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a-backgroundcolor3 a-color2 a-bordercolor2> span classmm-phone-number>972-276-8688/span> /a> /li> /ul> /div> div classnav-measurer>/div> /nav>/header> main idmain-content> section tabindex0 classhero hero-2 carousel a-minheight100vh a-backgroundcolor0 data-transition-typefade-over data-transition-speed-factor1.8 data-transition-delay4> ul classcarousel-items rolepresentation> li classclearfix carousel-item slide slide-1 carousel-item-0 a-backgroundcolor0 a-minheight100vh focal-point-CC data-src stylebackground-image: url(;> div classmargin-wrapper a-bordertopwidth0px a-borderbottomwidth0px> div classhero-cloak reveal-element a-borderradius0px a-backgroundcolor2 a-opacity07 a-left0pct a-width100pct> /div> div classhero-content reveal-element a-minheight100vh a-marginleft0pct a-width100pct a-paddingtop5pct a-paddingright5pct a-paddingbottom5pct a-paddingleft5pct> div classhero-content-inner a-textaligncenter > div classlogo-container reveal-element> a href/ aria-labelLink to home page classlogo a-backgroundcolor3 a-opacity1> img classa-height175px a-margin10px a-bordercolor3 a-borderwidth3px a-borderradius0pct src altForeground image about practice or provider> /a> /div> h1 classtitle reveal-element primary-font a-textaligncenter a-color3 a-texttransformnone a-textshadow2px2px2pxrgba00003 a-lineheight130pct a-letterspacing1px a-fontsize45px >Prima Health Clinic/h1> h2 classsubtitle reveal-element secondary-font a-fontsize24px a-textaligncenter a-color3 a-texttransformnone a-textshadownone a-lineheight130pct a-letterspacing1px >Internists & Anti-Aging & Restorative Medicine located in Dallas, TX/h2> div classcta-buttons a-textaligncenter> div classcta-buttons-aligner> a hreftel:9722768688 classreveal-element hero-cta cta-call-us a-margin4px a-fontsize15px a-width205px a-height50px a-borderradius5px a-backgroundcolor3 a-color2 a-bordercolor3 a-texttransformuppercase> span classmm-phone-number>972-276-8688/span> /a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/li> /ul> /section> section classslider pinstripe> div classrow> div classflexslider idrating-slider> ul classslides> li> div classslide-content> ol> li classcomment> a href target_blank>p>"The man is a superb human being and a wonderful doctor. I cannot say enough about him."/p>/a> /li> li classrating> div classrating-block stylewidth:120px;> div classrating-inner> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> /div> /div> p>Elon A. strong>Vitals/strong>/p> /li> /ol> /div> /li> li> div classslide-content> ol> li classcomment> p>Dr. Nguyen is the best doctor we have ever had. He really HEARS what you tell him! /p> /li> li classrating> div classrating-block stylewidth:120px;> div classrating-inner> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> /div> /div> p>Kim & Larry Skagg strong>Personal Note/strong>/p> /li> /ol> /div> /li> li> div classslide-content> ol> li classcomment> p>The doctors are AMAZING! They explain everything very well. I would recommend to anyone./p> /li> li classrating> div classrating-block stylewidth:120px;> div classrating-inner> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> /div> /div> p>Hilda Interiano strong>Personal Note/strong>/p> /li> /ol> /div> /li> li> div classslide-content> ol> li classcomment> p>I found the staff to be very nice and helpful./p> /li> li classrating> div classrating-block stylewidth:120px;> div classrating-inner> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> span classprimary-bg>i classfa fa-star>/i>/span> /div> /div> p>Vera Raymond strong>Personal Note/strong>/p> /li> /ol> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /div>/section> style> #promo-34905 h1, #promo-34905 h2 { line-height: 50px; color: white; } #promo-34905 h3 { line-height: 30px; color: white; }/style>section idpromo-34905 classpromo pinstripe new-location> div classrow type-short> div classspan12> div classinner> div classpromo-label>style>.new-location .type-full-content {column-count:1 !important; -webkit-column-count:1 !important; -moz-column-count:1 !important;}/style>/div> div classtype-full-content> center>div stylebackground-color: #0ab7cb; padding: 30px; data-mce-stylebackground-color: #0ab7cb; padding: 30px;>h1 classp1 styletext-align: center; data-mce-styletext-align: center;>strong>Schedule Your Telemedicine Appointment Today/strong>/h1>hr>h3 classp1 styletext-align: center; data-mce-styletext-align: center;>Call 972.276.8688 or by visiting your patient portal account to schedulebr>an appointment today! /h3>h3 