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HTTP/1.1 200 OKDate: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 10:46:17 GMTServer: djuRaAccept-Ranges: bytesETag: W/38790-1581282084000Last-Modified: Sun, 09 Feb 2020 21:01:24 GMTContent-Type: text/html; charsetUTF-8Content-Length: 38790Vary: Accept-EncodingConnection: close !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN>html>head>meta nameviewport contentwidthdevice-width,initial-scale1.0>title>Practice management software, computer shop software, Billing software, Cafe software/title>meta contentComputer shop software - Practice software - Billing software - Medical billing software - Practice management software - Dental software namedescription>meta contentpractice management, practice software, computer shop, dental clinic, dental software, billing software, dentist, management, practice management software, caffe, computer store, sell computer, computer shop software, computer store software, medical software, store management,cyber cafe software namekeywords>meta contentnoproblemsoft © 2001-2013 namecopyright>meta contentEN-US namelanguage>meta contentGeneral namerating>meta contentindex,follow namerobots>meta NAMErating CONTENTGeneral>meta nameDISTRIBUTION contentglobal>meta namerobots contentnoarchive>meta content7 days namerevisit-after>meta contentglobal namedistribution>meta contentnoproblemsoft nameauthor>meta contentsoftware solutions namepage-topic>meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html; charsetwindows-1250>meta namecopyright contentCopyright © 2001-2013 Noproblemsoft Information Systems. All rights reserved.>link relSHORTCUT ICON href>link relstylesheet hrefmaster.css typetext/css>script languageJavaScript srcjs/util.js>/script>script>pageToTranslate index.htm; /script>script languageJavaScript srcjs/scroller.js>/script>/head>body backgroundimg/bg.gif topmargin0 onloadgoforit(); startscroll();populate()>FORM NAMEforma1 ACTION>NOSCRIPT>H1 aligncenter classtekst>B>Computer Store Software - ComputerShop Software - Computer Shop Management - Computer Store Management -Hardware Management - Hardware Store Software - Hardware Shop Software -Computer Shop accessories - Store management software - Billing software -Selling computers - Accessories - Billing management software -Free - Software for computer shop /B>/H1>H2 aligncenter classtekst>B>A href>Software - Practice management software - Dentist software -Software for dentistsDental software - Practice management - Dental - Dental management - Practice software - Dental billing - Medical billing - Software fro dentist -Practice management - Dentists - Medical billing - Digital dental office - Dentist- Software for dentist - Dentist billing software - Practice billing software- Accounting software/A>/B>/H2>BR>H3 aligncenter classtekst>B>A href>Computer shopsoftware - Software for store billing management. Sell hardware systemscomponents and accessories (keep track of sold configurations, createsystem configuration, sell accessories and computer components,supplying companies administration, and many more...)/A>/B>/H3>BR>H4 aligncenter classtekst>B>A href>Cafe managementsoftware - Complete management solution for cafes and cafeterias - Cafe - Caffe - Cafe management - Cyber cafe software - Control managementsoftware - Menu - Drink - Food - Selling food - Sell drinks/A>/B>/H4>BR>/NOSCRIPT>div aligncenter>table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0> TBODY> tr> td backgroundimg/bg_left.gif> /td> td> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width850> TBODY> tr> td> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> TBODY> tr> td backgroundimg/topleft.gif WIDTH266 HEIGHT35 classtekst valigntop>span idclock>/span>/td> td>A HREF>IMG SRCimg/home.gif WIDTH95 HEIGHT35 BORDER0 ALTHome>/A>/td> td>A