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Clean Design. Let’s Start an Awesome Project. /h4>--> !-- div classms-layer styleleft: 612px; top: 550px; data-typetext data-delay2500 data-easeeaseOutExpo data-duration900 data-effectscale(1.5,1.6) > a hrefcontact.php classsbutton1>Get Started Now!/a> /div> --> /div> !-- end of slide --> !-- slide --> div classms-slide slide-2 data-delay8> !-- slide background --> img srcjs/masterslider/blank.gif data-srcimages/sliders/master/6.jpg alt/> !-- h4 classms-layer stext5 styleleft: 130px; top: 470px; data-typetext data-duration900 data-delay1500 data-easeeaseOutExpo data-effectbottom(40) > Creative. Clean Design. Let’s Start an Awesome Project. /h4> div classms-layer styleleft: 130px; top: 550px; data-typetext data-delay2500 data-easeeaseOutExpo data-duration900 data-effectscale(1.5,1.6) > a href# classsbutton1>Get Started Now!/a> /div>--> /div> !-- end of slide --> !-- slide --> div classms-slide slide-3 data-delay8> !-- slide background --> img srcjs/masterslider/blank.gif data-srcimages/sliders/master/7.jpg alt/> !-- h4 classms-layer stext2 styletop: 470px; data-typetext data-duration900 data-delay1500 data-easeeaseOutExpo data-effectbottom(40) > Creative. Clean Design. Let’s Start an Awesome Project. /h4> div classms-layer styleleft: 612px; top: 550px; data-typetext data-delay2500 data-easeeaseOutExpo data-duration900 data-effectscale(1.5,1.6) > a href# classsbutton1>Get Started Now!/a> /div>--> /div> !-- end of slide --> !-- slide --> div classms-slide slide-2 data-delay8> !-- slide background --> img srcjs/masterslider/blank.gif data-srcimages/sliders/master/8.jpg alt/> !-- h4 classms-layer stext5 styleleft: 130px; top: 470px; data-typetext data-duration900 data-delay1500 data-easeeaseOutExpo data-effectbottom(40) > Creative. Clean Design. Let’s Start an Awesome Project. /h4> div classms-layer styleleft: 130px; top: 550px; data-typetext data-delay2500 data-easeeaseOutExpo data-duration900 data-effectscale(1.5,1.6) > a href# classsbutton1>Get Started Now!/a> /div>--> /div> !-- end of slide --> h2 classms-layer stext1 styleposition: absolute; color:white !important;z-index:1000;width:80%;margin:0%10%; > Welcome tobr /> strong stylecolor:#7ab700!important;>PASWARA IMPEX/strong> /h2> /div>/div>!-- end slider -->div classclearfix>/div>div classfusection1>div classcontainer>h2 stylecolor:#7ab700 !important;font-family: tohema !important;font-size: 38px !important;> About Ush2>p>PASWARA IMPEX is engaged in the manufacturing and supply of Engineering Goods, Machinery Parts, Electrical Motors, Fabrication of Machinery Parts, Pressure Vessels, Heat Exchangers, Tanks, Reactors and Special Type Components. We undertake manufacturing and fabrication of Stainless Steel Vessels, Machined Castings of Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Metals. Forged Components for various Applications. Turned Components for various Applications. We are a well managed Team of Engineers engaged in the field of Engineering for the last 30 Years./p> !-- div classone_fourth animate data-anim-typefadeIn data-anim-delay200> div classicon>img srcimages/icon-1.png alt />/div> h4>Diffrent Websites/h4> p>Default model search lorem ipsum many web sites in their infan./p> br /> a href#>Read More/a> /div>!-- end section --> !-- div classone_fourth animate data-anim-typefadeIn data-anim-delay400> div classicon>img srcimages/icon-2.png alt />/div> h4>Awesome Sliders/h4> p>Default model search lorem ipsum many web sites in their infan./p> br /> a href#>Read More/a> /div>!-- end section --> !-- div classone_fourth animate data-anim-typefadeIn data-anim-delay600> div classicon>img srcimages/icon-3.png alt />/div> h4>Amazing Package/h4> p>Default model search lorem ipsum many web sites in their infan./p> br /> a href#>Read More/a> /div>!-- end section --> !-- div classone_fourth last animate data-anim-typefadeIn data-anim-delay800> div classicon>img srcimages/icon-4.png alt />/div> h4>Use for Any Website/h4> p>Default model search lorem ipsum many web sites in their infan./p> br /> a href#>Read More/a> /div>!-- end section --> /div>/div>!-- end fusection1 -->div classclearfix>/div>!