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community of North Central West Virginia. We strive to provide quality care that meets all our patients visual needs, and were looking for a fantastic new Optometrist to join our practice./p>p>b>Why Youll Love This Opportunity:/b>br>ul>li>Do what you love - We are looking for a full-time long-term optometrist who is eager to practice full-scope optometry, including treatment and management of cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes, surface disease,>A well-equipped office - Youll have a fantastic team supporting you, including highly trained Opticians and Technicians. Our team of ODs have a great working relationship and often practice collaboratively. In addition to fully equipped exam lanes, our practice is equipped with state-of-the-art diagnotstic instruments and treatment>A lovely location - We are located in one of the few growing areas of West Virginia, so our large and loyal patient base continues to grow! Located in North Central West Virginia we have one of the top school systems in the state. We are surrounded by scenic State and National Parks with year-round outdoor activities. Our cultural scene with several new arts & music venues, highly rated restaurants, breweries, wineries, and multiple annual arts & cultrual festivals. /ul>/p>p>b>Compensation & Benefits:/b>/p>p> We reward our doctors with competitive salaries and benefits include: li>Salary up to $125,000 depending on>Health insurance. li>401k with company>Liability/Malpractice>WVAOP and AOA>DEA>Annual CE>WV State Licensure. /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobVC146, Optometrist, Bridgeport, WV>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC146/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- COCHISE EYE AND LASER, SIERRA VISTA AZ -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist, OD/div>a href#jobVC145>Optometrist, $145k plus bonuses!/a>/td>td>Sierra Vista, AZdiv styledisplay:none;>Arizona/div>/td>td>div classclient>CochiseEyeLaser/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC145>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>OPTOMETRIST WANTED/h4>p> At b>Cochise Eye and Laser/b>, youll have an incredible opportunity to improve and preserve the precious gift of sight while making a difference each day. If youre committed to helping individuals see their world clearly and are looking for a long-term opportunity where the possibilities are endless, our practice in Sierra Vista, Arizona is the place for you. /p>p> !-- b>Why join us:/b>/p>p> -->Operating for over 40 years in Southern Arizona, we are a prominent optometry leader in the community, known for exceptional eye care services and state-of-the-art technology. We offer a comprehensive range of services including general ophthalmology with our own ambulatory surgery center for ARGON and YAG lasers, cataract surgery, iStents, ectropion/entropion repair, and pterygium excision. Additionally, we provide primary care for glaucoma, anti-VEGF injections, postoperative care, and routine and annual exams. As the only full-time ophthalmology practice in the area, we serve both the county and neighboring military base, leading to high demand and appointments booked three to four months in advance. /p>p>b>What youll do:/b>/p>p> As a full-time Optometrist in our thriving practice, youll enjoy a dynamic work environment, caring for a diverse range of patients. Your responsibilities will include treating 24 to 26 patients per day, providing routine vision care, prescribing glasses, and contact lenses, providing post-op care for cataract surgery, handling same-day emergency care, and performing minor procedures. Equipped with the latest high-tech tools such as Zeiss Cirrus OCT, HFA Visual Field, Lenstar Biometry, Cassini and Atlas topographers, and Opal Smart Mirror, you’ll conduct precise and tailored eye tests. The position also includes some on-call responsibilities to ensure comprehensive care. /p>p>b>Who you are:/b>/p>p> You are a flexible and highly skilled individual capable of confidently handling a diverse range of patients with varying visual needs and age groups. The ideal candidate thrives in a fast-paced clinical environment and is enthusiastic about staying up-to-date on the latest advancements in optometry and personalized treatment plans. You excel in a collaborative setting, working alongside a team of talented professionals to ensure seamless patient care and contribute to a positive work environment. A genuine passion for making a positive impact in the lives of others is essential, as you will play a vital role in the continued success and expansion of the business. /p>p>b>Why youll love Sierra Vista:/b>/p>p>Sierra Vista offers a unique blend of natural beauty and small-town charm, making it a delightful place to call home. Nestled against the stunning Huachuca Mountains, enjoy breathtaking views and abundant outdoor recreational opportunities, from hiking to bird watching. The community boasts a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, with numerous local events and festivals that foster a strong sense of belonging. Additionally, the warm climate and sunny weather make it perfect for those who love the outdoors and an active lifestyle. /p>p>b>Compensation & Benefits:/b>/p>p> li>Salary - $140,000 - $145,000 - Plus quarterly bonuses per optical>401k>Medical and dental>Paid time off (PTO).li>Reimburse for travel, registration, and meals, every other year for Vision Expo or a Continuing education meeting of your>$5,000 relocation bonus (paid $1,000 a month, after 30 days of employment).li>Paid licensing, continuing education, malpractice insurance and any credentialing or contracting with major insurance providers including Medicare and Medicaid. /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobVC145, Optometrist, Sierra Vista, AZ>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC145/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- INDEED NW EYE SURGEONS, SEATTLE WA -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Ophthalmologist, OD/div>a href#jobVC144>Ophthalmologist - Glaucoma Specialist Wanted!