HREF>IMG SRCimg/order.gif WIDTH95 HEIGHT35 BORDER0 ALTOrder software>/A>/td> td>A HREF>IMG SRCimg/download.gif WIDTH128 HEIGHT35 BORDER0 ALTDownload free demos>/A>/td> td>A HREF>IMG SRCimg/partners.gif WIDTH128 HEIGHT35 BORDER0 ALTNoproblemsoft partners>/A>/td> td>A HREF>IMG SRCimg/contact.gif WIDTH105 HEIGHT35 BORDER0 ALTContact information>/A>/td> td>A HREF>IMG SRCimg/links.gif WIDTH105 HEIGHT35 BORDER0 ALTInteresting links>/A>/td> /tr> /TBODY> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td>IMG SRCimg/header.gif WIDTH100% HEIGHT129 ALT>/td> /tr> tr> td>IMG SRCimg/navigation.gif WIDTH100% height5 ALT>/td> /tr> tr> td valigntop> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> TBODY> tr> td valigntop> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width10%> TBODY> tr> td BACKGROUNDimg/newstxt.gifWIDTH186 HEIGHT19 stylepadding-left: 5px classtekst alignleft> a href>img srcimg/usflag.gif border0>/a> a href>img srcimg/serflag.gif border0>/a>Br> a href>English/a> a href>Srpski/a> /td> /tr> tr> td backgroundimg/box_back.gif width186 height87 valigntop aligncenter>img srcimg/box.gif border0>/td> /tr> tr> /tr> tr> td backgroundimg/btn1.gif WIDTH186 HEIGHT19 stylepadding-left: 25px>a href>Contact/a> /td> /tr> tr> td backgroundimg/btn1.gif WIDTH186 HEIGHT19 stylepadding-left: 25px>a href>Download/a> /td> /tr> tr> td backgroundimg/btn1.gif WIDTH186 HEIGHT19 stylepadding-left: 25px>a href>Order/a>/td> /tr> tr> td backgroundimg/btn1.gif WIDTH186 HEIGHT19 stylepadding-left: 25px>a href>FAQ/a> /td> /tr> tr> td backgroundimg/btn1.gif WIDTH186 HEIGHT19 stylepadding-left: 25px>a href>Partners/a> /td> /tr> tr> td>img srcimg/news.gif border0>/td> /tr> tr> td BACKGROUNDimg/newstxt.gif WIDTH186 HEIGHT257 stylepadding: 5px valigntop classtekst> script languageJavaScript1.2> messages0img srcimg/freeupd.gif border0> br>for all registered users. messages1- img srcimg/worldpartners.gif border0> br>We have customers in more than 50 countries around the world. messages2b>Reseller Discounts/b>br>- Qualified resellers and consultants receive a discount on Noproblemsoft packages that you sell to other>- For more information on our reseller programs, contact a>>br>br>b>Special discount for resellers that buy 5-10-20 licences in advance and sell it later./b> /script> !-- ilayer idmain width&{scrollerwidth}; height&{scrollerheight}; bgColor&{scrollerbgcolor}; background&{scrollerbackground}; visibilityhide> layer idfirst left0 top1 width&{scrollerwidth};> script languageJavaScript1.2> if (document.layers) document.write(messages0) /script> /layer> layer idsecond left0 top0 width&{scrollerwidth}; visibilityhide> script languageJavaScript1.2> if (document.layers) document.write(messagesdyndetermine(messages.length1)? 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var pauseit1 //Specify the marquees content //Keep all content on ONE line, and backslash any single quotations (ie: that\s great): var marqueecontentb>We found what we were looking for in Noproblemsoft Practice management software. It allowed us to organize all of our offices with absolutely minimal effort./b>br>i>Dr. Andrew Gen, Thinium Surgical Associates/i>; marqueecontent+ br>br>br>br>br>; marqueecontent+ b>I think Dental clinic is the most user friendly system available. Everyone form our staff was able to jump on board and didnt struggle learning the system. The tech support people are helpful and cooperative in solving problems./b>br>i>Mariah U. Kersten, Office Manager, Student Health Center/i> ; marqueecontent+ br>br>br>br>br>; marqueecontent+ b>We subsequently purchased the program and weve been running it now for about 18 months. The scope and the breadth of the program is much more extensive than I had originally anticipated and its wonderful./b>i>Beny Woodman, NY /i> ; marqueecontent+ br>br>br>br>br>; marqueecontent+ b>Dental clinic is the most user friendly program we looked at. The assessment and install went well. Tech support has been great. The people at Noproblemsoft really MADE some things happen./b>br>i>Sue Martin, Student Health Services, University of Belgrade/i>; marqueecontent+ br>br>br>br>br>; marqueecontent+ b>We have been using Dental clinic since 1997 and were very satisfied. Weve found it to be well designed, reliable, and very easy-to-learn for new staff./b>br>i>Dr.Binu, India/i>; marqueecontent+ br>br>br>br>br>; marqueecontent+ b>Dental clinic automates our office flow and lets me spend more time taking care of my patients. Everything is one click away, which makes my job easier and my staff happier./b>br>i>Lateefa Joham, Practice Administrator, Foundation Pediatrics, CA/i>; marqueecontent+ br>br>br>br>br>; marqueecontent+ br>u>The dental software is one of the most customisable software I have ever used and my huge data of 7 years loads in a snap. And I should say it never hanged in this entire 7 years.!/u>; marqueecontent+ br>br>br>br>br>; marqueecontent+ b>I would recommend their practice management services to any and everyone who needs a superb, affordable, easy to use and cost-saving medical billing package./b>i> Roberta - IL/i>; marqueecontent+ br>br>br>br>br>; marqueecontent+ b>Im Jim Sol of Sol and Tom Opticians. Ive been an Noproblemsoft user since 2000. We use it extensively in our practice for recalls and inventory control. Its made a great difference in our business. All of our full-time and part-time employees love it because its easy to use, with a minimum of training. I like it very much because it can generate reports that help me run my business better. All in all, I think you ought to buy this program. Its a terrific, easy-to-use solution at a very low cost!/b>; marqueecontent+ br>br>br>br>br>; ////NO NEED TO EDIT BELOW THIS LINE//////////// marqueespeed(document.all)? marqueespeed : Math.max(1, marqueespeed-1) //slow speed down by 1 for NS var copyspeedmarqueespeed var pausespeed(pauseit0)? copyspeed: 0 var iedomdocument.all||document.getElementById var actualheight var cross_marquee, ns_marquee function populate(){ if (iedom){ cross_marqueedocument.getElementById? document.getElementById(iemarquee) : document.all.iemarquee cross_marquee.innerHTMLmarqueecontent actualheightcross_marquee.offsetHeight } else if (document.layers){ ns_marqueedocument.ns_marquee.document.ns_marquee2 ns_marquee.topparseInt(marqueeheight)+8 ns_marquee.document.write(marqueecontent) ns_marquee.document.close() actualheightns_marquee.document.height } lefttimesetInterval(scrollmarquee(),20) } //window.onloadpopulate function scrollmarquee(){ if (iedom){ if (parseInt(>(actualheight*(-1)+8)) else } else if (document.layers){ if (>(actualheight*(-1)+8)) else ns_marquee.topparseInt(marqueeheight)+8 } } if (iedom||document.layers){ with (document){ if (iedom){ write(div styleposition:relative;width:+marqueewidth+;height:+marqueeheight+;overflow:hidden onMouseovercopyspeedpausespeed onMouseoutcopyspeedmarqueespeed>) write(div idiemarquee styleposition:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:100%;>) write(/div>/div>) } else if (document.layers){ write(ilayer width+marqueewidth+ height+marqueeheight+ namens_marquee>) write(layer namens_marquee2 width+marqueewidth+ height+marqueeheight+ left0 top0 onMouseovercopyspeedpausespeed onMouseoutcopyspeedmarqueespeed>/layer>) write(/ilayer>) } } } /script> /td> /tr> tr> td BACKGROUNDimg//ordernow.gif WIDTH186 alignleft classtekst>center>Partners/center>br/> a href target_new>Forex/a>br/> a href target_new>img srcimg/prevedime.gif width170px border0>/a> /td> /tr> /TBODY> /table> /td> td valigntop width90%> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%>tr>td> a href target_new>img