of traditional Mexican dishes that are transformed, reinvented with innovative techniques and bold flavors. In Porfirio’s kitchen, there is only room for the best quality ingredients, just what the most demanding palates expect, Porfirio’s hosts a select collection of Tequilas and Mezcals, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, around 100 labels that can be recommended by our tequileros to create surprising and captivating pairings with the dishes of our menú, The Porfirio’s experience is completed with a sophisticated and elegant atmosphere, Grilled, special Japanese sauce, on spaghetti bed and peppers, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Grilled Tuna (220 g), Seared tuna steak and oriental sauce, Pampano with Salt, Baked on the coals, in sea salt crust; available in: Kg, Whole Fish, Always fresh; Order it shaken, fried, grilled, etc. Huachinango, Mero, Robalo; available in: Kg, Locust new Port, Puerto Nuevo style, rice, beans and flour tortilla; available in: Kg, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Thermidor, Classic, puree and vegetables; available in: Kg, Prawns to Taste (300 g), Mojo, Smoked, Garlic; By season, octopus To taste (280 g), Zarandeado, Olive, Garlic Mojo Costeño (250 g), Combination of marlin with octopus, tree chili, guajillo and chipotle, pasta Add: Grilled chicken (220 g) or shrimp (100 g), Pasta Pasta de la Baja Spaghetti, shrimp, salmon, squid, mussel, clam slightly spicy Cream Fetuccini and Clam, Creamy clam, butter and white wine sauce Meat & Poultry, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Rib Eye (340g), Arrachera (300 g), Baked potato, beans and chili peppers, Molcajete de Arrachera (300 g), Porfirio’s interior has been meticulously cared for: large mirrors and the perfect combination of natural and artificial lighting will give the place a striking visual effect, highlighting the elegance and good taste, traditional Corn, Served with mayonnaise, canasto cheese, chili pepper and lemon Tuna Toast *Blue Corn Tostada served in cubes with avocado, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, chipotle mayo and coriander soy mayo with caramelized onion 80 G, Crispy Corn Chubby Yellow and blue corn, stuffed with pressed pork rinds, cottage cheese, potato with chorizo, black beans and cabbage 4 pieces, Basket Tacos Pressed pork rinds, potatoes, black beans and chicken in adobo sauce 8 Pieces, Tender Skirts In the traditional Mexican style, prepare them to your liking Sopes, Choice: shredded chicken and marinated meat, Served with refried black beans, canasto cheese, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, and pasilla chili sauce with guajillo chili 2 pieces, Quesadillas To choose: sautéed mushrooms, pressed pork rinds, pumpkin flower, huitlacoche or quesillo 3 pieces, Chapulines in Guacamole, Served in volcanic stone molcajete, Esquites Arracheros, The traditional recipe with flank steak (100 g). Served on corn husk with mayonnaise, canasto cheese and chile de árbol Melted cheese, Mix of gouda cheese and white queso fresco Coriander Cheese, Crispy gouda cheese sticks, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, over green sauce, Maria Sabina cheese, Holy leaf stuffed with goat cheese and Oaxaca cheese over a morita chili sauce. Served with sautéed mushrooms, mushroom Ceviche * Fresh mix of mushrooms, mushrooms, portobello with vegetables and avocado. Served with Beet Chips and Creamy Vegan Habanero Chili Dressing Crispy Squid Five Chiles, Crispy rings with chili topping. Accompanied with red habanero pepper sauce 200 G, Oaxacan Tlayuda with Oaxacan jerky (50 g), on refried black beans. Served with avocado, Oaxaca cheese and grasshoppers, Rib Eye Carpaccio *With cotija cheese, green pepper, dressing of anchovies, radish and arugula 110 G, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Tuna Carnitas Served in molcajete with fresh guacamole 180 G, Grilled Beef Marrow Prepared with mushrooms, onion, jalapeño and coriander. Accompanied with chambray onions, 3 pieces, Pibil Duck Casserole Duck carnitas marinated with orange juice, pineapple and achiote. Served with coriander, pickled red onion, xnipec sauce, pineapple, lemon and flour tortillas 180 G, Octopus Carnitas Served in molcajete with fresh guacamole, 180 G, Rib Eye Molcajete Juicy on the inside, crisp on the outside, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Served over guacamole and serrano pepper, 200 G, New York Asadero a la Piedra Cut into thin slices to grill on your table. Accompanied by tamulated green sauce, crushed and herb oil 200 G, Agua chile de shrimp * With red onion, cucumber, Grilled, special Japanese sauce, on spaghetti bed and peppers, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Grilled Tuna (220 g), Seared tuna steak and oriental sauce, Pampano with Salt, Baked on the coals, in sea salt crust; available in: Kg, Whole Fish, Always fresh; Order it shaken, fried, grilled, etc. Huachinango, Mero, Robalo; available in: Kg, Locust new Port, Puerto Nuevo style, rice, beans and flour tortilla; available in: Kg, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Thermidor, Classic, puree and vegetables; available in: Kg, Prawns to Taste (300 g), Mojo, Smoked, Garlic; By season, octopus To taste (280 g), Zarandeado, Olive, Garlic Mojo Costeño (250 g), Combination of marlin with octopus, tree chili, guajillo and chipotle, pasta Add: Grilled chicken (220 g) or shrimp (100 g), Pasta Pasta de la Baja Spaghetti, shrimp, salmon, squid, mussel, clam slightly spicy Cream Fetuccini and Clam, Creamy clam, butter and white wine sauce Meat & Poultry, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Rib Eye (340g), Arrachera (300 g), Baked potato, beans and chili peppers, Molcajete de Arrachera (300 g), serrano pepper, coriander and olive oil 150 g, Roasted chicken Half roasted chicken in its juice with chili pepper. Served with Roasted Potato and Roasted Onion 600 G, Chicken with mole Half chicken. Accompanied by rice and beans 600 G, Grilled Octopus With Grilled Potato with Fine Herb Butter 180 G, Octopus with Black Risotto, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, coffee and sandwiches… and one more thing: don’t skip dessert, the rhubarb crumble with ginger ice cream is to die for, Garum: Restaurants Mediterranean Polanco, What is it? A place named in honor of the roman fermented fish sauce Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, original recipe from Chef Pepe Salinas – Grilled marinated octopus. Served with Arborio rice prepared with squid ink, spices, white wine and Parmesan cheese, 160 G, Fish to the Three Chiles, Fish fillet crusted with Dijon mustard, pasilla chili, dry chipotle and morita chili. Served with Roasted Avocado and White Rice, 240 g, Achiote fish Snook fillet, served with caramelized pineapple puree 200 G, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Nugget and Chilli Crusted Salmon Served with pumpkin puree 250 G, Flamed Shrimp with Mezcal Mounted on pieces of caramelized pineapple, tatemado green tomato and red onion. Flamed with Mezcal Unión 180 G, Grilled Divorced Fish Marinated on one side with the pastor and on the other with zarandeada sauce. Served with charro beans and roasted chambray onion 800 G, Our Meat Winter Beef Sheet Beef steak topped with refried black beans, green sauce, and gratin gouda cheese 180 G, Cattle prod Grilled accompanied with straw potatoes 300 G, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Grilled Arrachera and Roasted Nopal Served with Red Serrano Chili and Roasted Onions 300 G, Empty Grilled accompanied with straw potatoes, 300 G, Lomo Center Grilled and served with Potosine enchiladas 240 g, Steak with Marta Jada Sauce with Tequila, Grilled, accompanied by corn, avocado and roasted chambray onion 240 g, Rib Eye with Marimba of Marrow, Served with roasted marrow, with sautéed mushrooms, onion and bell pepper 400 G, Sea and land Rib Eye (280 g) and shrimp (150 g) grilled, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Topped with herb oil, serrano pepper and roasted chambray onions, to share Oaxacan Tasajo, Oaxacan tasajo (125 g), enchilada meat (125 g), pork chorizo (90 g). Accompanied by panela cheese, crispy pork rinds, chambray onion and roasted avocado, Baked Beef Rib Baked for 4 hours. Accompanied by roasted onions, red serrano pepper and avocado 400 G, Great Rib Eye “El Sancho” Grilled bone-in rib eye, seasoned with grain salt, Flamed with tequila 1 Kg, Porterhouse, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, don’t forget to make a reservation, Just in case you can’t get enough, there are now two sister bakeries – in the Roma and Juarez neighborhoods – that specialized in sweet and savory breads, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, served with x catic chili stuffed with Oaxaca cheese and green pepper sauce, 1 Kg, Tomahawk, Accompanied by corn and roasted onions. Flamed with Jack Daniel’s, 1 Kg, Kosher USDA Prime Rib Eye Flutes 3 Piece USDA Prime flank steak 400 G, USDA Prime Steak 250 G, Rib Eye USDA Prime 360 G, Black Onyx Kansas City Grilled, served with green pepper sauce and cheese stuffed chili 560 G, Porterhouse Grilled, served with green pepper sauce and cheese stuffed chili 1 Kg, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Rosetta is located in a large mansion in Mexico City’s Roma neighborhood. Its cuisine is rooted in a profound respect for Mexican ingredients and distinguished for its innovative combinations, Ax Callus (180 g), Seasonal product Natural / Aguachile / Embers, Tuna Sashimi (150 g), Tuna slices marinated with serrano pepper, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Pacific seafood platter, Fresh oyster (4), octopus (180 g), chocolate clam (4), ax callus (180 g), shrimp to peel (4) and ice bed Molcajete Cold Callo (30 g), Shrimp (180 g), Octopus (60 g), Special sauce, Oysters & Clams, Clam Chocolata (4 Pieces), In its shell, never frozen, from Ensenada, BC Open at the moment on a bed of natural ice or shaved. available in: 1/2 Order (6), Order (12) Shell oyster, Open at the moment; Natural / Shaved / Embers, Rockefeller Ostion (6 Pieces), Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, in its shell bathed in creamy spinach sauce with bacon, Ceviches, Toast (40g) Order Fish and / or Shrimp (120 g), Peaceful (120 g), Shrimp (40g), octopus (40g), callus (40g) and cucumber Peruvian (80 g), Marinated fish cubes, sweet potato, corn and habanero pepper Cuteness, Octopus (60 g), fish (100 g), shrimp (60 g), Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, mango and pineapple, Cocktails available in: Med. (60g) Gde. (120g) Shrimp Cocktail and / or Octopus Campechano Cocktail, Soups / Creams & Salads | Add: Grilled chicken (220g) or shrimp (100g) clam cream, Lobster Cream, Cooked with flour, cream and butter Sea food soup, Sailor Rice (120 g), Fried rice, seafood, celery, carrot and a touch of soy Shrimp Pozole, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, The à la carte menu is always changing in response to seasonality and produce availability, and it’s known both for the unique creations of chef Elena Reygadas and for more traditional dishes, Raíz Restaurant: The philosophy of this new project intertwines two visions. Inspired by the same values and ideas: respect for nature and take care of environment, applying sustainability in the creation of our value chains, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, most of our ingredients are provided by small local producers with the highest standards of freshness, cleanliness and quality. The ingredients in the dishes may vary according to their availability, Main: AGUACHILE GREEN FISHING OF THE DAY Tomatillo, serrano, coriander, orange, lemon, Persian cucumber, jicama and flowers TOOTHS OF SMOKED COD Heirloom tomato, red pepper, frisée, sherry and borage, jumiles OCTOPUS PRESSED CHICHARRÓN SHACK (4 PCS), Holy leaf, pasilla and guajillo, beans, coriander and avocado, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, SMOKED CHAMORRO TACO (4 PCS), axiote, sour orange, beans, onion, avocado and Creole coriander, wheat, tomato, kalamata olive, artichoke, lettuce mix, zataar, onion, quelites and jocoque, DRY FIDEO, 63rd C egg, ocosingo cheese, avocado, Ax Callus (180 g), Seasonal product Natural / Aguachile / Embers, Tuna Sashimi (150 g), Tuna slices marinated with serrano pepper, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Pacific seafood platter, Fresh oyster (4), octopus (180 g), chocolate clam (4), ax callus (180 g), shrimp to peel (4) and ice bed Molcajete Cold Callo (30 g), Shrimp (180 g), Octopus (60 g), Special sauce, Oysters & Clams, Clam Chocolata (4 Pieces), In its shell, never frozen, from Ensenada, BC Open at the moment on a bed of natural ice or shaved. available in: 1/2 Order (6), Order (12) Shell oyster, Open at the moment; Natural / Shaved / Embers, Rockefeller Ostion (6 Pieces), Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, in its shell bathed in creamy spinach sauce with bacon, Ceviches, Toast (40g) Order Fish and / or Shrimp (120 g), Peaceful (120 g), Shrimp (40g), octopus (40g), callus (40g) and cucumber Peruvian (80 g), Marinated fish cubes, sweet potato, corn and habanero pepper Cuteness, Octopus (60 g), fish (100 g), shrimp (60 g), Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, mango and pineapple, Cocktails available in: Med. (60g) Gde. (120g) Shrimp Cocktail and / or Octopus Campechano Cocktail, Soups / Creams & Salads | Add: Grilled chicken (220g) or shrimp (100g) clam cream, Lobster Cream, Cooked with flour, cream and butter Sea food soup, Sailor Rice (120 g), Fried rice, seafood, celery, carrot and a touch of soy Shrimp Pozole, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, broad chili, pasilla, guajillo, cream, serrano, carrot, pea and broccoli, CATCH OF THE DAY, pil pil of chile tree and lemon, kale, cauliflower, bok choy, pea, green beans, chard and quelites RES LANGUAGE, mole stew or house mole, broccoli, carrots, TIRADITO FISHING OF THE DAY, avocado, garlic, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, For a while, toward the end of the decade he left his original restaurant a bit unattended; the creation lab of his plates. Never the less, when he returned to put his hands and mind in the kitchen, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, miso, soy, radish, cherry tomatoes and sprouts CECINA CEVICHE MADE AT HOME, Creole coriander, tomatillo perón, apple tree, citrus, Persian cucumber, jicama, radish, flowers, TACO DE RIB EYE (4 PCS), chili powder, martajada sauce, avocado, peppermint and onion, SALAD OF THE DAY harvest from our orchards, TARASCA SOUP ranch cream, pasilla pepper, cotija, corn and avocado Crunch TUMBADA RICE, catch of the day, mix of 3 peppers, tomato, epazote, quelites and aioli, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, PIG CHEST 100% PAST, Lentils, burned mole, carrot, celery, bacon, egg 63 and fries, CABRERA DEL RANCHO LAS CAÑADAS 100% ORGANIC, bean, avocado, peppermint, chambray onion, pasilla, guajillo and martajada sauce, SPECIALTIES OF THE DAY FOIE GRAS, SALAD OF TOMATOES, variety of tomatoes heirloom, green nugget, oregano, basil and Ocosingo FIRST RIB ranch wagyu las cañadas 100% organic $ 1 gram ROSETTE BETABELS SALAD Ocosingo cheese, lettuce and kales mix, sesame seeds, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, the concept changed from reimagining the delights of Mexican street food, to a personal creative search, which amplified his field of experience, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, pumpkin seeds and Jamaica ZITÁCUARO ORGANIC CHICKEN rutabaga, carrots, asparagus, ginger, zitácuaro Orange, RANCH OF RES OF THE RANCH OF LAS CAÑADAS 100% ORGANIC potato, red wine, Welcome to Time Out Mexico City EAT List, a definitive list of the best restaurants in Mexico City, There are unmissable food spots seemingly on every corner of this metropolis and we’re sure one of the best ways to enjoy a city is through its food, the gastronomy of Mexico City reflects the history of Mexican cooking and it’s considered to be some of the best food in the world; Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, but more specifically | it’s a collection of the most irreverent and exquisite follies of the genuine that call the shots with the stove. Here are the most delicious spots for food that are at once fresh, innovative, and memorable. All the restaurants are reviewed anonymously by local experts, Grilled, special Japanese sauce, on spaghetti bed and peppers, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Grilled Tuna (220 g), Seared tuna steak and oriental sauce, Pampano with Salt, Baked on the coals, in sea salt crust; available in: Kg, Whole Fish, Always fresh; Order it shaken, fried, grilled, etc. Huachinango, Mero, Robalo; available in: Kg, Locust new Port, Puerto Nuevo style, rice, beans and flour tortilla; available in: Kg, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Thermidor, Classic, puree and vegetables; available in: Kg, Prawns to Taste (300 g), Mojo, Smoked, Garlic; By season, octopus To taste (280 g), Zarandeado, Olive, Garlic Mojo Costeño (250 g), Combination of marlin with octopus, tree chili, guajillo and chipotle, pasta Add: Grilled chicken (220 g) or shrimp (100 g), Pasta Pasta de la Baja Spaghetti, shrimp, salmon, squid, mussel, clam slightly spicy Cream Fetuccini and Clam, Creamy clam, butter and white wine sauce Meat & Poultry, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Rib Eye (340g), Arrachera (300 g), Baked potato, beans and chili peppers, Molcajete de Arrachera (300 g), giving you a snapshot of the everyday experience, What’s on offer at these eateries varies widely, from kitchens with unparalleled upmarket dishes to straight-forward bar bites, not to mention the best in comfort food from cafés and restaurants alike | We sampled the best restaurants in town for you, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, now go out there, grab a table, and follow your instincts to some delicious eats | Bon Appetit! A high-end reference point for contemporary Mexican food for almost 20 years, Chef Enrique Olvera’s signature restaurant is currently 12th on the list of the World’s 50 Best Restaurants, after opening in 2000, it moved from Petrarca Street over to Tennyson in Polanco in 2017. This place gets high marks for its ever-changing menú, why to go? Mexico’s best restaurant plays with seasonings, textures, and heritage in Mexican cuisine with the help of an on-site organic garden, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, one of Pujol’s strong suits is the availability and freshness of its products, The Mole Madre with hoja Santa (a slightly peppery endemic Mexican herb) tortillas is the one and only permanent staple on the menu; Oaxacan black mole made with nuts, dried fruit, and herbs, There’s also the omakase taco bar, an eight-to-10 course tasting with cocktail pairings, Cuisine as a philosophic expression. Food preparation as a subtle methodology, the restaurant as a place for introspection and the chef as a creator, When Enrique Olvera opened Pujol in 2000, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, it’s balanced by the