/a>/td>td>Miami, FLdiv styledisplay:none;>Florida, Broward, Palm Beach/div>/td>td>div classclient>JacksonvilleDavenport/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC144>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>OPHTHALMOLOGIST WANTED/h4>p>We are seeking a passionate and motivated Glaucoma Specialist with outstanding surgical and interpersonal skills to join our dynamic team in Florida. We provide the most advanced and highest-quality care to patients in a warm, caring, and professional environment. We have an established comanagement approach with the referring doctors in our communities. /p>p>We have 3 state-of-the-art surgery centers throughout South Florida. As a key member of our team, you will work directly with our optometrists to provide surgical and medical care for patients with glaucoma and cataracts. Your expertise in both glaucoma and cataract surgery will play a pivotal role in enhancing our MD/OD medical and surgical eye care co-management team./p>p>b>Education & Requirements:/b>/p>p> li>Fellowship training in glaucoma, board certification/eligibility, unrestricted Washington medical license, and DEA>Glaucoma and cataract surgical skills with a commitment to continuous>Strong communication skills, ability to collaborate with multidisciplinary teams to provide compassionate, patient-centered>Board Certified Doctor of Medicine (MD or DO).li>DEA Certification/p>p>b>Compensation & Benefits:/b>/p>p> li>Competitive Salary D.O.E. Plus>Medical, Dental, and Vision>401(k) Plan with employer>Company Paid Life>Generous PTO/Holiday. /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobVC144, Ophthalmologist, Miami, FL>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC144/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- JACKSON DAVENPORT VISION CENTER -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobVC143>Optometrist (OD), Earn $160k plus Bonus, No Evenings or Weekends!/a>/td>td>Summerville, SCdiv styledisplay:none;>South Carolina/div>/td>td>div classclient>JacksonvilleDavenport/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC143>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>OPTOMETRIST WANTED/h4>p> b>Jackson Davenport Vision Center/b> is a thriving private practice in Summerville, SC with a loyal patient base. We focus on providing high-quality and compassionate eye care in a welcoming environment. We are supportive of our doctors areas of interest and are here to help you achieve your personal and professional goals. Our goal is to create a team of doctors who can do their best work and be fulfilled. We remove the complexities of practice management with a support team of trained optical professionals including opticians, receptionists, and management staff. The Summerville area is a great area for raising a family and has a good cost of living. We are close to Charleston with its rich history and 4 different area beaches. /p>p>We are looking for a full-time patient-focused individual with solid communication and interpersonal skills. The right person will want to practice comprehensive optometry to include primary eye care, specialty contacts, disease management and dry eye. /p>p> /p>p>b>Compensation & Benefits:/b>/p>p>li>Salary up to $160,000 plus>Signing Bonus of $10,000. li>Health and Dental>Paid time off, paid holidays, paid continuing education hours (CE).li>Paid state and national association dues li>Simple IRAli>Monday thru Friday with no evenings and no>No practice management duties /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobVC143, Optometrist, Sommerville SC>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC143/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- PINECONE VISION CENTER SARTELL MN -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobVC142>Optometrist Wanted, Earn up to $200k, Temp housing included/a>/td>td>St. Cloud, MNdiv styledisplay:none;>Minnesota, Sartell, Saint Cloud/div>/td>td>div classclient>PineconeVC/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC142>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>OPTOMETRIST WANTED/h4>p> b>PineCone Vision Center/b> is looking to hire an Optometrist to join our team in St. Cloud, MN. As an associate Doctor of Optometry, you will be responsible fordirect patient care and fostering the growth of the practice. You will be responsible in helping design, enhance and facilitate our staff training program, as well as be accountable for administrative tasks that benefit the corporation. /p>p>/p>p>b>Associate Responsibilities also include:/b>/p>p> li>Growth of personal practice through outreach, intra-office recall, establishing referralnetworks,>Helping increase and maintain co-management>Periodic seminars to interested>Work with other trained and experienced OD’>Work with optometry extern students and become adjunct professor for - ICO, PUCU, NECO, IAUPR, MCO, Midwestern,>Utilize cutting edge technology in a progressive practice./p>p>b>Compensation & Benefits:/b>/p>p> li>$130,000- $200,000 First Year>401K Matching Retirement Plan li>Temp housing available. li>Production based Bonus (avg $10,000-$20,000 / year) – no>20 Days Paid Time Off (PTO – includes CE and vacation time).li>Health and Dental Insurance as well as Professional Liability>Dues paid for professional organizations MOA AOA, AAO ($2000).li>Annual reimbursement for meetings, ($2500)./p>p>b>About the St Cloud area:/b>/p>p> Take it from us, Greater St. Cloud Rocks. And we’re not just talking about granite. Picture this: you start your day with a stroll through rows of perfectly-tended flowers at Munsinger Clemens Gardens and along the Mississippi. Then to work off lunch, go for a round of golf at one of our many picturesque golf courses, or a bike ride along the Wobegon Trail, or even a stroll through Quarry Park and Nature Preserve… or all three. Plan for dinner and a show downtown – the Paramount or Pioneer Place will have something to enjoy, no doubt. Sound like a good time? That’s just the beginning. Browse these Things to Do, then come see for yourself why Greater St. Cloud is so easy to enjoy. /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobVC142, Optometrist, Sartell MN>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC142/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- EYE HEALTH PHYSICIANS OF LANCASTER -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobVC141>Ophthalmologist, $250k plus productivity bonuses!/a>/td>td>Lancaster, PAdiv styledisplay:none;>Pennsylvania/div>/td>td>div classclient>EyeHealthPhysLancaster/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC141>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>Ophthalmologist Wanted/h4>p> b>Eye Health Physicians of Lancaster/b> has served the Lancaster, PA community for more than 35 years. We are a smaller but very busy practice which allows for one-on-one mentorship for academic and personal growth. Unlike larger, corporate settings, doctor will have greater input into daily operations and leadership opportunities. /p>p>li>Excellent opportunity for partnership/ownership. li>Many surgical opportunities, including cataracts, lasers, glaucoma surgeries & oculo-plastic procedures (optional). li>Well maintained office, with state-of-the-Art Zeiss equipment, including SLT/YAG & Argon lasers. li>Ambulatory surgical center nearby. li>Experienced and mature support>Conveniently located in Lancaster, PA. Close to Philadelphia and>Great area for families, excellent school systems, many cultural and sporting opportunities. /p>p> Flexible schedule: we will work with the hired doctor to ensure a schedule providing work-life balance. /p>p>b>Education & Experience:/b >/p>p>li>MD/DO from accredited medical school and ophthalmology residency>Glaucoma fellowship preferred but not>Board certified or Board eligible. li>Active or eligible for PA license. /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b >/p>p> li>Compensation of $250k plus Bonus based on productivity. li>Paid hospital call: $7,000/week 3 to 4 times per year rotated with all the doctors in the area. li>Weekend practice call: very>Paid time off, paid medical>401K with up to 4% matching every quarter, Profit Sharing>Malpractice>Relocation Assistance provided for smoother transition. /p>p>a classbuttonapply jobVC141, Ophthalmologist, Lancaster PA>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC141/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- WILLIAMSON EYE CENTERS, BATON ROUGE, LA -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobVC140>Optometrist OD, $210k Comp, Williamson Eye Centers/a>/td>td>Baton Rouge, LAdiv styledisplay:none;>Louisiana/div>/td>td>div classclient>Williamson Eye/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC140>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>Optometrist Wanted/h4>p>Williamson Eye Centers is looking to hire an Optometrist to join our team in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana area. /p>p>We are searching for a motivated, talented OD to join our growing practice! Youll use your clinical and interpersonal skills to provide high-quality vision care to our patients. Your duties will include: /p>p>Routine eye exams, preoperative exams, post-operative exams and ocular diseases management consultations.Utilize your judgement and assistance from Senior Ophthalmologists in determining when a referral to a sub-specialist would be made. /p>p>b>Optometrist Job Requirements/b >/p>p>li>Doctor of Optometry (O.D.) degreeli>Valid Louisianna state license to practice optometryli>Ability to communicate with a wide range of patient personalitiesli>Customer-service orientation with excellent interpersonal skills /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b >/p>p>li>Base of $125,000 with production bonuses increasing comp from $150,000 to $210,000li>3 Weeks Paid Vacation per Yearli>401k Retirement Planli>Excellent benefits for health and dentalli>Medical malpractice insurance providedli>$3,000 stipend for CMEli>$150 per month cell phone stipend/p>p>a classbuttonapply Williamson Eye Center, Baton Rouge LA>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC140/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- INDEED LAYTON UT -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobVC145>Optician / Optometric Technician/a>/td>td>Ephraim, UTdiv styledisplay:none;>Utah/div>/td>td>div classclient>Central UT EC/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC145>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a>h4>WANTED - OPTICIAN / OPTOMETRIC TECHNICIAN/h4>p>We are looking for a full-time Optician/Optometric Technician. This role supports the doctor and provides important information to help diagnose and treat patients. Hours will be Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM. /p>h4>Job duties may include:/h4>p>li>Checking insurance>Help patients with selecting eyeglass frames and lens>Dispensing, adjusting, and repairing>Performing various vision and diagnostic>Gathering and preparing patient medical>Checking patients in and out and collecting payments. /p>h4>Qualifications:/h4> p>li>Quick learner with the ability to>Excellent communication and basic math>Previous customer service or sales experience is a>High school Diploma or equivalent. /p>h4>Compensation & Benefits/h4>p>li>Pay: $14.00 - $18.00 per hour>401k retirement>Health>Paid Time Off./p>p>a classbuttonapply jobVC145 Optician/Technician, Ephraim Utah>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC145/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- INDEED LAYTON UT -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobVC144>Optician, Full-time, Experienced or Will Train!/a>/td>td>Layton, UTdiv styledisplay:none;>Utah/div>/td>td>div classclient>Indeed/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC144>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a>h4>WANTED - OPTICIAN/h4>p>The primary responsibility of this position is to ensure that all patients are receiving the best quality of care at all times. /p>h4>Primary responsibilities of the Optician include:/h4>p> li>Review Physician’s prescriptions and orders based on medical chartsli>Educate patients on their corrective lens options and help them make a choice that fits their medical needs as well as lifestyle preferencesli>Provide honest but compassionate feedback about aesthetic choices in framesli>Achieve sales goals and quotas as determined by office staff while attending to patients’ specific needs and desiresli>Manage inventory of frames and contact lenses to ensure optimum customer satisfaction and product varietyli>Communicate with physician with questions or concerns about prescriptions and other eye-related issuesli>Perform adjustments and repairs of eyewearli>Place optical orders with a general understanding of insurance benefits /p>h4>Experience & Skills/h4>p>Excellent customer service skills and personal presentation are critical to this role. The ideal candidate will have 0-3 years of experience and:br> li>Good organizational and multitasking abilitiesli>Coachable-open to feedback and continual improvementli>Flexible and adaptableli>Professional phone and office etiquette required li>Optical experience is preferred but not necessary-we will train the right person/p>p> For more information or to apply for our great opportunity, contact us below!/p>p>a classbuttonapply jobVC144 Optician, Layton, Utah>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC144/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- INDEED LOS ANGELES CA -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobVC143>Dispensing Optician/a>/td>td>Los Angeles, CAdiv styledisplay:none;>California/div>/td>td>div classclient>Indeed/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC143>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a>h4>WANTED - DISPENSING OPTICIAN/h4>p>We are an Optometry practice looking for a personable optician who is reliable and able to multi-task. We are seeking a motivated and energetic individual who is capable of problem solving and creating a welcome environment for all patients. We would like someone that is looking for a long term position that allows them to grow. /p> h4>Responsibilities include the following:/h4>p>li>Answering phones & scheduling>Greeting & checking in>Looking up insurance eligibility & billing insurance>Placing orders for contact>Maintaining a well organized>Optical experience is a plus, but not required. Willing to>Pre-test>Must have basic computer>Previous experience at an optometry practice is REQUIRED. /p>h4>Compensation and Benefits/h4>p>li>Pay: $20- $30 per hour. li>Bonus>Monday - Saturday (except wed, Saturday 9-3)./p>p>a classbuttonapply jobVC143 Dispensing Optician, Los Angeles CA>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC143/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- INDEED SAN ANTONIO TX -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobVC142>Optical Sales Associate/a>/td>td>San Antonio, TXdiv styledisplay:none;>Texas/div>/td>td>div classclient>TX STATE