srcimg/ms.gif width250px border0>/a> /td>td> a href target_new>img srcimg/3a.jpg width400px border0>/a> /td>/tr>/table> table border0 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> TBODY> tr> td valigntop width100%> table border1 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> TBODY> tr> td WIDTH33% HEIGHT209 stylepadding: 5px valigntop classtekst> div aligncenter> h5>Computer shop softwarebr> small>(control billing process)/small> /h5> br> a href>img srcimg/my/shop-box-small.jpg border0 altStore billing software>/a>br> br> b>Complete software solution for store billing management/b>/div> br> Components databaseBR> Manufacturers databaseBR> Bills/Estimates databaseBR> Customize bill lookbr> See profit of a br> sold computer systembr> Create Systembr> configurationBR> Make tribute, rebate, br> discountBR> Supported tax systems:BR> - VAT, GST & PSTBR> Bar code supportBR> Support for left to right writings (Arabic, Hebrew ...)BR> Customer databasebr>br> BR> and a href>many more/a>...BR> BR> /td> td width33% HEIGHT209 stylepadding: 5px valigntop classtekst> div aligncenter> h5>Dental clinic softwarebr> small>(practice management software)/small> /h5> br> a href>img srcimg/my/dental-box-small.jpg border0 altDental software>/a>br> br> b>Complete software solution for use in dental clinics/b>/div> br> br> Detail patients databaseBR> Detail dentists databaseBR> Schedule appointmentsBR> Patient balancesBR> Treatments administrationBR> Create tooth picture thatbr> represents some treatmentbr> by yourselfBR> Support for x-ray picturesBR> -jpg, gif, bmp, emf, wmfbr> Insurance databaseBR> Designation databaseBR> Profit reportsBR> Support for left to right writings (Arabic, Hebrew ...)BR> BR> and a href>many more/a>...BR> BR> /td> td width33% HEIGHT209 stylepadding: 5px valigntop classtekst> div aligncenter> h5 >Cafe softwarebr> small>(employee/billing management)/small> /h5> br> a href>img srcimg/my/cafe-box-small.jpg border0 altCafe management software>/a>br> br> b>Complete software solution for cafes and cafeterias/b>/div> br> br> Detail steward databasebr> Create optimal menu: br> - drink/food categoriesbr> - drink/food menu itemsbr> Unlimited number of:br> - menu itemsBR> - tablesBR> - drink/food categoriesBR> Design bill templateBR> Control steward work:br> - daily profitbr> - storage items numberbr> Bar code supportBR> BR> and a href>many more/a>...BR> BR> /td> /tr> /TBODY> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td width90%> table border1 cellpadding0 cellspacing0 width100%> TBODY> tr> td WIDTH33% HEIGHT24 classtekst aligncenter> a href>DETAILS/a> a href>ORDER/a>/td> td WIDTH33% HEIGHT24 classtekst aligncenter> a href>DETAILS/a> a href>ORDER/a>/td> td WIDTH33% HEIGHT24 classtekst aligncenter> a href>DETAILS/a> a href>ORDER/a>/td> /tr> /TBODY> /table> /td> /tr> !-- tr> td>IMG SRCimg/yellowbar.gif WIDTH524 HEIGHT8 ALT>/td> /tr>--> tr> td WIDTH100% height248 stylepadding: 5px classtekst>br/>b>Common features for Computer shop, Dental clinic and Cafe software:/b>Br> Network support. You can run our software on more that one PC computerBR> Export data from our software. Export filters:BR> - RTF (readable by MS Word), BR> - XML, BR> - XLS (MS Excel)BR> Multilanguage support is available through integrated editor. You can translate our software on any language you wishbr> Integrated database backupBR> Server database is protected from unauthorized modificationsbr> Various reports and statisticsBR> Employee pay-roll administrationBR> Different password protected employee accountsbr> Search trough database based on different search criteriaBR> Unique design with very functional user interfacebr> Platform: All windows platforms (Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 2004 Server, Windows XP )br/> /td> /tr> TR> td WIDTH100% height348 