cold spicy mustard – and the drunken chocolate clam with sangrita snow cone and sea salt – basically, a michelada turned cold appetizer, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Mexican gastronomy turned its eyes toward itself, to question its traditional processes. It cost us to become critical consciousness, Influenced by the most vanguard trends of the time, Oliver deconstructed recipes of popular cuisine, leaving his daily plates unrecognizable, In just a few years, he went from being an eccentric chef to a public figure, indispensable in Mexico City’s gourmet scene, Magazine covers and new restaurant projects granted him the luck of ubiquity, For a while, toward the end of the decade he left his original restaurant a bit unattended; the creation lab of his plates, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, never the less, when he returned to put his hands and mind in the kitchen, Pujol recuperated its original prestige, its masterfulness and the origins of its strength. In the chef’s own words, the concept changed from reimagining the delights of Mexican street food, to a personal creative search, which amplified his field of experience, all that work indeed offered a rich harvest. In 2011, Pujol was considered one of the 50 best restaurants in the world on the list of the 50 Best Restaurants, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, mashed potato and liver, and the red snapper with lentils and, of course, the risottos, Dessert is another ace, especially the warm apple tart with house-made whipped cream Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, The plates that we could recommend for this review will probably not end up on the menu again, being that the offerings are permanent flux according to the season, and the daily availability of the produce each day, and of course depending on Olveras’ creative whim | , We had the feeling that the daily menu was in line with whatever was available that day in the market, We imagined that much of what they prepare in the kitchen lies far from conventional cooking techniques and much closer to chemistry processes, or even alchemy. The ingredients are native, pre-Hispanic, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, very traditional and in some cases organic, I sampled a liquified taco placero (which tastes exactly like a taco placero, but you drink it), a deconstructed taco al pastor (which is delicious and healthier than the street snack) and some lamb ribs that were so good I actually cried, It’s a living and transformational cuisine and it doesn’t stop, In 2017, Pujol deciced to change its location, from Petrarca a Tennsyon, still in Polanco | The new house has great windows, allowing you to see the organic garden that emits aromas of the plants that will season the dishes, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, from the napkins hand-sewn by artisans from Oaxaca to the daily-rotating menu which is crafted by local seasonal ingredients, Even the table bread is perfect; crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside and it’s made daily and served with a smattering of butters, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, The tasting menu features national items: cacahuazintle, almeja chiluda, hongos, cordero, tamales and pinole, Our meal was accompanied by sal de gusano, los quintoniles, habanero pepper and moles, The change of direction was accompanied by another surprised, including a new way of service, Grilled, special Japanese sauce, on spaghetti bed and peppers, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Grilled Tuna (220 g), Seared tuna steak and oriental sauce, Pampano with Salt, Baked on the coals, in sea salt crust; available in: Kg, Whole Fish, Always fresh; Order it shaken, fried, grilled, etc. Huachinango, Mero, Robalo; available in: Kg, Locust new Port, Puerto Nuevo style, rice, beans and flour tortilla; available in: Kg, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Thermidor, Classic, puree and vegetables; available in: Kg, Prawns to Taste (300 g), Mojo, Smoked, Garlic; By season, octopus To taste (280 g), Zarandeado, Olive, Garlic Mojo Costeño (250 g), Combination of marlin with octopus, tree chili, guajillo and chipotle, pasta Add: Grilled chicken (220 g) or shrimp (100 g), Pasta Pasta de la Baja Spaghetti, shrimp, salmon, squid, mussel, clam slightly spicy Cream Fetuccini and Clam, Creamy clam, butter and white wine sauce Meat & Poultry, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Rib Eye (340g), Arrachera (300 g), Baked potato, beans and chili peppers, Molcajete de Arrachera (300 g), an omakase style taco bar | This Japanese word means “chef’s choice. Pujol’s chefs combine the most Mexican of ingredients, as well as foreign, to serve in taco form, meaning that every day the omakase taco bar has something new to offer, Mexico’s best restaurant doesn’t go out of style, nor does it change by season, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, It remains a constant testimony to the new Mexican cuisine, or the contemporary Mexican cuisine, Tennyson 133, Polanco, Mexico City, 11550, Máximo Bistrot Local, Restaurants Bistros, What is it? This restaurant’s cupboards devote two-thirds of their space to ingredients sourced from local farms, including crops from Xochimilco, Chef Eduardo Garcia, together with his wife and business partner Gabriela Lopez, opened this restaurant in 2012 with the concept of serving dishes rooted in sustainable farming and fair trade, Why to go? Eduardo Garcia has an impressive resume, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, this spot fuses glam and attention to detail in every single dish and delivers on their promise to make your dinner unforgettable, The foie gras was brought over from OCA, the Valencian chef’s first restaurant, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, featuring spots like Le Bernardin (a 3-Michelin star New York restaurant)) and Pujol (Mexico City) | This spot follows a firm philosophy of supporting domestic products and serving up sophisticated dishes without falling into ostentatious presentations, Pair these menu items with anything from a craft beer to featured wines, What should you try? The menu changes daily, but it never ceases to impress with things like carrot and asparagus purée, chicatana ants, or chile serrano, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, “It’s the only thing I really know how to do,” Maximo’s Head Chef Eduardo Garcia humbly explains, Garcia was born in Guanajuato and emigrated to Atlanta with his family as a child where the only connection to Mexico he had left was his mom’s cooking | Later, to make a living, he started washing dishes at a restaurant where he learned to cook and although he never formally studied culinary arts, he ended up cooking at Le Bernadin, one of the best restaurants in New York City which specializes in Eurocentric classical cuisine, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Then, he met Chef Enrique Olvera in Vancouver and when Olvera found out that Garcia had worked at one of his favorite spots, he offered him a job at Pujol and the rest is, as they say, history, Over the three and a half years he spent working with Olvera, Eduardo realized that Mexico was in dire need of sustainable and environmentally conscious restaurants, So, he opened Maximo and to this day – years after he opened – it’s still nearly impossible to get a table without a reservation, Perched on a non-descript corner in the Roma neighborhood, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Maximo still stays true to the Mexican-sourced farm-to-table concept, Everything here is local, from the napkins hand-sewn by artisans from Oaxaca to the daily-rotating menu which is crafted by local seasonal ingredients, Even the table bread is perfect; crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside and it’s made daily and served with a smattering of butters, Ax Callus (180 g), Seasonal product Natural / Aguachile / Embers, Tuna Sashimi (150 g), Tuna slices marinated with serrano pepper, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Pacific seafood platter, Fresh oyster (4), octopus (180 g), chocolate clam (4), ax callus (180 g), shrimp to peel (4) and ice bed Molcajete Cold Callo (30 g), Shrimp (180 g), Octopus (60 g), Special sauce, Oysters & Clams, Clam Chocolata (4 Pieces), In its shell, never frozen, from Ensenada, BC Open at the moment on a bed of natural ice or shaved. available in: 1/2 Order (6), Order (12) Shell oyster, Open at the moment; Natural / Shaved / Embers, Rockefeller Ostion (6 Pieces), Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, in its shell bathed in creamy spinach sauce with bacon, Ceviches, Toast (40g) Order Fish and / or Shrimp (120 g), Peaceful (120 g), Shrimp (40g), octopus (40g), callus (40g) and cucumber Peruvian (80 g), Marinated fish cubes, sweet potato, corn and habanero pepper Cuteness, Octopus (60 g), fish (100 g), shrimp (60 g), Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, mango and pineapple, Cocktails available in: Med. (60g) Gde. (120g) Shrimp Cocktail and / or Octopus Campechano Cocktail, Soups / Creams & Salads | Add: Grilled chicken (220g) or shrimp (100g) clam cream, Lobster Cream, Cooked with flour, cream and butter Sea food soup, Sailor Rice (120 g), Fried rice, seafood, celery, carrot and a touch of soy Shrimp Pozole, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, from bean and sheep’s cheese, eggplant ash and goat cheese or truffle oil, The dishes are sophisticated without being pretentious and pair equally with a craft brew or a fine wine and although it changes daily, the menu is always on point | Some of the standouts are the mussels with coconut and saffron, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, the duck with mashed potato and liver, and the red snapper with lentils and, of course, the risottos, Dessert is another ace, especially the warm apple tart with house-made whipped cream. The best part is that menu changes daily, sometimes between lunch and dinner, so you’ll always find a new palate partner to dance with, Posted: Friday April 27 2020, Details, Quintonil: What is it? Quintonil shines as a deep expression of Mexican cooking and herbal notes, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, brimming with completely different flavors (in a good way), This year, headed up by Jorge Vallejo and Alejandra Flores comes in at 24 on The World’s 50 Best, a list they’ve been on since 2015, why to go? The offerings are centered on products culled from the earth, where their flavors can take center stage, All the flavors are balanced and executed with a deft hand | taking contemporary Mexican cuisine to its maximum potential, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, in the Roma and Juarez neighborhoods – that specialized in sweet and savory breads, coffee and sandwiches… and one more thing: don’t skip dessert, the rhubarb crumble with ginger ice cream is to die for Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, all of this and more coming out of a humble kitchen in Polanco, what should you try? Adobos with grasshopper and beans, artichoke tamales, chile and caramelized onion infusions that bring national heritage to center stage, The nixtamalized tomato braised in meat broth and vegetable reduction is not to be missed, Rosetta: Restaurants Fusion, What is it? Step inside this Porfiriato-era house to find an Italian kitchen with Mexican touches and no clichés. They make use of products — above all, seafood — featured in recipes straight out of an Italian grandma’s cookbook, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, with the creative touch of chef Elena Reygadas, Why to go? Seasonal ingredients at the peak of their powers, a really upbeat environment in the afternoon, and romantic in the evening. And as if that wasn’t enough, both of their bakery locations have boomed, bringing artisanal sweet and savory delights to the Roma and Juárez neighborhoods | What should you try? The green mole with quelites is heavy on the herbs, with wild touches that don’t detract from its creaminess; try the homemade white cacao and hoja santa for an experimental dessert feature that aims to please, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, It’s a top spot for flavor purists and those trying to get into the food’s origin story, The menu stands as a uniquely perfect balance between local ingredients and Mediterranean influences, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, if you like the idea of dining at a French mansion with high ceilings where the smell of melted butter permeates throughout, then this is the place for you, Grab a seat on the patio (don’t chance it, make a reservation) | and marvel at the subtle floral motifs and white walls surrounding you. It’s a rural oasis with the vintage furniture and vine-details on the walls, the menu is unmistakably Italian but, with a distinct Mexican influence. Don’t worry, there are no clichés here. The kitchen knows how to make the best of their ingredients – particularly the lesser-known seafood – in a way that would make an Italian grandmother proud without losing the categorically creative tell that is unique to Chef Elena Reygadas, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Reygadas studied in London for five years where she honed her craft at the Locanda Locatelli restaurant |When you’re here, it’ll be no surprise to spot her buzzing around and talking to her guests, Since the menu is seasonal, it’ll change often depending on the available ingredients. When we went, we loved the burrata or the tempura pumpkin flowers stuffed with ricotta cheese as a starter, For the main dish, it’s all about the risottos (hands-down the best in the city) paired with one of the many vino offerings, Although the menu is constantly changing, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Rosetta is always full because everyone can rest easy knowing that whatever they order | it’ll be simple and Delicious, The vibe here is friendly in the evening and full-on romantic at night | It might go without saying but, don’t forget to make a reservation, Just in case you can’t get enough, there are now two sister bakeries – in the Roma and Juarez neighborhoods – Grilled, special Japanese sauce, on spaghetti bed and peppers, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Grilled Tuna (220 g), Seared tuna steak and oriental sauce, Pampano with Salt, Baked on the coals, in sea salt crust; available in: Kg, Whole Fish, Always fresh; Order it shaken, fried, grilled, etc. Huachinango, Mero, Robalo; available in: Kg, Locust new Port, Puerto Nuevo style, rice, beans and flour tortilla; available in: Kg, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Thermidor, Classic, puree and vegetables; available in: Kg, Prawns to Taste (300 g), Mojo, Smoked, Garlic; By season, octopus To taste (280 g), Zarandeado, Olive, Garlic Mojo Costeño (250 g), Combination of marlin with octopus, tree chili, guajillo and chipotle, pasta Add: Grilled chicken (220 g) or shrimp (100 g), Pasta Pasta de la Baja Spaghetti, shrimp, salmon, squid, mussel, clam slightly spicy Cream Fetuccini and Clam, Creamy clam, butter and white wine sauce Meat & Poultry, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Rib Eye (340g), Arrachera (300 g), Baked potato, beans and chili peppers, Molcajete de Arrachera (300 g), that specialized in sweet and savory breads, coffee and sandwiches… and one more thing: don’t skip dessert, the rhubarb crumble with ginger ice cream is to die for, Garum: Restaurants Mediterranean Polanco, What is it? A place named in honor of the roman fermented fish sauce. Garum, from Vicente Torres (Top Millesime Chef of 2011), specializes in Mediterranean food made with local products that make for a shifting, albeit always innovative menú, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, In an interview with the chef, he told us about how Garum came up as “an opportunity to put together a project with a lot of freedom in it.” Why to go? Rather than only being a chef-driven menu, this place is also about the details and respect for the ingredients. It’s a top spot for flavor purists and those trying to get into the food’s origin story, The menu stands as a uniquely perfect balance between local ingredients and Mediterranean influences, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, it’ll be no surprise to spot her buzzing around and talking to her guests, Since the menu is seasonal, it’ll change often depending on the available ingredients. When we went, we loved the burrata or the tempura pumpkin flowers stuffed with ricotta cheese as a starter, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, what should you try? The chocolatemussels with beer, sangrita shaved ice with salt fragrance is their iteration of a michelada and also a fantastic cold appetizer, Finally! This Vicente Torres – of Oli, Mercado Roma fame – Mediterranean masterpiece is open. Named after the legendary Roman fish sauce, it’s nothing short of an absolute must-visit but, don’t take our word for it, this spot fuses glam and attention to detail in every single dish and delivers on their promise to make your dinner unforgettable, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, the foie gras was brought over from OCA, the Valencian chef’s first restaurant, with its sweet wine and edible flowers, The rest of the menu is totally new and balances local products and Mediterranean flavor and while some of the dishes are steady staples, others are borderline audacious. The culinary evolution from the OCA days is evident, a couple of examples, both with cantina-esque flair, are the beef tartar with egg yolk foam and mustard ice cream – which runs the risk of being overly sweet because of the caramelized onions but, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, making delicious food with none of the pageantry, Chef Gerardo Vázquez Lugo offers a menu that includes nineteenth-century recipes, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, it’s balanced by the cold spicy mustard – and the drunken chocolate clam with sangria snow cone and sea salt – basically, a michelada turned cold appetizer, The next course has the delectable mushrooms with pickled beef, egg yolk, and potatoes; a monochromatic brown and beige slap in the mouth of deep and fleshy flavors tempered by the yolk and roasted potato, we also loved the fire-grilled totoaba served with roasted onions and Japanese Pil Pil, this one is farmed fish perfection, tender flesh and crispy skin, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, I recommend the rock shrimp and cactus soup. The julienned cactus is an intense green color and are served along with the tender rock shrimp dry, at first. Then, the server will ladle the thick broth over the dry ingredients to make the soup, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, perfectly paired with the scorched onion, four courses and dessert (apple crumble, anyone?) is all you need to make a perfect date night outing and the wine list is a perfect backup singer to the delicious morsels or if you prefer a front man, try