OPT/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC142>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a>h4>WANTED - OPTICAL SALES ASSOCIATE/h4>p>We are currently hiring an entry level Full-time Optical Sales Associate. The Sales Associate will assist with the daily operations of the optical department. The candidate will be responsible for:/p>p>li>Candidate will also be responsible for: li>Developing sales strategies; maintain, sell and grow current accounts li>Support development of marketing plans to enhance sales activities li>Provide superior customer service & assist with resolving any issues or concerns li>Helping patients with frame selection. li>Checking patient’s insurance eligibility and benefits li>Ensure flawless accuracy in recording Optometrists prescription, measurements and pricing into practice management system. li>Optical billing. li>Maintaining the cleanliness of the retail area /p>h4>Requirements: /h4>p>li>High School diploma or equivalent. li>You must love working with people and be genuinely positive and enthusiastic. A sense of fashion with attention to detail is a must. li>Prior Optical experience preferred but willing to train the right person who displays that positive and enthusiastic attitude. li>Minimum of 1 year retail experience required. li>Computer knowledge/experience required. li>Must be available to work on Saturday’s/p>p>a classbuttonapply jobVC142 Optical Sales Associate, San Antonio TX>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC142/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- INDEED GLENMONT NY -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobVC141>Licensed Optician/a>/td>td>Glenmont, NYdiv styledisplay:none;>New York/div>/td>td>div classclient>Walmart/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC141>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>WANTED - LICENSED OPTICIAN/h4>p>We are looking for a licensed Optician, come see how you can really make a difference in the lives of our customers, as well as your own. /p>p>li>Process customer orders and purchases, including visually verifying and interpreting prescriptions; providing recommendations as to style, color and shapeli>Demonstrate knowledge of age-restricted merchandise and verifying customers’ IDli>Demonstrate knowledge and value of department merchandise, such as frames, lenses, contacts, sunglasses and related accessoriesli>Resolve customer concerns involving straightening and manipulating glassesli>Complete all necessary customer insurance forms accurately for timely submission of paymentli>Maintain proper inventory levels, stock merchandise and set up product displaysli>Place orders for merchandise, verifying it matches prescription and ensure all upgrades and special request are processedli>Perform technical functions necessary to complete in-house patient eyewear order, such as applying tint, UV and various lens edge finishes, and mounting lenses when applicableli>Perform optometric pre-test and vision screenings where allowed by state law /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b >/p>p>li>Pay: $37.00 - $38.25 per hourli>401K with>Health, Dental and Vision Insurance./p>p>a classbuttonapply jobVC141 Optician, Glenmont NY>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC141/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- FOR SALE -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div> a href#jobFS101>b>FOR SALE/b>: Optometry Practice, Gross $600k, Turnkey Opportunity /a>/td>td>Hudson Valley, NYdiv styledisplay:none;>New York/div>/td>td>div classclient>Optirova/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobFS101>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> h4>FOR SALE - ESTABLISHED OPTOMETRY PRACTICE/h4>p>Located in the beautiful Hudson River Valley, this optometrist practice generates over $600,000 in receipts on a true 40 hour work week. /p>p>This practice is a turnkey business and has the capacity to generate $1.2 million with a dedicated professional leading the organization or with additional hours. /p>p> li>This practice has the advantage of walk-in prescription fulfillment. li>Fully staffed and>Current Dr. looking to retire, just needs a new Dr. to walk in and replace for continuity. /p>p> li>Located in an absolutely beautiful 1,500 square foot attached building with ample parking. li>The building features 1 fully equipped exam room. li>Ideal traffic as its located next to an urgent care facility. /p>p>Business List price is $600,000. br> Contact us to learn more about this business opportunity./p>p>a classbuttonapply jobFS101 Optometry, Hudson River, NY>Inquire Now/a> !-- or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a> --> a classbuttonjob>jobFS101/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- EYE SPECIALISTS OF MID FLORIDA, SEBRING FL -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobVC139>Optometrist, Eye Specialists of Mid-Florida, $200k Compensation/a>/td>td>Sebring, FLdiv styledisplay:none;>Florida/div>/td>td>div classclient>Eye Specialists FL/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC139>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b> Eye Specialists of Mid-Florida/b> is currently hiring an Optometrist to join our practice in Sebring, Florida. /p>p>b>Optometrist Qualifications/b>/p>p>li>Doctor of Optometry (O.D.) required from an accredited>Current Florida state optometry license in good>Solid working knowledge of all ophthalmic equipment to conduct>Experience prescribing and fitting corrective>History of excellent patient care and communication and interpersonal>Ability and willingness to maintain a full patient>Works well in a team driven environment. /p>p>b>About the Sebring, FL Area/b>/p>p>Sebring is one of Florida’s best kept secrets! The unique town of Sebring offers the wonderful Highlands Hammock State Park tours which will have you in awe with the wildlife and nature views where there are miles and miles of roads for cycling, motor biking, horseback riding or just a drive through the beautiful country. This sweet slice of heaven offers beautiful golf courses and many beautiful lakes for fishing, paddle boarding and many other water sport activities. Well known for the Sebring International Racetrack with events scheduled all year long including the famous 12 – hour race each March. Visit The Circle in historic downtown Sebring where there are dozens of unique boutiques for a wonderful shopping experience along with great mom and pop restaurants you are bound to enjoy. This city center offers a fabulous local live theater with very talented actors for great entertainment. /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b>/p>p>li>Base salary up to $130,000, with total Compensation up to $200,000li>Signing Bonus up to $15kli>401k Retirement Plan w/3% matchingli>Profit sharingli>3 weeks vacation, 1 week additional CEU time & $2,600 Reimbursement/p>p>a classbuttonapply Eye Specialists Mid FL, Sebring FL>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC139/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- CHICO EYE CENTER, CHICO CA -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobVC138>Optometrist (OD), $170k Comp, $25k Bonus, Chico Eye Center/a>/td>td>Chico, CAdiv styledisplay:none;>California/div>/td>td>div classclient>Chico Eye Center/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC138>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b> Chico Eye Center/b> is interested in hiring an Optometrist to join an established ophthalmology practice in Chico, CA with a background or interest in medically necessary contact lenses. The position has an established patient base and works with general ophthalmologists and a corneal specialist to provide care to general optometric patients along with complex contact lens fittings. /p>p>b>About the Chico Eye Center/b>/p>p>Fully equipped office including Auto-Refractor/Keratometer, OCT with anterior segment scanning and scleral lens fitting attachments, fundus camera, Visual Field and an experienced staff to support you. If you are looking to join a practice with an established patient base, in a university city that is the cultural center of California’s northern Sacramento Valley, this position is for you./p>p>We strive to consistently exceed the service and patient-care expectations of our patients and do so by investing in staff education and the most advanced treatment modalities. Our patients are also our friends, our neighbors, and our family; the interest of our patients have the highest priority. To better serve our patients, our staff embraces a culture of patient centered hard work in a playful atmosphere. Some of our play time consists of monthly staff potlucks, volunteer opportunities in the community and staff outings. From our mission statement to our everyday interactions with patients, Chico Eye Center doesn’t create customer service: we create memorable customer service.!--ABOUT THE AREA:The city of Chico has attractions for everyone. It is a college town with a population of just under 200,000 and another 100,000 in the immediate surrounding area. It maintains a special sense of community and small-town living as it has developed into a vibrant regional center for business, recreation and cultural activities. There are also many recreational opportunities in and around Chico. Bidwell park, one of the largest municipally owned parks in the nation, is the focal point of the City’s park system and offers numerous trails for biking, hiking and equestrian use. Sacramento is a short one and a half hour drive, while Lake Tahoe and San Francisco can be reached within three hours.--> /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b>/p>p>li>Salary of $110,>Quarterly Bonus ($45k to $60k avg. annually).li>$25,000 Retention>Medical and Dental>Paid Professional dues, society memberships and $2k Continuing Education (CE)>3 weeks paid time off (PTO).li>401k with matching./p>p>a classbuttonapply Chico Eye Center, Chico CA>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC138/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- PENINSULA VISION CARE, STURGEON BAY WI -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobVC137>Peninsula Vision Care, Optometrist Needed, $180k Comp/a>/td>td>Sturgeon Bay, WIdiv styledisplay:none;>Wisconsin/div>/td>td>div classclient>Peninsula VC/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC137>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>Peninsula Vision Care/b> is looking to hire an Optometrist (OD) to join the growing team in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. /p>p>b>Optometist Job Details/b>/p>p>li>Busy, independently owned Optometry>Modern office with OCT, visual fields, Optos Retinal Camera, Revolution EHR and>Daily visits range from comprehensive vision exams, contact lens fittings, disease management, surgery co-management, foreign bodies, emergencies, and>Full-time, NO holidays and NO>ODs take weekly call duty – rotated between the full time ODs /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b>/p>p>li>Comp up to $180,000li>$50,000 Bonus (Sign on & Retention)li>Relocation Assistance ($2,500)li>License and CE allowance ($2,500 per year)li>Malpractice insurance provided and covered in full/p>p>a classbuttonapply Peninsula Vision Care, Sturgeon Bay WI>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC137/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- SUNSET CITY EYEWEAR, NORTH BABYLON NY -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobVC136>Optometrist (OD), Ownership Opportunity, Earn $375k+ annually/a>/td>td>North Babylon, NYdiv styledisplay:none;>New York, Long Island/div>/td>td>div classclient>Sunset City Eyewear/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC136>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>Sunset City Eyewear/b> in the North Babylon, New York are is looking to hire an Optometrist to join their practice - or possibly purchase the practice! /p>p>Our corporation is broken down into two separate entities that work together for the good of the customer. /p>p>li>Office #1 - Optometry, Contact Lenses and Medical Optometry are performed at this>Office #2 - Eyeglasses are ordered, manufactured and dispensed from this>These two offices are adjacent to one another for convenience. /p>p>b>About the Noth Babylon Area/b>/p>p>Located in Suffolk County on the south shore of Long Island, Babylon is an incredible area which includes Belmont Lake State Park for walking, cycling, picnicking and boating. It also features a wide array of strip malls, shopping centers, restaurants, recreational activities, homes and schools. Come live, work and enjoy the life of Babylon and Long Island! /p>p>b>Compensation and Beneifts/b>/p>p>li>Salary up to $125,>Generate $375k+ of profit as the practice owner. li>Opportunity to purchase the practice!/p>p>a classbuttonapply Sunset City Eye, North Babylon NY>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC136/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- BRIGHT EYES OPTOMETRY, NEW ROCHELLE NY -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Receptionist/div>a href#jobVC135>Optical Receptionist, $35k Salary, Bright Eyes Optometry/a>/td>td>New Rochelle, NYdiv styledisplay:none;>New York/div>/td>td>div classclient>Bright Eyes Optometry/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC135>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>Bright Eyes Optometry/b> is currently hiring an Optical Receptionist to join our exciting, ever-growing optometry practice in New Rochelle, New York. /p>p>We are looking for a well-spoken, well-mannered, enthusiastic, and customer oriented front desk receptionist at our Optometrist Office. Scheduled hours are 9am to 5pm Tuesday through Friday and 9am to 3pm Saturday. /p>p>b>Receptionist Responsibilities/b>/p>p>li>Answering>Scheduling>Check patients in and>Collecting>Verifying insurance and prior>Must be flexible with day to day duties. /p>p>b>Receptionist Compensation/b>/p>p>li>Salary up to $35,000 depending upon experience/p>p>a classbuttonapply Bright Eyes Optometry, New Rochelle NY>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC135/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- NOT SURE, TEXARKANA TX -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobVC134>Optometrist (OD), $110k Salary + Bonus, No Weekends!!!