--div classfeatures_sec20>div classcontainer_full> h2 classuntext>Latest strong>Projects/strong>/h2> div idfilters-container classcbp-l-filters-alignCenter> button data-filter* classcbp-filter-item-active cbp-filter-item>All/button> button data-filter.identity classcbp-filter-item>Identity/button> button data-filter.web-design classcbp-filter-item>Web Design/button> button data-filter.graphic classcbp-filter-item>Graphic/button> button data-filter.logo classcbp-filter-item>Photography/button> /div> div idgrid-container classcbp-l-grid-fullScreen> ul> li classcbp-item graphic> div classcbp-caption> div classcbp-caption-defaultWrap> img srcimages/media/portfolio-img10.jpg alt /> /div> div classcbp-caption-activeWrap> div 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classcbp-l-caption-buttonLeft>more info/a> a hrefimages/media/portfolio-img11.jpg classcbp-lightbox cbp-l-caption-buttonRight data-titleFrom Sectionsbr>by GSRthemes9>view larger/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classcbp-item identity web-design> div classcbp-caption> div classcbp-caption-defaultWrap> img srcimages/media/portfolio-img4.jpg alt /> /div> div classcbp-caption-activeWrap> div classcbp-l-caption-alignCenter> div classcbp-l-caption-body> a hrefportfolio-one.html classcbp-l-caption-buttonLeft>more info/a> a hrefimages/media/portfolio-img4.jpg classcbp-lightbox cbp-l-caption-buttonRight data-titleThe Industrybr>by GSRthemes9>view larger/a> /div> /div> /div> /div> /li> li classcbp-item graphic logo> div classcbp-caption> div classcbp-caption-defaultWrap> img srcimages/media/portfolio-img5.jpg alt /> /div> div classcbp-caption-activeWrap> div classcbp-l-caption-alignCenter> div classcbp-l-caption-body> a hrefportfolio-one.html classcbp-l-caption-buttonLeft>more info/a> a 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Website!/strong>/h1> p classwhite>Typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum uncover many web sites./p> br />br /> a href# classreadmore_but10>Get Started/a> a href# classreadmore_but10>Purchase Now!/a> /div> div classone_half last>img srcimages/desktop.png alt classimg_left />/div> /li>!-- end section --> !-- li> div classone_half> br /> h1 classwhitecaps>Join The hoxa. br /> strong>Fullwidth & Boxed/strong>/h1> p classwhite>Typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum uncover many web sites./p> br />br /> a href# classreadmore_but10>Get Started/a> a href# classreadmore_but10>Purchase Now!/a> /div> div classone_half last>img srcimages/desktop-2.png alt classimg_left />/div> /li>!-- end section --> !-- li> div classone_half> br /> h1 classwhitecaps>Join The hoxa. br /> strong>Unlimited Colors/strong>/h1> p classwhite>Typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum uncover many web sites./p> br />br /> a href# classreadmore_but10>Get Started/a> a href# classreadmore_but10>Purchase Now!/a> /div> div classone_half last>img srcimages/desktop-3.png alt classimg_left />/div> /li>!-- end section --> !-- /ul> /div> /section>/div>/div>!-- end features section 30 -->div classclearfix>/div>!--div classfusection2>div classcontainer> h2 classuntext>Who strong>we are/strong>/h2> div classone_half> h3 classcolored>About Company/h3> p>Will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy evolved over the years sometimes on purpose./p> br /> div classone_half animate data-anim-typefadeInUp> ul classlist_1> li>i classfa fa-check-circle fa-lg>/i> Want to Improve Business/li> li>i classfa fa-check-circle fa-lg>/i> Start a Business Thinking/li> li>i classfa fa-check-circle fa-lg>/i> Succcess your Business/li> li>i classfa fa-check-circle fa-lg>/i> Succcess your Business/li> /ul> /div> div classone_half last animate data-anim-typefadeInUp> ul classlist_1> li>i classfa fa-check-circle fa-lg>/i> Want to Improve Business/li> li>i classfa fa-check-circle fa-lg>/i> Start a Business Thinking/li> li>i classfa fa-check-circle fa-lg>/i> Succcess your Business/li> li>i classfa fa-check-circle fa-lg>/i> Succcess your Business/li> /ul> /div> /div> div classone_half last> h3 classcolored>Meet Our Team/h3> div classhteam animate data-anim-typefadeInUp> img srcimages/team1.jpg alt /> h5>Aiden Savannah i>- CEO/i>/h5> p>Many desktop publishin packages and web page editors sites still in versions have evolved over the years./p> ul classfooter_social_links five> li>a href#>i classfa fa-facebook>/i>/a>/li> li>a href#>i classfa fa-twitter>/i>/a>/li> li>a href#>i classfa fa-google-plus>/i>/a>/li> li>a href#>i classfa fa-skype>/i>/a>/li> li>a href#>i classfa fa-flickr>/i>/a>/li> /ul> /div>!