the whisky sour, Ax Callus (180 g), Seasonal product Natural / Aguachile / Embers, Tuna Sashimi (150 g), Tuna slices marinated with serrano pepper, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Pacific seafood platter, Fresh oyster (4), octopus (180 g), chocolate clam (4), ax callus (180 g), shrimp to peel (4) and ice bed Molcajete Cold Callo (30 g), Shrimp (180 g), Octopus (60 g), Special sauce, Oysters & Clams, Clam Chocolata (4 Pieces), In its shell, never frozen, from Ensenada, BC Open at the moment on a bed of natural ice or shaved. available in: 1/2 Order (6), Order (12) Shell oyster, Open at the moment; Natural / Shaved / Embers, Rockefeller Ostion (6 Pieces), Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, in its shell bathed in creamy spinach sauce with bacon, Ceviches, Toast (40g) Order Fish and / or Shrimp (120 g), Peaceful (120 g), Shrimp (40g), octopus (40g), callus (40g) and cucumber Peruvian (80 g), Marinated fish cubes, sweet potato, corn and habanero pepper Cuteness, Octopus (60 g), fish (100 g), shrimp (60 g), Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, mango and pineapple, Cocktails available in: Med. (60g) Gde. (120g) Shrimp Cocktail and / or Octopus Campechano Cocktail, Soups / Creams & Salads | Add: Grilled chicken (220g) or shrimp (100g) clam cream, Lobster Cream, Cooked with flour, cream and butter Sea food soup, Sailor Rice (120 g), Fried rice, seafood, celery, carrot and a touch of soy Shrimp Pozole, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, if you’re part of a group outing, check out the private rooms on the second floor complete with kitchen views where you can scope out Chef Torres and kitchen manager Adrián López Bassi, These is the same duo that was at the helm when La Sucursal got its Michelin Star and it’s a delight watching them work together again, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, The shrimp, the tomato and the green chili are seasoned impeccably and truly warm the belly, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Carmela y Sal: What is it? A trip brimming with flavor and creativity, names of dishes that pique curiosity like riveting stories unto themselves, Chef Gaby Ruiz opened this restaurant en Lomas Virreyes behind the concept of innovative food influenced by the state of Tabasco, Why to go? Here the food is like a concert. Get ready for the menu’s prelude, interlude, climax, and outro, Mexican ingredients prepared innovatively and with looks that match flavors, look for the plantains featured in a half-moon presentation as a prime example, What should you try? A surprising dynamic duo is the jicama and pesto paired with green grapes and pistachios, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, or try the fish wrapped in hoja santa, Nicos: Restaurants Breakfast Clavería, What is it? In the Claveria neighborhood here’s a spot that’s been around for over six decades dedicated to traditional Mexican fare, Chef Gerardo Vázquez Lugo serves up a menu of time-tested dishes with only the best ingredients, Why to go? Nicos keeps classic recipes alive and in all their glory, The careful and sophisticated presentation of the dishes is evidence that traditional food is part of haute cuisine, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, and that both are only made better by the slow food movement, What should you try? For years, the menu has featured classics like crunchy beef cecina (salted beef steak), dry cream soup (18th-century recipe), and Nicolasa filet served in chile ancho, paired with tequila caramelized apples and hibiscus salsa, Mexico City always surprises with hidden gems and this spot in the little-known Clavería neighborhood that has been open since 1957 is no exception, Our first impression is that this place caters to its loyal clientele and has held on to its neighborhood restaurant spirit since the beginning, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, the decor in here is almost like a time capsule, But, make no mistake, there is a definite dichotomy between the retro décor and the modern dishes on the menu and that’s what this place is all about: making delicious food with none of the pageantry, Chef Gerardo Vázquez Lugo offers a menu that includes nineteenth-century recipes, such as Sopa seca de nata (a dry cream-based soup), the star of the show, and the quality is determined by the raw ingredients, as they follow the principles of the slow food movement, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, One of the highlights here is breakfast. I recommend the fresh baked sweet bread with atole (a traditional hot corn- and masa-based beverage), along with the famous Azcapotzalco eggs served with red salsa and beans, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, the gorditas trio consists of one of cottage cheese, one of quelites (leafy greens) and one made simply from beans: golden, thin and flat, with the beans in the dough, Accompanied with house salsas: green, red and chipotle chilies; the latter has a slight note of cinnamon and brown sugar, This is an entirely different take on the gorditas that we know, For the next course, I recommend the rock shrimp and cactus soup. The julienned cactus is an intense green color and are served along with the tender rock shrimp dry, at first. Then, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, eating here is like being a kid again, Chef Martha Ortiz makes art with her food, no doubt about that Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, the server will ladle the thick broth over the dry ingredients to make the soup, The shrimp, the tomato and the green chili are seasoned impeccably and truly warm the belly, The whole thing is comforting and there is no doubting the skill in the kitchen after tasting this gem, For the main course, Grilled, special Japanese sauce, on spaghetti bed and peppers, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Grilled Tuna (220 g), Seared tuna steak and oriental sauce, Pampano with Salt, Baked on the coals, in sea salt crust; available in: Kg, Whole Fish, Always fresh; Order it shaken, fried, grilled, etc. Huachinango, Mero, Robalo; available in: Kg, Locust new Port, Puerto Nuevo style, rice, beans and flour tortilla; available in: Kg, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Thermidor, Classic, puree and vegetables; available in: Kg, Prawns to Taste (300 g), Mojo, Smoked, Garlic; By season, octopus To taste (280 g), Zarandeado, Olive, Garlic Mojo Costeño (250 g), Combination of marlin with octopus, tree chili, guajillo and chipotle, pasta Add: Grilled chicken (220 g) or shrimp (100 g), Pasta Pasta de la Baja Spaghetti, shrimp, salmon, squid, mussel, clam slightly spicy Cream Fetuccini and Clam, Creamy clam, butter and white wine sauce Meat & Poultry, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Rib Eye (340g), Arrachera (300 g), Baked potato, beans and chili peppers, Molcajete de Arrachera (300 g), I tried the wagyu mixiote (a traditional pit-barbecued meat dish) with mushrooms. Personally, I loved the idea that the still-wrapped bundle of deliciousness makes you dig for the treasures and once you reach the filling, it’s so satisfying. The marinade has a red and yellow chilhuacle chile base, and the meat is absolutely melt-in-your-mouth, The sides are almost as delicious; chopped baby cactus bits, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, the smiles on their faces say it all. There’s no doubt that ever person in this room, including us, is thinking about mom, By: Dulce Ramos, Posted: Friday April 27 2020, details, Static map showing venue location, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, stewed beans, and grilled chambray onions all served with handmade tortillas, Honestly, this Nicos specialty is flawless, One of the highlights here is breakfast. I recommend the fresh baked sweet bread with atole (a traditional hot corn- and masa-based beverage), along with the famous Azcapotzalco eggs served with red salsa and beans, I also loved the scrambled eggs with their house güero chili salsa, Again, the quality of the ingredients is evident in every bite: the milk, cream, and eggs are all farm fresh, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Nicos is simple: traditional and tasty. It’s a recipe that’s made the foremost authority in Mexican food, Lalo! What is it? A culinary relationship between the countryside and its bounty, with sustainable cooking cred in Mexico City at a reasonable price. Chef Eduardo Garcia is the kind of guy who is exacting in his ingredient sourcing, as well as someone who nurtures the importance of agriculture in the restaurant industry, Why to go? Eduardo has experience in fine dining, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, there are some dishes that, bite after bite, can sublime and vanish any concern…at least until dessert is over, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, having also worked at Bernardin, a New York restaurant boasting three Michelin stars, His original design was crafted with communal dining in mind, Check out the 30 person long table in the front that lends itself to sharing plates and experiences, What should you try? The pork in green sauce, salmon biscuit or eggs with lard, gruyere, and green onion pair well with a mimosa or house-made soda, For vegetarians, the squash blossoms stuffed with comté cheese is the move, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Dulce Patria: Restaurants Polanco, What is it? Dulce Patria has an ethos of reinterpretation of the flavors Mexican grandmas have been bringing to the table for years, all under the direction of chef Martha Ortiz, Why to go? This place is a veritable parade of mole breads and flowers, spanning from chipotle to violet. Treat yourself to the shellfish pozole, zaranda-style fish, and plantain stuffed enchiladas – dishes all aimed to please any palate, The smiling faces across the room let you know that everyone, yourself included, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Personally, I loved the idea that the still-wrapped bundle of deliciousness makes you dig for the treasures and once you reach the filling, it’s so satisfying Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, is thinking about mom’s cooking, What should you try? Order the Dulce Patria Mole, sporting the same red hue as the restaurant’s floor, Captivating aromas and presentations of traditional pink mole rule the day, featuring organic chicken breast and “love colored” rice (a must-try), eating here is like being a kid again, Chef Martha Ortiz makes art with her food, no doubt about that. Art that reminds you of eating grandma’s cooking. Only this time around it’s elegant and refined, We love the delicate pork cracklings that remind us of a street stand gordita, the parade of mole, chipotle or lavender breads and the desserts, like the redesigned eskimo; a snow cone topped with sprinkles and animal cookies – Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, we dare you to not to smile when you see it, The executives that frequent this spot for lunch can’t quite relive their childhood in here but, the smiles on their faces say it all. There’s no doubt that ever person in this room, including us, is thinking about mom, By: Dulce Ramos, Grilled, special Japanese sauce, on spaghetti bed and peppers, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Grilled Tuna (220 g), Seared tuna steak and oriental sauce, Pampano with Salt, Baked on the coals, in sea salt crust; available in: Kg, Whole Fish, Always fresh; Order it shaken, fried, grilled, etc. Huachinango, Mero, Robalo; available in: Kg, Locust new Port, Puerto Nuevo style, rice, beans and flour tortilla; available in: Kg, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Thermidor, Classic, puree and vegetables; available in: Kg, Prawns to Taste (300 g), Mojo, Smoked, Garlic; By season, octopus To taste (280 g), Zarandeado, Olive, Garlic Mojo Costeño (250 g), Combination of marlin with octopus, tree chili, guajillo and chipotle, pasta Add: Grilled chicken (220 g) or shrimp (100 g), Pasta Pasta de la Baja Spaghetti, shrimp, salmon, squid, mussel, clam slightly spicy Cream Fetuccini and Clam, Creamy clam, butter and white wine sauce Meat & Poultry, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Rib Eye (340g), Arrachera (300 g), Baked potato, beans and chili peppers, Molcajete de Arrachera (300 g), Posted: Friday April 27 2020, details, Static map showing venue location, Address: Anatole France 100, Polanco, Mexico City, Belfiore, Restaurants Dinner Polanco, What is it? Unlike other Italian places that focus on putting out food that nonna would make, and still others that skew fusion offerings, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, tomato (unctuous, fruity, and simple); risotto with artichoke hearts and parmesan (with all the blunt force of pure Italian flavors), and baked penne with artichoke and truffle oil Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Belfiore offers up a menu that you’d find in actual Italy. The dishes shine in the simplicity of their ingredients, Why to go? Ax Callus (180 g), Seasonal product Natural / Aguachile / Embers, Tuna Sashimi (150 g), Tuna slices marinated with serrano pepper, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Pacific seafood platter, Fresh oyster (4), octopus (180 g), chocolate clam (4), ax callus (180 g), shrimp to peel (4) and ice bed Molcajete Cold Callo (30 g), Shrimp (180 g), Octopus (60 g), Special sauce, Oysters & Clams, Clam Chocolata (4 Pieces), In its shell, never frozen, from Ensenada, BC Open at the moment on a bed of natural ice or shaved. available in: 1/2 Order (6), Order (12) Shell oyster, Open at the moment; Natural / Shaved / Embers, Rockefeller Ostion (6 Pieces), Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, in its shell bathed in creamy spinach sauce with bacon, Ceviches, Toast (40g) Order Fish and / or Shrimp (120 g), Peaceful (120 g), Shrimp (40g), octopus (40g), callus (40g) and cucumber Peruvian (80 g), Marinated fish cubes, sweet potato, corn and habanero pepper Cuteness, Octopus (60 g), fish (100 g), shrimp (60 g), Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, mango and pineapple, Cocktails available in: Med. (60g) Gde. (120g) Shrimp Cocktail and / or Octopus Campechano Cocktail, Soups / Creams & Salads | Add: Grilled chicken (220g) or shrimp (100g) clam cream, Lobster Cream, Cooked with flour, cream and butter Sea food soup, Sailor Rice (120 g), Fried rice, seafood, celery, carrot and a touch of soy Shrimp Pozole, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, The food is as comforting as the humble surroundings, complete with low ceilings and white walls. Incredible pasta, pizza, salads, and desserts are this menu’s staples. Pro tip: when you spot the pasta that catches your eye, look no further – just order. < What should you try? Fusilli with eggplant, ricotta cheese and tomato (unctuous, fruity, and simple); risotto with artichoke hearts and parmesan Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, the space, discreetly located in the Cuauhtémoc neighborhood, is centered on the utmost top ingredients, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, (with all the blunt force of pure Italian flavors), and baked penne with artichoke and truffle oil (prepare for tears of joy), Aristoteles, in his book Poética, defines catharsis as a resource to emotionally purify the public after a tragedy, After experimenting fear or tension through drama, the outcome allows the spectator to leave in a relaxed manner from its problems. I have the theory that gastronomy —the art of preparing great food, can have this same effect; there are some dishes that, bite after bite, can sublime and vanish any concern… Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, After experimenting fear or tension through drama, the outcome allows the spectator to leave in a relaxed manner from its problems Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, at least until dessert is over, This, obviously, is no easy task. However, Belfiore, in Polanco, achieves this experience, opposite to other Italian places focused in offering the nonna’s homemade cooking, Belfiore targets a menu that would perfectly fit the “boot” of Europe, The greatness of the dishes lie on the ingredients’ simplicity. Highlighting just one is a challenge, Protagonists on the tables are pastas, great examples of culinary magnificence, perfectly al dente and plenty of it on the plate. Three suggestions: the fusilli with eggplant, ricotta cheese and tomato; risotto with artichoke hearts and parmesan; Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, and penne with artichoke and truffle oil, The other topnotch is pizza. Our favorite was arrabbiata with Italian sausage, with a slight touch of spice, mozzarella cheese and olives, the place breaks —thankfully— with the style of the area. Ceilings are low and create a more intimate atmosphere, but the extreme closeness between tables vanishes the effect. Because of it, we suggest you make a reservation for a small group of Friends, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, opposite to other Italian places focused in offering the nonna’s homemade cooking, Belfiore targets a menu that would perfectly fit the “boot” of Europe, The greatness of the dishes lie on the ingredients’ simplicity Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, The restaurant’s major challenge, for now, is to improve their service, While we wait for it, the biggest culinary tragedy in Belfiore happens when the plate goes empty, By: Beatriz Vernon, Posted: Monday, Details, Static map showing venue location Address: Masaryk 514 Polanco Mexico City, Rokai, What is it? Rokai brings two kinds of Japanese food to the table: hot and cold. The latter is represented by their variety of fish offerings that change daily. On the other hand, the hot stuff comes by way of multiple soups and ramen, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Ceilings are low and create a more intimate atmosphere, but the extreme closeness between tables vanishes the effect Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, both portioned to leave you thoroughly full, Why to go? This spot is the natural result of putting quality above all else, not to mention the experience of the two big Japanese cuisine genres, the nigiri has traditional “Nikiri” (sweet soy sauce) on it, made in-house with soy and other ingredients, what should you try? Ax Callus (180 g), Seasonal product Natural / Aguachile / Embers, Tuna Sashimi (150 g), Tuna slices marinated with serrano pepper, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Pacific seafood platter, Fresh oyster (4), octopus (180 g), chocolate clam (4), ax callus (180 g), shrimp to peel (4) and ice bed Molcajete Cold Callo (30 g), Shrimp (180 g), Octopus (60 g), Special sauce, Oysters & Clams, Clam Chocolata (4 Pieces), In its shell, never frozen, from Ensenada, BC Open at the moment on a bed of natural ice or shaved. available in: 1/2 Order (6), Order (12) Shell oyster, Open at the moment; Natural / Shaved / Embers, Rockefeller Ostion (6 