/a>/td>td>Texarkana, TXdiv styledisplay:none;>Texas/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC134>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>WANTED - OPTOMETRIST/b>/p>p>We are a fast growing vision group looking to hire an associate optometrist for our Texarkana, Texas and/or surrounding area locations. /p>p>We are a full scope primary care office that takes price in customer service and satisfaction. Ideally, the hired Optometrist (OD) would be able to practice in both our locations (which are very close together). We are open Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm. /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b>/p>p>li>Salary of $110,000li>Bonus Plansli>Company Health Insuranceli>Simple IRA offered/p>p>a classbuttonapply Optometrist, Texarkana TX>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC134/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- NORTHERN OPTICS, WATERTOWN NY -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobVC133>Optometrist, FT or PT, $150k Comp, Northern Optics/a>/td>td>Watertown, NYdiv styledisplay:none;>New York/div>/td>td>div classclient>Northern Optics/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC133>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>Northern Optics/b> in the Thousand Islands area (just 30 minutes from Watertown, New York) is looking to hire an optometrist. Thanks to our fabulous staff, state of the art equipment, designer eyewear and compassionate service, we have grown very quickly. We are searching for a motivated, talented OD to join our growing practice! Youll use your clinical and interpersonal skills to provide high-quality vision care to our patients. /p>p>b>Optometrist Responsibilities/b>/p>p>li>Perform comprehensive eye examsli>Diagnose and assist in the treatment of ocular diseaseli>Prescribe corrective lensesli>Promote healthy vision by counseling and educating patientsli>Maintain detailed patient records regarding diagnosis, treatment plans, and progressli>Handle eyecare emergenciesli>Manage vision therapy cases as your experience and interest in this field dictate /p>p>b>Optometrist Requirements/b>/p>p>li>Doctor of Optometry (O.D.) degreeli>Valid New York state license to practice optometryli>Ability to communicate with a wide range of patient personalitiesli>Customer-service orientation with excellent interpersonal skills /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b>/p>p>li>Full Time - $150,000li>Part Time - $600 per day, number of days is flexibleli>Production bonus/p>p>a classbuttonapply Northern Optics, Watertown NY>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC133/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- VALLEY VISION CLINIC, HALLOCK MN -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobVC132>OD Optometrist Wanted, Valley Vision Clinic, Comp of $170k/a>/td>td>Hallock, MNdiv styledisplay:none;>Minnesota/div>/td>td>div classclient>Valley VC/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC132>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>Valley Vision Clinic (VVC)/b> is currently hiring a primary care staff optometrist for our Hallock, MN optometry office. br>The clinic is a modern facility with state of the art instrumentation. /p>p>Hallock, MN is the seat of Kittson county in northwestern Minnesota, about 71 miles from VVC’s home>For more information about the area, please visit /p>p>b>Optometrist Compensation and Benefits/b>/p>p>li>Annual salary of $120,000 to $170,000 (depending upon experience)li>Group Health Planli>401(k) retirement planli>Paid licensing and professional association fees for Minnesota and North Dakotali>Ten (10) days of vacation and/or personal leave, and four (4) days of CME>Equity position is an option that can be discussed./p>p>a classbuttonapply Valley Vision, Hallock MN>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC132/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- OPTOMETRIC OPPTORTUNITIES, EUREKA SPRINGS, AR -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobVC131>Optometrist (OD), Optometric Opportunities, Eureka Springs, AR/a>/td>td>Eureka Springs, ARdiv styledisplay:none;>Arkansas/div>/td>td>div classclient>Optometric Opportunities/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobVC131>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>Optometric Opportunities/b> in the Eureka Springs, Arkansas area is currently hiring an optometrist to join our Eyecare Clinic. /p>p>This is a great opportunity to live and work in one of the most unique resort communities in the country. Working 240 work days per year, just Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm, youll have the time to enjoy all the community has to offer! /p>p>b>Optometrist Responsibilities/b>p>p>li>OD should be fully versed in ocular medical management and promotion of premium products and>Will be practicing in a high revenue>Work schedule is Monday - Friday, 8am to 5pm. /p>p>b>Optometrist Requirements/b>p>p>li>Doctor of Optometry (O.D.) degreeli>Valid Arkansas state license to practice optometryli>Ability to communicate with a wide range of patient personalitiesli>Customer-service orientation with excellent interpersonal skills /p>p>b>Compensation and Beneifts/b>p>p>li>Competitive Base Pay + Incentive Plan for Income Growthli>Monthly fringe benefit to cover health insurance & other expensesli>401k Retirement Plan/p>p>a classbuttonapply Optometric Opportunities, Eureka Springs AR>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>a classbuttonjob>jobVC131/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- STANDARD OPTICAL, TOOELE UT -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobO130>Optometrist, Salary up to $140k, Standard Optical, Utah/a>/td>td>Tooele, UTdiv styledisplay:none;>Utah, Provo, Ogden, Lehi/div>/td>td>div classclient>Standard Optical/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobO130>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>Standard Optical/b> is looking to hire an Optometrist to join our organization, with many locations available in Utah including Tooele, Provo, Ogden and Lehi. /p>p>Founded in 1911 by Henry Schubach in downtown Salt Lake City, Standard Optical now has 18 Utah vision centers. Each Standard Optical vision center provides the highest quality eye care to include examinations for glasses, contact lenses, and LASIK, as well as treatment of medical eye conditions such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and cataracts. Standard Optical also provides first-rate quality frames, ophthalmic lenses, contact lenses and sunglasses. Every order that is placed with Standard Optical passes the most stringent ANSI standards to ensure accuracy and superior aesthetic quality. /p>p>Our retail product mix from the industry’s best factories include designer lines like BCBG, COACH and Calvin Klein to brands with a reputation for consumer quality like Stetson, Coleman and Sophia Loren. /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b>/p>p>li>Salary range of $120,000 - $140,>Comprehensive benefits package (medical, dental, vision)./p>p>a classbuttonapply Standard Optical, Tooele UT>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- NOT SURE, BUFFALO NY -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobO129>Optometrist, Flexible Schedule, $180k Comp, Established Practice!