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Ways in which we use these cookies and other tracking technologies include session tracking, provide and remember user login, record sessions for playback, and to optimize site functionality. By continuing, you give consent to our use of these technologies and our terms including important waivers./p> button idcookies-btn>Accept/button> /div> /div> /div> /div>div idcontent-row>div classcontainer-limit>script>$(document).ready(function () { $(#survey-form).hide(); });/script>div idhome-content> div> div idcard-row> div classcard-box> div classcard-box-title> span>NPIRS PUBLIC/span> /div> div classcard-box-body> p>PPIS/State Public/p> a href/public>button>More.../button>/a> /div> /div> div classcard-box> div classcard-box-title> span>NPIRS/span> /div> div classcard-box-body> p>PDMS/Federal/State/p> a href/npirs>button>More.../button>/a> a href/?login>button>Login/button>/a> /div> /div> div classcard-box> div classcard-box-title> span>NSPIRS/span> /div> div classcard-box-body> p>State/Federal/p> a href/nspirs>button>More.../button>/a> a href/?login>button>Login/button>/a> /div> /div> div classcard-box> div classcard-box-title> span>ALSTAR/span> /div> div classcard-box-body> p>Company/State/p> a href/alstar>button>More.../button>/a> a href target_blank>button>Login/button>/a> /div> /div> /div> br> div> p>The Center for Environmental and Regulatory Information Systems (CERIS) is proud to introduce a new launching pad for the National Pesticide Information Retrieval System (NPIRS) program./p> p>CERIS is a center located at Purdue University under the College of Agriculture within the Department of Entomology. All CERIS projects contribute to Purdue’s mission as a land-grant institution, and mutually benefit from lower operational costs and shared technical expertise. CERIS is home to a wide collection of information databases on pesticides, plant export/import requirements, and exotic pest tracking that use secure website-based subscription programs for exchanging pesticide-related information between federal and state regulatory agencies and various organizations responsible for registration and retrieval of various common data. The data is received or derived principally from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and United States State Agencies./p> p>NPIRS subscribers are provided information to assist in reviewing and registering pesticides and developing marketing strategies based on currently registered products and pending registrations available through our Federal and State Agency partners. The Accepted Label State Tracking and Repository (ALSTAR) is focused on the rigorous exchange of information between registrant organizations and participating state regulatory agencies to better expedite information in the process of registering new and existing products to be sold in the various channels of trade within the United States of America./p> p>CERIS has been at the forefront since 1982 servicing the needs of such a diverse user community and always striving to improve the user experience. Currently, we help over 300 active organizations across 35 participating states in the program to streamline and enhance production over the arduous task of registering and maintaining a repository of pesticide-related information. We are always looking to expand the user experience and are delighted in having you here as our partner./p> /div> br> div styleposition:relative;> div> a href target_blank>img src/images/CERIS_V.jpg altCERIS Logo width250 />/a>br> /div> div idmovingBackground> svg version1.1 xmlns xmlns:xlink x0px y0px viewBox0 0 2450.7 1343.9 styleenable-background:new 0 0 2450.7 1343.9; xml:spacepreserve> style typetext/css> .st0{opacity:0.2;fill:#6EBECE;} .st1{opacity:0.2;fill:#04738A;} .st2{opacity:0.2;fill:#03496A;} .st3{opacity:0.2;fill:#0F97A1;} .st4{opacity:0.2;fill:#10596B;} .st5{opacity:0.2;fill:#0E5767;} .st6{opacity:0.5;fill:#46C1C6;} .st7{opacity:0.5;fill:#6AAECC;} .st8{opacity:0.2;fill:none;stroke:#24898E;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st9{opacity:0.2;fill:#06546F;} .st10{opacity:0.2;fill:#3D9FBE;} .st11{opacity:0.2;fill:#064C6A;} .st12{opacity:0.2;fill:#047080;} .st13{opacity:0.2;fill:#0C638B;} .st14{opacity:0.5;fill:#106068;} .st15{opacity:0.5;fill:#1A737C;} .st16{opacity:0.5;fill:#1A8799;} 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idannouncements> h3>Announcements/h3> div classannouncement-block> p>Let us know how the NPIRS Subscription site has been working for you. br>em>Please fill out the strong>a href/survey>Feedback Survey/a>/strong>./em>/p> /div> div classannouncement-block> p>strong>2025 CERIS Spring Conference/strong>br>span>p>strong>REGISTRATION IS LIVE/strong>/p>p>Oklahoma City, Oklahoma /p>p>April 29 - May 1/p>p>a href>> /p>/span>/p> /div> div classannouncement-block> p>strong>Conference Sponsorship Opportunities/strong>br>span>p>Become a sponsor for the 2025 CERIS Spring Conference. This annual conference brings together professionals from pesticide registrant organizations and state regulatory agencies to discuss system functionality, future implementations, desired applications for the NPIRS, ALSTAR, and PRRCS platforms. strong>>/p>/span>/p> p>a href Conference Sponsorship Document 2.pdf target_blank>2025 Conference Sponsorship Document 2.pdfbr>/a>/span>/p> /div> div idjobs> h3>Job Postings/h3> p>There are currently no posted job opportunities./p> /div> /div> /div>/div>div idsurvey-form titleFeedback Survey styletext-align: center;> p styletext-align: left;>Let us know how the NPIRS Subscription site has been working for you. 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