-- end section --> !-- div classhteam animate data-anim-typefadeInUp> img srcimages/team2.jpg alt /> h5>Kevin Cameron i>- Manager/i>/h5> p>Many desktop publishin packages and web page editors sites still in versions have evolved over the years./p> ul classfooter_social_links five> li>a href#>i classfa fa-facebook>/i>/a>/li> li>a href#>i classfa fa-twitter>/i>/a>/li> li>a href#>i classfa fa-google-plus>/i>/a>/li> li>a href#>i classfa fa-skype>/i>/a>/li> li>a href#>i classfa fa-flickr>/i>/a>/li> /ul> /div>!-- end section --> !--/div> /div>/div>!-- end features section 2 -->div classclearfix>/div>!--div classfusection3>div classcontainer> h1 classanimate data-anim-typezoomIn>strong>love Awesome/strong> Unique designs? br /> so strong>join us./strong>/h1> /div>/div>!-- end features section 3 -->div classclearfix>/div>!--div classfusection4>div classcontainer> h2 classuntext>People says / strong>clients/strong>/h2> br /> div classone_half animate data-anim-typefadeIn data-anim-delay100> section classslider nosidearrows> div classflexslider carousel> ul classslides> li> div classpeoplesays> img srcimages/people-img7.jpg alt /> p>i classfa fa-quote-left fa-2x>/i> Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years. Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet to repeat predefined chunks as necessary. versions have evolved over the years. Lorem Ipsum, you need./p> br /> strong>- Connor Mackenzie i> Company Name/i>/strong> /div> /li>!-- end section --> !-- li> div classpeoplesays> img srcimages/people-img8.jpg alt /> p>i classfa fa-quote-left fa-2x>/i> Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years. Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet to repeat predefined chunks as necessary. versions have evolved over the years. Lorem Ipsum, you need./p> br /> strong>- Keon Keyshawn i> Company Name/i>/strong> /div> /li>!-- end section --> !-- li> div classpeoplesays> img srcimages/people-img9.jpg alt /> p>i classfa fa-quote-left fa-2x>/i> Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years. Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet to repeat predefined chunks as necessary. versions have evolved over the years. Lorem Ipsum, you need./p> br /> strong>- Chloe Martha i> Company Name/i>/strong> /div> /li>!-- end section --> !-- /ul> /div> /section> /div> div classone_half last animate data-anim-typefadeIn data-anim-delay200> ul classclients_home> li>img srcimages/client-logo1.png alt />/li> li>img srcimages/client-logo2.png alt />/li> li>img srcimages/client-logo3.png alt />/li> li>img srcimages/client-logo4.png alt />/li> li>img srcimages/client-logo5.png alt />/li> li>img srcimages/client-logo6.png alt />/li> li>img srcimages/client-logo7.png alt />/li> li>img srcimages/client-logo8.png alt />/li> li>img srcimages/client-logo9.png alt />/li> /ul> /div>/div>/div>!-- end features section 4 -->div classclearfix>/div>!--div classfusection5>div classcontainer> h2 classuntext>Why Choose strong>Us?/strong>/h2> br /> div classone_third animate data-anim-typefadeInUp data-anim-delay200> img srcimages/site-img66.jpg alt /> br />br /> h4>Well Structured Pages/h4> p>All lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet repeat predefined chunks as necessary./p> br />br /> a href#>Read More/a> /div> div classone_third animate data-anim-typefadeInUp data-anim-delay350> img srcimages/site-img67.jpg alt /> br />br /> h4>Diffrent Websites/h4> p>All lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet repeat predefined chunks as necessary./p> br />br /> a href#>Read More/a> /div> div classone_third last animate data-anim-typefadeInUp data-anim-delay500> img srcimages/site-img68.jpg alt /> br />br /> h4>Cross Browser Support/h4> p>All lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet repeat predefined chunks as necessary./p> br />br /> a href#>Read More/a> /div>/div>/div>!