stylepadding: 5px classtekst valigntop> table width100% border0 cellspacing2 cellpadding0 > tr>td alignCENTER bgcolor#999999>img srcimg/d.gif width1 height1 border0 alt>/td>/tr> /table> h5>Other software:/h5>hr/> a href target_blank>Web Development Frameworks/a> br/> a href target_new>Cloud mining service/a>br/> table width100% border0 cellspacing2 cellpadding0 > tr>td alignCENTER bgcolor#999999>img srcimg/d.gif width1 height1 border0 alt>/td>/tr> /table> table border0> tr> td classtekst width120px> a href>img srcimg/usoft/basp_logo.gif border0>/a> /td> td classtekst> Would you like to know what people are doing on your PCs br>( Are the mice playing while the cat is away?) br> Are they working on your account - or playing games?br> b>Basp pro/b> software can tell you exactly who is doing what on PC at any time during the day or night. b>BaspPro/b> is simple to use, all-round desktop security monitoring solution used by concerned parents, small businesses companies etc etc... /td> /tr> tr> td colspan2 classtekst aligncenter> a href>DETAILS/a> a href>ORDER/a> /td> /tr> /table> table width100% border0 cellspacing2 cellpadding0 > tr>td alignCENTER bgcolor#999999>img srcimg/d.gif width1 height1 border0 alt>/td>/tr> /table> h5>FREE software:/h5> table width100% border0 cellspacing2 cellpadding0 > tr>td alignCENTER bgcolor#999999>img srcimg/d.gif width1 height1 border0 alt>/td>/tr> /table> table border0 width100%> tr> td classtekst width120px> a href>img srcimg/my/barcode.jpg border0>/a> /td> td classtekst aligncenter width120px> strong>FREEbr> SOFTWARE/strong> /td> td classtekst> strong>BARCODE designer/strong>br>br>u>Supported barcode types:/u>br> _2_5_interleaved, _2_5_industrial, _2_5_matrix, 39, 39Extended, 128A, 128B, 128C, 93, 93Extended, MSI, PostNet, Codabar, EAN8, EAN13, UPC_A, UPC_E0, UPC_E1, UPC 2 digit supplemental, UPC 5 digit supplemental, EAN128A, EAN128B, EAN128Cbr> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan3 classtekst aligncenter> a href>DETAILS/a> a href>DOWNLOAD/a> /td> /tr> /table> table width100% border0 cellspacing2 cellpadding0 > tr>td alignCENTER bgcolor#999999>img srcimg/d.gif width1 height1 border0 alt>/td>/tr> /table> table border0 width100%> tr> td classtekst width120px> a href>img srcimg/my/translator.jpg border0>/a> /td> td classtekst aligncenter width120px> strong>FREEbr> SOFTWARE/strong> /td> td classtekst> strong>Serbian/English, br>English/Serbianbr> translator and dictionary/strong>br>br> u>More than 108.000 english and 160.000 serbian words and phrases./u>br>br> You can translate text> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan3 classtekst aligncenter> a href>DETAILS/a> a href>DOWNLOAD/a> /td> /tr> /table> table width100% border0 cellspacing2 cellpadding0 > tr>td alignCENTER bgcolor#999999>img srcimg/d.gif width1 height1 border0 alt>/td>/tr> /table> table border0 width100%> tr> td classtekst width120px> a href>img srcimg/my/biblija.jpg border0>/a> /td> td classtekst aligncenter width120px> strong>FREEbr> SOFTWARE/strong> /td> td classtekst> strong>Bible/strong>br>br>(Only Serbian translation: Vuk Stefanoviζ Karadziζ & Πura Daniθiζ)br>br> You can: search - print - comparebr>br>br> /td> /tr> tr> td colspan3 classtekst aligncenter> a href>DETAILS/a> a href>DOWNLOAD/a> /td> /tr> /table> table width100% border0 cellspacing2 cellpadding0 > tr>td alignCENTER bgcolor#999999>img srcimg/d.gif width1 height1 border0 alt>/td>/tr> /table> /td> /TR> /TBODY> /table> /td> /tr> /TBODY> /table> /td> /tr> tr> td backgroundimg/footer.gif WIDTH100% HEIGHT39 aligncenter stylepadding-top: 10px classtekstWhite>b>copyright © noproblemsoft 2001-2013. all rights reserved./b>/td>/tr> /TBODY> /table> /td> td backgroundimg/bg_right.gif> /td> /tr> /TBODY>/table>/div>/FORM>/body>/html>
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