classp1 styletext-align: center; data-mce-styletext-align: center;>br>strong>Telemedicine should not be used for any medical emergency. In the event/strong>br>strong>of a medical emergency, please call 911./strong>/h3>/div>/center> /div> /div> /div> /div>/section> section classmeet pinstripe> div classrow type-short> div classspan6 right split-text> div classinner> h3>About Our Clinic/h3> div classtype-wrapper> div classtype-overflow> p classp1>span classs1>Prima Health Clinic serves patients in and around the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex area from their office in Dallas, Texas. Here, the expertise and training of Dr. Linh Nguyen and Dr. Thuy Nguyen come together in order to provide patients with best in comprehensive care and medical testing. Services offered at the practice include nutrition, sleep, emotional well being evaluation, hormone balance, advanced cardiometabolic testing, gastrointestinal health assessments, musculoskeletal health, and overall heath maintenance services such as annual exams, immunizations, and screenings./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Dr. Linh Nguyen is a native of Houston and received his undergraduate degree from the University of Dallas, Magna Cum Laude in Biochemistry. He received his medical degree at University of Texas San Antonio Medical School and completed his residency training in Internal Medicine at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. Dr Linh Nguyen then moved back to Dallas and joined Prima Health Clinic. He is also board certified in Sleep Medicine. Dr. Linh Nguyen is passionate about Sleep Medicine and therapies including CPAP, oral appliances, prevention of co morbidities. He is interested in neurocognitive testing with CNS Vital for patients with attention deficit disorder, mild cognitive impairments, and USG guided joint injections/span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Dr. Thuy Nguyen is a native of Dallas where she attended the University of Dallas in Irving. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Biology, Cum Laude. She went to the University of Medical Branch in Galveston for her medical degree. She then returned to Dallas for her residency in Internal Medicine at Presbyterian Hospital Dallas. She is devoted to early detection and determining the root cause of illnesses through functional testings to prevent and reverse aging and chronic metabolic diseases with advanced marker testing, functional testing, genomics testing, nutritional testing, lifestyle modification, nutritional therapy with neutraceuticals, bio identical hormone therapy, stress reduction measures and weight loss programs. She is currently undergoing a fellowship in Anti-Aging and Regenerative and Functional Medicine./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Together, Drs. Nguyen enjoy reading, cooking, traveling, training for marathons. They have three daughters and a Siberian Husky Appa./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>The doctors and staff at Prima Health Clinic are devoted in providing the highest quality of care to their patients. As internists, the doctors specialize in identifying and diagnosing conditions quickly and accurately to ensure that patients receive appropriate and timely care. The practice also offers urine drug testing and pharmacogenomics testing./span>/p> /div> /div> div> a hrefjavascript:void(0); aria-labelRead more classread-more-link primary-fg primary-border>Read more/a> /div> /div> /div> div classspan6 left split-media> div classmeet-frame> img src width460 height356 altNone> /div> /div>/div> /div> div classrow type-full> p classp1>span classs1>Prima Health Clinic serves patients in and around the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex area from their office in Dallas, Texas. Here, the expertise and training of Dr. Linh Nguyen and Dr. Thuy Nguyen come together in order to provide patients with best in comprehensive care and medical testing. Services offered at the practice include nutrition, sleep, emotional well being evaluation, hormone balance, advanced cardiometabolic testing, gastrointestinal health assessments, musculoskeletal health, and overall heath maintenance services such as annual exams, immunizations, and screenings./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Dr. Linh Nguyen is a native of Houston and received his undergraduate degree from the University of Dallas, Magna Cum Laude in Biochemistry. He received his medical degree at University of Texas San Antonio