-- end features section 5 -->div classclearfix>/div>div classfusection6>div classcontainer> h2 classuntext>Our strong>Featured Products/strong>/h2> ul classtt-wrapper> li classanimate data-anim-typezoomIn data-anim-delay200>a hrefBall _Valve.php> img srcimages/p1.jpg alt styleheight:80px !important; weight:80px !important; /> h6>CI - Ball Valve/h6> span>key features : Comples BS 5159,Sizes 15mm to 200mm,Matl Cast Iron - IS 210 Gr. FG 220,Trim AISI 304 / 316,Type Full Bore/span>/a>/li> li classanimate data-anim-typezoomIn data-anim-delay300>a hrefTurned_Parts.php> img srcimages/p2.jpg altstyleheight:80px !important; weight:80px !important; /> h6>Turnes Components/h6> span>Precision Turned Parts on CNC Turning Machines,Machined Parts on CNC Milling Machines./span>/a>/li> li classanimate data-anim-typezoomIn data-anim-delay400>a hrefStainles_Steel_Fasteners.php> img srcimages/p3.jpg alt styleheight:80px !important; weight:80px !important; /> h6>Stainless Steel Fasteners/h6> span>Stainless Steel Fasteners We are manufacturer of all types of fasteners in stainless steel, Alloy steel, etc… as per customer requirements./span>/a>/li> li classanimate data-anim-typezoomIn data-anim-delay500>a hrefImpellers.php> img srcimages/p4.jpg alt styleheight:80px !important; weight:80px !important; /> h6>Plastic Impeller/h6> span>Key Specifications/Special Features: Plastic impeller Plastic products from injection mold OEM and ODM orders are welcome Materials from PVC, ABS, HIPS, PE, PC, PP, PPR./span>/a>/li> li classanimate data-anim-typezoomIn data-anim-delay600>a hrefPumps.php> img srcimages/p5.jpg alt styleheight:80px !important; weight:80px !important;/> h6> Pumps/h6> span>Highly Compact in design and so simple at the same time. Most reliable and efficient performer./span>/a>/li> li classanimate data-anim-typezoomIn data-anim-delay700>a hrefConical_Fillings.php> img srcimages/p6.jpg alt styleheight:80px !important; weight:80px !important;/> h6>Conical Fillings/h6> span>The conical fillings are manufactured by welding cold re-rolled 301 stainless steel bars to carbon steel cones./span>/a>/li> /ul> /div>/div>!-- end features section 6 -->div classclearfix>/div>!--div classfusection7>div classcontainer> h2 classwhitecaps>Latest News / strong>Blogs/strong>/h2> br /> div classone animate data-anim-typefadeInUp data-anim-delay200> a href#> img srcimages/site-img69.jpg alt classimg_left /> p>Many desktop lora publish packages webpage editors have ormal a distribution letters evolved years. strong>- June 09, 2014/strong>/p> /a> /div>!-- end section --> !-- div classtwo animate data-anim-typefadeInUp data-anim-delay250> a href#> img srcimages/site-img70.jpg alt classimg_left /> p>Many desktop lora publish packages webpage editors have ormal a distribution letters evolved years orem Ipsum which looks reasonable. strong>- June 08, 2014/strong>/p> /a> /div>!-- end section --> !-- div classthree lessmar animate data-anim-typefadeInUp data-anim-delay300> a href#> img srcimages/site-img71.jpg alt classimg_left /> p>Many desktop lora publish packages webpage editors have ormal letters. strong>- June 07, 2014/strong>/p> /a> /div>!-- end section --> !-- div classthree animate data-anim-typefadeInUp data-anim-delay350> a href#> img srcimages/site-img72.jpg alt classimg_left /> p>Many desktop lora publish packages webpage editors have ormal letters. strong>- June 06, 2014/strong>/p> /a> /div>!-- end section --> !-- div classthree animate data-anim-typefadeInUp data-anim-delay400> a href#> img srcimages/site-img73.jpg alt classimg_left /> p>Many desktop lora publish packages webpage editors have ormal letters. strong>- June 05, 2014/strong>/p> /a> /div>!-- end section --> !-- div classfour animate data-anim-typefadeInUp data-anim-delay450> a href#> img srcimages/site-img74.jpg alt classimg_left /> p>Many desktop lora publish packages webpage editors have ormal letters. strong>- June 04, 2014/strong>/p> /a> /div>!-- end section --> !--/div>/div>!-- end features section 7 -->div classclearfix>/div>!