/a>/td>td>Buffalo, NYdiv styledisplay:none;>New York/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobO129>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>WANTED - OPTOMETRIST/b>/p>p>We have an excellent opportunity for a highly motivated optometrist! /p>p>We are a fast growing and established eye care company who is seeking either a full-time or part-time optometrist to provide excellent vision care services to our growing clientele. /p>p>b>About the Optometrist Position/b>/p>p>li>Flexible scheduling, Choose to work anywhere from 1 to 5 days a>Most days are approximately 5 hours of>Clientele locations are at various nursing homes and facilities in a geographic area. /p>p>b>Compensation and Beneifts/b>/p>p>li>Compensation ranges from $130k to $180kli>Earnings of $500-$700 per day with as little as 5 hours of>Choose your own work days and hours./p>p>a classbuttonapply Optometrist, Buffalo NY>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- MYEYEDR, MARTINSBURG, WV -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobO128>Optometrist, $170,000 Salary plus Bonus!/a>/td>td>Martinsburg, WVdiv styledisplay:none;>West Virginia, Charlestown, Charles Town/div>/td>td>div classclient>MyEyeDr/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobO128>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>OPTOMETRIST WANTED, $170k COMPENSATION!/b>/p>p>b>MyEyeDr/b> is looking to hire an Optometrist for the Martinsburg and Charles Town, WV location. Details about the job include: /p>p>li>Exceptional primary and secondary care officeli>All equipment to practice full scope medical optometry providedli>Wonderful team of doctors and staff /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b>/p>p>li>Salary up to $170,000 depending on>Production Bonus>Medical and dental>401k retirement>Paid time off (PTO).li>Continuing education (CE) and more./p>p>a classbuttonapply MyEyeDr, Martinsburg WV>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- NOT SURE, TOMAHAWK WI -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobO127>Optometrist, $100k Salary, Generous Bonus Plan, Tomahawk WI/a>/td>td>Tomahawk, WIdiv styledisplay:none;>Wisconsin/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobO127>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>OPTOMETRIST WANTED/b>/p>p>We are searching for an Optometrist to join our rapidly growing practice in Tomahawk, Wisconsin. Everything is performed in house: our staff handles all scheduling, equipment, and insurance billing. We have an in-house lab for quick service on most prescriptions. Our Optician has 25+ years of experience in retail sales, lens manufacturing, contact lens dispensing and training, diagnostic testing, vision screenings and a former COA. /p>p>We offer very flexible work schedules and are open Monday through Friday. /p>p>b>Optometrist Job Details/b>/p>p>li>Perform comprehensive eye examsli>Diagnose and assist in the treatment of ocular diseaseli>Prescribe corrective lensesli>Build strong doctor-patient relationshipsli>Handle eyecare emergenciesli>Work with LASIK co-managementli>Familiar with coding and billing criteriali>Experience with low vision treatment, pediatrics, and dry eye care is a plus! /p>p>b>Compensation/b>/p>p>li>Salary of $100,>Generous Bonus Plan./p>p>a classbuttonapply Optometrist, Tomahawk WI>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- NOT SURE, TOMAHAWK WI -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobO126>OD - Optometrist, $150k+ Salary, Annual Bonus, Flexible Schedule/a>/td>td>Monroe, NYdiv styledisplay:none;>New York/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobO126>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>OPTOMETRIST OPPORTUNTY! FAMILY RUN PRACTICE!/b>/p>p>We have a great Optometry at a family run private practice in Monroe, New York established in 1984. We have grown steadily through the years as a result of our dedication to our profession and to our customers. /p>p>b>About the Optometrist Position/b>/p>p>li>We are seeking a Doctor of Optometry to become an associates of our practice working 2-3 days a>We are offering flexible schedules and GREAT compensation as well as a newly renovated, state of the art practice to provide your patients the best in medical eye>As an Optometrist in our private practice you will evaluate, screen, diagnose and treat for ocular diseases, perform primary vision care, including prescribing for eyeglasses, and fitting for contact lenses. You will be assisted by qualified Optometric technicians who will do all pretesting, assist in patient history, teach I & R and be by your side for anything you may>Open to New Grads! /p>p>b>Compensation/b>/p>p>li>Salary of $600 per day (Wednesday through Saturday)li>Option to work 1099 or W2li>Retention bonus of $5,000 annually/p>p>a classbuttonapply Optometrist, Monroe NY>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- ADVANCED EYE CARE, SAN ANGELO TX -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobO125>Optometrist (OD) Opportunity, $120k Salary, Advanced Eye Care, TX/a>/td>td>San Angelo, TXdiv styledisplay:none;>Texas/div>/td>td>div classclient>Advanced Eye Care/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobO125>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>Optometrist Wanted - San Angelo TX/b>/p>p>We are searching for an Optometrist to see patients for comprehensive examinations, treatment of eye disease to include glaucoma, provide emergency eye care, and fit contact lenses to include soft to scleral RGPs. The hired Optometrist will work in our primary as well as satellite locations. Must have a valid Texas license and be glaucoma and oral certified. /p>p>The primary office is located in San Angelo, TX and the satellite location is located in Brady, TX. New doctor will be required to work one day per week in the Brady location and 4 days per week in the San Angelo location. Both locations are very advanced medical eye practices with: OCT, Optos, VFs, full digital refraction systems in every exam room, paperless EHR, topography, NCT, autorefraction/autolensometry, specular microscopy, electro-physiologic testing /p>p>b>About the San Angelo Area/b>p>p>San Angelo is a city of approximately 100,000 and serves a population of approximately 130,000. It has a regional airport with service from American Airlines to Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport (flight time is only 40 min). It is approximately 3 hours west of Ft. Worth, Austin, and San Antonio. Brady is 2 hours west of these cities and serves a population of approximately 12,000 people. /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b>p>p>li>Salary