Medical School and completed his residency training in Internal Medicine at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. Dr Linh Nguyen then moved back to Dallas and joined Prima Health Clinic. He is also board certified in Sleep Medicine. Dr. Linh Nguyen is passionate about Sleep Medicine and therapies including CPAP, oral appliances, prevention of co morbidities. He is interested in neurocognitive testing with CNS Vital for patients with attention deficit disorder, mild cognitive impairments, and USG guided joint injections/span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Dr. Thuy Nguyen is a native of Dallas where she attended the University of Dallas in Irving. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Biology, Cum Laude. She went to the University of Medical Branch in Galveston for her medical degree. She then returned to Dallas for her residency in Internal Medicine at Presbyterian Hospital Dallas. She is devoted to early detection and determining the root cause of illnesses through functional testings to prevent and reverse aging and chronic metabolic diseases with advanced marker testing, functional testing, genomics testing, nutritional testing, lifestyle modification, nutritional therapy with neutraceuticals, bio identical hormone therapy, stress reduction measures and weight loss programs. She is currently undergoing a fellowship in Anti-Aging and Regenerative and Functional Medicine./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>Together, Drs. Nguyen enjoy reading, cooking, traveling, training for marathons. They have three daughters and a Siberian Husky Appa./span>/p>p classp1>span classs1>The doctors and staff at Prima Health Clinic are devoted in providing the highest quality of care to their patients. As internists, the doctors specialize in identifying and diagnosing conditions quickly and accurately to ensure that patients receive appropriate and timely care. The practice also offers urine drug testing and pharmacogenomics testing./span>/p> br> div> a hrefjavascript:void(0); classread-less-link propertyfieldtext>Read less/a> /div> /div> /section> section classproviders pinstripe> div about0 typeof{type:MODULE, secondary_type: PROVIDER, type_id: null, fieldname: choose-your-provider}> h3 classproviders-title propertyfieldtext>Choose Your Provider/h3> /div> div classprovider-blocks providers-2> div classprovider-block> a href> div classprovider-pic> img classlazy src data-src width200 altThuy Nguyen, MD /> /div> div classprovider-info> h4 classprovider-name>Thuy Nguyen, MD/h4> label>Primary Care Physician & Integrative Medicine Doctor/label> /div> /a> /div> div classprovider-block> a href> div classprovider-pic> img classlazy src data-src width200 altLinh Nguyen, MD /> /div> div classprovider-info> h4 classprovider-name>Linh Nguyen, MD/h4> label>Primary Care Physician & Sleep Medicine Specialist/label> /div> /a> /div> /div>/section> section classservices pinstripe> div classrow> div classspan12> div classservice-tagline> What we offer /div> h3 classservice-title> Services /h3> div classservice-block > ul classgrid15> li classservice> a href/services/aesthetic> div classservice-border primary-border>/div> div classservice-info> div classservice-name>Aesthetici classfa fa-angle-right fa-2x primary-fg >/i>/div> div classservice-more primary-fg >more infoi classfa fa-chevron-circle-right primary-fg >/i>/div> /div> /a> /li> li classservice> a href/services/cardiometabolic-health> div classservice-border primary-border>/div> div classservice-info> div classservice-name>Cardiometabolic Healthi classfa fa-angle-right fa-2x primary-fg >/i>/div> div classservice-more primary-fg >more infoi classfa fa-chevron-circle-right primary-fg >/i>/div> /div> /a> /li> li classservice> a href/services/emotional-well-being> div classservice-border primary-border>/div> div classservice-info> div classservice-name>Emotional Well Beingi classfa 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classfa fa-angle-right fa-2x primary-fg >/i>/div> div classservice-more primary-fg >more infoi classfa fa-chevron-circle-right primary-fg >/i>/div> /div> /a> /li> li classservice> a href/services/hormonal-health> div classservice-border primary-border>/div> div classservice-info> div classservice-name>Hormonal Healthi classfa fa-angle-right fa-2x primary-fg >/i>/div> div classservice-more primary-fg >more infoi classfa fa-chevron-circle-right primary-fg >/i>/div> /div> /a> /li> li classservice> a href/services/iv-nutrition> div classservice-border