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HTTP/1.1 200 OKAccept-Ranges: bytesAlt-Svc: h3:443; ma2592000Content-Length: 9425Content-Type: text/html; charsetutf-8Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 04:36:23 GMTEtag: qjp1op79tLast-Modified: Thu, 12 Nov 2020 HTML>HEAD> TITLE>Mike and Alans Tesla Coil Site/TITLE> META NAMEROBOTS CONTENTNOINDEX,NOFOLLOW> LINK RELstylesheet HREFtesla.css TYPEtext/css>/HEAD>BODY LINK#BBBBFF VLINK#BBBBFF>!-- Outer table -->TABLE BORDER0 CELLPADDING0 CELLSPACING0 WIDTH600>TR>TD>H1>Mike and Alans Tesla Coil Site/H1>H2>Introduction/H2>Were based on the Isle of Anglesey, North Wales. Alan lives on the south-west coast,and Im a few miles north in the village of Rhosneigr.P>Im a software engineer by profession (thats a computer programmer in theold money) and amongst other hobbies, have built lots of electronics projectsover the years. Theyve been mainly digital stuff, so tesla coils are arefreshing change. In the tesla building partnership, I do most of theconstructional work.P>Alan owns and runs a company specialising in wiring harness manufacture.Hes the expert scrounger in the partnership, sourcing the materials andcomponents needed. Hes obtained near impossibilities such as the pole transformer and the 20A variac that will form components for the secondand very much larger tesla coil. More about that later.H2>Mark I Specification/H2>Our first coil is largely based on Nick Fields design, which was published in Everyday Practical Electronics magazine (EPE), March 2001 issue. Wevesubstituted a larger neon sign transformer though, replacing the 10kV 50mAversion described in the article with a 10kV 100mA version, also supplied byTunewell Transformers. Additionally, weve replaced the original aluminiumfoil coated discharge sphere with a toroid made from a 1 metre length of 4inch diameter corrugated aluminium vent tubing.P>It was completed in late 2001 and has proved to be very reliable, the onlyproblems being an occasional blown fuse in the controller and the static gaprequiring periodic adjustment. Weve had strikes of just over 1 metre, which ispretty spectacular (and very noisy!). The last image in the series below wasa distance of about 80cm, the target being a lager can, earthed to encourage astrike.P>The main components:UL> LI>Transformer -
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