Pieces), Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, in its shell bathed in creamy spinach sauce with bacon, Ceviches, Toast (40g) Order Fish and / or Shrimp (120 g), Peaceful (120 g), Shrimp (40g), octopus (40g), callus (40g) and cucumber Peruvian (80 g), Marinated fish cubes, sweet potato, corn and habanero pepper Cuteness, Octopus (60 g), fish (100 g), shrimp (60 g), Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, mango and pineapple, Cocktails available in: Med. (60g) Gde. (120g) Shrimp Cocktail and / or Octopus Campechano Cocktail, Soups / Creams & Salads | Add: Grilled chicken (220g) or shrimp (100g) clam cream, Lobster Cream, Cooked with flour, cream and butter Sea food soup, Sailor Rice (120 g), Fried rice, seafood, celery, carrot and a touch of soy Shrimp Pozole, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Those looking for a real Japanese experience should ask for the omakase at the sushi bar, ask about cocktails like the genmaicha shiso, Arango, what is it? Arrango is big on Mexican pride, displayed in their dishes and revolution-era decor, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, egg, and cheese for the perfect breakfast treat, I’ll try to be objective in this review, but be warned that there is an element that prevents me from doing it: the day I visited it, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, they’re named in honor of Doroteo Arrango, better known as Pancho Villa, an important figure in Mexican history, why to go? The menu is crafted by chef Alejandro Cuatepotzo, a Puebla native focused on the magical flavors of Mexico, In 2015 he was recognized as the “Rising Star Mexican Chef,” at the Cancun Wine and Food Festival, among the most important festivals in Latin America, His floor-to-ceiling glass design with breathtaking views of the Revolution Monument elevates the whole experience, What to try? The sweet potato pinto with beef tongue barbacoa and the surf and turf tartar Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, (mixing raw shrimp and ribeye) are all a must-try. Suadero made bourguignon style is also to die for, Emilia, What is it? Emilia, Lucho Martinez’s fine dining restaurant that’s only open for dinner, This spot is fully immersed in fine dining, stemming from Lucho’s experience at Quintonil, Maximo Bistrot, and Mia Domenicca, the space, discreetly located in the Cuauhtémoc neighborhood, is centered on the utmost top ingredients, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, the normal thing is that flies come first and then a few clients. If the place is good, then the word of mouth will spread and may luckily become famous after several weeks or even months Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, particularly as they relate to seasonal availability, Why to go? The menu is printed daily and ingredients rotate often (and that’s a good thing), There’s heavy influence here coming from Japanese cuisine, but folding in choice Mexican ingredients to bring something really special to the table, What should you try? The menu changes every day, but we’re pretty sure their dessert has held court for a minute, The Melissa ice cream with mandarin slices and powder is a show-stopper, Belmondo, Restaurants Eclectic, What is it? If there were spots dedicated to expert sandwich tasters, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Belmondo would be at the top of that rotation. Miwi, aka Adriana Lima (Pizza Felix and Felix Bar) is a chef and founding partner of this humble sanctuary, where there’s a chance you might find Thom Yorke grabbing a bite, Why to go? It’s a carnival of aromas that will transport you to the country, peppered with hints of oregano and Rosemary, artisanal loaves, toasted baguettes, ciabatta, and caraway seed come fresh out of the oven with a crunch to fall in love with, what should you try? The crispy chicken sandwich, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, not to mention the experience of the two big Japanese cuisine genres, the nigiri has traditional “Nikiri” (sweet soy sauce) on it, made in-house with soy and other ingredients, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, if you happen to like fried food; or grab a bacon, egg, and cheese for the perfect breakfast treat, I’ll try to be objective in this review, but be warned that there is an element that prevents me from doing it: the day I visited it, I was only three tables away from Thom Yorke…yes, Radiohead’s singer, with the guitarist Colin Greenwood on one side and many others. You know, casual. Chewing their food. Drinking from their glasses, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, and this is not the worst part: they told me it was their second visit. Since I’m not a big fan, I just had a small attack and didn’t choke with the exquisite artichoke cream I was eating when I saw them, there are places — the one I’m writing of—that, inexplicably, Grilled, special Japanese sauce, on spaghetti bed and peppers, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Grilled Tuna (220 g), Seared tuna steak and oriental sauce, Pampano with Salt, Baked on the coals, in sea salt crust; available in: Kg, Whole Fish, Always fresh; Order it shaken, fried, grilled, etc. Huachinango, Mero, Robalo; available in: Kg, Locust new Port, Puerto Nuevo style, rice, beans and flour tortilla; available in: Kg, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Thermidor, Classic, puree and vegetables; available in: Kg, Prawns to Taste (300 g), Mojo, Smoked, Garlic; By season, octopus To taste (280 g), Zarandeado, Olive, Garlic Mojo Costeño (250 g), Combination of marlin with octopus, tree chili, guajillo and chipotle, pasta Add: Grilled chicken (220 g) or shrimp (100 g), Pasta Pasta de la Baja Spaghetti, shrimp, salmon, squid, mussel, clam slightly spicy Cream Fetuccini and Clam, Creamy clam, butter and white wine sauce Meat & Poultry, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Rib Eye (340g), Arrachera (300 g), Baked potato, beans and chili peppers, Molcajete de Arrachera (300 g), have instant success. This one was only two weeks open the day I placed my visit. T-w-o weeks! By this time, Clark from Saint Vincent already came to dine, and now Radiohead. And no, we’re not talking about a fancy restaurant in London or New York, this is the corner of Mérida and Tabasco streets in la Roma, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Review Highlights, “Wasn’t able to get contramar to work with our vacation schedule but was recommended this by the staff at contramar.” in 6 reviews, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, same place that once was an old and abandoned laundry, right in front of a restaurant that sold tortas poblanos, when a restaurant opens, the normal thing is that flies come first and then a few clients. If the place is good, then the word of mouth will spread and may luckily become famous after several weeks or even months. Or not, something weird happened here, as soon as they opened, tables were full and remained like that ever since. Now they have international celebrities, maybe the story behind the owners would give us a clue: Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, They have 2 floors and every table full and workers staying on top of everything | The fresh fish, the tostadas, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, they are also responsible of Félix, the cute and nice little bar just a block away, the owners, from Monterrey, are always aware of their business. This explains the reason why drinks occupy two from the four pages of the menu (one for wine and the other for mezcal, beer, whiskey, coffee and sodas), maybe this will also explain the successful PR formula that supports them and never makes them seem ostentatious, and even if the place gets crowded everyday —with celebrities— Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, felt like this is a go-to spot for tourists as wife and I saw several individuals with the airline baggage 🙂 Also some selection of flan Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, and tables are forever occupied, and no matter how antisocial you are, you already know the existence of this restrained place: no luminous sign, nor an impressive decoration. Not even tables along the Street, faint candlelight illuminate tables at night | And yet, everyone knows about this place. And the menu? Sandwiches, salads, and soups, nothing more. Nothing about signature cuisine nor complex dishes, that day, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, apart from my soup, I ordered the London broil (meat filled sandwich) with avocado, aioli and sprouts of onion; would I order it again? No doubt about it. And for dessert, lemon pie (I’ve had better), espresso (indeed, great coffee) all in pretty affordable prices, Seriously, places like this should open in every corner of the city, Amaya, what is it? “Delicious food and weird wine.” At Amaya, chef Jair Tellez wields a kitchen that knows no creative bounds and uses ingredients to their full potential, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, inexplicably, have instant success. This one was only two weeks open the day I placed my visit. T-w-o weeks! Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, rather than be judged at first blush, these offerings are big on fresh ingredients, good techniques, and exacting seasonings, why to go? The chef has his own line of natural wines | Bichi, among the first wines in Mexico to be sulfite-free, Ax Callus (180 g), Seasonal product Natural / Aguachile / Embers, Tuna Sashimi (150 g), Tuna slices marinated with serrano pepper, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Pacific seafood platter, Fresh oyster (4), octopus (180 g), chocolate clam (4), ax callus (180 g), shrimp to peel (4) and ice bed Molcajete Cold Callo (30 g), Shrimp (180 g), Octopus (60 g), Special sauce, Oysters & Clams, Clam Chocolata (4 Pieces), In its shell, never frozen, from Ensenada, BC Open at the moment on a bed of natural ice or shaved. available in: 1/2 Order (6), Order (12) Shell oyster, Open at the moment; Natural / Shaved / Embers, Rockefeller Ostion (6 Pieces), Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, in its shell bathed in creamy spinach sauce with bacon, Ceviches, Toast (40g) Order Fish and / or Shrimp (120 g), Peaceful (120 g), Shrimp (40g), octopus (40g), callus (40g) and cucumber Peruvian (80 g), Marinated fish cubes, sweet potato, corn and habanero pepper Cuteness, Octopus (60 g), fish (100 g), shrimp (60 g), Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, mango and pineapple, Cocktails available in: Med. (60g) Gde. (120g) Shrimp Cocktail and / or Octopus Campechano Cocktail, Soups / Creams & Salads | Add: Grilled chicken (220g) or shrimp (100g) clam cream, Lobster Cream, Cooked with flour, cream and butter Sea food soup, Sailor Rice (120 g), Fried rice, seafood, celery, carrot and a touch of soy Shrimp Pozole, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, the menu is subject to change, depending of course on the availability and freshness of ingredients, what should you try? The magra beef tartar is ground especially fine | and full of nice chunks of sardine, this delectable offering gets finished with house-made caper mayonnaise, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Casa Domit, located at 163 Emilio Castelar, is the space that houses Blanco Castelar. The Californian-style building was designed by architect Shafick Kaim between 1939 and 1940, The interior of the house has a classic but different style, attached staircase | Solomonic columns, iron lamps and ornamentation of New Spanish influence is part of the decoration that the house boasts, Estudio 240 was the office that gives it a modern but elegant architectural touch, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, (one for wine and the other for mezcal, beer, whiskey, coffee and sodas), maybe this will also explain the successful PR formula that supports them and never makes them seem ostentatious, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, the quality and freshness of the ingredients, as well as the technique of preparing the dishes are the pillars of our kitchen | The Best 10 Seafood Restaurants near Av. Emilio Castelar 149, 11550 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico, Review Highlights, “Wasn’t able to get contramar to work with our vacation schedule but was recommended this by the staff at contramar.” in 6 reviews, “The tuna tostada, grilled octopus, and the fish special were our favorite.” in 5 reviews, Jacob C. “The food was Good | but fell below expectation considering all the raving reviews given by everyone I knew from CDMX.” in 3 reviews | Share review | Embed review, 2020, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, 10 photos 1 check-in, Impressive place, made sure to get reservations on OpenTable as reviews were through the roof! They have 2 floors and every table full and workers staying on top of everything | The fresh fish, the tostadas, the ceviches, soup, complementary breads and dipping sauces all so amazing! The servers were fun and cheery and we joked the whole time. Probably the best meal I had in Mexico, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, slaw/veggies, and salsas. And you can dress to your stomach’s desire! We were overwhelmed by the amount that went into this taco, but underwhelmed by tast | It was a bit too much fried stuff, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, the desserts weren’t that great but enjoyed the meal and experience nevertheless, for sure will be back when in CDMX, Hands down!! This has to be one of the best seafood restaurants in Mexico City, reservation is required. The do closed at 7:00 PM so make sure you eat early, the food and service were both amazing, I feel like I ordered the whole menú, The seafood was super fresh and was very well prepared, the whole fish, tuna tostada, and the clam pasta were my favorites | I highly recommend them all. This is a must visit if you love seafood | share review, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, (fried cheese stuffed chile relleno with fried shrimp) | You basically stand in line and tell them what you want while the guy makes your tacos right in front of you! It’s a super quick process. Then you dress your taco at the bar on the side, eat, and pay at the register, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, embed review, Wow! Out of all the restaurants we tried in MX City this was by far the favorite! Ax Callus (180 g), Seasonal product Natural / Aguachile / Embers, Tuna Sashimi (150 g), Tuna slices marinated with serrano pepper, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Pacific seafood platter, Fresh oyster (4), octopus (180 g), chocolate clam (4), ax callus (180 g), shrimp to peel (4) and ice bed Molcajete Cold Callo (30 g), Shrimp (180 g), Octopus (60 g), Special sauce, Oysters & Clams, Clam Chocolata (4 Pieces), In its shell, never frozen, from Ensenada, BC Open at the moment on a bed of natural ice or shaved. available in: 1/2 Order (6), Order (12) Shell oyster, Open at the moment; Natural / Shaved / Embers, Rockefeller Ostion (6 Pieces), Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, in its shell bathed in creamy spinach sauce with bacon, Ceviches, Toast (40g) Order Fish and / or Shrimp (120 g), Peaceful (120 g), Shrimp (40g), octopus (40g), callus (40g) and cucumber Peruvian (80 g), Marinated fish cubes, sweet potato, corn and habanero pepper Cuteness, Octopus (60 g), fish (100 g), shrimp (60 g), Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, mango and pineapple, Cocktails available in: Med. (60g) Gde. (120g) Shrimp Cocktail and / or Octopus Campechano Cocktail, Soups / Creams & Salads | Add: Grilled chicken (220g) or shrimp (100g) clam cream, Lobster Cream, Cooked with flour, cream and butter Sea food soup, Sailor Rice (120 g), Fried rice, seafood, celery, carrot and a touch of soy Shrimp Pozole, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Service was beyond 5 stars; all the seafood was so fresh and best ceviche I’ve had ever! It was a table of 6 of us, we all ordered a plate but also wanted to try their specialty Pescado a la Talla with 2 different sauces, so we got that to share, What stood out of all of our food was the Trucha tostadas, the ceviche and the shrimp & scallop aguachile and of course the grilled fish with both sauces | For dessert we had the tarta de higo and merengue con fresas, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, El Pescadito is so good that I waited in line, twice, Food: 5/5, – Amazing fish tacos, crispy and full of flavor, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, both were very good but definitely try the merengue con fresas- a great indulgence. Honestly, I wish we would’ve tried this place earlier in our trip so we could’ve gone back, it was that good!! Share review, embed review, Super big fan of this restaurant. Wasn’t able to get contramar to work with our vacation schedule but was recommended this by the staff at contramar, One of the BEST restaurants I’ve been to, for about thirtty to fifty USD a person, Dining Polanco, Restaurant Dining Polanco, Dinner Polanco, Dinner Wine Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Mexican Cuisine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, you get great ingredient cooked very well. This restaurant is a high light of the trip, Share review, embed review, 2020, 2 photos 1 check-in, If you’re looking for Fish Tacos in CDMX | Don’t. Look. Any. Further, El Pescadito is so good that I waited in line, twice, Food: 5/5, – Amazing fish tacos, crispy and full of flavor, – Good portions. 2 tacos and you’re set, – The shrimp tacos are solid as well, – Topping galore. You get to dress up your taco as fancy as you want. It’ll be the bell of the taco bell, Location: 4/5, – In a chill, tourist-friendly part of Mexico City, – There’s a park near-by so that’s a great option for walking, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Emilio Castelar, Restaurants Virgilio, Restaurants Petrarca, Restaurants Tennyson, Restaurants Anatole France, Restaurants Polanco, all the seafood was so fresh and best ceviche I’ve had ever! It was a table of 6 of us, we all ordered a plate but also wanted to try their specialty Pescado a la Talla with 2 different sauces, Restaurants Oscar Wilde, Restaurants Julio Verne, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurants Pdte. Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, atmosphere / Ambiance: 4.5/5, – Chill, Down to earth. Casual. No need to dress up. It might be for the best as well, Spilling those awesome toppings is a highly likely possibility, Quality: 5/5, – Food tastes fresh as they fry up the grub right in front of you – Good portions at a great Price | We were trying to hit up as many taco places in the area before our dinner, and since we had a million al pastor taco, El Pescadito seemed like a good change! They are known for deep fried seafood tacos, this review may be biased because we were only able to try one taco, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, but the waiter said this was the most popular and delicious! So we went for the que-sotote (fried cheese stuffed chile relleno with fried shrimp) | Grilled, special Japanese sauce, on spaghetti bed and peppers, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Grilled Tuna (220 g), Seared tuna steak and oriental sauce, Pampano with Salt, Baked on the coals, in sea salt crust; available in: Kg, Whole Fish, Always fresh; Order it shaken, fried, grilled, etc. Huachinango, Mero, Robalo; available in: Kg, Locust new Port, Puerto Nuevo style, rice, beans and flour tortilla; available in: Kg, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Thermidor, Classic, puree and vegetables; available in: Kg, Prawns to Taste (300 g), Mojo, Smoked, Garlic; By season, octopus To taste (280 g), Zarandeado, Olive, Garlic Mojo Costeño (250 g), Combination of marlin with octopus, tree chili, guajillo and chipotle, pasta Add: Grilled chicken (220 g) or shrimp (100 g), Pasta Pasta de la Baja Spaghetti, shrimp, salmon, squid, mussel, clam slightly spicy Cream Fetuccini and Clam, Creamy clam, butter and white wine sauce Meat & Poultry, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Rib Eye (340g), Arrachera (300 g), Baked potato, beans and chili peppers, Molcajete de Arrachera (300 g), You basically stand in line and tell them what you want while the guy makes your tacos right in front of you! It’s a super quick process. Then you dress your taco at the bar on the side, eat, and pay at the register, the salsa bar has so many types of sauces, slaw/veggies, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, and salsas. And you can dress to your stomach’s desire! We were overwhelmed by the amount that went into this taco, but underwhelmed by tast | It was a bit too much fried stuff, but if that’s your thing then you’d love it. I’d prob try the fish taco if I come back again, favorite taco place of our CDMX trip and that is an extremely high bar, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, the fish and shrimp were lightly battered and perfectly deep fried, The restaurant, like many of the popular taco chains in the city is a well-oiled machine | Your order is taken in line and you’re quickly ushered to a free table with your drinks waiting, Really wanted to return on our last day but unfortunately it was NYE and they were taking a well-deserved day off, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, I guess I’ll just have to come back another time, delicious tacos; you can see the shrimp, green chilis, and more being fried and prepared as you line-up, Tacos prepared right in front of you in quick fashion | all were Delicious, Casual and lively atmosphere | felt like this is a go-to spot for tourists as wife and I saw several individuals with the airline baggage 🙂 Also some selection of flan — Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, I chose the flan de coco — a nice sweet finish to the meal, I highly recommend this food place for the traveler. I hope to visit again! The best! Weary from the pictures but honestly some of the best tacos I’ve ever had- and I’ve eaten A LOT of fish tacos, Liked the shrimp a little more than the fried fish, thin soft tortillas and lightly fried fish. Got the marlin taco w shrimp, tacochango, it was Good, love ALL the creamy sauces, my weakness, you order first and then they give u a paper receipt, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, you take the paper with final taco tally and pay at the cashier at the end. Go! SO GOOD, DEFINITELY STOPPING BY FOR TACOS WHENEVER I’M IN THE AREA | I got a fish taco, friends got the fried shrimp taco | I added the avocado sauce and the sriracha mayo-looking sauce which was a little bit spicy | Top notch choices I made on the sauces, The food is very fresh and everything tastes great! Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, The fish is lightly fried right in front of you when you order, and the line moves quickly, it’s not overly greasy at all and had plenty of fish in one taco! You order at the counter, get your food, sit down, and return to the cashier to pay when you’re all done, I think it’s worth noting I have a pretty sensitive stomach and had no problem here and in CDMX in general, either time I’ve traveled here | Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, We were walking over to Chapultepec Park and came across this restaurant – which is actually a spot that my boyfriend’s favorite food blogger scouted out on his Mexico City taco tour! We lined up to order, it was fun because we could watch the seafood getting cooked | we ordered the ta-catote and que-sotote, so we got a taste of marlin and shrimp, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, the tacos were fairly big and were topped with tons of stuff, It was a messy meal but delicious! Because there were a lot of things in one taco, it was hard to pin point what seafood I was eating, a lot of it was masked by the deep fried batter, Grilled, special Japanese sauce, on spaghetti bed and peppers, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Grilled Tuna (220 g), Seared tuna steak and oriental sauce, Pampano with Salt, Baked on the coals, in sea salt crust; available in: Kg, Whole Fish, Always fresh; Order it shaken, fried, grilled, etc. Huachinango, Mero, Robalo; available in: Kg, Locust new Port, Puerto Nuevo style, rice, beans and flour tortilla; available in: Kg, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Thermidor, Classic, puree and vegetables; available in: Kg, Prawns to Taste (300 g), Mojo, Smoked, Garlic; By season, octopus To taste (280 g), Zarandeado, Olive, Garlic Mojo Costeño (250 g), Combination of marlin with octopus, tree chili, guajillo and chipotle, pasta Add: Grilled chicken (220 g) or shrimp (100 g), Pasta Pasta de la Baja Spaghetti, shrimp, salmon, squid, mussel, clam slightly spicy Cream Fetuccini and Clam, Creamy clam, butter and white wine sauce Meat & Poultry, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Rib Eye (340g), Arrachera (300 g), Baked potato, beans and chili peppers, Molcajete de Arrachera (300 g), the ambiance definitely felt a little touristy, even the food itself so it wasn’t my favorite meal in CDMX but it was still Good | I hadn’t had seafood tacos on the trip yet so this was a good first find! We got a bottle of horchata which was very refreshing | Review Highlights Frances M. Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, “Went with the ladies to lunch today and really liked the vibe at Rosa Negra, a fairly new place on Masaryk.” in 2 reviews | “We ended up getting the special shrimp, spicy octopus, artichokes, black pasta, and lobster tacos.” in 3 reviews | “As we didn’t know Spanish they took an extra effort in conversing in English with us.” in 5 reviews, Sleek modern decor on Masaryk, Arrived for a 9:30 dinner reservation on Saturday night and were seated after a drink at the service bar, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Ambiance is incredible, Had a live DJ mixing upbeat music, appetizers were briefly interrupted by a remix of Sweet Caroline – wait staff descended and brought sparklers to every diner |Crowd was very well dressed and high end, appropriate for the neighborhood, The food matched the presentation, We started with tuna tostada – incredible. Empanadas were Ok, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Steaks were exceptional, but cooked slightly below temperature | One of our group ordered the catch of the day, which was exceptional. Portions are large and we over ordered | Service was meticulously attentive, This place is a gem, Made reservations with OpenTable, called the restaurant to inform them that my flight was delayed and couldn’t make the scheduled time, They said “no problem the reservation has been changed” | Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, When I arrived they said there was no mention of a time change and that OpenTable marked me as a ‘no-show’, So had to get put on the list and waited close to 2 hours to get in, The whole place was a disarray, Ax Callus (180 g), Seasonal product Natural / Aguachile / Embers, Tuna Sashimi (150 g), Tuna slices marinated with serrano pepper, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Pacific seafood platter, Fresh oyster (4), octopus (180 g), chocolate clam (4), ax callus (180 g), shrimp to peel (4) and ice bed Molcajete Cold Callo (30 g), Shrimp (180 g), Octopus (60 g), Special sauce, Oysters & Clams, Clam Chocolata (4 Pieces), In its shell, never frozen, from Ensenada, BC Open at the moment on a bed of natural ice or shaved. available in: 1/2 Order (6), Order (12) Shell oyster, Open at the moment; Natural / Shaved / Embers, Rockefeller Ostion (6 Pieces), Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, in its shell bathed in creamy spinach sauce with bacon, Ceviches, Toast (40g) Order Fish and / or Shrimp (120 g), Peaceful (120 g), Shrimp (40g), octopus (40g), callus (40g) and cucumber Peruvian (80 g), Marinated fish cubes, sweet potato, corn and habanero pepper Cuteness, Octopus (60 g), fish (100 g), shrimp (60 g), Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, mango and pineapple, Cocktails available in: Med. (60g) Gde. (120g) Shrimp Cocktail and / or Octopus Campechano Cocktail, Soups / Creams & Salads | Add: Grilled chicken (220g) or shrimp (100g) clam cream, Lobster Cream, Cooked with flour, cream and butter Sea food soup, Sailor Rice (120 g), Fried rice, seafood, celery, carrot and a touch of soy Shrimp Pozole, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, angry customers yelling in Spanish, people with legit on time reservations were being seated behind the walk-in’s that were on the list, At least the food was delicious and service was on the ball, my Yelp pictures appear to all be missing though. Tried uploading 4 different times to no avail, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, This place straight up forgot about us and left us sitting and waiting for 45 minutes but I’m still giving it five stars because it was just that good and the maître’s here was smoking hot and killing it all night, I had reservations but our table wasn’t ready so they told us to get some drinks at the bar. 15 minutes later we were told to sit in the little table by the live music. 25 minutes in and we asked the hostess if we were up next and she asked if we were a walk in, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, she was literally the one who checked us in. 45 minutes later we were finally seated, The food here is bomb af. They give you a bread plate with 3 different salsas when you first sit down. Then they walk around with this huge seafood presentation on ice to show off their specials for the night, we ended up getting the special shrimp, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, spicy octopus, artichokes, black pasta, and lobster tacos, The vibe here is super loud and 100% a clubsstaurant. People are completely decked out and I’ve never seen so many high heels and fur coats in my life. Its sooooo fun!!!! The drinks here are spectacular and we kept talking about coming back to try their dessert sampler but did not have enough time in Mexico City, We asked the maitre’d for night club recommendations and he told us to try La Santa and it was amazing! Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, It was only $100 for table service and we partied there until 5:00am so super happy we asked him where to go! He knows all the hot spots! We dined at Pujol the night before but honestly liked this place way more Gourmet Mexican cuisine, From Mexico to the world, To live in Mexico City is a prize to those who like to eat well. We have the best restaurants: from spanish cuisine, to french, italian and contemporary mexican cuisine, Here are the restaurants that offer traditional mexican cuisine, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, as it has been done throughout our history, Azul Historico, this colonial inspired place is impressive for itself and every dish will not disappoint. Wait until you try the roasted duck stuffed fritters. These fluffy birds are bathed in a god-sent mole from Oaxaca that is not too sweet and not too sour, just perfect. The roasted zucchini and raspberries that come on the side ring on every taste bud, In charge of chef Ricardo Muñoz Zurita, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, also known as the anthropologist of Mexican cuisine for his work of research and rescue of culinary traditions, this gastronomic project could not be in better hands. It is a variant of the Azul series, which began with the now classic Azul y Oro, in Ciudad Universitaria, housed in a large house that belonged to Francisco Sergio Iturbe, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, patron of 20th century Mexican art, Azul Histórico occupies its central patio, in the shade of a roof of laurels. On its walls are two pieces by great Mexican artists, “Las comadres”, by the sculptor Mardonio Magaña, and “El holocausto”, a mural by the painter Manuel Rodríguez Lozano. El Azul is not a restaurant with a long tablecloth. What’s more, there is no tablecloths. Ax Callus (180 g), Seasonal product Natural / Aguachile / Embers, Tuna Sashimi (150 g), Tuna slices marinated with serrano pepper, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Pacific seafood platter, Fresh oyster (4), octopus (180 g), chocolate clam (4), ax callus (180 g), shrimp to peel (4) and ice bed Molcajete Cold Callo (30 g), Shrimp (180 g), Octopus (60 g), Special sauce, Oysters & Clams, Clam Chocolata (4 Pieces), In its shell, never frozen, from Ensenada, BC Open at the moment on a bed of natural ice or shaved. available in: 1/2 Order (6), Order (12) Shell oyster, Open at the moment; Natural / Shaved / Embers, Rockefeller Ostion (6 Pieces), Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, in its shell bathed in creamy spinach sauce with bacon, Ceviches, Toast (40g) Order Fish and / or Shrimp (120 g), Peaceful (120 g), Shrimp (40g), octopus (40g), callus (40g) and cucumber Peruvian (80 g), Marinated fish cubes, sweet potato, corn and habanero pepper Cuteness, Octopus (60 g), fish (100 g), shrimp (60 g), Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, mango and pineapple, Cocktails available in: Med. (60g) Gde. (120g) Shrimp Cocktail and / or Octopus Campechano Cocktail, Soups / Creams & Salads | Add: Grilled chicken (220g) or shrimp (100g) clam cream, Lobster Cream, Cooked with flour, cream and butter Sea food soup, Sailor Rice (120 g), Fried rice, seafood, celery, carrot and a touch of soy Shrimp Pozole, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, The bare wood tables bear only engravings of the names of the streets surrounding the area. On them signature Mexican cuisine is served. Among the most popular dishes are the donuts stuffed with duck bathed in mole, t Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, he panuchos de cochinita pibil, the chichilo negro de chile chilhuacle served with venison and the chocolate cake accompanied by gorgonzola cheese ice cream. In addition to the traditional menu, each month presents a different gastronomic festival, dedicated to an ingredient or regional cuisine, When my best friend asked if I wanted to visit Mexico City with her, I didn’t so much say “yes” as I did involuntarily expel an affirmation so shrill, it prompted a family of birds to flee the snow-coated fire escape of my apartment, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, unfortunately for those traveling with me, it wasn’t the last time I made a noise like that | In fact, after pretty much every bite I tried in CDMX (Ciudad de México)—think: tacos, tamales, pozoles, tostadas, and so much more—a spontaneous squeal could be heard probably even by the birds back at my apartment in New York | You Can’t Visit Mexico City Without Going to This Neighborhood | You Can’t Visit Mexico City Without Going to This Neighborhood | Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, the Tiny Mexico City Street Where One Family Makes Life-Changing Tamales | The Tiny Mexico City Street Where One Family Makes Life-Changing Tamales, Mexico City is sprawling, and I barely scratched the culinary surface with my three-and-a-half-day trip (psst: please don’t do the math and judge my daily snack consumption, now that you know the visit length) | It’s no surprise that the city continues to crop up on top travel destination lists, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, with a record-breaking 10.6 million visitors in the early part of 2018 | In fact, even while I was in Mexico City, I felt pangs of internet-jealousy upon seeing other people’s CDMX food photos, like this one from Ovenly’s Erin Patinkin: For the record, Erin, my vote is “go for it.” Join The Conversation, Top Comment: “It is better to spend more days in the colonias from the south.. Xochimilco (yes they also have the flamboyant boats) with unique street food like whole battered fish carcass, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, the park lined restaurants in Coyacan ( Frida Kahlo) and their market that bests San Antonio, Back of plaza restaurants that have Epeciales de dia 3 courses that feed two around $7 including Chamorro de cerda with 50 peso Victoria beers. I am a chef and love that the Contramars, Pujols etc is on the list but hit up the Culinary school restaurants Univ. del Claustro de Sor Juana where their cooks trained with tasting menus 1/5 the cost and nearly as good, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, good article a little light on what is actually the best eats in a great city like CDMX.” | — gourmade | Comment, Here are the tip-top food and beverage moments from my trip—let me know which million things I missed in the comments, and if I didn’t scar my friends with all the shrill exclamations, I’ll add them to our agenda for the next visit! 