primary-border>/div> div classservice-info> div classservice-name>IV Nutritioni classfa fa-angle-right fa-2x primary-fg >/i>/div> div classservice-more primary-fg >more infoi classfa fa-chevron-circle-right primary-fg >/i>/div> /div> /a> /li> li classservice> a href/services/laser-therapy> div classservice-border primary-border>/div> div classservice-info> div classservice-name>Laser Therapyi classfa fa-angle-right fa-2x primary-fg >/i>/div> div classservice-more primary-fg >more infoi classfa fa-chevron-circle-right primary-fg >/i>/div> /div> /a> /li> li classservice> a href/services/musculoskeletal-health> div classservice-border primary-border>/div> div classservice-info> div classservice-name>Musculoskeletal Healthi classfa fa-angle-right fa-2x primary-fg >/i>/div> div classservice-more primary-fg >more infoi classfa fa-chevron-circle-right primary-fg >/i>/div> /div> /a> /li> li classservice> a href/services/nutritional-well-being> div classservice-border primary-border>/div> div classservice-info> div classservice-name>Nutritional Well Beingi classfa fa-angle-right fa-2x primary-fg >/i>/div> div classservice-more primary-fg >more infoi classfa fa-chevron-circle-right primary-fg >/i>/div> /div> /a> /li> li classservice> a href/services/platelet-rich-fibrin-prf-injections> div classservice-border primary-border>/div> div classservice-info> div classservice-name>Platelet-rich Fibrin (PRF) Injectionsi classfa fa-angle-right fa-2x primary-fg >/i>/div> div classservice-more primary-fg >more infoi classfa fa-chevron-circle-right primary-fg >/i>/div> /div> /a> /li> li classservice> a href/services/pro-pell-therapy-program> div classservice-border primary-border>/div> div classservice-info> div classservice-name>Pro-Pell Therapy Programi classfa fa-angle-right fa-2x primary-fg >/i>/div> div classservice-more primary-fg >more infoi classfa fa-chevron-circle-right primary-fg >/i>/div> /div> /a> /li> li classservice> a href/services/sleep-evaluations> div classservice-border primary-border>/div> div classservice-info> div classservice-name>Sleep Evaluationsi classfa fa-angle-right fa-2x primary-fg >/i>/div> div classservice-more primary-fg >more infoi classfa fa-chevron-circle-right primary-fg >/i>/div> /div> /a> /li> li classservice> a href/services/watch-pat> div classservice-border primary-border>/div> div classservice-info> div classservice-name>Watch PATi classfa fa-angle-right fa-2x primary-fg >/i>/div> div classservice-more primary-fg >more infoi classfa fa-chevron-circle-right primary-fg >/i>/div> /div> /a> /li> /div> div idservice-list classgrid15> a href# classservice-list primary-fg data-togglemodal data-target#serviceList>View full list of services/a> /div> div classmodal fade idserviceList tabindex-1 roledialog aria-labelledbyserviceListLabel aria-hiddentrue> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content aria-labelledbyserviceListLabel> div classmodal-header> button typebutton aria-labelClose dialog classclose data-dismissmodal>×/button> h4 classmodal-title idserviceListLabel>Services/h4> /div> div classmodal-body> ul classul1>li classli1>span classs1>Genova Diagnostics Functional testing/span>/li>li classli1>span classs1>Helicobacter Pylori Urea Breath Testing/span>/li>li classli1>span classs1>Small Intestinal Overgrowth Lactulose Breath Test/span>/li>li classli1>span classs1>Vendys Endothelial function Testing/span>/li>li classli1>span classs1>Sudomotor Scan testing for neuropathy/span>/li>li classli1>span classs1>Pad Net test for peripheral vascular disease/span>/li>li classli1>span classs1>CNS Vital testing Neurocognitive test/span>/li>li classli1>span classs1>ECG/span>/li>li classli1>span classs1>Spirometry/span>/li>li classli1>span classs1>USG guided injection of the joint /span>/li>li classli1>span classs1>Home Sleep Monitoring, TAP oral appliance, daytime treatment device/span>/li>li classli1>span classs2>Orthomolecular Products Neutraceutical/span>/li>/ul> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div> /section> section idpromo-1910 classpromo carousel home-page> div classrow> div classslider-frame promo-slider data-delay3> ul classpromo> li classslide slide-7928> div classcarousel-img focal-point-CT idslide-7928 stylebackground: url( 50% 0 no-repeat; background-size:cover;> /div> /li> li classslide slide-7568> div classcarousel-img focal-point-CT idslide-7568 stylebackground: url( 50% 0 no-repeat; background-size:cover;> /div> /li> li classslide slide-7567> div classcarousel-img focal-point-CT idslide-7567 stylebackground: url( 50% 0 