--div classfusection8>div classcontainer> div classone_fourth animate data-anim-typefadeIn data-anim-delay200> h3>Recent News/h3> br /> ul classrecentnews> li>a href#> img srcimages/site-img75.jpg alt /> Lorem Ipsum in passages more recently desktop. strong>09/05/2014/strong>/a>/li> li>a href#> img srcimages/site-img76.jpg alt /> Aldus Pageaker including versions of orem Ipsum. strong>08/05/2014/strong>/a>/li> li classlast>a href#> img srcimages/site-img77.jpg alt /> The generated as Ipsum therefore always free. strong>07/05/2014/strong>/a>/li> /ul> /div>!-- end section --> !-- div classone_half animate data-anim-typefadeIn data-anim-delay250> h3>Tabbed Content Section/h3> br /> ul classtabs3> li>a href#example-3-tab-1 target_self>Business/a>/li> li>a href#example-3-tab-2 target_self>Technology/a>/li> li>a href#example-3-tab-3 target_self>Marketing/a>/li> /ul> div classtabs-content3 two> div idexample-3-tab-1 classtabs-panel3> img srcimages/site-img15-1.jpg alt classimg_left2 /> p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text the printing typesetting Has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley type and scrambled it to make type specimen book. Ithas survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into the electronic making this the first true words which web sites still in their infancy./p> /div>!-- end tab 1 --> !-- div idexample-3-tab-2 classtabs-panel3> img srcimages/site-img15-2.jpg alt classimg_left2 /> p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text the printing typesetting Has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley type and scrambled it to make type specimen book. Ithas survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into the electronic making this the first true words which web sites still in their infancy./p> /div>!-- end tab 2 --> !-- div idexample-3-tab-3 classtabs-panel3> img srcimages/site-img15-3.jpg alt classimg_left2 /> p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text the printing typesetting Has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley type and scrambled it to make type specimen book. Ithas survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into the electronic making this the first true words which web sites still in their infancy./p> /div>!-- end tab 3 --> !-- /div>!-- end all tabs --> !-- /div>!-- end section --> !-- div classone_fourth last animate data-anim-typefadeIn data-anim-delay300> h3>Why we are Best!/h3> br /> div classclearfix>/div> div classaccrodation> !-- section 1 --> !-- span classacc-trigger active>a href#>Responsive Theme/a>/span> div classacc-container> div classcontent> There are many variations of passages available but the majority have words which dont look even believable. /div> /div> !-- section 2 --> !-- span classacc-trigger>a href#>6 Diffrent Websites/a>/span> div classacc-container> div classcontent> Some form, by injected humour, or rando mised words which looks. /div> /div> !-- section 3 --> !-- span classacc-trigger>a href#>100+ Feature Sections/a>/span> div classacc-container> div classcontent> p>Handful of model sentence structures non charac teristic words etc./p> /div> /div> !-- section 4 --> !-- span classacc-trigger>a href#>Use for Any Website/a>/span> div classacc-container> div classcontent> p>Handful of model sentence structures generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition injected./p> /div> /div> /div> /div> /div>/div>!-- end features section 8 -->div classclearfix>/div>div classfeature_section11>div classcontainer animate fadeInUp data-anim-typefadeInUp> strong>Keep In Touch/strong> div classclearfix>/div> div classcontbox> h5> PASWARA IMPEX is engaged in the manufacturing and supply of Engineering Goods, Machinery Parts, Electrical Motors, Fabrication of Machinery Parts, Pressure Vessels, Heat Exchangers, Tanks, Reactors and Special Type Components. /h5> br>br> a href# classreadmore_but1 nocurve>i classfa fa-hand-o-right>/i> Get Started Now!/a> /div> /div>/div>!--div classfusection9>div classcontainer> h1 classanimate data-anim-typefadeInDown data-anim-delay200>Join The Hoxa and Get Lots of Awesome Features/h1> h4 classanimate data-anim-typefadeInDown data-anim-delay250>i>Theme can be used for any type of website. 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