1. Panadería Rosetta Havre, in Juárez, if I could live in any bakery I’ve ever visited, it would be Panadería Rosetta Havre—for the record, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, I’d also happily settle for a bed in the smaller version of Panadería Rosetta in Roma Norte (next to Rosetta Restaurant), The hour-plus I spent sitting at the bar of the Havre location solo-sampling different confections with a large, milky coffee was my favorite morning in recent memory, The well-known rol de guayaba (guava pastry) is truly life-changing—it reminded me of a super-sophisticated take on the jelly-and–cream cheese sandwiches I favored as a kid, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, but you really can’t go wrong with anything on the menú, Other favorites of mine were the rol de canela (cinnamon roll) and the ocho de crema pastelera, which was like a figure-eight of laminated pastry filled with cream so beautifully, delicately flavored, it made me feel like I should speak only in a whisper in its presence, Fine dining in Polanco, TOP EXPERIENCES · Exclusive, Gastronomy, Trendsetters, With all the senses, Take 3 hours, imagine, Traditional Mexican cuisine, which is recognised as Intangible Wolrd Cultural Heritage, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, is being brought into the culinary forefront by a new wave of chefs | Their techniques blend science fiction with ancient concoctions in the kitchens. The same old ingredients in never before seen combinations, Mexican cuisine is also opening up to other cuisines of the world, to other ingredients, and to other ways of dining. A feast for the senses, A universal, contemporary and appealing cuisine, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, if you’d like to indulge on a memorable meal, go to one of the temples of Mexican cuisine. Three of the six restaurants on the list of the 50 best restaurants in Latin America are in Polanco: Pujol, Enrique Olvera’s flagship restaurant; Biko, by Bruno Oteiza and Mikel Alonso; and Quintonil, by Jorge Vallejo and Alejandra Flores, Each restaurant has its own distinctive style, and in all three you’ll find a welcoming ambiance, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, attentive service, and exquisite dishes prepared with knowledge, curiosity, precision and inspiration, Brassi is a brasserie in the heart of Polanco. The menu includes simple, un-pretentious dishes that have always been part of our lives and we will always enjoy. Brassi is an inviting restaurant where everyone can feel comfortable and enjoy good food alone or with others. Enjoy a good bottle of wine, listen to live jazz, and savor dishes to share in a place for enjoying life’s good moments, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Brasserie en el corazón de Polanco. El menú de Brassi es a base de platillos sencillos, comida que siempre ha estado en nuestras vidas y que por lo mismo nunca nos cansará, sin pretensiones, Brassi nace a partir de crear un lugar cálido, donde la gente pueda sentirse a gusto y venga a disfrutar de un buen ambiente y buena comida solo o en compañía, Degustar un buen vino, disfrutar de jazz en vivo y degustar platillos para compartir, un lugar para gente apasionada de los buenos momentos de la vida; Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, un lugar sencillo en el trato pero sofisticado en gustos, Family Meals, Soups Onion soup Classic bowl onion soup topped with homemade crostini and grilled on the spot with Gruyère cheese 4 Px, Clementine Lentil Soup Grandma’s recipe, served on a loaf of bread just out of the oven, accompanied by plantain 4 Px, Tortilla Soup Our interpretation of the original recipe, with pieces of chicharrón, avocado, Oaxaca cheese and sour cream 4 Px, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Plato Traditional Meat Lasagna Beef fillet ragout, mushrooms, portobellos and spinach with pomodoro sauce and Parmesan cheese, 4 Px, The House Ravioli in Pink Sauce 10 years of tradition, stuffed with cheese or ricotta and spinach, in Aurora sauce, goat cheese and parsley, 4 Px Four Cheese Fettuccine, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Artisan pasta in a four-cheese sauce, parmesan, goat, gruyere and roquefort, 4 Px Short Rib with Red Wine on Mashed Potatoes Short Rib simmered for 10 hours, covered in a red wine sauce, over butter mashed potatoes 4 Px, Pacifica is a concept of high quality seafood fusioned with our Mexican cuisine | Grupo Pacífica begins in 2003 in Monterrey, Nuevo León, this was the beginning of this great adventure, In September 2012 we opened our doors in the capital city, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, characterizing the brand of our terraces with DJ and a very social atmosphere, while highlighting our culinary art, Welcome Cocktail The coral first time, Clam chowder Main dish to choose | Grilled Tuna Grilled sealed steak with oriental sauce and vegetables, Fish steak Served with spinach, tomato and white wine sauce, Chicken in Marsala Sauce, Served with mashed potatoes, Dessert, Brownie with Vanilla Ice Cream and Nuts Sparkling Wine Glass, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco,Cotillion Bag, Lucky Grapes Children’s menú, Drink Fusilli Pomodoro, Breaded Shrimp, Vanilla ice cream, Platinum Menu, welcome Cocktail, Tiki Hennessy, first time Lobster Bisque second time, Mixed Green Salad mixture of lettuce, spinach, roquefort cheese, apple, nuts and dijón vinaigrette, Main dish to choose, Grilled Salmon Fillet Served with lemon sauce accompanied by mashed potatoes and asparagus, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Fish steak, served white wine sauce, pine nuts, almonds and broccoli, Octopus, grilled with vegetables and Rosemary, Arrachera Angus grilled with black pepper sauce accompanied by baked potato, Grilled, special Japanese sauce, on spaghetti bed and peppers, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Grilled Tuna (220 g), Seared tuna steak and oriental sauce, Pampano with Salt, Baked on the coals, in sea salt crust; available in: Kg, Whole Fish, Always fresh; Order it shaken, fried, grilled, etc. Huachinango, Mero, Robalo; available in: Kg, Locust new Port, Puerto Nuevo style, rice, beans and flour tortilla; available in: Kg, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Thermidor, Classic, puree and vegetables; available in: Kg, Prawns to Taste (300 g), Mojo, Smoked, Garlic; By season, octopus To taste (280 g), Zarandeado, Olive, Garlic Mojo Costeño (250 g), Combination of marlin with octopus, tree chili, guajillo and chipotle, pasta Add: Grilled chicken (220 g) or shrimp (100 g), Pasta Pasta de la Baja Spaghetti, shrimp, salmon, squid, mussel, clam slightly spicy Cream Fetuccini and Clam, Creamy clam, butter and white wine sauce Meat & Poultry, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Rib Eye (340g), Arrachera (300 g), Baked potato, beans and chili peppers, Molcajete de Arrachera (300 g), dessert Frosted Cup with Fruits of the Forest and Grand Marnier, Coffee or tea, Champagne glass, Cotillion Bag, Lucky Grapes Clamatos, Available in Medium, Large Traditional “Mexicali”, Clamato, clam, clam juice and special sauce, Aphrodisiac Clamato, clam, shrimp, octopus, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, clam juice and beer Royal Clamato, dried meat, special sauce and beer Energetic, Clamato, shrimp, shrimp broth, special sauce and beer Micha and Micha, Half clamato, clam, special sauce and half beer Cedars Clamato, abalone, abalone juice, special sauce and beer, Peaceful, Clamato, clam, clam callus, shrimp, clam juice, special sauce and tequila, Low 1000, Clamato, ax callus, tree chili and tequila, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Tarugo, Clamato, tarugo (chili palette), special sauce and beer, Cold table Shrimp Aguachile (120g) Green / Tree Chile / Habanero / Black, Shrimp pa ‘Pelar (300 g), Large shrimp with shell, head and culichi sauce, Ax Callus (180 g), Seasonal product Natural / Aguachile / Embers, Tuna Sashimi (150 g), Tuna slices marinated with serrano pepper, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Pacific seafood platter, Fresh oyster (4), octopus (180 g), chocolate clam (4), ax callus (180 g), shrimp to peel (4) and ice bed Molcajete Cold Callo (30 g), Shrimp (180 g), Octopus (60 g), Special sauce, Oysters & Clams, Clam Chocolata (4 Pieces), In its shell, never frozen, from Ensenada, BC Open at the moment on a bed of natural ice or shaved. available in: 1/2 Order (6), Order (12) Shell oyster, Open at the moment; Natural / Shaved / Embers, Rockefeller Ostion (6 Pieces), Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, in its shell bathed in creamy spinach sauce with bacon, Ceviches, Toast (40g) Order Fish and / or Shrimp (120 g), Peaceful (120 g), Shrimp (40g), octopus (40g), callus (40g) and cucumber Peruvian (80 g), Marinated fish cubes, sweet potato, corn and habanero pepper Cuteness, Octopus (60 g), fish (100 g), shrimp (60 g), Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, mango and pineapple, Cocktails available in: Med. (60g) Gde. (120g) Shrimp Cocktail and / or Octopus Campechano Cocktail, Soups / Creams & Salads | Add: Grilled chicken (220g) or shrimp (100g) clam cream, Lobster Cream, Cooked with flour, cream and butter Sea food soup, Sailor Rice (120 g), Fried rice, seafood, celery, carrot and a touch of soy Shrimp Pozole, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Mexican tradition applied to the delicious taste of shrimp, Pacific Salad, Mix of lettuce, spinach, tangerine supreme, cheddar cheese, tomato and honey and mustard dressing, Caesar salad Fresh romaine lettuce, parmesan croutons and César dressing Pa ‘Picar Squid rings (180 g), Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Breaded and accompanied with mango and habanero sauce Chili Rafita (5 Pieces), Jalapeno peppers stuffed with shrimp and tartar sauce, Carpaccios (200 g), Fresh in shaved slices and prepared soy sauce Salmon / Octopus, Chicharrones (150 g), Accompanied by rice and beans Sinaloa Shrimp / Fish / Octopus, Tuna Carnitas (300 g), Fries, guacamole and green sauce, Pescadillas (3 Pieces), Quesadillas with fish fillet and pico de gallo, Mariscada Rosarito, Shrimp tacos (2), seafood rice, fish ceviche (100 g), Ensenada clam, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Rafita chiles (3) and fish cracklings (100 g), King Crab at the Grill, Ask for natural or hot; Accompanied by clarified butter; available in: per season Kg, Tacos & Toasts Piece Taco Ensenada (60 g), Fish / Shrimp; Weathered with beer, pico de gallo, cream and cabbage Taco Marlin Brasas (60 g), Marlin, cheese and poblano chile machaca, Grilled Shrimp Taco (60 g), Shrimp, cheese and poblano chile machaca, Taco California (60 g), Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Chilaca tatemado, stuffed with shrimp, cheese and guacamole, Low Taco (60 g), Shrimp, beans, in flour tortilla with avocado, cream and spicy Tuna Laja Toast (55 g), Marinated tuna slabs, mounted on a bed of avocado, golden pore and black sesame, Marlin Toast (55 g), Marlin crush, purple onion, avocado slices and aioli sauce, Mahi toast – Mahi (70 g), Lajas of mahi-mahi, marinated in lemon, aioli sauce, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, avocado and onion Toast Cabo (70 g), Marinated tuna, aioli, grated cucumber, pore and avocado cubes Shrimp All accompanied by grilled rice and vegetables. Portion of shrimp 200 grs, Mazatlan (150 g), Stuffed with marlin and wrapped in bacon, Parrot bay, Breaded and fried, stuffed with cheese and bacon, Tamarind Tamarind sauce and wrapped in banana leaf Al coco, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Breaded coconut shrimp and mango sauce Shrimp U10 to Taste (200 g), Molecajete, Panela cheese, scallion, roasted prickly pear and drunk sauce, Fish market, Steak All Saints, Stuffed with marlin and aioli sauce, Nayarita Steak Dipped in banana leaf and spicy creamy sauce Sayulita Steak, Dipped in tamale leaf and house sauce Huachinango Steak, Shaking, Breaded Garlic mojo, Grilled Pacific Salmon (220 g), Grilled, special Japanese sauce, on spaghetti bed and peppers, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Grilled Tuna (220 g), Seared tuna steak and oriental sauce, Pampano with Salt, Baked on the coals, in sea salt crust; available in: Kg, Whole Fish, Always fresh; Order it shaken, fried, grilled, etc. Huachinango, Mero, Robalo; available in: Kg, Locust new Port, Puerto Nuevo style, rice, beans and flour tortilla; available in: Kg, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Thermidor, Classic, puree and vegetables; available in: Kg, Prawns to Taste (300 g), Mojo, Smoked, Garlic; By season, octopus To taste (280 g), Zarandeado, Olive, Garlic Mojo Costeño (250 g), Combination of marlin with octopus, tree chili, guajillo and chipotle, pasta Add: Grilled chicken (220 g) or shrimp (100 g), Pasta Pasta de la Baja Spaghetti, shrimp, salmon, squid, mussel, clam slightly spicy Cream Fetuccini and Clam, Creamy clam, butter and white wine sauce Meat & Poultry, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Rib Eye (340g), Arrachera (300 g), Baked potato, beans and chili peppers, Molcajete de Arrachera (300 g), Panela cheese, cambray onion, roasted nopales and drunk sauce, Fogo de Chao in Polanco serves authentic Brazilian fare. Its contemporary setting features a terrace for guests to enjoy the views as they dine, as well as private rooms for hosting business luncheons and other functions, Fogo de Chao has a gourmet salad bar with fresh fruit and vegetables, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, traditional fire-roasted meats such as rib-eye, filet mignon, lamb and skirt steak are presented by Brazilian gauchos, Seafood, gluten-free options and tasty desserts are also on the menú, Fogo de Chao features a wide selection of wine and a happy hour. It has a lounge area on the third floor, MEAT, TRY AN UNMATCHED VARIETY OF ROASTED CUTS TO PERFECTION | PICANHA / Prime Part of the Top Sirloin, Discover this first cut of sirloin, traditionally seasoned with sea salt or garlic to highlight its natural flavor | FILET MIGNON / Beef Tenderloin | A favorite all over the world, including southern Brazil, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, this classic loin cut is seasoned in the “gaucho” tradition and is roasted to perfection, BEEF WIDE / Rib Eye, Try the best of the best – only the most privileged part of the Rib Eye is used, resulting in an incredibly memorable flavor and textura | ALCATRA / Top Sirloin, Discover this smooth cut of sirloin top known for its taste and tenderness, FRALDINHA / Bottom Sirloin, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, this unique selection is taken from the bottom of the sirloin and seasoned according to the tradition of the gauchos COSTELA / Beef Ribs, Patience is a Brazilian virtue. These tender pork ribs are roasted slowly to highlight their remarkable flavor and tenderness, CHICKEN, LAMB AND PIGS, PERFECTLY SAZONADO AND ASADO AL FUEGO WITH THE BEST FLAVOR CORDEIRO / Lamb, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, for the lovers of the lamb or the curious ones who want to try it for the first time, our gaucho chefs serve some succulent lamb chops or, a tender leg of Lamb, PORK COSTELA / Pork ribs, The ribs are marinated in a combination of white wine and the special seasoning of the house, then put to a slow roast, to perfection, FRANGO / Chicken, Our recipe for chicken legs consists of marinating them with beer and brandy, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, which makes it one of our most mentioned dishes. Our gaucho chefs also wrap the chicken breasts in bacon LOMO / pork loin, Medallions of pork coated with parmesan cheese, and sealed to the griddle to maintain the flavors of this lean meat, LINGUIҪA / Salchica De Puerco, The flavor of salted pork is discovered after biting our crispy and tasty sausage, SEAFOOD LIGHTER AND CLASSIC SEAFOOD DISHES WITH A BRAZILIAN TOUCH SMOKED SALMON, Try this succulent and well-balanced fish with our homemade basil sauce MANGO / Chilean sea bass, Ax Callus (180 g), Seasonal product Natural / Aguachile / Embers, Tuna Sashimi (150 g), Tuna slices marinated with serrano pepper, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Pacific seafood platter, Fresh oyster (4), octopus (180 g), chocolate clam (4), ax callus (180 g), shrimp to peel (4) and ice bed Molcajete Cold Callo (30 g), Shrimp (180 g), Octopus (60 g), Special sauce, Oysters & Clams, Clam Chocolata (4 Pieces), In its shell, never frozen, from Ensenada, BC Open at the moment on a bed of natural ice or shaved. available in: 1/2 Order (6), Order (12) Shell oyster, Open at the moment; Natural / Shaved / Embers, Rockefeller Ostion (6 Pieces), Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, in its shell bathed in creamy spinach sauce with bacon, Ceviches, Toast (40g) Order Fish and / or Shrimp (120 g), Peaceful (120 g), Shrimp (40g), octopus (40g), callus (40g) and cucumber Peruvian (80 g), Marinated fish cubes, sweet potato, corn and habanero pepper Cuteness, Octopus (60 g), fish (100 g), shrimp (60 g), Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, mango and pineapple, Cocktails available in: Med. (60g) Gde. (120g) Shrimp Cocktail and / or Octopus Campechano Cocktail, Soups / Creams & Salads | Add: Grilled chicken (220g) or shrimp (100g) clam cream, Lobster Cream, Cooked with flour, cream and butter Sea food soup, Sailor Rice (120 g), Fried rice, seafood, celery, carrot and a touch of soy Shrimp Pozole, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, This Brazilian dish is a classic South American dish served with a homemade mango seasoning and pepper sauce over fresh delicious asparagus, JUMBO SHRIMP COCKTAIL, This dish has a unique combination of malagueta cocktail sauce, it’s a perfect way to improve the experience or share with friends at Bar Fogo, GRILLED BROOCHES WITH SPICES, They are served in a small, bright and shareable dish, accompanied by a passion fruit sauce to dip or sprinkle on top of six perfectly grilled shrimp, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, MARKET TABLE FRESH AND IRRESISTIBLE OPTIONS INSPIRED IN THE MARKETS OF BRAZIL HEARTS OF PALMITO, Imported from Brazil, they are always a favorite of our customers, TABOULEH, A mix of cucumbers, green onions and Roma tomatoes with fresh mint and a touch of lemon juice, SELECTION OF IMPORTED CHEESES, Fresh mozzarella cheese, aged manchego aged 2 and very well aged parmesan cheese, with meat and dehydrated tomatoes, FRESH VEGETABLES, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, the salad bar extends through the center of our salad bar, with shiitake mushrooms, potato cambray, pumpkins, cherry pepper, cooked garlic, green and black olives, beets, broccoli, peppers and more, FITTINGS PREPARED AND SERVED WITH FAMILY STYLE, ARE AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THE CHURRASCO EXPERIENCE POTATOES WITH GARLIC, This nice flavor in the style of the South of Brazil is provided by the chives, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, a pinch of cheese and a touch of garlic CARAMELIZED BANANAS, The balance of sweet and salty is a critical element of the cuisine of southern Brazil. Caramelized bananas help prepare and cheer the palate throughout the meal CHEESE BREAD, Bagels with soft and warm cheeses are served throughout the meal. You can not forget to try our irresistible homemade recipe from São Paulo. Made with sweet and sour yucca flour, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, parmesan cheese, these rolls are gluten free, FAROFA: A staple of many foods in Brazil, farofa is cassava flour that is sautéed with bacon, sausage and condiments. Its smoky flavor is a perfect complement to the steak: POLENTA: Brought to the south of Brazil by Italian immigrants, polenta is made from corn flour and remains a staple in Brazilian cuisine today. Our traditional recipe is a crunchy and delicious meal companion, RICE AND BLACK BEANS, Our special recipe for rice with feijão takes more than five hours of cooking. You’ll be delighted to taste the ripe flavors of bacon, pork ribs, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, pork loin and sausage all over the plate, DESSERTS, A DELICIOUS ADVENTURE TO BRING MORE YOUR CULINARY EXPERIENCE, CRÈME BRULE An unmissable classic, based on caramelized cream, accompanied by red berries, PAPAYA CREAM Papaya cream fused with vanilla ice cream and cassis