no-repeat; background-size:cover;> /div> /li> /ul> ol> li classbullet>input typebutton tabindex0 value aria-labelslide-0>/li> li classbullet>input typebutton tabindex0 value aria-labelslide-1>/li> li classbullet>input typebutton tabindex0 value aria-labelslide-2>/li> /ol> /div> /div> /section> section idpromo-7658 classpromo pinstripe patient-portal> div classrow type-short> div classspan6 left split-text> div classinner> div classtype-wrapper> div classtype-overflow> p>strong>Patient Portal/strong>/p>p>We are pleased to provide patients with secure, 24/7 access to their health records through the strong>Prima Health Clinic/strong> strong>Patient Portal/strong>. Patients can safely and easily:/p>ul>li>Update insurance/demographic information/li>li>Review financial statements/make secure payments/li>li>View lab and test results/li>/ul>p stylemargin-top: 30px; data-mce-stylemargin-top: 30px;>a styletext-decoration: none; padding: 12px; background: #0bb7cb; color: #fff; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 14px; href target_blank data-mce-href data-mce-styletext-decoration: none; padding: 12px; background: #0bb7cb; color: #fff; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 14px;>Patient Portal Login/a>/p> /div> /div> div about0 typeof{type:MODULE, secondary_type: PROMO, type_id: 7658, fieldname: read-more-link}> a hrefjavascript:void(0); classread-more-link primary-fg primary-border propertyfieldtext>Read more/a> /div> div about0 typeof{type:MODULE, secondary_type: PROMO, type_id: 7658, fieldname: read-less-link}> a hrefjavascript:void(0); classread-less-link primary-fg primary-border styledisplay:none; propertyfieldtext>Read less/a> /div> /div> /div> div classspan6 right split-media> div classslider-frame promo-slider data-delay0> ul> li classslide> img classlazy src data-src width450 height348 alt> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div>/section> style> #promo-103765 { background-color: white !important; /* Section */ /* Column */ /* Row */ /* For IE 6/7 */ /* Grid */ /* Full Width below 768 pixels */ } #promo-103765 .promo-title { display: none !important; } #promo-103765 .section { clear: both; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } #promo-103765 .col { background: transparent; display: block; border: solid 0.5px #ebebeb; float: left; margin: 0% 0 0% 0%; } #promo-103765 .col:first-child { margin-left: 0 !important; } #promo-103765 .row:before, #promo-103765 .row:after { content: ; display: table; } #promo-103765 .row:after { clear: both; } #promo-103765 .row { zoom: 1; } #promo-103765 .grid_1_of_4 { width: 25%; } #promo-103765 .grid_2_of_4 { width: 50%; } #promo-103765 .grid_3_of_4 { width: 75%; } #promo-103765 .grid_4_of_4 { width: 100%; } @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { #promo-103765 .col { margin: 1% 0 1% 0%; } #promo-103765 class*grid_ { width: 100%; } }/style>section idpromo-103765 classpromo multi pinstripe insurance> div classrow> div classspan12> h3 classpromo-title> insurance/h3> div classslider-frame promo-slider data-delay0> ul> li classslide> div classleft> div classpromo-details> h4 stylecolor: black; data-mce-stylecolor: black;>Insurance Options/h4>p idinsuranceoptions stylewidth: 85%; line-height: 30px; data-mce-stylewidth: 85%; line-height: 30px;>Insurance options can be complicated. Please feel free to call our office for more information regarding health Insurance options./p> /div> /div> div classright> div classpromo-details> div classsection>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altphoto of Prima Health Clinic width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altphoto of Prima Health Clinic width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altphoto of Prima Health Clinic width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altphoto of Prima Health Clinic width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>/div>div classsection>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altphoto of Prima Health Clinic width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altphoto of Prima Health Clinic width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altAetna width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altphoto of Prima Health Clinic width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>/div>div classsection>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altphoto of Prima Health Clinic width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altphoto of Prima Health Clinic width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altphoto