starting at $120,000li>PTO of 2 weeksli>Licenses and CE fees paid>Great medical benefits and 401K with match/p>p>a classbuttonapply Advanced Eye Care, San Angelo TX>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- NOT SURE, GRAHAM TX -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optician/div>a href#jobO124>Optician, Salary up to $52,000/a>/td>td>Graham, TXdiv styledisplay:none;>Texas/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobO124>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>Optician, Salary up to $52,000, Graham Texas/b>/p>p>We have a position available for an energetic optician that enjoys frame styling and frame adjusting. Other requirements include:/p> p>li>Frame styling and>Lab finishing is a plus, but not>Family oriented, Private>Flexible hours, open to both Part-Time or>Must have experience selling eyewear. /p>p>b>Compensaiton/b>/p>p>li>Salary up to $52,000. li>Up to $25/hr depending upon experience)./p>p>a classbuttonapply Optician, Graham TX>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- NOT SURE, LAS VEGAS NV -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobO123>Optometrist, $120k+ Salary, Partnership Opportunity!/a>/td>td>Las Vegas, NVdiv styledisplay:none;>Nevada/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobO123>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>WANTED - OPTOMETRIST / OD/b>/p>p>Our well established Optometry practice is currently hiring an Optometrist to join our practice in Las Vegas Nevada. /p>p>This is a high producing, progressive, group, private practice.This is a well established, multi location, busy practice, featuring great support of office managers and well trained staff. The locations are very contemporary and unique in design. The locations use state of the art equipment, including Optomap retinal imaging. The patient base, atmosphere and opticals are high end and exclusive. The emphasis is on complete patient treatment, including disease management and vast contact lens fitting. /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b>/p>p>li>Base salary of $120K+li>Health insuranceli>PTO of 1 weeks payed vacationli>Continuing Education (CE) reimbursementli>Mal practice cost reimbursementli>License renewal cost reimbursementli>Possible partnership opportunity/p>p>a classbuttonapply Optometrist, Las Vegas NV>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- NOT SURE, LAS VEGAS NV -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobO122>Optometrist (OD), $150k Compensation, Relocation, NC/a>/td>td>Fayetteville, NCdiv styledisplay:none;>North Carolina/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobO122>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>WANTED - OPTOMETRIST / OD/b>/p>p>Our leading Eye Care Medical Practice is looking to hire an Optometrist to join our growing practice in Fayetteville, North Carolina./p>p>Excellent work environment with advanced testing equipment; trained staff; opportunity to see both routine and medical patients while expanding your personal and professional skill sets;Robust clinic schedule with a typical per day patient range of 25-40;Office hours are typically 8am – 5pm but some days a Doctor’s clinic may run longer depending on typical logistical issues that can arise with customer service / healthcare needs of the patients that day; we are open on a regular five (5) day (M-F) workweek basis; /p>p>b>Optometrist Requirements/b>/p>p>li>An Optometrist who has a focus and passion for patient-centered care; is collegial and a team player; a self-starter with a high-performance work ethic; and someone who is seeking a long-term professional relationship; is comfortable with contact lens or glasses patients;li>An entrepreneurial mind-set toward growing skills and services; confidence and willingness to learn; flexibility and open-mindedness to help the practice grow and remain competitive in the dynamic eyecare>North Carolina OD License /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b>/p>p>li>Annual Compensation from $110,000 to $150,000li>Salary plus Production bonusli>Excellent Medical/Dental benefitsli>All license/credentialing fees, professional liability/insurance premiums paidli>401k and Pension Planli>Relocation reimbursement of $5,000li>15 PTO days and 5 PTO days for CME plus $1200 for CME/p>p>a classbuttonapply Optometrist, Fayetteville NC>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- NOT SURE, BINGHAMTON NY -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobO121>Optometrist, Flexible Schedule, $180k Comp, Established Practice/a>/td>td>Binghamton, NYdiv styledisplay:none;>New York, Cortland, Ithaca/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobO121>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>WANTED - OPTOMETRIST / OD/b>/p>p>We have an excellent opportunity for a highly motivated optometrist looking for the opportunity to build a rewarding career in a job he/she is passionate about. /p>p>We are a fast growing and established eye care company who is seeking either a full-time or part-time optometrist to provide excellent vision care services to our growing clientele. /p>p>This position covers the Binghamton, Ithaca and Cortland areas. /p>p>b>About the Optometrist Position:/b>/p>p>li>Flexible scheduling, Choose to work anywhere from 1 to 5 days a>Most days are approximately 5 hours of>Clientele locations are at various nursing homes and facilities in a geographic area. /p>p> /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits:/b>/p>p>li>Compensation ranges from $130k to $180kli>Earnings of $500-$700 per day with as little as 5 hours of>Choose your own work days and hours./p>p>a classbuttonapply Optometrist, Binghamton NY>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>/p>/div>/div> !---------------------------- NOT SURE, VICTORIA TX -----------------------------> tr bgcolor#ffffff>td>div classspecialty>Optometry, Optometrist/div>a href#jobO120>Optometrist Opportunity, Salary of $100k plus Revenue Sharing!/a>/td>td>Victoria, TXdiv styledisplay:none;>Texas/div>/td>td>div classclient>NOT SURE/div>/td>/tr>div classpopup idjobO120>a classpopup__overlay href#>/a>div classpopup__wrapper>a classpopup__close href#>X/a> p>b>Great Optometrist Opportunity/b>/p>p>We are searching for an Optometrist to join our practice in Victoria Texas. /p>p>b>Optometrist Job Details/b>/p>p>li>Schedule of Monday through Friday, 3 days at main clinic, 2 at satelliteli>The post-op visits for MD surgeries are performed by>ODs take weekly call duty – rotated between the full time ODs /p>p>b>Compensation and Benefits/b>/p>p>li>Salary of $100,000li>Revenue Sharing which increases with time of serviceli>Relocation Assistance ($2,500)li>License and CE allowance ($2,500 per year)li>Malpractice insurance provided and covered in full/p>p>a classbuttonapply Optometrist, Victoria TX>Apply Now/a> or a classbuttoncall stylecolor:#ffffff>800.637.4124/a>/p>/div>/div> /table> script>function myFunction() { var input, filter, table, tr, td, i, txtValue; 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