cream, STRAWBERRY CREAM | Strawberry cream fused with vanilla ice cream and cassis cream | CHEESECAKE TYPE NY, New York style cheesecake served with strawberry sauce PAY OF LIMA, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Classic lime-based tropical foot, THREE MILK CAKE, Traditional Latin American cake based on 3 milks, ICE CREAM AND SORBETES, Delicious ice cream to choose between vanilla, strawberries, chocolate or “cookies and cream”. Exquisite and refreshing lemon or mango sorbets | CAST OF CHOCOLATE FUNDIDO | Delicate chocolate cake filled with hot chocolate, sprinkled with icing sugar and accompanied by vanilla ice cream, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, MINI CUP HELADO HAGGEN, Delicious ice cream to choose from vanilla, strawberries, chocolate or dulce de leche | PALETA HAGGEN | Vanilla palette covered with chocolate, TARTE TATIN, Exquisite cake of finely caramelized apples with butter and sugar WAFFLES, To choose between Nutella, dulce de leche, churro and speculoos, Cantina La No. 20 Polan serves a sophisticated take on the cantina experience, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, attentive staff and a huge range of tequilas and other alcohols make it a good place to enjoy drinks and small plates in a lively atmosphere, Enjoy mariachi music and excellent appetizers at Cantina La No. 20. Patrons say it is popular and enjoyable, often with two or three bands playing at the same time, At Cantina La No. 20, some of the recommended items include sandwiches, rib eye tacos and octopus tacos, meatballs and churros, There is also a tasting menu available, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, soups and salads, Tlalpeño broth, 360 ml chicken broth with rice, vegetables and a touch of chipotle, accompanied by avocado and fresh cheese, Tortilla Soup, 350 ml with avocado, fresh cheese, cream and chile meco, Lano2 Salad, 245 gr mixed lettuce, pear, camembert cheese, praline walnut, Jamaica and chipotle vinaigrette, Roasted Beet Salad, 350 gr mixed lettuce with roasted beets, figs. goat cheese, pepitas and orange vinaigrette, Starters and Snacks, Panela Cheese with Milpa Fruits, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, baked in banana leaf, Cochinita Panuchos, 3 pcs (150 gr) accompanied by x-nipec onion and habanero sauce, Arrachera Chalupas, 5 pcs (200 gr) with dried chilli sauce, Rib Eye Chicharrón, 280 gr with guacamole and Caribbean chili peppers, Special Quesadilla, 200 gr cheese mixture, Gorditas de Chicharrón, 4 pcs with cream and cheese, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, tacos Rib Eye Tacos Cantineros 5 pcs (370 gr) Rib Eye, chorizo and pork rinds, chicharrón de Cachete 200 gr in green sauce, Tongue tacos 285 gr stewed in molcajeteada sauce of the day, Tacos de Milanesa Manchega, 200 gr of beef fillet with gratin cheese bathed in chipotle sauce Gobernador Lano20 Tacos, 3 pcs of shrimp with cheese, Grilled, special Japanese sauce, on spaghetti bed and peppers, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Grilled Tuna (220 g), Seared tuna steak and oriental sauce, Pampano with Salt, Baked on the coals, in sea salt crust; available in: Kg, Whole Fish, Always fresh; Order it shaken, fried, grilled, etc. Huachinango, Mero, Robalo; available in: Kg, Locust new Port, Puerto Nuevo style, rice, beans and flour tortilla; available in: Kg, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Thermidor, Classic, puree and vegetables; available in: Kg, Prawns to Taste (300 g), Mojo, Smoked, Garlic; By season, octopus To taste (280 g), Zarandeado, Olive, Garlic Mojo Costeño (250 g), Combination of marlin with octopus, tree chili, guajillo and chipotle, pasta Add: Grilled chicken (220 g) or shrimp (100 g), Pasta Pasta de la Baja Spaghetti, shrimp, salmon, squid, mussel, clam slightly spicy Cream Fetuccini and Clam, Creamy clam, butter and white wine sauce Meat & Poultry, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Rib Eye (340g), Arrachera (300 g), Baked potato, beans and chili peppers, Molcajete de Arrachera (300 g), Mushroom and Mushroom Tacos, 200 gr in garlic with three chilies, Longaniza Tacos, 350 gr to beer, Rib Eye Tacos, 280 gr accompanied by roasted onion with toreado chili peppers Cochinita Pibil Tacos 250 gr accompanied by onion x-nipec and habanero sauce, gaonera 3 pcs (240 gr) of beef fillet in blue tortilla with avocado sauce, Chamorro Tacos 450 gr in adobo, accompanied by pickled onion and nopal salad, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Arrachera Tacos 300 gr accompanied by roasted onion and toreado chili peppers, Cecina Tacos from Yecapixtla 180 gr accompanied by roasted onion and toreado chili peppers, Octopus Carnitas Tacos 200 gr in coriander sauce, accompanied by roasted panela and roasted onion, Fish Tacos to the Size 250 gr accompanied by coleslaw and macha mayonnaise, To the center, ● Shrimp Aguachile, Green Chile, Cilantro, Cucumber, Onion and Lemon (180 g) ● Grilled Artichoke With 3 Dressings and Smoked Salt (1 Pcs.) ● Tongue Casserole In Gravy Sauce, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, with Cilantro and Onion Cambray (250 g) ● Octopus Chicharrón Crispy Octopus Accompanied by Sriracha Sauce (180 g) ● Chicharrón de Rib Eye and Centro de Lomo | With Guacamole, Cambray Onions and Chiles Toreados (250 g) ● Escamoles al Mojo de Ajo Accompanied with Epazote Corn Tortillas (90 g) ● Asparagus with Rib Eye With Teriyaki Sauce (4 Pcs.) ● Provolone cheese With Habanero Ash and Mango Pico de Gallo (250 g) ● Roasted Beets, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Creamy Goat, Roasted Fennel and Pistache (150 g) ● Washington Blue Point oysters Fresh in Marinara or Baked in Butter (6 Pcs.), Carpaccios ● Betabel Carpaccio * For Vegetarians Roasted Beets Slices on Jocoque Dressing with Pistaches and Pine Nuts (160 g) ● Carpaccio de Mar Tuna, Swordfish, Octopus and Shrimp with Sesame Vinaigrette (120 g) ● Beef Carpaccio With Citrus Vinaigrette, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Artichoke Fry, Caper Powder and Grana Padano Cheese (100 g) artisan Pasta, ● Rissoto al Funghi, Mushrooms, Parmesan and Truffle Oil (250 g) ● Chef’s Pasta With Bacon and Mushrooms in Alfredo Sauce (450 g) ● Ravioli Skillet with Bread Crust, Stuffed with Mozzarella Cheese and Ham in Tomato Cassé (5 Pcs.) From Our Grill Masters, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, at Sonora Grill Group we do not believe in borders that prevent us from delivering, in each dish, the best choice of fresh cuts, selected from their origin to meet the highest standards and thus guarantee the best gastronomic experiences, We ensure the quality of our products by working and making alliances with prestigious companies to bring, from the field to the table, the best protein on the market: Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Pat Lafrieda the most famous butcher in the United States and most famous in New York Est. 1922 (Black Angus). Black Angus, Pat Lafrieda Reserve Snake River Farms Gold -Wagyu of Japanese Cross F1 genetics from the United States, reserved for the exclusive selection of Sonora Grill, Ax Callus (180 g), Seasonal product Natural / Aguachile / Embers, Tuna Sashimi (150 g), Tuna slices marinated with serrano pepper, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Pacific seafood platter, Fresh oyster (4), octopus (180 g), chocolate clam (4), ax callus (180 g), shrimp to peel (4) and ice bed Molcajete Cold Callo (30 g), Shrimp (180 g), Octopus (60 g), Special sauce, Oysters & Clams, Clam Chocolata (4 Pieces), In its shell, never frozen, from Ensenada, BC Open at the moment on a bed of natural ice or shaved. available in: 1/2 Order (6), Order (12) Shell oyster, Open at the moment; Natural / Shaved / Embers, Rockefeller Ostion (6 Pieces), Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, in its shell bathed in creamy spinach sauce with bacon, Ceviches, Toast (40g) Order Fish and / or Shrimp (120 g), Peaceful (120 g), Shrimp (40g), octopus (40g), callus (40g) and cucumber Peruvian (80 g), Marinated fish cubes, sweet potato, corn and habanero pepper Cuteness, Octopus (60 g), fish (100 g), shrimp (60 g), Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, mango and pineapple, Cocktails available in: Med. (60g) Gde. (120g) Shrimp Cocktail and / or Octopus Campechano Cocktail, Soups / Creams & Salads | Add: Grilled chicken (220g) or shrimp (100g) clam cream, Lobster Cream, Cooked with flour, cream and butter Sea food soup, Sailor Rice (120 g), Fried rice, seafood, celery, carrot and a touch of soy Shrimp Pozole, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, The Australian Wagyu, provides a meat of characteristic level for its texture and the delicacy of its marbling, thanks to its genetics, it has all the qualities that a Wagyu can offer, of Japanese origin, but raised and fed in Australia, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, fresh Meat of Origin, Butcher’s Signature | ● Rib Eye Center (SGG Original) (300 g / 800 g), Add Melted Provolone Cheese, ● Rib Eye (800 g), ● Rib Eye Cap (Premium cute) (1 kg), ● Rib Eye Tail (Butcher’s Signature) (400 g) ● Baked Beef Cachete 48 h, (200 g), With Mashed Potato, Cambray Onions and Caramelized Baby Carrots, ● Don Chema (Chemita’s Dad), (300 g) Braised Prime Steak Josper with Reduction of Oxtail and Cucapá Beer ● Rib Eye Prime Tips in Hot Stone Block (500 g), Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Cheese Chicharrón, Martajada Sauce and Flour Tortilla ● Baked Rib (1,100 g) ● Brisket To Tack (400 g / 2 people), Baked Brisket 12 h, accompanied by Morita Sauce, Guacamole and Tortillas, The presentation of these cuts is on a block of salt, Black Angus USDA Prime, ● Tomahawk (1,200 g) ● Lomo Center (300 g/600 g/1 kg) ● Kansas City (800 g) ● Rib Eye (800 g), Wagyu Cross cuts, ● Rib Eye Roll Carrara, (600 g / 800 g) ● USDA Cowboy SRF Gold (1 kg), Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, ● USDA Picaña SRF Gold (750 g) Dry Aged Cuts ● Porterhouse (1,200 g) ● Kansas City Dry Aged, (500 g) Served in Casserole and Spinach Butter with Grain Salt Chef’s Specialties ● Roasted or Grilled Octopus, With Cajun Spices, Chipotle Mayonnaise and Soy / Marinated with Parsley, Garlic and Lemon Juice (230 g) ● Mizrahi Wellington Burger Managed Beans, Cheese, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Spinach, Caramelized Toreado Chiles and Avocado Mousse (220 g) ● Marco’s Burger With Chipotle Caramelized Onions, Arugula, Jalapeño Cheddar Cheese and Mustard Dressing (220 g) ● Organic Half Chicken Boneless and Marinated in Citrus (650 g) ● Sea and Land Prime USDA Prime Loin Center and Josper Lobster, with Tender Corn, Roasted Carrot, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Cilantro Bearnaise Sauce (500 g) Extra Side dishes ● Mushrooms with Garlic (180 g) ● Creamy Spinach (160 g) ● Asparagus on the Grill (180 g) ● Grilled Vegetables (450 g) ● Truffled Potato Pie, (220 g) ● Truffled French Fries (200 g) ● Roasted Cauliflower Popcorn (180 g) ● Esquites (180 g) ● Melted Cheese (200 g) ● Fresh Tomato Sliced (250 g) Soups ● Cream of Chicken, Grilled Cortes Tacos (Order of 4) (250 g) Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco,/ Includes Half Garnish of French Truffle Potatoes ● Arrachera or Sonotex Arrachera with Cilantro, Onion and Chiltepín ● Center of Loin Usda Prime ● Rib Eye ● Rib Eye with Marrow With Cheese Crust, Grilled, special Japanese sauce, on spaghetti bed and peppers, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Grilled Tuna (220 g), Seared tuna steak and oriental sauce, Pampano with Salt, Baked on the coals, in sea salt crust; available in: Kg, Whole Fish, Always fresh; Order it shaken, fried, grilled, etc. Huachinango, Mero, Robalo; available in: Kg, Locust new Port, Puerto Nuevo style, rice, beans and flour tortilla; available in: Kg, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Thermidor, Classic, puree and vegetables; available in: Kg, Prawns to Taste (300 g), Mojo, Smoked, Garlic; By season, octopus To taste (280 g), Zarandeado, Olive, Garlic Mojo Costeño (250 g), Combination of marlin with octopus, tree chili, guajillo and chipotle, pasta Add: Grilled chicken (220 g) or shrimp (100 g), Pasta Pasta de la Baja Spaghetti, shrimp, salmon, squid, mussel, clam slightly spicy Cream Fetuccini and Clam, Creamy clam, butter and white wine sauce Meat & Poultry, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Rib Eye (340g), Arrachera (300 g), Baked potato, beans and chili peppers, Molcajete de Arrachera (300 g), Beans, Avocado and Josper Baked Marrow ● Caramel Tacos de Arrachera or Rib Eye with Melted Cheese, in Handmade Flour or Corn Tortillas, Special Tacos, ● Baked Ribs 24 Hrs. al Josper Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, (Order of 4 Pcs.) ● Pig Cooked 24 Hrs. Served in Blue Tortilla, Creamy Avocado and Cilantro (Order of 3 Pcs.) ● Octopus Chicharrón de Octopus in Jicama Tortilla, Avocado and Chipotle Dressing (Order of 3 Pcs.) ● Tuna in Lettuce Leaf with Guacamole and Salsa de Chile de Arbol (Order of 4 Pcs.) Trompo specialties, ● Trompo Tacos (Rib Eye and Loin) / Caramel, (2 Pcs.) ● Arabic Taco on Pita Bread (1 Pcs.) ● Lorenzas with Trompo Meat or Rib Eye Tostadas with Managed Beans, Melted Cheese, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Red Cabbage and Trompo Meat (2 Pcs.) ● Sopes of Trompo Meat or Rib Eye with Fresh Cheese and Serrano Chile (4 Pcs. / 160 g) Responsible, Sustainable and Selective Fishing Fair Trade Supporting Communities in their development, respecting Closed Times and Seasons, arriving fresh from the State of Veracruz. Try one of the 200 Species that we bring for you! ● Enchilpayada Fish with Josper Cooked Guajillo Chili, Caramelized Onion and Chilpaya Chili Dressing, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, ● Shredded Fish with Chipotle Adobo and Grilled Chard Roasted ● Cured Garlic Fish with Roasted Vegetables, Refried Beans and Garlic (180 g) ● Ceviche a la Mexicana Tradicional de Ceviche y Mayonesa de Chilpaya (180 g), Oaxaca cheese, jalapeño and epazote Ground beef, celery, carrot, tomato and red wine Polane with Esquites Machaca de Cazón Octopus Salpicón Mineras Tostadas with Tatemado Cheese 2 pcs Roast beef, crusted gouda cheese, beans and red onion, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, accompanied with a sauce of three chiles with peanuts * Tuna Tostada 1 pc Tuna cubes marinated with sesame oil and soy. Served with chipotle mayonnaise, onion and avocado Guadalupano Esquites 250 g The traditional ones! Accompanied with basket cheese, mayonnaise, lemon and chili powder Guacamole Prepared with pico de gallo Tetela de Jaiba 1 pc Flour tortilla wrapped in a triangular shape, stuffed with prepared crab and beans. Served with martajada sauce, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, cincho cheese and pico de gallo Longaniza Mareada 150 g Prepared with light beer, cambray onions and guajillo sauce. Accompanied with handmade corn tortillas Pinched with Dogfish 2 pieces of corn, spread with beans and mashed dogfish. Grilled, special Japanese sauce, on spaghetti bed and peppers, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Grilled Tuna (220 g), Seared tuna steak and oriental sauce, Pampano with Salt, Baked on the coals, in sea salt crust; available in: Kg, Whole Fish, Always fresh; Order it shaken, fried, grilled, etc. Huachinango, Mero, Robalo; available in: Kg, Locust new Port, Puerto Nuevo style, rice, beans and flour tortilla; available in: Kg, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Thermidor, Classic, puree and vegetables; available in: Kg, Prawns to Taste (300 g), Mojo, Smoked, Garlic; By season, octopus To taste (280 g), Zarandeado, Olive, Garlic Mojo Costeño (250 g), Combination of marlin with octopus, tree chili, guajillo and chipotle, pasta Add: Grilled chicken (220 g) or shrimp (100 g), Pasta Pasta de la Baja Spaghetti, shrimp, salmon, squid, mussel, clam slightly spicy Cream Fetuccini and Clam, Creamy clam, butter and white wine sauce Meat & Poultry, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Rib Eye (340g), Arrachera (300 g), Baked potato, beans and chili peppers, Molcajete de Arrachera (300 g), Accompanied with creamy green sauce and three chili pepper sauce with peanuts Grilled artichoke Accompanied with garlic parsley dressing and creamy balsamic dressing “El Che” Chorizo220 g3 skewers with Argentine chorizo| Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, chambray onion and grilled jalapeño pepper. Accompanied with Creole sauce and freshly made corn tortillas Chicharrón de Queso con Rib Eye 100 gGouda cheese, served with roast beef, beans, red onion and avocado. Accompanied with tamulada sauce of morita chili Squid rings 300 g Crunchy, seasoned with broken chili, black pepper and paprika. Served with Peruvian and chipotle mayonnaise Shrimp Aguachile 150 g Served with purple onion, cucumber, serrano pepper, | Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, cambray radish and aguachile sauce mixed with tamulated green sauce Buried Tuna 180 g Sealed, seasoned with paprika and wrapped in nori seaweed. Served with ponzu sauce, avocado mousse and roasted onions Pulpo Jocoque con Morita 160 g, Enchilado, with a mixture of jocoque with cream, beans, avocado, red onion. Accompanied with corn tortillas, Peruvian mayonnaise | Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco | toreado serrano peppers, green sauce and tamulated red sauce Shrimp fritters 150 g Napated shrimp, marinated with lemon juice and black pepper. Ax Callus (180 g), Seasonal product Natural / Aguachile / Embers, Tuna Sashimi (150 g), Tuna slices marinated with serrano pepper, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Pacific seafood platter, Fresh oyster (4), octopus (180 g), chocolate clam (4), ax callus (180 g), shrimp to peel (4) and ice bed Molcajete Cold Callo (30 g), Shrimp (180 g), Octopus (60 g), Special sauce, Oysters & Clams, Clam Chocolata (4 Pieces), In its shell, never frozen, from Ensenada, BC Open at the moment on a bed of natural ice or shaved. available in: 1/2 Order (6), Order (12) Shell oyster, Open at the moment; Natural / Shaved / Embers, Rockefeller Ostion (6 Pieces), Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, in its shell bathed in creamy spinach sauce with bacon, Ceviches, Toast (40g) Order Fish and / or Shrimp (120 g), Peaceful (120 g), Shrimp (40g), octopus (40g), callus (40g) and cucumber Peruvian (80 g), Marinated fish cubes, sweet potato, corn and habanero pepper Cuteness, Octopus (60 g), fish (100 g), shrimp (60 g), Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, mango and pineapple, Cocktails available in: Med. (60g) Gde. (120g) Shrimp Cocktail and / or Octopus Campechano Cocktail, Soups / Creams & Salads | Add: Grilled chicken (220g) or shrimp (100g) clam cream, Lobster Cream, Cooked with flour, cream and butter Sea food soup, Sailor Rice (120 g), Fried rice, seafood, celery, carrot and a touch of soy Shrimp Pozole, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Served with avocado mousse, sriracha sauce mixed with agave honey and soy sauce Rib Eye Carnitas 150 g Served with guacamole, roasted serrano pepper