of Prima Health Clinic width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altphoto of Prima Health Clinic width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>/div>div classsection>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altphoto of Prima Health Clinic width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altphoto of Prima Health Clinic width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altphoto of Prima Health Clinic width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altphoto of Prima Health Clinic width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>/div>div classsection>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altphoto of Prima Health Clinic width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altphoto of Prima Health Clinic width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altphoto of Prima Health Clinic width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>div classcol grid_1_of_4>p>img styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; src altphoto of Prima Health Clinic width100% heightauto data-mce-src data-mce-styledisplay: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;>/p>/div>/div>div> /div>div> /div>div> /div>div> /div>div> /div>div> /div>div classprovider-list-link>div styletext-align: right; data-mce-styletext-align: right;>a classprovider-list primary-fg href# data-togglemodal data-target#providerList data-mce-href#>View full list of companies/a>/div>/div> /div> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div>/section> section classtestimonials pinstripe with_source_logo> div classrow light> div classspan12> div about0 typeof{type:MODULE, secondary_type: TESTIMONIAL, type_id: null, fieldname: title}> div classtestimonials-tagline propertyfieldtext>Testimonials/div> /div> div about0 typeof{type:MODULE, secondary_type: TESTIMONIAL, type_id: null, fieldname: words-from-our-patients}> h3 classtestimonials-title propertyfieldtext>Words from our patients/h3> /div> div idtestimonial-slider classflexslider tabindex0 roleregion aria-roledescriptioncarousel> ul classslides> li rolegroup aria-roledescriptionslide> div classslider-content primary-bg primary-border > div classspacer>/div> p>Throughout the years, I have found that both doctors are very knowledgeable with the latest treatments and are willing to explain these options clearly during our visits./p> div classtestimonial-author>Kim Clinton/div> /div> /li> li rolegroup aria-roledescriptionslide> div classslider-content primary-bg primary-border > div classspacer>/div> p>"The doctors here are great! I also like the fact that the office is open on Saturday morning, so I can take my children to check-ups without missing school."/p> div classtestimonial-author>Brian/div> /div> /li> li rolegroup aria-roledescriptionslide> div classslider-content primary-bg primary-border > div classspacer>/div> p>"This Practice is Amazing! I am not an easy patient to manage, but Dr. Thuy worked with me through all my symptoms and my Heart and overall Health is great now. "/p> div classtestimonial-author>The Doctor know who I am/div> /div> /li> li rolegroup aria-roledescriptionslide> div classslider-content primary-bg primary-border > div classspacer>/div> p>I have been seeing the doctors at Prima Health Clinic since 2007. Both doctors and staff are friendly and nice. I would recommend them to anyone including family members./p> div classtestimonial-author>Francisca Oliver/div> /div> /li> /ul> /div> /div> /div> /section> section classcontact pinstripe no_form> div classrow> div classspan4 left> div about0 typeof{type:MODULE, secondary_type: CONTACT, type_id: 9733, fieldname: location}> h2 classcontact-header primary-fg propertyfieldtext>Location/h2> /div> address> span propertyname>Prima Health Clinic/span>br/> span> 8345 Walnut Hill Ln, #105 /span>br/> span propertyaddressLocality>Dallas/span>, span>TX/span> span>75231/span>br/> Phone: span propertytelephone classmm-phone-number>972-276-8688/span> br/> span about0 typeof{type:MODULE, secondary_type: CONTACT, type_id: 9733, fieldname: fax}> span propertyfieldtext>Fax: /span> /span> span propertyfax>888-437-3809/span> /address> /div> div classspan4 middle> div about0 typeof{type:MODULE, secondary_type: CONTACT, type_id: 9733, fieldname: office-hours}> h2 classcontact-header primary-fg propertyfieldtext>Office Hours/h2> /div> p> label>Monday span aria-hiddentrue> 8:00 am - 5:00 pm /span> span classhidden-open-hours> 8:00 am to 5:00 pm /span> /label> label>Tuesday span