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She enthusiastically inspires people in a wide variety of occupations to reach their full potential. Participants walk away from Paulas sessions with effective how-to techniques and the desire to put them into action./font>/p> p>font color#aaaaaa>a hrefprofile.htm>Read more about Paula.../a>/font>/p>/td> td width5> /td> td width236 valigntop> div alignleft>img srcPaulaClarke1.jpg altPaula Clarke - Potentialist width235 height335>/div>/td> td width5> /td> td width236 alignleft valigntop> p>font color#aaaaaa size3>strong>TESTIMONIALSbr> img srcdots.gif width238 height5>/strong>/font>/p> p>font color#aaaaaa size2>Paula has worked with a wide variety of clients and the feedback ratings from clients are consistently rated at ‘excellent’ by 88% of participants.../font>/p> p> script typetext/javascript>var iframesrcexternal_testimonials.htm//You can change most attributes of iframe tag below, such as width and height:document.write(iframe iddatamain src+iframesrc+ width235px height208px marginwidth0 marginheight0 hspace0 vspace0 frameborder0 scrollingno>/iframe>)/script> /p>/td> /tr> tr bgcolor#00a7b8> td height4 colspan5>img srcbar.gif altPaula Clarke | If you change the way you think you can change the way you live width725 height4>/td> /tr> tr> td colspan5> div aligncenter> h1>font color#aaaaaa size1>Paula Clarke - Potentialist, Motivational Speaker, Management Coach, Communications Consultant, Master NLP Practicioner, Ireland/font>font color#aaaaaa>br> font color#aaaaaa>font size2>-/font>/font>font size2>a hrefindex.htm>br> Home/a> | a hrefprofile.htm>Paulas Profile/a> | a hreftestimonials.htm>Testimonials/a> | a hrefboard.htm>Notice Board/a> | a hreflinks.htm>Links/a> | a hrefcontact.htm>Contact Paula/a>/font>/font>/h1> h1>font color#aaaaaa>font size2>All Content Copyright © 2018 Paula Clarke. All rights reserved. Website Design by a href target_blank>>/font>/font>/h1> p> /p> /div>/td> /tr> tr> td height53 colspan5> div aligncenter>font color#aaaaaa>strong> script typetext/javascript>/************************************************ Fading Scroller- ? Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use* Visit Dynamic Drive at for full source code***********************************************/var delay 10000; //set delay between message change (in miliseconds)var maxsteps30; // number of steps to take to change from start color to endcolorvar stepdelay50; // time in miliseconds of a single step//**Note: maxsteps*stepdelay will be total time in miliseconds of fading effectvar startcolor new Array(255,255,255); // start color (red, green, blue)var endcolornew Array(170,170,170); // end color (red, green, blue)var fcontentnew Array();begintagdiv stylefont: italic 14px Arial; padding: 0px;>; //set opening tag, such as font declarationsfcontent0Remember you are only one choice away from changing your life. b>br>Paula Clarke/a>;fcontent1If you think you can do a thing or think you cant do a thing, youre right. b>br>Henry Ford/a>;fcontent2Its not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves. b>br>Sir Edmund Hillary/a>;fcontent3Dont let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. b>br>John Wooden/a>;fcontent4Dont find fault, find a remedy; anybody can complain
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