and radish. Accompanied with freshly made corn tortillas Charlie’s bones 420 gA classic of the house! Marinated pork ribs with BBQ sauce | Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, served with a half potato gratin stuffed with mashed potatoes and roasted yellow corn Mazatlecos Shrimp sautéed with poblano chili, onion, white wine, chipotle, chihuahua cheese and lemon juice Los Compadres Beef sudero, manchego cheese, onion, cilantro and rustic sauce Rustic Rib eye, cambray potato, caramelized onion, avocado and rustic sauce Arracheros Roasted arrachera, cambray onion and Chonchos New York avocado, provoleta cheese crust, roasted chambray onion and creamy chorizo | Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco | accompanied with salsa criollaEl GoberIn flour tortillas. Shrimp with chipotle mayonnaise, cream, garlic, melted mozzarella cheese, bell pepper, white cabbage and jalapeño chili Northeastern Beef, chicharrón, Mennonite cheese, tatemada sauce, avocado sauce, mint and pickled red onion, Hamburgers Sirloin 180 g Served with cheddar cheese, tomato, red onion and lettuce | Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco | accompanied with toreado serrano chiles and pickles de Rib Eye 180 g Served with pork rinds, bacon, tomato, lettuce, Manchego cheese, avocado. Accompanied with jalchipotles De Costilla 180 g Juicy shredded beef rib, served with tomato, lettuce, gouda cheese, avocado and cambray onion. Accompanied with jalchipotles Veggie Burger180 g (vegan meat), cheddar cheese and red onion. Accompanied by a mixture of arugula with olives, pepper and olive oil AUTHOR RECIPES WITH CERTIFIED QUALITY MEAT AND THE BEST INGREDIENTS | Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco| CHOOSE BETWEEN FRENCH POTATOES OR GAJO POTATOES Arrachera Churrasco Picaña New York Rib eye Tomahawk300 g350 g360 g360 g1 kg HIGH CHOICE QUALITY MEAT ACCOMPANIED WITH ESQUITES AND ROASTED GARLIC Soup of your choice or Salad “Harvest of the day” Arranger or Cabbage to choose 200 Empanada or Cabbage salad (Pick of the day) (250 g) Glass of wine or a beer (Ojo del Amo Blend) COMPLETE OS French Fries Mashed Habanero Potato Spinach Gratin Grilled Vegetables Baked Potato Grilled Asparagus Shrimp Rag 220 g Shrimp wrapped in a mixiote leaf with chilpachole | Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, cream, maldita sauce Cambray onion. Accompanied with roasted nopales and white rice Beef Tenderloin Wrapped in a blanket of heaven with grain salt and spices. Roasted directly on the grill and served with roasted vegetables250 g650 g Rib Eye al Trapo 600 GEL KING OF THE HOUSE, A BLANKET OF SKY, SALT AND BRAZIL TRAPO Pechuga Angry 200 g Grilled and covered with creamy sauce of goat cheese and mustard. Served with potato bathed in chimichurri Light Chicken 300 g Grilled chicken breast |Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco | served with tomato and roasted nopalitos. Accompanied with toreado serrano chiles Loaded rib 400 g Cooked in a water bath for 3 and a half hours. Served with tomato, chambray onion and roasted nopales Parrilla Arrachera (200 g), New York (200 g), Argentine chorizo (150 g), beef fillet (150 g), | Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco | chicken breast (150 g), grilled panela cheese (100 g) ) and nopalitos. Accompanied with Creole sauce, Peruvian sauce, roasted chambray onions and freshly made corn tortillas, Pulpo Brasero 230 g Grilled. Served with chimichurri, parsley and peppers, Grilled, special Japanese sauce, on spaghetti bed and peppers, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Grilled Tuna (220 g), Seared tuna steak and oriental sauce, Pampano with Salt, Baked on the coals, in sea salt crust; available in: Kg, Whole Fish, Always fresh; Order it shaken, fried, grilled, etc. Huachinango, Mero, Robalo; available in: Kg, Locust new Port, Puerto Nuevo style, rice, beans and flour tortilla; available in: Kg, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Thermidor, Classic, puree and vegetables; available in: Kg, Prawns to Taste (300 g), Mojo, Smoked, Garlic; By season, octopus To taste (280 g), Zarandeado, Olive, Garlic Mojo Costeño (250 g), Combination of marlin with octopus, tree chili, guajillo and chipotle, pasta Add: Grilled chicken (220 g) or shrimp (100 g), Pasta Pasta de la Baja Spaghetti, shrimp, salmon, squid, mussel, clam slightly spicy Cream Fetuccini and Clam, Creamy clam, butter and white wine sauce Meat & Poultry, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Rib Eye (340g), Arrachera (300 g), Baked potato, beans and chili peppers, Molcajete de Arrachera (300 g), Fish Fillet Size 240 g, Grilled with carved sauce, avocado and roasted jalapeños. Served with white rice and charro beans, Grilled salmon 240 g, served with guajillo chili butter and roasted garlic. | Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco | Accompanied with roasted tomato and avocado, Carpaccio’s, Carpaccio di Salmon, Salmon Marinated in Real Lemon, Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Thyme Moscato Rosa Wine Recommendation Carpaccio di Funghi Salmon Marinated in Real Lemon, Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Thyme, Moscato Rosa Wine Recommendation Minestrone alla Genovese, Pasta Soup and Mixed Vegetables a la Genovese, | Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco | Wine Cava Recommendation Soups Minestrone alla Genovese, Pasta Soup and Mixed Vegetables a la Genovese, Lenticchie Cream, Lentil Cream with Rosemary Aroma Albariño Wine Recommendation, Crema di Funghi Wild Mushroom Cream with Herb Croutons, Chardonnay Wine Recommendation Tortellini Emiliani in Brodo Traditional Tortellini Emiliani in Caldo de Res Chardonnay Wine Recommendation, Pizzas, Margherita, Tomato, Mozzarella and Basil, Valpolicella Ripasso Wine Recommendation Alfredo with Tartufo, | Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco | Four Varieties of Cheese with Truffle Chardonnay Wine Recommendation, Gorgonzola, Pera e Naci Gorgonzola, Pear and Walnut Corvina Wine Recommendation, Al Funghi, Salsiccia e Asparagus, Mozzarella, Mushrooms, Sausage and Asparagus Corvina Wine Recommendation Stracchino, Rucola and Prosciutto di Parma, Creamy Cheese, Arugula and Prosciutto Di Parma Prosecco Wine Recommendation our Homemade Pasta, Maestosissime Fettuccine all´Alfredo The Authentic Fettuccine Alfredo, | Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco | Chardonnay Wine Recommendation, Rigatoni all´Amalfitana, Rigatoni with Fresh Tomato, Mozzarella and Basil Malbec Wine Recommendation, Cannelloni di Ricotta e Spinach Creamy Sauce from Pomodoro Ricotta and Spinach Cannelloni in Creamy Tomato Sauce Sangiovese Wine Recommendation, Ravioli di Ricotta and Mint, Ricotta and Mint Ravioli in Creamy Pea Sauce Barbera Wine Recommendation, Gnocchi di Patate Al 4 Formaggi Potato Gnocchi in 4 Cheese Sauce, Sangiovese Wine Recommendation Paglia e Fieno alla Cipriani di Venezia White | Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco | and Green Noodles with Ham and Gratin Mornay Sauce, Weissburgunder Wine Recommendation, Tagliolini Piccanti Tagliolini with Shrimp 100g, Zucchini, Cherry Tomato and Arbol chile, Champagne Wine Recommendation Penne Porcini e Tartufo Penne in Creamy Porcini Mushroom and Truffle Sauce, Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Recommendation Lasagna alla Bolognese Traditional Lasagna Bolognese Merlot Wine Recommendation, Gigli di Kamut, with Lobster, Cancrejo, Fish Roe and Burrata, | Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco | Pinot Grigio Wine Recommendation Linguine al Burro e Parmigiano, Coulis di Pomodoro, Linguine with Parmesan and Butter on Tomato Coulis and Organic Extra Virgin Oil Campo del Bosco Wine Recommendation Casareccia with Seppia e Cozze, Squid Ink Short Pasta with Cuttlefish and Mussels Wine Recommendation Nero D´avola Ravioli Bicolore di Aragosta e Gamberoni, Bicolor Lobster and Shrimp Ravioli in Bisque Sauce Carmenere Wine Recommendation Spaghetti with Aragosta, | Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco | Spaghetti with Lobster 100g and Artichoke, Wine Recommendation Brachetto d´Acqui, Ravioli delle Langhe Beef and Spinach Ravioli with Boscaiola Sauce Sangiovese Wine Recommendation, Pappardelle with Ragú di Coda di Manzo Parpardelle in Beef Tail Ragout, Sangiovese Wine Recommendation Risottos, Risotto al Funghi, Mushrooms, Mozzarella and Basil Wine Recommendation Touring Nacional, | Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco | Risotto al Tartufo Nero di Norcia, Norcia Black Truffle, Sauvignon Blanc Wine Recommendation, Risotto ai Frutti di Mare, Emulsione di Calamari, Seafood Risotto with Squid Emulsion Riesling Wine Recommendation Risotto with Prosecco, Ax Callus (180 g), Seasonal product Natural / Aguachile / Embers, Tuna Sashimi (150 g), Tuna slices marinated with serrano pepper, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Pacific seafood platter, Fresh oyster (4), octopus (180 g), chocolate clam (4), ax callus (180 g), shrimp to peel (4) and ice bed Molcajete Cold Callo (30 g), Shrimp (180 g), Octopus (60 g), Special sauce, Oysters & Clams, Clam Chocolata (4 Pieces), In its shell, never frozen, from Ensenada, BC Open at the moment on a bed of natural ice or shaved. available in: 1/2 Order (6), Order (12) Shell oyster, Open at the moment; Natural / Shaved / Embers, Rockefeller Ostion (6 Pieces), Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, in its shell bathed in creamy spinach sauce with bacon, Ceviches, Toast (40g) Order Fish and / or Shrimp (120 g), Peaceful (120 g), Shrimp (40g), octopus (40g), callus (40g) and cucumber Peruvian (80 g), Marinated fish cubes, sweet potato, corn and habanero pepper Cuteness, Octopus (60 g), fish (100 g), shrimp (60 g), Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, mango and pineapple, Cocktails available in: Med. (60g) Gde. (120g) Shrimp Cocktail and / or Octopus Campechano Cocktail, Soups / Creams & Salads | Add: Grilled chicken (220g) or shrimp (100g) clam cream, Lobster Cream, Cooked with flour, cream and butter Sea food soup, Sailor Rice (120 g), Fried rice, seafood, celery, carrot and a touch of soy Shrimp Pozole, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Risotto with Prosecco, Lobster, Creamy Avocado and Colored Grape Tomato, Scharzhofberger Wine Recommendation Fish, Pagello al Sale, Red Snapper 300g cooked in Coarse Salt Crust, Falanghina Wine Recommendation Mediterranean Branzino, | Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco | Mediterranean Sea Bass 200g and Grilled Vegetables, Pinot Grigio Wine Recommendation Branzino Chileno al Forno with Patate, Chilean Sea Bass 200g baked with Potato, Fresh Tomato and White Wine, Friulano Wine Recommendation, Salmone with Salsa di Limon Mediterranean 200g Salmon in Royal Lemon Sauce and Pea Puree, Fiano Wine Recommendation Gamberoni Rossi Imperial 350gr, Grilled Carabineros Shrimp, Kale, Sea Sand, Organic Extra Virgin Oil, Wine Recommendation Vigna Traverso, | Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco | meats Poletti alla Griglia, Grilled Whole Milk Chicken 180g in Diavola Sauce and Polenta Chardonnay Wine Recommendation Filetto di Manzo with Trombette, Beef Filet 200g in Honey and Truffle Mustard, Duraznillo Mushroom and Red Wine Sauce, Nebbiolo Wine Recommendation Lombata D´Angelo 180gr, Grilled, special Japanese sauce, on spaghetti bed and peppers, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Grilled Tuna (220 g), Seared tuna steak and oriental sauce, Pampano with Salt, Baked on the coals, in sea salt crust; available in: Kg, Whole Fish, Always fresh; Order it shaken, fried, grilled, etc. Huachinango, Mero, Robalo; available in: Kg, Locust new Port, Puerto Nuevo style, rice, beans and flour tortilla; available in: Kg, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Thermidor, Classic, puree and vegetables; available in: Kg, Prawns to Taste (300 g), Mojo, Smoked, Garlic; By season, octopus To taste (280 g), Zarandeado, Olive, Garlic Mojo Costeño (250 g), Combination of marlin with octopus, tree chili, guajillo and chipotle, pasta Add: Grilled chicken (220 g) or shrimp (100 g), Pasta Pasta de la Baja Spaghetti, shrimp, salmon, squid, mussel, clam slightly spicy Cream Fettuccini and Clam, Creamy clam, butter and white wine sauce Meat & Poultry, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Rib Eye (340g), Arrachera (300 g), Baked potato, beans and chili peppers, Molcajete de Arrachera (300 g), Lamb Loin, Melissa Sauce, Baby Vegetables Pian di Nova Wine Recommendation Brasata Short Rib with Creamy Polenta, Short Rib 180g Braised with Creamy Polenta, | Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco | Trempanillo Wine Recommendation Cosata Di Vitello, Veal Chop 300g Milanesa, Corvina Veronese Wine Recommendation, Bistecca Fiorentina Porterhouse Prime 800g Florentine Style with Oven Potatoes (Serves Two) Primitive Wine Recommendation, Maialino Kurobuta 180gr, Citrus Marinated Pork, Creamy Sweet Potato, Chips, Menu STARTERS, Smoked heirloom tomatoes salad, avocado, “quesillo” dressing with grasshoppers and Oaxacan herbs, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco | Beets lacquered in agave honey with burnt eggplant and “recado negro”, Stone crab in a green “pipián” made with sunflower seeds, kaffir lime and Thai basil Cured kampachi in seaweed with “salsa macha” and wild mushrooms, | Wild mushrooms “alambre”, “asadero” cheese from Chihuahua, “hebra” oaxacan cheese and flour tortillas, “Uchepos” with “Cotija” cheese foam, tomatoes and peppers in confit, Bicolor Lobster and Shrimp Ravioli in Bisque Sauce Carmen ere Wine Recommendation Spaghetti with Aragosta, | Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco | Spaghetti with Lobster 100g and Artichoke, Our prices are shown in Mexican pesos, MAIN COURSES Catch of the day, cauliflower, lentils and kohlrabi oil, Roasted tri-tip with black “chichilo”, rice and purple banana fried in herb butter with “crema de rancho” and mamey seed, Grilled, special Japanese sauce, on spaghetti bed and peppers, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Grilled Tuna (220 g), Seared tuna steak and oriental sauce, Pampano with Salt, Baked on the coals, in sea salt crust; available in: Kg, Whole Fish, Always fresh; Order it shaken, fried, grilled, etc. Huachinango, Mero, Robalo; available in: Kg, Locust new Port, Puerto Nuevo style, rice, beans and flour tortilla; available in: Kg, Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Thermidor, Classic, puree and vegetables; available in: Kg, Prawns to Taste (300 g), Mojo, Smoked, Garlic; By season, octopus To taste (280 g), Zarandeado, Olive, Garlic Mojo Costeño (250 g), Combination of marlin with octopus, tree chili, guajillo and chipotle, pasta Add: Grilled chicken (220 g) or shrimp (100 g), Pasta Pasta de la Baja Spaghetti, shrimp, salmon, squid, mussel, clam slightly spicy Cream Fettuccini and Clam, Creamy clam, butter and white wine sauce Meat & Poultry, Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco, Rib Eye (340g), Arrachera (300 g), Baked potato, beans and chili peppers, Molcajete de Arrachera (300 g), Pork in “chile pasado”, smoked guacamole and pickled chilies Roasted chicken “au jus” with mole, scallop, artichoke and roasted cabbage, Atocpan style “mole” with vegetables from the “chinampas” AUTUMN MENU, OCTOBER 2020 · Smoked heirloom tomatoes salad, avocado, “quesillo” dressing with grasshoppers and Oaxacan herbs, | Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco | Stone crab in a green “pipián” made with sunflower seeds, kaffir lime and Thai basil Cured blue shrimp in seaweed with “salsa macha” and wild mushrooms · Grilled wild mushrooms cream with sherry · Catch of the day, cauliflower, lentils and kohlrabi oil · Jerusalem artichoke taco, pine nuts, apple and buffalo mozzarella · Roasted chicken “au jus” with mole, scallop, artichoke and roasted cabbage · Cactus sorbet · Artisan cheese platter with papaya, Bicolor Lobster and Shrimp Ravioli in Bisque Sauce Carmen ere Wine Recommendation Spaghetti with Aragosta, | Restaurants Polanco, Best Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexico City, Restaurants Presidente Masaryk, Restaurant Polanco | Spaghetti with Lobster 100g and Artichoke, ginger and lavander jam Strawberries with “crème fraiche” and elderflower Desserts Pumpkin pie, sour cream and toffee, Strawberries with “crème fraiche” and elderflower Artisan cheese platter with papaya, ginger and lavander jam Oaxacan chocolate tamale, vanilla from Papantla cream, cacao ice cream and “champurrado”, Seeds granola with roasted mamey and amaranth foam, Crottin cheese cream, fig jam and grated “campero” cheese, Atocpan style “mole” with vegetables from the “chinampas” AUTUMN MENU, OCTOBER 2020 · Smoked heirloom tomatoes salad, avocado, “quesillo” dressing with grasshoppers and Oaxacan herbs, | Prime Rib Polanco, Wine Music Polanco, Restaurants Polanco, Restaurants Mexican Polanco, Steak and Wine Polanco, Restaurant Polanco, Steak and Seafood Polanco, Seafood Polanco, Restaurants Polanco | Stone crab in a green “pipián” made with sunflower seeds, · If you have any allergies or restrictions, please let us know. Restaurants Polanco, Quintonil –Mexico City, 2012– is the emblem for the gastronomical project headed by Alejandra Flores and Jorge Vallejo. The aim is to express Mexican flavors with a personal touch, since 2015, Quintonil has been included on The World’s 50 Best Restaurants list. Today it is ranked twenty-four worldwide and eleven on the 50 Best Latin American Restaurants list, the vegetables and fruits at restaurants Polanco are delivered daily, our wedding cakes and pastries are made at our very own bakery at restaurants Polanco, Many of the dishes at restaurants Polanco are originated from the restaurants in New />Delicious dishes full of incredible and mouth watering flavor are at restaurants Polanco, one of the best restaurants in Mexico City./p>p>Restaurants Polanco | Restaurant Polanco Restaurant Polanco/p>p>At restaurants Polanco, the culinary standards are the />Restaurant Polanco Restaurant Polanco is located at Newton />We are known as the best restaurant Polanco since 2013./p> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> section idww_footer> div classww-container> div classrow-fluid> vc_row bg_positiontop bg_repeatrepeat-x bg_attachmentfalse padding_top0 padding_bottom0 margin_top0 parallax_speed0.1 typeww-footertop-wrapper el_classTop footer css.vc_custom_1399786539437{background: #f5f5f5 url( !important;background-position: 0 0 !important;background-repeat: repeat !important;} background_color#f4f4f4 margin_bottom_row0vc_column width1/1vc_column_text/vc_column_text/vc_column/vc_rowvc_row bg_positiontop bg_repeatno-repeat bg_attachmentfalse padding_top30 padding_bottom30 margin_top0 parallax_speed0.1 typeww-footertop-wrapper bg_covercover css.vc_custom_1398773805727{margin-bottom: 0px !important;background-color: #212121 !important;} background_color#212121vc_column width1/4vc_column_texth4>RESTAURANT POLANCO/h4>Voted the #1 Restaurant in Polanco.One of the 50 Best Restaurants in LatinAmerica and Mexico City. 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