aria-hiddentrue> 8:00 am - 5:00 pm /span> span classhidden-open-hours> 8:00 am to 5:00 pm /span> /label> label>Wednesday span aria-hiddentrue> 8:00 am - 5:00 pm /span> span classhidden-open-hours> 8:00 am to 5:00 pm /span> /label> label>Thursday span aria-hiddentrue> 8:00 am - 12:00 pm /span> span classhidden-open-hours> 8:00 am to 12:00 pm /span> /label> label>Friday span aria-hiddentrue> 8:00 am - 5:00 pm /span> span classhidden-open-hours> 8:00 am to 5:00 pm /span> /label> label>Saturday span aria-hiddentrue> 8:00 am - 12:00 pm /span> span classhidden-open-hours> 8:00 am to 12:00 pm /span> /label> label>Sunday span aria-hiddentrue> Closed /span> span classhidden-open-hours> Closed /span> /label> /p> /div> div classspan4 right> div about0 typeof{type:MODULE, secondary_type: CONTACT, type_id: 9733, fieldname: get-in-touch}> h2 classcontact-header primary-fg propertyfieldtext>Get in touch/h2> /div> p> a hreftel:9722768688 aria-labelPhone number classbtn-call primary-border primary-fg> i classfa fa-phone>/i>span classmm-phone-number>972-276-8688/span> /a> /p> /div> /div> /section> section classmap color> iframe srcabout:blank classlocation-frame titleMap of Prima Health Clinic data-place-idChIJ8RFJCBYeTIYRteV0tWNbGu8 data-practice-namePrima+Health+Clinic data-latitude32.9186262 data-longitude-96.6840966 data-address8345++Walnut+Hill+Ln%2C+Dallas%2C+TX+75231 border0 allowfullscreen>/iframe> /section> /main> footer> div classrow> div classspan12> ul> li> div classcopy>p>© Copyright 2024 a stylecolor:inherit; 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href>Tebra/a>/p>/div> /div>/footer> script typeapplication/ld+json> {@context:http:\/\/,@type:Physician,@id:http:\/\/\/986628b671fca56dac442bff216f5ce2e9b2a296,url:http:\/\/,brand:{name:Prima Health Clinic},name:Thuy Ngoc Nguyen, MD,Linh Ba Nguyen, MD,image:,sameAs:https:\/\/\/primahealthclin,potentialAction:{@type:ReserveAction,target:{@type:EntryPoint,urlTemplate:http:\/\/\/schedule?utm_mediummarkup,inLanguage:en-US,actionPlatform:http:\/\/\/DesktopWebPlatform,http:\/\/\/IOSPlatform,http:\/\/\/AndroidPlatform},result:{@type:Reservation,name:Book Online}},openingHours:MON 08:00:00-17:00:00,TUE 08:00:00-17:00:00,WED 08:00:00-17:00:00,THU 08:00:00-12:00:00,FRI 08:00:00-17:00:00,SAT 08:00:00-12:00:00,contactPoint:{@type:ContactPoint,telephone:+1 972-276-8688,contactType:customer service},address:{@type:PostalAddress,streetAddress:8345 Walnut Hill Ln #105,addressLocality:Dallas,addressRegion:TX,postalCode:75231,addressCountry:USA}}/script> div classmodal idpatient-email-optout tabindex-1 roledialog aria-hiddentrue aria-labelledbypatientEmailOptout> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content aria-labelledbyoptout-label> div classmodal-header> button typebutton aria-labelClose dialog classclose data-dismissmodal>×/button> h4 classmodal-title idoptout-label>Email Opt-out/h4> /div> div classmodal-body> iframe aria-labelOpt-out container titleOpt-out container src data-src idoptout-frame>/iframe> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classmodal idpatient-sms-optin tabindex-1 roledialog aria-hiddentrue aria-labelledbypatientSMSOptIn> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content aria-labelledbyoptin-label> div classmodal-header> button typebutton classclose aria-labelClose dialog data-dismissmodal>×/button> h4 classmodal-title idoptin-label>SMS Opt-In/h4> /div> div classmodal-body> iframe aria-labelOpt-In container titleOpt-In container src data-src idsmsoptin-frame>/iframe> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classmodal idpatient-confirmation tabindex-1 roledialog aria-hiddentrue aria-labelledbypatientConfirmation> div classmodal-dialog> div classmodal-content aria-labelledbyconfirmation-label> div classmodal-header> button typebutton aria-labelClose dialog classclose data-dismissmodal>×/button> h4 classmodal-title idconfirmation-label>Appointment Confirmed/h4> /div> div classmodal-body> div classconfirmation-details> Sorry, an error occurred. /div> /div> div classmodal-footer> button classbtn-cancel typebutton data-dismissmodal>close/button> /div> /div> /div>/div> div classyt-player> div classinner> button typebutton classclose-yt-player aria-labelClose video>×/button> iframe titleVideo container aria-labelVideo container width680 height377 src allowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen webkitAllowFullScreen>/iframe> /div> /div> script> var recaptcha_public_key 6LddTCATAAAAAM-a7vQeVo-dsj-65gNlSKmin7F3; 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